path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/xr/xr_device.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/xr/xr_device.h')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/xr/xr_device.h b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/xr/xr_device.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2266136b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/xr/xr_device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "device/vr/public/mojom/vr_service.mojom-blink.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_promise.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/events/event_target.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/xr/xr_session_creation_options.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/forward.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
+namespace blink {
+class XR;
+class XRFrameProvider;
+class XRSession;
+class XRDevice final : public EventTargetWithInlineData,
+ public device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayClient {
+ public:
+ XRDevice(XR*,
+ device::mojom::blink::VRMagicWindowProviderPtr,
+ device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayHostPtr,
+ device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayClientRequest,
+ device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayInfoPtr);
+ XR* xr() const { return xr_; }
+ bool external() const { return is_external_; }
+ ScriptPromise supportsSession(ScriptState*,
+ const XRSessionCreationOptions&) const;
+ ScriptPromise requestSession(ScriptState*, const XRSessionCreationOptions&);
+ // EventTarget overrides.
+ ExecutionContext* GetExecutionContext() const override;
+ const AtomicString& InterfaceName() const override;
+ void Trace(blink::Visitor*) override;
+ // XRDisplayClient
+ void OnChanged(device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayInfoPtr) override;
+ void OnExitPresent() override;
+ void OnBlur() override;
+ void OnFocus() override;
+ void OnActivate(device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayEventReason,
+ OnActivateCallback on_handled) override;
+ void OnDeactivate(device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayEventReason) override;
+ XRFrameProvider* frameProvider();
+ void Dispose();
+ const device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayHostPtr& xrDisplayHostPtr() const {
+ return display_;
+ }
+ const device::mojom::blink::VRMagicWindowProviderPtr&
+ xrMagicWindowProviderPtr() const {
+ return magic_window_provider_;
+ }
+ const device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayInfoPtr& xrDisplayInfoPtr() const {
+ return display_info_;
+ }
+ // Incremented every time display_info_ is changed, so that other objects that
+ // depend on it can know when they need to update.
+ unsigned int xrDisplayInfoPtrId() const { return display_info_id_; }
+ void OnFrameFocusChanged();
+ // The device may report focus to us - for example if another application is
+ // using the headset, or some browsing UI is shown, we may not have device
+ // focus.
+ bool HasDeviceFocus() { return has_device_focus_; }
+ bool HasDeviceAndFrameFocus() { return IsFrameFocused() && HasDeviceFocus(); }
+ private:
+ void SetXRDisplayInfo(device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayInfoPtr);
+ const char* checkSessionSupport(const XRSessionCreationOptions&) const;
+ // There are two components to focus - whether the frame itself has
+ // traditional focus and whether the device reports that we have focus. These
+ // are aggregated so we can hand out focus/blur events on sessions and
+ // determine when to call animation frame callbacks.
+ void OnFocusChanged();
+ bool IsFrameFocused();
+ Member<XR> xr_;
+ Member<XRFrameProvider> frame_provider_;
+ HeapHashSet<WeakMember<XRSession>> sessions_;
+ bool is_external_;
+ bool supports_exclusive_;
+ bool has_device_focus_ = true;
+ device::mojom::blink::VRMagicWindowProviderPtr magic_window_provider_;
+ device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayHostPtr display_;
+ device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayInfoPtr display_info_;
+ unsigned int display_info_id_ = 0;
+ mojo::Binding<device::mojom::blink::VRDisplayClient> display_client_binding_;
+} // namespace blink