path: root/chromium/net/http/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/http/')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/http/ b/chromium/net/http/
index ce625c788b1..137c09f5ff1 100644
--- a/chromium/net/http/
+++ b/chromium/net/http/
@@ -15,11 +15,14 @@
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/location.h"
+#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task_runner_util.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "crypto/sha2.h"
+#include "net/base/features.h"
+#include "net/base/network_isolation_key.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
#include "net/http/transport_security_state.h"
@@ -47,24 +50,50 @@ std::string ExternalStringToHashedDomain(const std::string& external) {
return out;
-const char kIncludeSubdomains[] = "include_subdomains";
+// Version 2 of the on-disk format consists of a single JSON object. The
+// top-level dictionary has "version", "sts", and "expect_ct" entries. The first
+// is an integer, the latter two are unordered lists of dictionaries, each
+// representing cached data for a single host.
+// Stored in serialized dictionary values to distinguish incompatible versions.
+// Version 1 is distinguished by the lack of an integer version value.
+const char kVersionKey[] = "version";
+const int kCurrentVersionValue = 2;
+// Keys in top level serialized dictionary, for lists of STS and Expect-CT
+// entries, respectively.
+const char kSTSKey[] = "sts";
+const char kExpectCTKey[] = "expect_ct";
+// Hostname entry, used in serialized STS and Expect-CT dictionaries. Value is
+// produced by passing hashed hostname strings to
+// HashedDomainToExternalString().
+const char kHostname[] = "host";
+// Key values in serialized STS entries.
const char kStsIncludeSubdomains[] = "sts_include_subdomains";
-const char kMode[] = "mode";
+const char kStsObserved[] = "sts_observed";
const char kExpiry[] = "expiry";
+const char kMode[] = "mode";
+// Values for "mode" used in serialized STS entries.
const char kForceHTTPS[] = "force-https";
-const char kStrict[] = "strict";
const char kDefault[] = "default";
-const char kPinningOnly[] = "pinning-only";
-const char kCreated[] = "created";
-const char kStsObserved[] = "sts_observed";
-// The keys below are contained in a subdictionary keyed as
-// |kExpectCTSubdictionary|.
-const char kExpectCTSubdictionary[] = "expect_ct";
-const char kExpectCTExpiry[] = "expect_ct_expiry";
+// Key names in serialized Expect-CT entries.
+const char kNetworkIsolationKey[] = "nik";
const char kExpectCTObserved[] = "expect_ct_observed";
+const char kExpectCTExpiry[] = "expect_ct_expiry";
const char kExpectCTEnforce[] = "expect_ct_enforce";
const char kExpectCTReportUri[] = "expect_ct_report_uri";
+// Obsolete values in older STS entries.
+const char kIncludeSubdomains[] = "include_subdomains";
+const char kStrict[] = "strict";
+const char kPinningOnly[] = "pinning-only";
+const char kCreated[] = "created";
+const char kExpectCTSubdictionary[] = "expect_ct";
std::string LoadState(const base::FilePath& path) {
std::string result;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &result)) {
@@ -78,104 +107,201 @@ bool IsDynamicExpectCTEnabled() {
-// Populates |host| with default values for the STS states.
-// These default values represent "null" states and are only useful to keep
-// the entries in the resulting JSON consistent. The deserializer will ignore
-// "null" states.
-// TODO(davidben): This can be removed when the STS and Expect-CT states are
-// stored independently on disk.
-void PopulateEntryWithDefaults(base::DictionaryValue* host) {
- host->Clear();
- // STS default values.
- host->SetBoolean(kStsIncludeSubdomains, false);
- host->SetDouble(kStsObserved, 0.0);
- host->SetDouble(kExpiry, 0.0);
- host->SetString(kMode, kDefault);
+// Serializes STS data from |state| to a Value.
+base::Value SerializeSTSData(const TransportSecurityState* state) {
+ base::Value sts_list(base::Value::Type::LIST);
-// Serializes STS data from |state| into |toplevel|. Any existing state in
-// |toplevel| for each item is overwritten.
-void SerializeSTSData(TransportSecurityState* state,
- base::DictionaryValue* toplevel) {
TransportSecurityState::STSStateIterator sts_iterator(*state);
for (; sts_iterator.HasNext(); sts_iterator.Advance()) {
- const std::string& hostname = sts_iterator.hostname();
const TransportSecurityState::STSState& sts_state =
- const std::string key = HashedDomainToExternalString(hostname);
- std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> serialized(
- new base::DictionaryValue);
- PopulateEntryWithDefaults(serialized.get());
- serialized->SetBoolean(kStsIncludeSubdomains, sts_state.include_subdomains);
- serialized->SetDouble(kStsObserved, sts_state.last_observed.ToDoubleT());
- serialized->SetDouble(kExpiry, sts_state.expiry.ToDoubleT());
+ base::Value serialized(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
+ serialized.SetStringKey(
+ kHostname, HashedDomainToExternalString(sts_iterator.hostname()));
+ serialized.SetBoolKey(kStsIncludeSubdomains, sts_state.include_subdomains);
+ serialized.SetDoubleKey(kStsObserved, sts_state.last_observed.ToDoubleT());
+ serialized.SetDoubleKey(kExpiry, sts_state.expiry.ToDoubleT());
switch (sts_state.upgrade_mode) {
case TransportSecurityState::STSState::MODE_FORCE_HTTPS:
- serialized->SetString(kMode, kForceHTTPS);
+ serialized.SetStringKey(kMode, kForceHTTPS);
case TransportSecurityState::STSState::MODE_DEFAULT:
- serialized->SetString(kMode, kDefault);
+ serialized.SetStringKey(kMode, kDefault);
- default:
- NOTREACHED() << "STSState with unknown mode";
- continue;
- toplevel->Set(key, std::move(serialized));
+ sts_list.Append(std::move(serialized));
+ return sts_list;
-// Serializes Expect-CT data from |state| into |toplevel|. For each Expect-CT
-// item in |state|, if |toplevel| already contains an item for that hostname,
-// the item is updated to include a subdictionary with key
-// |kExpectCTSubdictionary|; otherwise an item is created for that hostname with
-// a |kExpectCTSubdictionary| subdictionary.
-void SerializeExpectCTData(TransportSecurityState* state,
- base::DictionaryValue* toplevel) {
- if (!IsDynamicExpectCTEnabled())
+// Deserializes STS data from a Value created by the above method.
+void DeserializeSTSData(const base::Value& sts_list,
+ TransportSecurityState* state) {
+ if (!sts_list.is_list())
+ base::Time current_time(base::Time::Now());
+ for (const base::Value& sts_entry : sts_list.GetList()) {
+ if (!sts_entry.is_dict())
+ continue;
+ const std::string* hostname = sts_entry.FindStringKey(kHostname);
+ base::Optional<bool> sts_include_subdomains =
+ sts_entry.FindBoolKey(kStsIncludeSubdomains);
+ base::Optional<double> sts_observed = sts_entry.FindDoubleKey(kStsObserved);
+ base::Optional<double> expiry = sts_entry.FindDoubleKey(kExpiry);
+ const std::string* mode = sts_entry.FindStringKey(kMode);
+ if (!hostname || !sts_include_subdomains.has_value() ||
+ !sts_observed.has_value() || !expiry.has_value() || !mode) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ TransportSecurityState::STSState sts_state;
+ sts_state.include_subdomains = *sts_include_subdomains;
+ sts_state.last_observed = base::Time::FromDoubleT(*sts_observed);
+ sts_state.expiry = base::Time::FromDoubleT(*expiry);
+ if (*mode == kForceHTTPS) {
+ sts_state.upgrade_mode =
+ TransportSecurityState::STSState::MODE_FORCE_HTTPS;
+ } else if (*mode == kDefault) {
+ sts_state.upgrade_mode = TransportSecurityState::STSState::MODE_DEFAULT;
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (sts_state.expiry < current_time || !sts_state.ShouldUpgradeToSSL())
+ continue;
+ std::string hashed = ExternalStringToHashedDomain(*hostname);
+ if (hashed.empty())
+ continue;
+ state->AddOrUpdateEnabledSTSHosts(hashed, sts_state);
+ }
+// Serializes Expect-CT data from |state| to a Value.
+base::Value SerializeExpectCTData(TransportSecurityState* state) {
+ base::Value ct_list(base::Value::Type::LIST);
+ if (!IsDynamicExpectCTEnabled())
+ return ct_list;
TransportSecurityState::ExpectCTStateIterator expect_ct_iterator(*state);
for (; expect_ct_iterator.HasNext(); expect_ct_iterator.Advance()) {
- const std::string& hostname = expect_ct_iterator.hostname();
const TransportSecurityState::ExpectCTState& expect_ct_state =
- // See if the current |hostname| already has STS state and, if so,
- // update that entry.
- const std::string key = HashedDomainToExternalString(hostname);
- base::DictionaryValue* serialized = nullptr;
- if (!toplevel->GetDictionary(key, &serialized)) {
- std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> serialized_scoped(
- new base::DictionaryValue);
- serialized = serialized_scoped.get();
- PopulateEntryWithDefaults(serialized);
- toplevel->Set(key, std::move(serialized_scoped));
+ base::DictionaryValue ct_entry;
+ base::Value network_isolation_key_value;
+ // Don't serialize entries with transient NetworkIsolationKeys.
+ if (!expect_ct_iterator.network_isolation_key().ToValue(
+ &network_isolation_key_value)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ct_entry.SetKey(kNetworkIsolationKey,
+ std::move(network_isolation_key_value));
+ ct_entry.SetStringKey(
+ kHostname, HashedDomainToExternalString(expect_ct_iterator.hostname()));
+ ct_entry.SetDoubleKey(kExpectCTObserved,
+ expect_ct_state.last_observed.ToDoubleT());
+ ct_entry.SetDoubleKey(kExpectCTExpiry, expect_ct_state.expiry.ToDoubleT());
+ ct_entry.SetBoolKey(kExpectCTEnforce, expect_ct_state.enforce);
+ ct_entry.SetStringKey(kExpectCTReportUri,
+ expect_ct_state.report_uri.spec());
+ ct_list.Append(std::move(ct_entry));
+ }
+ return ct_list;
+// Deserializes Expect-CT data from a Value created by the above method.
+void DeserializeExpectCTData(const base::Value& ct_list,
+ TransportSecurityState* state) {
+ if (!ct_list.is_list())
+ return;
+ bool partition_by_nik = base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
+ features::kPartitionExpectCTStateByNetworkIsolationKey);
+ const base::Time current_time(base::Time::Now());
+ for (const base::Value& ct_entry : ct_list.GetList()) {
+ if (!ct_entry.is_dict())
+ continue;
+ const std::string* hostname = ct_entry.FindStringKey(kHostname);
+ const base::Value* network_isolation_key_value =
+ ct_entry.FindKey(kNetworkIsolationKey);
+ base::Optional<double> expect_ct_last_observed =
+ ct_entry.FindDoubleKey(kExpectCTObserved);
+ base::Optional<double> expect_ct_expiry =
+ ct_entry.FindDoubleKey(kExpectCTExpiry);
+ base::Optional<bool> expect_ct_enforce =
+ ct_entry.FindBoolKey(kExpectCTEnforce);
+ const std::string* expect_ct_report_uri =
+ ct_entry.FindStringKey(kExpectCTReportUri);
+ if (!hostname || !network_isolation_key_value ||
+ !expect_ct_last_observed.has_value() || !expect_ct_expiry.has_value() ||
+ !expect_ct_enforce.has_value() || !expect_ct_report_uri) {
+ continue;
- std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> expect_ct_subdictionary(
- new base::DictionaryValue());
- expect_ct_subdictionary->SetDouble(
- kExpectCTObserved, expect_ct_state.last_observed.ToDoubleT());
- expect_ct_subdictionary->SetDouble(kExpectCTExpiry,
- expect_ct_state.expiry.ToDoubleT());
- expect_ct_subdictionary->SetBoolean(kExpectCTEnforce,
- expect_ct_state.enforce);
- expect_ct_subdictionary->SetString(kExpectCTReportUri,
- expect_ct_state.report_uri.spec());
- serialized->Set(kExpectCTSubdictionary, std::move(expect_ct_subdictionary));
+ TransportSecurityState::ExpectCTState expect_ct_state;
+ expect_ct_state.last_observed =
+ base::Time::FromDoubleT(*expect_ct_last_observed);
+ expect_ct_state.expiry = base::Time::FromDoubleT(*expect_ct_expiry);
+ expect_ct_state.enforce = *expect_ct_enforce;
+ GURL report_uri(*expect_ct_report_uri);
+ if (report_uri.is_valid())
+ expect_ct_state.report_uri = report_uri;
+ if (expect_ct_state.expiry < current_time ||
+ (!expect_ct_state.enforce && expect_ct_state.report_uri.is_empty())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::string hashed = ExternalStringToHashedDomain(*hostname);
+ if (hashed.empty())
+ continue;
+ NetworkIsolationKey network_isolation_key;
+ if (!NetworkIsolationKey::FromValue(*network_isolation_key_value,
+ &network_isolation_key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If Expect-CT is not being partitioned by NetworkIsolationKey, but
+ // |network_isolation_key| is not empty, drop the entry, to avoid ambiguity
+ // and favor entries that were saved with an empty NetworkIsolationKey.
+ if (!partition_by_nik && !network_isolation_key.IsEmpty())
+ continue;
+ state->AddOrUpdateEnabledExpectCTHosts(hashed, network_isolation_key,
+ expect_ct_state);
-// Populates |state| with the values in the |kExpectCTSubdictionary|
-// subdictionary in |parsed|. Returns false if |parsed| is malformed
-// (e.g. missing a required Expect-CT key) and true otherwise. Note that true
-// does not necessarily mean that Expect-CT state was present in |parsed|.
-bool DeserializeExpectCTState(const base::DictionaryValue* parsed,
- TransportSecurityState::ExpectCTState* state) {
+// Handles deserializing |kExpectCTSubdictionary| in dictionaries that use the
+// obsolete format. Populates |state| with the values from the Expect-CT
+// subdictionary in |parsed|. Returns false if |parsed| is malformed (e.g.
+// missing a required Expect-CT key) and true otherwise. Note that true does not
+// necessarily mean that Expect-CT state was present in |parsed|.
+// TODO(mmenke): Remove once the obsolete format is no longer supported.
+bool DeserializeObsoleteExpectCTState(
+ const base::DictionaryValue* parsed,
+ TransportSecurityState::ExpectCTState* state) {
const base::DictionaryValue* expect_ct_subdictionary;
if (!parsed->GetDictionary(kExpectCTSubdictionary,
&expect_ct_subdictionary)) {
@@ -275,39 +401,75 @@ void TransportSecurityPersister::OnWriteFinished(base::OnceClosure callback) {
bool TransportSecurityPersister::SerializeData(std::string* output) {
- base::DictionaryValue toplevel;
- // TODO(davidben): Fix the serialization format by splitting the on-disk
- // representation of the STS and Expect-CT states.
- SerializeSTSData(transport_security_state_, &toplevel);
- SerializeExpectCTData(transport_security_state_, &toplevel);
+ base::Value toplevel(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
+ toplevel.SetIntKey(kVersionKey, kCurrentVersionValue);
+ toplevel.SetKey(kSTSKey, SerializeSTSData(transport_security_state_));
+ toplevel.SetKey(kExpectCTKey,
+ SerializeExpectCTData(transport_security_state_));
- base::JSONWriter::WriteWithOptions(
- toplevel, base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, output);
+ base::JSONWriter::Write(toplevel, output);
return true;
bool TransportSecurityPersister::LoadEntries(const std::string& serialized,
- bool* dirty) {
+ bool* data_in_old_format) {
- return Deserialize(serialized, dirty, transport_security_state_);
+ return Deserialize(serialized, data_in_old_format, transport_security_state_);
-// static
bool TransportSecurityPersister::Deserialize(const std::string& serialized,
- bool* dirty,
+ bool* data_in_old_format,
TransportSecurityState* state) {
- std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value =
- base::JSONReader::ReadDeprecated(serialized);
- base::DictionaryValue* dict_value = nullptr;
- if (!value.get() || !value->GetAsDictionary(&dict_value))
+ *data_in_old_format = false;
+ base::Optional<base::Value> value = base::JSONReader::Read(serialized);
+ if (!value || !value->is_dict())
return false;
+ // Old dictionaries don't have a version number, so try the obsolete format if
+ // there's no integer version number.
+ base::Optional<int> version = value->FindIntKey(kVersionKey);
+ if (!version) {
+ bool dirty_unused = false;
+ bool success = DeserializeObsoleteData(*value, &dirty_unused, state);
+ // If successfully loaded data from a file in the old format, need to
+ // overwrite the file with the newer format.
+ *data_in_old_format = success;
+ return success;
+ }
+ if (*version != kCurrentVersionValue)
+ return false;
+ base::Value* sts_value = value->FindKey(kSTSKey);
+ if (sts_value)
+ DeserializeSTSData(*sts_value, state);
+ base::Value* expect_ct_value = value->FindKey(kExpectCTKey);
+ if (expect_ct_value)
+ DeserializeExpectCTData(*expect_ct_value, state);
+ state->num_expect_ct_entries(), 1 /* min */,
+ 2000 /* max */, 40 /* buckets */);
+ return true;
+bool TransportSecurityPersister::DeserializeObsoleteData(
+ const base::Value& value,
+ bool* dirty,
+ TransportSecurityState* state) {
const base::Time current_time(base::Time::Now());
bool dirtied = false;
+ const base::DictionaryValue* dict_value = nullptr;
+ int rv = value.GetAsDictionary(&dict_value);
+ // The one caller ensures |value| is of Value::Type::DICTIONARY already,
+ // though it doesn't extract a DictionaryValue*, since that is the deprecated
+ // way to use dictionaries.
+ DCHECK(rv);
for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator i(*dict_value);
!i.IsAtEnd(); i.Advance()) {
const base::DictionaryValue* parsed = nullptr;
@@ -367,7 +529,7 @@ bool TransportSecurityPersister::Deserialize(const std::string& serialized,
sts_state.last_observed = base::Time::Now();
- if (!DeserializeExpectCTState(parsed, &expect_ct_state)) {
+ if (!DeserializeObsoleteExpectCTState(parsed, &expect_ct_state)) {
@@ -394,8 +556,11 @@ bool TransportSecurityPersister::Deserialize(const std::string& serialized,
// We only register entries that have actual state.
if (has_sts)
state->AddOrUpdateEnabledSTSHosts(hashed, sts_state);
- if (has_expect_ct)
- state->AddOrUpdateEnabledExpectCTHosts(hashed, expect_ct_state);
+ if (has_expect_ct) {
+ // Use empty NetworkIsolationKeys for old data.
+ state->AddOrUpdateEnabledExpectCTHosts(hashed, NetworkIsolationKey(),
+ expect_ct_state);
+ }
*dirty = dirtied;
@@ -408,12 +573,10 @@ void TransportSecurityPersister::CompleteLoad(const std::string& state) {
if (state.empty())
- bool dirty = false;
- if (!LoadEntries(state, &dirty)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to deserialize state: " << state;
+ bool data_in_old_format = false;
+ if (!LoadEntries(state, &data_in_old_format))
- }
- if (dirty)
+ if (data_in_old_format)