path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/display_item.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/display_item.h')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/display_item.h b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/display_item.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b56dfee069c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/display_item.h
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/float_rect.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/contiguous_container.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/display_item_client.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/assertions.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/noncopyable.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/json/json_values.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
+namespace blink {
+class GraphicsContext;
+class FloatSize;
+enum class PaintPhase;
+class WebDisplayItemList;
+class PLATFORM_EXPORT DisplayItem {
+ public:
+ enum {
+ // Must be kept in sync with core/paint/PaintPhase.h.
+ kPaintPhaseMax = 11,
+ };
+ // A display item type uniquely identifies a display item of a client.
+ // Some display item types can be categorized using the following directives:
+ // - In enum Type:
+ // - enum value <Category>First;
+ // - enum values of the category, first of which should equal
+ // <Category>First (for ease of maintenance, the values should be in
+ // alphabetic order);
+ // - enum value <Category>Last which should be equal to the last of the enum
+ // values of the category
+ // - DEFINE_CATEGORY_METHODS(<Category>) to define is<Category>Type(Type) and
+ // is<Category>() methods.
+ //
+ // A category or subset of a category can contain types each of which
+ // corresponds to a PaintPhase:
+ // - In enum Type:
+ // - enum value <Category>[<Subset>]PaintPhaseFirst;
+ // - enum value <Category>[<Subset>]PaintPhaseLast =
+ // <Category>[<Subset>]PaintPhaseFirst + PaintPhaseMax;
+ // - DEFINE_PAINT_PHASE_CONVERSION_METHOD(<Category>[<Subset>]) to define
+ // paintPhaseTo<Category>[<Subset>]Type(PaintPhase) method.
+ //
+ // A category can be derived from another category, containing types each of
+ // which corresponds to a value of the latter category:
+ // - In enum Type:
+ // - enum value <Category>First;
+ // - enum value <Category>Last =
+ // <Category>First + <BaseCategory>Last - <BaseCategory>First;
+ // <category>,
+ // <BaseCategory>,
+ // <baseCategory>)
+ // to define methods to convert types between the categories.
+ enum Type {
+ kDrawingFirst,
+ kDrawingPaintPhaseFirst = kDrawingFirst,
+ kDrawingPaintPhaseLast = kDrawingFirst + kPaintPhaseMax,
+ kBoxDecorationBackground,
+ kCaret,
+ kColumnRules,
+ kDebugDrawing,
+ kDocumentBackground,
+ kDragImage,
+ kDragCaret,
+ kEmptyContentForFilters,
+ kSVGImage,
+ kLinkHighlight,
+ kImageAreaFocusRing,
+ kPageOverlay,
+ kPopupContainerBorder,
+ kPopupListBoxBackground,
+ kPopupListBoxRow,
+ kPrintedContentDestinationLocations,
+ kPrintedContentPDFURLRect,
+ kResizer,
+ kSVGClip,
+ kSVGFilter,
+ kSVGMask,
+ kScrollbarBackButtonEnd,
+ kScrollbarBackButtonStart,
+ kScrollbarBackground,
+ kScrollbarBackTrack,
+ kScrollbarCorner,
+ kScrollbarForwardButtonEnd,
+ kScrollbarForwardButtonStart,
+ kScrollbarForwardTrack,
+ kScrollbarThumb,
+ kScrollbarTickmarks,
+ kScrollbarTrackBackground,
+ kScrollbarCompositedScrollbar,
+ kSelectionTint,
+ kTableCollapsedBorders,
+ kVideoBitmap,
+ kWebPlugin,
+ kWebFont,
+ kReflectionMask,
+ kDrawingLast = kReflectionMask,
+ kForeignLayerFirst,
+ kForeignLayerCanvas = kForeignLayerFirst,
+ kForeignLayerPlugin,
+ kForeignLayerVideo,
+ kForeignLayerLast = kForeignLayerVideo,
+ kClipFirst,
+ kClipBoxPaintPhaseFirst = kClipFirst,
+ kClipBoxPaintPhaseLast = kClipBoxPaintPhaseFirst + kPaintPhaseMax,
+ kClipColumnBoundsPaintPhaseFirst,
+ kClipColumnBoundsPaintPhaseLast =
+ kClipColumnBoundsPaintPhaseFirst + kPaintPhaseMax,
+ kClipLayerFragmentPaintPhaseFirst,
+ kClipLayerFragmentPaintPhaseLast =
+ kClipLayerFragmentPaintPhaseFirst + kPaintPhaseMax,
+ kClipFileUploadControlRect,
+ kClipFrameToVisibleContentRect,
+ kClipFrameScrollbars,
+ kClipLayerBackground,
+ kClipLayerColumnBounds,
+ kClipLayerFilter,
+ kClipLayerForeground,
+ kClipLayerParent,
+ kClipLayerOverflowControls,
+ kClipPopupListBoxFrame,
+ kClipScrollbarsToBoxBounds,
+ kClipSelectionImage,
+ kClipLast = kClipSelectionImage,
+ kEndClipFirst,
+ kEndClipLast = kEndClipFirst + kClipLast - kClipFirst,
+ kFloatClipFirst,
+ kFloatClipPaintPhaseFirst = kFloatClipFirst,
+ kFloatClipPaintPhaseLast = kFloatClipFirst + kPaintPhaseMax,
+ kFloatClipClipPathBounds,
+ kFloatClipLast = kFloatClipClipPathBounds,
+ kEndFloatClipFirst,
+ kEndFloatClipLast = kEndFloatClipFirst + kFloatClipLast - kFloatClipFirst,
+ kScrollFirst,
+ kScrollPaintPhaseFirst = kScrollFirst,
+ kScrollPaintPhaseLast = kScrollPaintPhaseFirst + kPaintPhaseMax,
+ kScrollOverflowControls,
+ kScrollLast = kScrollOverflowControls,
+ kEndScrollFirst,
+ kEndScrollLast = kEndScrollFirst + kScrollLast - kScrollFirst,
+ kSVGTransformPaintPhaseFirst,
+ kSVGTransformPaintPhaseLast = kSVGTransformPaintPhaseFirst + kPaintPhaseMax,
+ kSVGEffectPaintPhaseFirst,
+ kSVGEffectPaintPhaseLast = kSVGEffectPaintPhaseFirst + kPaintPhaseMax,
+ kTransform3DFirst,
+ kTransform3DElementTransform = kTransform3DFirst,
+ kTransform3DLast = kTransform3DElementTransform,
+ kEndTransform3DFirst,
+ kEndTransform3DLast =
+ kEndTransform3DFirst + kTransform3DLast - kTransform3DFirst,
+ kBeginFilter,
+ kEndFilter,
+ kBeginCompositing,
+ kEndCompositing,
+ kBeginTransform,
+ kEndTransform,
+ kBeginClipPath,
+ kEndClipPath,
+ kScrollHitTest,
+ kUninitializedType,
+ kTypeLast = kUninitializedType
+ };
+ DisplayItem(const DisplayItemClient& client, Type type, size_t derived_size)
+ : client_(&client),
+ visual_rect_(client.VisualRect()),
+ outset_for_raster_effects_(client.VisualRectOutsetForRasterEffects()),
+ type_(type),
+ derived_size_(derived_size),
+ fragment_(0),
+ skipped_cache_(false),
+ is_tombstone_(false) {
+ // |derived_size| must fit in |derived_size_|.
+ // If it doesn't, enlarge |derived_size_| and fix this assert.
+ SECURITY_DCHECK(derived_size < (1 << 8));
+ SECURITY_DCHECK(derived_size >= sizeof(*this));
+ }
+ virtual ~DisplayItem() = default;
+ // Ids are for matching new DisplayItems with existing DisplayItems.
+ struct Id {
+ Id(const DisplayItemClient& client, const Type type, unsigned fragment = 0)
+ : client(client), type(type), fragment(fragment) {}
+ Id(const Id& id, unsigned fragment)
+ : client(id.client), type(id.type), fragment(fragment) {}
+ String ToString() const;
+ const DisplayItemClient& client;
+ const Type type;
+ const unsigned fragment;
+ };
+ Id GetId() const { return Id(*client_, GetType(), fragment_); }
+ virtual void Replay(GraphicsContext&) const {}
+ const DisplayItemClient& Client() const {
+ DCHECK(client_);
+ return *client_;
+ }
+ // This equals to Client().VisualRect() as long as the client is alive and is
+ // not invalidated. Otherwise it saves the previous visual rect of the client.
+ // See DisplayItemClient::VisualRect() about its coordinate space.
+ const FloatRect& VisualRect() const { return visual_rect_; }
+ float OutsetForRasterEffects() const { return outset_for_raster_effects_; }
+ // Visual rect can change without needing invalidation of the client, e.g.
+ // when ancestor clip changes. This is called from PaintController::
+ // UseCachedDrawingIfPossible() to update the visual rect of a cached display
+ // item.
+ void UpdateVisualRect() { visual_rect_ = FloatRect(client_->VisualRect()); }
+ Type GetType() const { return static_cast<Type>(type_); }
+ // Size of this object in memory, used to move it with memcpy.
+ // This is not sizeof(*this), because it needs to account for the size of
+ // the derived class (i.e. runtime type). Derived classes are expected to
+ // supply this to the DisplayItem constructor.
+ size_t DerivedSize() const { return derived_size_; }
+ // The fragment is part of the id, to uniquely identify display items in
+ // different fragments for the same client and type.
+ unsigned Fragment() const { return fragment_; }
+ void SetFragment(unsigned fragment) {
+ DCHECK(fragment < (1 << 14));
+ fragment_ = fragment;
+ }
+ // For PaintController only. Painters should use DisplayItemCacheSkipper
+ // instead.
+ void SetSkippedCache() { skipped_cache_ = true; }
+ bool SkippedCache() const { return skipped_cache_; }
+ // Appends this display item to the WebDisplayItemList, if applicable.
+ // |visual_rect_offset| is the offset between the space of the GraphicsLayer
+ // which owns the display item and the coordinate space of VisualRect().
+ // TODO(wangxianzhu): Remove the parameter for slimming paint v2.
+ virtual void AppendToWebDisplayItemList(const FloatSize& visual_rect_offset,
+ WebDisplayItemList*) const {}
+// See comments of enum Type for usage of the following macros.
+#define DEFINE_CATEGORY_METHODS(Category) \
+ static bool Is##Category##Type(Type type) { \
+ return type >= k##Category##First && type <= k##Category##Last; \
+ } \
+ bool Is##Category() const { return Is##Category##Type(GetType()); }
+#define DEFINE_CONVERSION_METHODS(Category1, category1, Category2, category2) \
+ static Type Category1##TypeTo##Category2##Type(Type type) { \
+ static_assert(k##Category1##Last - k##Category1##First == \
+ k##Category2##Last - k##Category2##First, \
+ "Categories " #Category1 " and " #Category2 \
+ " should have same number of enum values. See comments of " \
+ "DisplayItem::Type"); \
+ DCHECK(Is##Category1##Type(type)); \
+ return static_cast<Type>(type - k##Category1##First + \
+ k##Category2##First); \
+ } \
+ static Type category2##TypeTo##Category1##Type(Type type) { \
+ DCHECK(Is##Category2##Type(type)); \
+ return static_cast<Type>(type - k##Category2##First + \
+ k##Category1##First); \
+ }
+#define DEFINE_PAIRED_CATEGORY_METHODS(Category, category) \
+ DEFINE_CONVERSION_METHODS(Category, category, End##Category, end##Category)
+ static Type PaintPhaseTo##Category##Type(PaintPhase paint_phase) { \
+ static_assert( \
+ k##Category##PaintPhaseLast - k##Category##PaintPhaseFirst == \
+ kPaintPhaseMax, \
+ "Invalid paint-phase-based category " #Category \
+ ". See comments of DisplayItem::Type"); \
+ return static_cast<Type>(static_cast<int>(paint_phase) + \
+ k##Category##PaintPhaseFirst); \
+ }
+ static bool IsScrollHitTestType(Type type) { return type == kScrollHitTest; }
+ bool IsScrollHitTest() const { return IsScrollHitTestType(GetType()); }
+ // TODO(pdr): Should this return true for IsScrollHitTestType too?
+ static bool IsCacheableType(Type type) { return IsDrawingType(type); }
+ bool IsCacheable() const {
+ return !SkippedCache() && IsCacheableType(GetType());
+ }
+ virtual bool IsBegin() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool IsEnd() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool IsEndAndPairedWith(DisplayItem::Type other_type) const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual bool Equals(const DisplayItem& other) const {
+ // Failure of this DCHECK would cause bad casts in subclasses.
+ SECURITY_CHECK(!is_tombstone_);
+ return client_ == other.client_ && type_ == other.type_ &&
+ fragment_ == other.fragment_ &&
+ derived_size_ == other.derived_size_ &&
+ skipped_cache_ == other.skipped_cache_;
+ }
+ // True if this DisplayItem is the tombstone/"dead display item" as part of
+ // moving an item from one list to another. See the default constructor of
+ // DisplayItem.
+ bool IsTombstone() const { return is_tombstone_; }
+ virtual bool DrawsContent() const { return false; }
+ static WTF::String TypeAsDebugString(DisplayItem::Type);
+ WTF::String AsDebugString() const;
+ virtual void PropertiesAsJSON(JSONObject&) const;
+ private:
+ template <typename T, unsigned alignment>
+ friend class ContiguousContainer;
+ friend class DisplayItemList;
+ // The default DisplayItem constructor is only used by ContiguousContainer::
+ // AppendByMoving() where a tombstone DisplayItem is constructed at the source
+ // location. Only set is_tombstone_ to true, leaving other fields as-is so
+ // that we can get their original values for debugging. |visual_rect_| and
+ // |outset_for_raster_effects_| are special, see DisplayItemList::
+ // AppendByMoving().
+ DisplayItem() : is_tombstone_(true) {}
+ const DisplayItemClient* client_;
+ FloatRect visual_rect_;
+ float outset_for_raster_effects_;
+ static_assert(kTypeLast < (1 << 8), "DisplayItem::Type should fit in 8 bits");
+ unsigned type_ : 8;
+ unsigned derived_size_ : 8; // size of the actual derived class
+ unsigned fragment_ : 14;
+ unsigned skipped_cache_ : 1;
+ unsigned is_tombstone_ : 1;
+inline bool operator==(const DisplayItem::Id& a, const DisplayItem::Id& b) {
+ return a.client == b.client && a.type == b.type && a.fragment == b.fragment;
+inline bool operator!=(const DisplayItem::Id& a, const DisplayItem::Id& b) {
+ return !(a == b);
+class PLATFORM_EXPORT PairedBeginDisplayItem : public DisplayItem {
+ protected:
+ PairedBeginDisplayItem(const DisplayItemClient& client,
+ Type type,
+ size_t derived_size)
+ : DisplayItem(client, type, derived_size) {
+ DCHECK(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SlimmingPaintV175Enabled());
+ }
+ private:
+ bool IsBegin() const final { return true; }
+class PLATFORM_EXPORT PairedEndDisplayItem : public DisplayItem {
+ protected:
+ PairedEndDisplayItem(const DisplayItemClient& client,
+ Type type,
+ size_t derived_size)
+ : DisplayItem(client, type, derived_size) {
+ DCHECK(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SlimmingPaintV175Enabled());
+ }
+ bool IsEndAndPairedWith(DisplayItem::Type other_type) const override = 0;
+ private:
+ bool IsEnd() const final { return true; }
+} // namespace blink