path: root/chromium/third_party/nearby/src/connections/implementation/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/nearby/src/connections/implementation/')
1 files changed, 773 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/nearby/src/connections/implementation/ b/chromium/third_party/nearby/src/connections/implementation/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..702504ca396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/nearby/src/connections/implementation/
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "connections/implementation/client_proxy.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <functional>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
+#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
+#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
+#include "internal/platform/error_code_recorder.h"
+#include "internal/platform/feature_flags.h"
+#include "internal/platform/prng.h"
+#include "internal/platform/logging.h"
+#include "internal/platform/mutex_lock.h"
+#include "proto/connections_enums.pb.h"
+namespace location {
+namespace nearby {
+namespace connections {
+// The definition is necessary before C++17.
+constexpr absl::Duration
+ ClientProxy::kHighPowerAdvertisementEndpointIdCacheTimeout;
+constexpr char kEndpointIdChars[] = {
+ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L',
+ 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
+ 'Y', 'Z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'};
+ClientProxy::ClientProxy(analytics::EventLogger* event_logger)
+ : client_id_(Prng().NextInt64()) {
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy ctor event_logger=" << event_logger;
+ analytics_recorder_ =
+ std::make_unique<analytics::AnalyticsRecorder>(event_logger);
+ error_code_recorder_ = std::make_unique<ErrorCodeRecorder>(
+ [this](const ErrorCodeParams& params) {
+ analytics_recorder_->OnErrorCode(params);
+ });
+ClientProxy::~ClientProxy() { Reset(); }
+std::int64_t ClientProxy::GetClientId() const { return client_id_; }
+std::string ClientProxy::GetLocalEndpointId() {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (local_endpoint_id_.empty()) {
+ local_endpoint_id_ = GenerateLocalEndpointId();
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [Local Endpoint Generated]: client="
+ << GetClientId()
+ << "; endpoint_id=" << local_endpoint_id_;
+ }
+ return local_endpoint_id_;
+std::string ClientProxy::GetConnectionToken(const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ return item->connection_token;
+ }
+ return {};
+std::string ClientProxy::GenerateLocalEndpointId() {
+ if (high_vis_mode_) {
+ if (!local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_.empty()) {
+ << "ClientProxy [Local Endpoint Re-using cached endpoint id]: client="
+ << GetClientId() << "; local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_="
+ << local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_;
+ return local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string id;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kEndpointIdLength; i++) {
+ id += kEndpointIdChars[prng_.NextUint32() % sizeof(kEndpointIdChars)];
+ }
+ return id;
+void ClientProxy::Reset() {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ StoppedAdvertising();
+ StoppedDiscovery();
+ RemoveAllEndpoints();
+ ExitHighVisibilityMode();
+ analytics_recorder_->LogSession();
+void ClientProxy::StartedAdvertising(
+ const std::string& service_id, Strategy strategy,
+ const ConnectionListener& listener,
+ absl::Span<proto::connections::Medium> mediums,
+ const AdvertisingOptions& advertising_options) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [StartedAdvertising]: client="
+ << GetClientId();
+ if (high_vis_mode_) {
+ local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_ = local_endpoint_id_;
+ << "ClientProxy [High Visibility Mode Adv, Cache EndpointId]: client="
+ << GetClientId() << "; local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_="
+ << local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_;
+ CancelClearLocalHighVisModeCacheEndpointIdAlarm();
+ }
+ advertising_info_ = {service_id, listener};
+ advertising_options_ = advertising_options;
+ const std::vector<proto::connections::Medium> medium_vector(mediums.begin(),
+ mediums.end());
+ analytics_recorder_->OnStartAdvertising(strategy, medium_vector, false, 0);
+void ClientProxy::StoppedAdvertising() {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [StoppedAdvertising]: client="
+ << GetClientId();
+ if (IsAdvertising()) {
+ advertising_info_.Clear();
+ analytics_recorder_->OnStopAdvertising();
+ }
+ // advertising_options_ is purposefully not cleared here.
+ ResetLocalEndpointIdIfNeeded();
+ ExitHighVisibilityMode();
+bool ClientProxy::IsAdvertising() const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ return !advertising_info_.IsEmpty();
+std::string ClientProxy::GetAdvertisingServiceId() const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ return advertising_info_.service_id;
+std::string ClientProxy::GetServiceId() const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (IsAdvertising()) return advertising_info_.service_id;
+ if (IsDiscovering()) return discovery_info_.service_id;
+ return "idle_service_id";
+void ClientProxy::StartedDiscovery(
+ const std::string& service_id, Strategy strategy,
+ const DiscoveryListener& listener,
+ absl::Span<proto::connections::Medium> mediums,
+ const DiscoveryOptions& discovery_options) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ discovery_info_ = DiscoveryInfo{service_id, listener};
+ discovery_options_ = discovery_options;
+ const std::vector<proto::connections::Medium> medium_vector(mediums.begin(),
+ mediums.end());
+ analytics_recorder_->OnStartDiscovery(strategy, medium_vector, false, 0);
+void ClientProxy::StoppedDiscovery() {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (IsDiscovering()) {
+ discovered_endpoint_ids_.clear();
+ discovery_info_.Clear();
+ analytics_recorder_->OnStopDiscovery();
+ }
+ // discovery_options_ is purposefully not cleared here.
+ ResetLocalEndpointIdIfNeeded();
+bool ClientProxy::IsDiscoveringServiceId(const std::string& service_id) const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ return IsDiscovering() && service_id == discovery_info_.service_id;
+bool ClientProxy::IsDiscovering() const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ return !discovery_info_.IsEmpty();
+std::string ClientProxy::GetDiscoveryServiceId() const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ return discovery_info_.service_id;
+void ClientProxy::OnEndpointFound(const std::string& service_id,
+ const std::string& endpoint_id,
+ const ByteArray& endpoint_info,
+ proto::connections::Medium medium) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [Endpoint Found]: [enter] id="
+ << endpoint_id << "; service=" << service_id << "; info="
+ << absl::BytesToHexString(;
+ if (!IsDiscoveringServiceId(service_id)) {
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [Endpoint Found]: Ignoring event for id="
+ << endpoint_id
+ << " because this client is not discovering.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (discovered_endpoint_ids_.count(endpoint_id)) {
+ << "ClientProxy [Endpoint Found]: Ignoring event for id=" << endpoint_id
+ << " because this client has already reported this endpoint as found.";
+ return;
+ }
+ discovered_endpoint_ids_.insert(endpoint_id);
+ discovery_info_.listener.endpoint_found_cb(endpoint_id, endpoint_info,
+ service_id);
+ analytics_recorder_->OnEndpointFound(medium);
+void ClientProxy::OnEndpointLost(const std::string& service_id,
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [Endpoint Lost]: [enter] id=" << endpoint_id
+ << "; service=" << service_id;
+ if (!IsDiscoveringServiceId(service_id)) {
+ "ClientProxy [Endpoint Lost]: Ignoring event for id=%s because "
+ "this client is not discovering",
+ endpoint_id.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto it = discovered_endpoint_ids_.find(endpoint_id);
+ if (it == discovered_endpoint_ids_.end()) {
+ << "ClientProxy [Endpoint Lost]: Ignoring event for id=" << endpoint_id
+ << " because this client has not yet reported this endpoint as found";
+ return;
+ }
+ discovered_endpoint_ids_.erase(it);
+ discovery_info_.listener.endpoint_lost_cb(endpoint_id);
+void ClientProxy::OnConnectionInitiated(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id, const ConnectionResponseInfo& info,
+ const ConnectionOptions& connection_options,
+ const ConnectionListener& listener, const std::string& connection_token) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ // Whether this is incoming or outgoing, the local and remote endpoints both
+ // still need to accept this connection, so set its establishment status to
+ auto result = connections_.emplace(
+ endpoint_id, Connection{
+ .is_incoming = info.is_incoming_connection,
+ .connection_listener = listener,
+ .connection_options = connection_options,
+ .connection_token = connection_token,
+ });
+ // Instead of using structured binding which is nice, but banned
+ // (can not use c++17 features, until chromium does) we unpack manually.
+ auto& pair_iter = result.first;
+ bool inserted = result.second;
+ << "ClientProxy [Connection Initiated]: add Connection: client="
+ << GetClientId() << "; endpoint_id=" << endpoint_id
+ << "; inserted=" << inserted;
+ DCHECK(inserted);
+ const Connection& item = pair_iter->second;
+ // Notify the client.
+ //
+ // Note: we allow devices to connect to an advertiser even after it stops
+ // advertising, so no need to check IsAdvertising() here.
+ item.connection_listener.initiated_cb(endpoint_id, info);
+ if (info.is_incoming_connection) {
+ // Add CancellationFlag for advertisers once encryption succeeds.
+ AddCancellationFlag(endpoint_id);
+ analytics_recorder_->OnConnectionRequestReceived(endpoint_id);
+ } else {
+ analytics_recorder_->OnConnectionRequestSent(endpoint_id);
+ }
+void ClientProxy::OnConnectionAccepted(const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (!HasPendingConnectionToEndpoint(endpoint_id)) {
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [Connection Accepted]: no pending "
+ "connection; endpoint_id="
+ << endpoint_id;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Notify the client.
+ Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ item->connection_listener.accepted_cb(endpoint_id);
+ item->status = Connection::kConnected;
+ }
+void ClientProxy::OnConnectionRejected(const std::string& endpoint_id,
+ const Status& status) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (!HasPendingConnectionToEndpoint(endpoint_id)) {
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [Connection Rejected]: no pending "
+ "connection; endpoint_id="
+ << endpoint_id;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Notify the client.
+ const Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ item->connection_listener.rejected_cb(endpoint_id, status);
+ OnDisconnected(endpoint_id, false /* notify */);
+ }
+void ClientProxy::OnBandwidthChanged(const std::string& endpoint_id,
+ Medium new_medium) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ const Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ item->connection_listener.bandwidth_changed_cb(endpoint_id, new_medium);
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [reporting onBandwidthChanged]: client="
+ << GetClientId() << "; endpoint_id=" << endpoint_id;
+ }
+void ClientProxy::OnDisconnected(const std::string& endpoint_id, bool notify) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ const Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ if (notify) {
+ item->connection_listener.disconnected_cb({endpoint_id});
+ }
+ connections_.erase(endpoint_id);
+ ResetLocalEndpointIdIfNeeded();
+ }
+ CancelEndpoint(endpoint_id);
+bool ClientProxy::ConnectionStatusMatches(const std::string& endpoint_id,
+ Connection::Status status) const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ const Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ return item->status == status;
+ }
+ return false;
+BooleanMediumSelector ClientProxy::GetUpgradeMediums(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ const Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ return item->connection_options.allowed;
+ }
+ return {};
+bool ClientProxy::IsConnectedToEndpoint(const std::string& endpoint_id) const {
+ return ConnectionStatusMatches(endpoint_id, Connection::kConnected);
+std::vector<std::string> ClientProxy::GetMatchingEndpoints(
+ std::function<bool(const Connection&)> pred) const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ std::vector<std::string> connected_endpoints;
+ for (const auto& pair : connections_) {
+ const auto& endpoint_id = pair.first;
+ const auto& connection = pair.second;
+ if (pred(connection)) {
+ connected_endpoints.push_back(endpoint_id);
+ }
+ }
+ return connected_endpoints;
+std::vector<std::string> ClientProxy::GetPendingConnectedEndpoints() const {
+ return GetMatchingEndpoints([](const Connection& connection) {
+ return connection.status != Connection::kConnected;
+ });
+std::vector<std::string> ClientProxy::GetConnectedEndpoints() const {
+ return GetMatchingEndpoints([](const Connection& connection) {
+ return connection.status == Connection::kConnected;
+ });
+std::int32_t ClientProxy::GetNumOutgoingConnections() const {
+ return GetMatchingEndpoints([](const Connection& connection) {
+ return connection.status == Connection::kConnected &&
+ !connection.is_incoming;
+ })
+ .size();
+std::int32_t ClientProxy::GetNumIncomingConnections() const {
+ return GetMatchingEndpoints([](const Connection& connection) {
+ return connection.status == Connection::kConnected &&
+ connection.is_incoming;
+ })
+ .size();
+bool ClientProxy::HasPendingConnectionToEndpoint(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ const Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ return item->status != Connection::kConnected;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool ClientProxy::HasLocalEndpointResponded(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ return ConnectionStatusesContains(
+ endpoint_id,
+ static_cast<Connection::Status>(Connection::kLocalEndpointAccepted |
+ Connection::kLocalEndpointRejected));
+bool ClientProxy::HasRemoteEndpointResponded(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ return ConnectionStatusesContains(
+ endpoint_id,
+ static_cast<Connection::Status>(Connection::kRemoteEndpointAccepted |
+ Connection::kRemoteEndpointRejected));
+void ClientProxy::LocalEndpointAcceptedConnection(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id, const PayloadListener& listener) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (HasLocalEndpointResponded(endpoint_id)) {
+ << "ClientProxy [Local Accepted]: local endpoint has responded; id="
+ << endpoint_id;
+ return;
+ }
+ AppendConnectionStatus(endpoint_id, Connection::kLocalEndpointAccepted);
+ Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ item->payload_listener = listener;
+ }
+ analytics_recorder_->OnLocalEndpointAccepted(endpoint_id);
+void ClientProxy::LocalEndpointRejectedConnection(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (HasLocalEndpointResponded(endpoint_id)) {
+ << "ClientProxy [Local Rejected]: local endpoint has responded; id="
+ << endpoint_id;
+ return;
+ }
+ AppendConnectionStatus(endpoint_id, Connection::kLocalEndpointRejected);
+ analytics_recorder_->OnLocalEndpointRejected(endpoint_id);
+void ClientProxy::RemoteEndpointAcceptedConnection(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (HasRemoteEndpointResponded(endpoint_id)) {
+ << "ClientProxy [Remote Accepted]: remote endpoint has responded; id="
+ << endpoint_id;
+ return;
+ }
+ AppendConnectionStatus(endpoint_id, Connection::kRemoteEndpointAccepted);
+ analytics_recorder_->OnRemoteEndpointAccepted(endpoint_id);
+void ClientProxy::RemoteEndpointRejectedConnection(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (HasRemoteEndpointResponded(endpoint_id)) {
+ << "ClientProxy [Remote Rejected]: remote endpoint has responded; id="
+ << endpoint_id;
+ return;
+ }
+ AppendConnectionStatus(endpoint_id, Connection::kRemoteEndpointRejected);
+ analytics_recorder_->OnRemoteEndpointRejected(endpoint_id);
+bool ClientProxy::IsConnectionAccepted(const std::string& endpoint_id) const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ return ConnectionStatusesContains(endpoint_id,
+ Connection::kLocalEndpointAccepted) &&
+ ConnectionStatusesContains(endpoint_id,
+ Connection::kRemoteEndpointAccepted);
+bool ClientProxy::IsConnectionRejected(const std::string& endpoint_id) const {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ return ConnectionStatusesContains(
+ endpoint_id,
+ static_cast<Connection::Status>(Connection::kLocalEndpointRejected |
+ Connection::kRemoteEndpointRejected));
+bool ClientProxy::LocalConnectionIsAccepted(std::string endpoint_id) const {
+ return ConnectionStatusesContains(
+ endpoint_id, ClientProxy::Connection::kLocalEndpointAccepted);
+bool ClientProxy::RemoteConnectionIsAccepted(std::string endpoint_id) const {
+ return ConnectionStatusesContains(
+ endpoint_id, ClientProxy::Connection::kRemoteEndpointAccepted);
+void ClientProxy::AddCancellationFlag(const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ // Don't insert the CancellationFlag to the map if feature flag is disabled.
+ if (!FeatureFlags::GetInstance().GetFlags().enable_cancellation_flag) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto item = cancellation_flags_.find(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != cancellation_flags_.end()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ cancellation_flags_.emplace(endpoint_id,
+ std::make_unique<CancellationFlag>());
+CancellationFlag* ClientProxy::GetCancellationFlag(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ const auto item = cancellation_flags_.find(endpoint_id);
+ if (item == cancellation_flags_.end()) {
+ return default_cancellation_flag_.get();
+ }
+ return item->second.get();
+void ClientProxy::CancelEndpoint(const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ const auto item = cancellation_flags_.find(endpoint_id);
+ if (item == cancellation_flags_.end()) return;
+ item->second->Cancel();
+ cancellation_flags_.erase(item);
+void ClientProxy::CancelAllEndpoints() {
+ for (const auto& item : cancellation_flags_) {
+ CancellationFlag* cancellation_flag = item.second.get();
+ if (cancellation_flag->Cancelled()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ cancellation_flag->Cancel();
+ }
+ cancellation_flags_.clear();
+void ClientProxy::OnPayload(const std::string& endpoint_id, Payload payload) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (IsConnectedToEndpoint(endpoint_id)) {
+ const Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [reporting onPayloadReceived]: client="
+ << GetClientId() << "; endpoint_id=" << endpoint_id
+ << " ; payload_id=" << payload.GetId();
+ item->payload_listener.payload_cb(endpoint_id, std::move(payload));
+ }
+ }
+const ClientProxy::Connection* ClientProxy::LookupConnection(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) const {
+ auto item = connections_.find(endpoint_id);
+ return item != connections_.end() ? &item->second : nullptr;
+ClientProxy::Connection* ClientProxy::LookupConnection(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id) {
+ auto item = connections_.find(endpoint_id);
+ return item != connections_.end() ? &item->second : nullptr;
+void ClientProxy::OnPayloadProgress(const std::string& endpoint_id,
+ const PayloadProgressInfo& info) {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (IsConnectedToEndpoint(endpoint_id)) {
+ Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ item->payload_listener.payload_progress_cb(endpoint_id, info);
+ if (info.status == PayloadProgressInfo::Status::kInProgress) {
+ << "ClientProxy [reporting onPayloadProgress]: client="
+ << GetClientId() << "; endpoint_id=" << endpoint_id
+ << "; payload_id=" << info.payload_id
+ << ", payload_status=" << ToString(info.status);
+ } else {
+ << "ClientProxy [reporting onPayloadProgress]: client="
+ << GetClientId() << "; endpoint_id=" << endpoint_id
+ << "; payload_id=" << info.payload_id
+ << ", payload_status=" << ToString(info.status);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ClientProxy::RemoveAllEndpoints() {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ // Note: we may want to notify the client of onDisconnected() for each
+ // endpoint, in the case when this is called from stopAllEndpoints(). For now,
+ // just remove without notifying.
+ connections_.clear();
+ cancellation_flags_.clear();
+ local_endpoint_id_.clear();
+void ClientProxy::ResetLocalEndpointIdIfNeeded() {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ if (connections_.empty() && !IsAdvertising() && !IsDiscovering()) {
+ local_endpoint_id_.clear();
+ }
+bool ClientProxy::ConnectionStatusesContains(
+ const std::string& endpoint_id, Connection::Status status_to_match) const {
+ const Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ return (item->status & status_to_match) != 0;
+ }
+ return false;
+void ClientProxy::AppendConnectionStatus(const std::string& endpoint_id,
+ Connection::Status status_to_append) {
+ Connection* item = LookupConnection(endpoint_id);
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ item->status =
+ static_cast<Connection::Status>(item->status | status_to_append);
+ }
+AdvertisingOptions ClientProxy::GetAdvertisingOptions() const {
+ return advertising_options_;
+DiscoveryOptions ClientProxy::GetDiscoveryOptions() const {
+ return discovery_options_;
+void ClientProxy::EnterHighVisibilityMode() {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [EnterHighVisibilityMode]: client="
+ << GetClientId();
+ high_vis_mode_ = true;
+void ClientProxy::ExitHighVisibilityMode() {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [ExitHighVisibilityMode]: client="
+ << GetClientId();
+ high_vis_mode_ = false;
+ ScheduleClearLocalHighVisModeCacheEndpointIdAlarm();
+void ClientProxy::ScheduleClearLocalHighVisModeCacheEndpointIdAlarm() {
+ CancelClearLocalHighVisModeCacheEndpointIdAlarm();
+ if (local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_.empty()) {
+ NEARBY_LOGS(VERBOSE) << "ClientProxy [There is no cached local high power "
+ "advertising endpoint Id]: client="
+ << GetClientId();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Schedule to clear cache high visibility mode advertisement endpoint id in
+ // 30s.
+ NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "ClientProxy [High Visibility Mode Adv, Schedule to "
+ "Clear Cache EndpointId]: client="
+ << GetClientId()
+ << "; local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_="
+ << local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_;
+ clear_local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_alarm_ =
+ CancelableAlarm(
+ "clear_high_power_endpoint_id_cache",
+ [this]() {
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ << "ClientProxy [Cleared cached local high power advertising "
+ "endpoint Id.]: client="
+ << GetClientId() << "; local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_="
+ << local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_;
+ local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_.clear();
+ },
+ kHighPowerAdvertisementEndpointIdCacheTimeout,
+ &single_thread_executor_);
+void ClientProxy::CancelClearLocalHighVisModeCacheEndpointIdAlarm() {
+ if (clear_local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_alarm_.IsValid()) {
+ clear_local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_alarm_.Cancel();
+ clear_local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_alarm_ = CancelableAlarm();
+ }
+std::string ClientProxy::ToString(PayloadProgressInfo::Status status) const {
+ switch (status) {
+ case PayloadProgressInfo::Status::kSuccess:
+ return std::string("Success");
+ case PayloadProgressInfo::Status::kFailure:
+ return std::string("Failure");
+ case PayloadProgressInfo::Status::kInProgress:
+ return std::string("In Progress");
+ case PayloadProgressInfo::Status::kCanceled:
+ return std::string("Cancelled");
+ }
+} // namespace connections
+} // namespace nearby
+} // namespace location