path: root/chromium/tools/gn/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/tools/gn/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 884 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/tools/gn/ b/chromium/tools/gn/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8dd6547dc4..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/gn/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,884 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "tools/gn/parser.h"
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "tools/gn/functions.h"
-#include "tools/gn/operators.h"
-#include "tools/gn/token.h"
-const char kGrammar_Help[] =
- R"*(Language and grammar for GN build files
- GN build files are read as sequences of tokens. While splitting the file
- into tokens, the next token is the longest sequence of characters that form a
- valid token.
-White space and comments
- White space is comprised of spaces (U+0020), horizontal tabs (U+0009),
- carriage returns (U+000D), and newlines (U+000A).
- Comments start at the character "#" and stop at the next newline.
- White space and comments are ignored except that they may separate tokens
- that would otherwise combine into a single token.
- Identifiers name variables and functions.
- identifier = letter { letter | digit } .
- letter = "A" ... "Z" | "a" ... "z" | "_" .
- digit = "0" ... "9" .
- The following keywords are reserved and may not be used as identifiers:
- else false if true
-Integer literals
- An integer literal represents a decimal integer value.
- integer = [ "-" ] digit { digit } .
- Leading zeros and negative zero are disallowed.
-String literals
- A string literal represents a string value consisting of the quoted
- characters with possible escape sequences and variable expansions.
- string = `"` { char | escape | expansion } `"` .
- escape = `\` ( "$" | `"` | char ) .
- BracketExpansion = "{" ( identifier | ArrayAccess | ScopeAccess "
- ") "}" .
- Hex = "0x" [0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]
- expansion = "$" ( identifier | BracketExpansion | Hex ) .
- char = /* any character except "$", `"`, or newline "
- "*/ .
- After a backslash, certain sequences represent special characters:
- \" U+0022 quotation mark
- \$ U+0024 dollar sign
- \\ U+005C backslash
- All other backslashes represent themselves.
- To insert an arbitrary byte value, use $0xFF. For example, to insert a
- newline character: "Line one$0x0ALine two".
- An expansion will evaluate the variable following the '$' and insert a
- stringified version of it into the result. For example, to concat two path
- components with a slash separating them:
- "$var_one/$var_two"
- Use the "${var_one}" format to be explicitly deliniate the variable for
- otherwise-ambiguous cases.
- The following character sequences represent punctuation:
- + += == != ( )
- - -= < <= [ ]
- ! = > >= { }
- && || . ,
- The input tokens form a syntax tree following a context-free grammar:
- File = StatementList .
- Statement = Assignment | Call | Condition .
- LValue = identifier | ArrayAccess | ScopeAccess .
- Assignment = LValue AssignOp Expr .
- Call = identifier "(" [ ExprList ] ")" [ Block ] .
- Condition = "if" "(" Expr ")" Block
- [ "else" ( Condition | Block ) ] .
- Block = "{" StatementList "}" .
- StatementList = { Statement } .
- ArrayAccess = identifier "[" Expr "]" .
- ScopeAccess = identifier "." identifier .
- Expr = UnaryExpr | Expr BinaryOp Expr .
- UnaryExpr = PrimaryExpr | UnaryOp UnaryExpr .
- PrimaryExpr = identifier | integer | string | Call
- | ArrayAccess | ScopeAccess | Block
- | "(" Expr ")"
- | "[" [ ExprList [ "," ] ] "]" .
- ExprList = Expr { "," Expr } .
- AssignOp = "=" | "+=" | "-=" .
- UnaryOp = "!" .
- BinaryOp = "+" | "-" // highest priority
- | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
- | "==" | "!="
- | "&&"
- | "||" . // lowest priority
- All binary operators are left-associative.
- The GN language is dynamically typed. The following types are used:
- - Boolean: Uses the keywords "true" and "false". There is no implicit
- conversion between booleans and integers.
- - Integers: All numbers in GN are signed 64-bit integers.
- - Strings: Strings are 8-bit with no enforced encoding. When a string is
- used to interact with other systems with particular encodings (like the
- Windows and Mac filesystems) it is assumed to be UTF-8. See "String
- literals" above for more.
- - Lists: Lists are arbitrary-length ordered lists of values. See "Lists"
- below for more.
- - Scopes: Scopes are like dictionaries that use variable names for keys. See
- "Scopes" below for more.
- Lists are created with [] and using commas to separate items:
- mylist = [ 0, 1, 2, "some string" ]
- A comma after the last item is optional. Lists are dereferenced using 0-based
- indexing:
- mylist[0] += 1
- var = mylist[2]
- Lists can be concatenated using the '+' and '+=' operators. Bare values can
- not be concatenated with lists, to add a single item, it must be put into a
- list of length one.
- Items can be removed from lists using the '-' and '-=' operators. This will
- remove all occurrences of every item in the right-hand list from the
- left-hand list. It is an error to remove an item not in the list. This is to
- prevent common typos and to detect dead code that is removing things that no
- longer apply.
- It is an error to use '=' to replace a nonempty list with another nonempty
- list. This is to prevent accidentally overwriting data when in most cases
- '+=' was intended. To overwrite a list on purpose, first assign it to the
- empty list:
- mylist = []
- mylist = otherlist
- When assigning to a list named 'sources' using '=' or '+=', list items may be
- automatically filtered out. See "gn help set_sources_assignment_filter" for
- more.
- All execution happens in the context of a scope which holds the current state
- (like variables). With the exception of loops and conditions, '{' introduces
- a new scope that has a parent reference to the old scope.
- Variable reads recursively search all nested scopes until the variable is
- found or there are no more scopes. Variable writes always go into the current
- scope. This means that after the closing '}' (again excepting loops and
- conditions), all local variables will be restored to the previous values.
- This also means that "foo = foo" can do useful work by copying a variable
- into the current scope that was defined in a containing scope.
- Scopes can also be assigned to variables. Such scopes can be created by
- functions like exec_script, when invoking a template (the template code
- refers to the variables set by the invoking code by the implicitly-created
- "invoker" scope), or explicitly like:
- empty_scope = {}
- myvalues = {
- foo = 21
- bar = "something"
- }
- Inside such a scope definition can be any GN code including conditionals and
- function calls. After the close of the scope, it will contain all variables
- explicitly set by the code contained inside it. After this, the values can be
- read, modified, or added to:
- += 2
- empty_scope.new_thing = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
-enum Precedence {
- PRECEDENCE_ASSIGNMENT = 1, // Lowest precedence.
- PRECEDENCE_DOT = 9, // Highest precedence.
-// The top-level for blocks/ifs is recursive descent, the expression parser is
-// a Pratt parser. The basic idea there is to have the precedences (and
-// associativities) encoded relative to each other and only parse up until you
-// hit something of that precedence. There's a dispatch table in expressions_
-// at the top of that describes how each token dispatches if it's
-// seen as either a prefix or infix operator, and if it's infix, what its
-// precedence is.
-// Refs:
-// -
-// -
-// Indexed by Token::Type.
-ParserHelper Parser::expressions_[] = {
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // INVALID
- {&Parser::Literal, nullptr, -1}, // INTEGER
- {&Parser::Literal, nullptr, -1}, // STRING
- {&Parser::Literal, nullptr, -1}, // TRUE_TOKEN
- {&Parser::Literal, nullptr, -1}, // FALSE_TOKEN
- {nullptr, &Parser::Assignment, PRECEDENCE_ASSIGNMENT}, // EQUAL
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_SUM}, // PLUS
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_SUM}, // MINUS
- {nullptr, &Parser::Assignment, PRECEDENCE_ASSIGNMENT}, // PLUS_EQUALS
- {nullptr, &Parser::Assignment, PRECEDENCE_ASSIGNMENT}, // MINUS_EQUALS
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_EQUALITY}, // EQUAL_EQUAL
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_EQUALITY}, // NOT_EQUAL
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_RELATION}, // LESS_EQUAL
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_RELATION}, // GREATER_EQUAL
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_RELATION}, // LESS_THAN
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_RELATION}, // GREATER_THAN
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_AND}, // BOOLEAN_AND
- {nullptr, &Parser::BinaryOperator, PRECEDENCE_OR}, // BOOLEAN_OR
- {&Parser::Not, nullptr, -1}, // BANG
- {nullptr, &Parser::DotOperator, PRECEDENCE_DOT}, // DOT
- {&Parser::Group, nullptr, -1}, // LEFT_PAREN
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // RIGHT_PAREN
- {&Parser::List, &Parser::Subscript, PRECEDENCE_CALL}, // LEFT_BRACKET
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // RIGHT_BRACKET
- {&Parser::Block, nullptr, -1}, // LEFT_BRACE
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // RIGHT_BRACE
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // IF
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // ELSE
- {&Parser::Name, &Parser::IdentifierOrCall, PRECEDENCE_CALL}, // IDENTIFIER
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // COMMA
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // UNCLASSIFIED_COMMENT
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // LINE_COMMENT
- {nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // SUFFIX_COMMENT
- {&Parser::BlockComment, nullptr, -1}, // BLOCK_COMMENT
-Parser::Parser(const std::vector<Token>& tokens, Err* err)
- : invalid_token_(Location(), Token::INVALID, base::StringPiece()),
- err_(err),
- cur_(0) {
- for (const auto& token : tokens) {
- switch (token.type()) {
- case Token::LINE_COMMENT:
- line_comment_tokens_.push_back(token);
- break;
- case Token::SUFFIX_COMMENT:
- suffix_comment_tokens_.push_back(token);
- break;
- default:
- // Note that BLOCK_COMMENTs (top-level standalone comments) are passed
- // through the real parser.
- tokens_.push_back(token);
- break;
- }
- }
-Parser::~Parser() = default;
-// static
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::Parse(const std::vector<Token>& tokens,
- Err* err) {
- Parser p(tokens, err);
- return p.ParseFile();
-// static
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::ParseExpression(
- const std::vector<Token>& tokens,
- Err* err) {
- Parser p(tokens, err);
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> expr = p.ParseExpression();
- if (!p.at_end() && !err->has_error()) {
- *err = Err(p.cur_token(), "Trailing garbage");
- return nullptr;
- }
- return expr;
-// static
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::ParseValue(const std::vector<Token>& tokens,
- Err* err) {
- for (const Token& token : tokens) {
- switch (token.type()) {
- case Token::INTEGER:
- case Token::STRING:
- case Token::TRUE_TOKEN:
- case Token::FALSE_TOKEN:
- case Token::LEFT_BRACKET:
- case Token::RIGHT_BRACKET:
- case Token::COMMA:
- continue;
- default:
- *err = Err(token, "Invalid token in literal value");
- return nullptr;
- }
- }
- return ParseExpression(tokens, err);
-bool Parser::IsAssignment(const ParseNode* node) const {
- return node && node->AsBinaryOp() &&
- (node->AsBinaryOp()->op().type() == Token::EQUAL ||
- node->AsBinaryOp()->op().type() == Token::PLUS_EQUALS ||
- node->AsBinaryOp()->op().type() == Token::MINUS_EQUALS);
-bool Parser::IsStatementBreak(Token::Type token_type) const {
- switch (token_type) {
- case Token::IDENTIFIER:
- case Token::LEFT_BRACE:
- case Token::RIGHT_BRACE:
- case Token::IF:
- case Token::ELSE:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
-bool Parser::LookAhead(Token::Type type) {
- if (at_end())
- return false;
- return cur_token().type() == type;
-bool Parser::Match(Token::Type type) {
- if (!LookAhead(type))
- return false;
- Consume();
- return true;
-const Token& Parser::Consume(Token::Type type, const char* error_message) {
- Token::Type types[1] = { type };
- return Consume(types, 1, error_message);
-const Token& Parser::Consume(Token::Type* types,
- size_t num_types,
- const char* error_message) {
- if (has_error()) {
- // Don't overwrite current error, but make progress through tokens so that
- // a loop that's expecting a particular token will still terminate.
- if (!at_end())
- cur_++;
- return invalid_token_;
- }
- if (at_end()) {
- const char kEOFMsg[] = "I hit EOF instead.";
- if (tokens_.empty())
- *err_ = Err(Location(), error_message, kEOFMsg);
- else
- *err_ = Err(tokens_[tokens_.size() - 1], error_message, kEOFMsg);
- return invalid_token_;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_types; ++i) {
- if (cur_token().type() == types[i])
- return Consume();
- }
- *err_ = Err(cur_token(), error_message);
- return invalid_token_;
-const Token& Parser::Consume() {
- return tokens_[cur_++];
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::ParseExpression() {
- return ParseExpression(0);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::ParseExpression(int precedence) {
- if (at_end())
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- const Token& token = Consume();
- PrefixFunc prefix = expressions_[token.type()].prefix;
- if (prefix == nullptr) {
- *err_ = Err(token,
- std::string("Unexpected token '") + token.value().as_string() +
- std::string("'"));
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> left = (this->*prefix)(token);
- if (has_error())
- return left;
- while (!at_end() && !IsStatementBreak(cur_token().type()) &&
- precedence <= expressions_[cur_token().type()].precedence) {
- const Token& next_token = Consume();
- InfixFunc infix = expressions_[next_token.type()].infix;
- if (infix == nullptr) {
- *err_ = Err(next_token, std::string("Unexpected token '") +
- next_token.value().as_string() +
- std::string("'"));
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- left = (this->*infix)(std::move(left), next_token);
- if (has_error())
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- return left;
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::Block(const Token& token) {
- // This entrypoint into ParseBlock means it's part of an expression and we
- // always want the result.
- return ParseBlock(token, BlockNode::RETURNS_SCOPE);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::Literal(const Token& token) {
- return std::make_unique<LiteralNode>(token);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::Name(const Token& token) {
- return IdentifierOrCall(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(), token);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::BlockComment(const Token& token) {
- std::unique_ptr<BlockCommentNode> comment =
- std::make_unique<BlockCommentNode>();
- comment->set_comment(token);
- return std::move(comment);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::Group(const Token& token) {
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> expr = ParseExpression();
- if (has_error())
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- Consume(Token::RIGHT_PAREN, "Expected ')'");
- return expr;
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::Not(const Token& token) {
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> expr = ParseExpression(PRECEDENCE_PREFIX + 1);
- if (has_error())
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- if (!expr) {
- if (!has_error())
- *err_ = Err(token, "Expected right-hand side for '!'.");
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<UnaryOpNode> unary_op = std::make_unique<UnaryOpNode>();
- unary_op->set_op(token);
- unary_op->set_operand(std::move(expr));
- return std::move(unary_op);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::List(const Token& node) {
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> list(ParseList(node, Token::RIGHT_BRACKET, true));
- if (!has_error() && !at_end())
- Consume(Token::RIGHT_BRACKET, "Expected ']'");
- return list;
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::BinaryOperator(
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> left,
- const Token& token) {
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> right =
- ParseExpression(expressions_[token.type()].precedence + 1);
- if (!right) {
- if (!has_error()) {
- *err_ = Err(token, "Expected right-hand side for '" +
- token.value().as_string() + "'");
- }
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<BinaryOpNode> binary_op = std::make_unique<BinaryOpNode>();
- binary_op->set_op(token);
- binary_op->set_left(std::move(left));
- binary_op->set_right(std::move(right));
- return std::move(binary_op);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::IdentifierOrCall(
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> left,
- const Token& token) {
- std::unique_ptr<ListNode> list = std::make_unique<ListNode>();
- list->set_begin_token(token);
- list->set_end(std::make_unique<EndNode>(token));
- std::unique_ptr<BlockNode> block;
- bool has_arg = false;
- if (LookAhead(Token::LEFT_PAREN)) {
- const Token& start_token = Consume();
- // Parsing a function call.
- has_arg = true;
- if (Match(Token::RIGHT_PAREN)) {
- // Nothing, just an empty call.
- } else {
- list = ParseList(start_token, Token::RIGHT_PAREN, false);
- if (has_error())
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- Consume(Token::RIGHT_PAREN, "Expected ')' after call");
- }
- // Optionally with a scope.
- if (LookAhead(Token::LEFT_BRACE)) {
- block = ParseBlock(Consume(), BlockNode::DISCARDS_RESULT);
- if (has_error())
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- }
- if (!left && !has_arg) {
- // Not a function call, just a standalone identifier.
- return std::make_unique<IdentifierNode>(token);
- }
- std::unique_ptr<FunctionCallNode> func_call =
- std::make_unique<FunctionCallNode>();
- func_call->set_function(token);
- func_call->set_args(std::move(list));
- if (block)
- func_call->set_block(std::move(block));
- return std::move(func_call);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::Assignment(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> left,
- const Token& token) {
- if (left->AsIdentifier() == nullptr && left->AsAccessor() == nullptr) {
- *err_ = Err(left.get(),
- "The left-hand side of an assignment must be an identifier, "
- "scope access, or array access.");
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> value = ParseExpression(PRECEDENCE_ASSIGNMENT);
- if (!value) {
- if (!has_error())
- *err_ = Err(token, "Expected right-hand side for assignment.");
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<BinaryOpNode> assign = std::make_unique<BinaryOpNode>();
- assign->set_op(token);
- assign->set_left(std::move(left));
- assign->set_right(std::move(value));
- return std::move(assign);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::Subscript(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> left,
- const Token& token) {
- // TODO: Maybe support more complex expressions like a[0][0]. This would
- // require work on the evaluator too.
- if (left->AsIdentifier() == nullptr) {
- *err_ = Err(left.get(), "May only subscript identifiers.",
- "The thing on the left hand side of the [] must be an identifier\n"
- "and not an expression. If you need this, you'll have to assign the\n"
- "value to a temporary before subscripting. Sorry.");
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> value = ParseExpression();
- Consume(Token::RIGHT_BRACKET, "Expecting ']' after subscript.");
- std::unique_ptr<AccessorNode> accessor = std::make_unique<AccessorNode>();
- accessor->set_base(left->AsIdentifier()->value());
- accessor->set_index(std::move(value));
- return std::move(accessor);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::DotOperator(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> left,
- const Token& token) {
- if (left->AsIdentifier() == nullptr) {
- *err_ = Err(left.get(), "May only use \".\" for identifiers.",
- "The thing on the left hand side of the dot must be an identifier\n"
- "and not an expression. If you need this, you'll have to assign the\n"
- "value to a temporary first. Sorry.");
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> right = ParseExpression(PRECEDENCE_DOT);
- if (!right || !right->AsIdentifier()) {
- *err_ = Err(token, "Expected identifier for right-hand-side of \".\"",
- "Good: a.cookies\nBad: a.42\nLooks good but still bad: a.cookies()");
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<AccessorNode> accessor = std::make_unique<AccessorNode>();
- accessor->set_base(left->AsIdentifier()->value());
- accessor->set_member(std::unique_ptr<IdentifierNode>(
- static_cast<IdentifierNode*>(right.release())));
- return std::move(accessor);
-// Does not Consume the start or end token.
-std::unique_ptr<ListNode> Parser::ParseList(const Token& start_token,
- Token::Type stop_before,
- bool allow_trailing_comma) {
- std::unique_ptr<ListNode> list = std::make_unique<ListNode>();
- list->set_begin_token(start_token);
- bool just_got_comma = false;
- bool first_time = true;
- while (!LookAhead(stop_before)) {
- if (!first_time) {
- if (!just_got_comma) {
- // Require commas separate things in lists.
- *err_ = Err(cur_token(), "Expected comma between items.");
- return std::unique_ptr<ListNode>();
- }
- }
- first_time = false;
- // Why _OR? We're parsing things that are higher precedence than the ,
- // that separates the items of the list. , should appear lower than
- // boolean expressions (the lowest of which is OR), but above assignments.
- list->append_item(ParseExpression(PRECEDENCE_OR));
- if (has_error())
- return std::unique_ptr<ListNode>();
- if (at_end()) {
- *err_ =
- Err(tokens_[tokens_.size() - 1], "Unexpected end of file in list.");
- return std::unique_ptr<ListNode>();
- }
- if (list->contents().back()->AsBlockComment()) {
- // If there was a comment inside the list, we don't need a comma to the
- // next item, so pretend we got one, if we're expecting one.
- just_got_comma = allow_trailing_comma;
- } else {
- just_got_comma = Match(Token::COMMA);
- }
- }
- if (just_got_comma && !allow_trailing_comma) {
- *err_ = Err(cur_token(), "Trailing comma");
- return std::unique_ptr<ListNode>();
- }
- list->set_end(std::make_unique<EndNode>(cur_token()));
- return list;
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::ParseFile() {
- std::unique_ptr<BlockNode> file =
- std::make_unique<BlockNode>(BlockNode::DISCARDS_RESULT);
- for (;;) {
- if (at_end())
- break;
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> statement = ParseStatement();
- if (!statement)
- break;
- file->append_statement(std::move(statement));
- }
- if (!at_end() && !has_error())
- *err_ = Err(cur_token(), "Unexpected here, should be newline.");
- if (has_error())
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- // TODO(scottmg): If this is measurably expensive, it could be done only
- // when necessary (when reformatting, or during tests). Comments are
- // separate from the parse tree at this point, so downstream code can remain
- // ignorant of them.
- AssignComments(file.get());
- return std::move(file);
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::ParseStatement() {
- if (LookAhead(Token::IF)) {
- return ParseCondition();
- } else if (LookAhead(Token::BLOCK_COMMENT)) {
- return BlockComment(Consume());
- } else {
- // TODO(scottmg): Is this too strict? Just drop all the testing if we want
- // to allow "pointless" expressions and return ParseExpression() directly.
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> stmt = ParseExpression();
- if (stmt) {
- if (stmt->AsFunctionCall() || IsAssignment(stmt.get()))
- return stmt;
- }
- if (!has_error()) {
- const Token& token = cur_or_last_token();
- *err_ = Err(token, "Expecting assignment or function call.");
- }
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
-std::unique_ptr<BlockNode> Parser::ParseBlock(
- const Token& begin_brace,
- BlockNode::ResultMode result_mode) {
- if (has_error())
- return std::unique_ptr<BlockNode>();
- std::unique_ptr<BlockNode> block = std::make_unique<BlockNode>(result_mode);
- block->set_begin_token(begin_brace);
- for (;;) {
- if (LookAhead(Token::RIGHT_BRACE)) {
- block->set_end(std::make_unique<EndNode>(Consume()));
- break;
- }
- std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> statement = ParseStatement();
- if (!statement)
- return std::unique_ptr<BlockNode>();
- block->append_statement(std::move(statement));
- }
- return block;
-std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> Parser::ParseCondition() {
- std::unique_ptr<ConditionNode> condition = std::make_unique<ConditionNode>();
- condition->set_if_token(Consume(Token::IF, "Expected 'if'"));
- Consume(Token::LEFT_PAREN, "Expected '(' after 'if'.");
- condition->set_condition(ParseExpression());
- if (IsAssignment(condition->condition()))
- *err_ = Err(condition->condition(), "Assignment not allowed in 'if'.");
- Consume(Token::RIGHT_PAREN, "Expected ')' after condition of 'if'.");
- condition->set_if_true(ParseBlock(
- Consume(Token::LEFT_BRACE, "Expected '{' to start 'if' block."),
- if (Match(Token::ELSE)) {
- if (LookAhead(Token::LEFT_BRACE)) {
- condition->set_if_false(ParseBlock(Consume(),
- } else if (LookAhead(Token::IF)) {
- condition->set_if_false(ParseStatement());
- } else {
- *err_ = Err(cur_or_last_token(), "Expected '{' or 'if' after 'else'.");
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- }
- }
- if (has_error())
- return std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>();
- return std::move(condition);
-void Parser::TraverseOrder(const ParseNode* root,
- std::vector<const ParseNode*>* pre,
- std::vector<const ParseNode*>* post) {
- if (root) {
- pre->push_back(root);
- if (const AccessorNode* accessor = root->AsAccessor()) {
- TraverseOrder(accessor->index(), pre, post);
- TraverseOrder(accessor->member(), pre, post);
- } else if (const BinaryOpNode* binop = root->AsBinaryOp()) {
- TraverseOrder(binop->left(), pre, post);
- TraverseOrder(binop->right(), pre, post);
- } else if (const BlockNode* block = root->AsBlock()) {
- for (const auto& statement : block->statements())
- TraverseOrder(statement.get(), pre, post);
- TraverseOrder(block->End(), pre, post);
- } else if (const ConditionNode* condition = root->AsConditionNode()) {
- TraverseOrder(condition->condition(), pre, post);
- TraverseOrder(condition->if_true(), pre, post);
- TraverseOrder(condition->if_false(), pre, post);
- } else if (const FunctionCallNode* func_call = root->AsFunctionCall()) {
- TraverseOrder(func_call->args(), pre, post);
- TraverseOrder(func_call->block(), pre, post);
- } else if (root->AsIdentifier()) {
- // Nothing.
- } else if (const ListNode* list = root->AsList()) {
- for (const auto& node : list->contents())
- TraverseOrder(node.get(), pre, post);
- TraverseOrder(list->End(), pre, post);
- } else if (root->AsLiteral()) {
- // Nothing.
- } else if (const UnaryOpNode* unaryop = root->AsUnaryOp()) {
- TraverseOrder(unaryop->operand(), pre, post);
- } else if (root->AsBlockComment()) {
- // Nothing.
- } else if (root->AsEnd()) {
- // Nothing.
- } else {
- CHECK(false) << "Unhandled case in TraverseOrder.";
- }
- post->push_back(root);
- }
-void Parser::AssignComments(ParseNode* file) {
- // Start by generating a pre- and post- order traversal of the tree so we
- // can determine what's before and after comments.
- std::vector<const ParseNode*> pre;
- std::vector<const ParseNode*> post;
- TraverseOrder(file, &pre, &post);
- // Assign line comments to syntax immediately following.
- int cur_comment = 0;
- for (auto* node : pre) {
- if (node->GetRange().is_null()) {
- CHECK_EQ(node, file) << "Only expected on top file node";
- continue;
- }
- const Location start = node->GetRange().begin();
- while (cur_comment < static_cast<int>(line_comment_tokens_.size())) {
- if (start.byte() >= line_comment_tokens_[cur_comment].location().byte()) {
- const_cast<ParseNode*>(node)->comments_mutable()->append_before(
- line_comment_tokens_[cur_comment]);
- ++cur_comment;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Remaining line comments go at end of file.
- for (; cur_comment < static_cast<int>(line_comment_tokens_.size());
- ++cur_comment)
- file->comments_mutable()->append_after(line_comment_tokens_[cur_comment]);
- // Assign suffix to syntax immediately before.
- cur_comment = static_cast<int>(suffix_comment_tokens_.size() - 1);
- for (std::vector<const ParseNode*>::const_reverse_iterator i = post.rbegin();
- i != post.rend();
- ++i) {
- // Don't assign suffix comments to the function, list, or block, but instead
- // to the last thing inside.
- if ((*i)->AsFunctionCall() || (*i)->AsList() || (*i)->AsBlock())
- continue;
- Location start = (*i)->GetRange().begin();
- Location end = (*i)->GetRange().end();
- // Don't assign suffix comments to something that starts on an earlier
- // line, so that in:
- //
- // sources = [ "a",
- // "b" ] # comment
- //
- // it's attached to "b", not sources = [ ... ].
- if (start.line_number() != end.line_number())
- continue;
- while (cur_comment >= 0) {
- if (end.byte() <= suffix_comment_tokens_[cur_comment].location().byte()) {
- const_cast<ParseNode*>(*i)->comments_mutable()->append_suffix(
- suffix_comment_tokens_[cur_comment]);
- --cur_comment;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Suffix comments were assigned in reverse, so if there were multiple on
- // the same node, they need to be reversed.
- if ((*i)->comments() && !(*i)->comments()->suffix().empty())
- const_cast<ParseNode*>(*i)->comments_mutable()->ReverseSuffix();
- }