path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/ad_auction/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/ad_auction/')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/ad_auction/ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/ad_auction/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce14a446729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/ad_auction/
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/ad_auction/validate_blink_interest_group.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/array_traits_wtf_vector.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/message.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/public/common/interest_group/interest_group.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/interest_group_types.mojom-blink.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/interest_group_types.mojom.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_state.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/kurl.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/security_origin.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
+#include "url/gurl.h"
+#include "url/origin.h"
+namespace blink {
+namespace {
+constexpr char kOriginString[] = "https://origin.test/";
+constexpr char kNameString[] = "name";
+} // namespace
+// Test fixture for testing both ValidateBlinkInterestGroup() and
+// ValidateInterestGroup(), and making sure they behave the same.
+class ValidateBlinkInterestGroupTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ // Check that `blink_interest_group` is valid, if added from its owner origin.
+ void ExpectInterestGroupIsValid(
+ const mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr& blink_interest_group) {
+ String error_field_name;
+ String error_field_value;
+ String error;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ValidateBlinkInterestGroup(
+ *blink_interest_group, error_field_name, error_field_value, error));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_field_name.IsNull());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_field_value.IsNull());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error.IsNull());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CanSerializeAndDeserialize(blink_interest_group));
+ }
+ // Check that `blink_interest_group` is valid, if added from `blink_origin`,
+ // and returns the provided error values.
+ void ExpectInterestGroupIsNotValid(
+ const mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr& blink_interest_group,
+ const std::string& expected_error_field_name,
+ const std::string& expected_error_field_value,
+ const std::string& expected_error) {
+ String error_field_name;
+ String error_field_value;
+ String error;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ValidateBlinkInterestGroup(
+ *blink_interest_group, error_field_name, error_field_value, error));
+ EXPECT_EQ(String::FromUTF8(expected_error_field_name), error_field_name);
+ EXPECT_EQ(String::FromUTF8(expected_error_field_value), error_field_value);
+ EXPECT_EQ(String::FromUTF8(expected_error), error);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(CanSerializeAndDeserialize(blink_interest_group));
+ }
+ // Tries to Converts a mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr to a
+ // blink::InterestGroup by using Mojo to serialize and deserialize it. Returns
+ // true on success, false on failure. Failure indicates the traits conversion
+ // logic refused to serialize the InterestGroup, since it was invalid. Based
+ // off of mojo::test::SerializeAndDeserialize(), which can't convert between
+ // blink and non-blink types.
+ bool CanSerializeAndDeserialize(
+ const mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr& blink_interest_group) {
+ mojo::Message message =
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroup::SerializeAsMessage(&blink_interest_group);
+ mojo::ScopedMessageHandle handle = message.TakeMojoMessage();
+ message = mojo::Message::CreateFromMessageHandle(&handle);
+ DCHECK(!message.IsNull());
+ auto interest_group = std::make_unique<blink::InterestGroup>();
+ return mojom::InterestGroup::DeserializeFromMessage(std::move(message),
+ interest_group.get());
+ }
+ // Creates and returns a minimally populated mojom::blink::InterestGroup.
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr CreateMinimalInterestGroup() {
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr blink_interest_group =
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroup::New();
+ blink_interest_group->owner = kOrigin;
+ blink_interest_group->name = kName;
+ return blink_interest_group;
+ }
+ // Creates an interest group with all fields populated with valid values.
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr CreateFullyPopulatedInterestGroup() {
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr blink_interest_group =
+ CreateMinimalInterestGroup();
+ // Url that's allowed in every field. Populate all portions of the URL that
+ // are allowed in most places.
+ const KURL kAllowedUrl =
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin.test/foo?bar"));
+ blink_interest_group->bidding_url = kAllowedUrl;
+ blink_interest_group->update_url = kAllowedUrl;
+ // `trusted_bidding_signals_url` doesn't allow query strings, unlike the
+ // above ones.
+ blink_interest_group->trusted_bidding_signals_url =
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin.test/foo"));
+ blink_interest_group->trusted_bidding_signals_keys.emplace();
+ blink_interest_group->trusted_bidding_signals_keys->push_back(
+ String::FromUTF8("1"));
+ blink_interest_group->trusted_bidding_signals_keys->push_back(
+ String::FromUTF8("2"));
+ blink_interest_group->user_bidding_signals =
+ String::FromUTF8("\"This field isn't actually validated\"");
+ // Add two ads. Use different URLs, with references.
+ blink_interest_group->ads.emplace();
+ auto mojo_ad1 = mojom::blink::InterestGroupAd::New();
+ mojo_ad1->render_url =
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin.test/foo?bar#baz"));
+ mojo_ad1->metadata =
+ String::FromUTF8("\"This field isn't actually validated\"");
+ blink_interest_group->ads->push_back(std::move(mojo_ad1));
+ auto mojo_ad2 = mojom::blink::InterestGroupAd::New();
+ mojo_ad2->render_url =
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin.test/foo?bar#baz2"));
+ blink_interest_group->ads->push_back(std::move(mojo_ad2));
+ return blink_interest_group;
+ }
+ protected:
+ // SecurityOrigin used as the owner in most tests.
+ const scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> kOrigin =
+ SecurityOrigin::CreateFromString(String::FromUTF8(kOriginString));
+ const String kName = String::FromUTF8(kNameString);
+// Test behavior with an InterestGroup with as few fields populated as allowed.
+TEST_F(ValidateBlinkInterestGroupTest, MinimallyPopulated) {
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr blink_interest_group =
+ CreateMinimalInterestGroup();
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsValid(blink_interest_group);
+// Test behavior with an InterestGroup with all fields populated with valid
+// values.
+TEST_F(ValidateBlinkInterestGroupTest, FullyPopulated) {
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr blink_interest_group =
+ CreateFullyPopulatedInterestGroup();
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsValid(blink_interest_group);
+// Make sure that non-HTTPS origins are rejected, both as the frame origin, and
+// as the owner. HTTPS frame origins with non-HTTPS owners are currently
+// rejected due to origin mismatch, but once sites can add users to 3P interest
+// groups, they should still be rejected for being non-HTTPS.
+TEST_F(ValidateBlinkInterestGroupTest, NonHttpsOriginRejected) {
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr blink_interest_group =
+ CreateMinimalInterestGroup();
+ blink_interest_group->owner =
+ SecurityOrigin::CreateFromString(String::FromUTF8("http://origin.test/"));
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsNotValid(
+ blink_interest_group, "owner" /* expected_error_field_name */,
+ "http://origin.test" /* expected_error_field_value */,
+ "owner origin must be HTTPS." /* expected_error */);
+ blink_interest_group->owner =
+ SecurityOrigin::CreateFromString(String::FromUTF8("data:,foo"));
+ // Data URLs have opaque origins, which are mapped to the string "null".
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsNotValid(
+ blink_interest_group, "owner" /* expected_error_field_name */,
+ "null" /* expected_error_field_value */,
+ "owner origin must be HTTPS." /* expected_error */);
+// Check that `bidding_url`, `update_url`, and `trusted_bidding_signals_url`
+// must be same-origin and HTTPS.
+// Ad URLs do not have to be same origin, so they're checked in a different
+// test.
+TEST_F(ValidateBlinkInterestGroupTest, RejectedUrls) {
+ // Strings when each field has a bad URL, copied from cc file.
+ const char kBadBiddingUrlError[] =
+ "biddingUrl must have the same origin as the InterestGroup owner "
+ "and have no fragment identifier or embedded credentials.";
+ const char kBadUpdateUrlError[] =
+ "updateUrl must have the same origin as the InterestGroup owner "
+ "and have no fragment identifier or embedded credentials.";
+ const char kBadTrustedBiddingSignalsUrlError[] =
+ "trustedBiddingSignalsUrl must have the same origin as the "
+ "InterestGroup owner and have no query string, fragment identifier "
+ "or embedded credentials.";
+ // Nested URL schemes, like filesystem URLs, are the only cases where a URL
+ // being same origin with an HTTPS origin does not imply the URL itself is
+ // also HTTPS.
+ const KURL kFileSystemUrl =
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("filesystem:https://origin.test/foo"));
+ kOrigin->IsSameOriginWith(SecurityOrigin::Create(kFileSystemUrl).get()));
+ const KURL kRejectedUrls[] = {
+ // HTTP URLs is rejected: it's both the wrong scheme, and cross-origin.
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("filesystem:http://origin.test/foo")),
+ // Cross origin HTTPS URLs are rejected.
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin2.test/foo")),
+ // URL with different ports are cross-origin.
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin.test:1234/")),
+ // URLs with opaque origins are cross-origin.
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("data://text/html,payload")),
+ // Unknown scheme.
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("unknown-scheme://foo/")),
+ // filesystem URLs are rejected, even if they're same-origin with the page
+ // origin.
+ kFileSystemUrl,
+ // URLs with user/ports are rejected.
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://user:pass@origin.test/")),
+ // References also aren't allowed, as they aren't sent over HTTP.
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin.test/#foopy")),
+ // Invalid URLs.
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("")),
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("invalid url")),
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://!@#$%^&*()/")),
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://[1::::::2]/")),
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin.test/%00")),
+ };
+ for (const KURL& rejected_url : kRejectedUrls) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(rejected_url.GetString());
+ // Test `bidding_url`.
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr blink_interest_group =
+ CreateMinimalInterestGroup();
+ blink_interest_group->bidding_url = rejected_url;
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsNotValid(
+ blink_interest_group, "biddingUrl" /* expected_error_field_name */,
+ rejected_url.GetString().Utf8() /* expected_error_field_value */,
+ kBadBiddingUrlError /* expected_error */);
+ // Test `update_url`.
+ blink_interest_group = CreateMinimalInterestGroup();
+ blink_interest_group->update_url = rejected_url;
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsNotValid(
+ blink_interest_group, "updateUrl" /* expected_error_field_name */,
+ rejected_url.GetString().Utf8() /* expected_error_field_value */,
+ // expected_error
+ kBadUpdateUrlError /* expected_error */);
+ // Test `trusted_bidding_signals_url`.
+ blink_interest_group = CreateMinimalInterestGroup();
+ blink_interest_group->trusted_bidding_signals_url = rejected_url;
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsNotValid(
+ blink_interest_group,
+ "trustedBiddingSignalsUrl" /* expected_error_field_name */,
+ rejected_url.GetString().Utf8() /* expected_error_field_value */,
+ kBadTrustedBiddingSignalsUrlError /* expected_error */);
+ }
+ // `trusted_bidding_signals_url` also can't include query strings.
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr blink_interest_group =
+ CreateMinimalInterestGroup();
+ KURL rejected_url = KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin.test/?query"));
+ blink_interest_group->trusted_bidding_signals_url = rejected_url;
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsNotValid(
+ blink_interest_group,
+ "trustedBiddingSignalsUrl" /* expected_error_field_name */,
+ rejected_url.GetString().Utf8() /* expected_error_field_value */,
+ kBadTrustedBiddingSignalsUrlError /* expected_error */);
+// Tests valid and invalid ad render URLs.
+TEST_F(ValidateBlinkInterestGroupTest, AdRenderUrlValidation) {
+ const char kBadAdUrlError[] =
+ "renderUrls must be HTTPS and have no embedded credentials.";
+ const struct {
+ bool expect_allowed;
+ const char* url;
+ } kTestCases[] = {
+ // Same origin URLs are allowed.
+ {true, "https://origin.test/foo?bar"},
+ // Cross origin URLs are allowed, as long as they're HTTPS.
+ {true, "https://b.test/"},
+ {true, "https://a.test:1234/"},
+ // URLs with the wrong scheme are rejected.
+ {false, "http://a.test/"},
+ {false, "data://text/html,payload"},
+ {false, "filesystem:https://a.test/foo"},
+ // URLs with user/ports are rejected.
+ {false, "https://user:pass@a.test/"},
+ // References are allowed for ads, though not other requests, since they
+ // only have an effect when loading a page in a renderer.
+ {true, "https://a.test/#foopy"},
+ };
+ for (const auto& test_case : kTestCases) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(test_case.url);
+ KURL test_case_url = KURL(String::FromUTF8(test_case.url));
+ // Add an InterestGroup with the test cases's URL as the only ad's URL.
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr blink_interest_group =
+ CreateMinimalInterestGroup();
+ blink_interest_group->ads.emplace();
+ blink_interest_group->ads->emplace_back(mojom::blink::InterestGroupAd::New(
+ test_case_url, String() /* metadata */));
+ if (test_case.expect_allowed) {
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsValid(blink_interest_group);
+ } else {
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsNotValid(
+ blink_interest_group,
+ "ad[0].renderUrl" /* expected_error_field_name */,
+ test_case_url.GetString().Utf8() /* expected_error_field_value */,
+ kBadAdUrlError /* expected_error */);
+ }
+ // Add an InterestGroup with the test cases's URL as the second ad's URL.
+ blink_interest_group = CreateMinimalInterestGroup();
+ blink_interest_group->ads.emplace();
+ blink_interest_group->ads->emplace_back(mojom::blink::InterestGroupAd::New(
+ KURL(String::FromUTF8("https://origin.test/")),
+ String() /* metadata */));
+ blink_interest_group->ads->emplace_back(mojom::blink::InterestGroupAd::New(
+ test_case_url, String() /* metadata */));
+ if (test_case.expect_allowed) {
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsValid(blink_interest_group);
+ } else {
+ ExpectInterestGroupIsNotValid(
+ blink_interest_group,
+ "ad[1].renderUrl" /* expected_error_field_name */,
+ test_case_url.GetString().Utf8() /* expected_error_field_value */,
+ kBadAdUrlError /* expected_error */);
+ }
+ }
+// Mojo rejects malformed URLs when converting mojom::blink::InterestGroup to
+// blink::InterestGroup. Since the rejection happens internally in Mojo,
+// typemapping code that invokes blink::InterestGroup::IsValid() isn't run, so
+// adding a AdRenderUrlValidation testcase to verify malformed URLs wouldn't
+// exercise blink::InterestGroup::IsValid(). Since blink::InterestGroup users
+// can call IsValid() directly (i.e when not using Mojo), we need a test that
+// also calls IsValid() directly.
+TEST_F(ValidateBlinkInterestGroupTest, MalformedUrl) {
+ constexpr char kMalformedUrl[] = "https://invalid^";
+ // First, check against mojom::blink::InterestGroup.
+ constexpr char kBadAdUrlError[] =
+ "renderUrls must be HTTPS and have no embedded credentials.";
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroupPtr blink_interest_group =
+ mojom::blink::InterestGroup::New();
+ blink_interest_group->owner = kOrigin;
+ blink_interest_group->name = kName;
+ blink_interest_group->ads.emplace();
+ blink_interest_group->ads->emplace_back(mojom::blink::InterestGroupAd::New(
+ KURL(kMalformedUrl), String() /* metadata */));
+ String error_field_name;
+ String error_field_value;
+ String error;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ValidateBlinkInterestGroup(
+ *blink_interest_group, error_field_name, error_field_value, error));
+ EXPECT_EQ(error_field_name, String::FromUTF8("ad[0].renderUrl"));
+ // The invalid ^ gets escaped.
+ EXPECT_EQ(error_field_value, String::FromUTF8("https://invalid%5E/"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(error, String::FromUTF8(kBadAdUrlError));
+ // Now, test against blink::InterestGroup.
+ blink::InterestGroup interest_group;
+ interest_group.owner = url::Origin::Create(GURL(kOriginString));
+ = kNameString;
+ blink::InterestGroup::Ad(GURL(kMalformedUrl), /*metadata=*/""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(interest_group.IsValid());
+} // namespace blink