path: root/chromium/gpu/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder_unittest_base.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/gpu/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder_unittest_base.h')
1 files changed, 558 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/gpu/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder_unittest_base.h b/chromium/gpu/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder_unittest_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8505c10493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/gpu/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder_unittest_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_format.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_utils.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/buffer_manager.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/cmd_buffer_engine.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/context_group.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/framebuffer_manager.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/program_manager.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/query_manager.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/renderbuffer_manager.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/shader_manager.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/stream_texture_manager_mock.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/test_helper.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/texture_manager.h"
+#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/vertex_array_manager.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "ui/gl/gl_context_stub.h"
+#include "ui/gl/gl_surface_stub.h"
+#include "ui/gl/gl_mock.h"
+namespace gpu {
+namespace gles2 {
+class MemoryTracker;
+class GLES2DecoderTestBase : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ GLES2DecoderTestBase();
+ virtual ~GLES2DecoderTestBase();
+ // Template to call glGenXXX functions.
+ template <typename T>
+ void GenHelper(GLuint client_id) {
+ int8 buffer[sizeof(T) + sizeof(client_id)];
+ T& cmd = *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&buffer);
+ cmd.Init(1, &client_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError,
+ ExecuteImmediateCmd(cmd, sizeof(client_id)));
+ }
+ // This template exists solely so we can specialize it for
+ // certain commands.
+ template <typename T, int id>
+ void SpecializedSetup(bool valid) {
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T* GetImmediateAs() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(immediate_buffer_);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename Command>
+ T GetImmediateDataAs(Command* cmd) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<T>(ImmediateDataAddress(cmd));
+ }
+ void ClearSharedMemory() {
+ engine_->ClearSharedMemory();
+ }
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE;
+ template <typename T>
+ error::Error ExecuteCmd(const T& cmd) {
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(T::kArgFlags == cmd::kFixed, Cmd_kArgFlags_not_kFixed);
+ return decoder_->DoCommand(cmd.kCmdId,
+ ComputeNumEntries(sizeof(cmd)) - 1,
+ &cmd);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ error::Error ExecuteImmediateCmd(const T& cmd, size_t data_size) {
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(T::kArgFlags == cmd::kAtLeastN, Cmd_kArgFlags_not_kAtLeastN);
+ return decoder_->DoCommand(cmd.kCmdId,
+ ComputeNumEntries(sizeof(cmd) + data_size) - 1,
+ &cmd);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T GetSharedMemoryAs() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<T>(shared_memory_address_);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T GetSharedMemoryAsWithOffset(uint32 offset) {
+ void* ptr = reinterpret_cast<int8*>(shared_memory_address_) + offset;
+ return reinterpret_cast<T>(ptr);
+ }
+ IdAllocatorInterface* GetIdAllocator(GLuint namespace_id) {
+ return group_->GetIdAllocator(namespace_id);
+ }
+ Buffer* GetBuffer(GLuint service_id) {
+ return group_->buffer_manager()->GetBuffer(service_id);
+ }
+ Framebuffer* GetFramebuffer(GLuint service_id) {
+ return group_->framebuffer_manager()->GetFramebuffer(service_id);
+ }
+ Renderbuffer* GetRenderbuffer(
+ GLuint service_id) {
+ return group_->renderbuffer_manager()->GetRenderbuffer(service_id);
+ }
+ TextureRef* GetTexture(GLuint client_id) {
+ return group_->texture_manager()->GetTexture(client_id);
+ }
+ Shader* GetShader(GLuint client_id) {
+ return group_->shader_manager()->GetShader(client_id);
+ }
+ Program* GetProgram(GLuint client_id) {
+ return group_->program_manager()->GetProgram(client_id);
+ }
+ QueryManager::Query* GetQueryInfo(GLuint client_id) {
+ return decoder_->GetQueryManager()->GetQuery(client_id);
+ }
+ // This name doesn't match the underlying function, but doing it this way
+ // prevents the need to special-case the unit test generation
+ VertexAttribManager* GetVertexArrayInfo(GLuint client_id) {
+ return decoder_->GetVertexArrayManager()->GetVertexAttribManager(client_id);
+ }
+ ProgramManager* program_manager() {
+ return group_->program_manager();
+ }
+ ::testing::StrictMock<MockStreamTextureManager>*
+ stream_texture_manager() const {
+ return stream_texture_manager_.get();
+ }
+ void DoCreateProgram(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoCreateShader(GLenum shader_type, GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void SetBucketAsCString(uint32 bucket_id, const char* str);
+ void set_memory_tracker(MemoryTracker* memory_tracker) {
+ memory_tracker_ = memory_tracker;
+ }
+ void InitDecoder(
+ const char* extensions,
+ bool has_alpha,
+ bool has_depth,
+ bool has_stencil,
+ bool request_alpha,
+ bool request_depth,
+ bool request_stencil,
+ bool bind_generates_resource);
+ const ContextGroup& group() const {
+ return *group_.get();
+ }
+ ::testing::StrictMock< ::gfx::MockGLInterface>* GetGLMock() const {
+ return gl_.get();
+ }
+ GLES2Decoder* GetDecoder() const {
+ return decoder_.get();
+ }
+ typedef TestHelper::AttribInfo AttribInfo;
+ typedef TestHelper::UniformInfo UniformInfo;
+ void SetupShader(
+ AttribInfo* attribs, size_t num_attribs,
+ UniformInfo* uniforms, size_t num_uniforms,
+ GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id,
+ GLuint vertex_shader_client_id, GLuint vertex_shader_service_id,
+ GLuint fragment_shader_client_id, GLuint fragment_shader_service_id);
+ void SetupExpectationsForClearingUniforms(
+ UniformInfo* uniforms, size_t num_uniforms) {
+ TestHelper::SetupExpectationsForClearingUniforms(
+ gl_.get(), uniforms, num_uniforms);
+ }
+ void SetupInitCapabilitiesExpectations();
+ void SetupInitStateExpectations();
+ void ExpectEnableDisable(GLenum cap, bool enable);
+ // Setups up a shader for testing glUniform.
+ void SetupShaderForUniform(GLenum uniform_type);
+ void SetupDefaultProgram();
+ void SetupCubemapProgram();
+ void SetupSamplerExternalProgram();
+ void SetupTexture();
+ // Note that the error is returned as GLint instead of GLenum.
+ // This is because there is a mismatch in the types of GLenum and
+ // the error values GL_NO_ERROR, GL_INVALID_ENUM, etc. GLenum is
+ // typedef'd as unsigned int while the error values are defined as
+ // integers. This is problematic for template functions such as
+ // EXPECT_EQ that expect both types to be the same.
+ GLint GetGLError();
+ void DoBindBuffer(GLenum target, GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoBindFramebuffer(GLenum target, GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoBindRenderbuffer(GLenum target, GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoBindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoBindVertexArrayOES(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ bool DoIsBuffer(GLuint client_id);
+ bool DoIsFramebuffer(GLuint client_id);
+ bool DoIsProgram(GLuint client_id);
+ bool DoIsRenderbuffer(GLuint client_id);
+ bool DoIsShader(GLuint client_id);
+ bool DoIsTexture(GLuint client_id);
+ void DoDeleteBuffer(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoDeleteFramebuffer(
+ GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id,
+ bool reset_draw, GLenum draw_target, GLuint draw_id,
+ bool reset_read, GLenum read_target, GLuint read_id);
+ void DoDeleteProgram(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoDeleteRenderbuffer(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoDeleteShader(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoDeleteTexture(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
+ void DoCompressedTexImage2D(
+ GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format,
+ GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border,
+ GLsizei size, uint32 bucket_id);
+ void DoTexImage2D(
+ GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internal_format,
+ GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border,
+ GLenum format, GLenum type,
+ uint32 shared_memory_id, uint32 shared_memory_offset);
+ void DoTexImage2DSameSize(
+ GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internal_format,
+ GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border,
+ GLenum format, GLenum type,
+ uint32 shared_memory_id, uint32 shared_memory_offset);
+ void DoRenderbufferStorage(
+ GLenum target, GLenum internal_format, GLenum actual_format,
+ GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum error);
+ void DoFramebufferRenderbuffer(
+ GLenum target,
+ GLenum attachment,
+ GLenum renderbuffer_target,
+ GLuint renderbuffer_client_id,
+ GLuint renderbuffer_service_id,
+ GLenum error);
+ void DoFramebufferTexture2D(
+ GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum tex_target,
+ GLuint texture_client_id, GLuint texture_service_id,
+ GLint level, GLenum error);
+ void DoVertexAttribPointer(
+ GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLuint offset);
+ void DoVertexAttribDivisorANGLE(GLuint index, GLuint divisor);
+ void DoEnableVertexAttribArray(GLint index);
+ void DoBufferData(GLenum target, GLsizei size);
+ void DoBufferSubData(
+ GLenum target, GLint offset, GLsizei size, const void* data);
+ void SetupVertexBuffer();
+ void SetupAllNeededVertexBuffers();
+ void SetupIndexBuffer();
+ void DeleteVertexBuffer();
+ void DeleteIndexBuffer();
+ void SetupClearTextureExpections(
+ GLuint service_id,
+ GLuint old_service_id,
+ GLenum bind_target,
+ GLenum target,
+ GLint level,
+ GLenum format,
+ GLenum type,
+ GLsizei width,
+ GLsizei height);
+ void SetupExpectationsForRestoreClearState(
+ GLclampf restore_red,
+ GLclampf restore_green,
+ GLclampf restore_blue,
+ GLclampf restore_alpha,
+ GLuint restore_stencil,
+ GLclampf restore_depth,
+ bool restore_scissor_test);
+ void SetupExpectationsForFramebufferClearing(
+ GLenum target,
+ GLuint clear_bits,
+ GLclampf restore_red,
+ GLclampf restore_green,
+ GLclampf restore_blue,
+ GLclampf restore_alpha,
+ GLuint restore_stencil,
+ GLclampf restore_depth,
+ bool restore_scissor_test);
+ void SetupExpectationsForFramebufferClearingMulti(
+ GLuint read_framebuffer_service_id,
+ GLuint draw_framebuffer_service_id,
+ GLenum target,
+ GLuint clear_bits,
+ GLclampf restore_red,
+ GLclampf restore_green,
+ GLclampf restore_blue,
+ GLclampf restore_alpha,
+ GLuint restore_stencil,
+ GLclampf restore_depth,
+ bool restore_scissor_test);
+ void SetupExpectationsForApplyingDirtyState(
+ bool framebuffer_is_rgb,
+ bool framebuffer_has_depth,
+ bool framebuffer_has_stencil,
+ GLuint color_bits, // NOTE! bits are 0x1000, 0x0100, 0x0010, and 0x0001
+ bool depth_mask,
+ bool depth_enabled,
+ GLuint front_stencil_mask,
+ GLuint back_stencil_mask,
+ bool stencil_enabled,
+ bool cull_face_enabled,
+ bool scissor_test_enabled,
+ bool blend_enabled);
+ void SetupExpectationsForApplyingDefaultDirtyState();
+ void AddExpectationsForSimulatedAttrib0WithError(
+ GLsizei num_vertices, GLuint buffer_id, GLenum error);
+ void AddExpectationsForSimulatedAttrib0(
+ GLsizei num_vertices, GLuint buffer_id);
+ void AddExpectationsForGenVertexArraysOES();
+ void AddExpectationsForDeleteVertexArraysOES();
+ void AddExpectationsForBindVertexArrayOES();
+ void AddExpectationsForRestoreAttribState(GLuint attrib);
+ GLvoid* BufferOffset(unsigned i) {
+ return static_cast<int8 *>(NULL)+(i);
+ }
+ template <typename Command, typename Result>
+ bool IsObjectHelper(GLuint client_id) {
+ Result* result = static_cast<Result*>(shared_memory_address_);
+ Command cmd;
+ cmd.Init(client_id, kSharedMemoryId, kSharedMemoryOffset);
+ EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd));
+ bool isObject = static_cast<bool>(*result);
+ return isObject;
+ }
+ protected:
+ static const int kBackBufferWidth = 128;
+ static const int kBackBufferHeight = 64;
+ static const GLint kMaxTextureSize = 2048;
+ static const GLint kMaxCubeMapTextureSize = 256;
+ static const GLint kNumVertexAttribs = 16;
+ static const GLint kNumTextureUnits = 8;
+ static const GLint kMaxTextureImageUnits = 8;
+ static const GLint kMaxVertexTextureImageUnits = 2;
+ static const GLint kMaxFragmentUniformVectors = 16;
+ static const GLint kMaxVaryingVectors = 8;
+ static const GLint kMaxVertexUniformVectors = 128;
+ static const GLint kMaxViewportWidth = 8192;
+ static const GLint kMaxViewportHeight = 8192;
+ static const GLint kViewportX = 0;
+ static const GLint kViewportY = 0;
+ static const GLint kViewportWidth = kBackBufferWidth;
+ static const GLint kViewportHeight = kBackBufferHeight;
+ static const GLuint kServiceAttrib0BufferId = 801;
+ static const GLuint kServiceFixedAttribBufferId = 802;
+ static const GLuint kServiceBufferId = 301;
+ static const GLuint kServiceFramebufferId = 302;
+ static const GLuint kServiceRenderbufferId = 303;
+ static const GLuint kServiceTextureId = 304;
+ static const GLuint kServiceProgramId = 305;
+ static const GLuint kServiceShaderId = 306;
+ static const GLuint kServiceElementBufferId = 308;
+ static const GLuint kServiceQueryId = 309;
+ static const GLuint kServiceVertexArrayId = 310;
+ static const int32 kSharedMemoryId = 401;
+ static const size_t kSharedBufferSize = 2048;
+ static const uint32 kSharedMemoryOffset = 132;
+ static const int32 kInvalidSharedMemoryId = 402;
+ static const uint32 kInvalidSharedMemoryOffset = kSharedBufferSize + 1;
+ static const uint32 kInitialResult = 0xBDBDBDBDu;
+ static const uint8 kInitialMemoryValue = 0xBDu;
+ static const uint32 kNewClientId = 501;
+ static const uint32 kNewServiceId = 502;
+ static const uint32 kInvalidClientId = 601;
+ static const GLuint kServiceVertexShaderId = 321;
+ static const GLuint kServiceFragmentShaderId = 322;
+ static const GLuint kServiceCopyTextureChromiumShaderId = 701;
+ static const GLuint kServiceCopyTextureChromiumProgramId = 721;
+ static const GLuint kServiceCopyTextureChromiumTextureBufferId = 751;
+ static const GLuint kServiceCopyTextureChromiumVertexBufferId = 752;
+ static const GLuint kServiceCopyTextureChromiumFBOId = 753;
+ static const GLuint kServiceCopyTextureChromiumPositionAttrib = 761;
+ static const GLuint kServiceCopyTextureChromiumTexAttrib = 762;
+ static const GLuint kServiceCopyTextureChromiumSamplerLocation = 763;
+ static const GLsizei kNumVertices = 100;
+ static const GLsizei kNumIndices = 10;
+ static const int kValidIndexRangeStart = 1;
+ static const int kValidIndexRangeCount = 7;
+ static const int kInvalidIndexRangeStart = 0;
+ static const int kInvalidIndexRangeCount = 7;
+ static const int kOutOfRangeIndexRangeEnd = 10;
+ static const GLuint kMaxValidIndex = 7;
+ static const GLint kMaxAttribLength = 10;
+ static const char* kAttrib1Name;
+ static const char* kAttrib2Name;
+ static const char* kAttrib3Name;
+ static const GLint kAttrib1Size = 1;
+ static const GLint kAttrib2Size = 1;
+ static const GLint kAttrib3Size = 1;
+ static const GLint kAttrib1Location = 0;
+ static const GLint kAttrib2Location = 1;
+ static const GLint kAttrib3Location = 2;
+ static const GLenum kAttrib1Type = GL_FLOAT_VEC4;
+ static const GLenum kAttrib2Type = GL_FLOAT_VEC2;
+ static const GLenum kAttrib3Type = GL_FLOAT_VEC3;
+ static const GLint kInvalidAttribLocation = 30;
+ static const GLint kBadAttribIndex = kNumVertexAttribs;
+ static const GLint kMaxUniformLength = 12;
+ static const char* kUniform1Name;
+ static const char* kUniform2Name;
+ static const char* kUniform3Name;
+ static const GLint kUniform1Size = 1;
+ static const GLint kUniform2Size = 3;
+ static const GLint kUniform3Size = 2;
+ static const GLint kUniform1RealLocation = 3;
+ static const GLint kUniform2RealLocation = 10;
+ static const GLint kUniform2ElementRealLocation = 12;
+ static const GLint kUniform3RealLocation = 20;
+ static const GLint kUniform1FakeLocation = 0; // These are
+ static const GLint kUniform2FakeLocation = 1; // hardcoded
+ static const GLint kUniform2ElementFakeLocation = 0x10001; // to match
+ static const GLint kUniform3FakeLocation = 2; // ProgramManager.
+ static const GLint kUniform1DesiredLocation = -1;
+ static const GLint kUniform2DesiredLocation = -1;
+ static const GLint kUniform3DesiredLocation = -1;
+ static const GLenum kUniform1Type = GL_SAMPLER_2D;
+ static const GLenum kUniform2Type = GL_INT_VEC2;
+ static const GLenum kUniform3Type = GL_FLOAT_VEC3;
+ static const GLenum kUniformSamplerExternalType = GL_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES;
+ static const GLenum kUniformCubemapType = GL_SAMPLER_CUBE;
+ static const GLint kInvalidUniformLocation = 30;
+ static const GLint kBadUniformIndex = 1000;
+ // Use StrictMock to make 100% sure we know how GL will be called.
+ scoped_ptr< ::testing::StrictMock< ::gfx::MockGLInterface> > gl_;
+ scoped_refptr<gfx::GLSurfaceStub> surface_;
+ scoped_refptr<gfx::GLContextStub> context_;
+ scoped_ptr<GLES2Decoder> mock_decoder_;
+ scoped_ptr<GLES2Decoder> decoder_;
+ MemoryTracker* memory_tracker_;
+ GLuint client_buffer_id_;
+ GLuint client_framebuffer_id_;
+ GLuint client_program_id_;
+ GLuint client_renderbuffer_id_;
+ GLuint client_shader_id_;
+ GLuint client_texture_id_;
+ GLuint client_element_buffer_id_;
+ GLuint client_vertex_shader_id_;
+ GLuint client_fragment_shader_id_;
+ GLuint client_query_id_;
+ GLuint client_vertexarray_id_;
+ uint32 shared_memory_id_;
+ uint32 shared_memory_offset_;
+ void* shared_memory_address_;
+ void* shared_memory_base_;
+ int8 immediate_buffer_[256];
+ private:
+ class MockCommandBufferEngine : public CommandBufferEngine {
+ public:
+ MockCommandBufferEngine();
+ virtual ~MockCommandBufferEngine();
+ virtual gpu::Buffer GetSharedMemoryBuffer(int32 shm_id) OVERRIDE;
+ void ClearSharedMemory() {
+ memset(data_.get(), kInitialMemoryValue, kSharedBufferSize);
+ }
+ virtual void set_token(int32 token) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool SetGetBuffer(int32 /* transfer_buffer_id */) OVERRIDE;
+ // Overridden from CommandBufferEngine.
+ virtual bool SetGetOffset(int32 offset) OVERRIDE;
+ // Overridden from CommandBufferEngine.
+ virtual int32 GetGetOffset() OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ scoped_ptr<int8[]> data_;
+ gpu::Buffer valid_buffer_;
+ gpu::Buffer invalid_buffer_;
+ };
+ void AddExpectationsForVertexAttribManager();
+ scoped_ptr< ::testing::StrictMock<MockCommandBufferEngine> > engine_;
+ scoped_ptr< ::testing::StrictMock<MockStreamTextureManager> >
+ stream_texture_manager_;
+ scoped_refptr<ContextGroup> group_;
+class GLES2DecoderWithShaderTestBase : public GLES2DecoderTestBase {
+ public:
+ GLES2DecoderWithShaderTestBase()
+ : GLES2DecoderTestBase() {
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE;
+} // namespace gles2
+} // namespace gpu