path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/device_orientation/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/device_orientation/')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/device_orientation/ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/device_orientation/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..459caef8295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/device_orientation/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <cmath>
+#include "services/device/public/mojom/sensor.mojom-blink.h"
+#include "services/service_manager/public/cpp/interface_provider.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/device_orientation/device_orientation_event_pump.h"
+namespace {
+bool IsAngleDifferentThreshold(bool has_angle1,
+ double angle1,
+ bool has_angle2,
+ double angle2) {
+ if (has_angle1 != has_angle2)
+ return true;
+ return (has_angle1 &&
+ std::fabs(angle1 - angle2) >=
+ blink::DeviceOrientationEventPump::kOrientationThreshold);
+bool IsSignificantlyDifferent(const device::OrientationData& data1,
+ const device::OrientationData& data2) {
+ return IsAngleDifferentThreshold(data1.has_alpha, data1.alpha,
+ data2.has_alpha, data2.alpha) ||
+ IsAngleDifferentThreshold(data1.has_beta, data1.beta, data2.has_beta,
+ data2.beta) ||
+ IsAngleDifferentThreshold(data1.has_gamma, data1.gamma,
+ data2.has_gamma, data2.gamma);
+} // namespace
+namespace blink {
+template class DeviceSensorEventPump<blink::WebDeviceOrientationListener>;
+const double DeviceOrientationEventPump::kOrientationThreshold = 0.1;
+ scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner,
+ bool absolute)
+ : DeviceSensorEventPump<blink::WebDeviceOrientationListener>(task_runner),
+ relative_orientation_sensor_(
+ this,
+ device::mojom::SensorType::RELATIVE_ORIENTATION_EULER_ANGLES),
+ absolute_orientation_sensor_(
+ this,
+ device::mojom::SensorType::ABSOLUTE_ORIENTATION_EULER_ANGLES),
+ absolute_(absolute),
+ fall_back_to_absolute_orientation_sensor_(!absolute) {}
+DeviceOrientationEventPump::~DeviceOrientationEventPump() {
+ StopIfObserving();
+void DeviceOrientationEventPump::SendStartMessage(LocalFrame* frame) {
+ if (!sensor_provider_) {
+ DCHECK(frame);
+ frame->GetInterfaceProvider().GetInterface(
+ mojo::MakeRequest(&sensor_provider_));
+ sensor_provider_.set_connection_error_handler(
+ WTF::Bind(&DeviceSensorEventPump::HandleSensorProviderError,
+ WTF::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ if (absolute_) {
+ absolute_orientation_sensor_.Start(sensor_provider_.get());
+ } else {
+ fall_back_to_absolute_orientation_sensor_ = true;
+ should_suspend_absolute_orientation_sensor_ = false;
+ relative_orientation_sensor_.Start(sensor_provider_.get());
+ }
+void DeviceOrientationEventPump::SendStopMessage() {
+ // SendStopMessage() gets called both when the page visibility changes and if
+ // all device orientation event listeners are unregistered. Since removing
+ // the event listener is more rare than the page visibility changing,
+ // Sensor::Suspend() is used to optimize this case for not doing extra work.
+ relative_orientation_sensor_.Stop();
+ // This is needed in case we fallback to using the absolute orientation
+ // sensor. In this case, the relative orientation sensor is marked as
+ // SensorState::SHOULD_SUSPEND, and if the relative orientation sensor
+ // is not available, the absolute orientation sensor should also be marked as
+ // SensorState::SHOULD_SUSPEND, but only after the
+ // absolute_orientation_sensor_.Start() is called for initializing
+ // the absolute orientation sensor in
+ // DeviceOrientationEventPump::DidStartIfPossible().
+ if (relative_orientation_sensor_.sensor_state ==
+ SensorState::SHOULD_SUSPEND &&
+ fall_back_to_absolute_orientation_sensor_) {
+ should_suspend_absolute_orientation_sensor_ = true;
+ }
+ absolute_orientation_sensor_.Stop();
+ // Reset the cached data because DeviceOrientationDispatcher resets its
+ // data when stopping. If we don't reset here as well, then when starting back
+ // up we won't notify DeviceOrientationDispatcher of the orientation, since
+ // we think it hasn't changed.
+ data_ = device::OrientationData();
+void DeviceOrientationEventPump::FireEvent(TimerBase*) {
+ device::OrientationData data;
+ DCHECK(listener());
+ GetDataFromSharedMemory(&data);
+ if (ShouldFireEvent(data)) {
+ data_ = data;
+ listener()->DidChangeDeviceOrientation(data);
+ }
+void DeviceOrientationEventPump::DidStartIfPossible() {
+ if (!absolute_ && !relative_orientation_sensor_.sensor &&
+ fall_back_to_absolute_orientation_sensor_ && sensor_provider_) {
+ // When relative orientation sensor is not available fall back to using
+ // the absolute orientation sensor but only on the first failure.
+ fall_back_to_absolute_orientation_sensor_ = false;
+ absolute_orientation_sensor_.Start(sensor_provider_.get());
+ if (should_suspend_absolute_orientation_sensor_) {
+ // The absolute orientation sensor needs to be marked as
+ // SensorState::SUSPENDED when it is successfully initialized.
+ absolute_orientation_sensor_.sensor_state = SensorState::SHOULD_SUSPEND;
+ should_suspend_absolute_orientation_sensor_ = false;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ DeviceSensorEventPump::DidStartIfPossible();
+bool DeviceOrientationEventPump::SensorsReadyOrErrored() const {
+ if (!relative_orientation_sensor_.ReadyOrErrored() ||
+ !absolute_orientation_sensor_.ReadyOrErrored()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // At most one sensor can be successfully initialized.
+ DCHECK(!relative_orientation_sensor_.sensor ||
+ !absolute_orientation_sensor_.sensor);
+ return true;
+void DeviceOrientationEventPump::GetDataFromSharedMemory(
+ device::OrientationData* data) {
+ data->all_available_sensors_are_active = true;
+ if (!absolute_ && relative_orientation_sensor_.SensorReadingCouldBeRead()) {
+ // For DeviceOrientation Event, this provides relative orientation data.
+ data->all_available_sensors_are_active =
+ relative_orientation_sensor_.reading.timestamp() != 0.0;
+ if (!data->all_available_sensors_are_active)
+ return;
+ data->alpha = relative_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.z;
+ data->beta = relative_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.x;
+ data->gamma = relative_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.y;
+ data->has_alpha = !std::isnan(
+ relative_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.z.value());
+ data->has_beta = !std::isnan(
+ relative_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.x.value());
+ data->has_gamma = !std::isnan(
+ relative_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.y.value());
+ data->absolute = false;
+ } else if (absolute_orientation_sensor_.SensorReadingCouldBeRead()) {
+ // For DeviceOrientationAbsolute Event, this provides absolute orientation
+ // data.
+ //
+ // For DeviceOrientation Event, this provides absolute orientation data if
+ // relative orientation data is not available.
+ data->all_available_sensors_are_active =
+ absolute_orientation_sensor_.reading.timestamp() != 0.0;
+ if (!data->all_available_sensors_are_active)
+ return;
+ data->alpha = absolute_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.z;
+ data->beta = absolute_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.x;
+ data->gamma = absolute_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.y;
+ data->has_alpha = !std::isnan(
+ absolute_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.z.value());
+ data->has_beta = !std::isnan(
+ absolute_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.x.value());
+ data->has_gamma = !std::isnan(
+ absolute_orientation_sensor_.reading.orientation_euler.y.value());
+ data->absolute = true;
+ } else {
+ data->absolute = absolute_;
+ }
+bool DeviceOrientationEventPump::ShouldFireEvent(
+ const device::OrientationData& data) const {
+ if (!data.all_available_sensors_are_active)
+ return false;
+ if (!data.has_alpha && !data.has_beta && !data.has_gamma) {
+ // no data can be provided, this is an all-null event.
+ return true;
+ }
+ return IsSignificantlyDifferent(data_, data);
+} // namespace blink