path: root/chromium/third_party/dawn/src/common/SlabAllocator.h
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1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/dawn/src/common/SlabAllocator.h b/chromium/third_party/dawn/src/common/SlabAllocator.h
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index 00000000000..939f1c029d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/dawn/src/common/SlabAllocator.h
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+// Copyright 2020 The Dawn Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "common/PlacementAllocated.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+// The SlabAllocator allocates objects out of one or more fixed-size contiguous "slabs" of memory.
+// This makes it very quick to allocate and deallocate fixed-size objects because the allocator only
+// needs to index an offset into pre-allocated memory. It is similar to a pool-allocator that
+// recycles memory from previous allocations, except multiple allocations are hosted contiguously in
+// one large slab.
+// Internally, the SlabAllocator stores slabs as a linked list to avoid extra indirections indexing
+// into an std::vector. To service an allocation request, the allocator only needs to know the first
+// currently available slab. There are three backing linked lists: AVAILABLE, FULL, and RECYCLED.
+// A slab that is AVAILABLE can be used to immediately service allocation requests. Once it has no
+// remaining space, it is moved to the FULL state. When a FULL slab sees any deallocations, it is
+// moved to the RECYCLED state. The RECYCLED state is separate from the AVAILABLE state so that
+// deallocations don't immediately prepend slabs to the AVAILABLE list, and change the current slab
+// servicing allocations. When the AVAILABLE list becomes empty is it swapped with the RECYCLED
+// list.
+// Allocated objects are placement-allocated with some extra info at the end (we'll call the Object
+// plus the extra bytes a "block") used to specify the constant index of the block in its parent
+// slab, as well as the index of the next available block. So, following the block next-indices
+// forms a linked list of free blocks.
+// Slab creation: When a new slab is allocated, sufficient memory is allocated for it, and then the
+// slab metadata plus all of its child blocks are placement-allocated into the memory. Indices and
+// next-indices are initialized to form the free-list of blocks.
+// Allocation: When an object is allocated, if there is no space available in an existing slab, a
+// new slab is created (or an old slab is recycled). The first block of the slab is removed and
+// returned.
+// Deallocation: When an object is deallocated, it can compute the pointer to its parent slab
+// because it stores the index of its own allocation. That block is then prepended to the slab's
+// free list.
+class SlabAllocatorImpl {
+ public:
+ // Allocations host their current index and the index of the next free block.
+ // Because this is an index, and not a byte offset, it can be much smaller than a size_t.
+ // TODO(enga): Is uint8_t sufficient?
+ using Index = uint16_t;
+ SlabAllocatorImpl(SlabAllocatorImpl&& rhs);
+ protected:
+ // This is essentially a singly linked list using indices instead of pointers,
+ // so we store the index of "this" in |this->index|.
+ struct IndexLinkNode : PlacementAllocated {
+ IndexLinkNode(Index index, Index nextIndex);
+ const Index index; // The index of this block in the slab.
+ Index nextIndex; // The index of the next available block. kInvalidIndex, if none.
+ };
+ struct Slab : PlacementAllocated {
+ // A slab is placement-allocated into an aligned pointer from a separate allocation.
+ // Ownership of the allocation is transferred to the slab on creation.
+ // | ---------- allocation --------- |
+ // | pad | Slab | data ------------> |
+ Slab(std::unique_ptr<char[]> allocation, IndexLinkNode* head);
+ Slab(Slab&& rhs);
+ void Splice();
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> allocation;
+ IndexLinkNode* freeList;
+ Slab* prev;
+ Slab* next;
+ Index blocksInUse;
+ };
+ SlabAllocatorImpl(Index blocksPerSlab, uint32_t objectSize, uint32_t objectAlignment);
+ ~SlabAllocatorImpl();
+ // Allocate a new block of memory.
+ void* Allocate();
+ // Deallocate a block of memory.
+ void Deallocate(void* ptr);
+ private:
+ // The maximum value is reserved to indicate the end of the list.
+ static Index kInvalidIndex;
+ // Get the IndexLinkNode |offset| slots away.
+ IndexLinkNode* OffsetFrom(IndexLinkNode* node, std::make_signed_t<Index> offset) const;
+ // Compute the pointer to the IndexLinkNode from an allocated object.
+ IndexLinkNode* NodeFromObject(void* object) const;
+ // Compute the pointer to the object from an IndexLinkNode.
+ void* ObjectFromNode(IndexLinkNode* node) const;
+ bool IsNodeInSlab(Slab* slab, IndexLinkNode* node) const;
+ // The Slab stores a linked-list of free allocations.
+ // PushFront/PopFront adds/removes an allocation from the free list.
+ void PushFront(Slab* slab, IndexLinkNode* node) const;
+ IndexLinkNode* PopFront(Slab* slab) const;
+ // Replace the current slab with a new one, and chain the old one off of it.
+ // Both slabs may still be used for for allocation/deallocation, but older slabs
+ // will be a little slower to get allocations from.
+ void GetNewSlab();
+ const uint32_t mAllocationAlignment;
+ // | Slab | pad | Obj | pad | Node | pad | Obj | pad | Node | pad | ....
+ // | -----------| mSlabBlocksOffset
+ // | | ---------------------- | mBlockStride
+ // | | ----------| mIndexLinkNodeOffset
+ // | --------------------------------------> (mSlabBlocksOffset + mBlocksPerSlab * mBlockStride)
+ // A Slab is metadata, followed by the aligned memory to allocate out of. |mSlabBlocksOffset| is
+ // the offset to the start of the aligned memory region.
+ const uint32_t mSlabBlocksOffset;
+ // The IndexLinkNode is stored after the Allocation itself. This is the offset to it.
+ const uint32_t mIndexLinkNodeOffset;
+ // Because alignment of allocations may introduce padding, |mBlockStride| is the
+ // distance between aligned blocks of (Allocation + IndexLinkNode)
+ const uint32_t mBlockStride;
+ const Index mBlocksPerSlab; // The total number of blocks in a slab.
+ const size_t mTotalAllocationSize;
+ struct SentinelSlab : Slab {
+ SentinelSlab();
+ ~SentinelSlab();
+ SentinelSlab(SentinelSlab&& rhs);
+ void Prepend(Slab* slab);
+ };
+ SentinelSlab mAvailableSlabs; // Available slabs to service allocations.
+ SentinelSlab mFullSlabs; // Full slabs. Stored here so we can skip checking them.
+ SentinelSlab mRecycledSlabs; // Recycled slabs. Not immediately added to |mAvailableSlabs| so
+ // we don't thrash the current "active" slab.
+template <typename T>
+class SlabAllocator : public SlabAllocatorImpl {
+ public:
+ SlabAllocator(size_t totalObjectBytes,
+ uint32_t objectSize = sizeof(T),
+ uint32_t objectAlignment = alignof(T))
+ : SlabAllocatorImpl(totalObjectBytes / objectSize, objectSize, objectAlignment) {
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ T* Allocate(Args&&... args) {
+ void* ptr = SlabAllocatorImpl::Allocate();
+ return new (ptr) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ void Deallocate(T* object) {
+ SlabAllocatorImpl::Deallocate(object);
+ }