path: root/chromium/third_party/inspector_protocol/crdtp/
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diff --git a/chromium/third_party/inspector_protocol/crdtp/ b/chromium/third_party/inspector_protocol/crdtp/
index 5e6d03357be..81957e1692e 100644
--- a/chromium/third_party/inspector_protocol/crdtp/
+++ b/chromium/third_party/inspector_protocol/crdtp/
@@ -1,148 +1,114 @@
-# Inspector Protocol Encoding Library
-This library implements the encoding layer for the inspector protocol.
-The following facilities are provided:
-- Some tools for portability, including a simple span implementation.
- The library itself does not depend on anything except the C++ standard
- libraries. For the JSON features, dependencies are injected via a
- json::Platform object. See the json namespace in encoding.h
-- CBOR-based encoding/decoding functionality for a binary format. See the
- comment at the top of the cbor namespace in encoding.h for details.
-- JSON encoder/decoder. See the json namespace in encoding.h for details.
-- CBOR and JSON parsers use a streaming API. See StreamingParserHandler
- in encoding.h.
-- Two-way conversions between CBOR-based binary and JSON. See the
- json::ConvertCBORToJSON / json::ConvertJSONToCBOR functions in encoding.h
-The library is designed for portability and users of the inspector protocol
-should link it into their programs. We do so in Chromium, V8, and
-internally at Google.
-TODO(johannes): Update the design documentation below.
-## Objective
-We're hoping for:
-- Support a binary protocol with a reasonably efficient wire format.
- Efficient means that:
- - We can send .png images and similar bytes over this wire.
- JSON currently requires us to base64 encode such pieces.
- - We can extract message ids etc. from the wire format without
- fully parsing the entire message. With JSON This is not very
- practical because strings etc. are not preceded with their length,
- so one is forced to read through them.
- - Perhaps also, we may want to append session ids and the like to a message.
-- Reduce some runtime overhead:
- - Reduce the overhead of conversions between utf8 / utf16 / etc.
- E.g., for keys in dictionaries, we may want to assume they're utf8
- and do this encoding once so that we can efficiently look them up.
- - Reduce the in-memory overhead, that is, don't require round-tripping
- every message via base::Value and similar structures.
-- Reduce / maintain code size: The current template approach duplicates some
- compiled code in multiple namespaces; linking against this as a third party
- library should allow us to reduce the code size a bit. E.g., we'll just have
- one copy of the json parser (not a great example because the json parser isn't
- quite used multiple times, I think the linker may eliminate the multiple
- copies already). But overall, compiled code size should come down a bit for
- existing functionality, and we'll try our best to keep the new functionality
- (binary protocol) from adding more code bloat.
-- Reduce complexity / make code easier to test / maintain / etc.: It should
- become possible to test the inspector protocol layer prior to rolling it into
- the various consuming projects. Having a library / code that's unittested,
- should help toward this direction. We may also add some integration test,
- e.g. some .pdl file with example protocol to drive the code generator
- all the way to round / tripping / handling some messages.
- The distinction between code that's part of the protocol layer and the other
- parts of the inspector / devtools should become somewhat easier to see.
-## Approach
-To begin, we wish to make a library for the core part of digesting
-inspector_protocol messages - the encoding library, in this directory. That is,
-encoding / decoding as well as extracting some values that are needed for
-dispatch (method, message id, session id).
-Our first input shall be JSON, the existing wire format. It's convenient for
-testing, but also we'll later be able to use it to convert the existing wire
-format as early as possible into binary, e.g. in the devtools pipe for headless,
-and therefore we won't need to maintain much separate code between json and
-binary inputs.
-With the approach described here, we will not parse the JSON into dictionaries
-or base::Value / protocol::Value nested structures. Instead, we'll convert it
-into a binary format, probably CBOR.
-For this, json_parser{.h,.cc} implements a JSON parser with a SAX style
-handler interface, which will drive conversion into a binary buffer via a
-specific handler. We'll call the abstraction for the binary format
-MessageBuffer from here (most likely we'll have a C++ class with that name).
-For parts of the Chromium code that doesn't need to inspect deep into the
-inspector_protocol messages, we'll be able to extract individual values (message
-id, session id, method name) from this MessageBuffer. This is because
-MessageBuffer owns the wire format bytes (e.g. std::vector<uint_t> in a private
-field) and can return values as string pieces or int64_t as appropriate.
-This library does not involve code generation - it's just checked in C++. The
-library will be unittested, and because we have a JSON parser, it's an excellent
-way to drive examples into the CBOR buffer and check that they round trip OK. It
-may be practical to develop a JSON serializer in the process as well, at first to
-make testing simpler, and then later, to use it for compatibility in production.
-## Dependencies
-There is strtod (for json), there is character encoding, and there is
-string / vector / etc. libraries. We'll try handle them to maximize
-portability while making it easy to test the library.
-For strtod, clients of the library will need to provide their
-implementation. We'll use virtual method dispatch (abstract class +
-implementation), they'll have to pass in an object, e.g. a singleton.
-For UTF8 / UTF16 Unicode encoding, we'll try to avoid adding dependencies and
-see how far we get with the approach, much like jsoncpp does it, basically very
-minimal / light and no dependency on ICU. We'll depend on mini_chromium for
-testing, so that gives us ICU there.
-strings. We'll try to keep this minimal as well, by primarily working with
-string pieces on the public surface on the library. E.g., for the message id,
-which can be extracted from the binary message, we'll return a string piece
-which is backed by our binary buffer.
-The above library should be usable at least from the browser side, blink, and
-v8, but likely also from other projects (e.g. Google internal).
-## Code Generation
-The code generator (not part of encoding library) will provide:
-* Types for parameters, results, notification objects. These are likely
- generated classes just like now.
-* It will be possible to instatiate these types directly from binary messages,
- and it will be possible to directly serialize to binary messages. This will
- be generated code, somewhat similar to the code that's in protocol buffers
- when ParseFromString / ToString is invoked. It will probably involve
- supporting return types / parameters in these routines that come from the
- third party library, or if not, we'll instantiate it under the hood. It should
- not involve protocol::Value except maybe for free-form parts of the messages
- ("any" in the .pdl).
-* The code generator may provide glue. E.g., convert between the
- aforementioned string piece with whatever is the appropriate string piece in
- blink / v8 / etc.
-* The code generator is responsible for significant parts of the dispatching
- logic.
-The code generator is currently implemented in Python / jinja2 templates; we can
-probably adapt this / bend it to these needs. The templates for the existing
-functionality should shrink, however. E.g., we will not have a json parser in a
-template but rather use the one in the new library, and we may also move other
-supporting code out of the templates and into the library. The benefit of this
-should be that it's easier to understand / test / maintain, especially it should
-become possible to unittest within this project and provide sufficient
+# CRDTP - Chrome DevTools Protocol Library.
+[Canonical location for this library.](
+This is a support library for the Chrome DevTools protocol implementation.
+It's used from within the Jinja templates which we use for code generation
+(see ../lib and ../templates) as well as from Chromium (headless,
+chrome, content, blink), V8, and other code bases that use the DevTools
+The library is designed to be portable. The only allowed dependencies are:
+- The C/C++ standard libraries, up to C++14.
+ The litmus test is that it compiles and passes tests for all platforms
+ supported by V8.
+- For testing, we depend on mini_chromium and gtest. This is isolated
+ into the `crdtp/test_platform.{h,cc}` library.
+We support 32 bit and 64 bit architectures.
+# Common types used in this library.
+- `uint8_t`: a byte, e.g. for raw bytes or UTF8 characters
+- `uint16_t`: two bytes, e.g. for UTF16 characters
+For input parameters:
+- `span<uint8_t>`: pointer to bytes and length
+- `span<uint16_t>`: pointer to UTF16 chars and length
+For output parameters:
+- `std::vector<uint8_t>` - Owned segment of bytes / utf8 characters and length.
+- `std::string` - Same, for compatibility, even though char is signed.
+# Building and running the tests.
+If you're familiar with
+[Chromium's development process](
+and have the depot_tools installed, you may use these commands
+to fetch the package (and dependencies) and build and run the tests:
+ fetch inspector_protocol
+ cd src
+ gn gen out/Release
+ ninja -C out/Release crdtp_test
+ out/Release/crdtp_test
+You'll probably also need to install g++, since Clang uses this to find the
+standard C++ headers. E.g.,
+ sudo apt-get install g++-8
+# Purpose of the tests
+crdtp comes with unittest coverage.
+Upstream, in this standalone package, the unittests make development
+more pleasant because they are very fast and light (try the previous
+section to see).
+Downstream (in Chromium, V8, etc.), they ensure that the library behaves
+correctly within each specific code base. We have seen bugs from different
+architectures / compilers / etc. in the past. We have also seen
+that a tweaked downstream crdtp_platform library did not behave correctly,
+becaues V8's strtod routine interprets out of range literals as 'inf'.
+Thus, the unittests function as a conformance test suite for such code-base
+specific tweaks downstream.
+# Customization by downstream users (Chrome, V8, google3, etc.).
+Downstream users may need to customize the library. We isolate these typical
+customizations into two platform libraries (crdtp_plaform and
+crdtp_test_platform), to reduce the chance of merge conflicts and grief when
+rolling as much as possible. While customized platform libraries may
+depend on the downstream code base (e.g. abseil, Chromium's base, V8's utility
+functions, Boost, etc.), they are not exposed to the headers that
+downstream code depends on.
+## crdtp_platform
+This platform library is only used by the crdtp library; it is not part of the
+crdtp API. Thus far it consists only of json_platform.h and,
+because conversion between a `std::string` and a double is tricky, and different
+code bases have different preferences in this regard. In this repository
+(upstream), provides a reference implementation which uses the
+C++ standard library.
+Downstream, in Chromium, has a different
+implementation that uses the routines in Chromium's //base, that is, it's a .cc
+file that's specific to Chromium. Similarly, in V8, uses
+V8's number conversion utilities, so it's a .cc file that's specific to V8. And
+in google3, we use the absl library. crdtp/ is designed to be
+easy to modify or replace, and the interface defined by its header is designed
+to be stable.
+## crdtp_test_platform
+This platform library is only used by the tests. Upstream, it's setup to
+use mini_chromium and gtest. Downstream, Chromium uses its //base libraries,
+and V8 uses theirs; and a small amount of tweaking is needed in each code
+base - e.g., Chromium, V8, and google3 each place `#include` declarations into
+test_platform.h that are specific to their code base, and they have their
+own routines in which uses their own libraries.
+The purpose of crdtp_test_platform is to isolate the tweaking to this small,
+stable library (modifying test_platform.h and This avoids
+having to modify the actual tests (,, ...)
+when rolling changes downstream. We try to not use patch files.