path: root/chromium/components/mus/ws/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/mus/ws/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2042 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/mus/ws/ b/chromium/components/mus/ws/
deleted file mode 100644
index 34169dd2152..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/mus/ws/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2042 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/run_loop.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "components/mus/public/cpp/tests/window_server_shelltest_base.h"
-#include "components/mus/public/interfaces/window_tree.mojom.h"
-#include "components/mus/public/interfaces/window_tree_host.mojom.h"
-#include "components/mus/ws/ids.h"
-#include "components/mus/ws/test_change_tracker.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h"
-#include "services/shell/public/cpp/shell_test.h"
-using mojo::Array;
-using shell::Connection;
-using mojo::InterfaceRequest;
-using shell::ShellClient;
-using mojo::String;
-using mus::mojom::WindowDataPtr;
-using mus::mojom::WindowTree;
-using mus::mojom::WindowTreeClient;
-namespace mus {
-namespace ws {
-namespace test {
-namespace {
-// Creates an id used for transport from the specified parameters.
-Id BuildWindowId(ClientSpecificId client_id,
- ClientSpecificId window_id) {
- return (client_id << 16) | window_id;
-// Callback function from WindowTree functions.
-// ----------------------------------
-void WindowTreeResultCallback(base::RunLoop* run_loop,
- std::vector<TestWindow>* windows,
- Array<WindowDataPtr> results) {
- WindowDatasToTestWindows(results, windows);
- run_loop->Quit();
-void EmbedCallbackImpl(base::RunLoop* run_loop,
- bool* result_cache,
- bool result) {
- *result_cache = result;
- run_loop->Quit();
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool EmbedUrl(shell::Connector* connector,
- WindowTree* tree,
- const String& url,
- Id root_id) {
- bool result = false;
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- {
- mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr client;
- connector->ConnectToInterface(url.get(), &client);
- const uint32_t embed_flags = 0;
- tree->Embed(root_id, std::move(client), embed_flags,
- base::Bind(&EmbedCallbackImpl, &run_loop, &result));
- }
- run_loop.Run();
- return result;
-bool Embed(WindowTree* tree, Id root_id, mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr client) {
- bool result = false;
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- {
- const uint32_t embed_flags = 0;
- tree->Embed(root_id, std::move(client), embed_flags,
- base::Bind(&EmbedCallbackImpl, &run_loop, &result));
- }
- run_loop.Run();
- return result;
-void GetWindowTree(WindowTree* tree,
- Id window_id,
- std::vector<TestWindow>* windows) {
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- tree->GetWindowTree(
- window_id, base::Bind(&WindowTreeResultCallback, &run_loop, windows));
- run_loop.Run();
-// Utility functions -----------------------------------------------------------
-const Id kNullParentId = 0;
-std::string IdToString(Id id) {
- return (id == kNullParentId) ? "null" : base::StringPrintf(
- "%d,%d", HiWord(id), LoWord(id));
-std::string WindowParentToString(Id window, Id parent) {
- return base::StringPrintf("window=%s parent=%s", IdToString(window).c_str(),
- IdToString(parent).c_str());
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// A WindowTreeClient implementation that logs all changes to a tracker.
-class TestWindowTreeClient : public mojom::WindowTreeClient,
- public TestChangeTracker::Delegate,
- public mojom::WindowManager {
- public:
- TestWindowTreeClient()
- : binding_(this),
- client_id_(0),
- root_window_id_(0),
- // Start with a random large number so tests can use lower ids if they
- // want.
- next_change_id_(10000),
- waiting_change_id_(0),
- on_change_completed_result_(false),
- track_root_bounds_changes_(false) {
- tracker_.set_delegate(this);
- }
- void Bind(mojo::InterfaceRequest<mojom::WindowTreeClient> request) {
- binding_.Bind(std::move(request));
- }
- mojom::WindowTree* tree() { return tree_.get(); }
- TestChangeTracker* tracker() { return &tracker_; }
- Id root_window_id() const { return root_window_id_; }
- // Sets whether changes to the bounds of the root should be tracked. Normally
- // they are ignored (as during startup we often times get random size
- // changes).
- void set_track_root_bounds_changes(bool value) {
- track_root_bounds_changes_ = value;
- }
- // Runs a nested MessageLoop until |count| changes (calls to
- // WindowTreeClient functions) have been received.
- void WaitForChangeCount(size_t count) {
- if (tracker_.changes()->size() >= count)
- return;
- ASSERT_TRUE(wait_state_.get() == nullptr);
- wait_state_.reset(new WaitState);
- wait_state_->change_count = count;
- wait_state_->run_loop.Run();
- wait_state_.reset();
- }
- uint32_t GetAndAdvanceChangeId() { return next_change_id_++; }
- // Runs a nested MessageLoop until OnEmbed() has been encountered.
- void WaitForOnEmbed() {
- if (tree_)
- return;
- embed_run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
- embed_run_loop_->Run();
- embed_run_loop_.reset();
- }
- bool WaitForChangeCompleted(uint32_t id) {
- waiting_change_id_ = id;
- change_completed_run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
- change_completed_run_loop_->Run();
- return on_change_completed_result_;
- }
- bool DeleteWindow(Id id) {
- const uint32_t change_id = GetAndAdvanceChangeId();
- tree()->DeleteWindow(change_id, id);
- return WaitForChangeCompleted(change_id);
- }
- bool AddWindow(Id parent, Id child) {
- const uint32_t change_id = GetAndAdvanceChangeId();
- tree()->AddWindow(change_id, parent, child);
- return WaitForChangeCompleted(change_id);
- }
- bool RemoveWindowFromParent(Id window_id) {
- const uint32_t change_id = GetAndAdvanceChangeId();
- tree()->RemoveWindowFromParent(change_id, window_id);
- return WaitForChangeCompleted(change_id);
- }
- bool ReorderWindow(Id window_id,
- Id relative_window_id,
- mojom::OrderDirection direction) {
- const uint32_t change_id = GetAndAdvanceChangeId();
- tree()->ReorderWindow(change_id, window_id, relative_window_id, direction);
- return WaitForChangeCompleted(change_id);
- }
- // Waits for all messages to be received by |ws|. This is done by attempting
- // to create a bogus window. When we get the response we know all messages
- // have been processed.
- bool WaitForAllMessages() {
- return NewWindowWithCompleteId(WindowIdToTransportId(InvalidWindowId())) ==
- 0;
- }
- Id NewWindow(ClientSpecificId window_id) {
- return NewWindowWithCompleteId(BuildWindowId(client_id_, window_id));
- }
- // Generally you want NewWindow(), but use this if you need to test given
- // a complete window id (NewWindow() ors with the client id).
- Id NewWindowWithCompleteId(Id id) {
- mojo::Map<mojo::String, mojo::Array<uint8_t>> properties;
- const uint32_t change_id = GetAndAdvanceChangeId();
- tree()->NewWindow(change_id, id, std::move(properties));
- return WaitForChangeCompleted(change_id) ? id : 0;
- }
- bool SetWindowProperty(Id window_id,
- const std::string& name,
- const std::vector<uint8_t>* data) {
- Array<uint8_t> mojo_data(nullptr);
- if (data)
- mojo_data = Array<uint8_t>::From(*data);
- const uint32_t change_id = GetAndAdvanceChangeId();
- tree()->SetWindowProperty(change_id, window_id, name, std::move(mojo_data));
- return WaitForChangeCompleted(change_id);
- }
- bool SetPredefinedCursor(Id window_id, mojom::Cursor cursor) {
- const uint32_t change_id = GetAndAdvanceChangeId();
- tree()->SetPredefinedCursor(change_id, window_id, cursor);
- return WaitForChangeCompleted(change_id);
- }
- bool SetWindowVisibility(Id window_id, bool visible) {
- const uint32_t change_id = GetAndAdvanceChangeId();
- tree()->SetWindowVisibility(change_id, window_id, visible);
- return WaitForChangeCompleted(change_id);
- }
- bool SetWindowOpacity(Id window_id, float opacity) {
- const uint32_t change_id = GetAndAdvanceChangeId();
- tree()->SetWindowOpacity(change_id, window_id, opacity);
- return WaitForChangeCompleted(change_id);
- }
- private:
- // Used when running a nested MessageLoop.
- struct WaitState {
- WaitState() : change_count(0) {}
- // Number of changes waiting for.
- size_t change_count;
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- };
- // TestChangeTracker::Delegate:
- void OnChangeAdded() override {
- if (wait_state_.get() &&
- tracker_.changes()->size() >= wait_state_->change_count) {
- wait_state_->run_loop.Quit();
- }
- }
- // WindowTreeClient:
- void OnEmbed(ClientSpecificId client_id,
- WindowDataPtr root,
- mojom::WindowTreePtr tree,
- int64_t display_id,
- Id focused_window_id,
- bool drawn) override {
- // TODO(sky): add coverage of |focused_window_id|.
- ASSERT_TRUE(root);
- root_window_id_ = root->window_id;
- tree_ = std::move(tree);
- client_id_ = client_id;
- tracker()->OnEmbed(client_id, std::move(root), drawn);
- if (embed_run_loop_)
- embed_run_loop_->Quit();
- }
- void OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected(Id window_id) override {
- tracker()->OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected(window_id);
- }
- void OnUnembed(Id window_id) override { tracker()->OnUnembed(window_id); }
- void OnLostCapture(Id window_id) override {
- tracker()->OnLostCapture(window_id);
- }
- void OnTopLevelCreated(uint32_t change_id,
- mojom::WindowDataPtr data,
- int64_t display_id,
- bool drawn) override {
- tracker()->OnTopLevelCreated(change_id, std::move(data), drawn);
- }
- void OnWindowBoundsChanged(Id window_id,
- const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
- const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) override {
- // The bounds of the root may change during startup on Android at random
- // times. As this doesn't matter, and shouldn't impact test exepctations,
- // it is ignored.
- if (window_id == root_window_id_ && !track_root_bounds_changes_)
- return;
- tracker()->OnWindowBoundsChanged(window_id, old_bounds, new_bounds);
- }
- void OnClientAreaChanged(
- uint32_t window_id,
- const gfx::Insets& new_client_area,
- mojo::Array<gfx::Rect> new_additional_client_areas) override {}
- void OnTransientWindowAdded(uint32_t window_id,
- uint32_t transient_window_id) override {
- tracker()->OnTransientWindowAdded(window_id, transient_window_id);
- }
- void OnTransientWindowRemoved(uint32_t window_id,
- uint32_t transient_window_id) override {
- tracker()->OnTransientWindowRemoved(window_id, transient_window_id);
- }
- void OnWindowHierarchyChanged(Id window,
- Id old_parent,
- Id new_parent,
- Array<WindowDataPtr> windows) override {
- tracker()->OnWindowHierarchyChanged(window, old_parent, new_parent,
- std::move(windows));
- }
- void OnWindowReordered(Id window_id,
- Id relative_window_id,
- mojom::OrderDirection direction) override {
- tracker()->OnWindowReordered(window_id, relative_window_id, direction);
- }
- void OnWindowDeleted(Id window) override {
- tracker()->OnWindowDeleted(window);
- }
- void OnWindowVisibilityChanged(uint32_t window, bool visible) override {
- tracker()->OnWindowVisibilityChanged(window, visible);
- }
- void OnWindowOpacityChanged(uint32_t window,
- float old_opacity,
- float new_opacity) override {
- tracker()->OnWindowOpacityChanged(window, new_opacity);
- }
- void OnWindowParentDrawnStateChanged(uint32_t window, bool drawn) override {
- tracker()->OnWindowParentDrawnStateChanged(window, drawn);
- }
- void OnWindowInputEvent(uint32_t event_id,
- Id window_id,
- std::unique_ptr<ui::Event> event,
- uint32_t event_observer_id) override {
- // Ack input events to clear the state on the server. These can be received
- // during test startup. X11Window::DispatchEvent sends a synthetic move
- // event to notify of entry.
- tree()->OnWindowInputEventAck(event_id, mojom::EventResult::HANDLED);
- // Don't log input events as none of the tests care about them and they
- // may come in at random points.
- }
- void OnEventObserved(std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>,
- uint32_t event_observer_id) override {}
- void OnWindowSharedPropertyChanged(uint32_t window,
- const String& name,
- Array<uint8_t> new_data) override {
- tracker_.OnWindowSharedPropertyChanged(window, name, std::move(new_data));
- }
- // TODO(sky): add testing coverage.
- void OnWindowFocused(uint32_t focused_window_id) override {}
- void OnWindowPredefinedCursorChanged(uint32_t window_id,
- mojom::Cursor cursor_id) override {
- tracker_.OnWindowPredefinedCursorChanged(window_id, cursor_id);
- }
- void OnChangeCompleted(uint32_t change_id, bool success) override {
- if (waiting_change_id_ == change_id && change_completed_run_loop_) {
- on_change_completed_result_ = success;
- change_completed_run_loop_->Quit();
- }
- }
- void RequestClose(uint32_t window_id) override {}
- void GetWindowManager(mojo::AssociatedInterfaceRequest<mojom::WindowManager>
- internal) override {
- window_manager_binding_.reset(
- new mojo::AssociatedBinding<mojom::WindowManager>(this,
- std::move(internal)));
- tree_->GetWindowManagerClient(
- GetProxy(&window_manager_client_, tree_.associated_group()));
- }
- // mojom::WindowManager:
- void OnConnect(uint16_t client_id) override {}
- void WmNewDisplayAdded(mojom::DisplayPtr display,
- mojom::WindowDataPtr root_data,
- bool drawn) override {
- }
- void WmSetBounds(uint32_t change_id,
- uint32_t window_id,
- const gfx::Rect& bounds) override {
- window_manager_client_->WmResponse(change_id, false);
- }
- void WmSetProperty(uint32_t change_id,
- uint32_t window_id,
- const mojo::String& name,
- mojo::Array<uint8_t> value) override {
- window_manager_client_->WmResponse(change_id, false);
- }
- void WmCreateTopLevelWindow(
- uint32_t change_id,
- ClientSpecificId requesting_client_id,
- mojo::Map<mojo::String, mojo::Array<uint8_t>> properties) override {
- }
- void WmClientJankinessChanged(ClientSpecificId client_id,
- bool janky) override {
- }
- void OnAccelerator(uint32_t id, std::unique_ptr<ui::Event> event) override {
- }
- TestChangeTracker tracker_;
- mojom::WindowTreePtr tree_;
- // If non-null we're waiting for OnEmbed() using this RunLoop.
- std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> embed_run_loop_;
- // If non-null we're waiting for a certain number of change notifications to
- // be encountered.
- std::unique_ptr<WaitState> wait_state_;
- mojo::Binding<WindowTreeClient> binding_;
- Id client_id_;
- Id root_window_id_;
- uint32_t next_change_id_;
- uint32_t waiting_change_id_;
- bool on_change_completed_result_;
- bool track_root_bounds_changes_;
- std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> change_completed_run_loop_;
- std::unique_ptr<mojo::AssociatedBinding<mojom::WindowManager>>
- window_manager_binding_;
- mojom::WindowManagerClientAssociatedPtr window_manager_client_;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// InterfaceFactory for vending TestWindowTreeClients.
-class WindowTreeClientFactory
- : public shell::InterfaceFactory<WindowTreeClient> {
- public:
- WindowTreeClientFactory() {}
- ~WindowTreeClientFactory() override {}
- // Runs a nested MessageLoop until a new instance has been created.
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient> WaitForInstance() {
- if (!client_impl_.get()) {
- DCHECK(!run_loop_);
- run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
- run_loop_->Run();
- run_loop_.reset();
- }
- return std::move(client_impl_);
- }
- private:
- // InterfaceFactory<WindowTreeClient>:
- void Create(Connection* connection,
- InterfaceRequest<WindowTreeClient> request) override {
- client_impl_.reset(new TestWindowTreeClient());
- client_impl_->Bind(std::move(request));
- if (run_loop_.get())
- run_loop_->Quit();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient> client_impl_;
- std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WindowTreeClientFactory);
-} // namespace
-class WindowTreeClientTest : public WindowServerShellTestBase {
- public:
- WindowTreeClientTest()
- : client_id_1_(0), client_id_2_(0), root_window_id_(0) {}
- ~WindowTreeClientTest() override {}
- protected:
- // Returns the changes from the various clients.
- std::vector<Change>* changes1() { return wt_client1_->tracker()->changes(); }
- std::vector<Change>* changes2() { return wt_client2_->tracker()->changes(); }
- std::vector<Change>* changes3() { return wt_client3_->tracker()->changes(); }
- // Various clients. |wt1()|, being the first client, has special permissions
- // (it's treated as the window manager).
- WindowTree* wt1() { return wt_client1_->tree(); }
- WindowTree* wt2() { return wt_client2_->tree(); }
- WindowTree* wt3() { return wt_client3_->tree(); }
- TestWindowTreeClient* wt_client1() { return wt_client1_.get(); }
- TestWindowTreeClient* wt_client2() { return wt_client2_.get(); }
- TestWindowTreeClient* wt_client3() { return wt_client3_.get(); }
- Id root_window_id() const { return root_window_id_; }
- int client_id_1() const { return client_id_1_; }
- int client_id_2() const { return client_id_2_; }
- void EstablishSecondClientWithRoot(Id root_id) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2_.get() == nullptr);
- wt_client2_ =
- EstablishClientViaEmbed(wt1(), root_id, &client_id_2_);
- ASSERT_GT(client_id_2_, 0);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2_.get() != nullptr);
- }
- void EstablishSecondClient(bool create_initial_window) {
- Id window_1_1 = 0;
- if (create_initial_window) {
- window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- }
- EstablishSecondClientWithRoot(BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1)));
- if (create_initial_window) {
- EXPECT_EQ("[" + WindowParentToString(window_1_1, kNullParentId) + "]",
- ChangeWindowDescription(*changes2()));
- }
- }
- void EstablishThirdClient(WindowTree* owner, Id root_id) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client3_.get() == nullptr);
- wt_client3_ = EstablishClientViaEmbed(owner, root_id, nullptr);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client3_.get() != nullptr);
- }
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient> WaitForWindowTreeClient() {
- return client_factory_->WaitForInstance();
- }
- // Establishes a new client by way of Embed() on the specified WindowTree.
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient> EstablishClientViaEmbed(
- WindowTree* owner,
- Id root_id,
- int* client_id) {
- return EstablishClientViaEmbedWithPolicyBitmask(owner, root_id, client_id);
- }
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient>
- EstablishClientViaEmbedWithPolicyBitmask(WindowTree* owner,
- Id root_id,
- int* client_id) {
- if (!EmbedUrl(connector(), owner, test_name(), root_id)) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Embed() failed";
- return nullptr;
- }
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient> client =
- client_factory_->WaitForInstance();
- if (!client.get()) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "WaitForInstance failed";
- return nullptr;
- }
- client->WaitForOnEmbed();
- EXPECT_EQ("OnEmbed",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*client->tracker()->changes()));
- if (client_id)
- *client_id = (*client->tracker()->changes())[0].client_id;
- return client;
- }
- // WindowServerShellTestBase:
- bool AcceptConnection(shell::Connection* connection) override {
- connection->AddInterface(client_factory_.get());
- return true;
- }
- void SetUp() override {
- client_factory_.reset(new WindowTreeClientFactory());
- WindowServerShellTestBase::SetUp();
- mojom::WindowTreeHostFactoryPtr factory;
- connector()->ConnectToInterface("mojo:mus", &factory);
- mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr tree_client_ptr;
- wt_client1_.reset(new TestWindowTreeClient());
- wt_client1_->Bind(GetProxy(&tree_client_ptr));
- factory->CreateWindowTreeHost(GetProxy(&host_),
- std::move(tree_client_ptr));
- // Next we should get an embed call on the "window manager" client.
- wt_client1_->WaitForOnEmbed();
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes1()->size());
- EXPECT_EQ(CHANGE_TYPE_EMBED, (*changes1())[0].type);
- // All these tests assume 1 for the client id. The only real assertion here
- // is the client id is not zero, but adding this as rest of code here
- // assumes 1.
- ASSERT_GT((*changes1())[0].client_id, 0);
- client_id_1_ = (*changes1())[0].client_id;
- ASSERT_FALSE((*changes1())[0].windows.empty());
- root_window_id_ = (*changes1())[0].windows[0].window_id;
- ASSERT_EQ(root_window_id_, wt_client1_->root_window_id());
- changes1()->clear();
- }
- void TearDown() override {
- // Destroy these before the message loop is destroyed (happens in
- // WindowServerShellTestBase::TearDown).
- wt_client1_.reset();
- wt_client2_.reset();
- wt_client3_.reset();
- client_factory_.reset();
- WindowServerShellTestBase::TearDown();
- }
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient> wt_client1_;
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient> wt_client2_;
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient> wt_client3_;
- mojom::WindowTreeHostPtr host_;
- private:
- std::unique_ptr<WindowTreeClientFactory> client_factory_;
- int client_id_1_;
- int client_id_2_;
- Id root_window_id_;
-// Verifies two clients get different ids.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, TwoClientsGetDifferentClientIds) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes2()->size());
- ASSERT_NE(client_id_1(), client_id_2());
-// Verifies when Embed() is invoked any child windows are removed.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, WindowsRemovedWhenEmbedding) {
- // Two windows 1 and 2. 2 is parented to 1.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_1_2));
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, changes2()->size());
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, (*changes2())[0].windows.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("[" + WindowParentToString(window_1_1, kNullParentId) + "]",
- ChangeWindowDescription(*changes2()));
- // Embed() removed window 2.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), window_1_2, &windows);
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_2, kNullParentId),
- SingleWindowDescription(windows));
- }
- // ws2 should not see window 2.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_1_1, &windows);
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_1, kNullParentId),
- SingleWindowDescription(windows));
- }
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_1_2, &windows);
- EXPECT_TRUE(windows.empty());
- }
- // Windows 3 and 4 in client 2.
- Id window_2_3 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(3);
- Id window_2_4 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(4);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_3);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_4);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_2_3, window_2_4));
- // Client 3 rooted at 2.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishThirdClient(wt2(), window_2_3));
- // Window 4 should no longer have a parent.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_2_3, &windows);
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_2_3, kNullParentId),
- SingleWindowDescription(windows));
- windows.clear();
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_2_4, &windows);
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_2_4, kNullParentId),
- SingleWindowDescription(windows));
- }
- // And window 4 should not be visible to client 3.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt3(), window_2_3, &windows);
- EXPECT_EQ("no windows", SingleWindowDescription(windows));
- }
-// Verifies once Embed() has been invoked the parent client can't see any
-// children.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, CantAccessChildrenOfEmbeddedWindow) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- Id window_2_2 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_2));
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishThirdClient(wt2(), window_2_2));
- Id window_3_3 = wt_client3()->NewWindow(3);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_3_3);
- wt_client3()->AddWindow(wt_client3()->root_window_id(), window_3_3));
- // Even though 3 is a child of 2 client 2 can't see 3 as it's from a
- // different client.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_2_2, &windows);
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_2_2, window_1_1),
- SingleWindowDescription(windows));
- }
- // Client 2 shouldn't be able to get window 3 at all.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_3_3, &windows);
- EXPECT_TRUE(windows.empty());
- }
- // Client 1 should be able to see it all (its the root).
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), window_1_1, &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(3u, windows.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_1, kNullParentId),
- windows[0].ToString());
- // NOTE: we expect a match of WindowParentToString(window_2_2, window_1_1),
- // but the ids are in the id space of client2, which is not the same as
- // the id space of wt1().
- EXPECT_EQ("window=2,1 parent=1,1", windows[1].ToString());
- // Same thing here, we really want to test for
- // WindowParentToString(window_3_3, window_2_2).
- EXPECT_EQ("window=3,1 parent=2,1", windows[2].ToString());
- }
-// Verifies once Embed() has been invoked the parent can't mutate the children.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, CantModifyChildrenOfEmbeddedWindow) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishThirdClient(wt2(), window_2_1));
- Id window_2_2 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_2);
- // Client 2 shouldn't be able to add anything to the window anymore.
- ASSERT_FALSE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_2_1, window_2_2));
- // Create window 3 in client 3 and add it to window 3.
- Id window_3_1 = wt_client3()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_3_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client3()->AddWindow(window_2_1, window_3_1));
- // Client 2 shouldn't be able to remove window 3.
- ASSERT_FALSE(wt_client2()->RemoveWindowFromParent(window_3_1));
-// Verifies client gets a valid id.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, NewWindow) {
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes1()->empty());
- // Can't create a window with the same id.
- ASSERT_EQ(0u, wt_client1()->NewWindowWithCompleteId(window_1_1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes1()->empty());
- // Can't create a window with a bogus client id.
- ASSERT_EQ(0u, wt_client1()->NewWindowWithCompleteId(
- BuildWindowId(client_id_1() + 1, 1)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes1()->empty());
-// Verifies AddWindow fails when window is already in position.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, AddWindowWithNoChange) {
- // Create the embed point now so that the ids line up.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->NewWindow(1));
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- Id window_1_3 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(3);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_3);
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- // Make 3 a child of 2.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_2, window_1_3));
- // Try again, this should fail.
- EXPECT_FALSE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_2, window_1_3));
-// Verifies AddWindow fails when window is already in position.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, AddAncestorFails) {
- // Create the embed point now so that the ids line up.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->NewWindow(1));
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- Id window_1_3 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(3);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_3);
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- // Make 3 a child of 2.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_2, window_1_3));
- // Try to make 2 a child of 3, this should fail since 2 is an ancestor of 3.
- EXPECT_FALSE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_3, window_1_2));
-// Verifies adding to root sends right notifications.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, AddToRoot) {
- // Create the embed point now so that the ids line up.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- Id window_1_21 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(21);
- Id window_1_3 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(3);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_21);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_3);
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- changes2()->clear();
- // Make 3 a child of 21.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_21, window_1_3));
- // Make 21 a child of 1.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_1_21));
- // Client 2 should not be told anything (because the window is from a
- // different client). Create a window to ensure we got a response from
- // the server.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->NewWindow(100));
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes2()->empty());
-// Verifies HierarchyChanged is correctly sent for various adds/removes.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, WindowHierarchyChangedWindows) {
- // Create the embed point now so that the ids line up.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- // 1,2->1,11.
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_2, true));
- Id window_1_11 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(11);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_11);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_11, true));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_2, window_1_11));
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, true));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->WaitForAllMessages());
- changes2()->clear();
- // 1,1->1,2->1,11
- {
- // Client 2 should not get anything (1,2 is from another client).
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_1_2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->WaitForAllMessages());
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes2()->empty());
- }
- // 0,1->1,1->1,2->1,11.
- {
- // Client 2 is now connected to the root, so it should have gotten a drawn
- // notification.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1u);
- "DrawnStateChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_1) + " drawn=true",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
- // 1,1->1,2->1,11.
- {
- // Client 2 is no longer connected to the root, should get drawn state
- // changed.
- changes2()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->RemoveWindowFromParent(window_1_1));
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "DrawnStateChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_1) + " drawn=false",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
- // 1,1->1,2->1,11->1,111.
- Id window_1_111 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(111);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_111);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_111, true));
- {
- changes2()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_11, window_1_111));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->WaitForAllMessages());
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes2()->empty());
- }
- // 0,1->1,1->1,2->1,11->1,111
- {
- changes2()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "DrawnStateChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_1) + " drawn=true",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, WindowHierarchyChangedAddingKnownToUnknown) {
- // Create the following structure: root -> 1 -> 11 and 2->21 (2 has no
- // parent).
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- Id window_2_11 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(11);
- Id window_2_2 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(2);
- Id window_2_21 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(21);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_11);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_21);
- // Set up the hierarchy.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_11));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_2_2, window_2_21));
- // Remove 11, should result in a hierarchy change for the root.
- {
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->RemoveWindowFromParent(window_2_11));
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- // 2,1 should be IdToString(window_2_11), but window_2_11 is in the id
- // space of client2, not client1.
- EXPECT_EQ("HierarchyChanged window=2,1 old_parent=" +
- IdToString(window_1_1) + " new_parent=null",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- }
- // Add 2 to 1.
- {
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_2));
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("HierarchyChanged window=" + IdToString(window_2_2) +
- " old_parent=null new_parent=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- // "window=2,3 parent=2,2]" should be,
- // WindowParentToString(window_2_21, window_2_2), but isn't because of
- // differing id spaces.
- EXPECT_EQ("[" + WindowParentToString(window_2_2, window_1_1) +
- "],[window=2,3 parent=2,2]",
- ChangeWindowDescription(*changes1()));
- }
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, ReorderWindow) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- Id window_2_2 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(2);
- Id window_2_3 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(3);
- Id window_1_4 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(4); // Peer to 1,1
- Id window_1_5 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(5); // Peer to 1,1
- Id window_2_6 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(6); // Child of 1,2.
- Id window_2_7 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(7); // Unparented.
- Id window_2_8 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(8); // Unparented.
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_3);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_4);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_5);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_6);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_7);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_8);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_2_1, window_2_2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_2_2, window_2_6));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_2_1, window_2_3));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_4));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_5));
- wt_client2()->AddWindow(BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1), window_2_1));
- {
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->ReorderWindow(window_2_2, window_2_3,
- mojom::OrderDirection::ABOVE));
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("Reordered window=" + IdToString(window_2_2) + " relative=" +
- IdToString(window_2_3) + " direction=above",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- }
- {
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->ReorderWindow(window_2_2, window_2_3,
- mojom::OrderDirection::BELOW));
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("Reordered window=" + IdToString(window_2_2) + " relative=" +
- IdToString(window_2_3) + " direction=below",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- }
- // view2 is already below view3.
- EXPECT_FALSE(wt_client2()->ReorderWindow(window_2_2, window_2_3,
- mojom::OrderDirection::BELOW));
- // view4 & 5 are unknown to client 2.
- EXPECT_FALSE(wt_client2()->ReorderWindow(window_1_4, window_1_5,
- mojom::OrderDirection::ABOVE));
- // view6 & view3 have different parents.
- EXPECT_FALSE(wt_client1()->ReorderWindow(window_2_3, window_2_6,
- mojom::OrderDirection::ABOVE));
- // Non-existent window-ids
- EXPECT_FALSE(wt_client1()->ReorderWindow(BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 27),
- BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 28),
- mojom::OrderDirection::ABOVE));
- // view7 & view8 are un-parented.
- EXPECT_FALSE(wt_client1()->ReorderWindow(window_2_7, window_2_8,
- mojom::OrderDirection::ABOVE));
-// Verifies DeleteWindow works.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, DeleteWindow) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- // Make 2 a child of 1.
- {
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("HierarchyChanged window=" + IdToString(window_2_1) +
- " old_parent=null new_parent=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- }
- // Delete 2.
- {
- changes1()->clear();
- changes2()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->DeleteWindow(window_2_1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes2()->empty());
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("WindowDeleted window=" + IdToString(window_2_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- }
-// Verifies DeleteWindow isn't allowed from a separate client.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, DeleteWindowFromAnotherClientDisallowed) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- EXPECT_FALSE(wt_client2()->DeleteWindow(BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1)));
-// Verifies if a window was deleted and then reused that other clients are
-// properly notified.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, ReuseDeletedWindowId) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- // Add 2 to 1.
- {
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("HierarchyChanged window=" + IdToString(window_2_1) +
- " old_parent=null new_parent=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- EXPECT_EQ("[" + WindowParentToString(window_2_1, window_1_1) + "]",
- ChangeWindowDescription(*changes1()));
- }
- // Delete 2.
- {
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->DeleteWindow(window_2_1));
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("WindowDeleted window=" + IdToString(window_2_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- }
- // Create 2 again, and add it back to 1. Should get the same notification.
- window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- {
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("HierarchyChanged window=" + IdToString(window_2_1) +
- " old_parent=null new_parent=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- EXPECT_EQ("[" + WindowParentToString(window_2_1, window_1_1) + "]",
- ChangeWindowDescription(*changes1()));
- }
-// Assertions for GetWindowTree.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, GetWindowTree) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- // Create 11 in first client and make it a child of 1.
- Id window_1_11 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(11);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_11);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_1_11));
- // Create two windows in second client, 2 and 3, both children of 1.
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- Id window_2_2 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_2));
- // Verifies GetWindowTree() on the root. The root client sees all.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), root_window_id(), &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(5u, windows.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(root_window_id(), kNullParentId),
- windows[0].ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_1, root_window_id()),
- windows[1].ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_11, window_1_1),
- windows[2].ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_2_1, window_1_1),
- windows[3].ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_2_2, window_1_1),
- windows[4].ToString());
- }
- // Verifies GetWindowTree() on the window 1,1 from wt2(). wt2() sees 1,1 as
- // 1,1
- // is wt2()'s root and wt2() sees all the windows it created.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_1_1, &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(3u, windows.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_1, kNullParentId),
- windows[0].ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_2_1, window_1_1),
- windows[1].ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_2_2, window_1_1),
- windows[2].ToString());
- }
- // Client 2 shouldn't be able to get the root tree.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), root_window_id(), &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(0u, windows.size());
- }
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, SetWindowBounds) {
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- changes2()->clear();
- wt_client2_->set_track_root_bounds_changes(true);
- wt1()->SetWindowBounds(10, window_1_1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->WaitForChangeCompleted(10));
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("BoundsChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_1) +
- " old_bounds=0,0 0x0 new_bounds=0,0 100x100",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- // Should not be possible to change the bounds of a window created by another
- // client.
- wt2()->SetWindowBounds(11, window_1_1, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
- ASSERT_FALSE(wt_client2()->WaitForChangeCompleted(11));
-// Verify AddWindow fails when trying to manipulate windows in other roots.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, CantMoveWindowsFromOtherRoot) {
- // Create 1 and 2 in the first client.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- // Try to move 2 to be a child of 1 from client 2. This should fail as 2
- // should not be able to access 1.
- ASSERT_FALSE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_1_2));
- // Try to reparent 1 to the root. A client is not allowed to reparent its
- // roots.
- ASSERT_FALSE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
-// Verify RemoveWindowFromParent fails for windows that are descendants of the
-// roots.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, CantRemoveWindowsInOtherRoots) {
- // Create 1 and 2 in the first client and parent both to the root.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_2));
- // Establish the second client and give it the root 1.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- // Client 2 should not be able to remove window 2 or 1 from its parent.
- ASSERT_FALSE(wt_client2()->RemoveWindowFromParent(window_1_2));
- ASSERT_FALSE(wt_client2()->RemoveWindowFromParent(window_1_1));
- // Create windows 10 and 11 in 2.
- Id window_2_10 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(10);
- Id window_2_11 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(11);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_10);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_11);
- // Parent 11 to 10.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_2_10, window_2_11));
- // Remove 11 from 10.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->RemoveWindowFromParent(window_2_11));
- // Verify nothing was actually removed.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), root_window_id(), &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(3u, windows.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(root_window_id(), kNullParentId),
- windows[0].ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_1, root_window_id()),
- windows[1].ToString());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_2, root_window_id()),
- windows[2].ToString());
- }
-// Verify GetWindowTree fails for windows that are not descendants of the roots.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, CantGetWindowTreeOfOtherRoots) {
- // Create 1 and 2 in the first client and parent both to the root.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_2));
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- // Should get nothing for the root.
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), root_window_id(), &windows);
- ASSERT_TRUE(windows.empty());
- // Should get nothing for window 2.
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_1_2, &windows);
- ASSERT_TRUE(windows.empty());
- // Should get window 1 if asked for.
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_1_1, &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, windows.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_1, kNullParentId),
- windows[0].ToString());
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, EmbedWithSameWindowId) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- changes2()->clear();
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishThirdClient(wt1(), window_1_1));
- // Client 2 should have been told of the unembed and delete.
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(2);
- EXPECT_EQ("OnUnembed window=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- ChangesToDescription1(*changes2())[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("WindowDeleted window=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- ChangesToDescription1(*changes2())[1]);
- }
- // Client 2 has no root. Verify it can't see window 1,1 anymore.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt2(), window_1_1, &windows);
- EXPECT_TRUE(windows.empty());
- }
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, EmbedWithSameWindowId2) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- changes2()->clear();
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishThirdClient(wt1(), window_1_1));
- // Client 2 should have been told about the unembed and delete.
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(2);
- changes2()->clear();
- // Create a window in the third client and parent it to the root.
- Id window_3_1 = wt_client3()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_3_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client3()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_3_1));
- // Client 1 should have been told about the add (it owns the window).
- {
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("HierarchyChanged window=" + IdToString(window_3_1) +
- " old_parent=null new_parent=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- }
- // Embed 1,1 again.
- {
- changes3()->clear();
- // We should get a new client for the new embedding.
- std::unique_ptr<TestWindowTreeClient> client4(
- EstablishClientViaEmbed(wt1(), window_1_1, nullptr));
- ASSERT_TRUE(client4.get());
- EXPECT_EQ("[" + WindowParentToString(window_1_1, kNullParentId) + "]",
- ChangeWindowDescription(*client4->tracker()->changes()));
- // And 3 should get an unembed and delete.
- wt_client3_->WaitForChangeCount(2);
- EXPECT_EQ("OnUnembed window=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- ChangesToDescription1(*changes3())[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("WindowDeleted window=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- ChangesToDescription1(*changes3())[1]);
- }
- // wt3() has no root. Verify it can't see window 1,1 anymore.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt3(), window_1_1, &windows);
- EXPECT_TRUE(windows.empty());
- }
- // Verify 3,1 is no longer parented to 1,1. We have to do this from 1,1 as
- // wt3() can no longer see 1,1.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), window_1_1, &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, windows.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_1, kNullParentId),
- windows[0].ToString());
- }
- // Verify wt3() can still see the window it created 3,1.
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt3(), window_3_1, &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, windows.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_3_1, kNullParentId),
- windows[0].ToString());
- }
-// Assertions for SetWindowVisibility.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, SetWindowVisibility) {
- // Create 1 and 2 in the first client and parent both to the root.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), root_window_id(), &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, windows.size());
- WindowParentToString(root_window_id(), kNullParentId) + " visible=true",
- windows[0].ToString2());
- WindowParentToString(window_1_1, root_window_id()) + " visible=false",
- windows[1].ToString2());
- }
- // Show all the windows.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, true));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_2, true));
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), root_window_id(), &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, windows.size());
- WindowParentToString(root_window_id(), kNullParentId) + " visible=true",
- windows[0].ToString2());
- WindowParentToString(window_1_1, root_window_id()) + " visible=true",
- windows[1].ToString2());
- }
- // Hide 1.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, false));
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), window_1_1, &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, windows.size());
- WindowParentToString(window_1_1, root_window_id()) + " visible=false",
- windows[0].ToString2());
- }
- // Attach 2 to 1.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_1_2));
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), window_1_1, &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, windows.size());
- WindowParentToString(window_1_1, root_window_id()) + " visible=false",
- windows[0].ToString2());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_2, window_1_1) + " visible=true",
- windows[1].ToString2());
- }
- // Show 1.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, true));
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), window_1_1, &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, windows.size());
- WindowParentToString(window_1_1, root_window_id()) + " visible=true",
- windows[0].ToString2());
- EXPECT_EQ(WindowParentToString(window_1_2, window_1_1) + " visible=true",
- windows[1].ToString2());
- }
-// Test that we hear the cursor change in other clients.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, SetCursor) {
- // Get a second client to listen in.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- changes2()->clear();
- wt_client1()->SetPredefinedCursor(window_1_1, mojom::Cursor::IBEAM));
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1u);
- EXPECT_EQ("CursorChanged id=" + IdToString(window_1_1) + " cursor_id=4",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
-// Assertions for SetWindowVisibility sending notifications.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, SetWindowVisibilityNotifications) {
- // Create 1,1 and 1,2. 1,2 is made a child of 1,1 and 1,1 a child of the root.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, true));
- // Setting to the same value should return true.
- EXPECT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, true));
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_2, true));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_1_2));
- // Establish the second client at 1,2.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClientWithRoot(window_1_2));
- // Add 2,3 as a child of 1,2.
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->SetWindowVisibility(window_2_1, true));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_2, window_2_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->WaitForAllMessages());
- changes2()->clear();
- // Hide 1,2 from client 1. Client 2 should see this.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_2, false));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "VisibilityChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_2) + " visible=false",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
- changes1()->clear();
- // Show 1,2 from client 2, client 1 should be notified.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_2, true));
- {
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "VisibilityChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_2) + " visible=true",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- }
- changes2()->clear();
- // Hide 1,1, client 2 should be told the draw state changed.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, false));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "DrawnStateChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_2) + " drawn=false",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
- changes2()->clear();
- // Show 1,1 from client 1. Client 2 should see this.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, true));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "DrawnStateChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_2) + " drawn=true",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
- // Change visibility of 2,3, client 1 should see this.
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->SetWindowVisibility(window_2_1, false));
- {
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "VisibilityChanged window=" + IdToString(window_2_1) + " visible=false",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- }
- changes2()->clear();
- // Remove 1,1 from the root, client 2 should see drawn state changed.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->RemoveWindowFromParent(window_1_1));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "DrawnStateChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_2) + " drawn=false",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
- changes2()->clear();
- // Add 1,1 back to the root, client 2 should see drawn state changed.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "DrawnStateChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_2) + " drawn=true",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
-// Assertions for SetWindowVisibility sending notifications.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, SetWindowVisibilityNotifications2) {
- // Create 1,1 and 1,2. 1,2 is made a child of 1,1 and 1,1 a child of the root.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, true));
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_1_2));
- // Establish the second client at 1,2.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClientWithRoot(window_1_2));
- EXPECT_EQ("OnEmbed drawn=true", SingleChangeToDescription2(*changes2()));
- changes2()->clear();
- // Show 1,2 from client 1. Client 2 should see this.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_2, true));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "VisibilityChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_2) + " visible=true",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
-// Assertions for SetWindowVisibility sending notifications.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, SetWindowVisibilityNotifications3) {
- // Create 1,1 and 1,2. 1,2 is made a child of 1,1 and 1,1 a child of the root.
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_1_2));
- // Establish the second client at 1,2.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClientWithRoot(window_1_2));
- EXPECT_EQ("OnEmbed drawn=false", SingleChangeToDescription2(*changes2()));
- changes2()->clear();
- // Show 1,1, drawn should be true for 1,2 (as that is all the child sees).
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_1, true));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "DrawnStateChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_2) + " drawn=true",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
- changes2()->clear();
- // Show 1,2, visible should be true.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowVisibility(window_1_2, true));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "VisibilityChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_2) + " visible=true",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
-// Tests that when opacity is set on a window, that the calling client is not
-// notified, however children are. Also that setting the same opacity is
-// rejected and no on eis notifiyed.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, SetOpacityNotifications) {
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClientWithRoot(window_1_1));
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->WaitForAllMessages());
- changes1()->clear();
- changes2()->clear();
- // Change opacity, no notification for calling client.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowOpacity(window_1_1, 0.5f));
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes1()->empty());
- wt_client2()->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "OpacityChanged window_id=" + IdToString(window_1_1) + " opacity=0.50",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- changes2()->clear();
- // Attempting to set the same opacity should succeed, but no notification as
- // there was no actual change.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowOpacity(window_1_1, 0.5f));
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes1()->empty());
- wt_client2()->WaitForAllMessages();
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes2()->empty());
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, SetWindowProperty) {
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_1);
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(false));
- changes2()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), root_window_id(), &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, windows.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(root_window_id(), windows[0].window_id);
- EXPECT_EQ(window_1_1, windows[1].window_id);
- ASSERT_EQ(0u, windows[1].properties.size());
- }
- // Set properties on 1.
- changes2()->clear();
- std::vector<uint8_t> one(1, '1');
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowProperty(window_1_1, "one", &one));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- "PropertyChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_1) + " key=one value=1",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
- // Test that our properties exist in the window tree
- {
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), window_1_1, &windows);
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, windows.size());
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, windows[0].properties.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(one, windows[0].properties["one"]);
- }
- changes2()->clear();
- // Set back to null.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->SetWindowProperty(window_1_1, "one", NULL));
- {
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("PropertyChanged window=" + IdToString(window_1_1) +
- " key=one value=NULL",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- }
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected) {
- // Create client 2 and 3.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- changes2()->clear();
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishThirdClient(wt2(), window_2_1));
- // Client 1 should get a hierarchy change for window_2_1.
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- changes1()->clear();
- // Close client 3. Client 2 (which had previously embedded 3) should
- // be notified of this.
- wt_client3_.reset();
- wt_client2_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected window=" + IdToString(window_2_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
- // The closing is only interesting to the root that did the embedding. Other
- // clients should not be notified of this.
- wt_client1_->WaitForAllMessages();
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes1()->empty());
-// Verifies when the parent of an Embed() is destroyed the embedded app gets
-// a WindowDeleted (and doesn't trigger a DCHECK).
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, OnParentOfEmbedDisconnects) {
- // Create client 2 and 3.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- Id window_2_2 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_2_1, window_2_2));
- changes2()->clear();
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishThirdClient(wt2(), window_2_2));
- changes3()->clear();
- // Close client 2. Client 3 should get a delete (for its root).
- wt_client2_.reset();
- wt_client3_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("WindowDeleted window=" + IdToString(window_2_2),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes3()));
-// Verifies WindowTreeImpl doesn't incorrectly erase from its internal
-// map when a window from another client with the same window_id is removed.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, DontCleanMapOnDestroy) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->NewWindow(1));
- changes1()->clear();
- wt_client2_.reset();
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected window=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- std::vector<TestWindow> windows;
- GetWindowTree(wt1(), window_1_1, &windows);
- EXPECT_FALSE(windows.empty());
-// Verifies Embed() works when supplying a WindowTreeClient.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, EmbedSupplyingWindowTreeClient) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->NewWindow(1));
- TestWindowTreeClient client2;
- mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr client2_ptr;
- mojo::Binding<WindowTreeClient> client2_binding(&client2, &client2_ptr);
- ASSERT_TRUE(Embed(wt1(), BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1),
- std::move(client2_ptr)));
- client2.WaitForOnEmbed();
- EXPECT_EQ("OnEmbed",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*client2.tracker()->changes()));
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, EmbedFailsFromOtherClient) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishThirdClient(wt2(), window_2_1));
- Id window_3_3 = wt_client3()->NewWindow(3);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_3_3);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client3()->AddWindow(window_2_1, window_3_3));
- // 2 should not be able to embed in window_3_3 as window_3_3 was not created
- // by
- // 2.
- EXPECT_FALSE(EmbedUrl(connector(), wt2(), test_name(), window_3_3));
-// Verifies Embed() from window manager on another clients window works.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, EmbedFromOtherClient) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- changes2()->clear();
- // Establish a third client in window_2_1.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishThirdClient(wt1(), window_2_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->WaitForAllMessages());
- EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, CantEmbedFromClientRoot) {
- // Shouldn't be able to embed into the root.
- ASSERT_FALSE(EmbedUrl(connector(), wt1(), test_name(), root_window_id()));
- // Even though the call above failed a WindowTreeClient was obtained. We need
- // to
- // wait for it else we throw off the next connect.
- WaitForWindowTreeClient();
- // Don't allow a client to embed into its own root.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- EXPECT_FALSE(EmbedUrl(connector(), wt2(), test_name(),
- BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1)));
- // Need to wait for a WindowTreeClient for same reason as above.
- WaitForWindowTreeClient();
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_2);
- wt_client1()->AddWindow(BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1), window_1_2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client3_.get() == nullptr);
- wt_client3_ =
- EstablishClientViaEmbedWithPolicyBitmask(wt1(), window_1_2, nullptr);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client3_.get() != nullptr);
- // window_1_2 is ws3's root, so even though v3 is an embed root it should not
- // be able to Embed into itself.
- ASSERT_FALSE(EmbedUrl(connector(), wt3(), test_name(), window_1_2));
-// Verifies that a transient window tracks its parent's lifetime.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, TransientWindowTracksTransientParentLifetime) {
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClient(true));
- Id window_1_1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- Id window_2_1 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(1);
- Id window_2_2 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(2);
- Id window_2_3 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(3);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_2_1);
- // root -> window_1_1 -> window_2_1
- // root -> window_1_1 -> window_2_2
- // root -> window_1_1 -> window_2_3
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_1, window_2_3));
- // window_2_2 and window_2_3 now track the lifetime of window_2_1.
- changes1()->clear();
- wt2()->AddTransientWindow(10, window_2_1, window_2_2);
- wt2()->AddTransientWindow(11, window_2_1, window_2_3);
- wt_client1()->WaitForChangeCount(2);
- EXPECT_EQ("AddTransientWindow parent = " + IdToString(window_2_1) +
- " child = " + IdToString(window_2_2),
- ChangesToDescription1(*changes1())[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("AddTransientWindow parent = " + IdToString(window_2_1) +
- " child = " + IdToString(window_2_3),
- ChangesToDescription1(*changes1())[1]);
- changes1()->clear();
- wt2()->RemoveTransientWindowFromParent(12, window_2_3);
- wt_client1()->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("RemoveTransientWindowFromParent parent = " +
- IdToString(window_2_1) + " child = " + IdToString(window_2_3),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- changes1()->clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->DeleteWindow(window_2_1));
- wt_client1()->WaitForChangeCount(2);
- EXPECT_EQ("WindowDeleted window=" + IdToString(window_2_2),
- ChangesToDescription1(*changes1())[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("WindowDeleted window=" + IdToString(window_2_1),
- ChangesToDescription1(*changes1())[1]);
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, Ids) {
- const Id window_1_100 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(100);
- ASSERT_TRUE(window_1_100);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_100));
- // Establish the second client at 1,100.
- ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EstablishSecondClientWithRoot(window_1_100));
- // 1,100 is the id in the wt_client1's id space. The new client should see
- // 2,1 (the server id).
- const Id window_1_100_in_ws2 = BuildWindowId(client_id_1(), 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(window_1_100_in_ws2, wt_client2()->root_window_id());
- // The first window created in the second client gets a server id of 2,1
- // regardless of the id the client uses.
- const Id window_2_101 = wt_client2()->NewWindow(101);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->AddWindow(window_1_100_in_ws2, window_2_101));
- const Id window_2_101_in_ws1 = BuildWindowId(client_id_2(), 1);
- wt_client1()->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("HierarchyChanged window=" + IdToString(window_2_101_in_ws1) +
- " old_parent=null new_parent=" + IdToString(window_1_100),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- changes1()->clear();
- // Change the bounds of window_2_101 and make sure server gets it.
- wt2()->SetWindowBounds(11, window_2_101, gfx::Rect(1, 2, 3, 4));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client2()->WaitForChangeCompleted(11));
- wt_client1()->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("BoundsChanged window=" + IdToString(window_2_101_in_ws1) +
- " old_bounds=0,0 0x0 new_bounds=1,2 3x4",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- changes2()->clear();
- // Remove 2_101 from wm, client1 should see the change.
- wt1()->RemoveWindowFromParent(12, window_2_101_in_ws1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->WaitForChangeCompleted(12));
- wt_client2()->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("HierarchyChanged window=" + IdToString(window_2_101) +
- " old_parent=" + IdToString(window_1_100_in_ws2) +
- " new_parent=null",
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes2()));
-// Tests that setting capture fails when no input event has occurred, and there
-// is no notification of lost capture.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, ExplicitCaptureWithoutInput) {
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- // Add the window to the root, so that they have a Display to handle input
- // capture.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- changes1()->clear();
- // Since there has been no input, capture should not succeed. No lost capture
- // message is expected.
- wt1()->SetCapture(1, window_1_1);
- wt_client1_->WaitForAllMessages();
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes1()->empty());
- // Since there is no window with capture, lost capture should not be notified.
- wt1()->ReleaseCapture(3, window_1_1);
- wt_client1_->WaitForAllMessages();
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes1()->empty());
-// TODO(jonross): Enable this once apptests can send input events to the server.
-// Enabling capture requires that the client be processing events.
-TEST_F(WindowTreeClientTest, DISABLED_ExplicitCapturePropagation) {
- Id window_1_1 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(1);
- Id window_1_2 = wt_client1()->NewWindow(2);
- // Add the windows to the root, so that they have a Display to handle input
- // capture.
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(wt_client1()->AddWindow(root_window_id(), window_1_2));
- changes1()->clear();
- // Window 1 takes capture then Window 2 takes capture.
- // Verify that window 1 has lost capture.
- wt1()->SetCapture(1, window_1_1);
- wt1()->SetCapture(2, window_1_2);
- wt_client1_->WaitForChangeCount(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("OnLostCapture window=" + IdToString(window_1_1),
- SingleChangeToDescription(*changes1()));
- changes1()->clear();
- // Explicitly releasing capture should not notify of lost capture.
- wt1()->ReleaseCapture(3, window_1_2);
- wt_client1_->WaitForAllMessages();
- EXPECT_TRUE(changes1()->empty());
-// TODO(sky): need to better track changes to initial client. For example,
-// that SetBounsdWindows/AddWindow and the like don't result in messages to the
-// originating client.
-// TODO(sky): make sure coverage of what was
-// WindowManagerTest.SecondEmbedRoot_InitService and
-// WindowManagerTest.MultipleEmbedRootsBeforeWTHReady gets added to window
-// manager
-// tests.
-} // namespace test
-} // namespace ws
-} // namespace mus