path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/templates/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/templates/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/templates/ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/templates/
deleted file mode 100644
index 180c7eef641..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-{% from '' import callback_invoke %}
-{% filter format_blink_cpp_source_code %}
-{% include 'copyright_block.txt' %}
-#include "{{this_include_header_path}}"
-{% for filename in cpp_includes %}
-#include "{{filename}}"
-{% endfor %}
-namespace blink {
-{% if is_legacy_callback_interface %}
-// Support of "legacy callback interface"
-// Suppress warning: global constructors, because struct WrapperTypeInfo is
-// trivial and does not depend on another global objects.
-#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__)
-#pragma clang diagnostic push
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"
-const WrapperTypeInfo {{snake_case_v8_class}}_wrapper_type_info = {
- gin::kEmbedderBlink,
- {{v8_class}}::DomTemplate,
- nullptr,
- "{{interface_name}}",
- nullptr,
- WrapperTypeInfo::kWrapperTypeNoPrototype,
- WrapperTypeInfo::kObjectClassId,
- WrapperTypeInfo::kNotInheritFromActiveScriptWrappable,
-#if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && defined(WIN32) && defined(__clang__)
-#pragma clang diagnostic pop
-{% from '' import install_constants with context %}
-static void Install{{v8_class}}Template(v8::Isolate* isolate, const DOMWrapperWorld& world, v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> interface_template) {
- // Legacy callback interface must not have a prototype object.
- interface_template->RemovePrototype();
- // Initialize the interface object's template.
- V8DOMConfiguration::InitializeDOMInterfaceTemplate(
- isolate, interface_template,
- {{v8_class}}::GetWrapperTypeInfo()->interface_name,
- v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>(),
- kV8DefaultWrapperInternalFieldCount);
- interface_template->SetLength(0);
- // Register IDL constants.
- {# |install_constants| requires |interface_template| and |prototype_template|. #}
- v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> prototype_template =
- interface_template->PrototypeTemplate();
- {{install_constants() | trim | indent(2)}}
-// static
-v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> {{v8_class}}::DomTemplate(v8::Isolate* isolate, const DOMWrapperWorld& world) {
- return V8DOMConfiguration::DomClassTemplate(
- isolate,
- world,
- const_cast<WrapperTypeInfo*>(GetWrapperTypeInfo()),
- Install{{v8_class}}Template);
-{% endif %}{# is_legacy_callback_interface #}
-const char* {{v8_class}}::NameInHeapSnapshot() const {
- return "{{v8_class}}";
-{% for method in methods %}
-v8::Maybe<{{method.cpp_type}}> {{v8_class}}::{{}}({{method.argument_declarations | join(', ')}}) {
- 'callback interface', None,
- method.cpp_type, method.native_value_traits_tag, method.arguments,
- False, False,
- interface_name,}}
-{% endfor %}
-{% if methods|length == 1 and methods[0].idl_type == 'void' %}
-void {{v8_class}}::InvokeAndReportException({{methods[0].argument_declarations | join(', ')}}) {
- v8::TryCatch try_catch(GetIsolate());
- try_catch.SetVerbose(true);
- v8::Maybe<void> maybe_result =
- {{methods[0].name}}({{
- (['callback_this_value'] +
- (methods[0].arguments|map(attribute='name')|list)
- )|join(', ')
- }});
- // An exception if any is killed with the v8::TryCatch above.
- ALLOW_UNUSED_LOCAL(maybe_result);
-{% endif %}
-{% if interface_name == 'EventListener' %}
-bool {{v8_class}}::IsRunnableOrThrowException(IgnorePause ignore_pause) {
- ScriptState* callback_relevant_script_state =
- CallbackRelevantScriptState();
- bool is_runnable =
- ignore_pause == IgnorePause::kIgnore ?
- IsCallbackFunctionRunnableIgnoringPause(
- callback_relevant_script_state, IncumbentScriptState()) :
- IsCallbackFunctionRunnable(
- callback_relevant_script_state, IncumbentScriptState());
- if (is_runnable)
- return true;
- // Wrapper-tracing for the callback function makes the function object and
- // its creation context alive. Thus it's safe to use the creation context
- // of the callback function here.
- ScriptState::Scope scope(callback_relevant_script_state);
- V8ThrowException::ThrowError(
- GetIsolate(),
- ExceptionMessages::FailedToExecute(
- "{{methods[0].name}}",
- "{{interface_name}}",
- "The provided callback is no longer runnable."));
- return false;
-v8::Maybe<{{methods[0].cpp_type}}> {{v8_class}}::InvokeWithoutRunnabilityCheck({{methods[0].argument_declarations | join(', ')}}) {
- 'callback interface', None,
- methods[0].cpp_type, methods[0].native_value_traits_tag, methods[0].arguments,
- False, True,
- interface_name, methods[0].name)}}
-{% endif %}
-} // namespace blink
-{% endfilter %}{# format_blink_cpp_source_code #}