path: root/chromium/ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 490 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/ b/chromium/ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d17cc4197c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/drm_display_host_manager_core.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <xf86drm.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
-#include "base/threading/worker_pool.h"
-#include "ui/display/types/display_snapshot.h"
-#include "ui/events/ozone/device/device_event.h"
-#include "ui/events/ozone/device/device_manager.h"
-#include "ui/ozone/common/display_util.h"
-#include "ui/ozone/common/gpu/ozone_gpu_messages.h"
-#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/common/drm_util.h"
-#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/drm_device_handle.h"
-#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/drm_display_host.h"
-#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/drm_gpu_platform_support_host.h"
-#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/host/drm_native_display_delegate.h"
-namespace ui {
-namespace {
-typedef base::Callback<void(const base::FilePath&,
- const base::FilePath&,
- scoped_ptr<DrmDeviceHandle>)>
- OnOpenDeviceReplyCallback;
-const char kDefaultGraphicsCardPattern[] = "/dev/dri/card%d";
-const char kVgemDevDriCardPath[] = "/dev/dri/";
-const char kVgemSysCardPath[] = "/sys/bus/platform/devices/vgem/drm/";
-const char* kDisplayActionString[] = {
-// Find sysfs device path for the given device path.
-base::FilePath MapDevPathToSysPath(const base::FilePath& device_path) {
- // |device_path| looks something like /dev/dri/card0. We take the basename of
- // that (card0) and append it to /sys/class/drm. /sys/class/drm/card0 is a
- // symlink that points to something like
- // /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:05:00.0/drm/card0, which exposes
- // some metadata about the attached device.
- return base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(
- base::FilePath("/sys/class/drm").Append(device_path.BaseName()));
-void OpenDeviceOnWorkerThread(
- const base::FilePath& device_path,
- const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& reply_runner,
- const OnOpenDeviceReplyCallback& callback) {
- base::FilePath sys_path = MapDevPathToSysPath(device_path);
- scoped_ptr<DrmDeviceHandle> handle(new DrmDeviceHandle());
- handle->Initialize(device_path, sys_path);
- reply_runner->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(callback, device_path, sys_path,
- base::Passed(std::move(handle))));
-base::FilePath GetPrimaryDisplayCardPath() {
- struct drm_mode_card_res res;
- for (int i = 0; /* end on first card# that does not exist */; i++) {
- std::string card_path = base::StringPrintf(kDefaultGraphicsCardPattern, i);
- if (access(card_path.c_str(), F_OK) != 0)
- break;
- int fd = open(card_path.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
- if (fd < 0) {
- VPLOG(1) << "Failed to open '" << card_path << "'";
- continue;
- }
- memset(&res, 0, sizeof(struct drm_mode_card_res));
- int ret = drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETRESOURCES, &res);
- close(fd);
- if (ret == 0 && res.count_crtcs > 0) {
- return base::FilePath(card_path);
- }
- VPLOG_IF(1, ret) << "Failed to get DRM resources for '" << card_path << "'";
- }
- LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to open primary graphics device.";
- return base::FilePath(); // Not reached.
-base::FilePath GetVgemCardPath() {
- base::FileEnumerator file_iter(base::FilePath(kVgemSysCardPath), false,
- base::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES,
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("card*"));
- while (!file_iter.Next().empty()) {
- // Inspect the card%d directories in the directory and extract the filename.
- std::string vgem_card_path =
- kVgemDevDriCardPath + file_iter.GetInfo().GetName().BaseName().value();
- DVLOG(1) << "VGEM card path is " << vgem_card_path;
- return base::FilePath(vgem_card_path);
- }
- DVLOG(1) << "Don't support VGEM";
- return base::FilePath();
-class FindDrmDisplayHostById {
- public:
- explicit FindDrmDisplayHostById(int64_t display_id)
- : display_id_(display_id) {}
- bool operator()(const scoped_ptr<DrmDisplayHost>& display) const {
- return display->snapshot()->display_id() == display_id_;
- }
- private:
- int64_t display_id_;
-} // namespace
-DrmDisplayHostManagerProxy::~DrmDisplayHostManagerProxy() {}
- DrmDisplayHostManagerProxy* proxy,
- DeviceManager* device_manager,
- InputControllerEvdev* input_controller)
- : proxy_(proxy),
- device_manager_(device_manager),
- input_controller_(input_controller),
- primary_graphics_card_path_(GetPrimaryDisplayCardPath()),
- weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
- {
- // First device needs to be treated specially. We need to open this
- // synchronously since the GPU process will need it to initialize the
- // graphics state.
- base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
- base::FilePath primary_graphics_card_path_sysfs =
- MapDevPathToSysPath(primary_graphics_card_path_);
- primary_drm_device_handle_.reset(new DrmDeviceHandle());
- if (!primary_drm_device_handle_->Initialize(
- primary_graphics_card_path_, primary_graphics_card_path_sysfs)) {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to open primary graphics card";
- return;
- }
- drm_devices_[primary_graphics_card_path_] =
- primary_graphics_card_path_sysfs;
- vgem_card_path_ = GetVgemCardPath();
- }
- device_manager_->AddObserver(this);
- proxy_->RegisterHandler();
- ScopedVector<HardwareDisplayControllerInfo> display_infos =
- GetAvailableDisplayControllerInfos(primary_drm_device_handle_->fd());
- has_dummy_display_ = !display_infos.empty();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < display_infos.size(); ++i) {
- displays_.push_back(make_scoped_ptr(new DrmDisplayHost(
- proxy_->GetGpuPlatformSupportHost(),
- CreateDisplaySnapshotParams(
- display_infos[i], primary_drm_device_handle_->fd(),
- primary_drm_device_handle_->sys_path(), 0, gfx::Point()),
- true /* is_dummy */)));
- }
-DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::~DrmDisplayHostManagerCore() {
- device_manager_->RemoveObserver(this);
-DrmDisplayHost* DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::GetDisplay(int64_t display_id) {
- auto it = std::find_if(displays_.begin(), displays_.end(),
- FindDrmDisplayHostById(display_id));
- if (it == displays_.end())
- return nullptr;
- return it->get();
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::AddDelegate(
- DrmNativeDisplayDelegate* delegate) {
- DCHECK(!delegate_);
- delegate_ = delegate;
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::RemoveDelegate(
- DrmNativeDisplayDelegate* delegate) {
- DCHECK_EQ(delegate_, delegate);
- delegate_ = nullptr;
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::TakeDisplayControl(
- const DisplayControlCallback& callback) {
- if (display_control_change_pending_) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "TakeDisplayControl called while change already pending";
- callback.Run(false);
- return;
- }
- if (!display_externally_controlled_) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "TakeDisplayControl called while display already owned";
- callback.Run(true);
- return;
- }
- take_display_control_callback_ = callback;
- display_control_change_pending_ = true;
- if (!proxy_->TakeDisplayControl())
- GpuTookDisplayControl(false);
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::RelinquishDisplayControl(
- const DisplayControlCallback& callback) {
- if (display_control_change_pending_) {
- << "RelinquishDisplayControl called while change already pending";
- callback.Run(false);
- return;
- }
- if (display_externally_controlled_) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "RelinquishDisplayControl called while display not owned";
- callback.Run(true);
- return;
- }
- relinquish_display_control_callback_ = callback;
- display_control_change_pending_ = true;
- if (!proxy_->RelinquishDisplayControl())
- GpuRelinquishedDisplayControl(false);
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::UpdateDisplays(
- const GetDisplaysCallback& callback) {
- get_displays_callback_ = callback;
- if (!proxy_->RefreshNativeDisplays()) {
- get_displays_callback_.Reset();
- RunUpdateDisplaysCallback(callback);
- }
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::OnDeviceEvent(const DeviceEvent& event) {
- if (event.device_type() != DeviceEvent::DISPLAY)
- return;
- event_queue_.push(DisplayEvent(event.action_type(), event.path()));
- ProcessEvent();
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::ProcessEvent() {
- while (!event_queue_.empty() && !task_pending_) {
- DisplayEvent event = event_queue_.front();
- event_queue_.pop();
- VLOG(1) << "Got display event " << kDisplayActionString[event.action_type]
- << " for " << event.path.value();
- switch (event.action_type) {
- case DeviceEvent::ADD:
- if (event.path == vgem_card_path_)
- continue;
- if (drm_devices_.find(event.path) == drm_devices_.end()) {
- task_pending_ = base::WorkerPool::PostTask(
- base::Bind(
- &OpenDeviceOnWorkerThread, event.path,
- base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get(),
- base::Bind(&DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::OnAddGraphicsDevice,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())),
- false /* task_is_slow */);
- }
- break;
- case DeviceEvent::CHANGE:
- task_pending_ = base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::OnUpdateGraphicsDevice,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- break;
- case DeviceEvent::REMOVE:
- DCHECK(event.path != primary_graphics_card_path_)
- << "Removing primary graphics card";
- DCHECK(event.path != vgem_card_path_) << "Removing VGEM device";
- auto it = drm_devices_.find(event.path);
- if (it != drm_devices_.end()) {
- task_pending_ = base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::OnRemoveGraphicsDevice,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), it->second));
- drm_devices_.erase(it);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::OnAddGraphicsDevice(
- const base::FilePath& dev_path,
- const base::FilePath& sys_path,
- scoped_ptr<DrmDeviceHandle> handle) {
- if (handle->IsValid()) {
- drm_devices_[dev_path] = sys_path;
- proxy_->AddGraphicsDevice(sys_path, base::FileDescriptor(handle->PassFD()));
- NotifyDisplayDelegate();
- }
- task_pending_ = false;
- ProcessEvent();
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::OnUpdateGraphicsDevice() {
- NotifyDisplayDelegate();
- task_pending_ = false;
- ProcessEvent();
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::OnRemoveGraphicsDevice(
- const base::FilePath& sys_path) {
- proxy_->RemoveGraphicsDevice(sys_path);
- NotifyDisplayDelegate();
- task_pending_ = false;
- ProcessEvent();
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::GpuThreadStarted() {
- // If in the middle of a configuration, just respond with the old list of
- // displays. This is fine, since after the DRM resources are initialized and
- // IPC-ed to the GPU NotifyDisplayDelegate() is called to let the display
- // delegate know that the display configuration changed and it needs to
- // update it again.
- if (!get_displays_callback_.is_null()) {
- base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::RunUpdateDisplaysCallback,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), get_displays_callback_));
- get_displays_callback_.Reset();
- }
- // Signal that we're taking DRM master since we're going through the
- // initialization process again and we'll take all the available resources.
- if (!take_display_control_callback_.is_null())
- GpuTookDisplayControl(true);
- if (!relinquish_display_control_callback_.is_null())
- GpuRelinquishedDisplayControl(false);
- scoped_ptr<DrmDeviceHandle> handle = std::move(primary_drm_device_handle_);
- {
- base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
- drm_devices_.clear();
- drm_devices_[primary_graphics_card_path_] =
- MapDevPathToSysPath(primary_graphics_card_path_);
- if (!handle) {
- handle.reset(new DrmDeviceHandle());
- if (!handle->Initialize(primary_graphics_card_path_,
- drm_devices_[primary_graphics_card_path_]))
- LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to open primary graphics card";
- }
- }
- // Send the primary device first since this is used to initialize graphics
- // state.
- proxy_->AddGraphicsDevice(drm_devices_[primary_graphics_card_path_],
- base::FileDescriptor(handle->PassFD()));
- device_manager_->ScanDevices(this);
- NotifyDisplayDelegate();
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::GpuHasUpdatedNativeDisplays(
- const std::vector<DisplaySnapshot_Params>& params) {
- std::vector<scoped_ptr<DrmDisplayHost>> old_displays;
- displays_.swap(old_displays);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) {
- auto it = std::find_if(old_displays.begin(), old_displays.end(),
- FindDrmDisplayHostById(params[i].display_id));
- if (it == old_displays.end()) {
- displays_.push_back(make_scoped_ptr(
- new DrmDisplayHost(proxy_->GetGpuPlatformSupportHost(), params[i],
- false /* is_dummy */)));
- } else {
- (*it)->UpdateDisplaySnapshot(params[i]);
- displays_.push_back(std::move(*it));
- old_displays.erase(it);
- }
- }
- if (!get_displays_callback_.is_null()) {
- base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::RunUpdateDisplaysCallback,
- weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), get_displays_callback_));
- get_displays_callback_.Reset();
- }
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::GpuConfiguredDisplay(int64_t display_id,
- bool status) {
- DrmDisplayHost* display = GetDisplay(display_id);
- if (display)
- display->OnDisplayConfigured(status);
- else
- LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't find display with id=" << display_id;
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::GpuReceivedHDCPState(int64_t display_id,
- bool status,
- HDCPState state) {
- DrmDisplayHost* display = GetDisplay(display_id);
- if (display)
- display->OnHDCPStateReceived(status, state);
- else
- LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't find display with id=" << display_id;
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::GpuUpdatedHDCPState(int64_t display_id,
- bool status) {
- DrmDisplayHost* display = GetDisplay(display_id);
- if (display)
- display->OnHDCPStateUpdated(status);
- else
- LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't find display with id=" << display_id;
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::GpuTookDisplayControl(bool status) {
- if (take_display_control_callback_.is_null()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "No callback for take display control";
- return;
- }
- DCHECK(display_externally_controlled_);
- DCHECK(display_control_change_pending_);
- if (status) {
- input_controller_->SetInputDevicesEnabled(true);
- display_externally_controlled_ = false;
- }
- base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(take_display_control_callback_, status));
- take_display_control_callback_.Reset();
- display_control_change_pending_ = false;
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::GpuRelinquishedDisplayControl(bool status) {
- if (relinquish_display_control_callback_.is_null()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "No callback for relinquish display control";
- return;
- }
- DCHECK(!display_externally_controlled_);
- DCHECK(display_control_change_pending_);
- if (status) {
- input_controller_->SetInputDevicesEnabled(false);
- display_externally_controlled_ = true;
- }
- base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(relinquish_display_control_callback_, status));
- relinquish_display_control_callback_.Reset();
- display_control_change_pending_ = false;
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::RunUpdateDisplaysCallback(
- const GetDisplaysCallback& callback) const {
- std::vector<DisplaySnapshot*> snapshots;
- for (const auto& display : displays_)
- snapshots.push_back(display->snapshot());
- callback.Run(snapshots);
-void DrmDisplayHostManagerCore::NotifyDisplayDelegate() const {
- if (delegate_)
- delegate_->OnConfigurationChanged();
-} // namespace ui