path: root/chromium/content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h
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1 files changed, 93 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h b/chromium/content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h
index 7df496559df..8f8ddddb35f 100644
--- a/chromium/content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h
+++ b/chromium/content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h
@@ -52,6 +52,68 @@ class SiteInstance;
class CONTENT_EXPORT ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl
: public ChildProcessSecurityPolicy {
+ // Handle used to access the security state for a specific process.
+ //
+ // Objects that require the security state to be preserved beyond the
+ // lifetime of the RenderProcessHostImpl should hold an instance of this
+ // object and use it to answer security policy questions. (e.g. Mojo services
+ // created by RPHI that can receive calls after RPHI destruction). This
+ // object should only be called on the UI and IO threads.
+ //
+ // Note: Some security methods, like CanAccessDataForOrigin(), require
+ // information from the BrowserContext to make its decisions. These methods
+ // will fall back to failsafe values if called after BrowserContext
+ // destruction. Callers should be prepared to gracefully handle this or
+ // ensure that they don't make any calls after BrowserContext destruction.
+ class CONTENT_EXPORT Handle {
+ public:
+ Handle();
+ Handle(Handle&&);
+ Handle(const Handle&) = delete;
+ ~Handle();
+ Handle& operator=(const Handle&) = delete;
+ Handle& operator=(Handle&&);
+ // Returns true if this object has a valid process ID.
+ // Returns false if this object was created with the default constructor,
+ // the contents of this object was transferred to another Handle via
+ // std::move(), or ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::CreateHandle()
+ // created this object after the process has already been destructed.
+ bool is_valid() const;
+ // Whether the process is allowed to commit a document from the given URL.
+ bool CanCommitURL(const GURL& url);
+ // Before servicing a child process's request to upload a file to the web,
+ // the browser should call this method to determine whether the process has
+ // the capability to upload the requested file.
+ bool CanReadFile(const base::FilePath& file);
+ // Explicit read permissions check for FileSystemURL specified files.
+ bool CanReadFileSystemFile(const storage::FileSystemURL& url);
+ // Returns true if the process is permitted to read and modify the data for
+ // the origin of |url|. This is currently used to protect data such as
+ // cookies, passwords, and local storage. Does not affect cookies attached
+ // to or set by network requests.
+ //
+ // This can only return false for processes locked to a particular origin,
+ // which can happen for any origin when the --site-per-process flag is used,
+ // or for isolated origins that require a dedicated process (see
+ // AddIsolatedOrigins).
+ bool CanAccessDataForOrigin(const GURL& url);
+ bool CanAccessDataForOrigin(const url::Origin& origin);
+ private:
+ friend class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl;
+ explicit Handle(int child_id);
+ // The ID of the child process that this handle is associated with or
+ // ChildProcessHost::kInvalidUniqueID if the handle is no longer valid.
+ int child_id_;
+ };
// Object can only be created through GetInstance() so the constructor is
// private.
~ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl() override;
@@ -283,14 +345,14 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl
// Returns true if sending system exclusive messages is allowed.
bool CanSendMidiSysExMessage(int child_id);
- // Remove all isolated origins associated with |browser_context|. This is
+ // Remove all isolated origins associated with |browser_context| and clear any
+ // pointers that may reference |browser_context|. This is
// typically used when |browser_context| is being destroyed and assumes that
// no processes are running or will run for that profile; this makes the
// isolated origin removal safe. Note that |browser_context| cannot be null;
// i.e., isolated origins that apply globally to all profiles cannot
// currently be removed, since that is not safe to do at runtime.
- void RemoveIsolatedOriginsForBrowserContext(
- const BrowserContext& browser_context);
+ void RemoveStateForBrowserContext(const BrowserContext& browser_context);
// Check whether |origin| requires origin-wide process isolation within
// |isolation_context|.
@@ -330,9 +392,23 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl
// implemented for the one caller doing Blob URL revocation.
bool HasSecurityState(int child_id);
+ // Creates a Handle object for a specific child process ID.
+ //
+ // This handle can be used to extend the lifetime of policy state beyond
+ // the Remove() call for |child_id|. This should be used by objects that can
+ // outlive the RenderProcessHostImpl object associated with |child_id| and
+ // need to be able to make policy decisions after RPHI destruction. (e.g.
+ // Mojo services created by RPHI)
+ //
+ // Returns a valid Handle for any |child_id| that is present in
+ // |security_state_|. Otherwise it returns a Handle that returns false for
+ // all policy checks.
+ Handle CreateHandle(int child_id);
friend class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyInProcessBrowserTest;
friend class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyTest;
+ friend class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::Handle;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ChildProcessSecurityPolicyTest, FilePermissions);
@@ -500,6 +576,13 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl
IsolatedOriginSource source,
BrowserContext* browser_context = nullptr);
+ bool AddProcessReference(int child_id);
+ bool AddProcessReferenceLocked(int child_id) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
+ void RemoveProcessReference(int child_id);
+ void RemoveProcessReferenceLocked(int child_id)
// You must acquire this lock before reading or writing any members of this
// class, except for isolated_origins_ which uses its own lock. You must not
// block while holding this lock.
@@ -532,6 +615,13 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl
FileSystemPermissionPolicyMap file_system_policy_map_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
+ // Contains a mapping between child process ID and the number of outstanding
+ // references that want to keep the SecurityState for each process alive.
+ // This object and Handles created by this object increment/decrement
+ // the counts in this map and only destroy a SecurityState object for a
+ // process when its count goes to zero.
+ std::map<int, int> process_reference_counts_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// You must acquire this lock before reading or writing isolated_origins_.
// You must not block while holding this lock.