path: root/chromium/styleguide/c++/
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+# Modern C++ use in Chromium
+_This document is part of the more general
+[Chromium C++ style guide](
+It summarizes the supported state of new and updated language and library
+features in recent C++ standards and the [Abseil](
+library. This guide applies to both Chromium and its subprojects, though
+subprojects can choose to be more restrictive if necessary for toolchain
+The C++ language has in recent years received an updated standard every three
+years (C++11, C++14, etc.). For various reasons, Chromium does not immediately
+allow new features on the publication of such a standard. Instead, once
+toolchain support is sufficient, a standard is declared "initially supported",
+with new language/library features banned pending discussion.
+You can propose changing the status of a feature by sending an email to
+Include a short blurb on what the feature is and why you think it should or
+should not be allowed, along with links to any relevant previous discussion. If
+the list arrives at some consensus, send a codereview to change this file
+accordingly, linking to your discussion thread.
+If an item remains on the TBD list two years after initial support is added,
+style arbiters should explicitly move it to an appropriate allowlist or
+blocklist, allowing it if there are no obvious reasons to ban.
+The current status of existing standards and Abseil features is:
+* **C++11:** _Default allowed; see banned features below_
+* **C++14:** _Default allowed; see banned features below_
+* **C++17:** Initially supported December 23, 2021; see allowed/banned/TBD
+ features below
+* **C++20:** _Not yet supported in Chromium_
+* **C++23:** _Not yet standardized_
+* **Abseil:** Initially supported July 31, 2020; see allowed/banned/TBD
+ features below
+ * absl::StatusOr: Initially supported September 3, 2020
+ * absl::Cleanup: Initially supported February 4, 2021
+## C++11 Banned Language Features {#core-blocklist-11}
+The following C++11 language features are not allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+### Inline Namespaces <sup>[banned]</sup>
+inline namespace foo { ... }
+**Description:** Allows better versioning of namespaces.
+[Inline namespaces](
+*** promo
+Banned in the
+[Google Style Guide](
+Unclear how it will work with components.
+### long long Type <sup>[banned]</sup>
+long long var = value;
+**Description:** An integer of at least 64 bits.
+[Fundamental types](
+*** promo
+Use a stdint.h type if you need a 64-bit number.
+[Discussion thread](!topic/chromium-dev/RxugZ-pIDxk)
+### User-Defined Literals <sup>[banned]</sup>
+type var = literal_value_type;
+**Description:** Allows user-defined literal expressions.
+[User-defined literals](
+*** promo
+Banned in the
+[Google Style Guide](
+### thread_local Storage Class <sup>[banned]</sup>
+thread_local int foo = 1;
+**Description:** Puts variables into thread local storage.
+[Storage duration](
+*** promo
+Some surprising effects on Mac
+Use `base::SequenceLocalStorageSlot` for sequence support, and
+`base::ThreadLocal`/`base::ThreadLocalStorage` otherwise.
+## C++11 Banned Library Features {#library-blocklist-11}
+The following C++11 library features are not allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+### Bind Operations <sup>[banned]</sup>
+std::bind(function, args, ...)
+**Description:** Declares a function object bound to certain arguments
+*** promo
+Use `base::Bind` instead. Compared to `std::bind`, `base::Bind` helps prevent
+lifetime issues by preventing binding of capturing lambdas and by forcing
+callers to declare raw pointers as `Unretained`.
+[Discussion thread](!topic/cxx/SoEj7oIDNuA)
+### C Floating-Point Environment <sup>[banned]</sup>
+#include <cfenv>
+#include <fenv.h>
+**Description:** Provides floating point status flags and control modes for
+C-compatible code
+[Standard library header "cfenv"](
+*** promo
+Banned by the
+[Google Style Guide](
+due to concerns about compiler support.
+### Date and time utilities <sup>[banned]</sup>
+#include <chrono>
+**Description:** A standard date and time library
+[Date and time utilities](
+*** promo
+Overlaps with `Time` APIs in `base/`. Keep using the `base/` classes.
+### Exceptions <sup>[banned]</sup>
+#include <exception>
+**Description:** Enhancements to exception throwing and handling
+[Standard library header "exception"](
+*** promo
+Exceptions are banned by the
+[Google Style Guide](
+and disabled in Chromium compiles. However, the `noexcept` specifier is
+explicitly allowed.
+[Discussion thread](!topic/chromium-dev/8i4tMqNpHhg)
+### Function Objects <sup>[banned]</sup>
+**Description:** Wraps a standard polymorphic function
+*** promo
+Use `base::{Once,Repeating}Callback` instead. Compared to `std::function`,
+`base::{Once,Repeating}Callback` directly supports Chromium's refcounting
+classes and weak pointers and deals with additional thread safety concerns.
+[Discussion thread](!topic/cxx/SoEj7oIDNuA)
+### Random Number Engines <sup>[banned]</sup>
+*** aside
+The random number engines defined in `<random>` (see separate item for random
+number distributions), e.g.: `linear_congruential_engine`,
+`mersenne_twister_engine`, `minstd_rand0`, `mt19937`, `ranlinux48`,
+**Description:** Random number generation algorithms and utilities.
+[Pseudo-random number generation](
+*** promo
+Do not use any random number engines from `<random>`. Instead, use
+[Discussion thread](!topic/cxx/16Xmw05C-Y0)
+### Ratio Template Class <sup>[banned]</sup>
+std::ratio<numerator, denominator>
+**Description:** Provides compile-time rational numbers
+*** promo
+Banned by the
+[Google Style Guide](
+due to concerns that this is tied to a more template-heavy interface style.
+### Regular Expressions <sup>[banned]</sup>
+#include <regex>
+**Description:** A standard regular expressions library
+[Regular expressions library](
+*** promo
+Overlaps with many regular expression libraries in Chromium. When in doubt, use
+### Shared Pointers <sup>[banned]</sup>
+**Description:** Allows shared ownership of a pointer through reference counts
+*** promo
+Needs a lot more evaluation for Chromium, and there isn't enough of a push for
+this feature.
+* [Google Style Guide](
+* [Discussion Thread](!topic/cxx/aT2wsBLKvzI)
+### String-Number Conversion Functions <sup>[banned]</sup>
+**Description:** Converts strings to/from numbers
+* [std::stoi, std::stol, std::stoll](,
+* [std::stoul, std::stoull](,
+* [std::stof, std::stod, std::stold](,
+* [std::to_string](
+*** promo
+The string-to-number conversions rely on exceptions to communicate failure,
+while the number-to-string conversions have performance concerns and depend on
+the locale. Use the routines in `base/strings/string_number_conversions.h`
+### Thread Library <sup>[banned]</sup>
+*** aside
+`<thread>` and related headers, including `<future>`, `<mutex>`,
+**Description:** Provides a standard multithreading library using `std::thread`
+and associates
+[Thread support library](
+*** promo
+Overlaps with many classes in `base/`. Keep using the `base/` classes for now.
+`base::Thread` is tightly coupled to `MessageLoop` which would make it hard to
+replace. We should investigate using standard mutexes, or unique_lock, etc. to
+replace our locking/synchronization classes.
+### Weak Pointers <sup>[banned]</sup>
+**Description:** Allows a weak reference to a `std::shared_ptr`
+*** promo
+Banned because `std::shared_ptr` is banned. Use `base::WeakPtr` instead.
+## C++14 Banned Library Features {#library-blocklist-14}
+The following C++14 library features are not allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+### std::chrono literals <sup>[banned]</sup>
+using namespace std::chrono_literals;
+auto timeout = 30s;
+**Description:** Allows `std::chrono` types to be more easily constructed.
+*** promo
+Banned because `<chrono>` is banned.
+## C++17 Allowed Language Features {#core-allowlist-17}
+The following C++17 language features are allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+### Nested namespaces <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+namespace A::B::C { ...
+**Description:** Using the namespace resolution operator to create nested
+namespace definitions.
+*** promo
+[Discussion thread](
+### Template argument deduction for class templates <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+template <typename T>
+struct MyContainer {
+ MyContainer(T val) : val{val} {}
+ // ...
+MyContainer c1(1); // Type deduced to be `int`.
+**Description:** Automatic template argument deduction much like how it's done
+for functions, but now including class constructors.
+[Class template argument deduction](
+*** promo
+Usage is governed by the
+[Google Style Guide](
+### Selection statements with initializer <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+if (int a = Func(); a < 3) { ...
+switch (int a = Func(); a) { ...
+**Description:** New versions of the if and switch statements which simplify
+common code patterns and help users keep scopes tight.
+[if statement](,
+[switch statement](
+*** promo
+[@cxx discussion thread](
+### fallthrough attribute <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+case 1:
+ DoSomething();
+ [[fallthrough]];
+case 2:
+ break;
+The `[[fallthrough]]` attribute can be used in switch statements to indicate
+when intentionally falling through to the next case.
+[C++ attribute: fallthrough](
+*** promo
+See [discussion thread](
+See [migration task](
+### constexpr if <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+if constexpr (cond) { ...
+**Description:** Write code that is instantiated depending on a compile-time
+[if statement](
+*** promo
+See [discussion thread](
+### nodiscard attribute <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+struct [[nodiscard]] ErrorOrValue;
+[[nodiscard]] bool DoSomething();
+The `[[nodiscard]]` attribute can be used to indicate that
+ - the return value of a function should not be ignored
+ - values of annotated classes/structs/enums returned from functions should not
+ be ignored
+[C++ attribute: nodiscard](
+*** promo
+This replaces the previous `WARN_UNUSED_RESULT` macro, which was a wrapper
+around the compiler-specific `__attribute__((warn_unused_result))`.
+[Discussion thread](
+### maybe_unused attribute <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+struct [[maybe_unused]] MyUnusedThing;
+[[maybe_unused]] int x;
+The `[[maybe_unused]]` attribute can be used to indicate that individual
+variables, functions, or fields of a class/struct/enum can be left unused.
+[C++ attribute: maybe_unused](
+*** promo
+See [discussion thread](
+### Structured bindings <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+const auto [x, y] = FuncReturningStdPair();
+**Description:** Allows writing `auto [x, y, z] = expr;` where the type of
+`expr` is a tuple-like object, whose elements are bound to the variables `x`,
+`y`, and `z` (which this construct declares). Tuple-like objects include
+`std::tuple`, `std::pair`, `std::array`, and aggregate structures.
+[Structured binding declaration](
+[Explanation of structured binding types](
+*** promo
+In C++17, structured bindings don't work with lambda captures.
+[C++20 will allow capturing structured bindings by value](
+This feature forces omitting type names. Its use should follow
+[the guidance around `auto` in Google C++ Style guide](
+See [discussion thread](
+### Inline variables
+struct S {
+ static constexpr int kZero = 0; // constexpr implies inline here.
+inline constexpr int kOne = 1; // Explicit inline needed here.
+**Description:** The `inline` specifier can be applied to variables as well as
+to functions. A variable declared inline has the same semantics as a function
+declared inline. It can also be used to declare and define a static member
+variable, such that it does not need to be initialized in the source file.
+[inline specifier](
+*** promo
+Inline variables in anonymous namespaces in header files will still get one copy
+per translation unit, so they must be outside of an anonymous namespace to be
+Mutable inline variables and taking the address of inline variables are banned
+since these will break the component build.
+See [discussion thread](
+## C++17 Allowed Library Features {#library-allowlist-17}
+The following C++17 language features are allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+### Allocation functions with explicit alignment <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+class alignas(32) Vec3d {
+ double x, y, z;
+auto p_vec = new Vec3d[10]; // 32-byte aligned in C++17, maybe not previously
+**Description:** Performs heap allocation of objects whose alignment
+requirements exceed `__STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__`.
+[operator new](
+*** promo
+### Type trait variable templates <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+bool b = std::is_same_v<int, std::int32_t>;
+**Description:** Syntactic sugar to provide convenient access to `::value`
+members by simply adding `_v`.
+[Type support](
+*** promo
+[Discussion thread](Non://
+### std::map::try_emplace <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+std::map<std::string, std::string> m;
+m.try_emplace("c", 10, 'c');
+m.try_emplace("c", "Won't be inserted");
+**Description:** Like `emplace`, but does not move from rvalue arguments if the
+insertion does not happen.
+*** promo
+[Discussion thread](
+### std::map::insert_or_assign <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+std::map<std::string, std::string> m;
+m.insert_or_assign("c", "cherry");
+m.insert_or_assign("c", "clementine");
+**Description:** Like `operator[]`, but returns more information and does not
+require default-constructibility of the mapped type.
+*** promo
+[Discussion thread](
+## C++17 Banned Library Features {#library-blocklist-17}
+The following C++17 library features are not allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+### std::any <sup>[banned]</sup>
+std::any x = 5;
+**Description:** A type-safe container for single values of any type.
+*** promo
+[Discussion thread](
+Banned since workaround for lack of RTTI isn't compatible with the component
+build ([Bug]( Also see `absl::any`.
+### std::filesystem <sup>[banned]</sup>
+#include <filesystem>
+**Description:** A standard way to manipulate files, directories, and paths in a
+[Filesystem library](
+*** promo
+Banned by the [Google Style Guide](
+### weak_from_this <sup>[banned]</sup>
+auto weak_ptr = weak_from_this();
+**Description:** Returns a `std::weak_ptr<T>` that tracks ownership of `*this`
+by all existing `std::shared_ptr`s that refer to `*this`.
+*** promo
+Banned since `std::shared_ptr` and `std::weak_ptr` are banned.
+### Transparent std::owner_less <sup>[banned]</sup>
+std::map<std::weak_ptr<T>, U, std::owner_less<>>
+**Description:** Function object providing mixed-type owner-based ordering of
+shared and weak pointers, regardless of the type of the pointee.
+*** promo
+Banned since `std::shared_ptr` and `std::weak_ptr` are banned.
+### Array support for std::shared_ptr <sup>[banned]</sup>
+std::shared_ptr<int[]> p(new int[10]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9});
+std::cout << p[3]; // "3"
+**Description:** Supports memory management of arrays via `std::shared_ptr`.
+*** promo
+Banned since `std::shared_ptr` is banned.
+### std::uncaught_exceptions <sup>[banned]</sup>
+int count = std::uncaught_exceptions();
+**Description:** Determines whether there are live exception objects.
+*** promo
+Banned because exceptions are banned.
+### Rounding functions for duration and time_point <sup>[banned]</sup>
+**Description:** Converts durations and time_points by rounding.
+*** promo
+Banned since `std::chrono` is banned.
+## C++17 TBD Language Features {#core-review-17}
+The following C++17 language features are not allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+See the top of this page on how to propose moving a feature from this list into
+the allowed or banned sections.
+### Declaring non-type template parameters with auto <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+template <auto... seq>
+struct my_integer_sequence {
+ // ...
+auto seq = my_integer_sequence<0, 1, 2>(); // Type deduced to be `int`.
+**Description:** Following the deduction rules of `auto`, while respecting the
+non-type template parameter list of allowable types, template arguments can be
+deduced from the types of its arguments.
+[Template parameters](
+*** promo
+### Fold expressions <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+template <typename... Args>
+auto sum(Args... args) {
+ return (... + args);
+**Description:** A fold expression performs a fold of a template parameter pack
+over a binary operator.
+[Fold expression](
+*** promo
+### constexpr lambda <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+auto identity = [](int n) constexpr { return n; };
+static_assert(identity(123) == 123);
+**Description:** Compile-time lambdas using constexpr.
+[Lambda expressions](
+*** promo
+### Lambda capture this by value <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+const auto l = [*this] { return member_; }
+**Description:** `*this` captures the current object by copy, while `this`
+continues to capture by reference.
+[Lambda capture](
+*** promo
+### UTF-8 character literals <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+char x = u8'x';
+**Description:** A character literal that begins with `u8` is a character
+literal of type `char`. The value of a UTF-8 character literal is equal to its
+ISO 10646 code point value.
+[Character literal](
+*** promo
+C++20 changes the type to `char8_t`, causing migration hazards for code using
+### using declaration for attributes <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+[[using CC: opt(1), debug]] // same as [[CC:opt(1), CC::debug]]
+**Description:** Specifies a common namespace for a list of attributes.
+[Attribute specifier sequence](
+*** promo
+See similar attribute macros in base/compiler_specific.h.
+### __has_include <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+#if __has_include(<optional>) ...
+**Description:** Checks whether a file is available for inclusion, i.e. the file
+[Source file inclusion](
+*** promo
+## C++17 TBD Library Features {#library-review-17}
+The following C++17 library features are not allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+See the top of this page on how to propose moving a feature from this list into
+the allowed or banned sections.
+### std::variant <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::variant<int, double> v = 12;
+**Description:** The class template `std::variant` represents a type-safe
+`union`. An instance of `std::variant` at any given time holds a value of one of
+its alternative types (it's also possible for it to be valueless).
+*** promo
+See also `absl::variant`.
+### std::optional <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::optional<std::string> s;
+**Description:** The class template `std::optional` manages an optional
+contained value, i.e. a value that may or may not be present. A common use case
+for optional is the return value of a function that may fail.
+*** promo
+See also `absl::optional`.
+### std::string_view <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::string_view str = "foo";
+**Description:** A non-owning reference to a string. Useful for providing an
+abstraction on top of strings (e.g. for parsing).
+*** promo
+See also `absl::string_view` and `base::StringPiece`.
+### std::invoke <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+static_assert(std::invoke(std::plus<>(), 1, 2) == 3);
+**Description:** Invokes a `Callable` object with parameters. An example of a
+`Callable` object is `base::Callback` where an object can be called similarly to
+a regular function.
+*** promo
+See also `base::invoke`.
+### std::apply <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+static_assert(std::apply(std::plus<>(), std::make_tuple(1, 2)) == 3);
+**Description:** Invokes a `Callable` object with a tuple of arguments.
+*** promo
+See also `absl::apply` and `base::apply`.
+### std::byte <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::byte b = 0xFF;
+int i = std::to_integer<int>(b); // 0xFF
+**Description:** A standard way of representing data as a byte. `std::byte` is
+neither a character type nor an arithmetic type, and the only operator overloads
+available are bitwise operations.
+*** promo
+### Splicing for maps and sets <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** Moving nodes and merging containers without the overhead of
+expensive copies, moves, or heap allocations/deallocations.
+*** promo
+### Parallel algorithms <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+auto it = std::find(std::execution::par, std::begin(vec), std::end(vec), 2);
+**Description:** Many of the STL algorithms, such as the `copy`, `find` and
+`sort` methods, now support the parallel execution policies: `seq`, `par`, and
+`par_unseq` which translate to "sequentially", "parallel" and
+"parallel unsequenced".
+*** promo
+### std::make_from_tuple <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+// Calls Foo(int, double):
+auto foo = std::make_from_tuple<Foo>(std::make_tuple(1, 3.5));
+**Description:** Constructs an object from a tuple of arguments.
+*** promo
+See also `absl::make_from_tuple`.
+### Searchers <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+auto it = std::search(haystack.begin(), haystack.end(),
+ std::boyer_moore_searcher(needle.begin(), needle.end()));
+**Description:** Alternate string searching algorithms.
+*** promo
+### std::as_const <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+auto&& const_ref = std::as_const(mutable_obj);
+**Description:** Forms reference to const T.
+*** promo
+See also `base::as_const`.
+### std::not_fn <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+auto nonwhite = std::find_if(str.begin(), str.end(), std::not_fn(IsWhitespace));
+**Description:** Creates a forwarding call wrapper that returns the negation of
+the callable object it holds.
+*** promo
+See also `base::not_fn`.
+### Uninitialized memory algorithms <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::destroy(ptr, ptr + 8);
+std::destroy_n(ptr, 8);
+std::uninitialized_move(src.begin(), src.end(), dest.begin());
+std::uninitialized_value_construct(std::begin(storage), std::end(storage));
+**Description:** Replaces direct constructor and destructor calls when manually
+managing memory.
+*** promo
+### std::pmr::memory_resource and std::polymorphic_allocator <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+#include <memory_resource>
+**Description:** Manages memory allocations using runtime polymorphism.
+*** promo
+May not be supported in libc++, according to the
+[library features table](
+### std::aligned_alloc <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+int* p2 = static_cast<int*>(std::aligned_alloc(1024, 1024));
+**Description:** Allocates uninitialized storage with the specified alignment.
+*** promo
+### std::conjunction/std::disjunction/std::negation <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+template<typename T, typename... Ts>
+std::enable_if_t<std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<T, Ts>...>>
+func(T, Ts...) { ...
+**Description:** Performs logical operations on type traits.
+*** promo
+### std::is_swappable <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::is_swappable_with_v<T, U>
+**Description:** Checks whether classes may be swapped.
+*** promo
+### std::is_invocable <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::is_invocable_v<Fn, 1, "Hello">
+**Description:** Checks whether a function may be invoked with the given
+argument types. The `_r` variant also evaluates whether the result is
+convertible to a given type.
+*** promo
+### std::is_aggregate <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+if constexpr(std::is_aggregate_v<T>) { ...
+**Description:** Checks wither the given type is an aggregate type.
+*** promo
+### std::has_unique_object_representations <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** Checks wither the given type is trivially copyable and any two
+objects with the same value have the same object representation.
+*** promo
+### std::clamp <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+int x = base::clamp(inp, 0, 100);
+**Description:** Clamps a value between a minimum and a maximum.
+*** promo
+See also `base::clamp`.
+### std::reduce <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::reduce(std::execution::par, v.cbegin(), v.cend());
+**Description:** Like `std::accumulate` except the elements of the range may be
+grouped and rearranged in arbitrary order.
+*** promo
+Makes the most sense in conjunction with `std::execution::par`.
+### std::inclusive_scan <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::inclusive_scan(data.begin(), data.end(), output.begin());
+**Description:** Like `std::accumulate` but writes the result at each step into
+the output range.
+*** promo
+### std::exclusive_scan <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::exclusive_scan(data.begin(), data.end(), output.begin());
+**Description:** Like `std::inclusive_scan` but omits the current element from
+the written output at each step; that is, results are "one value behind" those
+of `std::inclusive_scan`.
+*** promo
+### std::gcd <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+static_assert(std::gcd(12, 18) == 6);
+**Description:** Computes the greatest common divisor of its arguments.
+*** promo
+### std::lcm <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+static_assert(std::lcm(12, 18) == 36);
+**Description:** Computes the least common multiple of its arguments.
+*** promo
+### Non-member std::size/std::empty/std::data <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+for (std::size_t i = 0; i < std::size(c); ++i) { ...
+if (!std::empty(c)) { ...
+std::strcpy(arr, std::data(str));
+**Description:** Non-member versions of what are normally member functions, for
+symmetrical use with things like arrays and initializer_lists.
+*** promo
+See `base::size`, `base::empty`, and `base::data`.
+### Mathematical special functions <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** A variety of mathematical functions.
+[Mathematical special functions](
+*** promo
+May not be supported in libc++, according to the
+[library features table](
+### 3D std::hypot <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+double dist = std::hypot(1.0, 2.5, 3.7);
+**Description:** Computes the distance from the origin in 3D space.
+*** promo
+### Cache line interface <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+alignas(std::hardware_destructive_interference_size) std::atomic<int> cat;
+static_assert(sizeof(S) <= std::hardware_constructive_interference_size);
+**Description:** A portable way to access the L1 data cache line size.
+[Hardware interference size](
+*** promo
+May not be supported in libc++, according to the
+[library features table](
+### std::launder <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+struct Y { int z; };
+alignas(Y) std::byte s[sizeof(Y)];
+Y* q = new(&s) Y{2};
+const int h = std::launder(reinterpret_cast<Y*>(&s))->z;
+**Description:** When used to wrap a pointer, makes it valid to access the
+resulting object in cases it otherwise wouldn't have been, in a very limited set
+of circumstances.
+*** promo
+### std::to_chars/std::from_chars <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::to_chars(, + str.size(), 42);
+std::from_chars(, + str.size(), result);
+**Description:** Locale-independent, non-allocating, non-throwing functions to
+convert values to/from character strings, designed for use in high-throughput
+*** promo
+### std::atomic<T>::is_always_lock_free <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+template <typename T>
+struct is_lock_free_impl
+: std::integral_constant<bool, std::atomic<T>::is_always_lock_free> {};
+**Description:** True when the given atomic type is always lock-free.
+*** promo
+### std::scoped_lock <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::scoped_lock lock(e1.m, e2.m);
+**Description:** Provides an RAII-style mechanism for owning one or more mutexes
+for the duration of a scoped block.
+*** promo
+See also `base::AutoLock`.
+### std::timespec_get <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+std::timespec ts;
+std::timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC);
+**Description:** Gets the current calendar time in the given time base.
+*** promo
+## Abseil Allowed Library Features {#absl-allowlist}
+The following Abseil library features are allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+### 128bit integer <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+uint64_t a;
+absl::uint128 v = a;
+**Description:** Signed and unsigned 128-bit integer types meant to mimic
+intrinsic types as closely as possible.
+*** promo
+[Discussion thread](
+### Optional <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+**Description:** Early adaptation of C++17 `std::optional`.
+*** promo
+Replaces `base::Optional`.
+[Discussion thread](
+### Status <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+**Description:** Type for returning detailed errors.
+*** promo
+Approved for use inside a wrapper type. Use
+to convert to and from
+so the wrapper can expose
+directly as minimally necessary to interface; do not expose in the wrapper type
+[Discussion thread](
+### Variant <sup>[allowed]</sup>
+**Description:** Early adaptation of C++17 `std::variant`.
+*** promo
+[Discussion thread](
+## Abseil Banned Library Features {#absl-blocklist}
+The following Abseil library features are not allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+### Any <sup>[banned]</sup>
+absl::any a = int{5};
+EXPECT_THAT(absl::any_cast<int>(&a), Pointee(5));
+EXPECT_EQ(absl::any_cast<size_t>(&a), nullptr);
+**Description:** Early adaptation of C++17 `std::any`.
+**Documentation:** [std::any](
+*** promo
+Banned since workaround for lack of RTTI isn't compatible with the component
+build ([Bug]( Also see `std::any`.
+### Command line flags <sup>[banned]</sup>
+ABSL_FLAG(bool, logs, false, "print logs to stderr");
+app --logs=true;
+**Description:** Allows programmatic access to flag values passed on the
+command-line to binaries.
+**Documentation:** [Flags Library](
+*** promo
+Banned since workaround for lack of RTTI isn't compatible with the component
+build. ([Bug]( Use `base::CommandLine` instead.
+### Span <sup>[banned]</sup>
+**Description:** Early adaptation of C++20 `std::span`.
+**Documentation:** [Using absl::Span](
+*** promo
+Banned due to being less std::-compliant than `base::span`. Keep using
+### string_view <sup>[banned]</sup>
+**Description:** Early adaptation of C++17 `std::string_view`.
+**Documentation:** [absl::string_view](
+*** promo
+Banned due to only working with 8-bit characters. Keep using
+`base::StringPiece` from `base/strings/`.
+## Abseil TBD Features {#absl-review}
+The following Abseil library features are not allowed in the Chromium codebase.
+See the top of this page on how to propose moving a feature from this list into
+the allowed or banned sections.
+### bind_front <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** Binds the first N arguments of an invocable object and stores them by value.
+* [bind_front.h](
+* [Avoid std::bind](
+*** promo
+Overlaps with `base::Bind`.
+### Cleanup <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+FILE* sink_file = fopen(sink_path, "w");
+auto sink_closer = absl::MakeCleanup([sink_file] { fclose(sink_file); });
+**Description:** Implements the scope guard idiom, invoking the contained
+callback's `operator()() &&` on scope exit.
+*** promo
+Similar to `defer` in Golang.
+### Containers <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** Alternatives to STL containers designed to be more efficient
+in the general case.
+* [Containers](
+* [Hash](
+*** promo
+Supplements `base/containers/`.
+### Container utilities <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+auto it = absl::c_find(container, value);
+**Description:** Container-based versions of algorithmic functions within C++
+standard library.
+*** promo
+Overlaps with `base/ranges/algorithm.h`.
+### FunctionRef <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** Type for holding a non-owning reference to an object of any
+invocable type.
+*** promo
+### Random <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+absl::BitGen bitgen;
+size_t index = absl::Uniform(bitgen, 0u, elems.size());
+**Description:** Functions and utilities for generating pseudorandom data.
+**Documentation:** [Random library](
+*** promo
+Overlaps with `base/rand_util.h`.
+### StatusOr <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** An object that is either a usable value, or an error Status
+explaining why such a value is not present.
+*** promo
+### String Formatting <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** A typesafe replacement for the family of printf() string
+formatting routines.
+[String Formatting](
+*** promo
+### Strings Library <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** Classes and utility functions for manipulating and comparing
+[String Utilities](
+*** promo
+Overlaps with `base/strings`.
+### Synchronization <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** Primitives for managing tasks across different threads.
+*** promo
+Overlaps with `Lock` in `base/synchronization/`.
+### Time library <sup>[tbd]</sup>
+**Description:** Abstractions for holding time values, both in terms of
+absolute time and civil time.
+**Documentation:** [Time](
+*** promo
+Overlaps with `Time` APIs in `base/`.