path: root/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/docs/
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1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/docs/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/docs/
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index 00000000000..fc85929cf79
--- /dev/null
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+# TraceViewer’s Internals
+## Module system
+ * Tracing currently uses html imports for modules.
+ * We aspire to one-class-per file. Feel free to break up big files as you
+encounter them, they exist purely for legacy reasons.
+## Tests
+ * See unittest.html -- mostly compatible with closure tests
+ * See [[/docs/]] for more information
+## Components
+ * New UI elements should be Polymer components.
+ * You will see some old references to tvcm.ui.define('x'). This is our old
+approach for building components. Its like polymer, in that you can subclass
+the element, but it doesn't use shadow dom or have any templating or data
+## Rough module breakdown
+ * *Importers:* load files, produce a model
+ * *Model:* stateless, just the data that came from different trace formats
+ * *TimelineTrackView:* shows the data in gantt-chart form
+ * *Tracks:* visualize a particular part of the model
+ * *Selection:* a vector of things in the tracks that the user has selected (counter samples, slices)
+ * *Analysis:* provides summary of selection
+ * *TimelineView:* glues everything together
+ * *ProfilingView:* chrome-specific UI and glue
+## Importer notes
+ * The importer to model abstraction is meant to allow us to support multiple trace formats
+## Model notes
+ * The most important concept in the model is a slice. A slice is a range of time, and some metadata about that range, e.g. title, arguments, etc.
+ * Model has
+ * Processes
+ * Counters
+ * Counter samples (at ts=0.2s, we had 10mb allocated and 3mb free)
+ * Threads
+ * Slices (the FFT::compute function ran from 0.7s to 0.9s)
+ * AsyncSlices (at 0.2s we started a file read in the background and it finished at 0.5s)
+ * CpuSlices (at ts=0.2s we were running on cpu2)
+ * CPUs
+ * Slices (at ts=0.2 to 0.4 we were running "top")
+ * Counters (the clock frequency was 1.2ghz at ts=0.1s)
+## Slice
+A slice is something which consumes time synchronously on a CPU or a thread. The
+canonical example of this would be a B/E event pair. An async operation is also
+considered a slice. Things get a bit more murky when looking at instant events.
+A thread scoped instant event is a duration 0 slice. Other instant events,
+process or global scoped, don't correlate to a thread or CPU and aren't
+considered slices.
+A flow event, on the other hand, is not a slice. It doesn't consume time and is,
+conceptually, a graph of data flow in the system.
+## Slice groups
+ * When you see the tracing UI, you see lots of things like this:
+Thread 7:     [  a     ]   [    c   ]
+                        [ b ]
+ * This of visualization starts as a *flat* array of slices:
+ [{title: “a”, start: 0, end: 1), {title: “c”, start: 1.5, end: 3.5}, {title: “b”, start: 0.5, end: 0.8}]
+ * We call this a slice group. A slice group can be composed into subRows -- a subRow is an array of slices that are all non-overlapping. E.g. in the thread7 example above, there are two subrows:
+subrow 1:     [  a     ]   [    c   ]
+subrow 2:     [ b ]
+ * The SliceTrack is built around the idea of visualizing a single subrow. So when you see a thread like thread 7, you’re really looking at 2 !SliceTracks, each of which has its own subrow.
+ * We have two slice group types:
+ * SliceGroup, for nested data. Used for threads.
+ * e.g.  like ( (0,2), (0.1,0.3) )
+ * We convert the slices into subrows based on containment.
+ * b is considered contained by a if b.start >= a.start && b.end <= a.end
+ * AsyncSliceGroup, for overlapping data. Used for async operations.
+ * e.g. ( (0, 2), (1, 3) )
+ * We convert the slices into subrows by greedily packing them into rows, adding rows as needed when there’s no room on an existing subrow
+## Timeline notes
+ * Timeline is just an array of tracks. A track is one of the rows in the UI. A single thread of data may turn into 5+ tracks, one track for each row of squares.
+ * The core of the Timeline is Slice
+ * Panning/zooming state is on the TimelineViewport, as is the grid and user defined markers
+## Tracks
+### there are three broad types of tracks
+ * Building blocks
+ * *Container track*
+ * A track that is itself made up of more tracks. Just a div plus logic to delegate overall track interface calls down to its children.
+ * *CanvasBasedTrack*
+ * A track that renders its content using HTML5 canvas
+ * Visualizations
+ * *SliceTrack:* visualizes an array of non-overlapping monotonically-increasing slices. Has some simple but critical logic to efficiently render even with thousands (or more) slices by merging small slices together when they really close together.
+ * *CounterTrack:* visualizes an array of samples values over time. Has support for stacked area charts. Tries to merge samples together when they are not perceptually significant to reduce canvas drawing overhead.
+ * *Model tracks:* e.g. ThreadTrack
+ * Derives from a container track, takes a timeline model object, e.g. a thread, and creates the appropriate child tracks that visualize that thread
+## Selection notes
+ * When you drag to select, that creates a selection object by asking every track to append things that intersect the dragged-box to the selection
+ * A selection object is an array of hits.
+ * A hit is the pairing of the track-level entity that was selected with the model-level entity that that visual thing represents.
+ * Eg a thread has a bunch of slices in it. That gets turned into a bunch of subrows that we then turn into !SliceTracks. When you click on a slice in a thread in the UI, the hit is {slice: <the slice you clicked>, thread: <the thread it came from>}.
+ * The hit concept exists partly because slices can’t know their parent (see model section for why). Yet, analysis code want to know parentage in order to do things like group-by-thread.
+## Analysis code
+ * Takes as input a selection
+ * Does the numeric analysis and dumps the numeric results to a builder
+ * The builder is responsible for creating HTML (or any other textual representation of the results)