path: root/chromium/third_party/nearby/src/cpp/core/internal/mediums/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/nearby/src/cpp/core/internal/mediums/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 744 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/nearby/src/cpp/core/internal/mediums/ b/chromium/third_party/nearby/src/cpp/core/internal/mediums/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1edcf63965a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/nearby/src/cpp/core/internal/mediums/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,744 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "core/internal/mediums/webrtc.h"
-#include <functional>
-#include <memory>
-#include "absl/functional/bind_front.h"
-#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
-#include "absl/time/time.h"
-#include "core/internal/mediums/webrtc/session_description_wrapper.h"
-#include "core/internal/mediums/webrtc/signaling_frames.h"
-#include "core/internal/mediums/webrtc_socket_wrapper.h"
-#include "platform/base/byte_array.h"
-#include "platform/base/listeners.h"
-#include "platform/public/cancelable_alarm.h"
-#include "platform/public/future.h"
-#include "platform/public/logging.h"
-#include "platform/public/mutex_lock.h"
-#include "proto/mediums/web_rtc_signaling_frames.pb.h"
-#include "webrtc/api/jsep.h"
-namespace location {
-namespace nearby {
-namespace connections {
-namespace mediums {
-namespace {
-// The maximum amount of time to wait to connect to a data channel via WebRTC.
-constexpr absl::Duration kDataChannelTimeout = absl::Seconds(10);
-// Delay between restarting signaling messenger to receive messages.
-constexpr absl::Duration kRestartReceiveMessagesDuration = absl::Seconds(60);
-} // namespace
-WebRtc::WebRtc() = default;
-WebRtc::~WebRtc() {
- // This ensures that all pending callbacks are run before we reset the medium
- // and we are not accepting new runnables.
- single_thread_executor_.Shutdown();
- // Stop accepting all connections
- absl::flat_hash_set<std::string> service_ids;
- for (auto& item : accepting_connections_info_) {
- service_ids.emplace(item.first);
- }
- for (const auto& service_id : service_ids) {
- StopAcceptingConnections(service_id);
- }
-const std::string WebRtc::GetDefaultCountryCode() {
- return medium_.GetDefaultCountryCode();
-bool WebRtc::IsAvailable() { return medium_.IsValid(); }
-bool WebRtc::IsAcceptingConnections(const std::string& service_id) {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- return IsAcceptingConnectionsLocked(service_id);
-bool WebRtc::IsAcceptingConnectionsLocked(const std::string& service_id) {
- return accepting_connections_info_.contains(service_id);
-bool WebRtc::StartAcceptingConnections(const std::string& service_id,
- const WebrtcPeerId& self_peer_id,
- const LocationHint& location_hint,
- AcceptedConnectionCallback callback) {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- if (!IsAvailable()) {
- "Cannot start accepting WebRTC connections because WebRTC is "
- "not available.");
- return false;
- }
- if (IsAcceptingConnectionsLocked(service_id)) {
- "Cannot start accepting WebRTC connections because service %s "
- "is already accepting WebRTC connections.",
- service_id.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- // We'll track our state here, so that we're separated from the other services
- // who may be also using WebRTC.
- AcceptingConnectionsInfo info = AcceptingConnectionsInfo();
- info.self_peer_id = self_peer_id;
- info.accepted_connection_callback = callback;
- // Create a new SignalingMessenger so that we can communicate w/ Tachyon.
- info.signaling_messenger =
- medium_.GetSignalingMessenger(self_peer_id.GetId(), location_hint);
- if (!info.signaling_messenger->IsValid()) {
- return false;
- }
- // This registers ourselves w/ Tachyon, creating a room from the PeerId.
- // This allows a remote device to message us over Tachyon.
- if (!info.signaling_messenger->StartReceivingMessages(
- absl::bind_front(&WebRtc::OnSignalingMessage, this, service_id),
- absl::bind_front(&WebRtc::OnSignalingComplete, this, service_id))) {
- info.signaling_messenger.reset();
- return false;
- }
- // We'll automatically disconnect from Tachyon after 60sec. When this alarm
- // fires, we'll recreate our room so we continue to receive messages.
- info.restart_tachyon_receive_messages_alarm = CancelableAlarm(
- "restart_receiving_messages_webrtc",
- std::bind(&WebRtc::ProcessRestartTachyonReceiveMessages, this,
- service_id),
- kRestartReceiveMessagesDuration, &single_thread_executor_);
- // Now that we're set up to receive messages, we'll save our state and return
- // a successful result.
- accepting_connections_info_.emplace(service_id, std::move(info));
- "Started listening for WebRTC connections as %s on service %s",
- self_peer_id.GetId().c_str(), service_id.c_str());
- return true;
-void WebRtc::StopAcceptingConnections(const std::string& service_id) {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- if (!IsAcceptingConnectionsLocked(service_id)) {
- "Cannot stop accepting WebRTC connections because service %s "
- "is not accepting WebRTC connections.",
- service_id.c_str());
- return;
- }
- // Grab our info from the map.
- auto& info = accepting_connections_info_.find(service_id)->second;
- // Stop receiving messages from Tachyon.
- info.signaling_messenger->StopReceivingMessages();
- info.signaling_messenger.reset();
- // Cancel the scheduled alarm.
- if (info.restart_tachyon_receive_messages_alarm.IsValid()) {
- info.restart_tachyon_receive_messages_alarm.Cancel();
- info.restart_tachyon_receive_messages_alarm = CancelableAlarm();
- }
- // If we had any in-progress connections that haven't materialized into full
- // DataChannels yet, it's time to shut them down since they can't reach us
- // anymore.
- absl::flat_hash_set<std::string> peer_ids;
- for (auto& item : connection_flows_) {
- peer_ids.emplace(item.first);
- }
- for (const auto& peer_id : peer_ids) {
- const auto& entry = connection_flows_.find(peer_id);
- // Skip outgoing connections in this step. Start/StopAcceptingConnections
- // only deals with incoming connections.
- if (requesting_connections_info_.contains(peer_id)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Skip fully connected connections in this step. If the connection was
- // formed while we were accepting connections, then it will stay alive until
- // it's explicitly closed.
- if (!entry->second->CloseIfNotConnected()) {
- continue;
- }
- connection_flows_.erase(peer_id);
- }
- // Clean up our state. We're now no longer listening for connections.
- accepting_connections_info_.erase(service_id);
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Stopped listening for WebRTC connections for service %s",
- service_id.c_str());
-WebRtcSocketWrapper WebRtc::Connect(const std::string& service_id,
- const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id,
- const LocationHint& location_hint,
- CancellationFlag* cancellation_flag) {
- for (int attempts_count = 0; attempts_count < kConnectAttemptsLimit;
- attempts_count++) {
- auto wrapper_result = AttemptToConnect(service_id, remote_peer_id,
- location_hint, cancellation_flag);
- if (wrapper_result.IsValid()) {
- return wrapper_result;
- }
- }
- return WebRtcSocketWrapper();
-WebRtcSocketWrapper WebRtc::AttemptToConnect(
- const std::string& service_id, const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id,
- const LocationHint& location_hint, CancellationFlag* cancellation_flag) {
- ConnectionRequestInfo info = ConnectionRequestInfo();
- info.self_peer_id = WebrtcPeerId::FromRandom();
- Future<WebRtcSocketWrapper> socket_future = info.socket_future;
- {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- if (!IsAvailable()) {
- "Cannot connect to WebRTC peer %s because WebRTC is not available.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- return WebRtcSocketWrapper();
- }
- if (cancellation_flag->Cancelled()) {
- NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Cannot connect with WebRtc due to cancel.";
- return WebRtcSocketWrapper();
- }
- // Create a new ConnectionFlow for this connection attempt.
- std::unique_ptr<ConnectionFlow> connection_flow =
- CreateConnectionFlow(service_id, remote_peer_id);
- if (!connection_flow) {
- "Cannot connect to WebRTC peer %s because we failed to create a "
- "ConnectionFlow.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- return WebRtcSocketWrapper();
- }
- // Create a new SignalingMessenger so that we can communicate over Tachyon.
- info.signaling_messenger =
- medium_.GetSignalingMessenger(info.self_peer_id.GetId(), location_hint);
- if (!info.signaling_messenger->IsValid()) {
- "Cannot connect to WebRTC peer %s because we failed to create a "
- "SignalingMessenger.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- return WebRtcSocketWrapper();
- }
- // This registers ourselves w/ Tachyon, creating a room from the PeerId.
- // This allows a remote device to message us over Tachyon.
- auto signaling_complete_callback = [socket_future](bool success) mutable {
- if (!success) {
- socket_future.SetException({Exception::kFailed});
- }
- };
- if (!info.signaling_messenger->StartReceivingMessages(
- absl::bind_front(&WebRtc::OnSignalingMessage, this, service_id),
- signaling_complete_callback)) {
- "Cannot connect to WebRTC peer %s because we failed to start "
- "receiving messages over Tachyon.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- info.signaling_messenger.reset();
- return WebRtcSocketWrapper();
- }
- // Poke the remote device. This will cause them to send us an Offer.
- if (!info.signaling_messenger->SendMessage(
- remote_peer_id.GetId(),
- webrtc_frames::EncodeReadyForSignalingPoke(info.self_peer_id))) {
- "Cannot connect to WebRTC peer %s because we failed to poke "
- "the peer over Tachyon.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- info.signaling_messenger.reset();
- return WebRtcSocketWrapper();
- }
- // Create a new ConnectionRequest entry. This map will be used later to look
- // up state as we negotiate the connection over Tachyon.
- requesting_connections_info_.emplace(remote_peer_id.GetId(),
- std::move(info));
- connection_flows_.emplace(remote_peer_id.GetId(),
- std::move(connection_flow));
- }
- // Wait for the connection to go through. Don't hold the mutex here so that
- // we're not blocking necessary operations.
- ExceptionOr<WebRtcSocketWrapper> socket_result =
- socket_future.Get(kDataChannelTimeout);
- {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- // Reclaim our info, since we had released ownership while talking to
- // Tachyon.
- auto& info =
- requesting_connections_info_.find(remote_peer_id.GetId())->second;
- // Verify that the connection went through.
- if (!socket_result.ok()) {
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Failed to connect to WebRTC peer %s.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- info.signaling_messenger.reset();
- requesting_connections_info_.erase(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- return WebRtcSocketWrapper();
- }
- // Clean up our ConnectionRequest.
- info.signaling_messenger.reset();
- requesting_connections_info_.erase(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- // Return the result.
- return socket_result.GetResult();
- }
-void WebRtc::ProcessLocalIceCandidate(
- const std::string& service_id, const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id,
- const ::location::nearby::mediums::IceCandidate ice_candidate) {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- // Check first if we have an outgoing request w/ this peer. As this request is
- // tied to a specific peer, it takes precedence.
- const auto& connection_request_entry =
- requesting_connections_info_.find(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- if (connection_request_entry != requesting_connections_info_.end()) {
- // Pass the ice candidate to the remote side.
- if (!connection_request_entry->second.signaling_messenger->SendMessage(
- remote_peer_id.GetId(),
- webrtc_frames::EncodeIceCandidates(
- connection_request_entry->second.self_peer_id,
- {ice_candidate}))) {
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Failed to send ice candidate to %s.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- }
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Sent ice candidate to %s.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- return;
- }
- // Check next if we're expecting incoming connection requests.
- const auto& accepting_connection_entry =
- accepting_connections_info_.find(service_id);
- if (accepting_connection_entry != accepting_connections_info_.end()) {
- // Pass the ice candidate to the remote side.
- // TODO(xlythe) Consider not blocking here, since this can eat into the
- // connection time
- if (!accepting_connection_entry->second.signaling_messenger->SendMessage(
- remote_peer_id.GetId(),
- webrtc_frames::EncodeIceCandidates(
- accepting_connection_entry->second.self_peer_id,
- {ice_candidate}))) {
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Failed to send ice candidate to %s.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- }
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Sent ice candidate to %s.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- return;
- }
- "Skipping restart listening for tachyon inbox messages since we "
- "are not accepting connections for service %s.",
- service_id.c_str());
-void WebRtc::OnSignalingMessage(const std::string& service_id,
- const ByteArray& message) {
- OffloadFromThread("rtc-on-signaling-message", [this, service_id, message]() {
- ProcessTachyonInboxMessage(service_id, message);
- });
-void WebRtc::OnSignalingComplete(const std::string& service_id, bool success) {
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Signaling completed with status: %d.", success);
- if (success) {
- return;
- }
- OffloadFromThread("rtc-on-signaling-complete", [this, service_id]() {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- const auto& info_entry = accepting_connections_info_.find(service_id);
- if (info_entry == accepting_connections_info_.end()) {
- return;
- }
- if (info_entry->second.restart_accept_connections_count <
- kRestartAcceptConnectionsLimit) {
- ++info_entry->second.restart_accept_connections_count;
- } else {
- return;
- }
- RestartTachyonReceiveMessages(service_id);
- });
-void WebRtc::ProcessTachyonInboxMessage(const std::string& service_id,
- const ByteArray& message) {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- // Attempt to parse the incoming message as a WebRtcSignalingFrame.
- location::nearby::mediums::WebRtcSignalingFrame frame;
- if (!frame.ParseFromString(std::string(message))) {
- NEARBY_LOG(WARNING, "Failed to parse signaling message.");
- return;
- }
- // Ensure that the frame is valid (no missing fields).
- if (!frame.has_sender_id()) {
- NEARBY_LOG(WARNING, "Invalid WebRTC frame: Sender ID is missing.");
- return;
- }
- WebrtcPeerId remote_peer_id = WebrtcPeerId(frame.sender_id().id());
- // Depending on the message type, we'll respond as appropriate.
- if (requesting_connections_info_.contains(remote_peer_id.GetId())) {
- // This is from a peer we have an outgoing connection request with, so we'll
- // only process the Answer path.
- if (frame.has_offer()) {
- ReceiveOffer(remote_peer_id,
- SessionDescriptionWrapper(
- webrtc_frames::DecodeOffer(frame).release()));
- SendAnswer(remote_peer_id);
- } else if (frame.has_ice_candidates()) {
- ReceiveIceCandidates(remote_peer_id,
- webrtc_frames::DecodeIceCandidates(frame));
- } else {
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Received unknown WebRTC frame: ignoring.");
- }
- } else if (IsAcceptingConnectionsLocked(service_id)) {
- // We don't have an outgoing connection request with this peer, but we are
- // accepting incoming requests so we'll only process the Offer path.
- if (frame.has_ready_for_signaling_poke()) {
- SendOffer(service_id, remote_peer_id);
- } else if (frame.has_answer()) {
- ReceiveAnswer(remote_peer_id,
- SessionDescriptionWrapper(
- webrtc_frames::DecodeAnswer(frame).release()));
- } else if (frame.has_ice_candidates()) {
- ReceiveIceCandidates(remote_peer_id,
- webrtc_frames::DecodeIceCandidates(frame));
- } else {
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Received unknown WebRTC frame: ignoring.");
- }
- } else {
- "Ignoring Tachyon message since we are not accepting connections.");
- }
-void WebRtc::SendOffer(const std::string& service_id,
- const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id) {
- std::unique_ptr<ConnectionFlow> connection_flow =
- CreateConnectionFlow(service_id, remote_peer_id);
- if (!connection_flow) {
- "Unable to send offer. Failed to create a ConnectionFlow.");
- return;
- }
- SessionDescriptionWrapper offer = connection_flow->CreateOffer();
- if (!offer.IsValid()) {
- "Unable to send offer. Failed to create our offer locally.");
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- return;
- }
- const webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface& sdp = offer.GetSdp();
- if (!connection_flow->SetLocalSessionDescription(offer)) {
- "Unable to send offer. Failed to register our offer locally.");
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- return;
- }
- // Grab our info from the map.
- auto& info = accepting_connections_info_.find(service_id)->second;
- // Pass the offer to the remote side.
- if (!info.signaling_messenger->SendMessage(
- remote_peer_id.GetId(),
- webrtc_frames::EncodeOffer(info.self_peer_id, sdp))) {
- "Unable to send offer. Failed to write the offer to the remote "
- "peer %s.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- return;
- }
- // Store the ConnectionFlow so that other methods can use it later.
- connection_flows_.emplace(remote_peer_id.GetId(), std::move(connection_flow));
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Sent offer to %s.", remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
-void WebRtc::ReceiveOffer(const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id,
- SessionDescriptionWrapper offer) {
- const auto& entry = connection_flows_.find(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- if (entry == connection_flows_.end()) {
- "Unable to receive offer. Failed to create a ConnectionFlow.");
- return;
- }
- if (!entry->second->OnOfferReceived(offer)) {
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Unable to receive offer. Failed to process the offer.");
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- }
-void WebRtc::SendAnswer(const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id) {
- const auto& entry = connection_flows_.find(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- if (entry == connection_flows_.end()) {
- "Unable to send answer. Failed to create a ConnectionFlow.");
- return;
- }
- SessionDescriptionWrapper answer = entry->second->CreateAnswer();
- if (!answer.IsValid()) {
- "Unable to send answer. Failed to create our answer locally.");
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- return;
- }
- const webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface& sdp = answer.GetSdp();
- if (!entry->second->SetLocalSessionDescription(answer)) {
- "Unable to send answer. Failed to register our answer locally.");
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- return;
- }
- // Grab our info from the map.
- const auto& connection_request_entry =
- requesting_connections_info_.find(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- if (connection_request_entry == requesting_connections_info_.end()) {
- "Unable to send answer. Failed to find an outgoing connection "
- "request.");
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- return;
- }
- // Pass the answer to the remote side.
- if (!connection_request_entry->second.signaling_messenger->SendMessage(
- remote_peer_id.GetId(),
- webrtc_frames::EncodeAnswer(
- connection_request_entry->second.self_peer_id, sdp))) {
- "Unable to send answer. Failed to write the answer to the remote "
- "peer %s.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- return;
- }
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Sent answer to %s.", remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
-void WebRtc::ReceiveAnswer(const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id,
- SessionDescriptionWrapper answer) {
- const auto& entry = connection_flows_.find(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- if (entry == connection_flows_.end()) {
- "Unable to receive answer. Failed to create a ConnectionFlow.");
- return;
- }
- if (!entry->second->OnAnswerReceived(answer)) {
- NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Unable to receive answer. Failed to process the answer.");
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- }
-void WebRtc::ReceiveIceCandidates(
- const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id,
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<webrtc::IceCandidateInterface>>
- ice_candidates) {
- const auto& entry = connection_flows_.find(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- if (entry == connection_flows_.end()) {
- "Unable to receive ice candidates. Failed to create a ConnectionFlow.");
- return;
- }
- entry->second->OnRemoteIceCandidatesReceived(std::move(ice_candidates));
-void WebRtc::ProcessRestartTachyonReceiveMessages(
- const std::string& service_id) {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- RestartTachyonReceiveMessages(service_id);
-void WebRtc::RestartTachyonReceiveMessages(const std::string& service_id) {
- if (!IsAcceptingConnectionsLocked(service_id)) {
- "Skipping restart listening for tachyon inbox messages since we "
- "are not accepting connections for service %s.",
- service_id.c_str());
- return;
- }
- // Grab our info from the map.
- auto& info = accepting_connections_info_.find(service_id)->second;
- // Ensure we've disconnected from Tachyon.
- info.signaling_messenger->StopReceivingMessages();
- // Attempt to re-register.
- if (!info.signaling_messenger->StartReceivingMessages(
- absl::bind_front(&WebRtc::OnSignalingMessage, this, service_id),
- absl::bind_front(&WebRtc::OnSignalingComplete, this, service_id))) {
- "Failed to restart listening for tachyon inbox messages for "
- "service %s since we failed to reach Tachyon.",
- service_id.c_str());
- return;
- }
- "Successfully restarted listening for tachyon inbox messages on "
- "service %s.",
- service_id.c_str());
-void WebRtc::ProcessDataChannelOpen(const std::string& service_id,
- const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id,
- WebRtcSocketWrapper socket_wrapper) {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- // Notify the client of the newly formed socket.
- const auto& connection_request_entry =
- requesting_connections_info_.find(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- if (connection_request_entry != requesting_connections_info_.end()) {
- connection_request_entry->second.socket_future.Set(socket_wrapper);
- return;
- }
- const auto& accepting_connection_entry =
- accepting_connections_info_.find(service_id);
- if (accepting_connection_entry != accepting_connections_info_.end()) {
- accepting_connection_entry->second.accepted_connection_callback.accepted_cb(
- socket_wrapper);
- return;
- }
- // No one to handle the newly created DataChannel, so we'll just close it.
- socket_wrapper.Close();
- "Ignoring new DataChannel because we "
- "are not accepting connections for service %s.",
- service_id.c_str());
-void WebRtc::ProcessDataChannelClosed(const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id) {
- MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
- "Data channel has closed, removing connection flow for peer %s.",
- remote_peer_id.GetId().c_str());
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
-std::unique_ptr<ConnectionFlow> WebRtc::CreateConnectionFlow(
- const std::string& service_id, const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id) {
- RemoveConnectionFlow(remote_peer_id);
- return ConnectionFlow::Create(
- {.local_ice_candidate_found_cb =
- {[this, service_id, remote_peer_id](
- const webrtc::IceCandidateInterface* ice_candidate) {
- // Note: We need to encode the ice candidate here, before we jump
- // off the thread. Otherwise, it gets destroyed and we can't read
- // it later.
- ::location::nearby::mediums::IceCandidate encoded_ice_candidate =
- webrtc_frames::EncodeIceCandidate(*ice_candidate);
- OffloadFromThread(
- "rtc-ice-candidates",
- [this, service_id, remote_peer_id, encoded_ice_candidate]() {
- ProcessLocalIceCandidate(service_id, remote_peer_id,
- encoded_ice_candidate);
- });
- }}},
- {
- .data_channel_open_cb = {[this, service_id, remote_peer_id](
- WebRtcSocketWrapper socket_wrapper) {
- OffloadFromThread(
- "rtc-channel-created",
- [this, service_id, remote_peer_id, socket_wrapper]() {
- ProcessDataChannelOpen(service_id, remote_peer_id,
- socket_wrapper);
- });
- }},
- .data_channel_closed_cb = {[this, remote_peer_id]() {
- OffloadFromThread("rtc-channel-closed", [this, remote_peer_id]() {
- ProcessDataChannelClosed(remote_peer_id);
- });
- }},
- },
- medium_);
-void WebRtc::RemoveConnectionFlow(const WebrtcPeerId& remote_peer_id) {
- if (!connection_flows_.erase(remote_peer_id.GetId())) {
- return;
- }
- // If we had an outgoing connection request w/ this peer, report the failure
- // to the future that's being waited on.
- const auto& connection_request_entry =
- requesting_connections_info_.find(remote_peer_id.GetId());
- if (connection_request_entry != requesting_connections_info_.end()) {
- connection_request_entry->second.socket_future.SetException(
- {Exception::kFailed});
- }
-void WebRtc::OffloadFromThread(const std::string& name, Runnable runnable) {
- single_thread_executor_.Execute(name, std::move(runnable));
-} // namespace mediums
-} // namespace connections
-} // namespace nearby
-} // namespace location