path: root/chromium/docs/accessibility/
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1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/docs/accessibility/ b/chromium/docs/accessibility/
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index 00000000000..5dffbad8e29
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+++ b/chromium/docs/accessibility/
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+# Runtime two way IAccessible2 to UI Automation elements look up via unique id
+Assistive technologies (ATs) who currently rely on IAccessible2 (IA2) that want
+to take advantage of the UI Automation (UIA) features at runtime can convert an
+IA2 element to an UIA element via a unique id and directly access UIA's API.
+This enables ATs who want to gradually transition from IA2 to UIA to experiment
+with individual UIA elements at runtime without switching entirely to UIA.
+To look up an UIA element through a unique id, an AT can utilize
+`IUIAutomationItemContainerPattern::FindItemByProperty()` with the custom UIA
+unique id property and the element's unique id as parameters.
+To look up an IA2 element from an UIA element, an AT can simply
+utilize IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern::GetIAccessible() and
+then query for IAccessible2 interface. The unique id is not needed to
+look up the IA2 element from UIA element.
+## Convert an IA2 element to UIA element via unique id
+An IA2 element can be converted to an UIA element at runtime via a unique id
+that is shared between the two APIs.
+*Note: For the purpose of brevity and clarity, the code snippets below do not
+include clean-up of COM references neither does it have error handling.*
+ #include <uiautomation.h>
+ #include <uiautomationclient.h>
+ // Consider the following HTML:
+ // <html>
+ // <button>button</button>
+ // </html>
+ // Register custom UIA property for retrieving the unique id of IA2 object.
+ // {cc7eeb32-4b62-4f4c-aff6-1c2e5752ad8e}
+ GUID UiaPropertyUniqueIdGuid = {
+ 0xcc7eeb32,
+ 0x4b62,
+ 0x4f4c,
+ {0xaf, 0xf6, 0x1c, 0x2e, 0x57, 0x52, 0xad, 0x8e}};
+ // Create the registrar object and get the IUIAutomationRegistrar
+ // interface pointer.
+ IUIAutomationRegistrar* registrar;
+ CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CUIAutomationRegistrar, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&registrar));
+ // Custom UIA property id used to retrieve the unique id between UIA/IA2.
+ PROPERTYID uia_unique_id_property_id;
+ // Register the custom UIA property that represents the unique id of an UIA
+ // element which also matches its corresponding IA2 element's unique id.
+ // Custom property registration only needs to be done once per process
+ // lifetime.
+ UIAutomationPropertyInfo unique_id_property_info = {
+ UiaPropertyUniqueIdGuid, L"UniqueId", UIAutomationType_String};
+ registrar->RegisterProperty(&unique_id_property_info,
+ &uia_unique_id_property_id);
+ // Assume we are given the IAccessible2 element for button, and we want to
+ // retrieve its corresponding UIA element for the final result.
+ IAccessible2* button_ia2; /* Initialized */
+ // Retrieve button IA2 element's unique id, which will be used to look up the
+ // corresponding UIA element later.
+ LONG unique_id_long;
+ button_ia2->get_uniqueID(&unique_id_long);
+ // Assume we are given the Window Handle hwnd for the root.
+ UIA_HWND hwnd; /* Initialized */
+ // Instantiating an IUIAutomation object.
+ IUIAutomation* ui_automation;
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&ui_automation));
+ // Retrieve the root element from the window handle.
+ IUIAutomationElement* root_element;
+ ui_automation->ElementFromHandle(hwnd, &root_element);
+ // Retrieve the ItemContainerPattern of the root element.
+ IUIAutomationItemContainerPattern* item_container_pattern;
+ root_element->GetCurrentPatternAs(UIA_ItemContainerPatternId,
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&item_container_pattern));
+ // We also need to convert the retrieved IA2 element unique id from long to
+ // VARIANT.VT_BSTR to be consumed by UIA. For demo purpose, I utilize
+ // std::string here as an intermediary step to convert to VARIANT.VT_BSTR.
+ std::string unique_id_str = std::to_string(unique_id_long);
+ VARIANT unique_id_variant;
+ unique_id_variant.vt = VT_BSTR;
+ unique_id_variant.bstrVal = SysAllocString(unique_id_str.c_str());
+ // Retrieving the corresponding UIAutomation element from the unique id of IA2
+ // object.
+ IUIAutomationElement* button_uia;
+ item_container_pattern->FindItemByProperty(nullptr, uia_unique_id_property_id,
+ unique_id_variant,
+ &button_uia /* final result */);
+## Convert an UIA element to IA2 element.
+Converting an UIA element to an IA2 element is a lot more straightforward and
+does not require the shared unique id. Consider the same example above.
+ #include <uiautomationclient.h>
+ // Assume we are given the UIAutomation element for button, and we want to
+ // retrieve its corresponding IAccessible2 element for the final result.
+ IUIAutomationElement* button_uia; /* Initialized */
+ // Retrieve the LegacyIAccessiblePattern of the button UIA element.
+ IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern* legacy_iaccessible_pattern;
+ legacy_iaccessible_pattern->GetCurrentPatternAs(
+ UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId,
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&legacy_iaccessible_pattern));
+ // Retrieve the IAccessible element from button UIA element.
+ IAccessible* button_iaccessible;
+ legacy_iaccessible_pattern->GetIAccessible(&iaccessible);
+ // Use QueryService to retrieve button's IAccessible2 element from IAccessible
+ // element.
+ IServiceProvider* service_provider;
+ IAccessible2* button_ia2;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(button_iaccessible->QueryInterface(
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&service_provider)))) {
+ service_provider->QueryService(
+ IID_PPV_ARGS(&button_ia2 /* final result */));
+ }
+## Docs & References:
+[Custom UIA Property and Pattern registration in Chromium](
+[UI Automation IItemContainerPattern. It is used to look up IAccessible2 element
+via a unique id](
+[UI Automation Client](