path: root/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 513 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/ b/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 484e46eee6a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "quic/core/crypto/quic_crypto_server_config.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "absl/strings/match.h"
-#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
-#include "quic/core/crypto/cert_compressor.h"
-#include "quic/core/crypto/chacha20_poly1305_encrypter.h"
-#include "quic/core/crypto/crypto_handshake_message.h"
-#include "quic/core/crypto/crypto_secret_boxer.h"
-#include "quic/core/crypto/quic_random.h"
-#include "quic/core/proto/crypto_server_config_proto.h"
-#include "quic/core/quic_time.h"
-#include "quic/core/quic_versions.h"
-#include "quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h"
-#include "quic/platform/api/quic_test.h"
-#include "quic/test_tools/crypto_test_utils.h"
-#include "quic/test_tools/mock_clock.h"
-#include "quic/test_tools/quic_crypto_server_config_peer.h"
-#include "quic/test_tools/quic_test_utils.h"
-namespace quic {
-namespace test {
-using ::testing::Not;
-// NOTE: This matcher depends on the wire format of serialzied protocol buffers,
-// which may change in the future.
-// Switch to ::testing::EqualsProto once it is available in Chromium.
-MATCHER_P(SerializedProtoEquals, message, "") {
- std::string expected_serialized, actual_serialized;
- message.SerializeToString(&expected_serialized);
- arg.SerializeToString(&actual_serialized);
- return expected_serialized == actual_serialized;
-class QuicCryptoServerConfigTest : public QuicTest {};
-TEST_F(QuicCryptoServerConfigTest, ServerConfig) {
- QuicRandom* rand = QuicRandom::GetInstance();
- QuicCryptoServerConfig server(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, rand,
- crypto_test_utils::ProofSourceForTesting(),
- KeyExchangeSource::Default());
- MockClock clock;
- std::unique_ptr<CryptoHandshakeMessage> message(server.AddDefaultConfig(
- rand, &clock, QuicCryptoServerConfig::ConfigOptions()));
- // The default configuration should have AES-GCM and at least one ChaCha20
- // cipher.
- QuicTagVector aead;
- ASSERT_THAT(message->GetTaglist(kAEAD, &aead), IsQuicNoError());
- EXPECT_THAT(aead, ::testing::Contains(kAESG));
- EXPECT_LE(1u, aead.size());
-TEST_F(QuicCryptoServerConfigTest, CompressCerts) {
- QuicCompressedCertsCache compressed_certs_cache(
- QuicCompressedCertsCache::kQuicCompressedCertsCacheSize);
- QuicRandom* rand = QuicRandom::GetInstance();
- QuicCryptoServerConfig server(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, rand,
- crypto_test_utils::ProofSourceForTesting(),
- KeyExchangeSource::Default());
- QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer peer(&server);
- std::vector<std::string> certs = {"testcert"};
- QuicReferenceCountedPointer<ProofSource::Chain> chain(
- new ProofSource::Chain(certs));
- std::string compressed = QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer::CompressChain(
- &compressed_certs_cache, chain, "", "", nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(compressed_certs_cache.Size(), 1u);
-TEST_F(QuicCryptoServerConfigTest, CompressSameCertsTwice) {
- QuicCompressedCertsCache compressed_certs_cache(
- QuicCompressedCertsCache::kQuicCompressedCertsCacheSize);
- QuicRandom* rand = QuicRandom::GetInstance();
- QuicCryptoServerConfig server(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, rand,
- crypto_test_utils::ProofSourceForTesting(),
- KeyExchangeSource::Default());
- QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer peer(&server);
- // Compress the certs for the first time.
- std::vector<std::string> certs = {"testcert"};
- QuicReferenceCountedPointer<ProofSource::Chain> chain(
- new ProofSource::Chain(certs));
- std::string common_certs = "";
- std::string cached_certs = "";
- std::string compressed = QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer::CompressChain(
- &compressed_certs_cache, chain, common_certs, cached_certs, nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(compressed_certs_cache.Size(), 1u);
- // Compress the same certs, should use cache if available.
- std::string compressed2 = QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer::CompressChain(
- &compressed_certs_cache, chain, common_certs, cached_certs, nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(compressed, compressed2);
- EXPECT_EQ(compressed_certs_cache.Size(), 1u);
-TEST_F(QuicCryptoServerConfigTest, CompressDifferentCerts) {
- // This test compresses a set of similar but not identical certs. Cache if
- // used should return cache miss and add all the compressed certs.
- QuicCompressedCertsCache compressed_certs_cache(
- QuicCompressedCertsCache::kQuicCompressedCertsCacheSize);
- QuicRandom* rand = QuicRandom::GetInstance();
- QuicCryptoServerConfig server(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, rand,
- crypto_test_utils::ProofSourceForTesting(),
- KeyExchangeSource::Default());
- QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer peer(&server);
- std::vector<std::string> certs = {"testcert"};
- QuicReferenceCountedPointer<ProofSource::Chain> chain(
- new ProofSource::Chain(certs));
- std::string common_certs = "";
- std::string cached_certs = "";
- std::string compressed = QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer::CompressChain(
- &compressed_certs_cache, chain, common_certs, cached_certs, nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(compressed_certs_cache.Size(), 1u);
- // Compress a similar certs which only differs in the chain.
- QuicReferenceCountedPointer<ProofSource::Chain> chain2(
- new ProofSource::Chain(certs));
- std::string compressed2 = QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer::CompressChain(
- &compressed_certs_cache, chain2, common_certs, cached_certs, nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(compressed_certs_cache.Size(), 2u);
- // Compress a similar certs which only differs in common certs field.
- static const uint64_t set_hash = 42;
- std::unique_ptr<CommonCertSets> common_sets(
- crypto_test_utils::MockCommonCertSets(certs[0], set_hash, 1));
- absl::string_view different_common_certs(
- reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&set_hash), sizeof(set_hash));
- std::string compressed3 = QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer::CompressChain(
- &compressed_certs_cache, chain, std::string(different_common_certs),
- cached_certs, common_sets.get());
- EXPECT_EQ(compressed_certs_cache.Size(), 3u);
-class SourceAddressTokenTest : public QuicTest {
- public:
- SourceAddressTokenTest()
- : ip4_(QuicIpAddress::Loopback4()),
- ip4_dual_(ip4_.DualStacked()),
- ip6_(QuicIpAddress::Loopback6()),
- original_time_(QuicWallTime::Zero()),
- rand_(QuicRandom::GetInstance()),
- server_(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING,
- rand_,
- crypto_test_utils::ProofSourceForTesting(),
- KeyExchangeSource::Default()),
- peer_(&server_) {
- // Advance the clock to some non-zero time.
- clock_.AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(1000000));
- original_time_ = clock_.WallNow();
- primary_config_ = server_.AddDefaultConfig(
- rand_, &clock_, QuicCryptoServerConfig::ConfigOptions());
- }
- std::string NewSourceAddressToken(std::string config_id,
- const QuicIpAddress& ip) {
- return NewSourceAddressToken(config_id, ip, nullptr);
- }
- std::string NewSourceAddressToken(
- std::string config_id,
- const QuicIpAddress& ip,
- const SourceAddressTokens& previous_tokens) {
- return peer_.NewSourceAddressToken(config_id, previous_tokens, ip, rand_,
- clock_.WallNow(), nullptr);
- }
- std::string NewSourceAddressToken(
- std::string config_id,
- const QuicIpAddress& ip,
- CachedNetworkParameters* cached_network_params) {
- SourceAddressTokens previous_tokens;
- return peer_.NewSourceAddressToken(config_id, previous_tokens, ip, rand_,
- clock_.WallNow(), cached_network_params);
- }
- HandshakeFailureReason ValidateSourceAddressTokens(std::string config_id,
- absl::string_view srct,
- const QuicIpAddress& ip) {
- return ValidateSourceAddressTokens(config_id, srct, ip, nullptr);
- }
- HandshakeFailureReason ValidateSourceAddressTokens(
- std::string config_id,
- absl::string_view srct,
- const QuicIpAddress& ip,
- CachedNetworkParameters* cached_network_params) {
- return peer_.ValidateSourceAddressTokens(
- config_id, srct, ip, clock_.WallNow(), cached_network_params);
- }
- const std::string kPrimary = "<primary>";
- const std::string kOverride = "Config with custom source address token key";
- QuicIpAddress ip4_;
- QuicIpAddress ip4_dual_;
- QuicIpAddress ip6_;
- MockClock clock_;
- QuicWallTime original_time_;
- QuicRandom* rand_ = QuicRandom::GetInstance();
- QuicCryptoServerConfig server_;
- QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer peer_;
- // Stores the primary config.
- std::unique_ptr<CryptoHandshakeMessage> primary_config_;
- std::unique_ptr<QuicServerConfigProtobuf> override_config_protobuf_;
-// Test basic behavior of source address tokens including being specific
-// to a single IP address and server config.
-TEST_F(SourceAddressTokenTest, SourceAddressToken) {
- // Primary config generates configs that validate successfully.
- const std::string token4 = NewSourceAddressToken(kPrimary, ip4_);
- const std::string token4d = NewSourceAddressToken(kPrimary, ip4_dual_);
- const std::string token6 = NewSourceAddressToken(kPrimary, ip6_);
- EXPECT_EQ(HANDSHAKE_OK, ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token4, ip4_));
- ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token4, ip4_dual_));
- ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token4, ip6_));
- ASSERT_EQ(HANDSHAKE_OK, ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token4d, ip4_));
- ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token4d, ip4_dual_));
- ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token4d, ip6_));
- ASSERT_EQ(HANDSHAKE_OK, ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token6, ip6_));
-TEST_F(SourceAddressTokenTest, SourceAddressTokenExpiration) {
- const std::string token = NewSourceAddressToken(kPrimary, ip4_);
- // Validation fails if the token is from the future.
- clock_.AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(-3600 * 2));
- ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token, ip4_));
- // Validation fails after tokens expire.
- clock_.AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(86400 * 7));
- ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token, ip4_));
-TEST_F(SourceAddressTokenTest, SourceAddressTokenWithNetworkParams) {
- // Make sure that if the source address token contains CachedNetworkParameters
- // that this gets written to ValidateSourceAddressToken output argument.
- CachedNetworkParameters cached_network_params_input;
- cached_network_params_input.set_bandwidth_estimate_bytes_per_second(1234);
- const std::string token4_with_cached_network_params =
- NewSourceAddressToken(kPrimary, ip4_, &cached_network_params_input);
- CachedNetworkParameters cached_network_params_output;
- EXPECT_THAT(cached_network_params_output,
- Not(SerializedProtoEquals(cached_network_params_input)));
- ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token4_with_cached_network_params, ip4_,
- &cached_network_params_output);
- EXPECT_THAT(cached_network_params_output,
- SerializedProtoEquals(cached_network_params_input));
-// Test the ability for a source address token to be valid for multiple
-// addresses.
-TEST_F(SourceAddressTokenTest, SourceAddressTokenMultipleAddresses) {
- QuicWallTime now = clock_.WallNow();
- // Now create a token which is usable for both addresses.
- SourceAddressToken previous_token;
- previous_token.set_ip(ip6_.DualStacked().ToPackedString());
- previous_token.set_timestamp(now.ToUNIXSeconds());
- SourceAddressTokens previous_tokens;
- (*previous_tokens.add_tokens()) = previous_token;
- const std::string token4or6 =
- NewSourceAddressToken(kPrimary, ip4_, previous_tokens);
- ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token4or6, ip4_));
- ValidateSourceAddressTokens(kPrimary, token4or6, ip6_));
-class CryptoServerConfigsTest : public QuicTest {
- public:
- CryptoServerConfigsTest()
- : rand_(QuicRandom::GetInstance()),
- config_(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING,
- rand_,
- crypto_test_utils::ProofSourceForTesting(),
- KeyExchangeSource::Default()),
- test_peer_(&config_) {}
- void SetUp() override {
- clock_.AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(1000));
- }
- // SetConfigs constructs suitable config protobufs and calls SetConfigs on
- // |config_|.
- // Each struct in the input vector contains 3 elements.
- // The first is the server config ID of a Config. The second is
- // the |primary_time| of that Config, given in epoch seconds. (Although note
- // that, in these tests, time is set to 1000 seconds since the epoch.).
- // The third is the priority.
- //
- // For example:
- // SetConfigs(std::vector<ServerConfigIDWithTimeAndPriority>()); // calls
- // |config_.SetConfigs| with no protobufs.
- //
- // // Calls |config_.SetConfigs| with two protobufs: one for a Config with
- // // a |primary_time| of 900 and priority 1, and another with
- // // a |primary_time| of 1000 and priority 2.
- // CheckConfigs(
- // {{"id1", 900, 1},
- // {"id2", 1000, 2}});
- //
- // If the server config id starts with "INVALID" then the generated protobuf
- // will be invalid.
- struct ServerConfigIDWithTimeAndPriority {
- ServerConfigID server_config_id;
- int primary_time;
- int priority;
- };
- void SetConfigs(std::vector<ServerConfigIDWithTimeAndPriority> configs) {
- const char kOrbit[] = "12345678";
- bool has_invalid = false;
- std::vector<QuicServerConfigProtobuf> protobufs;
- for (const auto& config : configs) {
- const ServerConfigID& server_config_id = config.server_config_id;
- const int primary_time = config.primary_time;
- const int priority = config.priority;
- QuicCryptoServerConfig::ConfigOptions options;
- = server_config_id;
- options.orbit = kOrbit;
- QuicServerConfigProtobuf protobuf =
- QuicCryptoServerConfig::GenerateConfig(rand_, &clock_, options);
- protobuf.set_primary_time(primary_time);
- protobuf.set_priority(priority);
- if (absl::StartsWith(std::string(server_config_id), "INVALID")) {
- protobuf.clear_key();
- has_invalid = true;
- }
- protobufs.push_back(std::move(protobuf));
- }
- ASSERT_EQ(!has_invalid && !configs.empty(),
- config_.SetConfigs(protobufs, /* fallback_protobuf = */ nullptr,
- clock_.WallNow()));
- }
- protected:
- QuicRandom* const rand_;
- MockClock clock_;
- QuicCryptoServerConfig config_;
- QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer test_peer_;
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, NoConfigs) {
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>>());
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, MakePrimaryFirst) {
- // Make sure that "b" is primary even though "a" comes first.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 1100, 1}, {"b", 900, 1}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", true}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, MakePrimarySecond) {
- // Make sure that a remains primary after b is added.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 900, 1}, {"b", 1100, 1}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", true}, {"b", false}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, Delete) {
- // Ensure that configs get deleted when removed.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 800, 1}, {"b", 900, 1}, {"c", 1100, 1}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", true}, {"c", false}});
- SetConfigs({{"b", 900, 1}, {"c", 1100, 1}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"b", true}, {"c", false}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, DeletePrimary) {
- // Ensure that deleting the primary config works.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 800, 1}, {"b", 900, 1}, {"c", 1100, 1}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", true}, {"c", false}});
- SetConfigs({{"a", 800, 1}, {"c", 1100, 1}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", true}, {"c", false}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, FailIfDeletingAllConfigs) {
- // Ensure that configs get deleted when removed.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 800, 1}, {"b", 900, 1}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", true}});
- SetConfigs(std::vector<ServerConfigIDWithTimeAndPriority>());
- // Config change is rejected, still using old configs.
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", true}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, ChangePrimaryTime) {
- // Check that updates to primary time get picked up.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 400, 1}, {"b", 800, 1}, {"c", 1200, 1}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(500);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", true}, {"b", false}, {"c", false}});
- SetConfigs({{"a", 1200, 1}, {"b", 800, 1}, {"c", 400, 1}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(500);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", false}, {"c", true}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, AllConfigsInThePast) {
- // Check that the most recent config is selected.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 400, 1}, {"b", 800, 1}, {"c", 1200, 1}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1500);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", false}, {"c", true}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, AllConfigsInTheFuture) {
- // Check that the first config is selected.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 400, 1}, {"b", 800, 1}, {"c", 1200, 1}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(100);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", true}, {"b", false}, {"c", false}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, SortByPriority) {
- // Check that priority is used to decide on a primary config when
- // configs have the same primary time.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 900, 1}, {"b", 900, 2}, {"c", 900, 3}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", true}, {"b", false}, {"c", false}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(800);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", true}, {"b", false}, {"c", false}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1000);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", true}, {"b", false}, {"c", false}});
- // Change priorities and expect sort order to change.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 900, 2}, {"b", 900, 1}, {"c", 900, 0}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", false}, {"c", true}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(800);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", false}, {"c", true}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1000);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", false}, {"c", true}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, AdvancePrimary) {
- // Check that a new primary config is enabled at the right time.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 900, 1}, {"b", 1100, 1}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1000);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", true}, {"b", false}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1101);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", true}});
-class ValidateCallback : public ValidateClientHelloResultCallback {
- public:
- void Run(QuicReferenceCountedPointer<Result> /*result*/,
- std::unique_ptr<ProofSource::Details> /*details*/) override {}
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, AdvancePrimaryViaValidate) {
- // Check that a new primary config is enabled at the right time.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 900, 1}, {"b", 1100, 1}});
- test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1000);
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", true}, {"b", false}});
- CryptoHandshakeMessage client_hello;
- QuicSocketAddress client_address;
- QuicSocketAddress server_address;
- QuicTransportVersion transport_version = QUIC_VERSION_UNSUPPORTED;
- for (const ParsedQuicVersion& version : AllSupportedVersions()) {
- if (version.handshake_protocol == PROTOCOL_QUIC_CRYPTO) {
- transport_version = version.transport_version;
- break;
- }
- }
- MockClock clock;
- QuicReferenceCountedPointer<QuicSignedServerConfig> signed_config(
- new QuicSignedServerConfig);
- std::unique_ptr<ValidateClientHelloResultCallback> done_cb(
- new ValidateCallback);
- clock.AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(1100));
- config_.ValidateClientHello(client_hello, client_address, server_address,
- transport_version, &clock, signed_config,
- std::move(done_cb));
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", true}});
-TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, InvalidConfigs) {
- // Ensure that invalid configs don't change anything.
- SetConfigs({{"a", 800, 1}, {"b", 900, 1}, {"c", 1100, 1}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", true}, {"c", false}});
- SetConfigs({{"a", 800, 1}, {"c", 1100, 1}, {"INVALID1", 1000, 1}});
- test_peer_.CheckConfigs({{"a", false}, {"b", true}, {"c", false}});
-} // namespace test
-} // namespace quic