path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34dd35f6e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/layout_locale.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/language.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/hyphenation.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/icu_error.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/locale_to_script_mapping.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/atomic_string_hash.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_hash.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/thread_specific.h"
+#include <hb.h>
+#include <unicode/locid.h>
+namespace blink {
+namespace {
+struct PerThreadData {
+ HashMap<AtomicString, scoped_refptr<LayoutLocale>, CaseFoldingHash>
+ locale_map;
+ const LayoutLocale* default_locale = nullptr;
+ const LayoutLocale* system_locale = nullptr;
+ const LayoutLocale* default_locale_for_han = nullptr;
+ bool default_locale_for_han_computed = false;
+ String current_accept_languages;
+PerThreadData& GetPerThreadData() {
+ DEFINE_THREAD_SAFE_STATIC_LOCAL(ThreadSpecific<PerThreadData>, data, ());
+ return *data;
+} // namespace
+static hb_language_t ToHarfbuzLanguage(const AtomicString& locale) {
+ CString locale_as_latin1 = locale.Latin1();
+ return hb_language_from_string(,
+ locale_as_latin1.length());
+// SkFontMgr requires script-based locale names, like "zh-Hant" and "zh-Hans",
+// instead of "zh-CN" and "zh-TW".
+static const char* ToSkFontMgrLocale(UScriptCode script) {
+ switch (script) {
+ return "ja-JP";
+ return "ko-KR";
+ return "zh-Hans";
+ return "zh-Hant";
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+const char* LayoutLocale::LocaleForSkFontMgr() const {
+ if (string_for_sk_font_mgr_.IsNull()) {
+ string_for_sk_font_mgr_ = ToSkFontMgrLocale(script_);
+ if (string_for_sk_font_mgr_.IsNull())
+ string_for_sk_font_mgr_ = string_.Ascii();
+ }
+ return;
+void LayoutLocale::ComputeScriptForHan() const {
+ if (IsUnambiguousHanScript(script_)) {
+ script_for_han_ = script_;
+ has_script_for_han_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ script_for_han_ = ScriptCodeForHanFromSubtags(string_);
+ if (script_for_han_ == USCRIPT_COMMON)
+ script_for_han_ = USCRIPT_SIMPLIFIED_HAN;
+ else
+ has_script_for_han_ = true;
+ DCHECK(IsUnambiguousHanScript(script_for_han_));
+UScriptCode LayoutLocale::GetScriptForHan() const {
+ if (script_for_han_ == USCRIPT_COMMON)
+ ComputeScriptForHan();
+ return script_for_han_;
+bool LayoutLocale::HasScriptForHan() const {
+ if (script_for_han_ == USCRIPT_COMMON)
+ ComputeScriptForHan();
+ return has_script_for_han_;
+// static
+const LayoutLocale* LayoutLocale::LocaleForHan(
+ const LayoutLocale* content_locale) {
+ if (content_locale && content_locale->HasScriptForHan())
+ return content_locale;
+ PerThreadData& data = GetPerThreadData();
+ if (UNLIKELY(!data.default_locale_for_han_computed)) {
+ // Use the first acceptLanguages that can disambiguate.
+ Vector<String> languages;
+ data.current_accept_languages.Split(',', languages);
+ for (String token : languages) {
+ token = token.StripWhiteSpace();
+ const LayoutLocale* locale = LayoutLocale::Get(AtomicString(token));
+ if (locale->HasScriptForHan()) {
+ data.default_locale_for_han = locale;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!data.default_locale_for_han) {
+ const LayoutLocale& default_locale = GetDefault();
+ if (default_locale.HasScriptForHan())
+ data.default_locale_for_han = &default_locale;
+ }
+ if (!data.default_locale_for_han) {
+ const LayoutLocale& system_locale = GetSystem();
+ if (system_locale.HasScriptForHan())
+ data.default_locale_for_han = &system_locale;
+ }
+ data.default_locale_for_han_computed = true;
+ }
+ return data.default_locale_for_han;
+const char* LayoutLocale::LocaleForHanForSkFontMgr() const {
+ const char* locale = ToSkFontMgrLocale(GetScriptForHan());
+ DCHECK(locale);
+ return locale;
+LayoutLocale::LayoutLocale(const AtomicString& locale)
+ : string_(locale),
+ harfbuzz_language_(ToHarfbuzLanguage(locale)),
+ script_(LocaleToScriptCodeForFontSelection(locale)),
+ script_for_han_(USCRIPT_COMMON),
+ has_script_for_han_(false),
+ hyphenation_computed_(false) {}
+// static
+const LayoutLocale* LayoutLocale::Get(const AtomicString& locale) {
+ if (locale.IsNull())
+ return nullptr;
+ auto result = GetPerThreadData().locale_map.insert(locale, nullptr);
+ if (result.is_new_entry)
+ result.stored_value->value = base::AdoptRef(new LayoutLocale(locale));
+ return result.stored_value->value.get();
+// static
+const LayoutLocale& LayoutLocale::GetDefault() {
+ PerThreadData& data = GetPerThreadData();
+ if (UNLIKELY(!data.default_locale)) {
+ AtomicString language = DefaultLanguage();
+ data.default_locale =
+ LayoutLocale::Get(!language.IsEmpty() ? language : "en");
+ }
+ return *data.default_locale;
+// static
+const LayoutLocale& LayoutLocale::GetSystem() {
+ PerThreadData& data = GetPerThreadData();
+ if (UNLIKELY(!data.system_locale)) {
+ // Platforms such as Windows can give more information than the default
+ // locale, such as "en-JP" for English speakers in Japan.
+ String name = icu::Locale::getDefault().getName();
+ data.system_locale =
+ LayoutLocale::Get(AtomicString(name.Replace('_', '-')));
+ }
+ return *data.system_locale;
+scoped_refptr<LayoutLocale> LayoutLocale::CreateForTesting(
+ const AtomicString& locale) {
+ return base::AdoptRef(new LayoutLocale(locale));
+Hyphenation* LayoutLocale::GetHyphenation() const {
+ if (hyphenation_computed_)
+ return hyphenation_.get();
+ hyphenation_computed_ = true;
+ hyphenation_ = Hyphenation::PlatformGetHyphenation(LocaleString());
+ return hyphenation_.get();
+void LayoutLocale::SetHyphenationForTesting(
+ const AtomicString& locale_string,
+ scoped_refptr<Hyphenation> hyphenation) {
+ const LayoutLocale& locale = ValueOrDefault(Get(locale_string));
+ locale.hyphenation_computed_ = true;
+ locale.hyphenation_ = std::move(hyphenation);
+AtomicString LayoutLocale::LocaleWithBreakKeyword(
+ LineBreakIteratorMode mode) const {
+ if (string_.IsEmpty())
+ return string_;
+ // uloc_setKeywordValue_58 has a problem to handle "@" in the original
+ // string.
+ if (string_.Contains('@'))
+ return string_;
+ CString utf8_locale = string_.Utf8();
+ Vector<char> buffer(utf8_locale.length() + 11, 0);
+ memcpy(,, utf8_locale.length());
+ const char* keyword_value = nullptr;
+ switch (mode) {
+ default:
+ case LineBreakIteratorMode::kDefault:
+ // nullptr will cause any existing values to be removed.
+ break;
+ case LineBreakIteratorMode::kNormal:
+ keyword_value = "normal";
+ break;
+ case LineBreakIteratorMode::kStrict:
+ keyword_value = "strict";
+ break;
+ case LineBreakIteratorMode::kLoose:
+ keyword_value = "loose";
+ break;
+ }
+ ICUError status;
+ int32_t length_needed = uloc_setKeywordValue(
+ "lb", keyword_value,, buffer.size(), &status);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status))
+ return AtomicString::FromUTF8(, length_needed);
+ if (status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
+ buffer.Grow(length_needed + 1);
+ memset( + utf8_locale.length(), 0,
+ buffer.size() - utf8_locale.length());
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ int32_t length_needed2 = uloc_setKeywordValue(
+ "lb", keyword_value,, buffer.size(), &status);
+ DCHECK_EQ(length_needed, length_needed2);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status) && length_needed == length_needed2)
+ return AtomicString::FromUTF8(, length_needed);
+ }
+ return string_;
+// static
+void LayoutLocale::AcceptLanguagesChanged(const String& accept_languages) {
+ PerThreadData& data = GetPerThreadData();
+ if (data.current_accept_languages == accept_languages)
+ return;
+ data.current_accept_languages = accept_languages;
+ data.default_locale_for_han = nullptr;
+ data.default_locale_for_han_computed = false;
+// static
+void LayoutLocale::ClearForTesting() {
+ GetPerThreadData() = PerThreadData();
+} // namespace blink