path: root/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/ b/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/
index 89fb70bacb1..fba066caf68 100644
--- a/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/
+++ b/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/
@@ -184,19 +184,12 @@ class TestConnection : public QuicConnection {
TestConnection(QuicConnectionId connection_id,
QuicSocketAddress initial_self_address,
QuicSocketAddress initial_peer_address,
- TestConnectionHelper* helper,
- TestAlarmFactory* alarm_factory,
- TestPacketWriter* writer,
- Perspective perspective,
+ TestConnectionHelper* helper, TestAlarmFactory* alarm_factory,
+ TestPacketWriter* writer, Perspective perspective,
ParsedQuicVersion version)
- : QuicConnection(connection_id,
- initial_self_address,
- initial_peer_address,
- helper,
- alarm_factory,
- writer,
- /* owns_writer= */ false,
- perspective,
+ : QuicConnection(connection_id, initial_self_address,
+ initial_peer_address, helper, alarm_factory, writer,
+ /* owns_writer= */ false, perspective,
notifier_(nullptr) {
@@ -215,11 +208,9 @@ class TestConnection : public QuicConnection {
QuicConnectionPeer::SetLossAlgorithm(this, loss_algorithm);
- void SendPacket(EncryptionLevel /*level*/,
- uint64_t packet_number,
+ void SendPacket(EncryptionLevel /*level*/, uint64_t packet_number,
std::unique_ptr<QuicPacket> packet,
- HasRetransmittableData retransmittable,
- bool has_ack,
+ HasRetransmittableData retransmittable, bool has_ack,
bool has_pending_frames) {
ScopedPacketFlusher flusher(this);
char buffer[kMaxOutgoingPacketSize];
@@ -239,8 +230,7 @@ class TestConnection : public QuicConnection {
QuicConsumedData SaveAndSendStreamData(QuicStreamId id,
- const struct iovec* iov,
- int iov_count,
+ const struct iovec* iov, int iov_count,
size_t total_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
StreamSendingState state) {
@@ -555,8 +545,7 @@ enum class AckResponse { kDefer, kImmediate };
// Run tests with combinations of {ParsedQuicVersion, AckResponse}.
struct TestParams {
- TestParams(ParsedQuicVersion version,
- AckResponse ack_response,
+ TestParams(ParsedQuicVersion version, AckResponse ack_response,
bool no_stop_waiting)
: version(version),
@@ -609,30 +598,20 @@ class QuicConnectionTest : public QuicTestWithParam<TestParams> {
: connection_id_(TestConnectionId()),
- framer_(SupportedVersions(version()),
- QuicTime::Zero(),
- Perspective::IS_CLIENT,
- connection_id_.length()),
+ framer_(SupportedVersions(version()), QuicTime::Zero(),
+ Perspective::IS_CLIENT, connection_id_.length()),
send_algorithm_(new StrictMock<MockSendAlgorithm>),
loss_algorithm_(new MockLossAlgorithm()),
helper_(new TestConnectionHelper(&clock_, &random_generator_)),
alarm_factory_(new TestAlarmFactory()),
- peer_framer_(SupportedVersions(version()),
- QuicTime::Zero(),
- Perspective::IS_SERVER,
- connection_id_.length()),
- peer_creator_(connection_id_,
- &peer_framer_,
+ peer_framer_(SupportedVersions(version()), QuicTime::Zero(),
+ Perspective::IS_SERVER, connection_id_.length()),
+ peer_creator_(connection_id_, &peer_framer_,
new TestPacketWriter(version(), &clock_, Perspective::IS_CLIENT)),
- connection_(connection_id_,
- kSelfAddress,
- kPeerAddress,
- helper_.get(),
- alarm_factory_.get(),
- writer_.get(),
- Perspective::IS_CLIENT,
+ connection_(connection_id_, kSelfAddress, kPeerAddress, helper_.get(),
+ alarm_factory_.get(), writer_.get(), Perspective::IS_CLIENT,
@@ -872,16 +851,14 @@ class QuicConnectionTest : public QuicTestWithParam<TestParams> {
QuicReceivedPacket(encrypted_buffer, encrypted_length, clock_.Now()));
- size_t ProcessFramePacketAtLevel(uint64_t number,
- QuicFrame frame,
+ size_t ProcessFramePacketAtLevel(uint64_t number, QuicFrame frame,
EncryptionLevel level) {
QuicFrames frames;
return ProcessFramesPacketAtLevel(number, frames, level);
- size_t ProcessFramesPacketAtLevel(uint64_t number,
- const QuicFrames& frames,
+ size_t ProcessFramesPacketAtLevel(uint64_t number, const QuicFrames& frames,
EncryptionLevel level) {
QuicPacketHeader header = ConstructPacketHeader(number, level);
// Set the correct encryption level and encrypter on peer_creator and
@@ -1025,8 +1002,7 @@ class QuicConnectionTest : public QuicTestWithParam<TestParams> {
return encrypted_length;
- size_t ProcessDataPacketAtLevel(uint64_t number,
- bool has_stop_waiting,
+ size_t ProcessDataPacketAtLevel(uint64_t number, bool has_stop_waiting,
EncryptionLevel level) {
std::unique_ptr<QuicPacket> packet(
ConstructDataPacket(number, has_stop_waiting, level));
@@ -1055,8 +1031,7 @@ class QuicConnectionTest : public QuicTestWithParam<TestParams> {
QuicReceivedPacket(buffer, encrypted_length, QuicTime::Zero(), false));
- QuicByteCount SendStreamDataToPeer(QuicStreamId id,
- absl::string_view data,
+ QuicByteCount SendStreamDataToPeer(QuicStreamId id, absl::string_view data,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
StreamSendingState state,
QuicPacketNumber* last_packet) {
@@ -1084,8 +1059,7 @@ class QuicConnectionTest : public QuicTestWithParam<TestParams> {
- void SendRstStream(QuicStreamId id,
- QuicRstStreamErrorCode error,
+ void SendRstStream(QuicStreamId id, QuicRstStreamErrorCode error,
QuicStreamOffset bytes_written) {
notifier_.WriteOrBufferRstStream(id, error, bytes_written);
connection_.OnStreamReset(id, error);
@@ -4543,179 +4517,6 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, TLP) {
EXPECT_EQ(QuicPacketNumber(1u), stop_waiting()->least_unacked);
-TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, TailLossProbeDelayForStreamDataInTLPR) {
- if (connection_.PtoEnabled() || GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_deprecate_tlpr)) {
- return;
- }
- // Set TLPR from QuicConfig.
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, SetFromConfig(_, _));
- QuicConfig config;
- QuicTagVector options;
- options.push_back(kTLPR);
- config.SetConnectionOptionsToSend(options);
- connection_.SetFromConfig(config);
- connection_.SetMaxTailLossProbes(1);
- SendStreamDataToPeer(3, "foo", 0, NO_FIN, nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(QuicPacketNumber(1u), stop_waiting()->least_unacked);
- QuicTime retransmission_time =
- connection_.GetRetransmissionAlarm()->deadline();
- EXPECT_NE(QuicTime::Zero(), retransmission_time);
- QuicTime::Delta expected_tlp_delay =
- 0.5 * manager_->GetRttStats()->SmoothedOrInitialRtt();
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_tlp_delay, retransmission_time - clock_.Now());
- EXPECT_EQ(QuicPacketNumber(1u), writer_->header().packet_number);
- // Simulate firing of the retransmission alarm and retransmit the packet.
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, OnPacketSent(_, _, QuicPacketNumber(2), _, _));
- clock_.AdvanceTime(retransmission_time - clock_.Now());
- connection_.GetRetransmissionAlarm()->Fire();
- EXPECT_EQ(QuicPacketNumber(2u), writer_->header().packet_number);
- // We do not raise the high water mark yet.
- EXPECT_EQ(QuicPacketNumber(1u), stop_waiting()->least_unacked);
-TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, TailLossProbeDelayForNonStreamDataInTLPR) {
- if (connection_.PtoEnabled() || GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_deprecate_tlpr)) {
- return;
- }
- // Set TLPR from QuicConfig.
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, SetFromConfig(_, _));
- QuicConfig config;
- QuicTagVector options;
- options.push_back(kTLPR);
- config.SetConnectionOptionsToSend(options);
- QuicConfigPeer::SetNegotiated(&config, true);
- if (connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
- QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedOriginalConnectionId(
- &config, connection_.connection_id());
- QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedInitialSourceConnectionId(
- &config, connection_.connection_id());
- }
- connection_.SetFromConfig(config);
- connection_.SetMaxTailLossProbes(1);
- // Sets retransmittable on wire.
- const QuicTime::Delta retransmittable_on_wire_timeout =
- QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(50);
- connection_.set_initial_retransmittable_on_wire_timeout(
- retransmittable_on_wire_timeout);
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.connected());
- EXPECT_CALL(visitor_, ShouldKeepConnectionAlive())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
- EXPECT_FALSE(connection_.PathDegradingDetectionInProgress());
- EXPECT_FALSE(connection_.IsPathDegrading());
- EXPECT_FALSE(connection_.GetPingAlarm()->IsSet());
- const char data[] = "data";
- size_t data_size = strlen(data);
- QuicStreamOffset offset = 0;
- // Send a data packet.
- connection_.SendStreamDataWithString(1, data, offset, NO_FIN);
- offset += data_size;
- // Path degrading alarm should be set when there is a retransmittable packet
- // on the wire.
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.PathDegradingDetectionInProgress());
- // Verify the path degrading delay.
- // First TLP with stream data.
- QuicTime::Delta srtt = manager_->GetRttStats()->SmoothedOrInitialRtt();
- QuicTime::Delta expected_delay = 0.5 * srtt;
- // Add 1st RTO.
- QuicTime::Delta retransmission_delay =
- QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(kDefaultRetransmissionTimeMs);
- expected_delay = expected_delay + retransmission_delay;
- // Add 2nd RTO.
- expected_delay = expected_delay + retransmission_delay * 2;
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_delay,
- QuicConnectionPeer::GetSentPacketManager(&connection_)
- ->GetPathDegradingDelay());
- ASSERT_TRUE(connection_.sent_packet_manager().HasInFlightPackets());
- // The ping alarm is set for the ping timeout, not the shorter
- // retransmittable_on_wire_timeout.
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.GetPingAlarm()->IsSet());
- EXPECT_EQ(connection_.ping_timeout(),
- connection_.GetPingAlarm()->deadline() - clock_.ApproximateNow());
- // Receive an ACK for the data packet.
- clock_.AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(5));
- EXPECT_CALL(visitor_, OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, OnCongestionEvent(true, _, _, _, _));
- QuicAckFrame frame =
- InitAckFrame({{QuicPacketNumber(1), QuicPacketNumber(2)}});
- ProcessAckPacket(&frame);
- // Path degrading alarm should be cancelled as there is no more
- // reretransmittable packets on the wire.
- EXPECT_FALSE(connection_.PathDegradingDetectionInProgress());
- // The ping alarm should be set to the retransmittable_on_wire_timeout.
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.GetPingAlarm()->IsSet());
- EXPECT_EQ(retransmittable_on_wire_timeout,
- connection_.GetPingAlarm()->deadline() - clock_.ApproximateNow());
- // Simulate firing of the retransmittable on wire and send a PING.
- clock_.AdvanceTime(retransmittable_on_wire_timeout);
- connection_.GetPingAlarm()->Fire();
- // The retransmission alarm and the path degrading alarm should be set as
- // there is a retransmittable packet (PING) on the wire,
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.GetRetransmissionAlarm()->IsSet());
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.PathDegradingDetectionInProgress());
- // Verify the retransmission delay.
- QuicTime::Delta min_rto_timeout =
- QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(kMinRetransmissionTimeMs);
- srtt = manager_->GetRttStats()->SmoothedOrInitialRtt();
- // Arm RTO mode since there is only PING in flight.
- expected_delay = manager_->GetPtoDelay();
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_delay,
- connection_.GetRetransmissionAlarm()->deadline() - clock_.Now());
- // Verify the path degrading delay = TLP delay + 1st RTO + 2nd RTO.
- // Add 1st RTO.
- expected_delay = std::max(2 * srtt, 1.5 * srtt + 0.5 * min_rto_timeout);
- retransmission_delay =
- std::max(manager_->GetRttStats()->smoothed_rtt() +
- 4 * manager_->GetRttStats()->mean_deviation(),
- min_rto_timeout);
- expected_delay = expected_delay + retransmission_delay;
- // Add 2nd RTO.
- expected_delay = expected_delay + retransmission_delay * 2;
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_delay,
- QuicConnectionPeer::GetSentPacketManager(&connection_)
- ->GetPathDegradingDelay());
- // The ping alarm is set for the ping timeout, not the shorter
- // retransmittable_on_wire_timeout.
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.GetPingAlarm()->IsSet());
- EXPECT_EQ(connection_.ping_timeout(),
- connection_.GetPingAlarm()->deadline() - clock_.ApproximateNow());
- // Advance a small period of time: 5ms. And receive a retransmitted ACK.
- // This will update the retransmission alarm, verify the retransmission delay
- // is correct.
- clock_.AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(5));
- QuicAckFrame ack = InitAckFrame({{QuicPacketNumber(1), QuicPacketNumber(2)}});
- ProcessAckPacket(&ack);
- // Verify the retransmission delay.
- // First TLP without unacked stream data will no longer use TLPR.
- // Arm RTO mode since there is only PING in flight.
- expected_delay = manager_->GetPtoDelay();
- expected_delay = expected_delay - QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(5);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_delay,
- connection_.GetRetransmissionAlarm()->deadline() - clock_.Now());
TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, RTO) {
if (connection_.PtoEnabled()) {
@@ -10672,7 +10473,12 @@ void QuicConnectionTest::TestClientRetryHandling(
- // These values come from draft-ietf-quic-tls Appendix A.4.
+ // These values come from draft-ietf-quic-v2 Appendix A.4.
+ uint8_t retry_packet_rfcv2[] = {
+ 0xcf, 0x70, 0x9a, 0x50, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x08, 0xf0, 0x67, 0xa5, 0x50, 0x2a,
+ 0x42, 0x62, 0xb5, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x1d, 0xc7, 0x11, 0x30,
+ 0xcd, 0x1e, 0xd3, 0x9d, 0x6e, 0xfc, 0xee, 0x5c, 0x85, 0x80, 0x65, 0x01};
+ // These values come from RFC9001 Appendix A.4.
uint8_t retry_packet_rfcv1[] = {
0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x08, 0xf0, 0x67, 0xa5, 0x50, 0x2a,
0x42, 0x62, 0xb5, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x04, 0xa2, 0x65, 0xba,
@@ -10684,7 +10490,10 @@ void QuicConnectionTest::TestClientRetryHandling(
uint8_t* retry_packet;
size_t retry_packet_length;
- if (version() == ParsedQuicVersion::RFCv1()) {
+ if (version() == ParsedQuicVersion::V2Draft01()) {
+ retry_packet = retry_packet_rfcv2;
+ retry_packet_length = ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(retry_packet_rfcv2);
+ } else if (version() == ParsedQuicVersion::RFCv1()) {
retry_packet = retry_packet_rfcv1;
retry_packet_length = ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(retry_packet_rfcv1);
} else if (version() == ParsedQuicVersion::Draft29()) {
@@ -12719,30 +12528,6 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, FailToWritePathResponse) {
ProcessFramesPacketWithAddresses(frames, kSelfAddress, kNewPeerAddress,
- if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_drop_unsent_path_response)) {
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, QuicConnectionPeer::NumPendingPathChallengesToResponse(
- &connection_));
- return;
- }
- 1u, QuicConnectionPeer::NumPendingPathChallengesToResponse(&connection_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, OnPacketSent(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(AtLeast(1));
- writer_->SetWritable();
- connection_.OnCanWrite();
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, writer_->path_response_frames().size());
- // The final check is to ensure that the random data in the response
- // matches the random data from the challenge.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(,
- &(writer_->path_response_frames().front().data_buffer),
- sizeof(path_frame_buffer)));
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, writer_->padding_frames().size());
- // PATH_RESPONSE should be sent in another packet to a different peer
- // address.
- EXPECT_EQ(kNewPeerAddress, writer_->last_write_peer_address());
- 0u, QuicConnectionPeer::NumPendingPathChallengesToResponse(&connection_));
// Regression test for b/168101557.
@@ -12949,13 +12734,11 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, InitiateKeyUpdate) {
TransportParameters params;
- params.key_update_not_yet_supported = false;
QuicConfig config;
std::string error_details;
params, /* is_resumption = */ false, &error_details),
- config.SetKeyUpdateSupportedLocally();
QuicConfigPeer::SetNegotiated(&config, true);
if (connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
@@ -13111,12 +12894,10 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, InitiateKeyUpdateApproachingConfidentialityLimit) {
std::string error_details;
TransportParameters params;
// Key update is enabled.
- params.key_update_not_yet_supported = false;
QuicConfig config;
params, /* is_resumption = */ false, &error_details),
- config.SetKeyUpdateSupportedLocally();
QuicConfigPeer::SetNegotiated(&config, true);
if (connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
@@ -13209,12 +12990,10 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest,
std::string error_details;
TransportParameters params;
// Key update is enabled.
- params.key_update_not_yet_supported = false;
QuicConfig config;
params, /* is_resumption = */ false, &error_details),
- config.SetKeyUpdateSupportedLocally();
QuicConfigPeer::SetNegotiated(&config, true);
if (connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
@@ -13250,137 +13029,6 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest,
- CloseConnectionOnConfidentialityLimitKeyUpdateNotSupportedByPeer) {
- if (!connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
- return;
- }
- // Set key update confidentiality limit to 1 packet.
- SetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_key_update_confidentiality_limit, 1U);
- // Use confidentiality limit for connection close of 3 packets.
- constexpr size_t kConfidentialityLimit = 3U;
- std::string error_details;
- TransportParameters params;
- // Key update not enabled for this connection as peer doesn't support it.
- params.key_update_not_yet_supported = true;
- QuicConfig config;
- EXPECT_THAT(config.ProcessTransportParameters(
- params, /* is_resumption = */ false, &error_details),
- IsQuicNoError());
- // Key update is supported locally.
- config.SetKeyUpdateSupportedLocally();
- QuicConfigPeer::SetNegotiated(&config, true);
- if (connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
- QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedOriginalConnectionId(
- &config, connection_.connection_id());
- QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedInitialSourceConnectionId(
- &config, connection_.connection_id());
- }
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, SetFromConfig(_, _));
- connection_.SetFromConfig(config);
- connection_.SetDefaultEncryptionLevel(ENCRYPTION_FORWARD_SECURE);
- connection_.SetEncrypter(
- std::make_unique<NullEncrypterWithConfidentialityLimit>(
- Perspective::IS_CLIENT, kConfidentialityLimit));
- EXPECT_CALL(visitor_, GetHandshakeState())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(HANDSHAKE_CONFIRMED));
- connection_.OnHandshakeComplete();
- QuicPacketNumber last_packet;
- // Send 3 packets and receive acks for them. Since key update is not enabled
- // the confidentiality limit should be reached, forcing the connection to be
- // closed.
- SendStreamDataToPeer(1, "foo", 0, NO_FIN, &last_packet);
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.connected());
- // Receive ack for packet.
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, OnCongestionEvent(true, _, _, _, _));
- QuicAckFrame frame1 = InitAckFrame(1);
- ProcessAckPacket(&frame1);
- SendStreamDataToPeer(2, "foo", 0, NO_FIN, &last_packet);
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.connected());
- // Receive ack for packet.
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, OnCongestionEvent(true, _, _, _, _));
- QuicAckFrame frame2 = InitAckFrame(2);
- ProcessAckPacket(&frame2);
- EXPECT_CALL(visitor_, OnConnectionClosed(_, _));
- SendStreamDataToPeer(3, "foo", 0, NO_FIN, &last_packet);
- EXPECT_FALSE(connection_.connected());
- const QuicConnectionStats& stats = connection_.GetStats();
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, stats.key_update_count);
- TestConnectionCloseQuicErrorCode(QUIC_AEAD_LIMIT_REACHED);
- CloseConnectionOnConfidentialityLimitKeyUpdateNotEnabledLocally) {
- if (!connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
- return;
- }
- // Set key update confidentiality limit to 1 packet.
- SetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_key_update_confidentiality_limit, 1U);
- // Use confidentiality limit for connection close of 3 packets.
- constexpr size_t kConfidentialityLimit = 3U;
- std::string error_details;
- TransportParameters params;
- // Key update is supported by peer but not locally
- // (config.SetKeyUpdateSupportedLocally is not called.)
- params.key_update_not_yet_supported = false;
- QuicConfig config;
- EXPECT_THAT(config.ProcessTransportParameters(
- params, /* is_resumption = */ false, &error_details),
- IsQuicNoError());
- QuicConfigPeer::SetNegotiated(&config, true);
- if (connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
- QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedOriginalConnectionId(
- &config, connection_.connection_id());
- QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedInitialSourceConnectionId(
- &config, connection_.connection_id());
- }
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, SetFromConfig(_, _));
- connection_.SetFromConfig(config);
- connection_.SetDefaultEncryptionLevel(ENCRYPTION_FORWARD_SECURE);
- connection_.SetEncrypter(
- std::make_unique<NullEncrypterWithConfidentialityLimit>(
- Perspective::IS_CLIENT, kConfidentialityLimit));
- EXPECT_CALL(visitor_, GetHandshakeState())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(HANDSHAKE_CONFIRMED));
- connection_.OnHandshakeComplete();
- QuicPacketNumber last_packet;
- // Send 3 packets and receive acks for them. Since key update is not enabled
- // the confidentiality limit should be reached, forcing the connection to be
- // closed.
- SendStreamDataToPeer(1, "foo", 0, NO_FIN, &last_packet);
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.connected());
- // Receive ack for packet.
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, OnCongestionEvent(true, _, _, _, _));
- QuicAckFrame frame1 = InitAckFrame(1);
- ProcessAckPacket(&frame1);
- SendStreamDataToPeer(2, "foo", 0, NO_FIN, &last_packet);
- EXPECT_TRUE(connection_.connected());
- // Receive ack for packet.
- EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm_, OnCongestionEvent(true, _, _, _, _));
- QuicAckFrame frame2 = InitAckFrame(2);
- ProcessAckPacket(&frame2);
- EXPECT_CALL(visitor_, OnConnectionClosed(_, _));
- SendStreamDataToPeer(3, "foo", 0, NO_FIN, &last_packet);
- EXPECT_FALSE(connection_.connected());
- const QuicConnectionStats& stats = connection_.GetStats();
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, stats.key_update_count);
- TestConnectionCloseQuicErrorCode(QUIC_AEAD_LIMIT_REACHED);
TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, CloseConnectionOnIntegrityLimitDuringHandshake) {
if (!connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
@@ -13536,13 +13184,11 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, CloseConnectionOnIntegrityLimitAcrossKeyPhases) {
constexpr QuicPacketCount kIntegrityLimit = 4;
TransportParameters params;
- params.key_update_not_yet_supported = false;
QuicConfig config;
std::string error_details;
params, /* is_resumption = */ false, &error_details),
- config.SetKeyUpdateSupportedLocally();
QuicConfigPeer::SetNegotiated(&config, true);
if (connection_.version().UsesTls()) {
@@ -13987,12 +13633,10 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest,
// kept for key update, so enable key update for the test.
std::string error_details;
TransportParameters params;
- params.key_update_not_yet_supported = false;
QuicConfig config;
params, /* is_resumption = */ false, &error_details),
- config.SetKeyUpdateSupportedLocally();
QuicConfigPeer::SetNegotiated(&config, true);
@@ -15265,14 +14909,8 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, SendingZeroRttPacketsDoesNotPostponePTO) {
connection_.SendStreamDataWithString(2, "foo", 0, NO_FIN);
- if (GetQuicReloadableFlag(
- quic_donot_rearm_pto_on_application_data_during_handshake)) {
- // PTO deadline should be unchanged.
- EXPECT_EQ(pto_deadline, connection_.GetRetransmissionAlarm()->deadline());
- } else {
- // PTO gets re-armed.
- EXPECT_NE(pto_deadline, connection_.GetRetransmissionAlarm()->deadline());
- }
+ // PTO deadline should be unchanged.
+ EXPECT_EQ(pto_deadline, connection_.GetRetransmissionAlarm()->deadline());
TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, QueueingUndecryptablePacketsDoesntPostponePTO) {
@@ -15547,6 +15185,25 @@ TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, AckElicitingFrames) {
+TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, ReceivedChloAndAck) {
+ if (!version().HasIetfQuicFrames()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ set_perspective(Perspective::IS_SERVER);
+ QuicFrames frames;
+ QuicAckFrame ack_frame = InitAckFrame(1);
+ frames.push_back(MakeCryptoFrame());
+ frames.push_back(QuicFrame(&ack_frame));
+ EXPECT_CALL(visitor_, OnCryptoFrame(_))
+ .WillOnce(IgnoreResult(InvokeWithoutArgs(
+ &connection_, &TestConnection::SendCryptoStreamData)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(visitor_, BeforeConnectionCloseSent());
+ EXPECT_CALL(visitor_, OnConnectionClosed(_, _));
+ ProcessFramesPacketWithAddresses(frames, kSelfAddress, kPeerAddress,
// Regression test for b/201643321.
TEST_P(QuicConnectionTest, FailedToRetransmitShlo) {
if (!version().HasIetfQuicFrames()) {