path: root/chromium/third_party/sqlite/sqlite-src-3240000/ext/icu/README.txt
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diff --git a/chromium/third_party/sqlite/sqlite-src-3240000/ext/icu/README.txt b/chromium/third_party/sqlite/sqlite-src-3240000/ext/icu/README.txt
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-This directory contains source code for the SQLite "ICU" extension, an
-integration of the "International Components for Unicode" library with
-SQLite. Documentation follows.
- 1. Features
- 1.1 SQL Scalars upper() and lower()
- 1.2 Unicode Aware LIKE Operator
- 1.3 ICU Collation Sequences
- 1.4 SQL REGEXP Operator
- 2. Compilation and Usage
- 3. Bugs, Problems and Security Issues
- 3.1 The "case_sensitive_like" Pragma
- 3.3 Collation Sequence Security Issue
- 1.1 SQL Scalars upper() and lower()
- SQLite's built-in implementations of these two functions only
- provide case mapping for the 26 letters used in the English
- language. The ICU based functions provided by this extension
- provide case mapping, where defined, for the full range of
- unicode characters.
- ICU provides two types of case mapping, "general" case mapping and
- "language specific". Refer to ICU documentation for the differences
- between the two. Specifically:
- To utilise "general" case mapping, the upper() or lower() scalar
- functions are invoked with one argument:
- upper('abc') -> 'ABC'
- lower('ABC') -> 'abc'
- To access ICU "language specific" case mapping, upper() or lower()
- should be invoked with two arguments. The second argument is the name
- of the locale to use. Passing an empty string ("") or SQL NULL value
- as the second argument is the same as invoking the 1 argument version
- of upper() or lower():
- lower('I', 'en_us') -> 'i'
- lower('I', 'tr_tr') -> 'ı' (small dotless i)
- 1.2 Unicode Aware LIKE Operator
- Similarly to the upper() and lower() functions, the built-in SQLite LIKE
- operator understands case equivalence for the 26 letters of the English
- language alphabet. The implementation of LIKE included in this
- extension uses the ICU function u_foldCase() to provide case
- independent comparisons for the full range of unicode characters.
- The U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT flag is passed to u_foldCase(), meaning the
- dotless 'I' character used in the Turkish language is considered
- to be in the same equivalence class as the dotted 'I' character
- used by many languages (including English).
- 1.3 ICU Collation Sequences
- A special SQL scalar function, icu_load_collation() is provided that
- may be used to register ICU collation sequences with SQLite. It
- is always called with exactly two arguments, the ICU locale
- identifying the collation sequence to ICU, and the name of the
- SQLite collation sequence to create. For example, to create an
- SQLite collation sequence named "turkish" using Turkish language
- sorting rules, the SQL statement:
- SELECT icu_load_collation('tr_TR', 'turkish');
- Or, for Australian English:
- SELECT icu_load_collation('en_AU', 'australian');
- The identifiers "turkish" and "australian" may then be used
- as collation sequence identifiers in SQL statements:
- CREATE TABLE aust_turkish_penpals(
- australian_penpal_name TEXT COLLATE australian,
- turkish_penpal_name TEXT COLLATE turkish
- );
- 1.4 SQL REGEXP Operator
- This extension provides an implementation of the SQL binary
- comparision operator "REGEXP", based on the regular expression functions
- provided by the ICU library. The syntax of the operator is as described
- in SQLite documentation:
- <string> REGEXP <re-pattern>
- This extension uses the ICU defaults for regular expression matching
- behavior. Specifically, this means that:
- * Matching is case-sensitive,
- * Regular expression comments are not allowed within patterns, and
- * The '^' and '$' characters match the beginning and end of the
- <string> argument, not the beginning and end of lines within
- the <string> argument.
- Even more specifically, the value passed to the "flags" parameter
- of ICU C function uregex_open() is 0.
- The easiest way to compile and use the ICU extension is to build
- and use it as a dynamically loadable SQLite extension. To do this
- using gcc on *nix:
- gcc -shared icu.c `icu-config --ldflags` -o
- You may need to add "-I" flags so that gcc can find sqlite3ext.h
- and sqlite3.h. The resulting shared lib,, may be
- loaded into sqlite in the same way as any other dynamically loadable
- extension.
- 3.1 The "case_sensitive_like" Pragma
- This extension does not work well with the "case_sensitive_like"
- pragma. If this pragma is used before the ICU extension is loaded,
- then the pragma has no effect. If the pragma is used after the ICU
- extension is loaded, then SQLite ignores the ICU implementation and
- always uses the built-in LIKE operator.
- The ICU extension LIKE operator is always case insensitive.
- Passing very long patterns to the built-in SQLite LIKE operator can
- cause excessive CPU usage. To curb this problem, SQLite defines the
- SQLITE_MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH macro as the maximum length of a
- pattern in bytes (irrespective of encoding). The default value is
- defined in internal header file "limits.h".
- The ICU extension LIKE implementation suffers from the same
- problem and uses the same solution. However, since the ICU extension
- code does not include the SQLite file "limits.h", modifying
- the default value therein does not affect the ICU extension.
- The default value of SQLITE_MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH used by
- the ICU extension LIKE operator is 50000, defined in source
- file "icu.c".
- 3.3 Collation Sequence Security Issue
- Internally, SQLite assumes that indices stored in database files
- are sorted according to the collation sequence indicated by the
- SQL schema. Changing the definition of a collation sequence after
- an index has been built is therefore equivalent to database
- corruption. The SQLite library is not very well tested under
- these conditions, and may contain potential buffer overruns
- or other programming errors that could be exploited by a malicious
- programmer.
- If the ICU extension is used in an environment where potentially
- malicious users may execute arbitrary SQL (i.e. gears), they
- should be prevented from invoking the icu_load_collation() function,
- possibly using the authorisation callback.