path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/
index ac0059c0c02..abbfadca2d6 100644
--- a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/
+++ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/
@@ -200,134 +200,6 @@ TEST_P(HTMLDocumentParserLoadingTest,
- AsyncScriptsShouldNotRunBetweenSyncScripts) {
- // This is a Chromium-specific quirk for async <script>s. The spec says that
- // async scripts can execute whenever they're ready, in practice some sites
- // assume that async scripts won't run during a block of <script> tags.
- // These sites can break under the synchronous, budgeted HTML parser because
- // it yields after <script> tags, creating a gap where async scripts can run
- // out of the previous sequence.
- SimRequest::Params params;
- // Only relevant for the foreground parser
- if (GetParam() != kAllowDeferredParsing) {
- return;
- }
- params.response_http_status = 200;
- SimRequest main_resource("", "text/html");
- SimRequest async_js("",
- "application/javascript", params);
- SimRequest sync_js("",
- "application/javascript", params);
- LoadURL("");
- // The first write/run-until-idle cycle backs all the simulated requests via
- // preloads and fetches the async script.
- main_resource.Write(R"HTML(
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <link rel="preload" href="async-script.js" as="script">
- <link rel="preload" href="sync-script.js" as="script">
- <script src="async-script.js" async></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <script>var x = 'something';</script>
- <script src="sync-script.js"></script>
- </body>
- </html>
- )HTML");
- platform_->RunUntilIdle();
- // Complete the async script so that it's ready to execute.
- async_js.Complete(R"JS(
- if (typeof x === 'undefined') {
- document.body.innerHTML='<div id="test-failed-x">x undefined</div>';
- }
- if (typeof y === 'undefined') {
- document.body.innerHTML='<div id="test-failed-y">y undefined</div>';
- }
- )JS");
- // The async script should not execute inside this event pump.
- platform_->RunUntilIdle();
- main_resource.Complete(); // Finish the main page
- // Finish the second sync script.
- sync_js.Complete(R"JS(
- var y = 'something';
- )JS");
- // Expecting the sync script to execute before the async one.
- platform_->RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_FALSE(GetDocument().getElementById("test-failed-x"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(GetDocument().getElementById("test-failed-y"));
- AsyncScriptsShouldRunBetweenSyncScriptsAndOtherElements) {
- // To preserve reasonable async performance (despite the above quirk), Chrome
- // deactivates this async script suspension when there's a few elements
- // between adjacent <script> tags.
- SimRequest::Params params;
- // Only relevant for parsers which load pages.
- if (GetParam() == kForceSynchronousParsing) {
- return;
- }
- params.response_http_status = 200;
- SimRequest main_resource("", "text/html");
- SimRequest async_js("",
- "application/javascript", params);
- SimRequest sync_js("",
- "application/javascript", params);
- LoadURL("");
- WTF::StringBuilder sb;
- sb.Append(R"HTML(
- <html>
- <head>
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <link rel="preload" href="async-script.js" as="script">
- <link rel="preload" href="sync-script.js" as="script">
- <script src="async-script.js" async></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <script>var x = 'something';</script>
- )HTML");
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- sb.Append(
- "<p>Within this region, the async script block should be lifted.</p>");
- }
- sb.Append(R"HTML(
- <p>A lot of distinct paragraphs and stuff</p>
- <script src="sync-script.js"></script>
- </body>
- </html>
- )HTML");
- main_resource.Complete(sb.ToString());
- platform_->RunUntilIdle();
- // The parser should now have processed up to the second sync script,
- // dispatched the async one. Next, complete the async script.
- async_js.Complete(R"JS(
- if (typeof x === 'undefined') {
- document.body.innerHTML='<div id="test-failed">';
- }
- if (typeof y === 'undefined') {
- document.body.innerHTML='<div id="test-passed">';
- }
- )JS");
- // Async script should run inside this event pump.
- platform_->RunUntilIdle();
- // Finally, complete the sync script.
- sync_js.Complete(R"JS(
- var y = 'something';
- )JS");
- platform_->RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_FALSE(GetDocument().getElementById("test-failed"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetDocument().getElementById("test-passed"));
ShouldPauseParsingForExternalStylesheetsInBodyIncremental) {
SimRequest main_resource("", "text/html");
SimSubresourceRequest css_head_resource("",