path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/XML/LibXML/Node.pod
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1 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/XML/LibXML/Node.pod b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/XML/LibXML/Node.pod
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index 00000000000..6da553ec6b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/XML/LibXML/Node.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+=head1 NAME
+XML::LibXML::Node - Abstract Base Class of XML::LibXML Nodes
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use XML::LibXML;
+ $name = $node->nodeName;
+ $node->setNodeName( $newName );
+ $bool = $node->isSameNode( $other_node );
+ $bool = $node->isEqual( $other_node );
+ $content = $node->nodeValue;
+ $content = $node->textContent;
+ $type = $node->nodeType;
+ $node->unbindNode();
+ $childnode = $node->removeChild( $childnode );
+ $oldnode = $node->replaceChild( $newNode, $oldNode );
+ $node->replaceNode($newNode);
+ $childnode = $node->appendChild( $childnode );
+ $childnode = $node->addChild( $chilnode );
+ $node = $parent->addNewChild( $nsURI, $name );
+ $node->addSibling($newNode);
+ $newnode =$node->cloneNode( $deep );
+ $parentnode = $node->parentNode;
+ $nextnode = $node->nextSibling();
+ $prevnode = $node->previousSibling();
+ $boolean = $node->hasChildNodes();
+ $childnode = $node->firstChild;
+ $childnode = $node->lastChild;
+ $documentnode = $node->ownerDocument;
+ $node = $node->getOwner;
+ $node->setOwnerDocument( $doc );
+ $node->insertBefore( $newNode, $refNode );
+ $node->insertAfter( $newNode, $refNode );
+ @nodes = $node->findnodes( $xpath_expression );
+ $result = $node->find( $xpath );
+ print $node->findvalue( $xpath );
+ @childnodes = $node->childNodes;
+ $xmlstring = $node->toString($format,$docencoding);
+ $c14nstring = $node->toStringC14N($with_comments, $xpath_expression);
+ $ec14nstring = $node->toStringEC14N($with_comments, $xpath_expression, $inclusive_prefix_list);
+ $str = $doc->serialize($format);
+ $c14nstr = $doc->serialize_c14n($comment_flag,$xpath);
+ $ec14nstr = $doc->serialize_ec14n($comment_flag,$xpath,$inclusive_prefix_list);
+ $localname = $node->localname;
+ $nameprefix = $node->prefix;
+ $uri = $node->namespaceURI();
+ $boolean = $node->hasAttributes();
+ @attributelist = $node->attributes();
+ $URI = $node->lookupNamespaceURI( $prefix );
+ $prefix = $node->lookupNamespacePrefix( $URI );
+ $node->normalize;
+ @nslist = $node->getNamespaces;
+ $node->removeChildNodes();
+ $node->nodePath();
+ $lineno = $node->line_number();
+XML::LibXML::Node defines functions that are common to all Node Types. A
+LibXML::Node should never be created standalone, but as an instance of a high
+level class such as LibXML::Element or LibXML::Text. The class itself should
+provide only common functionality. In XML::LibXML each node is part either of a
+document or a document-fragment. Because of this there is no node without a
+parent. This may causes confusion with "unbound" nodes.
+=head1 METHODS
+Many functions listed here are extensively documented in the L<<<<<< DOM Level 3 specification| >>>>>>. Please refer to the specification for extensive documentation.
+=over 4
+=item B<nodeName>
+ $name = $node->nodeName;
+Returns the node's name. This function is aware of namespaces and returns the
+full name of the current node (C<<<<<< prefix:localname >>>>>>).
+Since 1.62 this function also returns the correct DOM names for node types with
+constant names, namely: #text, #cdata-section, #comment, #document,
+=item B<setNodeName>
+ $node->setNodeName( $newName );
+In very limited situations, it is useful to change a nodes name. In the DOM
+specification this should throw an error. This Function is aware of namespaces.
+=item B<isSameNode>
+ $bool = $node->isSameNode( $other_node );
+returns TRUE (1) if the given nodes refer to the same node structure, otherwise
+FALSE (0) is returned.
+=item B<isEqual>
+ $bool = $node->isEqual( $other_node );
+deprecated version of isSameNode().
+I<<<<<< NOTE >>>>>> isEqual will change behaviour to follow the DOM specification
+=item B<nodeValue>
+ $content = $node->nodeValue;
+If the node has any content (such as stored in a C<<<<<< text node >>>>>>) it can get requested through this function.
+I<<<<<< NOTE: >>>>>> Element Nodes have no content per definition. To get the text value of an
+Element use textContent() instead!
+=item B<textContent>
+ $content = $node->textContent;
+this function returns the content of all text nodes in the descendants of the
+given node as specified in DOM.
+=item B<nodeType>
+ $type = $node->nodeType;
+Return a numeric value representing the node type of this node. The module
+XML::LibXML by default exports constants for the node types (see the EXPORT
+section in the L<<<<<< Perl Binding for libxml2|Perl Binding for libxml2 >>>>>> manual page).
+=item B<unbindNode>
+ $node->unbindNode();
+Unbinds the Node from its siblings and Parent, but not from the Document it
+belongs to. If the node is not inserted into the DOM afterwards it will be lost
+after the program terminated. From a low level view, the unbound node is
+stripped from the context it is and inserted into a (hidden) document-fragment.
+=item B<removeChild>
+ $childnode = $node->removeChild( $childnode );
+This will unbind the Child Node from its parent C<<<<<< $node >>>>>>. The function returns the unbound node. If C<<<<<< oldNode >>>>>> is not a child of the given Node the function will fail.
+=item B<replaceChild>
+ $oldnode = $node->replaceChild( $newNode, $oldNode );
+Replaces the C<<<<<< $oldNode >>>>>> with the C<<<<<< $newNode >>>>>>. The C<<<<<< $oldNode >>>>>> will be unbound from the Node. This function differs from the DOM L2
+specification, in the case, if the new node is not part of the document, the
+node will be imported first.
+=item B<replaceNode>
+ $node->replaceNode($newNode);
+This function is very similar to replaceChild(), but it replaces the node
+itself rather than a childnode. This is useful if a node found by any XPath
+function, should be replaced.
+=item B<appendChild>
+ $childnode = $node->appendChild( $childnode );
+The function will add the C<<<<<< $childnode >>>>>> to the end of C<<<<<< $node >>>>>>'s children. The function should fail, if the new childnode is already a child
+of C<<<<<< $node >>>>>>. This function differs from the DOM L2 specification, in the case, if the new
+node is not part of the document, the node will be imported first.
+=item B<addChild>
+ $childnode = $node->addChild( $chilnode );
+As an alternative to appendChild() one can use the addChild() function. This
+function is a bit faster, because it avoids all DOM conformity checks.
+Therefore this function is quite useful if one builds XML documents in memory
+where the order and ownership (C<<<<<< ownerDocument >>>>>>) is assured.
+addChild() uses libxml2's own xmlAddChild() function. Thus it has to be used
+with extra care: If a text node is added to a node and the node itself or its
+last childnode is as well a text node, the node to add will be merged with the
+one already available. The current node will be removed from memory after this
+action. Because perl is not aware of this action, the perl instance is still
+available. XML::LibXML will catch the loss of a node and refuse to run any
+function called on that node.
+ my $t1 = $doc->createTextNode( "foo" );
+ my $t2 = $doc->createTextNode( "bar" );
+ $t1->addChild( $t2 ); # is OK
+ my $val = $t2->nodeValue(); # will fail, script dies
+Also addChild() will not check if the added node belongs to the same document
+as the node it will be added to. This could lead to inconsistent documents and
+in more worse cases even to memory violations, if one does not keep track of
+this issue.
+Although this sounds like a lot of trouble, addChild() is useful if a document
+is built from a stream, such as happens sometimes in SAX handlers or filters.
+If you are not sure about the source of your nodes, you better stay with
+appendChild(), because this function is more user friendly in the sense of
+being more error tolerant.
+=item B<addNewChild>
+ $node = $parent->addNewChild( $nsURI, $name );
+Similar to C<<<<<< addChild() >>>>>>, this function uses low level libxml2 functionality to provide faster
+interface for DOM building. I<<<<<< addNewChild() >>>>>> uses C<<<<<< xmlNewChild() >>>>>> to create a new node on a given parent element.
+addNewChild() has two parameters $nsURI and $name, where $nsURI is an
+(optional) namespace URI. $name is the fully qualified element name;
+addNewChild() will determine the correct prefix if necessary.
+The function returns the newly created node.
+This function is very useful for DOM building, where a created node can be
+directly associated with its parent. I<<<<<< NOTE >>>>>> this function is not part of the DOM specification and its use will limit your
+code to XML::LibXML.
+=item B<addSibling>
+ $node->addSibling($newNode);
+addSibling() allows adding an additional node to the end of a nodelist, defined
+by the given node.
+=item B<cloneNode>
+ $newnode =$node->cloneNode( $deep );
+I<<<<<< cloneNode >>>>>> creates a copy of C<<<<<< $node >>>>>>. When $deep is set to 1 (true) the function will copy all childnodes as well.
+If $deep is 0 only the current node will be copied. Note that in case of
+element, attributes are copied even if $deep is 0.
+Note that the behavior of this function for $deep=0 has changed in 1.62 in
+order to be consistent with the DOM spec (in older versions attributes and
+namespace information was not copied for elements).
+=item B<parentNode>
+ $parentnode = $node->parentNode;
+Returns simply the Parent Node of the current node.
+=item B<nextSibling>
+ $nextnode = $node->nextSibling();
+Returns the next sibling if any .
+=item B<previousSibling>
+ $prevnode = $node->previousSibling();
+Analogous to I<<<<<< getNextSibling >>>>>> the function returns the previous sibling if any.
+=item B<hasChildNodes>
+ $boolean = $node->hasChildNodes();
+If the current node has Childnodes this function returns TRUE (1), otherwise it
+returns FALSE (0, not undef).
+=item B<firstChild>
+ $childnode = $node->firstChild;
+If a node has childnodes this function will return the first node in the
+=item B<lastChild>
+ $childnode = $node->lastChild;
+If the C<<<<<< $node >>>>>> has childnodes this function returns the last child node.
+=item B<ownerDocument>
+ $documentnode = $node->ownerDocument;
+Through this function it is always possible to access the document the current
+node is bound to.
+=item B<getOwner>
+ $node = $node->getOwner;
+This function returns the node the current node is associated with. In most
+cases this will be a document node or a document fragment node.
+=item B<setOwnerDocument>
+ $node->setOwnerDocument( $doc );
+This function binds a node to another DOM. This method unbinds the node first,
+if it is already bound to another document.
+This function is the opposite calling of L<<<<<< XML::LibXML DOM Document Class|XML::LibXML DOM Document Class >>>>>>'s adoptNode() function. Because of this it has the same limitations with
+Entity References as adoptNode().
+=item B<insertBefore>
+ $node->insertBefore( $newNode, $refNode );
+The method inserts C<<<<<< $newNode >>>>>> before C<<<<<< $refNode >>>>>>. If C<<<<<< $refNode >>>>>> is undefined, the newNode will be set as the new last child of the parent node.
+This function differs from the DOM L2 specification, in the case, if the new
+node is not part of the document, the node will be imported first,
+$refNode has to be passed to the function even if it is undefined:
+ $node->insertBefore( $newNode, undef ); # the same as $node->appendChild( $newNode );
+ $node->insertBefore( $newNode ); # wrong
+Note, that the reference node has to be a direct child of the node the function
+is called on. Also, $newChild is not allowed to be an ancestor of the new
+parent node.
+=item B<insertAfter>
+ $node->insertAfter( $newNode, $refNode );
+The method inserts C<<<<<< $newNode >>>>>> after C<<<<<< $refNode >>>>>>. If C<<<<<< $refNode >>>>>> is undefined, the newNode will be set as the new last child of the parent node.
+Note, that $refNode has to be passed explicitly even if it is undef.
+=item B<findnodes>
+ @nodes = $node->findnodes( $xpath_expression );
+I<<<<<< findnodes >>>>>> evaluates the xpath expression (XPath 1.0) on the current node and returns the
+resulting node set as an array. In scalar context returns a L<<<<<< XML::LibXML::NodeList|XML::LibXML::NodeList >>>>>> object.
+A common mistake about XPath is to assume that node tests consisting of an
+element name with no prefix match elements in the default namespace. This
+assumption is wrong - by XPath specification, such node tests can only match
+elements that are in no (i.e. null) namespace.
+So, for example, one cannot match the root element of an XHTML document with C<<<<<< $node->find('/html') >>>>>> since C<<<<<< '/html' >>>>>> would only match if the root element C<<<<<< <html> >>>>>> had no namespace, but all XHTML elements belong to the namespace
+ (Note that C<<<<<< xmlns="..." >>>>>> namespace declarations can also be specified in a DTD, which makes the
+situation even worse, since the XML document looks as if there was no default
+There are several possible ways to deal with namespaces in XPath:
+=over 4
+=item *
+The recommended way is to use the L<<<<<< XPath Evaluation|XPath Evaluation >>>>>> module to define an explicit context for XPath evaluation, in which a document
+independent prefix-to-namespace mapping can be defined. For example:
+ my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new;
+ $xpc->registerNs('x', '');
+ $xpc->find('/x:html',$node);
+=item *
+Another possibility is to use prefixes declared in the queried document (if
+known). If the document declares a prefix for the namespace in question (and
+the context node is in the scope of the declaration), C<<<<<< XML::LibXML >>>>>> allows you to use the prefix in the XPath expression, e.g.:
+ $node->find('/x:html');
+See also XML::LibXML::XPathContext->findnodes.
+=item B<find>
+ $result = $node->find( $xpath );
+I<<<<<< find >>>>>> evaluates the XPath 1.0 expression using the current node as the context of the
+expression, and returns the result depending on what type of result the XPath
+expression had. For example, the XPath "1 * 3 + 52" results in a L<<<<<< XML::LibXML::Number|XML::LibXML::Number >>>>>> object being returned. Other expressions might return a L<<<<<< XML::LibXML::Boolean|XML::LibXML::Boolean >>>>>> object, or a L<<<<<< XML::LibXML::Literal|XML::LibXML::Literal >>>>>> object (a string). Each of those objects uses Perl's overload feature to "do
+the right thing" in different contexts.
+See also L<<<<<< XPath Evaluation|XPath Evaluation >>>>>>->find.
+=item B<findvalue>
+ print $node->findvalue( $xpath );
+I<<<<<< findvalue >>>>>> is exactly equivalent to:
+ $node->find( $xpath )->to_literal;
+That is, it returns the literal value of the results. This enables you to
+ensure that you get a string back from your search, allowing certain shortcuts.
+This could be used as the equivalent of XSLT's <xsl:value-of
+See also L<<<<<< XPath Evaluation|XPath Evaluation >>>>>>->findvalue.
+=item B<childNodes>
+ @childnodes = $node->childNodes;
+I<<<<<< getChildnodes >>>>>> implements a more intuitive interface to the childnodes of the current node. It
+enables you to pass all children directly to a C<<<<<< map >>>>>> or C<<<<<< grep >>>>>>. If this function is called in scalar context, a L<<<<<< XML::LibXML::NodeList|XML::LibXML::NodeList >>>>>> object will be returned.
+=item B<toString>
+ $xmlstring = $node->toString($format,$docencoding);
+This method is similar to the method C<<<<<< toString >>>>>> of a L<<<<<< XML::LibXML DOM Document Class|XML::LibXML DOM Document Class >>>>>> but for a single node. It returns a string consisting of XML serialization of
+the given node and all its descendants. Unlike C<<<<<< XML::LibXML::Document::toString >>>>>>, in this case the resulting string is by default a character string (UTF-8
+encoded with UTF8 flag on). An optional flag $format controls indentation, as
+in C<<<<<< XML::LibXML::Document::toString >>>>>>. If the second optional $docencoding flag is true, the result will be a byte
+string in the document encoding (see C<<<<<< XML::LibXML::Document::actualEncoding >>>>>>).
+=item B<toStringC14N>
+ $c14nstring = $node->toStringC14N($with_comments, $xpath_expression);
+The function is similar to toString(). Instead of simply serializing the
+document tree, it transforms it as it is specified in the XML-C14N
+Specification (see L<<<<<<| >>>>>>). Such transformation is known as canonization.
+If $with_comments is 0 or not defined, the result-document will not contain any
+comments that exist in the original document. To include comments into the
+canonized document, $with_comments has to be set to 1.
+The parameter $xpath_expression defines the nodeset of nodes that should be
+visible in the resulting document. This can be used to filter out some nodes.
+One has to note, that only the nodes that are part of the nodeset, will be
+included into the result-document. Their child-nodes will not exist in the
+resulting document, unless they are part of the nodeset defined by the xpath
+If $xpath_expression is omitted or empty, toStringC14N() will include all nodes
+in the given sub-tree.
+=item B<toStringEC14N>
+ $ec14nstring = $node->toStringEC14N($with_comments, $xpath_expression, $inclusive_prefix_list);
+The function is similar to toStringC14N() but follows the XML-EXC-C14N
+Specification (see L<<<<<<| >>>>>>) for exclusive canonization of XML.
+The first two arguments are as above. If $inclusive_prefix_list is used, it
+should be an ARRAY reference listing namespace prefixes that are to be handled
+in the manner described by the Canonical XML Recommendation (i.e. preserved in
+the output even if the namespace is not used). C.f. the spec for details.
+=item B<serialize>
+ $str = $doc->serialize($format);
+An alias for toString(). This function was name added to be more consistent
+with libxml2.
+=item B<serialize_c14n>
+ $c14nstr = $doc->serialize_c14n($comment_flag,$xpath);
+An alias for toStringC14N().
+=item B<serialize_exc_c14n>
+ $ec14nstr = $doc->serialize_ec14n($comment_flag,$xpath,$inclusive_prefix_list);
+An alias for toStringEC14N().
+=item B<localname>
+ $localname = $node->localname;
+Returns the local name of a tag. This is the part behind the colon.
+=item B<prefix>
+ $nameprefix = $node->prefix;
+Returns the prefix of a tag. This is the part before the colon.
+=item B<namespaceURI>
+ $uri = $node->namespaceURI();
+returns the URI of the current namespace.
+=item B<hasAttributes>
+ $boolean = $node->hasAttributes();
+returns 1 (TRUE) if the current node has any attributes set, otherwise 0
+(FALSE) is returned.
+=item B<attributes>
+ @attributelist = $node->attributes();
+This function returns all attributes and namespace declarations assigned to the
+given node.
+Because XML::LibXML does not implement namespace declarations and attributes
+the same way, it is required to test what kind of node is handled while
+accessing the functions result.
+If this function is called in array context the attribute nodes are returned as
+an array. In scalar context the function will return a L<<<<<< XML::LibXML::NamedNodeMap|XML::LibXML::NamedNodeMap >>>>>> object.
+=item B<lookupNamespaceURI>
+ $URI = $node->lookupNamespaceURI( $prefix );
+Find a namespace URI by its prefix starting at the current node.
+=item B<lookupNamespacePrefix>
+ $prefix = $node->lookupNamespacePrefix( $URI );
+Find a namespace prefix by its URI starting at the current node.
+I<<<<<< NOTE >>>>>> Only the namespace URIs are meant to be unique. The prefix is only document
+related. Also the document might have more than a single prefix defined for a
+=item B<normalize>
+ $node->normalize;
+This function normalizes adjacent text nodes. This function is not as strict as
+libxml2's xmlTextMerge() function, since it will not free a node that is still
+referenced by the perl layer.
+=item B<getNamespaces>
+ @nslist = $node->getNamespaces;
+If a node has any namespaces defined, this function will return these
+namespaces. Note, that this will not return all namespaces that are in scope,
+but only the ones declared explicitly for that node.
+Although getNamespaces is available for all nodes, it only makes sense if used
+with element nodes.
+=item B<removeChildNodes>
+ $node->removeChildNodes();
+This function is not specified for any DOM level: It removes all childnodes
+from a node in a single step. Other than the libxml2 function itself
+(xmlFreeNodeList), this function will not immediately remove the nodes from the
+memory. This saves one from getting memory violations, if there are nodes still
+referred to from the Perl level.
+=item B<nodePath>
+ $node->nodePath();
+This function is not specified for any DOM level: It returns a canonical
+structure based XPath for a given node.
+=item B<line_number>
+ $lineno = $node->line_number();
+This function returns the line number where the tag was found during parsing.
+If a node is added to the document the line number is 0. Problems may occur, if
+a node from one document is passed to another one.
+IMPORTANT: Due to limitations in the libxml2 library line numbers greater than
+65535 will be returned as 65535. Please see L<<<<<<| >>>>>> for more details.
+Note: line_number() is special to XML::LibXML and not part of the DOM
+If the line_numbers flag of the parser was not activated before parsing,
+line_number() will always return 0.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Matt Sergeant,
+Christian Glahn,
+Petr Pajas
+=head1 VERSION
+2001-2007, Ltd; 2002-2006 Christian Glahn; 2006-2008 Petr Pajas, All rights reserved.