path: root/chromium/styleguide/objective-c/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/styleguide/objective-c/')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/styleguide/objective-c/ b/chromium/styleguide/objective-c/
index e37bb76ef05..5cd5379053c 100644
--- a/chromium/styleguide/objective-c/
+++ b/chromium/styleguide/objective-c/
@@ -46,3 +46,52 @@ most of the file is Objective-C.
mostly testing Objective-C objects and methods, the test should be written using
C++ style.
+## All files are Objective-C++
+Chrome back-end code is all C++ and we want to leverage many C++ features, such as stack-based classes and namespaces. As a result, all front-end Bling files should be .mm files, as we expect eventually they will contain C++ code or language features.
+## Use scoped_nsobject<T> and WeakNSObject<T> where ARC is not available.
+While there are no smart pointers in Objective-C, Chrome has `scoped_nsobject<T>` and `WeakNSObject<T>` to automatically manage (and document) object ownership.
+Under ARC, scoped_nsobject<T> and WeakNSObject<T> should only be used for interfacing with existing APIs that take these, or for declaring a C++ member variable in a header. Otherwise use __weak variables and strong/weak properties. **Note that scoped_nsobject and WeakNSObject provide the same API under ARC**, i.e. scoped_nsobject<T> foo([[Bar alloc] init]); is correct both under ARC and non-ARC.
+`scoped_nsobject<T>` should be used for all owned member variables in C++ classes (except the private classes that only exist in implementation files) and Objective-C classes built without ARC, even if that means writing dedicated getters and setters to implement `@property` declarations. Same goes for WeakNSObject - always use it to express weak ownership of an Objective-C object, unless you are writing ARC code. We'd rather have a little more boilerplate code than a leak.
+This also means that most common uses of `autorelease` (as recommended by the Obj-C Style Guide) are no longer necessary. For example, the guide recommends this pattern for temporary objects:
+ MyObject* temp = [[[MyObject alloc] init] autorelease];
+Instead, you can use `scoped_nsobject<T>` to avoid the autorelease and ensure the object is cleaned up automatically.
+ scoped_nsobject<MyObject> temp([[MyObject alloc] init]);
+Obviously, the use of `autorelease` is allowed when the object is the return value or it needs to live beyond the current scope.
+## Use ObjCCast<T> and ObjcCCastStrict<T>
+As C++ style guide tells you, we never use C casts and prefer `static_cast<T>` and `dynamic_cast<T>`. However, for Objective-C casts we have two specific casts: `base::mac::ObjCCast<T>arg` is similar to `dynamic_cast<T>`, and `ObjcCCastStrict` `DCHECKs` against that class.
+## IBOutlets
+While Apple recommends creating properties for IBOutlets, we discourage that since it makes the details of the view hierarchy public. Instead, declare a private variable, mark that as the IBOutlet, and then create a private retained property (i.e., declared in the `@interface MyObject ()` block in the implementation file) for that variable. Ensure that you have an `ObjCPropertyReleaser` (see [this CL]( for an example) and that will handle releasing the XIB objects.
+## Blocks
+We follow Google style for blocks, except that historically we have used 2-space indentation for blocks that are parameters, rather than 4. You may continue to use this style when it is consistent with the surrounding code.
+## NOTIMPLEMENTED and NOTREACHED logging macros
+`NOTREACHED`: This function should not be called. If it is, we have a problem somewhere else.
+`NOTIMPLEMENTED`: This isn't implemented because we don't use it yet. If it's called, then we need to figure out what it should do.
+When something is called, but don't need an implementation, just comment that rather than using a logging macro.
+## TODO comments
+Sometimes we include TODO comments in code. Generally we follow [C++ style](, but here are some more specific practices we've agreed upon as a team:
+* **Every TODO must have a bug**
+* Bug should be labeled with **Hotlist-TODO-iOS**
+* Always list bug in parentheses following "TODO"
+ * `// TODO( Something that needs doing.`
+ * Do NOT include http://
+* Optionally include a username for reference
+* Optionally include expiration date (make sure it's documented in the bug!)