path: root/chromium/device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter_factory_wrapper.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter_factory_wrapper.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter_factory_wrapper.h b/chromium/device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter_factory_wrapper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 74ce72d9300..00000000000
--- a/chromium/device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter_factory_wrapper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <unordered_set>
-#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
-#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter.h"
-#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_export.h"
-namespace device {
-// Wrapper around BluetoothAdapterFactory that allows us to change
-// the underlying BluetoothAdapter object and have the observers
-// observe the new instance of the object.
-// TODO(ortuno): Once there is no need to swap the adapter to change its
-// behavior observers should add/remove themselves to/from the adapter.
-class DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT BluetoothAdapterFactoryWrapper {
- public:
- using AcquireAdapterCallback =
- base::OnceCallback<void(scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter>)>;
- ~BluetoothAdapterFactoryWrapper();
- static BluetoothAdapterFactoryWrapper& Get();
- // Returns true if the platform supports Bluetooth Low Energy or if
- // SetBluetoothAdapterForTesting has been called.
- bool IsLowEnergySupported();
- // Adds |observer| to the set of adapter observers. If another observer has
- // acquired the adapter in the past it adds |observer| as an observer to that
- // adapter, otherwise it gets a new adapter and adds |observer| to it. Runs
- // |callback| with the adapter |observer| has been added to.
- void AcquireAdapter(BluetoothAdapter::Observer* observer,
- AcquireAdapterCallback callback);
- // Removes |observer| from the list of adapter observers if |observer|
- // has acquired the adapter in the past. If there are no more observers
- // it deletes the reference to the adapter.
- void ReleaseAdapter(BluetoothAdapter::Observer* observer);
- // Returns an adapter if |observer| has acquired an adapter in the past and
- // this instance holds a reference to an adapter. Otherwise returns nullptr.
- BluetoothAdapter* GetAdapter(BluetoothAdapter::Observer* observer);
- // Sets a new BluetoothAdapter to be returned by GetAdapter. When setting
- // a new adapter all observers from the old adapter are removed and added
- // to |mock_adapter|.
- void SetBluetoothAdapterForTesting(
- scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter> mock_adapter);
- private:
- // friend LazyInstance to permit access to private constructor.
- friend base::LazyInstanceTraitsBase<BluetoothAdapterFactoryWrapper>;
- BluetoothAdapterFactoryWrapper();
- void OnGetAdapter(AcquireAdapterCallback continuation,
- scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter> adapter);
- bool HasAdapter(BluetoothAdapter::Observer* observer);
- void AddAdapterObserver(BluetoothAdapter::Observer* observer);
- void RemoveAdapterObserver(BluetoothAdapter::Observer* observer);
- // Sets |adapter_| to a BluetoothAdapter instance and register observers,
- // releasing references to previous |adapter_|.
- void set_adapter(scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter> adapter);
- // A BluetoothAdapter instance representing an adapter of the system.
- scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter> adapter_;
- // We keep a list of all observers so that when the adapter gets swapped,
- // we can remove all observers from the old adapter and add them to the
- // new adapter.
- std::unordered_set<BluetoothAdapter::Observer*> adapter_observers_;
- // Should only be called on the UI thread.
- base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- // Weak pointer factory for generating 'this' pointers that might live longer
- // than we do.
- // Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
- // invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
- base::WeakPtrFactory<BluetoothAdapterFactoryWrapper> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BluetoothAdapterFactoryWrapper);
-} // namespace device