path: root/chromium/content/browser/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/content/browser/')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/content/browser/ b/chromium/content/browser/
index 4bf51fd3352..1272be30040 100644
--- a/chromium/content/browser/
+++ b/chromium/content/browser/
@@ -117,13 +117,30 @@ class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::SecurityState {
- // Grant permission to request URLs with the specified origin.
- void GrantOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) {
- origin_set_.insert(origin);
+ // Grant permission to request and commit URLs with the specified origin.
+ void GrantCommitOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) {
+ if (origin.unique())
+ return;
+ origin_map_[origin] = CommitRequestPolicy::kCommitAndRequest;
+ }
+ void GrantRequestOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) {
+ if (origin.unique())
+ return;
+ // Anything already in |origin_map_| must have at least request permission
+ // already. In that case, the emplace() below will be a no-op.
+ origin_map_.emplace(origin, CommitRequestPolicy::kRequestOnly);
+ }
+ void GrantCommitScheme(const std::string& scheme) {
+ scheme_map_[scheme] = CommitRequestPolicy::kCommitAndRequest;
- // Grant permission to request URLs with the specified scheme.
- void GrantScheme(const std::string& scheme) { scheme_policy_.insert(scheme); }
+ void GrantRequestScheme(const std::string& scheme) {
+ // Anything already in |scheme_map_| must have at least request permission
+ // already. In that case, the emplace() below will be a no-op.
+ scheme_map_.emplace(scheme, CommitRequestPolicy::kRequestOnly);
+ }
// Grant certain permissions to a file.
void GrantPermissionsForFile(const base::FilePath& file, int permissions) {
@@ -194,26 +211,25 @@ class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::SecurityState {
can_send_midi_sysex_ = true;
- bool CanCommitOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) {
- return base::ContainsKey(origin_set_, origin);
- }
// Determine whether permission has been granted to commit |url|.
bool CanCommitURL(const GURL& url) {
DCHECK(!url.SchemeIsBlob() && !url.SchemeIsFileSystem())
<< "inner_url extraction should be done already.";
// Having permission to a scheme implies permission to all of its URLs.
- SchemeSet::const_iterator scheme_judgment(
- scheme_policy_.find(url.scheme()));
- if (scheme_judgment != scheme_policy_.end())
+ auto scheme_judgment = scheme_map_.find(url.scheme());
+ if (scheme_judgment != scheme_map_.end() &&
+ scheme_judgment->second == CommitRequestPolicy::kCommitAndRequest) {
return true;
+ }
- // Otherwise, check for permission for specific origin.
+ // Check for permission for specific origin.
if (CanCommitOrigin(url::Origin::Create(url)))
return true;
- // file:// URLs are more granular. The child may have been given
- // permission to a specific file but not the file:// scheme in general.
+ // file:// URLs may sometimes be more granular, e.g. dragging and dropping a
+ // file from the local filesystem. The child itself may not have been
+ // granted access to the entire file:// scheme, but it should still be
+ // allowed to request the dragged and dropped file.
if (url.SchemeIs(url::kFileScheme)) {
base::FilePath path;
if (net::FileURLToFilePath(url, &path))
@@ -223,6 +239,22 @@ class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::SecurityState {
return false; // Unmentioned schemes are disallowed.
+ bool CanRequestURL(const GURL& url) {
+ DCHECK(!url.SchemeIsBlob() && !url.SchemeIsFileSystem())
+ << "inner_url extraction should be done already.";
+ // Having permission to a scheme implies permission to all of its URLs.
+ auto scheme_judgment = scheme_map_.find(url.scheme());
+ if (scheme_judgment != scheme_map_.end())
+ return true;
+ if (CanRequestOrigin(url::Origin::Create(url)))
+ return true;
+ // Otherwise, delegate to CanCommitURL. Unmentioned schemes are disallowed.
+ // TODO(dcheng): It would be nice to avoid constructing the origin twice.
+ return CanCommitURL(url);
+ }
// Determine if the certain permissions have been granted to a file.
bool HasPermissionsForFile(const base::FilePath& file, int permissions) {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
@@ -280,7 +312,7 @@ class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::SecurityState {
bool has_web_ui_bindings() const {
- return enabled_bindings_ & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI;
+ return enabled_bindings_ & kWebUIBindingsPolicyMask;
bool can_read_raw_cookies() const {
@@ -292,22 +324,39 @@ class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::SecurityState {
- typedef std::set<std::string> SchemeSet;
- typedef std::set<url::Origin> OriginSet;
+ enum class CommitRequestPolicy {
+ kRequestOnly,
+ kCommitAndRequest,
+ };
+ bool CanCommitOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) {
+ auto it = origin_map_.find(origin);
+ if (it == origin_map_.end())
+ return false;
+ return it->second == CommitRequestPolicy::kCommitAndRequest;
+ }
+ bool CanRequestOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) {
+ // Anything already in |origin_map_| must have at least request permissions
+ // already.
+ return origin_map_.find(origin) != origin_map_.end();
+ }
+ typedef std::map<std::string, CommitRequestPolicy> SchemeMap;
+ typedef std::map<url::Origin, CommitRequestPolicy> OriginMap;
typedef int FilePermissionFlags; // bit-set of base::File::Flags
typedef std::map<base::FilePath, FilePermissionFlags> FileMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, FilePermissionFlags> FileSystemMap;
typedef std::set<base::FilePath> FileSet;
- // Maps URL schemes to whether permission has been granted, containment means
- // that the scheme has been granted, otherwise, it has never been granted.
- // There is no provision for revoking.
- SchemeSet scheme_policy_;
+ // Maps URL schemes to commit/request policies the child process has been
+ // granted. There is no provision for revoking.
+ SchemeMap scheme_map_;
- // The set of URL origins to which the child process has been granted
- // permission.
- OriginSet origin_set_;
+ // The map of URL origins to commit/request policies the child process has
+ // been granted. There is no provision for revoking.
+ OriginMap origin_map_;
// The set of files the child process is permited to upload to the web.
FileMap file_permissions_;
@@ -431,34 +480,57 @@ bool ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::IsPseudoScheme(
return base::ContainsKey(pseudo_schemes_, scheme);
-void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantRequestURL(
- int child_id, const GURL& url) {
+void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantCommitURL(int child_id,
+ const GURL& url) {
+ // Can't grant the capability to commit invalid URLs.
if (!url.is_valid())
- return; // Can't grant the capability to request invalid URLs.
- const std::string& scheme = url.scheme();
+ return;
- if (IsWebSafeScheme(scheme))
- return; // The scheme has already been whitelisted for every child process.
+ // Can't grant the capability to commit pseudo schemes.
+ if (IsPseudoScheme(url.scheme()))
+ return;
- if (IsPseudoScheme(scheme)) {
- return; // Can't grant the capability to request pseudo schemes.
- }
+ url::Origin origin = url::Origin::Create(url);
+ // Blob and filesystem URLs require special treatment; grant access to the
+ // inner origin they embed instead.
+ // TODO(dcheng): Can this logic be simplified to just derive an origin up
+ // front and use that? That probably requires fixing GURL canonicalization of
+ // blob URLs though. For now, be consistent with how CanRequestURL and
+ // CanCommitURL normalize.
if (url.SchemeIsBlob() || url.SchemeIsFileSystem()) {
- return; // Don't grant blanket access to blob: or filesystem: schemes.
+ if (IsMalformedBlobUrl(url))
+ return;
+ GrantCommitURL(child_id, GURL(origin.Serialize()));
- {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- SecurityStateMap::iterator state = security_state_.find(child_id);
- if (state == security_state_.end())
- return;
+ // TODO(dcheng): In the future, URLs with opaque origins would ideally carry
+ // around an origin with them, so we wouldn't need to grant commit access to
+ // the entire scheme.
+ if (!origin.unique())
+ GrantCommitOrigin(child_id, origin);
+ // The scheme has already been whitelisted for every child process, so no need
+ // to do anything else.
+ if (IsWebSafeScheme(url.scheme()))
+ return;
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- // When the child process has been commanded to request this scheme,
- // we grant it the capability to request all URLs of that scheme.
- state->second->GrantScheme(scheme);
+ auto state = security_state_.find(child_id);
+ if (state == security_state_.end())
+ return;
+ if (origin.unique()) {
+ // If it's impossible to grant commit rights to just the origin (among other
+ // things, URLs with non-standard schemes will be treated as opaque
+ // origins), then grant access to commit all URLs of that scheme.
+ state->second->GrantCommitScheme(url.scheme());
+ } else {
+ // When the child process has been commanded to request this scheme, grant
+ // it the capability to request all URLs of that scheme.
+ state->second->GrantRequestScheme(url.scheme());
@@ -565,42 +637,61 @@ void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantSendMidiSysExMessage(int child_id) {
-void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantOrigin(int child_id,
- const url::Origin& origin) {
+void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantCommitOrigin(
+ int child_id,
+ const url::Origin& origin) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
SecurityStateMap::iterator state = security_state_.find(child_id);
if (state == security_state_.end())
- state->second->GrantOrigin(origin);
+ state->second->GrantCommitOrigin(origin);
-void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantScheme(int child_id,
- const std::string& scheme) {
+void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantRequestOrigin(
+ int child_id,
+ const url::Origin& origin) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
SecurityStateMap::iterator state = security_state_.find(child_id);
if (state == security_state_.end())
- state->second->GrantScheme(scheme);
+ state->second->GrantRequestOrigin(origin);
+void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantRequestScheme(
+ int child_id,
+ const std::string& scheme) {
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
+ auto state = security_state_.find(child_id);
+ if (state == security_state_.end())
+ return;
+ state->second->GrantRequestScheme(scheme);
-void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantWebUIBindings(int child_id) {
+void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantWebUIBindings(int child_id,
+ int bindings) {
+ // Only WebUI bindings should come through here.
+ CHECK(bindings & kWebUIBindingsPolicyMask);
+ CHECK_EQ(0, bindings & ~kWebUIBindingsPolicyMask);
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
SecurityStateMap::iterator state = security_state_.find(child_id);
if (state == security_state_.end())
- state->second->GrantBindings(BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI);
+ state->second->GrantBindings(bindings);
// Web UI bindings need the ability to request chrome: URLs.
- state->second->GrantScheme(kChromeUIScheme);
+ state->second->GrantRequestScheme(kChromeUIScheme);
// Web UI pages can contain links to file:// URLs.
- state->second->GrantScheme(url::kFileScheme);
+ state->second->GrantRequestScheme(url::kFileScheme);
void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GrantReadRawCookies(int child_id) {
@@ -630,35 +721,43 @@ bool ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::CanRequestURL(
const std::string& scheme = url.scheme();
- if (IsPseudoScheme(scheme)) {
- // Every child process can request <about:blank>, <about:blank?foo>,
- // <about:blank/#foo> and <about:srcdoc>.
- if (url.IsAboutBlank() || url == kAboutSrcDocURL)
- return true;
- // URLs like <about:version>, <about:crash>, <view-source:...> shouldn't be
- // requestable by any child process. Also, this case covers
- // <javascript:...>, which should be handled internally by the process and
- // not kicked up to the browser.
- return false;
- }
+ // Every child process can request <about:blank>, <about:blank?foo>,
+ // <about:blank/#foo> and <about:srcdoc>.
+ //
+ // URLs like <about:version>, <about:crash>, <view-source:...> shouldn't be
+ // requestable by any child process. Also, this case covers
+ // <javascript:...>, which should be handled internally by the process and
+ // not kicked up to the browser.
+ // TODO(dcheng): Figure out why this check is different from CanCommitURL,
+ // which checks for direct equality with kAboutBlankURL.
+ if (IsPseudoScheme(scheme))
+ return url.IsAboutBlank() || url == kAboutSrcDocURL;
- // Blob and filesystem URLs require special treatment, since they embed an
- // inner origin.
+ // Blob and filesystem URLs require special treatment; validate the inner
+ // origin they embed.
if (url.SchemeIsBlob() || url.SchemeIsFileSystem()) {
if (IsMalformedBlobUrl(url))
return false;
url::Origin origin = url::Origin::Create(url);
- return origin.unique() || IsWebSafeScheme(origin.scheme()) ||
- CanCommitURL(child_id, GURL(origin.Serialize()));
+ return origin.unique() || CanRequestURL(child_id, GURL(origin.Serialize()));
if (IsWebSafeScheme(scheme))
return true;
- // If the process can commit the URL, it can request it.
- if (CanCommitURL(child_id, url))
- return true;
+ {
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
+ SecurityStateMap::iterator state = security_state_.find(child_id);
+ if (state == security_state_.end())
+ return false;
+ // Otherwise, we consult the child process's security state to see if it is
+ // allowed to request the URL.
+ if (state->second->CanRequestURL(url))
+ return true;
+ }
// Also allow URLs destined for ShellExecute and not the browser itself.
return !GetContentClient()->browser()->IsHandledURL(url) &&
@@ -1047,18 +1146,12 @@ bool ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::CanAccessDataForOrigin(int child_id,
return can_access;
-bool ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::HasSpecificPermissionForOrigin(
- int child_id,
- const url::Origin& origin) {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- SecurityStateMap::iterator state = security_state_.find(child_id);
- if (state == security_state_.end())
- return false;
- return state->second->CanCommitOrigin(origin);
void ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::LockToOrigin(int child_id,
const GURL& gurl) {
+ // LockToOrigin should only be called on the UI thread (OTOH, it is okay to
+ // call GetOriginLock or CheckOriginLock from any thread).
// "gurl" can be currently empty in some cases, such as file://blah.
DCHECK(SiteInstanceImpl::GetSiteForURL(nullptr, gurl) == gurl);
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);