path: root/chromium/gpu/ipc/common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/gpu/ipc/common/')
1 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/gpu/ipc/common/ b/chromium/gpu/ipc/common/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ef27fab9b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/gpu/ipc/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import filecmp
+import optparse
+import os.path
+import platform
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+_VULKAN_HEADER_FILE = "third_party/vulkan/include/vulkan/vulkan_core.h"
+ "VkExtensionProperties",
+ "VkLayerProperties",
+ "VkPhysicalDeviceProperties",
+ "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures",
+ "VkQueueFamilyProperties",
+_SELF_LOCATION = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+_MOJO_TYPES = set([
+ "uint8",
+ "uint16",
+ "uint32",
+ "int8",
+ "int16",
+ "int32",
+ "float",
+ "string",
+ "uint8_t",
+ "uint16_t",
+ "uint32_t",
+ "uint64_t",
+ "int8_t",
+ "int16_t",
+ "int32_t",
+ "int64_t",
+ "size_t",
+ "VkBool32",
+ "float",
+ "char",
+# types to mojo type
+_type_map = {
+ "uint8_t" : "uint8",
+ "uint16_t" : "uint16",
+ "uint32_t" : "uint32",
+ "uint64_t" : "uint64",
+ "int8_t" : "int8",
+ "int16_t" : "int16",
+ "int32_t" : "int32",
+ "int64_t" : "int64",
+ "size_t" : "uint64",
+ "VkBool32" : "bool",
+ "float" : "float",
+ "char" : "char",
+_structs = {}
+_enums = {}
+_defines = {}
+_handles = set([])
+_generated_types = []
+def ValueNameToVALUE_NAME(name):
+ return re.sub(
+ r'(?<=[a-z])[A-Z]|(?<!^)[A-Z](?=[a-z])', r"_\g<0>", name).upper()
+def ParseHandle(line):
+ if line.startswith("VK_DEFINE_HANDLE("):
+ name = line[len("VK_DEFINE_HANDLE("):-1]
+ elif line.startswith("VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE("):
+ name = line[len("VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE("):-1]
+ elif line.startswith("VK_DEFINE_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE("):
+ name = line[len("VK_DEFINE_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE("):-1]
+ else:
+ return
+ _handles.add(name)
+def ParseTypedef(line):
+ # typedef Type1 Type1;
+ line = line.rstrip(';')
+ line = line.split()
+ if len(line) == 3:
+ typedef, t1, t2 = line
+ assert typedef == "typedef"
+ # We would like to use bool instead uint32 for VkBool32
+ if t2 == "VkBool32":
+ return
+ if t1 in _type_map:
+ _type_map[t2] = _type_map[t1]
+ else:
+ assert t1 in _structs or t1 in _enums or t1 in _handles, \
+ "Undefined type '%s'" % t1
+ else:
+ pass
+ # skip typdef for function pointer
+def ParseEnum(line, header_file):
+ # typedef enum kName {
+ # ...
+ # } kName;
+ name = line.split()[2]
+ # Skip VkResult and NameBits
+ if name == "VkResult":
+ value_name_prefix = "VK"
+ elif name.endswith("FlagBits"):
+ value_name_prefix = ValueNameToVALUE_NAME(name[:-len("FlagBits")])
+ elif name.endswith("FlagBitsKHR"):
+ value_name_prefix = ValueNameToVALUE_NAME(name[:-len("FlagBitsKHR")])
+ else:
+ value_name_prefix = ValueNameToVALUE_NAME(name)
+ values = []
+ while True:
+ line = header_file.readline().strip()
+ # } kName;
+ if line == "} %s;" % name:
+ break
+ # VK_NAME = value,
+ value_name, value = line.rstrip(',').split(" = ")
+ if not value.isdigit():
+ continue
+ assert len(value_name_prefix) + 1 < len(value_name), \
+ "Wrong enum value name `%s`" % value_name
+ mojom_value_name = value_name[len(value_name_prefix) + 1:]
+ values.append((value_name, value, mojom_value_name))
+ assert name not in _enums, "enum '%s' has been defined." % name
+ _enums[name] = values
+def ParseStruct(line, header_file):
+ # typedef struct kName {
+ # ...
+ # } kName;
+ name = line.split()[2]
+ fields = []
+ while True:
+ line = header_file.readline().strip()
+ # } kName;
+ if line == "} %s;" % name:
+ break
+ # type name;
+ # const type name;
+ # type name[L];
+ line = line.rstrip(";")
+ field_type, field_name = line.rsplit(None, 1)
+ array_len = None
+ if '[' in field_name:
+ assert ']' in field_name
+ field_name, array_len = field_name.rstrip(']').split('[')
+ assert array_len.isdigit() or array_len in _defines
+ fields.append((field_name, field_type, array_len))
+ assert name not in _structs, "struct '%s' has been defined." % name
+ _structs[name] = fields
+def ParseDefine(line):
+ # not parse multi-line macros
+ if line.endswith('\\'):
+ return
+ # not parse #define NAME() ...
+ if '(' in line or ')' in line:
+ return
+ define, name, value = line.split()
+ assert define == "#define"
+ assert name not in _defines, "macro '%s' has been defined." % name
+ _defines[name] = value
+def ParseVulkanHeaderFile(path):
+ with open(path) as header_file:
+ while True:
+ line = header_file.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith("#define"):
+ ParseDefine(line)
+ elif line.startswith("typedef enum "):
+ ParseEnum(line, header_file)
+ elif line.startswith("typedef struct "):
+ ParseStruct(line, header_file)
+ elif line.startswith("typedef "):
+ ParseTypedef(line)
+ elif line.startswith("VK_DEFINE_"):
+ ParseHandle(line)
+def WriteMojomEnum(name, mojom_file):
+ if name in _generated_types:
+ return
+ _generated_types.append(name)
+ values = _enums[name]
+ mojom_file.write("\n")
+ mojom_file.write("enum %s {\n" % name)
+ for _, value, mojom_value_name in values:
+ mojom_file.write(" %s = %s,\n" % (mojom_value_name, value))
+ mojom_file.write(" INVALID_VALUE = -1,\n")
+ mojom_file.write("};\n")
+def WriteMojomStruct(name, mojom_file):
+ if name in _generated_types:
+ return
+ _generated_types.append(name)
+ fields = _structs[name]
+ deps = []
+ for field_name, field_type, array_len in fields:
+ if field_type in _structs or field_type in _enums:
+ deps.append(field_type)
+ WriteMojomTypes(deps, mojom_file)
+ mojom_file.write("\n")
+ mojom_file.write("struct %s {\n" % name)
+ for field_name, field_type, array_len in fields:
+ if field_type in _type_map:
+ field_type = _type_map[field_type]
+ else:
+ assert field_type in _structs or field_type in _enums or \
+ field_type in _handles, "Undefine type: '%s'" % field_type
+ if field_type == "char":
+ assert array_len
+ array_len = _defines[array_len]
+ mojom_file.write(" string %s;\n" % field_name)
+ elif not array_len:
+ mojom_file.write(" %s %s;\n" % (field_type, field_name))
+ else:
+ if not array_len.isdigit():
+ array_len = _defines[array_len]
+ assert array_len.isdigit(), "%s is not a digit." % array_len
+ mojom_file.write(
+ " array<%s, %s> %s;\n" % (field_type, array_len, field_name))
+ mojom_file.write("};\n")
+def WriteMojomTypes(types, mojom_file):
+ for t in types:
+ if t in _structs:
+ WriteMojomStruct(t, mojom_file)
+ elif t in _enums:
+ WriteMojomEnum(t, mojom_file)
+ else:
+ pass
+def GenerateMojom(mojom_file):
+ mojom_file.write(
+'''// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is auto-generated from
+// gpu/ipc/common/
+// It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style:
+// clang-format -i -style=chromium filename
+module gpu.mojom;
+ WriteMojomTypes(_STRUCTS, mojom_file)
+def WriteStructTraits(name, traits_header_file, traits_source_file):
+ traits_header_file.write(
+template <>
+struct StructTraits<gpu::mojom::%sDataView, %s> {
+""" % (name, name)
+ )
+ fields = _structs[name]
+ for field_name, field_type, array_len in fields:
+ if field_type == "VkBool32":
+ field_type = "bool"
+ elif field_type == "VkDeviceSize":
+ field_type = "bool"
+ if field_type == "char":
+ assert array_len
+ traits_header_file.write(
+ static base::StringPiece %s(const %s& input) {
+ return input.%s;
+ }
+""" % (field_name, name, field_name))
+ elif array_len:
+ traits_header_file.write(
+ static base::span<const %s> %s(const %s& input) {
+ return input.%s;
+ }
+""" % (field_type, field_name, name, field_name))
+ elif field_type in _structs:
+ traits_header_file.write(
+ static const %s& %s(const %s& input) {
+ return input.%s;
+ }
+""" % (field_type, field_name, name, field_name))
+ else:
+ traits_header_file.write(
+ static %s %s(const %s& input) {
+ return input.%s;
+ }
+""" % (field_type, field_name, name, field_name))
+ traits_header_file.write(
+ static bool Read(gpu::mojom::%sDataView data, %s* out);
+""" % (name, name))
+ traits_source_file.write(
+// static
+bool StructTraits<gpu::mojom::%sDataView, %s>::Read(
+ gpu::mojom::%sDataView data, %s* out) {
+""" % (name, name, name, name))
+ fields = _structs[name]
+ for field_name, field_type, array_len in fields:
+ if field_type == "VkBool32":
+ field_type = "bool"
+ elif field_type == "VkDeviceSize":
+ field_type = "bool"
+ if field_type == "char":
+ assert array_len
+ read_method = "Read%s%s" % (field_name[0].upper(), field_name[1:])
+ traits_source_file.write(
+ base::StringPiece %s;
+ if (!data.%s(&%s))
+ return false;
+ %s.copy(out->%s, sizeof(out->%s));
+""" % (field_name, read_method, field_name, field_name, field_name, field_name))
+ elif array_len:
+ read_method = "Read%s%s" % (field_name[0].upper(), field_name[1:])
+ traits_source_file.write(
+ base::span<%s> %s(out->%s);
+ if (!data.%s(&%s))
+ return false;
+""" % (field_type, field_name, field_name, read_method, field_name))
+ elif field_type in _structs or field_type in _enums:
+ traits_source_file.write(
+ if (!data.Read%s%s(&out->%s))
+ return false;
+""" % (field_name[0].upper(), field_name[1:], field_name))
+ else:
+ traits_source_file.write(
+ out->%s = data.%s();
+""" % (field_name, field_name))
+ traits_source_file.write(
+ return true;
+ traits_header_file.write("};\n")
+def WriteEnumTraits(name, traits_header_file):
+ traits_header_file.write(
+template <>
+struct EnumTraits<gpu::mojom::%s, %s> {
+ static gpu::mojom::%s ToMojom(%s input) {
+ switch (input) {
+""" % (name, name, name, name))
+ for value_name, _, mojom_value_name in _enums[name]:
+ traits_header_file.write(
+ case %s::%s:
+ return gpu::mojom::%s::%s;"""
+ % (name, value_name, name, mojom_value_name))
+ traits_header_file.write(
+ default:
+ return gpu::mojom::%s::INVALID_VALUE;
+ }
+ }
+ static bool FromMojom(gpu::mojom::%s input, %s* out) {
+ switch (input) {
+""" % (name, name, name))
+ for value_name, _, mojom_value_name in _enums[name]:
+ traits_header_file.write(
+ case gpu::mojom::%s::%s:
+ *out = %s::%s;
+ return true;""" % (name, mojom_value_name, name, value_name))
+ traits_header_file.write(
+ case gpu::mojom::%s::INVALID_VALUE:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+};""" % name)
+def GenerateTraitsFile(traits_header_file, traits_source_file):
+ traits_header_file.write(
+"""// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is auto-generated from
+// gpu/ipc/common/
+// It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style:
+// clang-format -i -style=chromium filename
+#include "base/containers/span.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
+#include "gpu/ipc/common/vulkan_types.h"
+#include "gpu/ipc/common/vulkan_types.mojom-shared.h"
+namespace mojo {
+ traits_source_file.write(
+"""// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is auto-generated from
+// gpu/ipc/common/
+// It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style:
+// clang-format -i -style=chromium filename
+#include "gpu/ipc/common/vulkan_info_mojom_traits.h"
+namespace mojo {
+ for t in _generated_types:
+ if t in _structs:
+ WriteStructTraits(t, traits_header_file, traits_source_file)
+ elif t in _enums:
+ WriteEnumTraits(t, traits_header_file)
+ traits_header_file.write(
+} // namespace mojo
+ traits_source_file.write(
+} // namespace mojo""")
+def GenerateTypemapFile(typemap_file):
+ typemap_file.write(
+"""# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This file is auto-generated from
+# gpu/ipc/common/
+mojom = "//gpu/ipc/common/vulkan_types.mojom"
+public_headers = [ "//gpu/ipc/common/vulkan_types.h" ]
+traits_headers = [ "//gpu/ipc/common/vulkan_types_mojom_traits.h" ]
+sources = [
+ "//gpu/ipc/common/",
+public_deps = [
+ "//gpu/ipc/common:vulkan_types",
+type_mappings = [
+ for t in _generated_types:
+ typemap_file.write(" \"gpu.mojom.%s=::%s\",\n" % (t, t))
+ typemap_file.write("]\n")
+def main(argv):
+ """This is the main function."""
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--output-dir",
+ help="Output directory for generated files. Defaults to this script's "
+ "directory.")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-c", "--check", action="store_true",
+ help="Check if output files match generated files in chromium root "
+ "directory. Use this in PRESUBMIT scripts with --output-dir.")
+ (options, _) = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
+ # Support generating files for PRESUBMIT.
+ if options.output_dir:
+ output_dir = options.output_dir
+ else:
+ output_dir = _SELF_LOCATION
+ def ClangFormat(filename):
+ formatter = "clang-format"
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ formatter += ".bat"
+[formatter, "-i", "-style=chromium", filename])
+ vulkan_header_file_path = os.path.join(
+ ParseVulkanHeaderFile(vulkan_header_file_path)
+ mojom_file_name = "vulkan_types.mojom"
+ mojom_file = open(
+ os.path.join(output_dir, mojom_file_name), 'wb')
+ GenerateMojom(mojom_file)
+ mojom_file.close()
+ ClangFormat(
+ traits_header_file_name = "vulkan_types_mojom_traits.h"
+ traits_header_file = \
+ open(os.path.join(output_dir, traits_header_file_name), 'wb')
+ traits_source_file_name = ""
+ traits_source_file = \
+ open(os.path.join(output_dir, traits_source_file_name), 'wb')
+ GenerateTraitsFile(traits_header_file, traits_source_file)
+ traits_header_file.close()
+ ClangFormat(
+ traits_source_file.close()
+ ClangFormat(
+ typemap_file_name = "vulkan_types.typemap"
+ typemap_file = open(
+ os.path.join(output_dir, typemap_file_name), 'wb')
+ GenerateTypemapFile(typemap_file)
+ typemap_file.close()
+ check_failed_filenames = []
+ if options.check:
+ for filename in [mojom_file_name, traits_header_file_name,
+ traits_source_file_name, typemap_file_name]:
+ if not filecmp.cmp(os.path.join(output_dir, filename),
+ os.path.join(_SELF_LOCATION, filename)):
+ check_failed_filenames.append(filename)
+ if len(check_failed_filenames) > 0:
+ print 'Please run gpu/ipc/common/'
+ print 'Failed check on generated files:'
+ for filename in check_failed_filenames:
+ print filename
+ return 1
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))