path: root/chromium/components/metrics/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/metrics/')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/metrics/ b/chromium/components/metrics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ad942d3fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/components/metrics/
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/metrics/call_stack_profile_metrics_provider.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/location.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
+#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
+#include "base/metrics/metrics_hashes.h"
+#include "base/profiler/stack_sampling_profiler.h"
+#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
+#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
+#include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "components/metrics/proto/chrome_user_metrics_extension.pb.h"
+using base::StackSamplingProfiler;
+namespace metrics {
+namespace {
+// ProfilesState --------------------------------------------------------------
+// A set of profiles and the CallStackProfileMetricsProvider state associated
+// with them.
+struct ProfilesState {
+ ProfilesState(const CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::Params& params,
+ const base::StackSamplingProfiler::CallStackProfiles& profiles,
+ base::TimeTicks start_timestamp);
+ // The metrics-related parameters provided to
+ // CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::GetProfilerCallback().
+ CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::Params params;
+ // The call stack profiles collected by the profiler.
+ base::StackSamplingProfiler::CallStackProfiles profiles;
+ // The time at which the CallStackProfileMetricsProvider became aware of the
+ // request for profiling. In particular, this is when callback was requested
+ // via CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::GetProfilerCallback(). Used to
+ // determine if collection was disabled during the collection of the profile.
+ base::TimeTicks start_timestamp;
+ const CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::Params& params,
+ const base::StackSamplingProfiler::CallStackProfiles& profiles,
+ base::TimeTicks start_timestamp)
+ : params(params),
+ profiles(profiles),
+ start_timestamp(start_timestamp) {
+// PendingProfiles ------------------------------------------------------------
+// Singleton class responsible for retaining profiles received via the callback
+// created by CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::GetProfilerCallback(). These are
+// then sent to UMA on the invocation of
+// CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::ProvideGeneralMetrics(). We need to store
+// the profiles outside of a CallStackProfileMetricsProvider instance since
+// callers may start profiling before the CallStackProfileMetricsProvider is
+// created.
+// Member functions on this class may be called on any thread.
+class PendingProfiles {
+ public:
+ static PendingProfiles* GetInstance();
+ void Clear();
+ void Swap(std::vector<ProfilesState>* profiles);
+ // Enables the collection of profiles by CollectProfilesIfCollectionEnabled if
+ // |enabled| is true. Otherwise, clears current profiles and ignores profiles
+ // provided to future invocations of CollectProfilesIfCollectionEnabled.
+ void SetCollectionEnabled(bool enabled);
+ // True if profiles are being collected.
+ bool IsCollectionEnabled() const;
+ // Adds |profile| to the list of profiles if collection is enabled.
+ void CollectProfilesIfCollectionEnabled(const ProfilesState& profiles);
+ // Allows testing against the initial state multiple times.
+ void ResetToDefaultStateForTesting();
+ private:
+ friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<PendingProfiles>;
+ PendingProfiles();
+ ~PendingProfiles();
+ mutable base::Lock lock_;
+ // If true, profiles provided to CollectProfilesIfCollectionEnabled should be
+ // collected. Otherwise they will be ignored.
+ bool collection_enabled_;
+ // The last time collection was disabled. Used to determine if collection was
+ // disabled at any point since a profile was started.
+ base::TimeTicks last_collection_disable_time_;
+ // The set of completed profiles that should be reported.
+ std::vector<ProfilesState> profiles_;
+// static
+PendingProfiles* PendingProfiles::GetInstance() {
+ // Leaky for performance rather than correctness reasons.
+ return base::Singleton<PendingProfiles,
+ base::LeakySingletonTraits<PendingProfiles>>::get();
+void PendingProfiles::Clear() {
+ base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_);
+ profiles_.clear();
+void PendingProfiles::Swap(std::vector<ProfilesState>* profiles) {
+ base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_);
+ profiles_.swap(*profiles);
+void PendingProfiles::SetCollectionEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_);
+ collection_enabled_ = enabled;
+ if (!collection_enabled_) {
+ profiles_.clear();
+ last_collection_disable_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
+ }
+bool PendingProfiles::IsCollectionEnabled() const {
+ base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_);
+ return collection_enabled_;
+void PendingProfiles::CollectProfilesIfCollectionEnabled(
+ const ProfilesState& profiles) {
+ base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_);
+ // Only collect if collection is not disabled and hasn't been disabled
+ // since the start of collection for this profile.
+ if (!collection_enabled_ ||
+ (!last_collection_disable_time_.is_null() &&
+ last_collection_disable_time_ >= profiles.start_timestamp)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ profiles_.push_back(profiles);
+void PendingProfiles::ResetToDefaultStateForTesting() {
+ base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_);
+ collection_enabled_ = true;
+ last_collection_disable_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
+ profiles_.clear();
+// |collection_enabled_| is initialized to true to collect any profiles that are
+// generated prior to creation of the CallStackProfileMetricsProvider. The
+// ultimate disposition of these pre-creation collected profiles will be
+// determined by the initial recording state provided to
+// CallStackProfileMetricsProvider.
+PendingProfiles::PendingProfiles() : collection_enabled_(true) {}
+PendingProfiles::~PendingProfiles() {}
+// Functions to process completed profiles ------------------------------------
+// Invoked on the profiler's thread. Provides the profiles to PendingProfiles to
+// append, if the collecting state allows.
+void ReceiveCompletedProfiles(
+ const CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::Params& params,
+ base::TimeTicks start_timestamp,
+ const StackSamplingProfiler::CallStackProfiles& profiles) {
+ PendingProfiles::GetInstance()->CollectProfilesIfCollectionEnabled(
+ ProfilesState(params, profiles, start_timestamp));
+// Invoked on an arbitrary thread. Ignores the provided profiles.
+void IgnoreCompletedProfiles(
+ const StackSamplingProfiler::CallStackProfiles& profiles) {
+// Functions to encode protobufs ----------------------------------------------
+// The protobuf expects the MD5 checksum prefix of the module name.
+uint64_t HashModuleFilename(const base::FilePath& filename) {
+ const base::FilePath::StringType basename = filename.BaseName().value();
+ // Copy the bytes in basename into a string buffer.
+ size_t basename_length_in_bytes =
+ basename.size() * sizeof(base::FilePath::CharType);
+ std::string name_bytes(basename_length_in_bytes, '\0');
+ memcpy(&name_bytes[0], &basename[0], basename_length_in_bytes);
+ return base::HashMetricName(name_bytes);
+// Transcode |sample| into |proto_sample|, using base addresses in |modules| to
+// compute module instruction pointer offsets.
+void CopySampleToProto(
+ const StackSamplingProfiler::Sample& sample,
+ const std::vector<StackSamplingProfiler::Module>& modules,
+ CallStackProfile::Sample* proto_sample) {
+ for (const StackSamplingProfiler::Frame& frame : sample) {
+ CallStackProfile::Entry* entry = proto_sample->add_entry();
+ // A frame may not have a valid module. If so, we can't compute the
+ // instruction pointer offset, and we don't want to send bare pointers, so
+ // leave call_stack_entry empty.
+ if (frame.module_index == StackSamplingProfiler::Frame::kUnknownModuleIndex)
+ continue;
+ int64_t module_offset =
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(frame.instruction_pointer) -
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(modules[frame.module_index].base_address);
+ DCHECK_GE(module_offset, 0);
+ entry->set_address(static_cast<uint64_t>(module_offset));
+ entry->set_module_id_index(frame.module_index);
+ }
+// Transcode |profile| into |proto_profile|.
+void CopyProfileToProto(
+ const StackSamplingProfiler::CallStackProfile& profile,
+ bool preserve_sample_ordering,
+ CallStackProfile* proto_profile) {
+ if (profile.samples.empty())
+ return;
+ if (preserve_sample_ordering) {
+ // Collapse only consecutive repeated samples together.
+ CallStackProfile::Sample* current_sample_proto = nullptr;
+ for (auto it = profile.samples.begin(); it != profile.samples.end(); ++it) {
+ if (!current_sample_proto || *it != *(it - 1)) {
+ current_sample_proto = proto_profile->add_sample();
+ CopySampleToProto(*it, profile.modules, current_sample_proto);
+ current_sample_proto->set_count(1);
+ } else {
+ current_sample_proto->set_count(current_sample_proto->count() + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Collapse all repeated samples together.
+ std::map<StackSamplingProfiler::Sample, int> sample_index;
+ for (auto it = profile.samples.begin(); it != profile.samples.end(); ++it) {
+ auto location = sample_index.find(*it);
+ if (location == sample_index.end()) {
+ CallStackProfile::Sample* sample_proto = proto_profile->add_sample();
+ CopySampleToProto(*it, profile.modules, sample_proto);
+ sample_proto->set_count(1);
+ sample_index.insert(
+ std::make_pair(
+ *it, static_cast<int>(proto_profile->sample().size()) - 1));
+ } else {
+ CallStackProfile::Sample* sample_proto =
+ proto_profile->mutable_sample()->Mutable(location->second);
+ sample_proto->set_count(sample_proto->count() + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const StackSamplingProfiler::Module& module : profile.modules) {
+ CallStackProfile::ModuleIdentifier* module_id =
+ proto_profile->add_module_id();
+ module_id->set_build_id(;
+ module_id->set_name_md5_prefix(HashModuleFilename(module.filename));
+ }
+ proto_profile->set_profile_duration_ms(
+ profile.profile_duration.InMilliseconds());
+ proto_profile->set_sampling_period_ms(
+ profile.sampling_period.InMilliseconds());
+// Translates CallStackProfileMetricsProvider's trigger to the corresponding
+// SampledProfile TriggerEvent.
+SampledProfile::TriggerEvent ToSampledProfileTriggerEvent(
+ CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::Trigger trigger) {
+ switch (trigger) {
+ case CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::UNKNOWN:
+ return SampledProfile::UNKNOWN_TRIGGER_EVENT;
+ break;
+ case CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::PROCESS_STARTUP:
+ return SampledProfile::PROCESS_STARTUP;
+ break;
+ case CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::JANKY_TASK:
+ return SampledProfile::JANKY_TASK;
+ break;
+ case CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::THREAD_HUNG:
+ return SampledProfile::THREAD_HUNG;
+ break;
+ }
+ return SampledProfile::UNKNOWN_TRIGGER_EVENT;
+} // namespace
+// CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::Params ------------------------------------
+ CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::Trigger trigger)
+ : Params(trigger, false) {
+ CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::Trigger trigger,
+ bool preserve_sample_ordering)
+ : trigger(trigger),
+ preserve_sample_ordering(preserve_sample_ordering) {
+// CallStackProfileMetricsProvider --------------------------------------------
+const char CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::kFieldTrialName[] =
+ "StackProfiling";
+const char CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::kReportProfilesGroupName[] =
+ "Report profiles";
+CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::CallStackProfileMetricsProvider() {
+CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::~CallStackProfileMetricsProvider() {
+// This function can be invoked on an abitrary thread.
+CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::GetProfilerCallback(const Params& params) {
+ // Ignore the profiles if the collection is disabled. If the collection state
+ // changes while collecting, this will be detected by the callback and
+ // profiles will be ignored at that point.
+ if (!PendingProfiles::GetInstance()->IsCollectionEnabled())
+ return base::Bind(&IgnoreCompletedProfiles);
+ return base::Bind(&ReceiveCompletedProfiles, params, base::TimeTicks::Now());
+void CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::OnRecordingEnabled() {
+ PendingProfiles::GetInstance()->SetCollectionEnabled(true);
+void CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::OnRecordingDisabled() {
+ PendingProfiles::GetInstance()->SetCollectionEnabled(false);
+void CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::ProvideGeneralMetrics(
+ ChromeUserMetricsExtension* uma_proto) {
+ std::vector<ProfilesState> pending_profiles;
+ PendingProfiles::GetInstance()->Swap(&pending_profiles);
+ DCHECK(IsReportingEnabledByFieldTrial() || pending_profiles.empty());
+ for (const ProfilesState& profiles_state : pending_profiles) {
+ for (const StackSamplingProfiler::CallStackProfile& profile :
+ profiles_state.profiles) {
+ SampledProfile* sampled_profile = uma_proto->add_sampled_profile();
+ sampled_profile->set_trigger_event(ToSampledProfileTriggerEvent(
+ profiles_state.params.trigger));
+ CopyProfileToProto(profile,
+ profiles_state.params.preserve_sample_ordering,
+ sampled_profile->mutable_call_stack_profile());
+ }
+ }
+// static
+void CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::ResetStaticStateForTesting() {
+ PendingProfiles::GetInstance()->ResetToDefaultStateForTesting();
+// static
+bool CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::IsReportingEnabledByFieldTrial() {
+ const std::string group_name = base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName(
+ CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::kFieldTrialName);
+ return group_name ==
+ CallStackProfileMetricsProvider::kReportProfilesGroupName;
+} // namespace metrics