path: root/chromium/gin/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/gin/')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/gin/ b/chromium/gin/
index 2e78aa60fc9..0adc026db8e 100644
--- a/chromium/gin/
+++ b/chromium/gin/
@@ -8,9 +8,13 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/page_allocator.h"
+#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc.h"
+#include "base/bits.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
+#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "gin/per_isolate_data.h"
+#include "v8/include/v8-initialization.h"
#include <sys/mman.h>
@@ -26,25 +30,64 @@ static_assert(V8_ARRAY_BUFFER_INTERNAL_FIELD_COUNT == 2,
"array buffers must have two internal fields");
// ArrayBufferAllocator -------------------------------------------------------
+base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot* ArrayBufferAllocator::partition_ = nullptr;
void* ArrayBufferAllocator::Allocate(size_t length) {
- // TODO(bbudge) Use partition allocator for malloc/calloc allocations.
- return calloc(1, length);
+ unsigned int flags = partition_alloc::AllocFlags::kZeroFill |
+ partition_alloc::AllocFlags::kReturnNull;
+ return AllocateInternal(length, flags);
void* ArrayBufferAllocator::AllocateUninitialized(size_t length) {
- return malloc(length);
+ unsigned int flags = partition_alloc::AllocFlags::kReturnNull;
+ return AllocateInternal(length, flags);
+void* ArrayBufferAllocator::AllocateInternal(size_t length,
+ unsigned int flags) {
+ // The V8 sandbox requires all ArrayBuffer backing stores to be allocated
+ // inside the sandbox address space. This isn't guaranteed if allocation
+ // override hooks (which are e.g. used by GWP-ASan) are enabled or if a
+ // memory tool (e.g. ASan) overrides malloc, so disable both.
+ flags |= partition_alloc::AllocFlags::kNoOverrideHooks;
+ flags |= partition_alloc::AllocFlags::kNoMemoryToolOverride;
+ return partition_->AllocWithFlags(flags, length, "gin::ArrayBufferAllocator");
void ArrayBufferAllocator::Free(void* data, size_t length) {
- free(data);
+ unsigned int flags = 0;
+ // See |AllocateInternal|.
+ flags |= partition_alloc::FreeFlags::kNoMemoryToolOverride;
+ partition_->FreeWithFlags(flags, data);
+// static
ArrayBufferAllocator* ArrayBufferAllocator::SharedInstance() {
static ArrayBufferAllocator* instance = new ArrayBufferAllocator();
return instance;
+// static
+void ArrayBufferAllocator::InitializePartition() {
+ static base::NoDestructor<base::PartitionAllocator> partition_allocator{};
+ // These configuration options are copied from blink's ArrayBufferPartition.
+ partition_allocator->init({
+ base::PartitionOptions::AlignedAlloc::kDisallowed,
+ base::PartitionOptions::ThreadCache::kDisabled,
+ base::PartitionOptions::Quarantine::kAllowed,
+ base::PartitionOptions::Cookie::kAllowed,
+ base::PartitionOptions::BackupRefPtr::kDisabled,
+ base::PartitionOptions::UseConfigurablePool::kIfAvailable,
+ });
+ partition_ = partition_allocator->root();
// ArrayBuffer ----------------------------------------------------------------
ArrayBuffer::ArrayBuffer() = default;
@@ -96,4 +139,90 @@ bool Converter<ArrayBufferView>::FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate,
return true;
+// ArrayBufferSharedMemoryMapper ---------------------------------------------
+namespace {
+// When the V8 sandbox is enabled, shared memory backing ArrayBuffers must be
+// mapped into the sandbox address space. This custom SharedMemoryMapper
+// implements this.
+class ArrayBufferSharedMemoryMapper : public base::SharedMemoryMapper {
+ public:
+ absl::optional<base::span<uint8_t>> Map(
+ base::subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryHandle handle,
+ bool write_allowed,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ size_t size) override {
+ v8::VirtualAddressSpace* address_space = v8::V8::GetSandboxAddressSpace();
+ size_t allocation_granularity = address_space->allocation_granularity();
+ v8::PlatformSharedMemoryHandle v8_handle;
+ v8_handle = v8::SharedMemoryHandleFromMachMemoryEntry(handle);
+ v8_handle = v8::SharedMemoryHandleFromVMO(handle->get());
+ v8_handle = v8::SharedMemoryHandleFromFileMapping(handle);
+ v8_handle = v8::SharedMemoryHandleFromFileDescriptor(handle);
+ v8_handle = v8::SharedMemoryHandleFromFileDescriptor(handle.fd);
+#error "Unknown platform"
+ // Size and offset must be a multiple of the page allocation granularity.
+ // The caller already ensures that the offset is a multiple of the
+ // allocation granularity though.
+ CHECK_EQ(0UL, offset % allocation_granularity);
+ size_t mapping_size = base::bits::AlignUp(size, allocation_granularity);
+ v8::PagePermissions permissions = write_allowed
+ ? v8::PagePermissions::kReadWrite
+ : v8::PagePermissions::kRead;
+ uintptr_t mapping = v8::V8::GetSandboxAddressSpace()->AllocateSharedPages(
+ 0, mapping_size, permissions, v8_handle, offset);
+ if (!mapping)
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ return base::make_span(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mapping), size);
+ }
+ void Unmap(base::span<uint8_t> mapping) override {
+ v8::VirtualAddressSpace* address_space = v8::V8::GetSandboxAddressSpace();
+ size_t allocation_granularity = address_space->allocation_granularity();
+ uintptr_t address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(;
+ CHECK_EQ(0UL, address % allocation_granularity);
+ size_t mapping_size =
+ base::bits::AlignUp(mapping.size(), allocation_granularity);
+ address_space->FreeSharedPages(address, mapping_size);
+ }
+#endif // V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX
+base::SharedMemoryMapper* CreateSharedMemoryMapperForArrayBuffers() {
+ static ArrayBufferSharedMemoryMapper instance;
+ // Currently, it is still possible for the sandbox to be disabled at runtime
+ // (by not initializing it), in which case the default shared memory mapper
+ // must be used. In the future, this will no longer be allowed and this helper
+ // function can then be removed entirely.
+ // TODO(saelo) remove once sandbox initialization is mandatory.
+ if (v8::V8::GetSandboxSizeInBytes() > 0)
+ return &instance;
+ else
+ return base::SharedMemoryMapper::GetDefaultInstance();
+} // namespace
+base::SharedMemoryMapper* GetSharedMemoryMapperForArrayBuffers() {
+ static base::SharedMemoryMapper* mapper =
+ CreateSharedMemoryMapperForArrayBuffers();
+ return mapper;
} // namespace gin