path: root/chromium/net/proxy_resolution/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/proxy_resolution/')
1 files changed, 1119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/proxy_resolution/ b/chromium/net/proxy_resolution/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fbd268e9cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/proxy_resolution/
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_resolver_v8_tracing.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
+#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
+#include "base/synchronization/cancellation_flag.h"
+#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
+#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
+#include "net/base/address_list.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/base/network_interfaces.h"
+#include "net/base/trace_constants.h"
+#include "net/dns/host_resolver.h"
+#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
+#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_info.h"
+#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_resolver_error_observer.h"
+#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_resolver_v8.h"
+// The intent of this class is explained in the design document:
+// In a nutshell, PAC scripts are Javascript programs and may depend on
+// network I/O, by calling functions like dnsResolve().
+// This is problematic since functions such as dnsResolve() will block the
+// Javascript execution until the DNS result is availble, thereby stalling the
+// PAC thread, which hurts the ability to process parallel proxy resolves.
+// An obvious solution is to simply start more PAC threads, however this scales
+// poorly, which hurts the ability to process parallel proxy resolves.
+// The solution in ProxyResolverV8Tracing is to model PAC scripts as being
+// deterministic, and depending only on the inputted URL. When the script
+// issues a dnsResolve() for a yet unresolved hostname, the Javascript
+// execution is "aborted", and then re-started once the DNS result is
+// known.
+namespace net {
+namespace {
+// Upper bound on how many *unique* DNS resolves a PAC script is allowed
+// to make. This is a failsafe both for scripts that do a ridiculous
+// number of DNS resolves, as well as scripts which are misbehaving
+// under the tracing optimization. It is not expected to hit this normally.
+const size_t kMaxUniqueResolveDnsPerExec = 20;
+// Approximate number of bytes to use for buffering alerts() and errors.
+// This is a failsafe in case repeated executions of the script causes
+// too much memory bloat. It is not expected for well behaved scripts to
+// hit this. (In fact normal scripts should not even have alerts() or errors).
+const size_t kMaxAlertsAndErrorsBytes = 2048;
+// The Job class is responsible for executing GetProxyForURL() and
+// creating ProxyResolverV8 instances, since both of these operations share
+// similar code.
+// The DNS for these operations can operate in either blocking or
+// non-blocking mode. Blocking mode is used as a fallback when the PAC script
+// seems to be misbehaving under the tracing optimization.
+// Note that this class runs on both the origin thread and a worker
+// thread. Most methods are expected to be used exclusively on one thread
+// or the other.
+// The lifetime of Jobs does not exceed that of the ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl
+// that spawned it. Destruction might happen on either the origin thread or the
+// worker thread.
+class Job : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Job>,
+ public ProxyResolverV8::JSBindings {
+ public:
+ struct Params {
+ Params(
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& worker_task_runner,
+ int* num_outstanding_callbacks)
+ : v8_resolver(nullptr),
+ worker_task_runner(worker_task_runner),
+ num_outstanding_callbacks(num_outstanding_callbacks) {}
+ ProxyResolverV8* v8_resolver;
+ scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> worker_task_runner;
+ int* num_outstanding_callbacks;
+ };
+ // |params| is non-owned. It contains the parameters for this Job, and must
+ // outlive it.
+ Job(const Params* params,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing::Bindings> bindings);
+ // Called from origin thread.
+ void StartCreateV8Resolver(
+ const scoped_refptr<ProxyResolverScriptData>& script_data,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8>* resolver,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback);
+ // Called from origin thread.
+ void StartGetProxyForURL(const GURL& url,
+ ProxyInfo* results,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback);
+ // Called from origin thread.
+ void Cancel();
+ // Called from origin thread.
+ LoadState GetLoadState() const;
+ private:
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> DnsCache;
+ friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Job>;
+ enum Operation {
+ };
+ struct AlertOrError {
+ bool is_alert;
+ int line_number;
+ base::string16 message;
+ };
+ ~Job() override;
+ void CheckIsOnWorkerThread() const;
+ void CheckIsOnOriginThread() const;
+ void SetCallback(const CompletionCallback& callback);
+ void ReleaseCallback();
+ ProxyResolverV8* v8_resolver();
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& worker_task_runner();
+ HostResolver* host_resolver();
+ // Invokes the user's callback.
+ void NotifyCaller(int result);
+ void NotifyCallerOnOriginLoop(int result);
+ void Start(Operation op, bool blocking_dns,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback);
+ void ExecuteBlocking();
+ void ExecuteNonBlocking();
+ int ExecuteProxyResolver();
+ // Implementation of ProxyResolverv8::JSBindings
+ bool ResolveDns(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ std::string* output,
+ bool* terminate) override;
+ void Alert(const base::string16& message) override;
+ void OnError(int line_number, const base::string16& error) override;
+ bool ResolveDnsBlocking(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ std::string* output);
+ bool ResolveDnsNonBlocking(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ std::string* output,
+ bool* terminate);
+ bool PostDnsOperationAndWait(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ bool* completed_synchronously)
+ void DoDnsOperation();
+ void OnDnsOperationComplete(int result);
+ void ScheduleRestartWithBlockingDns();
+ bool GetDnsFromLocalCache(const std::string& host, ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ std::string* output, bool* return_value);
+ void SaveDnsToLocalCache(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ int net_error,
+ const AddressList& addresses);
+ // Builds a RequestInfo to service the specified PAC DNS operation.
+ static HostResolver::RequestInfo MakeDnsRequestInfo(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op);
+ // Makes a key for looking up |host, op| in |dns_cache_|. Strings are used for
+ // convenience, to avoid defining custom comparators.
+ static std::string MakeDnsCacheKey(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op);
+ void HandleAlertOrError(bool is_alert, int line_number,
+ const base::string16& message);
+ void DispatchBufferedAlertsAndErrors();
+ void DispatchAlertOrErrorOnOriginThread(bool is_alert,
+ int line_number,
+ const base::string16& message);
+ // The thread which called into ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl, and on which the
+ // completion callback is expected to run.
+ scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> origin_runner_;
+ // The Parameters for this Job.
+ // Initialized on origin thread and then accessed from both threads.
+ const Params* const params_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing::Bindings> bindings_;
+ // The callback to run (on the origin thread) when the Job finishes.
+ // Should only be accessed from origin thread.
+ CompletionCallback callback_;
+ // Flag to indicate whether the request has been cancelled.
+ base::CancellationFlag cancelled_;
+ // The operation that this Job is running.
+ // Initialized on origin thread and then accessed from both threads.
+ Operation operation_;
+ // The DNS mode for this Job.
+ // Initialized on origin thread, mutated on worker thread, and accessed
+ // by both the origin thread and worker thread.
+ bool blocking_dns_;
+ // Used to block the worker thread on a DNS operation taking place on the
+ // origin thread.
+ base::WaitableEvent event_;
+ // Map of DNS operations completed so far. Written into on the origin thread
+ // and read on the worker thread.
+ DnsCache dns_cache_;
+ // The job holds a reference to itself to ensure that it remains alive until
+ // either completion or cancellation.
+ scoped_refptr<Job> owned_self_reference_;
+ // -------------------------------------------------------
+ // State specific to CREATE_V8_RESOLVER.
+ // -------------------------------------------------------
+ scoped_refptr<ProxyResolverScriptData> script_data_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8>* resolver_out_;
+ // -------------------------------------------------------
+ // State specific to GET_PROXY_FOR_URL.
+ // -------------------------------------------------------
+ ProxyInfo* user_results_; // Owned by caller, lives on origin thread.
+ GURL url_;
+ ProxyInfo results_;
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // State for ExecuteNonBlocking()
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // These variables are used exclusively on the worker thread and are only
+ // meaningful when executing inside of ExecuteNonBlocking().
+ // Whether this execution was abandoned due to a missing DNS dependency.
+ bool abandoned_;
+ // Number of calls made to ResolveDns() by this execution.
+ int num_dns_;
+ // Sequence of calls made to Alert() or OnError() by this execution.
+ std::vector<AlertOrError> alerts_and_errors_;
+ size_t alerts_and_errors_byte_cost_; // Approximate byte cost of the above.
+ // Number of calls made to ResolveDns() by the PREVIOUS execution.
+ int last_num_dns_;
+ // Whether the current execution needs to be restarted in blocking mode.
+ bool should_restart_with_blocking_dns_;
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // State for pending DNS request.
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Handle to the outstanding request in the HostResolver, or NULL.
+ // This is mutated and used on the origin thread, however it may be read by
+ // the worker thread for some DCHECKS().
+ std::unique_ptr<HostResolver::Request> pending_dns_;
+ // Indicates if the outstanding DNS request completed synchronously. Written
+ // on the origin thread, and read by the worker thread.
+ bool pending_dns_completed_synchronously_;
+ // These are the inputs to DoDnsOperation(). Written on the worker thread,
+ // read by the origin thread.
+ std::string pending_dns_host_;
+ ResolveDnsOperation pending_dns_op_;
+ // This contains the resolved address list that DoDnsOperation() fills in.
+ // Used exclusively on the origin thread.
+ AddressList pending_dns_addresses_;
+class ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl : public ProxyResolverV8Tracing {
+ public:
+ ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl(std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> thread,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8> resolver,
+ std::unique_ptr<Job::Params> job_params);
+ ~ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl() override;
+ // ProxyResolverV8Tracing overrides.
+ void GetProxyForURL(const GURL& url,
+ ProxyInfo* results,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolver::Request>* request,
+ std::unique_ptr<Bindings> bindings) override;
+ class RequestImpl : public ProxyResolver::Request {
+ public:
+ explicit RequestImpl(scoped_refptr<Job> job);
+ ~RequestImpl() override;
+ LoadState GetLoadState() override;
+ private:
+ scoped_refptr<Job> job_;
+ };
+ private:
+ // The worker thread on which the ProxyResolverV8 will be run.
+ std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> thread_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8> v8_resolver_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Job::Params> job_params_;
+ // The number of outstanding (non-cancelled) jobs.
+ int num_outstanding_callbacks_;
+ THREAD_CHECKER(thread_checker_);
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl);
+Job::Job(const Job::Params* params,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing::Bindings> bindings)
+ : origin_runner_(base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()),
+ params_(params),
+ bindings_(std::move(bindings)),
+ event_(base::WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL,
+ base::WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED),
+ last_num_dns_(0) {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+void Job::StartCreateV8Resolver(
+ const scoped_refptr<ProxyResolverScriptData>& script_data,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8>* resolver,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ resolver_out_ = resolver;
+ script_data_ = script_data;
+ // Script initialization uses blocking DNS since there isn't any
+ // advantage to using non-blocking mode here. That is because the
+ // parent ProxyResolutionService can't submit any ProxyResolve requests until
+ // initialization has completed successfully!
+ Start(CREATE_V8_RESOLVER, true /*blocking*/, callback);
+void Job::StartGetProxyForURL(const GURL& url,
+ ProxyInfo* results,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ url_ = url;
+ user_results_ = results;
+ Start(GET_PROXY_FOR_URL, false /*non-blocking*/, callback);
+void Job::Cancel() {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ // There are several possibilities to consider for cancellation:
+ // (a) The job has been posted to the worker thread, however script execution
+ // has not yet started.
+ // (b) The script is executing on the worker thread.
+ // (c) The script is executing on the worker thread, however is blocked inside
+ // of dnsResolve() waiting for a response from the origin thread.
+ // (d) Nothing is running on the worker thread, however the host resolver has
+ // a pending DNS request which upon completion will restart the script
+ // execution.
+ // (e) The worker thread has a pending task to restart execution, which was
+ // posted after the DNS dependency was resolved and saved to local cache.
+ // (f) The script execution completed entirely, and posted a task to the
+ // origin thread to notify the caller.
+ // (g) The job is already completed.
+ //
+ // |cancelled_| is read on both the origin thread and worker thread. The
+ // code that runs on the worker thread is littered with checks on
+ // |cancelled_| to break out early.
+ // If the job already completed, there is nothing to be cancelled.
+ if (callback_.is_null())
+ return;
+ cancelled_.Set();
+ ReleaseCallback();
+ pending_dns_.reset();
+ // The worker thread might be blocked waiting for DNS.
+ event_.Signal();
+ bindings_.reset();
+ owned_self_reference_ = NULL;
+LoadState Job::GetLoadState() const {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ if (pending_dns_)
+Job::~Job() {
+ DCHECK(!pending_dns_);
+ DCHECK(callback_.is_null());
+ DCHECK(!bindings_);
+void Job::CheckIsOnWorkerThread() const {
+ DCHECK(params_->worker_task_runner->BelongsToCurrentThread());
+void Job::CheckIsOnOriginThread() const {
+ DCHECK(origin_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
+void Job::SetCallback(const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ DCHECK(callback_.is_null());
+ (*params_->num_outstanding_callbacks)++;
+ callback_ = callback;
+void Job::ReleaseCallback() {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ DCHECK(!callback_.is_null());
+ CHECK_GT(*params_->num_outstanding_callbacks, 0);
+ (*params_->num_outstanding_callbacks)--;
+ callback_.Reset();
+ // For good measure, clear this other user-owned pointer.
+ user_results_ = NULL;
+ProxyResolverV8* Job::v8_resolver() {
+ return params_->v8_resolver;
+const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& Job::worker_task_runner() {
+ return params_->worker_task_runner;
+HostResolver* Job::host_resolver() {
+ return bindings_->GetHostResolver();
+void Job::NotifyCaller(int result) {
+ CheckIsOnWorkerThread();
+ origin_runner_->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Job::NotifyCallerOnOriginLoop, this, result));
+void Job::NotifyCallerOnOriginLoop(int result) {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet())
+ return;
+ DispatchBufferedAlertsAndErrors();
+ // This isn't the ordinary execution flow, however it is exercised by
+ // unit-tests.
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet())
+ return;
+ DCHECK(!callback_.is_null());
+ DCHECK(!pending_dns_);
+ if (operation_ == GET_PROXY_FOR_URL) {
+ *user_results_ = results_;
+ }
+ CompletionCallback callback = callback_;
+ ReleaseCallback();
+ callback.Run(result);
+ bindings_.reset();
+ owned_self_reference_ = NULL;
+void Job::Start(Operation op,
+ bool blocking_dns,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback) {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ operation_ = op;
+ blocking_dns_ = blocking_dns;
+ SetCallback(callback);
+ owned_self_reference_ = this;
+ worker_task_runner()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, blocking_dns_ ? base::Bind(&Job::ExecuteBlocking, this)
+ : base::Bind(&Job::ExecuteNonBlocking, this));
+void Job::ExecuteBlocking() {
+ CheckIsOnWorkerThread();
+ DCHECK(blocking_dns_);
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet())
+ return;
+ NotifyCaller(ExecuteProxyResolver());
+void Job::ExecuteNonBlocking() {
+ CheckIsOnWorkerThread();
+ DCHECK(!blocking_dns_);
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet())
+ return;
+ // Reset state for the current execution.
+ abandoned_ = false;
+ num_dns_ = 0;
+ alerts_and_errors_.clear();
+ alerts_and_errors_byte_cost_ = 0;
+ should_restart_with_blocking_dns_ = false;
+ int result = ExecuteProxyResolver();
+ if (should_restart_with_blocking_dns_) {
+ DCHECK(!blocking_dns_);
+ DCHECK(abandoned_);
+ blocking_dns_ = true;
+ ExecuteBlocking();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (abandoned_)
+ return;
+ NotifyCaller(result);
+int Job::ExecuteProxyResolver() {
+ TRACE_EVENT0(kNetTracingCategory, "Job::ExecuteProxyResolver");
+ int result = ERR_UNEXPECTED; // Initialized to silence warnings.
+ switch (operation_) {
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8> resolver;
+ result = ProxyResolverV8::Create(script_data_, this, &resolver);
+ if (result == OK)
+ *resolver_out_ = std::move(resolver);
+ break;
+ }
+ result = v8_resolver()->GetProxyForURL(
+ url_,
+ // Important: Do not write directly into |user_results_|, since if the
+ // request were to be cancelled from the origin thread, must guarantee
+ // that |user_results_| is not accessed anymore.
+ &results_, this);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+bool Job::ResolveDns(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ std::string* output,
+ bool* terminate) {
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet()) {
+ *terminate = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((op == DNS_RESOLVE || op == DNS_RESOLVE_EX) && host.empty()) {
+ // a DNS resolve with an empty hostname is considered an error.
+ return false;
+ }
+ return blocking_dns_ ?
+ ResolveDnsBlocking(host, op, output) :
+ ResolveDnsNonBlocking(host, op, output, terminate);
+void Job::Alert(const base::string16& message) {
+ HandleAlertOrError(true, -1, message);
+void Job::OnError(int line_number, const base::string16& error) {
+ HandleAlertOrError(false, line_number, error);
+bool Job::ResolveDnsBlocking(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ std::string* output) {
+ CheckIsOnWorkerThread();
+ // Check if the DNS result for this host has already been cached.
+ bool rv;
+ if (GetDnsFromLocalCache(host, op, output, &rv)) {
+ // Yay, cache hit!
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (dns_cache_.size() >= kMaxUniqueResolveDnsPerExec) {
+ // Safety net for scripts with unexpectedly many DNS calls.
+ // We will continue running to completion, but will fail every
+ // subsequent DNS request.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!PostDnsOperationAndWait(host, op, NULL))
+ return false; // Was cancelled.
+ CHECK(GetDnsFromLocalCache(host, op, output, &rv));
+ return rv;
+bool Job::ResolveDnsNonBlocking(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ std::string* output,
+ bool* terminate) {
+ CheckIsOnWorkerThread();
+ if (abandoned_) {
+ // If this execution was already abandoned can fail right away. Only 1 DNS
+ // dependency will be traced at a time (for more predictable outcomes).
+ return false;
+ }
+ num_dns_ += 1;
+ // Check if the DNS result for this host has already been cached.
+ bool rv;
+ if (GetDnsFromLocalCache(host, op, output, &rv)) {
+ // Yay, cache hit!
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (num_dns_ <= last_num_dns_) {
+ // The sequence of DNS operations is different from last time!
+ ScheduleRestartWithBlockingDns();
+ *terminate = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (dns_cache_.size() >= kMaxUniqueResolveDnsPerExec) {
+ // Safety net for scripts with unexpectedly many DNS calls.
+ return false;
+ }
+ DCHECK(!should_restart_with_blocking_dns_);
+ bool completed_synchronously;
+ if (!PostDnsOperationAndWait(host, op, &completed_synchronously))
+ return false; // Was cancelled.
+ if (completed_synchronously) {
+ CHECK(GetDnsFromLocalCache(host, op, output, &rv));
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Otherwise if the result was not in the cache, then a DNS request has
+ // been started. Abandon this invocation of FindProxyForURL(), it will be
+ // restarted once the DNS request completes.
+ abandoned_ = true;
+ *terminate = true;
+ last_num_dns_ = num_dns_;
+ return false;
+bool Job::PostDnsOperationAndWait(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ bool* completed_synchronously) {
+ // Post the DNS request to the origin thread.
+ DCHECK(!pending_dns_);
+ pending_dns_host_ = host;
+ pending_dns_op_ = op;
+ origin_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Job::DoDnsOperation, this));
+ event_.Wait();
+ event_.Reset();
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet())
+ return false;
+ if (completed_synchronously)
+ *completed_synchronously = pending_dns_completed_synchronously_;
+ return true;
+void Job::DoDnsOperation() {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ DCHECK(!pending_dns_);
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet())
+ return;
+ std::unique_ptr<HostResolver::Request> dns_request;
+ int result = host_resolver()->Resolve(
+ MakeDnsRequestInfo(pending_dns_host_, pending_dns_op_), DEFAULT_PRIORITY,
+ &pending_dns_addresses_, base::Bind(&Job::OnDnsOperationComplete, this),
+ &dns_request, bindings_->GetNetLogWithSource());
+ pending_dns_completed_synchronously_ = result != ERR_IO_PENDING;
+ // Check if the request was cancelled as a side-effect of calling into the
+ // HostResolver. This isn't the ordinary execution flow, however it is
+ // exercised by unit-tests.
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet())
+ return;
+ if (pending_dns_completed_synchronously_) {
+ OnDnsOperationComplete(result);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(dns_request);
+ pending_dns_ = std::move(dns_request);
+ // OnDnsOperationComplete() will be called by host resolver on completion.
+ }
+ if (!blocking_dns_) {
+ // The worker thread always blocks waiting to see if the result can be
+ // serviced from cache before restarting.
+ event_.Signal();
+ }
+void Job::OnDnsOperationComplete(int result) {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ DCHECK(!cancelled_.IsSet());
+ DCHECK(pending_dns_completed_synchronously_ == (pending_dns_ == NULL));
+ SaveDnsToLocalCache(pending_dns_host_, pending_dns_op_, result,
+ pending_dns_addresses_);
+ pending_dns_.reset();
+ if (blocking_dns_) {
+ event_.Signal();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!blocking_dns_ && !pending_dns_completed_synchronously_) {
+ // Restart. This time it should make more progress due to having
+ // cached items.
+ worker_task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&Job::ExecuteNonBlocking, this));
+ }
+void Job::ScheduleRestartWithBlockingDns() {
+ CheckIsOnWorkerThread();
+ DCHECK(!should_restart_with_blocking_dns_);
+ DCHECK(!abandoned_);
+ DCHECK(!blocking_dns_);
+ abandoned_ = true;
+ // The restart will happen after ExecuteNonBlocking() finishes.
+ should_restart_with_blocking_dns_ = true;
+bool Job::GetDnsFromLocalCache(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ std::string* output,
+ bool* return_value) {
+ CheckIsOnWorkerThread();
+ DnsCache::const_iterator it = dns_cache_.find(MakeDnsCacheKey(host, op));
+ if (it == dns_cache_.end())
+ return false;
+ *output = it->second;
+ *return_value = !it->second.empty();
+ return true;
+void Job::SaveDnsToLocalCache(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op,
+ int net_error,
+ const AddressList& addresses) {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ // Serialize the result into a string to save to the cache.
+ std::string cache_value;
+ if (net_error != OK) {
+ cache_value = std::string();
+ } else if (op == DNS_RESOLVE || op == MY_IP_ADDRESS) {
+ // dnsResolve() and myIpAddress() are expected to return a single IP
+ // address.
+ cache_value = addresses.front().ToStringWithoutPort();
+ } else {
+ // The *Ex versions are expected to return a semi-colon separated list.
+ for (AddressList::const_iterator iter = addresses.begin();
+ iter != addresses.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (!cache_value.empty())
+ cache_value += ";";
+ cache_value += iter->ToStringWithoutPort();
+ }
+ }
+ dns_cache_[MakeDnsCacheKey(host, op)] = cache_value;
+// static
+HostResolver::RequestInfo Job::MakeDnsRequestInfo(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op) {
+ HostPortPair host_port = HostPortPair(host, 80);
+ if (op == MY_IP_ADDRESS || op == MY_IP_ADDRESS_EX) {
+ host_port.set_host(GetHostName());
+ }
+ HostResolver::RequestInfo info(host_port);
+ // Flag myIpAddress requests.
+ if (op == MY_IP_ADDRESS || op == MY_IP_ADDRESS_EX) {
+ // TODO: Provide a RequestInfo construction mechanism that does not
+ // require a hostname and sets is_my_ip_address to true instead of this.
+ info.set_is_my_ip_address(true);
+ }
+ // The non-ex flavors are limited to IPv4 results.
+ if (op == MY_IP_ADDRESS || op == DNS_RESOLVE) {
+ info.set_address_family(ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV4);
+ }
+ return info;
+std::string Job::MakeDnsCacheKey(const std::string& host,
+ ResolveDnsOperation op) {
+ return base::StringPrintf("%d:%s", op, host.c_str());
+void Job::HandleAlertOrError(bool is_alert,
+ int line_number,
+ const base::string16& message) {
+ CheckIsOnWorkerThread();
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet())
+ return;
+ if (blocking_dns_) {
+ // In blocking DNS mode the events can be dispatched immediately.
+ origin_runner_->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Job::DispatchAlertOrErrorOnOriginThread, this,
+ is_alert, line_number, message));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise in nonblocking mode, buffer all the messages until
+ // the end.
+ if (abandoned_)
+ return;
+ alerts_and_errors_byte_cost_ += sizeof(AlertOrError) + message.size() * 2;
+ // If there have been lots of messages, enqueing could be expensive on
+ // memory. Consider a script which does megabytes worth of alerts().
+ // Avoid this by falling back to blocking mode.
+ if (alerts_and_errors_byte_cost_ > kMaxAlertsAndErrorsBytes) {
+ alerts_and_errors_.clear();
+ ScheduleRestartWithBlockingDns();
+ return;
+ }
+ AlertOrError entry = {is_alert, line_number, message};
+ alerts_and_errors_.push_back(entry);
+void Job::DispatchBufferedAlertsAndErrors() {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < alerts_and_errors_.size(); ++i) {
+ const AlertOrError& x = alerts_and_errors_[i];
+ DispatchAlertOrErrorOnOriginThread(x.is_alert, x.line_number, x.message);
+ }
+void Job::DispatchAlertOrErrorOnOriginThread(bool is_alert,
+ int line_number,
+ const base::string16& message) {
+ CheckIsOnOriginThread();
+ if (cancelled_.IsSet())
+ return;
+ if (is_alert) {
+ // -------------------
+ // alert
+ // -------------------
+ VLOG(1) << "PAC-alert: " << message;
+ bindings_->Alert(message);
+ } else {
+ // -------------------
+ // error
+ // -------------------
+ if (line_number == -1)
+ VLOG(1) << "PAC-error: " << message;
+ else
+ VLOG(1) << "PAC-error: " << "line: " << line_number << ": " << message;
+ bindings_->OnError(line_number, message);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> thread,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8> resolver,
+ std::unique_ptr<Job::Params> job_params)
+ : thread_(std::move(thread)),
+ v8_resolver_(std::move(resolver)),
+ job_params_(std::move(job_params)),
+ num_outstanding_callbacks_(0) {
+ job_params_->num_outstanding_callbacks = &num_outstanding_callbacks_;
+ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl::~ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl() {
+ // Note, all requests should have been cancelled.
+ CHECK_EQ(0, num_outstanding_callbacks_);
+ // Join the worker thread. See
+ base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
+ thread_.reset();
+ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl::RequestImpl::RequestImpl(scoped_refptr<Job> job)
+ : job_(std::move(job)) {}
+ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl::RequestImpl::~RequestImpl() {
+ job_->Cancel();
+LoadState ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl::RequestImpl::GetLoadState() {
+ return job_->GetLoadState();
+void ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl::GetProxyForURL(
+ const GURL& url,
+ ProxyInfo* results,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolver::Request>* request,
+ std::unique_ptr<Bindings> bindings) {
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ scoped_refptr<Job> job = new Job(job_params_.get(), std::move(bindings));
+ request->reset(new RequestImpl(job));
+ job->StartGetProxyForURL(url, results, callback);
+class ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl : public ProxyResolverV8TracingFactory {
+ public:
+ ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl();
+ ~ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl() override;
+ void CreateProxyResolverV8Tracing(
+ const scoped_refptr<ProxyResolverScriptData>& pac_script,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing::Bindings> bindings,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing>* resolver,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverFactory::Request>* request) override;
+ private:
+ class CreateJob;
+ void RemoveJob(CreateJob* job);
+ std::set<CreateJob*> jobs_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl);
+class ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl::CreateJob
+ : public ProxyResolverFactory::Request {
+ public:
+ CreateJob(ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl* factory,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing::Bindings> bindings,
+ const scoped_refptr<ProxyResolverScriptData>& pac_script,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing>* resolver_out,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback)
+ : factory_(factory),
+ thread_(new base::Thread("Proxy Resolver")),
+ resolver_out_(resolver_out),
+ callback_(callback),
+ num_outstanding_callbacks_(0) {
+ // Start up the thread.
+ base::Thread::Options options;
+ options.timer_slack = base::TIMER_SLACK_MAXIMUM;
+ CHECK(thread_->StartWithOptions(options));
+ job_params_.reset(
+ new Job::Params(thread_->task_runner(), &num_outstanding_callbacks_));
+ create_resolver_job_ = new Job(job_params_.get(), std::move(bindings));
+ create_resolver_job_->StartCreateV8Resolver(
+ pac_script, &v8_resolver_,
+ base::Bind(
+ &ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl::CreateJob::OnV8ResolverCreated,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ ~CreateJob() override {
+ if (factory_) {
+ factory_->RemoveJob(this);
+ DCHECK(create_resolver_job_);
+ create_resolver_job_->Cancel();
+ StopWorkerThread();
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, num_outstanding_callbacks_);
+ }
+ void FactoryDestroyed() {
+ factory_ = nullptr;
+ create_resolver_job_->Cancel();
+ create_resolver_job_ = nullptr;
+ StopWorkerThread();
+ }
+ private:
+ void OnV8ResolverCreated(int error) {
+ DCHECK(factory_);
+ if (error == OK) {
+ job_params_->v8_resolver = v8_resolver_.get();
+ resolver_out_->reset(new ProxyResolverV8TracingImpl(
+ std::move(thread_), std::move(v8_resolver_), std::move(job_params_)));
+ } else {
+ StopWorkerThread();
+ }
+ factory_->RemoveJob(this);
+ factory_ = nullptr;
+ create_resolver_job_ = nullptr;
+ callback_.Run(error);
+ }
+ void StopWorkerThread() {
+ // Join the worker thread. See
+ base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
+ thread_.reset();
+ }
+ ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl* factory_;
+ std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> thread_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Job::Params> job_params_;
+ scoped_refptr<Job> create_resolver_job_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8> v8_resolver_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing>* resolver_out_;
+ const CompletionCallback callback_;
+ int num_outstanding_callbacks_;
+ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl::ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl() =
+ default;
+ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl::~ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl() {
+ for (auto* job : jobs_) {
+ job->FactoryDestroyed();
+ }
+void ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl::CreateProxyResolverV8Tracing(
+ const scoped_refptr<ProxyResolverScriptData>& pac_script,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing::Bindings> bindings,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverV8Tracing>* resolver,
+ const CompletionCallback& callback,
+ std::unique_ptr<ProxyResolverFactory::Request>* request) {
+ std::unique_ptr<CreateJob> job(
+ new CreateJob(this, std::move(bindings), pac_script, resolver, callback));
+ jobs_.insert(job.get());
+ *request = std::move(job);
+void ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl::RemoveJob(
+ ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl::CreateJob* job) {
+ size_t erased = jobs_.erase(job);
+ DCHECK_EQ(1u, erased);
+} // namespace
+// static
+ProxyResolverV8TracingFactory::Create() {
+ return std::make_unique<ProxyResolverV8TracingFactoryImpl>();
+} // namespace net