path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 666 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1029ef5e606..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/object_painter_base.h"
-#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/box_border_painter.h"
-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_info.h"
-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/border_edge.h"
-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style.h"
-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/color.h"
-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/graphics_context.h"
-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/graphics_context_state_saver.h"
-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/skia/skia_utils.h"
-#include "ui/base/ui_base_features.h"
-#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h"
-namespace blink {
-namespace {
-struct OutlineEdgeInfo {
- int x1;
- int y1;
- int x2;
- int y2;
- BoxSide side;
-// Adjust length of edges if needed. Returns the width of the joint.
-int AdjustJoint(int outline_width,
- OutlineEdgeInfo& edge1,
- OutlineEdgeInfo& edge2) {
- // A clockwise joint:
- // - needs no adjustment of edge length because our edges are along the
- // clockwise outer edge of the outline;
- // - needs a positive adjacent joint width (required by
- // ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide). A counterclockwise joint: - needs
- // to increase the edge length to include the joint; - needs a negative
- // adjacent joint width (required by ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide).
- switch (edge1.side) {
- case BoxSide::kTop:
- switch (edge2.side) {
- case BoxSide::kRight: // Clockwise
- return outline_width;
- case BoxSide::kLeft: // Counterclockwise
- edge1.x2 += outline_width;
- edge2.y2 += outline_width;
- return -outline_width;
- default: // Same side or no joint.
- return 0;
- }
- case BoxSide::kRight:
- switch (edge2.side) {
- case BoxSide::kBottom: // Clockwise
- return outline_width;
- case BoxSide::kTop: // Counterclockwise
- edge1.y2 += outline_width;
- edge2.x1 -= outline_width;
- return -outline_width;
- default: // Same side or no joint.
- return 0;
- }
- case BoxSide::kBottom:
- switch (edge2.side) {
- case BoxSide::kLeft: // Clockwise
- return outline_width;
- case BoxSide::kRight: // Counterclockwise
- edge1.x1 -= outline_width;
- edge2.y1 -= outline_width;
- return -outline_width;
- default: // Same side or no joint.
- return 0;
- }
- case BoxSide::kLeft:
- switch (edge2.side) {
- case BoxSide::kTop: // Clockwise
- return outline_width;
- case BoxSide::kBottom: // Counterclockwise
- edge1.y1 -= outline_width;
- edge2.x2 += outline_width;
- return -outline_width;
- default: // Same side or no joint.
- return 0;
- }
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-void ApplyOutlineOffset(IntRect& rect, int offset) {
- // A negative outline-offset should not cause the rendered outline shape to
- // become smaller than twice the computed value of the outline-width, in each
- // direction separately. See:
- rect.InflateX(std::max(offset, -rect.Width() / 2));
- rect.InflateY(std::max(offset, -rect.Height() / 2));
-void PaintComplexOutline(GraphicsContext& graphics_context,
- const Vector<IntRect> rects,
- const ComputedStyle& style,
- const Color& color) {
- DCHECK(!style.OutlineStyleIsAuto());
- // Construct a clockwise path along the outer edge of the outline.
- SkRegion region;
- uint16_t width = style.OutlineWidthInt();
- int offset = style.OutlineOffsetInt();
- for (auto& r : rects) {
- IntRect rect = r;
- ApplyOutlineOffset(rect, offset);
- rect.Inflate(width);
- region.op(rect, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
- }
- SkPath path;
- if (!region.getBoundaryPath(&path))
- return;
- Vector<OutlineEdgeInfo, 4> edges;
- SkPath::RawIter iter(path);
- SkPoint points[4], first_point, last_point;
- wtf_size_t count = 0;
- for (SkPath::Verb verb =; verb != SkPath::kDone_Verb;
- verb = {
- // Keep track of the first and last point of each contour (started with
- // kMove_Verb) so we can add the closing-line on kClose_Verb.
- if (verb == SkPath::kMove_Verb) {
- first_point = points[0];
- last_point = first_point; // this gets reset after each line, but we
- // initialize it here
- } else if (verb == SkPath::kClose_Verb) {
- // create an artificial line to close the contour
- verb = SkPath::kLine_Verb;
- points[0] = last_point;
- points[1] = first_point;
- }
- if (verb != SkPath::kLine_Verb)
- continue;
- last_point = points[1];
- edges.Grow(++count);
- OutlineEdgeInfo& edge = edges.back();
- edge.x1 = SkScalarTruncToInt(points[0].x());
- edge.y1 = SkScalarTruncToInt(points[0].y());
- edge.x2 = SkScalarTruncToInt(points[1].x());
- edge.y2 = SkScalarTruncToInt(points[1].y());
- if (edge.x1 == edge.x2) {
- if (edge.y1 < edge.y2) {
- edge.x1 -= width;
- edge.side = BoxSide::kRight;
- } else {
- std::swap(edge.y1, edge.y2);
- edge.x2 += width;
- edge.side = BoxSide::kLeft;
- }
- } else {
- DCHECK(edge.y1 == edge.y2);
- if (edge.x1 < edge.x2) {
- edge.y2 += width;
- edge.side = BoxSide::kTop;
- } else {
- std::swap(edge.x1, edge.x2);
- edge.y1 -= width;
- edge.side = BoxSide::kBottom;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!count)
- return;
- Color outline_color = color;
- bool use_transparency_layer = color.HasAlpha();
- if (use_transparency_layer) {
- graphics_context.BeginLayer(static_cast<float>(color.Alpha()) / 255);
- outline_color =
- Color(outline_color.Red(), outline_color.Green(), outline_color.Blue());
- }
- DCHECK(count >= 4 && edges.size() == count);
- int first_adjacent_width = AdjustJoint(width, edges.back(), edges.front());
- // The width of the angled part of starting and ending joint of the current
- // edge.
- int adjacent_width_start = first_adjacent_width;
- int adjacent_width_end;
- for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- OutlineEdgeInfo& edge = edges[i];
- adjacent_width_end = i == count - 1
- ? first_adjacent_width
- : AdjustJoint(width, edge, edges[i + 1]);
- int adjacent_width1 = adjacent_width_start;
- int adjacent_width2 = adjacent_width_end;
- if (edge.side == BoxSide::kLeft || edge.side == BoxSide::kBottom)
- std::swap(adjacent_width1, adjacent_width2);
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, edge.x1, edge.y1, edge.x2, edge.y2, edge.side,
- outline_color, style.OutlineStyle(), adjacent_width1, adjacent_width2,
- false);
- adjacent_width_start = adjacent_width_end;
- }
- if (use_transparency_layer)
- graphics_context.EndLayer();
-void PaintSingleRectangleOutline(const PaintInfo& paint_info,
- const IntRect& rect,
- const ComputedStyle& style,
- const Color& color) {
- DCHECK(!style.OutlineStyleIsAuto());
- IntRect offset_rect = rect;
- ApplyOutlineOffset(offset_rect, style.OutlineOffsetInt());
- PhysicalRect inner(offset_rect);
- PhysicalRect outer(inner);
- outer.Inflate(LayoutUnit(style.OutlineWidthInt()));
- const BorderEdge common_edge_info(style.OutlineWidthInt(), color,
- style.OutlineStyle());
- BoxBorderPainter(style, outer, inner, common_edge_info)
- .PaintBorder(paint_info, outer);
-void FillQuad(GraphicsContext& context,
- const FloatPoint quad[],
- const Color& color,
- bool antialias) {
- SkPathBuilder path;
- path.moveTo(FloatPointToSkPoint(quad[0]));
- path.lineTo(FloatPointToSkPoint(quad[1]));
- path.lineTo(FloatPointToSkPoint(quad[2]));
- path.lineTo(FloatPointToSkPoint(quad[3]));
- PaintFlags flags(context.FillFlags());
- flags.setAntiAlias(antialias);
- flags.setColor(color.Rgb());
- context.DrawPath(path.detach(), flags);
-void DrawDashedOrDottedBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphics_context,
- int x1,
- int y1,
- int x2,
- int y2,
- BoxSide side,
- Color color,
- int thickness,
- EBorderStyle style,
- bool antialias) {
- DCHECK_GT(thickness, 0);
- GraphicsContextStateSaver state_saver(graphics_context);
- graphics_context.SetShouldAntialias(antialias);
- graphics_context.SetStrokeColor(color);
- graphics_context.SetStrokeThickness(thickness);
- graphics_context.SetStrokeStyle(
- style == EBorderStyle::kDashed ? kDashedStroke : kDottedStroke);
- switch (side) {
- case BoxSide::kBottom:
- case BoxSide::kTop: {
- int mid_y = y1 + thickness / 2;
- graphics_context.DrawLine(IntPoint(x1, mid_y), IntPoint(x2, mid_y));
- break;
- }
- case BoxSide::kRight:
- case BoxSide::kLeft: {
- int mid_x = x1 + thickness / 2;
- graphics_context.DrawLine(IntPoint(mid_x, y1), IntPoint(mid_x, y2));
- break;
- }
- }
-void DrawDoubleBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphics_context,
- int x1,
- int y1,
- int x2,
- int y2,
- int length,
- BoxSide side,
- Color color,
- float thickness,
- int adjacent_width1,
- int adjacent_width2,
- bool antialias) {
- int third_of_thickness = (thickness + 1) / 3;
- DCHECK_GT(third_of_thickness, 0);
- if (!adjacent_width1 && !adjacent_width2) {
- StrokeStyle old_stroke_style = graphics_context.GetStrokeStyle();
- graphics_context.SetStrokeStyle(kNoStroke);
- graphics_context.SetFillColor(color);
- bool was_antialiased = graphics_context.ShouldAntialias();
- graphics_context.SetShouldAntialias(antialias);
- switch (side) {
- case BoxSide::kTop:
- case BoxSide::kBottom:
- graphics_context.DrawRect(IntRect(x1, y1, length, third_of_thickness));
- graphics_context.DrawRect(
- IntRect(x1, y2 - third_of_thickness, length, third_of_thickness));
- break;
- case BoxSide::kLeft:
- case BoxSide::kRight:
- graphics_context.DrawRect(IntRect(x1, y1, third_of_thickness, length));
- graphics_context.DrawRect(
- IntRect(x2 - third_of_thickness, y1, third_of_thickness, length));
- break;
- }
- graphics_context.SetShouldAntialias(was_antialiased);
- graphics_context.SetStrokeStyle(old_stroke_style);
- return;
- }
- int adjacent1_big_third =
- ((adjacent_width1 > 0) ? adjacent_width1 + 1 : adjacent_width1 - 1) / 3;
- int adjacent2_big_third =
- ((adjacent_width2 > 0) ? adjacent_width2 + 1 : adjacent_width2 - 1) / 3;
- switch (side) {
- case BoxSide::kTop:
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1 + std::max((-adjacent_width1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
- y1, x2 - std::max((-adjacent_width2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
- y1 + third_of_thickness, side, color, EBorderStyle::kSolid,
- adjacent1_big_third, adjacent2_big_third, antialias);
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1 + std::max((adjacent_width1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
- y2 - third_of_thickness,
- x2 - std::max((adjacent_width2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y2, side, color,
- EBorderStyle::kSolid, adjacent1_big_third, adjacent2_big_third,
- antialias);
- break;
- case BoxSide::kLeft:
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1,
- y1 + std::max((-adjacent_width1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
- x1 + third_of_thickness,
- y2 - std::max((-adjacent_width2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), side, color,
- EBorderStyle::kSolid, adjacent1_big_third, adjacent2_big_third,
- antialias);
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x2 - third_of_thickness,
- y1 + std::max((adjacent_width1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), x2,
- y2 - std::max((adjacent_width2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), side, color,
- EBorderStyle::kSolid, adjacent1_big_third, adjacent2_big_third,
- antialias);
- break;
- case BoxSide::kBottom:
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1 + std::max((adjacent_width1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y1,
- x2 - std::max((adjacent_width2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
- y1 + third_of_thickness, side, color, EBorderStyle::kSolid,
- adjacent1_big_third, adjacent2_big_third, antialias);
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1 + std::max((-adjacent_width1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
- y2 - third_of_thickness,
- x2 - std::max((-adjacent_width2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y2, side, color,
- EBorderStyle::kSolid, adjacent1_big_third, adjacent2_big_third,
- antialias);
- break;
- case BoxSide::kRight:
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1, y1 + std::max((adjacent_width1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
- x1 + third_of_thickness,
- y2 - std::max((adjacent_width2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), side, color,
- EBorderStyle::kSolid, adjacent1_big_third, adjacent2_big_third,
- antialias);
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x2 - third_of_thickness,
- y1 + std::max((-adjacent_width1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), x2,
- y2 - std::max((-adjacent_width2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), side, color,
- EBorderStyle::kSolid, adjacent1_big_third, adjacent2_big_third,
- antialias);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void DrawRidgeOrGrooveBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphics_context,
- int x1,
- int y1,
- int x2,
- int y2,
- BoxSide side,
- Color color,
- EBorderStyle style,
- int adjacent_width1,
- int adjacent_width2,
- bool antialias) {
- EBorderStyle s1;
- EBorderStyle s2;
- if (style == EBorderStyle::kGroove) {
- s1 = EBorderStyle::kInset;
- s2 = EBorderStyle::kOutset;
- } else {
- s1 = EBorderStyle::kOutset;
- s2 = EBorderStyle::kInset;
- }
- int adjacent1_big_half =
- ((adjacent_width1 > 0) ? adjacent_width1 + 1 : adjacent_width1 - 1) / 2;
- int adjacent2_big_half =
- ((adjacent_width2 > 0) ? adjacent_width2 + 1 : adjacent_width2 - 1) / 2;
- switch (side) {
- case BoxSide::kTop:
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1 + std::max(-adjacent_width1, 0) / 2, y1,
- x2 - std::max(-adjacent_width2, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2, side,
- color, s1, adjacent1_big_half, adjacent2_big_half, antialias);
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1 + std::max(adjacent_width1 + 1, 0) / 2,
- (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2, x2 - std::max(adjacent_width2 + 1, 0) / 2, y2,
- side, color, s2, adjacent_width1 / 2, adjacent_width2 / 2, antialias);
- break;
- case BoxSide::kLeft:
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1, y1 + std::max(-adjacent_width1, 0) / 2,
- (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y2 - std::max(-adjacent_width2, 0) / 2, side,
- color, s1, adjacent1_big_half, adjacent2_big_half, antialias);
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2,
- y1 + std::max(adjacent_width1 + 1, 0) / 2, x2,
- y2 - std::max(adjacent_width2 + 1, 0) / 2, side, color, s2,
- adjacent_width1 / 2, adjacent_width2 / 2, antialias);
- break;
- case BoxSide::kBottom:
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1 + std::max(adjacent_width1, 0) / 2, y1,
- x2 - std::max(adjacent_width2, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2, side, color,
- s2, adjacent1_big_half, adjacent2_big_half, antialias);
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1 + std::max(-adjacent_width1 + 1, 0) / 2,
- (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2, x2 - std::max(-adjacent_width2 + 1, 0) / 2, y2,
- side, color, s1, adjacent_width1 / 2, adjacent_width2 / 2, antialias);
- break;
- case BoxSide::kRight:
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, x1, y1 + std::max(adjacent_width1, 0) / 2,
- (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y2 - std::max(adjacent_width2, 0) / 2, side, color,
- s2, adjacent1_big_half, adjacent2_big_half, antialias);
- ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(
- graphics_context, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2,
- y1 + std::max(-adjacent_width1 + 1, 0) / 2, x2,
- y2 - std::max(-adjacent_width2 + 1, 0) / 2, side, color, s1,
- adjacent_width1 / 2, adjacent_width2 / 2, antialias);
- break;
- }
-void DrawSolidBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphics_context,
- int x1,
- int y1,
- int x2,
- int y2,
- BoxSide side,
- Color color,
- int adjacent_width1,
- int adjacent_width2,
- bool antialias) {
- DCHECK_GE(x2, x1);
- DCHECK_GE(y2, y1);
- if (!adjacent_width1 && !adjacent_width2) {
- // Tweak antialiasing to match the behavior of fillQuad();
- // this matters for rects in transformed contexts.
- bool was_antialiased = graphics_context.ShouldAntialias();
- if (antialias != was_antialiased)
- graphics_context.SetShouldAntialias(antialias);
- graphics_context.FillRect(IntRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1), color);
- if (antialias != was_antialiased)
- graphics_context.SetShouldAntialias(was_antialiased);
- return;
- }
- FloatPoint quad[4];
- switch (side) {
- case BoxSide::kTop:
- quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1 + std::max(-adjacent_width1, 0), y1);
- quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1 + std::max(adjacent_width1, 0), y2);
- quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2 - std::max(adjacent_width2, 0), y2);
- quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2 - std::max(-adjacent_width2, 0), y1);
- break;
- case BoxSide::kBottom:
- quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1 + std::max(adjacent_width1, 0), y1);
- quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1 + std::max(-adjacent_width1, 0), y2);
- quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2 - std::max(-adjacent_width2, 0), y2);
- quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2 - std::max(adjacent_width2, 0), y1);
- break;
- case BoxSide::kLeft:
- quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1, y1 + std::max(-adjacent_width1, 0));
- quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1, y2 - std::max(-adjacent_width2, 0));
- quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2, y2 - std::max(adjacent_width2, 0));
- quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2, y1 + std::max(adjacent_width1, 0));
- break;
- case BoxSide::kRight:
- quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1, y1 + std::max(adjacent_width1, 0));
- quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1, y2 - std::max(adjacent_width2, 0));
- quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2, y2 - std::max(-adjacent_width2, 0));
- quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2, y1 + std::max(-adjacent_width1, 0));
- break;
- }
- FillQuad(graphics_context, quad, color, antialias);
-float GetFocusRingBorderRadius(const ComputedStyle& style) {
- // Default style is border-radius equal to outline width.
- float border_radius = style.GetOutlineStrokeWidthForFocusRing();
- if (::features::IsFormControlsRefreshEnabled() && !style.HasAuthorBorder() &&
- style.HasEffectiveAppearance()) {
- // For the elements that have not been styled and that have an appearance,
- // the focus ring should use the same border radius as the one used for
- // drawing the element.
- absl::optional<ui::NativeTheme::Part> part;
- switch (style.EffectiveAppearance()) {
- case kCheckboxPart:
- part = ui::NativeTheme::kCheckbox;
- break;
- case kRadioPart:
- part = ui::NativeTheme::kRadio;
- break;
- case kPushButtonPart:
- case kSquareButtonPart:
- case kButtonPart:
- part = ui::NativeTheme::kPushButton;
- break;
- case kTextFieldPart:
- case kTextAreaPart:
- case kSearchFieldPart:
- part = ui::NativeTheme::kTextField;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (part) {
- border_radius =
- ui::NativeTheme::GetInstanceForWeb()->GetBorderRadiusForPart(
- part.value(), style.Width().GetFloatValue(),
- style.Height().GetFloatValue());
- // Form controls send to NativeTheme have zoom applied. But the focus ring
- // outline does not. Apply zoom to checkbox focus ring.
- return (style.EffectiveAppearance() == kCheckboxPart)
- ? border_radius * style.EffectiveZoom()
- : border_radius;
- }
- }
- return border_radius;
-} // anonymous namespace
-void ObjectPainterBase::PaintOutlineRects(
- const PaintInfo& paint_info,
- const Vector<PhysicalRect>& outline_rects,
- const ComputedStyle& style) {
- Vector<IntRect> pixel_snapped_outline_rects;
- for (auto& r : outline_rects)
- pixel_snapped_outline_rects.push_back(PixelSnappedIntRect(r));
- Color color = style.VisitedDependentColor(GetCSSPropertyOutlineColor());
- if (style.OutlineStyleIsAuto()) {
- // Logic in draw focus ring is dependent on whether the border is large
- // enough to have an inset outline. Use the smallest border edge for that
- // test.
- float min_border_width =
- std::min(std::min(style.BorderTopWidth(), style.BorderBottomWidth()),
- std::min(style.BorderLeftWidth(), style.BorderRightWidth()));
- float border_radius = GetFocusRingBorderRadius(style);
- paint_info.context.DrawFocusRing(
- pixel_snapped_outline_rects, style.GetOutlineStrokeWidthForFocusRing(),
- style.OutlineOffsetInt(), border_radius, min_border_width, color,
- style.UsedColorScheme());
- return;
- }
- IntRect united_outline_rect = UnionRect(pixel_snapped_outline_rects);
- if (united_outline_rect == pixel_snapped_outline_rects[0]) {
- PaintSingleRectangleOutline(paint_info, united_outline_rect, style, color);
- return;
- }
- PaintComplexOutline(paint_info.context, pixel_snapped_outline_rects, style,
- color);
-void ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphics_context,
- float x1,
- float y1,
- float x2,
- float y2,
- BoxSide side,
- Color color,
- EBorderStyle style,
- int adjacent_width1,
- int adjacent_width2,
- bool antialias) {
- float thickness;
- float length;
- if (side == BoxSide::kTop || side == BoxSide::kBottom) {
- thickness = y2 - y1;
- length = x2 - x1;
- } else {
- thickness = x2 - x1;
- length = y2 - y1;
- }
- // We would like this check to be an ASSERT as we don't want to draw empty
- // borders. However nothing guarantees that the following recursive calls to
- // ObjectPainterBase::DrawLineForBoxSide will have positive thickness and
- // length.
- if (length <= 0 || thickness <= 0)
- return;
- if (style == EBorderStyle::kDouble && thickness < 3)
- style = EBorderStyle::kSolid;
- switch (style) {
- case EBorderStyle::kNone:
- case EBorderStyle::kHidden:
- return;
- case EBorderStyle::kDotted:
- case EBorderStyle::kDashed:
- DrawDashedOrDottedBoxSide(graphics_context, x1, y1, x2, y2, side, color,
- thickness, style, antialias);
- break;
- case EBorderStyle::kDouble:
- DrawDoubleBoxSide(graphics_context, x1, y1, x2, y2, length, side, color,
- thickness, adjacent_width1, adjacent_width2, antialias);
- break;
- case EBorderStyle::kRidge:
- case EBorderStyle::kGroove:
- DrawRidgeOrGrooveBoxSide(graphics_context, x1, y1, x2, y2, side, color,
- style, adjacent_width1, adjacent_width2,
- antialias);
- break;
- case EBorderStyle::kInset:
- // FIXME: Maybe we should lighten the colors on one side like Firefox.
- //
- if (side == BoxSide::kTop || side == BoxSide::kLeft)
- color = color.Dark();
- case EBorderStyle::kOutset:
- if (style == EBorderStyle::kOutset &&
- (side == BoxSide::kBottom || side == BoxSide::kRight))
- color = color.Dark();
- case EBorderStyle::kSolid:
- DrawSolidBoxSide(graphics_context, x1, y1, x2, y2, side, color,
- adjacent_width1, adjacent_width2, antialias);
- break;
- }
-} // namespace blink