path: root/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/ b/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index e21d26ca353..00000000000
--- a/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "quic/core/quic_chaos_protector.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <limits>
-#include <memory>
-#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
-#include "absl/types/optional.h"
-#include "quic/core/crypto/quic_random.h"
-#include "quic/core/frames/quic_crypto_frame.h"
-#include "quic/core/frames/quic_frame.h"
-#include "quic/core/frames/quic_padding_frame.h"
-#include "quic/core/frames/quic_ping_frame.h"
-#include "quic/core/quic_data_reader.h"
-#include "quic/core/quic_data_writer.h"
-#include "quic/core/quic_framer.h"
-#include "quic/core/quic_packets.h"
-#include "quic/core/quic_stream_frame_data_producer.h"
-#include "quic/platform/api/quic_bug_tracker.h"
-#include "common/platform/api/quiche_logging.h"
-namespace quic {
-QuicChaosProtector::QuicChaosProtector(const QuicCryptoFrame& crypto_frame,
- int num_padding_bytes,
- size_t packet_size,
- QuicFramer* framer,
- QuicRandom* random)
- : packet_size_(packet_size),
- crypto_data_length_(crypto_frame.data_length),
- crypto_buffer_offset_(crypto_frame.offset),
- level_(crypto_frame.level),
- remaining_padding_bytes_(num_padding_bytes),
- framer_(framer),
- random_(random) {
- QUICHE_DCHECK_NE(framer_, nullptr);
- QUICHE_DCHECK_NE(framer_->data_producer(), nullptr);
- QUICHE_DCHECK_NE(random_, nullptr);
-QuicChaosProtector::~QuicChaosProtector() {
- DeleteFrames(&frames_);
-absl::optional<size_t> QuicChaosProtector::BuildDataPacket(
- const QuicPacketHeader& header,
- char* buffer) {
- if (!CopyCryptoDataToLocalBuffer()) {
- return absl::nullopt;
- }
- SplitCryptoFrame();
- AddPingFrames();
- SpreadPadding();
- ReorderFrames();
- return BuildPacket(header, buffer);
-WriteStreamDataResult QuicChaosProtector::WriteStreamData(
- QuicStreamId id,
- QuicStreamOffset offset,
- QuicByteCount data_length,
- QuicDataWriter* /*writer*/) {
- QUIC_BUG(chaos stream) << "This should never be called; id " << id
- << " offset " << offset << " data_length "
- << data_length;
-bool QuicChaosProtector::WriteCryptoData(EncryptionLevel level,
- QuicStreamOffset offset,
- QuicByteCount data_length,
- QuicDataWriter* writer) {
- if (level != level_) {
- QUIC_BUG(chaos bad level) << "Unexpected " << level << " != " << level_;
- return false;
- }
- // This is `offset + data_length > buffer_offset_ + buffer_length_`
- // but with integer overflow protection.
- if (offset < crypto_buffer_offset_ || data_length > crypto_data_length_ ||
- offset - crypto_buffer_offset_ > crypto_data_length_ - data_length) {
- QUIC_BUG(chaos bad lengths)
- << "Unexpected buffer_offset_ " << crypto_buffer_offset_ << " offset "
- << offset << " buffer_length_ " << crypto_data_length_
- << " data_length " << data_length;
- return false;
- }
- writer->WriteBytes(&crypto_data_buffer_[offset - crypto_buffer_offset_],
- data_length);
- return true;
-bool QuicChaosProtector::CopyCryptoDataToLocalBuffer() {
- crypto_frame_buffer_ = std::make_unique<char[]>(packet_size_);
- frames_.push_back(QuicFrame(
- new QuicCryptoFrame(level_, crypto_buffer_offset_, crypto_data_length_)));
- // We use |framer_| to serialize the CRYPTO frame in order to extract its
- // data from the crypto data producer. This ensures that we reuse the
- // usual serialization code path, but has the downside that we then need to
- // parse the offset and length in order to skip over those fields.
- QuicDataWriter writer(packet_size_, crypto_frame_buffer_.get());
- if (!framer_->AppendCryptoFrame(*frames_.front().crypto_frame, &writer)) {
- QUIC_BUG(chaos write crypto data);
- return false;
- }
- QuicDataReader reader(crypto_frame_buffer_.get(), writer.length());
- uint64_t parsed_offset, parsed_length;
- if (!reader.ReadVarInt62(&parsed_offset) ||
- !reader.ReadVarInt62(&parsed_length)) {
- QUIC_BUG(chaos parse crypto frame);
- return false;
- }
- absl::string_view crypto_data = reader.ReadRemainingPayload();
- crypto_data_buffer_ =;
- QUICHE_DCHECK_EQ(parsed_offset, crypto_buffer_offset_);
- QUICHE_DCHECK_EQ(parsed_length, crypto_data_length_);
- QUICHE_DCHECK_EQ(parsed_length, crypto_data.length());
- return true;
-void QuicChaosProtector::SplitCryptoFrame() {
- const int max_overhead_of_adding_a_crypto_frame =
- static_cast<int>(QuicFramer::GetMinCryptoFrameSize(
- crypto_buffer_offset_ + crypto_data_length_, crypto_data_length_));
- // Pick a random number of CRYPTO frames to add.
- constexpr uint64_t kMaxAddedCryptoFrames = 10;
- const uint64_t num_added_crypto_frames =
- random_->InsecureRandUint64() % (kMaxAddedCryptoFrames + 1);
- for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_added_crypto_frames; i++) {
- if (remaining_padding_bytes_ < max_overhead_of_adding_a_crypto_frame) {
- break;
- }
- // Pick a random frame and split it by shrinking the picked frame and
- // moving the second half of its data to a new frame that is then appended
- // to |frames|.
- size_t frame_to_split_index =
- random_->InsecureRandUint64() % frames_.size();
- QuicCryptoFrame* frame_to_split =
- frames_[frame_to_split_index].crypto_frame;
- if (frame_to_split->data_length <= 1) {
- continue;
- }
- const int frame_to_split_old_overhead =
- static_cast<int>(QuicFramer::GetMinCryptoFrameSize(
- frame_to_split->offset, frame_to_split->data_length));
- const QuicPacketLength frame_to_split_new_data_length =
- 1 + (random_->InsecureRandUint64() % (frame_to_split->data_length - 1));
- const QuicPacketLength new_frame_data_length =
- frame_to_split->data_length - frame_to_split_new_data_length;
- const QuicStreamOffset new_frame_offset =
- frame_to_split->offset + frame_to_split_new_data_length;
- frame_to_split->data_length -= new_frame_data_length;
- frames_.push_back(QuicFrame(
- new QuicCryptoFrame(level_, new_frame_offset, new_frame_data_length)));
- const int frame_to_split_new_overhead =
- static_cast<int>(QuicFramer::GetMinCryptoFrameSize(
- frame_to_split->offset, frame_to_split->data_length));
- const int new_frame_overhead =
- static_cast<int>(QuicFramer::GetMinCryptoFrameSize(
- new_frame_offset, new_frame_data_length));
- QUICHE_DCHECK_LE(frame_to_split_new_overhead, frame_to_split_old_overhead);
- // Readjust padding based on increased overhead.
- remaining_padding_bytes_ -= new_frame_overhead;
- remaining_padding_bytes_ -= frame_to_split_new_overhead;
- remaining_padding_bytes_ += frame_to_split_old_overhead;
- }
-void QuicChaosProtector::AddPingFrames() {
- if (remaining_padding_bytes_ == 0) {
- return;
- }
- constexpr uint64_t kMaxAddedPingFrames = 10;
- const uint64_t num_ping_frames =
- random_->InsecureRandUint64() %
- std::min<uint64_t>(kMaxAddedPingFrames, remaining_padding_bytes_);
- for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_ping_frames; i++) {
- frames_.push_back(QuicFrame(QuicPingFrame()));
- }
- remaining_padding_bytes_ -= static_cast<int>(num_ping_frames);
-void QuicChaosProtector::ReorderFrames() {
- // Walk the array backwards and swap each frame with a random earlier one.
- for (size_t i = frames_.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
- std::swap(frames_[i], frames_[random_->InsecureRandUint64() % (i + 1)]);
- }
-void QuicChaosProtector::SpreadPadding() {
- for (auto it = frames_.begin(); it != frames_.end(); ++it) {
- const int padding_bytes_in_this_frame =
- random_->InsecureRandUint64() % (remaining_padding_bytes_ + 1);
- if (padding_bytes_in_this_frame <= 0) {
- continue;
- }
- it = frames_.insert(
- it, QuicFrame(QuicPaddingFrame(padding_bytes_in_this_frame)));
- ++it; // Skip over the padding frame we just added.
- remaining_padding_bytes_ -= padding_bytes_in_this_frame;
- }
- if (remaining_padding_bytes_ > 0) {
- frames_.push_back(QuicFrame(QuicPaddingFrame(remaining_padding_bytes_)));
- }
-absl::optional<size_t> QuicChaosProtector::BuildPacket(
- const QuicPacketHeader& header,
- char* buffer) {
- QuicStreamFrameDataProducer* original_data_producer =
- framer_->data_producer();
- framer_->set_data_producer(this);
- size_t length =
- framer_->BuildDataPacket(header, frames_, buffer, packet_size_, level_);
- framer_->set_data_producer(original_data_producer);
- if (length == 0) {
- return absl::nullopt;
- }
- return length;
-} // namespace quic