path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/scripts/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/scripts/ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81b0e6b99d8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Generate template contexts of dictionaries for both v8 bindings and
-implementation classes that are used by blink's core/modules.
-from blinkbuild.name_style_converter import NameStyleConverter
-from idl_types import IdlType
-from utilities import to_snake_case
-from v8_globals import includes
-from v8_utilities import has_extended_attribute_value
-import operator
-import v8_types
-import v8_utilities
- 'base/containers/span.h',
- 'bindings/core/v8/native_value_traits.h',
- 'bindings/core/v8/to_v8_for_core.h',
- 'bindings/core/v8/v8_binding_for_core.h',
- 'platform/heap/handle.h',
- 'base/stl_util.h',
- 'platform/bindings/exception_state.h',
-def getter_name_for_dictionary_member(member):
- name = v8_utilities.cpp_name(member)
- return NameStyleConverter(name).to_lower_camel_case()
-def non_null_getter_name_for_dictionary_member(member):
- name = v8_utilities.cpp_name(member)
- return NameStyleConverter('{}_non_null'.format(name)).to_lower_camel_case()
-def setter_name_for_dictionary_member(member):
- name = 'set_{}'.format(v8_utilities.cpp_name(member))
- return NameStyleConverter(name).to_lower_camel_case()
-def null_setter_name_for_dictionary_member(member):
- if member.idl_type.is_nullable:
- name = 'set_{}_to_null'.format(v8_utilities.cpp_name(member))
- return NameStyleConverter(name).to_lower_camel_case()
- return None
-def has_method_name_for_dictionary_member(member):
- name = NameStyleConverter('has_' + v8_utilities.cpp_name(member))
- return name.to_lower_camel_case()
-def non_null_has_method_name_for_dictionary_member(member, for_non_null=False):
- name = 'has_{}_non_null'.format(v8_utilities.cpp_name(member))
- return NameStyleConverter(name).to_lower_camel_case()
-def unwrap_nullable_if_needed(idl_type):
- if idl_type.is_nullable:
- return idl_type.inner_type
- return idl_type
-# Context for V8 bindings
-def dictionary_context(dictionary, interfaces_info, component_info):
- includes.clear()
- includes.update(DICTIONARY_CPP_INCLUDES)
- if 'RuntimeEnabled' in dictionary.extended_attributes:
- raise Exception(
- 'Dictionary cannot be RuntimeEnabled: %s' %
- members = [
- member_context(dictionary, member, component_info)
- for member in sorted(
- dictionary.members, key=operator.attrgetter('name'))
- ]
- for member in members:
- if member['runtime_enabled_feature_name']:
- includes.add('platform/runtime_enabled_features.h')
- break
- has_origin_trial_members = False
- for member in members:
- if member['origin_trial_feature_name']:
- has_origin_trial_members = True
- includes.add('core/origin_trials/origin_trials.h')
- includes.add('core/execution_context/execution_context.h')
- break
- cpp_class = v8_utilities.cpp_name(dictionary)
- context = {
- 'cpp_class':
- cpp_class,
- 'has_origin_trial_members':
- has_origin_trial_members,
- 'header_includes':
- 'members':
- members,
- 'required_member_names':
- sorted([
- for member in dictionary.members if member.is_required
- ]),
- 'use_permissive_dictionary_conversion':
- 'PermissiveDictionaryConversion' in dictionary.extended_attributes,
- 'v8_class':
- v8_types.v8_type(cpp_class),
- }
- if dictionary.parent:
- IdlType(dictionary.parent).add_includes_for_type()
- parent_cpp_class = v8_utilities.cpp_name_from_interfaces_info(
- dictionary.parent, interfaces_info)
- context.update({
- 'parent_cpp_class': parent_cpp_class,
- 'parent_v8_class': v8_types.v8_type(parent_cpp_class),
- })
- return context
-def member_context(_, member, component_info):
- extended_attributes = member.extended_attributes
- idl_type = member.idl_type
- idl_type.add_includes_for_type(extended_attributes)
- unwrapped_idl_type = unwrap_nullable_if_needed(idl_type)
- if member.is_required and member.default_value:
- raise Exception(
- 'Required member %s must not have a default value.' %
- if idl_type.is_nullable and idl_type.inner_type.is_dictionary:
- raise Exception(
- 'The inner type of nullable member %s must not be a dictionary.' %
- # In most cases, we don't have to distinguish `null` and `not present`,
- # and use null-states (e.g. nullptr, foo.IsUndefinedOrNull()) to show such
- # states for some types for memory usage and performance.
- # For types whose |has_explicit_presence| is True, we provide explicit
- # states of presence.
- has_explicit_presence = (idl_type.is_nullable
- and idl_type.inner_type.is_interface_type)
- def default_values():
- if not member.default_value:
- return None, None
- if member.default_value.is_null:
- return None, 'v8::Null(isolate)'
- cpp_default_value = unwrapped_idl_type.literal_cpp_value(
- member.default_value)
- v8_default_value = unwrapped_idl_type.cpp_value_to_v8_value(
- cpp_value=cpp_default_value,
- isolate='isolate',
- creation_context='creationContext')
- return cpp_default_value, v8_default_value
- cpp_default_value, v8_default_value = default_values()
- snake_case_name = to_snake_case(
- cpp_value = snake_case_name + "_cpp_value"
- v8_value = snake_case_name + "_value"
- has_value_or_default = snake_case_name + "_has_value_or_default"
- getter_name = getter_name_for_dictionary_member(member)
- runtime_features = component_info['runtime_enabled_features']
- return {
- 'cpp_default_value':
- cpp_default_value,
- 'cpp_type':
- unwrapped_idl_type.cpp_type,
- 'cpp_value':
- cpp_value,
- 'cpp_value_to_v8_value':
- unwrapped_idl_type.cpp_value_to_v8_value(
- cpp_value='impl->%s()' % getter_name,
- isolate='isolate',
- creation_context='creationContext',
- extended_attributes=extended_attributes),
- 'deprecate_as':
- v8_utilities.deprecate_as(member),
- 'enum_type':
- idl_type.enum_type,
- 'enum_values':
- idl_type.enum_values,
- 'getter_name':
- getter_name,
- 'has_explicit_presence':
- has_explicit_presence,
- 'has_method_name':
- has_method_name_for_dictionary_member(member),
- 'idl_type':
- idl_type.base_type,
- 'is_callback_function_type':
- idl_type.is_callback_function,
- 'is_interface_type':
- idl_type.is_interface_type,
- 'is_nullable':
- idl_type.is_nullable,
- 'is_object':
- == 'Object',
- 'is_string_type':
- idl_type.preprocessed_type.is_string_type,
- 'is_required':
- member.is_required,
- 'name':
- # [RuntimeEnabled] for origin trial
- 'origin_trial_feature_name':
- v8_utilities.origin_trial_feature_name(member, runtime_features),
- # [RuntimeEnabled] if not in origin trial
- 'runtime_enabled_feature_name':
- v8_utilities.runtime_enabled_feature_name(member, runtime_features),
- 'setter_name':
- setter_name_for_dictionary_member(member),
- 'has_value_or_default':
- has_value_or_default,
- 'null_setter_name':
- null_setter_name_for_dictionary_member(member),
- 'v8_default_value':
- v8_default_value,
- 'v8_value':
- v8_value,
- 'v8_value_to_local_cpp_value':
- idl_type.v8_value_to_local_cpp_value(
- extended_attributes,
- v8_value,
- cpp_value,
- isolate='isolate',
- use_exception_state=True),
- }
-# Context for implementation classes
-def dictionary_impl_context(dictionary, interfaces_info):
- def remove_duplicate_members(members):
- # When [ImplementedAs] is used, cpp_name can conflict. For example,
- # dictionary D { long foo; [ImplementedAs=foo, DeprecateAs=Foo] long oldFoo; };
- # This function removes such duplications, checking they have the same type.
- members_dict = {}
- for member in members:
- cpp_name = member['cpp_name']
- duplicated_member = members_dict.get(cpp_name)
- if duplicated_member and duplicated_member != member:
- raise Exception('Member name conflict: %s' % cpp_name)
- members_dict[cpp_name] = member
- return sorted(
- members_dict.values(), key=lambda member: member['cpp_name'])
- includes.clear()
- header_forward_decls = set()
- header_includes = set(['platform/heap/handle.h'])
- members = [
- member_impl_context(member, interfaces_info, header_includes,
- header_forward_decls)
- for member in dictionary.members
- ]
- members = remove_duplicate_members(members)
- context = {
- 'header_forward_decls': header_forward_decls,
- 'header_includes': header_includes,
- 'cpp_class': v8_utilities.cpp_name(dictionary),
- 'members': members,
- }
- if dictionary.parent:
- context['parent_cpp_class'] = \
- v8_utilities.cpp_name_from_interfaces_info(dictionary.parent,
- interfaces_info)
- parent_interface_info = interfaces_info.get(dictionary.parent)
- if parent_interface_info:
- context['header_includes'].add(
- parent_interface_info['include_path'])
- else:
- context['parent_cpp_class'] = 'IDLDictionaryBase'
- context['header_includes'].add(
- 'bindings/core/v8/idl_dictionary_base.h')
- return context
-def member_impl_context(member, interfaces_info, header_includes,
- header_forward_decls):
- idl_type = unwrap_nullable_if_needed(member.idl_type)
- cpp_name = to_snake_case(v8_utilities.cpp_name(member))
- # In most cases, we don't have to distinguish `null` and `not present`,
- # and use null-states (e.g. nullptr, foo.IsUndefinedOrNull()) to show such
- # states for some types for memory usage and performance.
- # For types whose |has_explicit_presence| is True, we provide explicit
- # states of presence.
- has_explicit_presence = (member.idl_type.is_nullable
- and member.idl_type.inner_type.is_interface_type)
- nullable_indicator_name = None
- if not idl_type.cpp_type_has_null_value or has_explicit_presence:
- nullable_indicator_name = 'has_' + cpp_name + '_'
- def has_method_expression():
- if nullable_indicator_name:
- return nullable_indicator_name
- if idl_type.is_union_type or idl_type.is_enum or idl_type.is_string_type:
- return '!%s_.IsNull()' % cpp_name
- if == 'Any':
- return '!({0}_.IsEmpty() || {0}_.IsUndefined())'.format(cpp_name)
- if == 'Object':
- return '!({0}_.IsEmpty() || {0}_.IsNull() || {0}_.IsUndefined())'.format(
- cpp_name)
- return '!!%s_' % cpp_name
- cpp_default_value = None
- if member.default_value:
- if not member.default_value.is_null or has_explicit_presence:
- cpp_default_value = idl_type.literal_cpp_value(
- member.default_value)
- forward_decl_name = idl_type.impl_forward_declaration_name
- if forward_decl_name:
- includes.update(idl_type.impl_includes_for_type(interfaces_info))
- header_forward_decls.add(forward_decl_name)
- else:
- header_includes.update(
- idl_type.impl_includes_for_type(interfaces_info))
- setter_value = 'value'
- non_null_type = idl_type.inner_type if idl_type.is_nullable else idl_type
- setter_inline = 'inline ' if (non_null_type.is_basic_type
- or non_null_type.is_enum
- or non_null_type.is_wrapper_type) else ''
- extended_attributes = member.extended_attributes
- return {
- 'cpp_default_value':
- cpp_default_value,
- 'cpp_name':
- cpp_name,
- 'has_explicit_presence':
- has_explicit_presence,
- 'getter_expression':
- cpp_name + '_',
- 'getter_name':
- getter_name_for_dictionary_member(member),
- 'has_method_expression':
- has_method_expression(),
- 'has_method_name':
- has_method_name_for_dictionary_member(member),
- 'is_nullable':
- member.idl_type.is_nullable,
- 'is_traceable':
- idl_type.is_traceable,
- 'member_cpp_type':
- idl_type.cpp_type_args(used_in_cpp_sequence=True,
- extended_attributes=extended_attributes),
- 'non_null_getter_name':
- non_null_getter_name_for_dictionary_member(member),
- 'non_null_has_method_name':
- non_null_has_method_name_for_dictionary_member(member),
- 'null_setter_name':
- null_setter_name_for_dictionary_member(member),
- 'nullable_indicator_name':
- nullable_indicator_name,
- 'rvalue_cpp_type':
- idl_type.cpp_type_args(used_as_rvalue_type=True,
- extended_attributes=extended_attributes),
- 'setter_inline':
- setter_inline,
- 'setter_name':
- setter_name_for_dictionary_member(member),
- 'setter_value':
- setter_value,
- }