path: root/chromium/ui/base/interaction/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ui/base/interaction/')
1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ui/base/interaction/ b/chromium/ui/base/interaction/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1980a82c5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/ui/base/interaction/
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ui/base/interaction/interaction_sequence.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
+#include "ui/base/interaction/element_tracker.h"
+namespace ui {
+namespace {
+// Runs |callback| if it is valid.
+// We have a lot of callbacks that can be null, so calling through this method
+// prevents accidentally trying to run a null callback.
+template <typename Signature, typename... Args>
+void RunIfValid(base::OnceCallback<Signature> callback, Args... args) {
+ if (callback)
+ std::move(callback).Run(args...);
+// Version of AutoReset that takes a pointer-to-member and a weak reference in
+// case the object that owns the value goes away before the AutoReset does.
+template <class T, class U>
+class SafeAutoReset {
+ public:
+ SafeAutoReset(base::WeakPtr<T> ptr, U T::*ref, U new_value)
+ : ptr_(ptr), ref_(ref), old_value_(ptr.get()->*ref) {
+ ptr.get()->*ref = new_value;
+ }
+ SafeAutoReset(SafeAutoReset<T, U>&& other)
+ : ptr_(std::move(other.ptr_)),
+ ref_(other.ref_),
+ old_value_(other.old_value_) {}
+ SafeAutoReset& operator=(SafeAutoReset<T, U>&& other) {
+ if (this != &other) {
+ Reset();
+ ptr_ = std::move(other.ptr_);
+ ref_ = other.ref_;
+ old_value_ = other.old_value_;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~SafeAutoReset() { Reset(); }
+ private:
+ void Reset() {
+ if (ptr_)
+ ptr_.get()->*ref_ = old_value_;
+ }
+ base::WeakPtr<T> ptr_;
+ U T::*ref_ = nullptr;
+ U old_value_ = U();
+// Convenience method to create a SafeAutoReset with less boilerplate.
+template <class T, class U>
+static SafeAutoReset<T, U> MakeSafeAutoReset(base::WeakPtr<T> ptr,
+ U T::*ref,
+ U new_value) {
+ return SafeAutoReset<T, U>(ptr, ref, new_value);
+} // anonymous namespace
+InteractionSequence::Step::Step() = default;
+InteractionSequence::Step::~Step() = default;
+struct InteractionSequence::Configuration {
+ Configuration() = default;
+ ~Configuration() = default;
+ std::list<std::unique_ptr<Step>> steps;
+ ElementContext context;
+ AbortedCallback aborted_callback;
+ CompletedCallback completed_callback;
+ : configuration_(std::make_unique<Configuration>()) {}
+InteractionSequence::Builder::~Builder() {
+ DCHECK(!configuration_);
+InteractionSequence::Builder& InteractionSequence::Builder::SetAbortedCallback(
+ AbortedCallback callback) {
+ DCHECK(!configuration_->aborted_callback);
+ configuration_->aborted_callback = std::move(callback);
+ return *this;
+InteractionSequence::Builder::SetCompletedCallback(CompletedCallback callback) {
+ DCHECK(!configuration_->completed_callback);
+ configuration_->completed_callback = std::move(callback);
+ return *this;
+InteractionSequence::Builder& InteractionSequence::Builder::AddStep(
+ std::unique_ptr<Step> step) {
+ DCHECK(step->id);
+ DCHECK(configuration_->steps.empty() || !step->element)
+ << " Only the initial step of a sequence may have a pre-set element.";
+ DCHECK(!step->element || step->must_be_visible)
+ << " Initial step with associated element must be visible from start.";
+ step->must_be_visible =
+ step->must_be_visible.value_or(step->type == StepType::kActivated);
+ step->must_remain_visible =
+ step->must_remain_visible.value_or(step->type == StepType::kShown);
+ DCHECK(step->type != StepType::kHidden || !step->must_remain_visible.value());
+ if (!configuration_->context)
+ configuration_->context = step->context;
+ else
+ DCHECK(!step->context || step->context == configuration_->context);
+ configuration_->steps.emplace_back(std::move(step));
+ return *this;
+InteractionSequence::Builder& InteractionSequence::Builder::SetContext(
+ ElementContext context) {
+ configuration_->context = context;
+ return *this;
+std::unique_ptr<InteractionSequence> InteractionSequence::Builder::Build() {
+ DCHECK(!configuration_->steps.empty());
+ DCHECK(configuration_->context)
+ << "If no view is provided, Builder::SetContext() must be called.";
+ return base::WrapUnique(new InteractionSequence(std::move(configuration_)));
+ : step_(std::make_unique<Step>()) {}
+InteractionSequence::StepBuilder::~StepBuilder() = default;
+InteractionSequence::StepBuilder::SetElementID(ElementIdentifier element_id) {
+ DCHECK(element_id);
+ step_->id = element_id;
+ return *this;
+InteractionSequence::StepBuilder& InteractionSequence::StepBuilder::SetContext(
+ ElementContext context) {
+ DCHECK(context);
+ step_->context = context;
+ return *this;
+ bool must_be_visible) {
+ step_->must_be_visible = must_be_visible;
+ return *this;
+ bool must_remain_visible) {
+ step_->must_remain_visible = must_remain_visible;
+ return *this;
+InteractionSequence::StepBuilder& InteractionSequence::StepBuilder::SetType(
+ StepType step_type) {
+ step_->type = step_type;
+ return *this;
+ StepCallback start_callback) {
+ step_->start_callback = std::move(start_callback);
+ return *this;
+InteractionSequence::StepBuilder::SetEndCallback(StepCallback end_callback) {
+ step_->end_callback = std::move(end_callback);
+ return *this;
+InteractionSequence::StepBuilder::Build() {
+ return std::move(step_);
+ std::unique_ptr<Configuration> configuration)
+ : configuration_(std::move(configuration)) {
+ TrackedElement* const first_element = next_step()->element;
+ if (first_element) {
+ DCHECK(first_element->identifier() == next_step()->id);
+ DCHECK(first_element->context() == context());
+ next_step()->subscription =
+ ElementTracker::GetElementTracker()->AddElementHiddenCallback(
+ first_element->identifier(), first_element->context(),
+ base::BindRepeating(&InteractionSequence::OnElementHidden,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+// static
+InteractionSequence::WithInitialElement(TrackedElement* element,
+ StepCallback start_callback,
+ StepCallback end_callback) {
+ StepBuilder step;
+ step.step_->element = element;
+ step.SetType(StepType::kShown)
+ .SetElementID(element->identifier())
+ .SetContext(element->context())
+ .SetMustBeVisibleAtStart(true)
+ .SetMustRemainVisible(true)
+ .SetStartCallback(std::move(start_callback))
+ .SetEndCallback(std::move(end_callback));
+ return step.Build();
+InteractionSequence::~InteractionSequence() {
+ // We can abort during a step callback, but we cannot destroy this object.
+ if (started_)
+ Abort();
+void InteractionSequence::Start() {
+ // Ensure we're not already started.
+ DCHECK(!started_);
+ started_ = true;
+ if (missing_first_element_) {
+ Abort();
+ return;
+ }
+ StageNextStep();
+void InteractionSequence::OnElementShown(TrackedElement* element) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(StepType::kShown, next_step()->type);
+ DCHECK(element->identifier() == next_step()->id);
+ DoStepTransition(element);
+void InteractionSequence::OnElementActivated(TrackedElement* element) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(StepType::kActivated, next_step()->type);
+ DCHECK(element->identifier() == next_step()->id);
+ DoStepTransition(element);
+void InteractionSequence::OnElementHidden(TrackedElement* element) {
+ if (!started_) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(next_step()->element, element);
+ missing_first_element_ = true;
+ next_step()->subscription = ElementTracker::Subscription();
+ next_step()->element = nullptr;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (current_step_->element == element) {
+ // If the current step is marked as needing to remain visible and we haven't
+ // seen the triggering event for the next step, abort.
+ if (current_step_->must_remain_visible.value() &&
+ !activated_during_callback_) {
+ Abort();
+ return;
+ }
+ // This element pointer is no longer valid and we can stop watching.
+ current_step_->subscription = ElementTracker::Subscription();
+ current_step_->element = nullptr;
+ }
+ // If we got a hidden callback and it wasn't to abort the current step, it
+ // must be because we're waiting on the next step to start.
+ if (next_step() && next_step()->id == element->identifier() &&
+ next_step()->type == StepType::kHidden) {
+ DoStepTransition(element);
+ }
+void InteractionSequence::OnElementActivatedDuringStepTransition(
+ TrackedElement* element) {
+ if (!next_step())
+ return;
+ DCHECK(element->identifier() == next_step()->id);
+ next_step()->element = element;
+ next_step()->subscription =
+ ElementTracker::GetElementTracker()->AddElementHiddenCallback(
+ next_step()->id, context(),
+ base::BindRepeating(
+ &InteractionSequence::OnElementHiddenDuringStepTransition,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ activated_during_callback_ = true;
+void InteractionSequence::OnElementHiddenDuringStepTransition(
+ TrackedElement* element) {
+ if (!next_step() || element != next_step()->element)
+ return;
+ next_step()->element = nullptr;
+ next_step()->subscription = ElementTracker::Subscription();
+void InteractionSequence::DoStepTransition(TrackedElement* element) {
+ // There are a number of callbacks during this method that could potentially
+ // result in this InteractionSequence being destructed, so maintain a weak
+ // pointer we can check to see if we need to bail out early.
+ base::WeakPtr<InteractionSequence> delete_guard = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
+ auto* const tracker = ElementTracker::GetElementTracker();
+ {
+ // This block is non-re-entrant.
+ DCHECK(!processing_step_);
+ auto processing =
+ MakeSafeAutoReset(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ &InteractionSequence::processing_step_, true);
+ // End the current step.
+ if (current_step_) {
+ // Unsubscribe from any events during the step-end process. Since the step
+ // has ended, conditions like "must remain visible" no longer apply.
+ current_step_->subscription = ElementTracker::Subscription();
+ RunIfValid(std::move(current_step_->end_callback), current_step_->element,
+ current_step_->id, current_step_->type);
+ if (!delete_guard || AbortedDuringCallback())
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set up the new current step.
+ current_step_ = std::move(configuration_->steps.front());
+ configuration_->steps.pop_front();
+ DCHECK(!current_step_->element || current_step_->element == element);
+ current_step_->element =
+ current_step_->type == StepType::kHidden ? nullptr : element;
+ if (current_step_->element) {
+ current_step_->subscription = tracker->AddElementHiddenCallback(
+ current_step_->id, context(),
+ base::BindRepeating(&InteractionSequence::OnElementHidden,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ } else {
+ current_step_->subscription = ElementTracker::Subscription();
+ }
+ // Special care must be taken here, because theoretically *anything* could
+ // happen as a result of this callback. If the next step is a shown or
+ // hidden step and the element becomes shown or hidden (or it's a step that
+ // requires the element to be visible and it is not), then the appropriate
+ // transition (or Abort()) will happen in StageNextStep() below.
+ //
+ // If, however, the callback *activates* the next target element, and the
+ // next element is of type kActivated, then the activation will not
+ // register unless we explicitly listen for it. But we still don't want to
+ if (next_step() && next_step()->type == StepType::kActivated) {
+ next_step()->subscription = tracker->AddElementActivatedCallback(
+ next_step()->id, context(),
+ base::BindRepeating(
+ &InteractionSequence::OnElementActivatedDuringStepTransition,
+ base::Unretained((this))));
+ }
+ // Start the step. Like all callbacks, this could abort the sequence, or
+ // cause `element` to become invalid. Because of this we use the element
+ // field of the current step from here forward, because we've installed a
+ // callback above that will null it out if it becomes invalid.
+ RunIfValid(std::move(current_step_->start_callback), current_step_->element,
+ current_step_->id, current_step_->type);
+ if (!delete_guard || AbortedDuringCallback())
+ return;
+ }
+ if (configuration_->steps.empty()) {
+ // Reset anything that might cause state change during the final callback.
+ // After this, Abort() will have basically no effect, since by the time it
+ // gets called, both the aborted and step end callbacks will be null.
+ current_step_->subscription = ElementTracker::Subscription();
+ configuration_->aborted_callback.Reset();
+ // Last step end callback needs to be run before sequence completed.
+ // Because the InteractionSequence could conceivably be destroyed during
+ // one of these callbacks, make local copies of the callbacks and data.
+ CompletedCallback completed_callback =
+ std::move(configuration_->completed_callback);
+ std::unique_ptr<Step> last_step = std::move(current_step_);
+ RunIfValid(std::move(last_step->end_callback), last_step->element,
+ last_step->id, last_step->type);
+ RunIfValid(std::move(completed_callback));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Since we're not done, load up the next step.
+ StageNextStep();
+void InteractionSequence::StageNextStep() {
+ auto* const tracker = ElementTracker::GetElementTracker();
+ Step* const next = next_step();
+ DCHECK(!activated_during_callback_ || next->type == StepType::kActivated);
+ // Note that if the target element for the next step was activated and then
+ // hidden during the previous step transition, `next_element` could be null.
+ TrackedElement* const next_element =
+ (activated_during_callback_ || next->element)
+ ? next->element
+ : tracker->GetFirstMatchingElement(next->id, context());
+ if (!activated_during_callback_ && next->must_be_visible.value() &&
+ !next_element) {
+ // Fast forward to the next step before aborting so we get the correct
+ // information on the failed step in the abort callback.
+ current_step_ = std::move(configuration_->steps.front());
+ configuration_->steps.pop_front();
+ // We don't want to call the step-end callback during Abort() since we
+ // didn't technically start the step.
+ current_step_->end_callback = StepCallback();
+ Abort();
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (next_step()->type) {
+ case StepType::kShown:
+ if (next_element) {
+ DoStepTransition(next_element);
+ } else {
+ next_step()->subscription = tracker->AddElementShownCallback(
+ next_step()->id, context(),
+ base::BindRepeating(&InteractionSequence::OnElementShown,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ break;
+ case StepType::kHidden:
+ if (!next_element) {
+ DoStepTransition(nullptr);
+ } else {
+ next_step()->subscription = tracker->AddElementHiddenCallback(
+ next_step()->id, context(),
+ base::BindRepeating(&InteractionSequence::OnElementHidden,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ break;
+ case StepType::kActivated:
+ if (activated_during_callback_) {
+ activated_during_callback_ = false;
+ DoStepTransition(next_element);
+ } else {
+ next_step()->subscription = tracker->AddElementActivatedCallback(
+ next_step()->id, context(),
+ base::BindRepeating(&InteractionSequence::OnElementActivated,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void InteractionSequence::Abort() {
+ DCHECK(started_);
+ configuration_->steps.clear();
+ if (current_step_) {
+ // Stop listening for events; we don't want additional callbacks during
+ // teardown.
+ current_step_->subscription = ElementTracker::Subscription();
+ // The current step's element could go away during a callback, so hedge our
+ // bets by using a safe reference.
+ SafeElementReference element(current_step_->element);
+ // The entire InteractionSequence could also go away during a callback, so
+ // save anything we need locally so that we don't have to access any class
+ // members as we finish terminating the sequence.
+ std::unique_ptr<Step> last_step = std::move(current_step_);
+ AbortedCallback aborted_callback =
+ std::move(configuration_->aborted_callback);
+ RunIfValid(std::move(last_step->end_callback), element.get(), last_step->id,
+ last_step->type);
+ RunIfValid(std::move(aborted_callback), element.get(), last_step->id,
+ last_step->type);
+ } else {
+ // Aborted before any steps were run. Pass default values.
+ // Note that if the sequence has already been aborted, this is a no-op, the
+ // callback will already be null.
+ RunIfValid(std::move(configuration_->aborted_callback), nullptr,
+ ElementIdentifier(), StepType::kShown);
+ }
+bool InteractionSequence::AbortedDuringCallback() const {
+ // All step callbacks are sourced from the current step. If the current step
+ // is null, then the sequence must have aborted (which clears out the current
+ // step). Completion can only happen after step callbacks are finished
+ if (current_step_)
+ return false;
+ DCHECK(configuration_->steps.empty());
+ DCHECK(!configuration_->aborted_callback);
+ return true;
+InteractionSequence::Step* InteractionSequence::next_step() {
+ return configuration_->steps.empty() ? nullptr
+ : configuration_->steps.front().get();
+ElementContext InteractionSequence::context() const {
+ return configuration_->context;
+} // namespace ui