path: root/chromium/tools/gn/secondary
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/tools/gn/secondary')
22 files changed, 1708 insertions, 2008 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/
index 5f7c1b53c37..2039b8297fe 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-group("root") {
- deps = [
- "//tools/gn",
- "//ipc",
- ]
+group("root") {
+ deps = [
+ "//tools/gn",
+ "//ipc",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/
index 2fe83ef62d4..c0013bb0c3e 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/
@@ -1,990 +1,967 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-config("base_libs") {
- if (!is_win) {
- ldflags = [ "-ldl" ]
- }
-component("base") {
- sources = [
- "../build/build_config.h",
- "third_party/dmg_fp/dmg_fp.h",
- "third_party/dmg_fp/",
- "third_party/dmg_fp/",
- "third_party/icu/",
- "third_party/icu/icu_utf.h",
- "allocator/",
- "allocator/allocator_extension.h",
- "allocator/",
- "allocator/type_profiler_control.h",
- "android/",
- "android/activity_status.h",
- "android/",
- "android/base_jni_registrar.h",
- "android/",
- "android/build_info.h",
- "android/",
- "android/",
- "android/fifo_utils.h",
- "android/",
- "android/important_file_writer_android.h",
- "android/",
- "android/scoped_java_ref.h",
- "android/",
- "android/jni_android.h",
- "android/",
- "android/jni_array.h",
- "android/",
- "android/jni_helper.h",
- "android/",
- "android/jni_registrar.h",
- "android/",
- "android/jni_string.h",
- "android/",
- "android/memory_pressure_listener_android.h",
- "android/",
- "android/path_service_android.h",
- "android/",
- "android/path_utils.h",
- "android/",
- "android/sys_utils.h",
- "android/thread_utils.h",
- "",
- "at_exit.h",
- "atomic_ref_count.h",
- "atomic_sequence_num.h",
- "atomicops.h",
- "atomicops_internals_gcc.h",
- "atomicops_internals_mac.h",
- "atomicops_internals_tsan.h",
- "",
- "atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.h",
- "atomicops_internals_x86_msvc.h",
- "base_export.h",
- "",
- "base_paths.h",
- "",
- "base_paths_android.h",
- "base_paths_mac.h",
- "",
- "",
- "base_paths_posix.h",
- "",
- "base_paths_win.h",
- "base_switches.h",
- "",
- "base64.h",
- "basictypes.h",
- "bind.h",
- "",
- "bind_helpers.h",
- "bind_internal.h",
- "bind_internal_win.h",
- "bits.h",
- "",
- "build_time.h",
- "callback.h",
- "callback_helpers.h",
- "",
- "callback_internal.h",
- "cancelable_callback.h",
- "chromeos/",
- "chromeos/chromeos_version.h",
- "",
- "command_line.h",
- "compiler_specific.h",
- "containers/hash_tables.h",
- "containers/linked_list.h",
- "containers/mru_cache.h",
- "containers/small_map.h",
- "containers/stack_container.h",
- "",
- "cpu.h",
- "critical_closure.h",
- "",
- "debug/",
- "debug/alias.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/crash_logging.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/debug_on_start_win.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/debugger.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/",
- # This file depends on files from the "allocator" target,
- # but this target does not depend on "allocator" (see
- # allocator.gyp for details).
- "debug/leak_annotations.h",
- "debug/leak_tracker.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/proc_maps_linux.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/profiler.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/stack_trace.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/",
- "debug/",
- "debug/",
- "debug/trace_event.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/",
- "debug/trace_event_impl.h",
- "debug/",
- "debug/",
- "debug/trace_event_memory.h",
- "debug/",
- "",
- "deferred_sequenced_task_runner.h",
- "",
- "environment.h",
- "file_descriptor_posix.h",
- "",
- "file_util.h",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "file_version_info.h",
- "file_version_info_mac.h",
- "",
- "",
- "file_version_info_win.h",
- "files/dir_reader_fallback.h",
- "files/dir_reader_linux.h",
- "files/dir_reader_posix.h",
- "files/",
- "files/file_enumerator.h",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/file_path.h",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/file_path_watcher.h",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/file_util_proxy.h",
- "files/important_file_writer.h",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/memory_mapped_file.h",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/",
- "files/scoped_temp_dir.h",
- "float_util.h",
- "format_macros.h",
- "gtest_prod_util.h",
- "",
- "guid.h",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "hash.h",
- "id_map.h",
- "",
- "ini_parser.h",
- "ios/device_util.h",
- "ios/",
- "ios/ios_util.h",
- "ios/",
- "ios/scoped_critical_action.h",
- "ios/",
- "json/",
- "json/json_file_value_serializer.h",
- "json/",
- "json/json_parser.h",
- "json/",
- "json/json_reader.h",
- "json/",
- "json/json_string_value_serializer.h",
- "json/json_value_converter.h",
- "json/",
- "json/json_writer.h",
- "json/",
- "json/string_escape.h",
- "",
- "lazy_instance.h",
- "",
- "location.h",
- "",
- "logging.h",
- "",
- "logging_win.h",
- "mac/authorization_util.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/bind_objc_block.h",
- "mac/bundle_locations.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/cocoa_protocols.h",
- "mac/foundation_util.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/",
- "mac/launch_services_util.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/launchd.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/libdispatch_task_runner.h",
- "mac/mac_logging.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/mac_util.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/objc_property_releaser.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/",
- "mac/os_crash_dumps.h",
- "mac/scoped_aedesc.h",
- "mac/scoped_authorizationref.h",
- "mac/scoped_block.h",
- "mac/scoped_cftyperef.h",
- "mac/scoped_ioobject.h",
- "mac/scoped_ioplugininterface.h",
- "mac/scoped_launch_data.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/scoped_mach_port.h",
- "mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/scoped_nsexception_enabler.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/scoped_nsobject.h",
- "mac/scoped_sending_event.h",
- "mac/",
- "mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h",
- "memory/",
- "memory/aligned_memory.h",
- "memory/",
- "memory/discardable_memory.h",
- "memory/",
- "memory/",
- "memory/linked_ptr.h",
- "memory/manual_constructor.h",
- "memory/",
- "memory/memory_pressure_listener.h",
- "memory/raw_scoped_refptr_mismatch_checker.h",
- "memory/",
- "memory/ref_counted.h",
- "memory/ref_counted_delete_on_message_loop.h",
- "memory/",
- "memory/ref_counted_memory.h",
- "memory/scoped_handle.h",
- "memory/scoped_open_process.h",
- "memory/scoped_policy.h",
- "memory/scoped_ptr.h",
- "memory/scoped_vector.h",
- "memory/shared_memory.h",
- "memory/",
- "memory/",
- "memory/",
- "memory/",
- "memory/",
- "memory/singleton.h",
- "memory/",
- "memory/weak_ptr.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/incoming_task_queue.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_loop.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_loop_proxy_impl.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_android.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_aurax11.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_default.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_glib.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_gtk.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_io_ios.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_libevent.h",
- "message_loop/message_pump_mac.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_observer.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_ozone.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_win.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/field_trial.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/sample_map.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/sample_vector.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/bucket_ranges.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/histogram.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/histogram_base.h",
- "metrics/histogram_flattener.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/histogram_samples.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/histogram_snapshot_manager.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/sparse_histogram.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/statistics_recorder.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/stats_counters.h",
- "metrics/",
- "metrics/stats_table.h",
- "move.h",
- "native_library.h",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "nix/",
- "nix/mime_util_xdg.h",
- "nix/",
- "nix/xdg_util.h",
- "observer_list.h",
- "observer_list_threadsafe.h",
- "",
- "os_compat_android.h",
- "",
- "os_compat_nacl.h",
- "",
- "path_service.h",
- "",
- "pending_task.h",
- "",
- "pickle.h",
- "",
- "platform_file.h",
- "",
- "",
- "port.h",
- "posix/eintr_wrapper.h",
- "posix/",
- "posix/file_descriptor_shuffle.y",
- "posix/",
- "posix/global_descriptors.h",
- "posix/",
- "posix/unix_domain_socket_linux.h",
- "power_monitor/",
- "power_monitor/power_monitor.h",
- "power_monitor/",
- "power_monitor/power_monitor_device_source.h",
- "power_monitor/",
- "power_monitor/power_monitor_device_source_android.h",
- "power_monitor/",
- "power_monitor/",
- "power_monitor/",
- "power_monitor/",
- "power_monitor/",
- "power_monitor/power_monitor_source.h",
- "power_monitor/power_observer.h",
- "process/",
- "process/internal_linux.h",
- "process/",
- "process/kill.h",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/launch.h",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/memory.h",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/process.h",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/process_info.h",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/process_iterator.h",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/process_metrics.h",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/process_util.h",
- "process/",
- "profiler/",
- "profiler/scoped_profile.h",
- "profiler/",
- "profiler/alternate_timer.h",
- "profiler/",
- "profiler/tracked_time.h",
- "",
- "rand_util.h",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "run_loop.h",
- "safe_numerics.h",
- "",
- "safe_strerror_posix.h",
- "",
- "scoped_native_library.h",
- "sequence_checker.h",
- "",
- "sequence_checker_impl.h",
- "",
- "sequenced_task_runner.h",
- "sequenced_task_runner_helpers.h",
- "sha1.h",
- "",
- "",
- "single_thread_task_runner.h",
- "stl_util.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/latin1_string_conversions.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/nullable_string16.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/string16.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/",
- "strings/string_split.h",
- "strings/string_number_conversions.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/string_piece.h",
- "strings/string_tokenizer.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/string_util.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/string_util_posix.h",
- "strings/string_util_win.h",
- "strings/stringize_macros.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/stringprintf.h",
- "strings/sys_string_conversions.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/",
- "strings/",
- "strings/",
- "strings/utf_offset_string_conversions.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h",
- "strings/",
- "strings/utf_string_conversions.h",
- "",
- "supports_user_data.h",
- "sync_socket.h",
- "",
- "",
- "synchronization/",
- "synchronization/cancellation_flag.h",
- "synchronization/condition_variable.h",
- "synchronization/",
- "synchronization/",
- "synchronization/",
- "synchronization/lock.h",
- "synchronization/lock_impl.h",
- "synchronization/",
- "synchronization/",
- "synchronization/spin_wait.h",
- "synchronization/waitable_event.h",
- "synchronization/",
- "synchronization/waitable_event_watcher.h",
- "synchronization/",
- "synchronization/",
- "synchronization/",
- "system_monitor/",
- "system_monitor/system_monitor.h",
- "sys_byteorder.h",
- "",
- "sys_info.h",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "task_runner.h",
- "task_runner_util.h",
- "template_util.h",
- "",
- "thread_task_runner_handle.h",
- "threading/non_thread_safe.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/non_thread_safe_impl.h",
- "threading/platform_thread.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/",
- "threading/",
- "threading/",
- "threading/",
- "threading/",
- "threading/post_task_and_reply_impl.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/simple_thread.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/thread.h",
- "threading/thread_checker.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/thread_checker_impl.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/thread_collision_warner.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/thread_id_name_manager.h",
- "threading/thread_local.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/thread_local_storage.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/",
- "threading/",
- "threading/thread_restrictions.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/",
- "threading/watchdog.h",
- "threading/worker_pool.h",
- "threading/",
- "threading/",
- "threading/worker_pool_posix.h",
- "threading/",
- "time/",
- "time/clock.h",
- "time/",
- "time/default_clock.h",
- "time/",
- "time/default_tick_clock.h",
- "time/",
- "time/tick_clock.h",
- "time/",
- "time/time.h",
- "time/",
- "time/",
- "time/",
- "timer/",
- "timer/",
- "timer/hi_res_timer_manager.h",
- "timer/",
- "timer/timer.h",
- "",
- "tracked_objects.h",
- "",
- "tracking_info.h",
- "tuple.h",
- "",
- "values.h",
- "",
- "value_conversions.h",
- "",
- "version.h",
- "",
- "vlog.h",
- "win/",
- "win/enum_variant.h",
- "win/event_trace_consumer.h",
- "win/",
- "win/event_trace_controller.h",
- "win/",
- "win/event_trace_provider.h",
- "win/",
- "win/i18n.h",
- "win/",
- "win/iat_patch_function.h",
- "win/",
- "win/iunknown_impl.h",
- "win/",
- "win/message_window.h",
- "win/",
- "win/metro.h",
- "win/",
- "win/object_watcher.h",
- "win/",
- "win/registry.h",
- "win/",
- "win/resource_util.h",
- "win/",
- "win/sampling_profiler.h",
- "win/",
- "win/scoped_bstr.h",
- "win/scoped_co_mem.h",
- "win/scoped_com_initializer.h",
- "win/scoped_comptr.h",
- "win/scoped_gdi_object.h",
- "win/",
- "win/scoped_handle.h",
- "win/scoped_hdc.h",
- "win/scoped_hglobal.h",
- "win/",
- "win/scoped_process_information.h",
- "win/scoped_propvariant.h",
- "win/scoped_select_object.h",
- "win/",
- "win/scoped_variant.h",
- "win/",
- "win/shortcut.h",
- "win/",
- "win/startup_information.h",
- "win/",
- "win/text_services_message_filter.h",
- "win/",
- "win/win_util.h",
- "win/",
- "win/windows_version.h",
- "win/",
- "win/wrapped_window_proc.h",
- ]
- # TODO(brettw) I don't understand the conditions this file is used.
- sources -= "files/"
- sources -= [
- # TODO(brettw) do these properly.
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_aurax11.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_ozone.h",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "process/",
- "",
- "",
- ]
- defines = [
- ]
- deps = [
- ":base_static",
- "//base/allocator:allocator_extension_thunks",
- "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
- "//base/third_party/nspr",
- "//third_party/modp_b64",
- ]
- # So we can append below without worrying about whether it has been
- # previously defined or not.
- all_dependent_configs = [ ":base_libs" ]
- ldflags = []
- if (!is_chromeos) {
- sources -= [
- "",
- ]
- }
- # Remove nacl stuff.
- if (!is_nacl) {
- sources -= [
- "",
- "os_compat_nacl.h",
- "",
- "memory/",
- ]
- }
- # Windows.
- if (is_win && !is_nacl) {
- sources -= [
- "strings/",
- # Not using because it may have caused a
- # regression to page cycler moz.
- "",
- ]
- if (is_component_build) {
- sources -= "debug/"
- }
- } else {
- # Non-Windows.
- deps += "//third_party/libevent"
- }
- # Mac.
- if (is_mac) {
- sources -= [
- "",
- "",
- "strings/",
- ]
- deps += "//third_party/mach_override"
- } else {
- # Non-Mac.
- sources -= "files/"
- }
- # Linux.
- if (is_linux) {
- # TODO(brettw) these will need to be parameterized at some point.
- linux_configs = [
- "//build/config/linux/system:glib",
- "//build/config/linux/system:gtk",
- "//build/config/linux/system:x11",
- ]
- configs += linux_configs
- all_dependent_configs += linux_configs
- deps += [
- "//base/third_party/symbolize",
- "//base/third_party/xdg_mime",
- "//base/third_party/xdg_user_dirs",
- ]
- } else {
- # Non-Linux.
- sources -= [
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_glib.h",
- "message_loop/",
- "message_loop/message_pump_gtk.h",
- ]
- }
- # Non-Mac Unix stuff.
- if (is_mac) { #!is_posix || is_mac) {
- sources -= [
- "nix/",
- "nix/mime_util_xdg.h",
- "nix/",
- "nix/xdg_util.h",
- "third_party/xdg_mime/xdgmime.h",
- ]
- }
-# This is the subset of files from base that should not be used with a dynamic
-# library. Note that this library cannot depend on base because base depends on
-# base_static.
-static_library("base_static") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "base_switches.h",
- "win/",
- "win/pe_image.h",
- ]
-component("base_i18n") {
- sources = [
- "i18n/base_i18n_export.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/bidi_line_iterator.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/break_iterator.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/char_iterator.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/case_conversion.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/file_util_icu.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/icu_encoding_detection.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/icu_string_conversions.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/icu_util.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/number_formatting.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/rtl.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/string_compare.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/string_search.h",
- "i18n/",
- "i18n/time_formatting.h",
- ]
- deps = [
- ":base",
- "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
- "//third_party/icu:icui18n",
- "//third_party/icu:icuuc",
- ]
- defines = [
- ]
- #'conditions': [
- # ['toolkit_uses_gtk==1', {
- # 'deps': [
- # # i18n/ uses gtk
- # '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk',
- # ],
- # }],
- # ['OS == "win"', {
- # # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
- # 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
- # 4267,
- # ],
- # }],
- #],
- #'export_dependent_settings': [
- # 'base',
- #],
- #'variables': {
- # 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1,
- # 'optimize': 'max',
- #},
-static_library("test_support_base") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "test/expectations/",
- "test/expectations/expectation.h",
- "test/expectations/",
- "test/expectations/parser.h",
- "test/mock_chrome_application_mac.h",
- "test/",
- "test/",
- "test/mock_devices_changed_observer.h",
- "test/",
- "test/mock_time_provider.h",
- "test/",
- "test/multiprocess_test.h",
- "test/",
- "test/",
- "test/null_task_runner.h",
- "test/",
- "test/perf_test_suite.h",
- "test/",
- "test/scoped_locale.h",
- "test/",
- "test/scoped_path_override.h",
- "test/",
- "test/sequenced_task_runner_test_template.h",
- "test/",
- "test/sequenced_worker_pool_owner.h",
- "test/",
- "test/simple_test_clock.h",
- "test/",
- "test/simple_test_tick_clock.h",
- "test/",
- "test/task_runner_test_template.h",
- "test/test_file_util.h",
- "test/",
- "test/",
- "test/",
- "test/",
- "test/test_listener_ios.h",
- "test/",
- "test/",
- "test/test_pending_task.h",
- "test/",
- "test/test_process_killer_win.h",
- "test/",
- "test/test_reg_util_win.h",
- "test/",
- "test/test_shortcut_win.h",
- "test/",
- "test/test_simple_task_runner.h",
- "test/",
- "test/test_suite.h",
- "test/",
- "test/test_support_android.h",
- "test/test_support_ios.h",
- "test/",
- "test/",
- "test/test_switches.h",
- "test/",
- "test/test_timeouts.h",
- "test/",
- "test/thread_test_helper.h",
- "test/",
- "test/trace_event_analyzer.h",
- "test/",
- "test/values_test_util.h",
- ]
- deps = [
- ":base",
- ":base_static",
- ":base_i18n",
- "//testing:gmock",
- "//testing:gtest",
- ]
- if (!is_posix) {
- sources -= [
- "test/",
- "test/scoped_locale.h",
- ]
- }
- if (is_ios) {
- # Pull in specific Mac files for iOS (which have been filtered out
- # by file name rules).
- { # Temporarily override the assignment filter in a new scope.
- set_sources_assignment_filter([])
- sources += "test/"
- }
- }
- #if (!is_bsd) {
- # sources -= "test/"
- #}
- #if (use_gtk) {
- # deps += "/build/linux/system:gtk"
- #}
- #export_dependent_settings [
- # 'base',
- #]
-config("perf_test_config") {
- defines = [ "PERF_TEST" ]
-static_library("test_support_perf") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "test/",
- ]
- deps = [
- ":base",
- "//testing:gtest",
- ]
- direct_dependent_configs = [ ":perf_test_config" ]
- #if (toolkit_uses_gtk) {
- # deps += "/build/linux/system:gtk",
- #}
-static_library("run_all_unittests") {
- sources = [
- "test/",
- ]
- deps = [
- ":test_support_base",
- ]
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+component("base") {
+ sources = [
+ "../build/build_config.h",
+ "third_party/dmg_fp/dmg_fp.h",
+ "third_party/dmg_fp/",
+ "third_party/dmg_fp/",
+ "third_party/icu/",
+ "third_party/icu/icu_utf.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/prcpucfg.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/prcpucfg_freebsd.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/prcpucfg_linux.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/prcpucfg_mac.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/prcpucfg_nacl.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/prcpucfg_openbsd.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/prcpucfg_solaris.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/prcpucfg_win.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/",
+ "third_party/nspr/prtime.h",
+ "third_party/nspr/prtypes.h",
+ "third_party/xdg_mime/xdgmime.h",
+ "allocator/",
+ "allocator/allocator_extension.h",
+ "allocator/",
+ "allocator/type_profiler_control.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/activity_status.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/base_jni_registrar.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/build_info.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/",
+ "android/fifo_utils.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/important_file_writer_android.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/scoped_java_ref.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/jni_android.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/jni_array.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/jni_helper.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/jni_registrar.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/jni_string.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/memory_pressure_listener_android.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/path_service_android.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/path_utils.h",
+ "android/",
+ "android/sys_utils.h",
+ "android/thread_utils.h",
+ "",
+ "at_exit.h",
+ "atomic_ref_count.h",
+ "atomic_sequence_num.h",
+ "atomicops.h",
+ "atomicops_internals_gcc.h",
+ "atomicops_internals_mac.h",
+ "atomicops_internals_tsan.h",
+ "",
+ "atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.h",
+ "atomicops_internals_x86_msvc.h",
+ "base_export.h",
+ "",
+ "base_paths.h",
+ "",
+ "base_paths_android.h",
+ "base_paths_mac.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "base_paths_posix.h",
+ "",
+ "base_paths_win.h",
+ "base_switches.h",
+ "",
+ "base64.h",
+ "basictypes.h",
+ "bind.h",
+ "",
+ "bind_helpers.h",
+ "bind_internal.h",
+ "bind_internal_win.h",
+ "bits.h",
+ "",
+ "build_time.h",
+ "callback.h",
+ "callback_helpers.h",
+ "",
+ "callback_internal.h",
+ "cancelable_callback.h",
+ "chromeos/",
+ "chromeos/chromeos_version.h",
+ "",
+ "command_line.h",
+ "compiler_specific.h",
+ "containers/hash_tables.h",
+ "containers/linked_list.h",
+ "containers/mru_cache.h",
+ "containers/small_map.h",
+ "containers/stack_container.h",
+ "",
+ "cpu.h",
+ "critical_closure.h",
+ "",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/alias.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/crash_logging.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/debug_on_start_win.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/debugger.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/",
+ # This file depends on files from the "allocator" target,
+ # but this target does not depend on "allocator" (see
+ # allocator.gyp for details).
+ "debug/leak_annotations.h",
+ "debug/leak_tracker.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/proc_maps_linux.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/profiler.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/stack_trace.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/trace_event.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/trace_event_impl.h",
+ "debug/",
+ "debug/",
+ "",
+ "deferred_sequenced_task_runner.h",
+ "",
+ "environment.h",
+ "file_descriptor_posix.h",
+ "",
+ "file_util.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "file_version_info.h",
+ "file_version_info_mac.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "file_version_info_win.h",
+ "files/dir_reader_fallback.h",
+ "files/dir_reader_linux.h",
+ "files/dir_reader_posix.h",
+ "files/",
+ "files/file_enumerator.h",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/file_path.h",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/file_path_watcher.h",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/file_util_proxy.h",
+ "files/important_file_writer.h",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/memory_mapped_file.h",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/",
+ "files/scoped_temp_dir.h",
+ "float_util.h",
+ "format_macros.h",
+ "gtest_prod_util.h",
+ "",
+ "guid.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "hash.h",
+ "id_map.h",
+ "",
+ "ini_parser.h",
+ "ios/device_util.h",
+ "ios/",
+ "ios/ios_util.h",
+ "ios/",
+ "ios/scoped_critical_action.h",
+ "ios/",
+ "json/",
+ "json/json_file_value_serializer.h",
+ "json/",
+ "json/json_parser.h",
+ "json/",
+ "json/json_reader.h",
+ "json/",
+ "json/json_string_value_serializer.h",
+ "json/json_value_converter.h",
+ "json/",
+ "json/json_writer.h",
+ "json/",
+ "json/string_escape.h",
+ "",
+ "lazy_instance.h",
+ "",
+ "location.h",
+ "",
+ "logging.h",
+ "",
+ "logging_win.h",
+ "mac/authorization_util.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/bind_objc_block.h",
+ "mac/bundle_locations.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/cocoa_protocols.h",
+ "mac/foundation_util.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/launch_services_util.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/launchd.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/libdispatch_task_runner.h",
+ "mac/mac_logging.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/mac_util.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/objc_property_releaser.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/os_crash_dumps.h",
+ "mac/scoped_aedesc.h",
+ "mac/scoped_authorizationref.h",
+ "mac/scoped_block.h",
+ "mac/scoped_cftyperef.h",
+ "mac/scoped_ioobject.h",
+ "mac/scoped_ioplugininterface.h",
+ "mac/scoped_launch_data.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/scoped_mach_port.h",
+ "mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/scoped_nsexception_enabler.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/scoped_nsobject.h",
+ "mac/scoped_sending_event.h",
+ "mac/",
+ "mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/aligned_memory.h",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/discardable_memory.h",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/linked_ptr.h",
+ "memory/manual_constructor.h",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/memory_pressure_listener.h",
+ "memory/raw_scoped_refptr_mismatch_checker.h",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/ref_counted.h",
+ "memory/ref_counted_delete_on_message_loop.h",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/ref_counted_memory.h",
+ "memory/scoped_handle.h",
+ "memory/scoped_open_process.h",
+ "memory/scoped_policy.h",
+ "memory/scoped_ptr.h",
+ "memory/scoped_vector.h",
+ "memory/shared_memory.h",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/singleton.h",
+ "memory/",
+ "memory/weak_ptr.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/incoming_task_queue.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_loop.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_loop_proxy_impl.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_android.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_aurax11.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_default.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_glib.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_gtk.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_io_ios.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_libevent.h",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_mac.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_observer.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_ozone.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_win.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/field_trial.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/sample_map.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/sample_vector.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/bucket_ranges.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/histogram.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/histogram_base.h",
+ "metrics/histogram_flattener.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/histogram_samples.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/histogram_snapshot_manager.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/sparse_histogram.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/statistics_recorder.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/stats_counters.h",
+ "metrics/",
+ "metrics/stats_table.h",
+ "move.h",
+ "native_library.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "nix/",
+ "nix/mime_util_xdg.h",
+ "nix/",
+ "nix/xdg_util.h",
+ "observer_list.h",
+ "observer_list_threadsafe.h",
+ "",
+ "os_compat_android.h",
+ "",
+ "os_compat_nacl.h",
+ "",
+ "path_service.h",
+ "",
+ "pending_task.h",
+ "",
+ "pickle.h",
+ "",
+ "platform_file.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "port.h",
+ "posix/eintr_wrapper.h",
+ "posix/",
+ "posix/file_descriptor_shuffle.y",
+ "posix/",
+ "posix/global_descriptors.h",
+ "posix/",
+ "posix/unix_domain_socket_linux.h",
+ "power_monitor/",
+ "power_monitor/power_monitor.h",
+ "power_monitor/",
+ "power_monitor/power_monitor_device_source.h",
+ "power_monitor/",
+ "power_monitor/power_monitor_device_source_android.h",
+ "power_monitor/",
+ "power_monitor/",
+ "power_monitor/",
+ "power_monitor/",
+ "power_monitor/",
+ "power_monitor/power_monitor_source.h",
+ "power_monitor/power_observer.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/internal_linux.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/kill.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/launch.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/memory.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/process.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/process_info.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/process_iterator.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/process_metrics.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/process_util.h",
+ "process/",
+ "profiler/",
+ "profiler/scoped_profile.h",
+ "profiler/",
+ "profiler/alternate_timer.h",
+ "profiler/",
+ "profiler/tracked_time.h",
+ "",
+ "rand_util.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "run_loop.h",
+ "safe_numerics.h",
+ "",
+ "safe_strerror_posix.h",
+ "",
+ "scoped_native_library.h",
+ "sequence_checker.h",
+ "",
+ "sequence_checker_impl.h",
+ "",
+ "sequenced_task_runner.h",
+ "sequenced_task_runner_helpers.h",
+ "sha1.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "single_thread_task_runner.h",
+ "stl_util.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/latin1_string_conversions.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/nullable_string16.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/string16.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/string_split.h",
+ "strings/string_number_conversions.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/string_piece.h",
+ "strings/string_tokenizer.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/string_util.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/string_util_posix.h",
+ "strings/string_util_win.h",
+ "strings/stringize_macros.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/stringprintf.h",
+ "strings/sys_string_conversions.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/utf_offset_string_conversions.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h",
+ "strings/",
+ "strings/utf_string_conversions.h",
+ "",
+ "supports_user_data.h",
+ "sync_socket.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "synchronization/cancellation_flag.h",
+ "synchronization/condition_variable.h",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "synchronization/lock.h",
+ "synchronization/lock_impl.h",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "synchronization/spin_wait.h",
+ "synchronization/waitable_event.h",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "synchronization/waitable_event_watcher.h",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "synchronization/",
+ "system_monitor/",
+ "system_monitor/system_monitor.h",
+ "sys_byteorder.h",
+ "",
+ "sys_info.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "task_runner.h",
+ "task_runner_util.h",
+ "template_util.h",
+ "",
+ "thread_task_runner_handle.h",
+ "threading/non_thread_safe.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/non_thread_safe_impl.h",
+ "threading/platform_thread.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/post_task_and_reply_impl.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/simple_thread.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/thread.h",
+ "threading/thread_checker.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/thread_checker_impl.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/thread_collision_warner.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/thread_id_name_manager.h",
+ "threading/thread_local.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/thread_local_storage.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/thread_restrictions.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/watchdog.h",
+ "threading/worker_pool.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/",
+ "threading/worker_pool_posix.h",
+ "threading/",
+ "time/",
+ "time/clock.h",
+ "time/",
+ "time/default_clock.h",
+ "time/",
+ "time/default_tick_clock.h",
+ "time/",
+ "time/tick_clock.h",
+ "time/",
+ "time/time.h",
+ "time/",
+ "time/",
+ "time/",
+ "timer/",
+ "timer/",
+ "timer/hi_res_timer_manager.h",
+ "timer/",
+ "timer/timer.h",
+ "",
+ "tracked_objects.h",
+ "",
+ "tracking_info.h",
+ "tuple.h",
+ "",
+ "values.h",
+ "",
+ "value_conversions.h",
+ "",
+ "version.h",
+ "",
+ "vlog.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/enum_variant.h",
+ "win/event_trace_consumer.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/event_trace_controller.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/event_trace_provider.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/i18n.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/iat_patch_function.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/iunknown_impl.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/message_window.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/metro.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/object_watcher.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/registry.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/resource_util.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/sampling_profiler.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/scoped_bstr.h",
+ "win/scoped_co_mem.h",
+ "win/scoped_com_initializer.h",
+ "win/scoped_comptr.h",
+ "win/scoped_gdi_object.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/scoped_handle.h",
+ "win/scoped_hdc.h",
+ "win/scoped_hglobal.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/scoped_process_information.h",
+ "win/scoped_propvariant.h",
+ "win/scoped_select_object.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/scoped_variant.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/shortcut.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/startup_information.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/text_services_message_filter.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/win_util.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/windows_version.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/wrapped_window_proc.h",
+ ]
+ # TODO(brettw) I don't understand the conditions this file is used.
+ sources -= "files/"
+ sources -= [
+ # TODO(brettw) do these properly.
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_aurax11.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_glib.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_gtk.h",
+ "message_loop/",
+ "message_loop/message_pump_ozone.h",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "process/",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ]
+ if (!is_chromeos) {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Remove nacl stuff.
+ if (!is_nacl) {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "os_compat_nacl.h",
+ "",
+ "third_party/nspr/prcpucfg_nacl.h",
+ "memory/",
+ ]
+ }
+ # Windows.
+ if (is_win && !is_nacl) {
+ sources -= [
+ "strings/",
+ # Not using because it may have caused a
+ # regression to page cycler moz.
+ "",
+ ]
+ if (is_component_build) {
+ sources -= "debug/"
+ }
+ }
+ # Mac.
+ if (is_mac) {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "",
+ "strings/",
+ ]
+ } else {
+ sources -= "files/"
+ }
+ # Non-Mac Unix stuff.
+ if (is_mac) { #!is_posix || is_mac) {
+ sources -= [
+ "nix/",
+ "nix/mime_util_xdg.h",
+ "nix/",
+ "nix/xdg_util.h",
+ "third_party/xdg_mime/xdgmime.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ defines = [
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ ":base_static",
+ "//base/allocator:allocator_extension_thunks",
+ "//third_party/modp_b64",
+ "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
+ ]
+ if (!is_win) {
+ deps += "//third_party/libevent"
+ }
+ if (is_mac) {
+ deps += "//third_party/mach_override"
+ }
+# This is the subset of files from base that should not be used with a dynamic
+# library. Note that this library cannot depend on base because base depends on
+# base_static.
+static_library("base_static") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "base_switches.h",
+ "win/",
+ "win/pe_image.h",
+ ]
+component("base_i18n") {
+ sources = [
+ "i18n/base_i18n_export.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/bidi_line_iterator.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/break_iterator.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/char_iterator.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/case_conversion.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/file_util_icu.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/icu_encoding_detection.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/icu_string_conversions.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/icu_util.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/number_formatting.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/rtl.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/string_compare.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/string_search.h",
+ "i18n/",
+ "i18n/time_formatting.h",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ ":base",
+ "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
+ "//third_party/icu:icui18n",
+ "//third_party/icu:icuuc",
+ ]
+ defines = [
+ ]
+ #'conditions': [
+ # ['toolkit_uses_gtk==1', {
+ # 'deps': [
+ # # i18n/ uses gtk
+ # '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk',
+ # ],
+ # }],
+ # ['OS == "win"', {
+ # # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
+ # 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
+ # 4267,
+ # ],
+ # }],
+ #],
+ #'export_dependent_settings': [
+ # 'base',
+ #],
+ #'variables': {
+ # 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1,
+ # 'optimize': 'max',
+ #},
+static_library("test_support_base") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "test/expectations/",
+ "test/expectations/expectation.h",
+ "test/expectations/",
+ "test/expectations/parser.h",
+ "test/mock_chrome_application_mac.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/",
+ "test/mock_devices_changed_observer.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/mock_time_provider.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/multiprocess_test.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/",
+ "test/null_task_runner.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/perf_test_suite.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/scoped_locale.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/scoped_path_override.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/sequenced_task_runner_test_template.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/sequenced_worker_pool_owner.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/simple_test_clock.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/simple_test_tick_clock.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/task_runner_test_template.h",
+ "test/test_file_util.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/",
+ "test/",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_listener_ios.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_pending_task.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_process_killer_win.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_reg_util_win.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_shortcut_win.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_simple_task_runner.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_suite.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_support_android.h",
+ "test/test_support_ios.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_switches.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/test_timeouts.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/thread_test_helper.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/trace_event_analyzer.h",
+ "test/",
+ "test/values_test_util.h",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ ":base",
+ ":base_static",
+ ":base_i18n",
+ "//testing:gmock",
+ "//testing:gtest",
+ ]
+ if (!is_posix) {
+ sources -= [
+ "test/",
+ "test/scoped_locale.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_ios) {
+ # Pull in specific Mac files for iOS (which have been filtered out
+ # by file name rules).
+ { # Temporarily override the assignment filter in a new scope.
+ set_sources_assignment_filter([])
+ sources += "test/"
+ }
+ }
+ #if (!is_bsd) {
+ # sources -= "test/"
+ #}
+ #if (use_gtk) {
+ # deps += "/build/linux/system:gtk"
+ #}
+ #export_dependent_settings [
+ # 'base',
+ #]
+config("perf_test_config") {
+ defines = [ "PERF_TEST" ]
+static_library("test_support_perf") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "test/",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ ":base",
+ "//testing:gtest",
+ ]
+ direct_dependent_configs = [ ":perf_test_config" ]
+ #if (toolkit_uses_gtk) {
+ # deps += "/build/linux/system:gtk",
+ #}
+static_library("run_all_unittests") {
+ sources = [
+ "test/",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ ":test_support_base",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/allocator/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/allocator/
index 6766911463f..bbcfe655c64 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/allocator/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/allocator/
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-static_library("allocator_extension_thunks") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "allocator_extension_thunks.h",
- ]
+static_library("allocator_extension_thunks") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "allocator_extension_thunks.h",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/
index bf050bf7914..e3939c35542 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-static_library("dynamic_annotations") {
- sources = [
- "dynamic_annotations.c",
- "dynamic_annotations.h",
- "../valgrind/valgrind.h",
- ]
+static_library("dynamic_annotations") {
+ sources = [
+ "dynamic_annotations.c",
+ "dynamic_annotations.h",
+ "../valgrind/valgrind.h",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/nspr/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/nspr/
deleted file mode 100644
index dafd9f19c3d..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/nspr/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-static_library("nspr") {
- sources = [
- "prcpucfg.h",
- "prcpucfg_freebsd.h",
- "prcpucfg_linux.h",
- "prcpucfg_mac.h",
- "prcpucfg_nacl.h",
- "prcpucfg_openbsd.h",
- "prcpucfg_solaris.h",
- "prcpucfg_win.h",
- "",
- "prtime.h",
- "prtypes.h",
- ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/symbolize/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/symbolize/
deleted file mode 100644
index c13c0d86f4f..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/symbolize/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-static_library("symbolize") {
- sources = [
- "config.h",
- "",
- "demangle.h",
- "glog/logging.h",
- "glog/raw_logging.h",
- "",
- "symbolize.h",
- "utilities.h",
- ]
- configs -= "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code"
- configs += "//build/config/compiler:no_chromium_code"
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/xdg_mime/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/xdg_mime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e51bc112ea..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/xdg_mime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-static_library("xdg_mime") {
- sources = [
- "xdgmime.c",
- "xdgmime.h",
- "xdgmimealias.c",
- "xdgmimealias.h",
- "xdgmimecache.c",
- "xdgmimecache.h",
- "xdgmimeglob.c",
- "xdgmimeglob.h",
- "xdgmimeicon.c",
- "xdgmimeicon.h",
- "xdgmimeint.c",
- "xdgmimeint.h",
- "xdgmimemagic.c",
- "xdgmimemagic.h",
- "xdgmimeparent.c",
- "xdgmimeparent.h",
- ]
- configs -= "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code"
- configs += "//build/config/compiler:no_chromium_code"
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/xdg_user_dirs/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/xdg_user_dirs/
deleted file mode 100644
index f2145b7863f..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/base/third_party/xdg_user_dirs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-static_library("xdg_user_dirs") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "xdg_user_dir_lookup.h",
- ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/
index c9fc2e7d3d0..94cb3973509 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/
@@ -1,52 +1,48 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-config("my_msvs") {
- defines = [
- ]
-config("feature_flags") {
- #defines =
-config("debug") {
- defines = [
- "_DEBUG",
- ]
-config("release") {
+config("my_msvs") {
+ defines = [
+ ]
+config("feature_flags") {
+ #defines =
+config("debug") {
+ defines = [
+ "_DEBUG",
+ ]
+config("release") {
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/
index 5756e84eb79..d203677b2d1 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/
@@ -1,210 +1,202 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# =============================================================================
-# =============================================================================
-# This block lists input arguments to the build, along with their default
-# values. GN requires listing them explicitly so it can validate input and have
-# a central place to manage the build flags.
-# If a value is specified on the command line, it will overwrite the defaults
-# given here, otherwise the default will be injected into the root scope.
-# KEEP IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER and write a good description for everything.
-# Use "is_*" names for intrinsic platform descriptions and build modes, and
-# "use_*" names for optional features libraries, and configurations.
-declare_args() {
- is_android = 0
- is_component_build = 1
- is_chromeos = 0
- is_debug = 1
- is_ios = 0
- use_ash = 0
- use_aura = 0
- use_ozone = 0
-# =============================================================================
-# =============================================================================
-# These patterns filter out platform-specific files when assigning to the
-# sources variable. The magic variable |sources_assignment_filter| is applied
-# to each assignment or appending to the sources variable and matches are
-# automatcally removed.
-# We define lists of filters for each platform for all builds so they can
-# be used by individual targets if necessary (a target can always change
-# sources_assignment_filter on itself if it needs something more specific).
-# Note that the patterns are NOT regular expressions. Only "*" and "\b" (path
-# boundary = end of string or slash) are supported, and the entire string
-# muct match the pattern (so you need "*.cc" to match all .cc files, for
-# example).
-windows_sources_filters = [
- "*",
- "*_win.h",
- "*",
- "*\bwin/*",
-mac_sources_filters = [
- "*_mac.h",
- "*",
- "*",
- "*_mac_unittest.h",
- "*",
- "*",
- "*\bmac/*",
- "*_cocoa.h",
- "*",
- "*",
- "*_cocoa_unittest.h",
- "*",
- "*",
- "*\bcocoa/*",
-ios_sources_filters = [
- "*_ios.h",
- "*",
- "*",
- "*_ios_unittest.h",
- "*",
- "*",
- "*\bios/*",
-objective_c_sources_filters = [
- "*.mm",
-linux_sources_filters = [
- "*_linux.h",
- "*",
- "*_linux_unittest.h",
- "*",
- "*\blinux/*",
-android_sources_filters = [
- "*_android.h",
- "*",
- "*_android_unittest.h",
- "*",
- "*\bandroid/*",
-posix_sources_filters = [
- "*_posix.h",
- "*",
- "*_posix_unittest.h",
- "*",
- "*\bposix/*",
-# Construct the full list of sources we're using for this platform.
-sources_assignment_filter = []
-if (is_win) {
- sources_assignment_filter += posix_sources_filters
-} else {
- sources_assignment_filter += windows_sources_filters
-if (!is_mac) {
- sources_assignment_filter += mac_sources_filters
-if (!is_ios) {
- sources_assignment_filter += ios_sources_filters
-if (!is_mac && !is_ios) {
- sources_assignment_filter += objective_c_sources_filters
-if (!is_linux) {
- sources_assignment_filter += linux_sources_filters
-if (!is_android) {
- sources_assignment_filter += android_sources_filters
-# This is the actual set.
-# =============================================================================
-# =============================================================================
-is_nacl = 0
-# =============================================================================
-# =============================================================================
-if (is_component_build) {
- component_mode = "shared_library"
-} else {
- component_mode = "static_library"
-# =============================================================================
-# =============================================================================
-# Set up the default configuration for every build target of the given type.
-# The values configured here will be automatically set on the scope of the
-# corresponding target. Target definitions can add or remove to the settings
-# here as needed.
-# Holds all configs used for making native executables and libraries, to avoid
-# duplication in each target below.
-native_compiler_configs = [
- "//build/config:my_msvs", # TODO(brettw) eraseme
- "//build/config/compiler:compiler",
- "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code",
- "//build/config/compiler:default_warnings",
- "//build/config/compiler:no_rtti",
- "//build/config/compiler:runtime_library",
-if (is_win) {
- native_compiler_configs += "//build/config/win:sdk"
-} else if (is_mac) {
- # TODO(brettw) this should be in an if (is_clang) block instead but I haven't
- # written an is_clang flag yet.
- native_compiler_configs += "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs"
-if (is_debug) {
- native_compiler_configs += "//build/config:debug"
-} else {
- native_compiler_configs += "//build/config:release"
-set_defaults("executable") {
- configs = native_compiler_configs
- if (is_mac) {
- configs += "//build/config/mac:mac_dynamic_flags"
- } else if (is_linux) {
- configs += "//build/config/linux:executable_ldconfig"
- }
-set_defaults("static_library") {
- configs = native_compiler_configs
-set_defaults("shared_library") {
- configs = native_compiler_configs
- if (is_mac) {
- configs += "//build/config/mac:mac_dynamic_flags"
- }
-# ==============================================================================
-# ==============================================================================
-if (is_win) {
- set_default_toolchain("//build/config/win:32")
-} else if (is_linux) {
- set_default_toolchain("//build/config/linux/toolchain:gcc")
-} else if (is_mac) {
- set_default_toolchain("//build/config/mac:clang")
+# =============================================================================
+# =============================================================================
+# This block lists input arguments to the build, along with their default
+# values. GN requires listing them explicitly so it can validate input and have
+# a central place to manage the build flags.
+# If a value is specified on the command line, it will overwrite the defaults
+# given here, otherwise the default will be injected into the root scope.
+# KEEP IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER and write a good description for everything.
+# Use "is_*" names for intrinsic platform descriptions and build modes, and
+# "use_*" names for optional features libraries, and configurations.
+declare_args() {
+ is_android = 0
+ is_component_build = 1
+ is_chromeos = 0
+ is_debug = 1
+ is_ios = 0
+ use_ash = 0
+ use_aura = 0
+ use_ozone = 0
+# =============================================================================
+# =============================================================================
+# These patterns filter out platform-specific files when assigning to the
+# sources variable. The magic variable |sources_assignment_filter| is applied
+# to each assignment or appending to the sources variable and matches are
+# automatcally removed.
+# We define lists of filters for each platform for all builds so they can
+# be used by individual targets if necessary (a target can always change
+# sources_assignment_filter on itself if it needs something more specific).
+# Note that the patterns are NOT regular expressions. Only "*" and "\b" (path
+# boundary = end of string or slash) are supported, and the entire string
+# muct match the pattern (so you need "*.cc" to match all .cc files, for
+# example).
+windows_sources_filters = [
+ "*",
+ "*_win.h",
+ "*",
+ "*\bwin/*",
+mac_sources_filters = [
+ "*_mac.h",
+ "*",
+ "*",
+ "*_mac_unittest.h",
+ "*",
+ "*",
+ "*\bmac/*",
+ "*_cocoa.h",
+ "*",
+ "*",
+ "*_cocoa_unittest.h",
+ "*",
+ "*",
+ "*\bcocoa/*",
+ios_sources_filters = [
+ "*_ios.h",
+ "*",
+ "*",
+ "*_ios_unittest.h",
+ "*",
+ "*",
+ "*\bios/*",
+objective_c_sources_filters = [
+ "*.mm",
+linux_sources_filters = [
+ "*_linux.h",
+ "*",
+ "*_linux_unittest.h",
+ "*",
+ "*\blinux/*",
+android_sources_filters = [
+ "*_android.h",
+ "*",
+ "*_android_unittest.h",
+ "*",
+ "*\bandroid/*",
+posix_sources_filters = [
+ "*_posix.h",
+ "*",
+ "*_posix_unittest.h",
+ "*",
+ "*\bposix/*",
+# Construct the full list of sources we're using for this platform.
+sources_assignment_filter = []
+if (is_win) {
+ sources_assignment_filter += posix_sources_filters
+} else {
+ sources_assignment_filter += windows_sources_filters
+if (!is_mac) {
+ sources_assignment_filter += mac_sources_filters
+if (!is_ios) {
+ sources_assignment_filter += ios_sources_filters
+if (!is_mac && !is_ios) {
+ sources_assignment_filter += objective_c_sources_filters
+if (!is_linux) {
+ sources_assignment_filter += linux_sources_filters
+if (!is_android) {
+ sources_assignment_filter += android_sources_filters
+# This is the actual set.
+# =============================================================================
+# =============================================================================
+is_nacl = 0
+# =============================================================================
+# =============================================================================
+if (is_component_build) {
+ component_mode = "shared_library"
+} else {
+ component_mode = "static_library"
+# =============================================================================
+# =============================================================================
+# Set up the default configuration for every build target of the given type.
+# The values configured here will be automatically set on the scope of the
+# corresponding target. Target definitions can add or remove to the settings
+# here as needed.
+# Holds all configs used for making native executables and libraries, to avoid
+# duplication in each target below.
+native_compiler_configs = [
+ "//build/config:my_msvs", # TODO(brettw) eraseme
+ "//build/config/compiler:compiler",
+ "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code",
+ "//build/config/compiler:default_warnings",
+ "//build/config/compiler:no_rtti",
+ "//build/config/compiler:runtime_library",
+if (is_win) {
+ native_compiler_configs += "//build/config/win:sdk"
+} else if (is_mac) {
+ # TODO(brettw) this should be in an if (is_clang) block instead but I haven't
+ # written an is_clang flag yet.
+ native_compiler_configs += "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs"
+if (is_debug) {
+ native_compiler_configs += "//build/config:debug"
+} else {
+ native_compiler_configs += "//build/config:release"
+set_defaults("executable") {
+ configs = native_compiler_configs
+ if (is_mac) {
+ configs += "//build/config/mac:mac_dynamic_flags"
+ }
+set_defaults("static_library") {
+ configs = native_compiler_configs
+set_defaults("shared_library") {
+ configs = native_compiler_configs
+ if (is_mac) {
+ configs += "//build/config/mac:mac_dynamic_flags"
+ }
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+if (is_win) {
+ set_default_toolchain("//build/config/win:32")
+} else if (is_mac) {
+ set_default_toolchain("//build/config/mac:clang")
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/compiler/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/compiler/
index 00ebe8f098c..04f73e077dc 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/compiler/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/compiler/
@@ -11,121 +11,67 @@ config("compiler") {
"/Od", "/WX", "/Zi", "/Gy", "/GS", "/RTC1", "/EHsc",
} else {
- # Common GCC compiler flags setup.
- # --------------------------------
cflags = [
- "-fno-strict-aliasing", # See
- "-fvisibility=hidden",
- "-g", # Debug symbols.
- ]
- cflags_c = [
- ]
- cflags_cc = [
- "-fno-exceptions",
+ # TODO(brettw) obviously this needs to be parameterized.
+ "-arch i386",
+ # See
+ "-fno-strict-aliasing",
+ "-fstack-protector-all",
+ "-fvisibility=hidden",
- ldflags = [
- "-Wl,-z,now",
- "-Wl,-z,relro",
- ]
+ # !!! Please keep additions sorted alphabetically.
- # Optimization.
- if (is_debug) {
+ # TODO(brettw) these should be clang-only.
+ # if (is_clang) {
cflags += [
- "-O0" # No optimization.
+ "-fcolor-diagnostics",
- } else {
- # TODO(brettw) release optimization.
- }
- # Stack protection.
- # TODO(brettw) why do we have different values for all of these cases?
- if (is_mac) {
- cflags += "-fstack-protector-all"
- } else if (is_chromeos) {
- cflags += "-fstack-protector-strong"
- } else if (is_linux) {
- cflags += [ "-fstack-protector", "--param=ssp-buffer-size=4" ]
- }
+ #}
- # Mac-specific compiler flags setup.
- # ----------------------------------
- if (is_mac) {
- # These flags are shared between the C compiler and linker.
- common_mac_flags = [
- # TODO(brettw) obviously this arch flag needs to be parameterized.
- "-arch i386",
- # Set which SDK to use.
- # TODO(brettw) this needs to be configurable somehow.
- "-isysroot", "/Applications/",
+ cflags_c = [
+ "-std=c99",
+ ]
- "-mmacosx-version-min=10.6",
- ]
+ cflags_cc = [
+ "-fno-exceptions",
+ "-std=gnu++11",
+ ]
+ }
- cflags += common_mac_flags + [
- # Without this, the constructors and destructors of a C++ object inside
- # an Objective C struct won't be called, which is very bad.
- "-fobjc-call-cxx-cdtors",
- ]
+ if (is_mac) {
+ # These are used for both compiler and linker flags on Mac.
+ common_mac_flags = [
+ # TODO(brettw) obviously this needs to be parameterized.
+ "-arch i386",
- cflags_c += [ "-std=c99" ]
- cflags_cc += [ "-std=gnu++11" ]
+ # Set which SDK to use.
+ # TODO(brettw) this needs to be configurable somehow.
+ "-isysroot", "/Applications/",
- ldflags += common_mac_flags + [
- "-L.",
+ "-mmacosx-version-min=10.6",
+ ]
- # TODO(brettW) I don't understand these options.
- "-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/.",
- "-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../../..",
- ]
- }
+ # Mac compiler flags.
+ cflags += [
+ # Without this, the constructors and destructors of a C++ object inside
+ # an Objective C struct won't be called, which is very bad.
+ "-fobjc-call-cxx-cdtors",
+ ]
+ cflags += common_mac_flags
- # Linux-specific compiler flags setup.
- # ------------------------------------
- if (is_linux) {
- cflags += [
- "-fPIC",
- "-pthread",
- "-pipe", # Use pipes for communicating between sub-processes. Faster.
- ]
- ldflags += [
- # Use Gold for linking: it is checked out in the source tree.
- "-B$relative_build_to_source_root_dir/third_party/gold",
- "-fPIC",
- "-pthread",
- "-Wl,-z,noexecstack",
- # TODO(brettw) gold linker flags, only target.
- # There seems to be a conflict of --icf and -pie in gold which can
- # generate crashy binaries. As a security measure, -pie takes
- # precendence for now.
- # TODO(brettw) common.gypi has this only for target toolset.
- #"-Wl,--icf=safe",
- "-Wl,--icf=none",
- # TODO(brettw) gold linker flags, only target.
- # Experimentation found that using four linking threads
- # saved ~20% of link time.
- #
- # Only apply this to the target linker, since the host
- # linker might not be gold, but isn't used much anyway.
- "-Wl,--threads",
- "-Wl,--thread-count=4",
- ]
- }
+ # Mac linker flags.
+ ldflags = [
+ "-L.",
- # Clang-specific compiler flags setup.
- # ------------------------------------
- # TODO(brettw) these should be clang-only. For now, make it mac-only since
- # that's where we always use clang.
- if (is_mac) { # if (is_clang) {
- cflags += [
- "-fcolor-diagnostics",
- ]
- }
+ # TODO(brettW) I don't understand these options.
+ "-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/.",
+ "-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../../..",
+ ]
+ ldflags += common_mac_flags
@@ -188,30 +134,12 @@ config("chromium_code") {
cflags = [
"/W4", # Warning level 4.
- } else {
+ } else if (is_mac) {
cflags = [
- # GCC turns on -Wsign-compare for C++ under -Wall, but clang doesn't,
- # so we specify it explicitly.
- # TODO(fischman): remove this if obsoletes it.
- #
- "-Wsign-compare",
- ]
- # In Chromium code, we define __STDC_foo_MACROS in order to get the
- # C99 macros on Mac and Linux.
- defines = [
+ "-Wextra",
- # TODO(brettw) this should also be enabled on Linux but some files
- # currently fail.
- if (is_mac) {
- cflags += "-Wextra"
- }
config("no_chromium_code") {
@@ -283,27 +211,26 @@ config("default_warnings") {
"/wd4706", # Assignment within conditional expression.
"/wd4819", # Character not in the current code page.
- } else {
- # Common GCC warning setup.
+ }
+ # TODO(brettw) this should probably be if(clang).
+ if (is_mac) {
cflags = [
- # Enables.
- "-Wendif-labels", # Weird old-style text after an #endif.
+ # Warn for weird old-style text after an #endif.
+ "-Wendif-labels",
- # Disables.
- "-Wno-missing-field-initializers", # "struct foo f = {0};"
- "-Wno-unused-parameter", # Unused function parameters.
- "-Wno-write-strings",
- ]
+ "-Wnewline-eof",
- if (is_mac) {
- cflags += [
- "-Wnewline-eof",
- ]
- }
+ # Don't warn about the "struct foo f = {0};" initialization pattern.
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
+ # Don't warn about unused function parameters.
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter",
+ ]
# TODO(brettw) Ones below here should be clang-only when we have a flag
# for it.
- if (is_mac) { #if (is_clang) {
+ #if (is_clang) {
cflags += [
@@ -333,6 +260,6 @@ config("default_warnings") {
# Warns when a const char[] is converted to bool.
- }
+ #} #is_clang
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/
deleted file mode 100644
index 74804cb483a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Sets up the dynamic library search path to include our "lib" directory.
-config("executable_ldconfig") {
- ldflags = [
- # Want to pass "\$". Need to escape both '\' and '$'. GN will re-escape as
- # required for ninja.
- "-Wl,-rpath=\\\$ORIGIN/lib/",
- "-Wl,-rpath-link=lib/",
- ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/system/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/system/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cecca8d4b3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/system/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-pkg_script = ""
-config("glib") {
- glib_packages = "glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0 gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0"
- cflags = exec_script(pkg_script, [ "--cflags", glib_packages ], "list lines")
- ldflags = exec_script(pkg_script, [ "--libs", glib_packages ], "list lines")
- # if (use_x11) { # TODO(brettw) need to add use_x11
- ldflags += "-lXtst"
- #}
-config("gtk") {
- # Gtk requires gmodule, but it does not list it as a dependency in some
- # misconfigured systems.
- gtk_packages = "gmodule-2.0 gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0"
- cflags = exec_script(pkg_script, [ "--cflags", gtk_packages ], "list lines")
- ldflags = exec_script(pkg_script, [ "--libs", gtk_packages ], "list lines")
-config("x11") {
- x11_packages = "x11 xi"
- cflags = exec_script(pkg_script, [ "--cflags", x11_packages ], "list lines")
- ldflags = exec_script(pkg_script, [ "--libs", x11_packages ], "list lines")
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/system/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/system/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cee44883e1..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/system/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import subprocess
-import sys
-sys.exit(["pkg-config"] + sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/toolchain/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/toolchain/
deleted file mode 100644
index b3aed22e450..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/linux/toolchain/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-cc = "gcc"
-cxx = "g++"
-ld = cxx
-toolchain("gcc") {
- tool("cc") {
- # cflags_pch_c
- command = "$cc -MMD -MF \$out.d \$defines \$includes \$cflags \$cflags_c -c \$in -o \$out"
- description = "CC \$out"
- depfile = "\$out.d"
- deps = "gcc"
- }
- tool("cxx") {
- # cflags_pch_cc
- command = "$cxx -MMD -MF \$out.d \$defines \$includes \$cflags \$cflags_cc -c \$in -o \$out"
- description = "CXX \$out"
- depfile = "\$out.d"
- deps = "gcc"
- }
- tool("alink") {
- command = "rm -f \$out && ar rcs \$out \$in"
- description = "AR \$out"
- }
- tool("solink") {
- command = "if [ ! -e \$lib -o ! -e \${lib}.TOC ]; then $ld -shared \$ldflags -o \$lib -Wl,-soname=\$soname -Wl,--whole-archive \$in \$solibs -Wl,--no-whole-archive \$libs && { readelf -d \${lib} | grep SONAME ; nm -gD -f p \${lib} | cut -f1-2 -d' '; } > \${lib}.TOC; else $ld -shared \$ldflags -o \$lib -Wl,-soname=\$soname -Wl,--whole-archive \$in \$solibs -Wl,--no-whole-archive \$libs && { readelf -d \${lib} | grep SONAME ; nm -gD -f p \${lib} | cut -f1-2 -d' '; } > \${lib}.tmp && if ! cmp -s \${lib}.tmp \${lib}.TOC; then mv \${lib}.tmp \${lib}.TOC ; fi; fi"
- description = "SOLINK \$lib"
- #pool = "link_pool"
- restat = "1"
- }
- tool("link") {
- command = "$ld \$ldflags -o \$out -Wl,--start-group \$in \$solibs -Wl,--end-group \$libs"
- description = "LINK \$out"
- #pool = "link_pool"
- }
- tool("stamp") {
- command = "\${postbuilds}touch \$out"
- description = "STAMP \$out"
- }
- tool("copy") {
- command = "ln -f \$in \$out 2>/dev/null || (rm -rf \$out && cp -af \$in \$out)"
- description = "COPY \$in \$out"
- }
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/mac/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/mac/
index cc33e517a60..55ffd03cd20 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/mac/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/mac/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ config("mac_dynamic_flags") {
cc = "../../third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin/clang"
cxx = "../../third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin/clang++"
ld = cxx
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/win/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/win/
index 95b1b307378..955504a5ef3 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/win/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/win/
@@ -1,184 +1,184 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Should only be running on Windows.
-# Setup the Visual Studio state.
-# Its argument is the location to write the environment files.
-# It will write "environment.x86" and "environment.x64" to this directory,
-# and return a list to us.
-# The list contains the include path as its only element. (I'm expecting to
-# add more so it's currently a list inside a list.)
-msvc_config = [["foo"]]
- # [relative_root_output_dir],
- # "value")
-# 32-bit toolchain -------------------------------------------------------------
-toolchain("32") {
- tool("cc") {
- command = "ninja -t msvc -e \$arch -- cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes /FC @\$out.rsp /c \$in /Fo\$out /Fd\$pdbname"
- description = "CC \$out"
- rspfile = "\$out.rsp"
- rspfile_content = "\$defines \$includes \$cflags \$cflags_c"
- deps = "msvc"
- }
- tool("cxx") {
- command = "ninja -t msvc -e \$arch -- cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes /FC @\$out.rsp /c \$in /Fo\$out /Fd\$pdbname"
- description = "CXX \$out"
- rspfile = "\$out.rsp"
- rspfile_content = "\$defines \$includes \$cflags \$cflags_cc"
- deps = "msvc"
- }
- #tool("idl") {
- # command = $python_path gyp-win-tool midl-wrapper \$arch \$outdir \$tlb \$h \$dlldata \$iid \$
- # \$proxy \$in \$idlflags
- # description = IDL \$in
- #}
- #tool("rc") {
- # command = $python_path gyp-win-tool rc-wrapper \$arch rc.exe \$defines \$includes \$rcflags \$
- # /fo\$out \$in
- # description = RC \$in
- #}
- #tool("asm") {
- # command = $python_path gyp-win-tool asm-wrapper \$arch ml.exe \$defines \$includes /c /Fo \$
- # \$out \$in
- # description = ASM \$in
- #}
- tool("alink") {
- command = "$python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch lib.exe /nologo /ignore:4221 /OUT:\$out @\$out.rsp"
- description = "LIB \$out"
- rspfile = "\$out.rsp"
- rspfile_content = "\$in_newline \$libflags"
- }
- #tool("solink_embed_inc") {
- # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag \$
- # /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
- # manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && \$
- # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests \$
- # -out:\$dll.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-to-rc \$arch \$dll.manifest \$
- # \$dll.manifest.rc 2 && $python_path gyp-win-tool rc-wrapper \$arch rc.exe \$
- # \$dll.manifest.rc && $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$
- # \$implibflag /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp \$dll.manifest.res
- # description = LINK_EMBED_INC(DLL) \$dll
- # restat = 1
- # rspfile = \$dll.rsp
- # rspfile_content = \$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags
- #}
- #tool("solink_module_embed_inc") {
- # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag \$
- # /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
- # manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && \$
- # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests \$
- # -out:\$dll.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-to-rc \$arch \$dll.manifest \$
- # \$dll.manifest.rc 2 && $python_path gyp-win-tool rc-wrapper \$arch rc.exe \$
- # \$dll.manifest.rc && $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$
- # \$implibflag /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp \$dll.manifest.res
- # description = LINK_EMBED_INC(DLL) \$dll
- # restat = 1
- # rspfile = \$dll.rsp
- # rspfile_content = \$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags
- #}
- #rule link_embed_inc
- # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo /OUT:\$out \$
- # /PDB:\$out.pdb @\$out.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c \$
- # if exist \$out.manifest del \$out.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
- # manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -out:\$out.manifest && \$
- # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-to-rc \$arch \$out.manifest \$out.manifest.rc 1 && \$
- # $python_path gyp-win-tool rc-wrapper \$arch rc.exe \$out.manifest.rc && \$
- # $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo /OUT:\$out /PDB:\$out.pdb \$
- # @\$out.rsp \$out.manifest.res
- # description = LINK_EMBED_INC \$out
- # rspfile = \$out.rsp
- # rspfile_content = \$in_newline \$libs \$ldflags
- #rule solink_embed
- # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag \$
- # /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
- # manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && \$
- # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests \$
- # -outputresource:\$dll;2
- # description = LINK_EMBED(DLL) \$dll
- # restat = 1
- # rspfile = \$dll.rsp
- # rspfile_content = \$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags
- #rule solink_module_embed
- # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag \$
- # /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
- # manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && \$
- # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests \$
- # -outputresource:\$dll;2
- # description = LINK_EMBED(DLL) \$dll
- # restat = 1
- # rspfile = \$dll.rsp
- # rspfile_content = \$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags
- #rule link_embed
- # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo /OUT:\$out \$
- # /PDB:\$out.pdb @\$out.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c \$
- # if exist \$out.manifest del \$out.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
- # manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -outputresource:\$out;1
- # description = LINK_EMBED \$out
- # rspfile = \$out.rsp
- # rspfile_content = \$in_newline \$libs \$ldflags
- tool("solink") {
- command = "cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -out:\$dll.manifest"
- description = "LINK(DLL) \$dll"
- restat = "1"
- rspfile = "\$dll.rsp"
- rspfile_content = "\$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags"
- }
- tool("solink_module") {
- command = "cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -out:\$dll.manifet"
- description = "LINK(DLL) \$dll"
- restat = "1"
- rspfile = "\$dll.rsp"
- rspfile_content = "\$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags"
- }
- tool("link") {
- command = "cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo /OUT:\$out /PDB:\$out.pdb @\$out.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$out.manifest del \$out.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -out:\$out.manifest"
- description = "LINK \$out"
- rspfile = "\$out.rsp"
- rspfile_content = "\$in_newline \$libs \$ldflags"
- }
- tool("stamp") {
- command = "$python_path gyp-win-tool stamp \$out"
- description = "STAMP \$out"
- }
- tool("copy") {
- command = "$python_path gyp-win-tool recursive-mirror \$in \$out"
- description = "COPY \$in \$out"
- }
-# 64-bit toolchain -------------------------------------------------------------
-toolchain("64") {
-# SDK setup --------------------------------------------------------------------
-config("sdk") {
- # The include path is the stuff returned by the script plus out own WTL
- # checkout.
- # TODO(brettw) should adding WTL be at this level or should it be more on
- # a per-project basis?
- includes = msvc_config[0] + "../../third_party/wtl/include"
- defines = [
- "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602",
- "NTDDI_VERSION=0x06020000",
- "WIN32",
- "WINVER=0x0602",
- ]
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Should only be running on Windows.
+# Setup the Visual Studio state.
+# Its argument is the location to write the environment files.
+# It will write "environment.x86" and "environment.x64" to this directory,
+# and return a list to us.
+# The list contains the include path as its only element. (I'm expecting to
+# add more so it's currently a list inside a list.)
+msvc_config = [["foo"]]
+ # [relative_root_output_dir],
+ # "value")
+# 32-bit toolchain -------------------------------------------------------------
+toolchain("32") {
+ tool("cc") {
+ command = "ninja -t msvc -e \$arch -- cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes /FC @\$out.rsp /c \$in /Fo\$out /Fd\$pdbname"
+ description = "CC \$out"
+ rspfile = "\$out.rsp"
+ rspfile_content = "\$defines \$includes \$cflags \$cflags_c"
+ deps = "msvc"
+ }
+ tool("cxx") {
+ command = "ninja -t msvc -e \$arch -- cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes /FC @\$out.rsp /c \$in /Fo\$out /Fd\$pdbname"
+ description = "CXX \$out"
+ rspfile = "\$out.rsp"
+ rspfile_content = "\$defines \$includes \$cflags \$cflags_cc"
+ deps = "msvc"
+ }
+ #tool("idl") {
+ # command = $python_path gyp-win-tool midl-wrapper \$arch \$outdir \$tlb \$h \$dlldata \$iid \$
+ # \$proxy \$in \$idlflags
+ # description = IDL \$in
+ #}
+ #tool("rc") {
+ # command = $python_path gyp-win-tool rc-wrapper \$arch rc.exe \$defines \$includes \$rcflags \$
+ # /fo\$out \$in
+ # description = RC \$in
+ #}
+ #tool("asm") {
+ # command = $python_path gyp-win-tool asm-wrapper \$arch ml.exe \$defines \$includes /c /Fo \$
+ # \$out \$in
+ # description = ASM \$in
+ #}
+ tool("alink") {
+ command = "$python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch lib.exe /nologo /ignore:4221 /OUT:\$out @\$out.rsp"
+ description = "LIB \$out"
+ rspfile = "\$out.rsp"
+ rspfile_content = "\$in_newline \$libflags"
+ }
+ #tool("solink_embed_inc") {
+ # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag \$
+ # /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
+ # manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && \$
+ # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests \$
+ # -out:\$dll.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-to-rc \$arch \$dll.manifest \$
+ # \$dll.manifest.rc 2 && $python_path gyp-win-tool rc-wrapper \$arch rc.exe \$
+ # \$dll.manifest.rc && $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$
+ # \$implibflag /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp \$dll.manifest.res
+ # description = LINK_EMBED_INC(DLL) \$dll
+ # restat = 1
+ # rspfile = \$dll.rsp
+ # rspfile_content = \$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags
+ #}
+ #tool("solink_module_embed_inc") {
+ # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag \$
+ # /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
+ # manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && \$
+ # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests \$
+ # -out:\$dll.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-to-rc \$arch \$dll.manifest \$
+ # \$dll.manifest.rc 2 && $python_path gyp-win-tool rc-wrapper \$arch rc.exe \$
+ # \$dll.manifest.rc && $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$
+ # \$implibflag /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp \$dll.manifest.res
+ # description = LINK_EMBED_INC(DLL) \$dll
+ # restat = 1
+ # rspfile = \$dll.rsp
+ # rspfile_content = \$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags
+ #}
+ #rule link_embed_inc
+ # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo /OUT:\$out \$
+ # /PDB:\$out.pdb @\$out.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c \$
+ # if exist \$out.manifest del \$out.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
+ # manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -out:\$out.manifest && \$
+ # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-to-rc \$arch \$out.manifest \$out.manifest.rc 1 && \$
+ # $python_path gyp-win-tool rc-wrapper \$arch rc.exe \$out.manifest.rc && \$
+ # $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo /OUT:\$out /PDB:\$out.pdb \$
+ # @\$out.rsp \$out.manifest.res
+ # description = LINK_EMBED_INC \$out
+ # rspfile = \$out.rsp
+ # rspfile_content = \$in_newline \$libs \$ldflags
+ #rule solink_embed
+ # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag \$
+ # /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
+ # manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && \$
+ # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests \$
+ # -outputresource:\$dll;2
+ # description = LINK_EMBED(DLL) \$dll
+ # restat = 1
+ # rspfile = \$dll.rsp
+ # rspfile_content = \$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags
+ #rule solink_module_embed
+ # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag \$
+ # /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
+ # manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && \$
+ # $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests \$
+ # -outputresource:\$dll;2
+ # description = LINK_EMBED(DLL) \$dll
+ # restat = 1
+ # rspfile = \$dll.rsp
+ # rspfile_content = \$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags
+ #rule link_embed
+ # command = cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo /OUT:\$out \$
+ # /PDB:\$out.pdb @\$out.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c \$
+ # if exist \$out.manifest del \$out.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool \$
+ # manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -outputresource:\$out;1
+ # description = LINK_EMBED \$out
+ # rspfile = \$out.rsp
+ # rspfile_content = \$in_newline \$libs \$ldflags
+ tool("solink") {
+ command = "cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -out:\$dll.manifest"
+ description = "LINK(DLL) \$dll"
+ restat = "1"
+ rspfile = "\$dll.rsp"
+ rspfile_content = "\$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags"
+ }
+ tool("solink_module") {
+ command = "cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo \$implibflag /DLL /OUT:\$dll /PDB:\$dll.pdb @\$dll.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$dll.manifest del \$dll.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -out:\$dll.manifet"
+ description = "LINK(DLL) \$dll"
+ restat = "1"
+ rspfile = "\$dll.rsp"
+ rspfile_content = "\$libs \$in_newline \$ldflags"
+ }
+ tool("link") {
+ command = "cmd /c $python_path gyp-win-tool link-wrapper \$arch link.exe /nologo /OUT:\$out /PDB:\$out.pdb @\$out.rsp && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch cmd /c if exist \$out.manifest del \$out.manifest && $python_path gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper \$arch mt.exe -nologo -manifest \$manifests -out:\$out.manifest"
+ description = "LINK \$out"
+ rspfile = "\$out.rsp"
+ rspfile_content = "\$in_newline \$libs \$ldflags"
+ }
+ tool("stamp") {
+ command = "$python_path gyp-win-tool stamp \$out"
+ description = "STAMP \$out"
+ }
+ tool("copy") {
+ command = "$python_path gyp-win-tool recursive-mirror \$in \$out"
+ description = "COPY \$in \$out"
+ }
+# 64-bit toolchain -------------------------------------------------------------
+toolchain("64") {
+# SDK setup --------------------------------------------------------------------
+config("sdk") {
+ # The include path is the stuff returned by the script plus out own WTL
+ # checkout.
+ # TODO(brettw) should adding WTL be at this level or should it be more on
+ # a per-project basis?
+ includes = msvc_config[0] + "../../third_party/wtl/include"
+ defines = [
+ "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602",
+ "NTDDI_VERSION=0x06020000",
+ "WIN32",
+ "WINVER=0x0602",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/ipc/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/ipc/
index f85208886fd..5e55ee90835 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/ipc/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/ipc/
@@ -1,168 +1,168 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-component("ipc") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "file_descriptor_set_posix.h",
- "",
- "ipc_channel.h",
- "",
- "ipc_channel_factory.h",
- "ipc_channel_handle.h",
- "",
- "ipc_channel_nacl.h",
- "",
- "ipc_channel_posix.h",
- "",
- "ipc_channel_proxy.h",
- "",
- "ipc_channel_reader.h",
- "",
- "ipc_channel_win.h",
- "ipc_descriptors.h",
- "ipc_export.h",
- "",
- "ipc_forwarding_message_filter.h",
- "ipc_listener.h",
- "",
- "ipc_logging.h",
- "",
- "ipc_message.h",
- "ipc_message_macros.h",
- "ipc_message_start.h",
- "",
- "ipc_message_utils.h",
- "ipc_param_traits.h",
- "",
- "ipc_platform_file.h",
- "ipc_sender.h",
- "",
- "ipc_switches.h",
- "",
- "ipc_sync_channel.h",
- "",
- "ipc_sync_message.h",
- "",
- "ipc_sync_message_filter.h",
- "param_traits_log_macros.h",
- "param_traits_macros.h",
- "param_traits_read_macros.h",
- "param_traits_write_macros.h",
- "struct_constructor_macros.h",
- "struct_destructor_macros.h",
- "",
- "unix_domain_socket_util.h",
- ]
- #if (!is_untrusted_nacl) {
- sources -= [
- "",
- "ipc_channel_nacl.h",
- ]
- if (is_win || is_ios) {
- sources -= [
- "",
- "",
- ]
- }
- defines = [ "IPC_IMPLEMENTATION" ]
- deps = [
- "//base",
- # TODO(viettrungluu): Needed for base/lazy_instance.h, which is suspect.
- "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
- ]
-test("ipc_tests") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "ipc_sync_message_unittest.h",
- "",
- "ipc_test_base.h",
- "",
- "",
- ]
- #if (toolkit_uses_gtk) {
- # deps += "/build/linux/system:gtk"
- #}
- if (is_win || is_ios) {
- sources -= ""
- }
- #if (is_android && gtest_target_type == "shared_library") {
- # deps += "/testing/android/native_test.gyp:native_testNative_code"
- #}
- #if (is_posix && !is_mac && !is_android) {
- # if (linux_use_tcmalloc) {
- # deps += "/base/allocator"
- # }
- #}
- deps = [
- ":ipc",
- ":test_support_ipc",
- "//base",
- "//base:base_i18n",
- "//base:run_all_unittests",
- "//base:test_support_base",
- "//testing:gtest",
- ]
-test("ipc_perftests") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "",
- "ipc_test_base.h",
- ]
- #if (toolkit_uses_gtk) {
- # deps += "/build/linux/system:gtk"
- #}
- #if (is_android && gtest_target_type == "shared_library") {
- # deps += "/testing/android/native_test.gyp:native_testNative_code"
- #}
- #if (is_posix && !is_mac && !is_android) {
- # if (linux_use_tcmalloc) {
- # deps += "/base/allocator"
- # }
- #}
- deps = [
- ":ipc",
- ":test_support_ipc",
- "//base",
- "//base:base_i18n",
- "//base:test_support_base",
- "//base:test_support_perf",
- "//testing:gtest",
- ]
-static_library("test_support_ipc") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "ipc_multiprocess_test.h",
- "",
- "ipc_test_sink.h",
- ]
- deps = [
- ":ipc",
- "//base",
- "//testing:gtest",
- ]
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+component("ipc") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "file_descriptor_set_posix.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_channel.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_channel_factory.h",
+ "ipc_channel_handle.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_channel_nacl.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_channel_posix.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_channel_proxy.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_channel_reader.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_channel_win.h",
+ "ipc_descriptors.h",
+ "ipc_export.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_forwarding_message_filter.h",
+ "ipc_listener.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_logging.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_message.h",
+ "ipc_message_macros.h",
+ "ipc_message_start.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_message_utils.h",
+ "ipc_param_traits.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_platform_file.h",
+ "ipc_sender.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_switches.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_sync_channel.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_sync_message.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_sync_message_filter.h",
+ "param_traits_log_macros.h",
+ "param_traits_macros.h",
+ "param_traits_read_macros.h",
+ "param_traits_write_macros.h",
+ "struct_constructor_macros.h",
+ "struct_destructor_macros.h",
+ "",
+ "unix_domain_socket_util.h",
+ ]
+ #if (!is_untrusted_nacl) {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "ipc_channel_nacl.h",
+ ]
+ if (is_win || is_ios) {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "",
+ ]
+ }
+ defines = [ "IPC_IMPLEMENTATION" ]
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ # TODO(viettrungluu): Needed for base/lazy_instance.h, which is suspect.
+ "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
+ ]
+test("ipc_tests") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "ipc_sync_message_unittest.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_test_base.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ]
+ #if (toolkit_uses_gtk) {
+ # deps += "/build/linux/system:gtk"
+ #}
+ if (is_win || is_ios) {
+ sources -= ""
+ }
+ #if (is_android && gtest_target_type == "shared_library") {
+ # deps += "/testing/android/native_test.gyp:native_testNative_code"
+ #}
+ #if (is_posix && !is_mac && !is_android) {
+ # if (linux_use_tcmalloc) {
+ # deps += "/base/allocator"
+ # }
+ #}
+ deps = [
+ ":ipc",
+ ":test_support_ipc",
+ "//base",
+ "//base:base_i18n",
+ "//base:run_all_unittests",
+ "//base:test_support_base",
+ "//testing:gtest",
+ ]
+test("ipc_perftests") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "",
+ "ipc_test_base.h",
+ ]
+ #if (toolkit_uses_gtk) {
+ # deps += "/build/linux/system:gtk"
+ #}
+ #if (is_android && gtest_target_type == "shared_library") {
+ # deps += "/testing/android/native_test.gyp:native_testNative_code"
+ #}
+ #if (is_posix && !is_mac && !is_android) {
+ # if (linux_use_tcmalloc) {
+ # deps += "/base/allocator"
+ # }
+ #}
+ deps = [
+ ":ipc",
+ ":test_support_ipc",
+ "//base",
+ "//base:base_i18n",
+ "//base:test_support_base",
+ "//base:test_support_perf",
+ "//testing:gtest",
+ ]
+static_library("test_support_ipc") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "ipc_multiprocess_test.h",
+ "",
+ "ipc_test_sink.h",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ ":ipc",
+ "//base",
+ "//testing:gtest",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/testing/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/testing/
index 4e854b64e73..b54cebabd25 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/testing/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/testing/
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-static_library("gtest") {
- sources = [
- "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-death-test.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-message.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-param-test.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-printers.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-spi.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-test-part.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-typed-test.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/gtest_pred_impl.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-death-test-internal.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-filepath.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-linked_ptr.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-param-util-generated.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-param-util.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-string.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-tuple.h",
- "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-type-util.h",
- #"gtest/src/", # Not needed by our build.
- "gtest/src/",
- "gtest/src/",
- "gtest/src/gtest-internal-inl.h",
- "gtest/src/",
- "gtest/src/",
- "gtest/src/",
- "gtest/src/",
- "gtest/src/",
- "",
- "multiprocess_func_list.h",
- "platform_test.h",
- ]
-static_library("gmock") {
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+static_library("gtest") {
+ sources = [
+ "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-death-test.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-message.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-param-test.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-printers.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-spi.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-test-part.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/gtest-typed-test.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/gtest_pred_impl.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-death-test-internal.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-filepath.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-linked_ptr.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-param-util-generated.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-param-util.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-string.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-tuple.h",
+ "gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-type-util.h",
+ #"gtest/src/", # Not needed by our build.
+ "gtest/src/",
+ "gtest/src/",
+ "gtest/src/gtest-internal-inl.h",
+ "gtest/src/",
+ "gtest/src/",
+ "gtest/src/",
+ "gtest/src/",
+ "gtest/src/",
+ "",
+ "multiprocess_func_list.h",
+ "platform_test.h",
+ ]
+static_library("gmock") {
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/icu/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/icu/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fa919ee590..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/icu/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-component("icui18n") {
-component("icuuc") {
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/libevent/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/libevent/
index afbd67de9f3..d494c84f55b 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/libevent/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/libevent/
@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ static_library("libevent") {
if (is_mac) {
includes = [ "mac" ]
- } else if (is_linux) {
- includes = [ "linux" ]
+ } else {
sources -= [ "kqueue.c" ]
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/modp_b64/ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/modp_b64/
index 539abe1580a..5598f12f182 100644
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/modp_b64/
+++ b/chromium/tools/gn/secondary/third_party/modp_b64/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-static_library("modp_b64") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "modp_b64.h",
- "modp_b64_data.h",
- ]
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+static_library("modp_b64") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "modp_b64.h",
+ "modp_b64_data.h",
+ ]