path: root/chromium/components/domain_reliability/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/domain_reliability/')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/domain_reliability/ b/chromium/components/domain_reliability/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7331d503ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/components/domain_reliability/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/domain_reliability/quic_error_mapping.h"
+namespace domain_reliability {
+namespace {
+const struct QuicErrorMapping {
+ net::QuicErrorCode quic_error;
+ const char* beacon_quic_error;
+} kQuicErrorMap[] = {
+ // Connection has reached an invalid state.
+ { net::QUIC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "quic.internal_error" },
+ // There were data frames after the a fin or reset.
+ "quic.stream_data.after_termination" },
+ // Control frame is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_PACKET_HEADER, "quic.invalid.packet_header" },
+ // Frame data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_FRAME_DATA, "quic.invalid_frame_data" },
+ // The packet contained no payload.
+ { net::QUIC_MISSING_PAYLOAD, "quic.missing.payload" },
+ // FEC data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_FEC_DATA, "quic.invalid.fec_data" },
+ // STREAM frame data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_STREAM_DATA, "quic.invalid.stream_data" },
+ // STREAM frame data is not encrypted.
+ { net::QUIC_UNENCRYPTED_STREAM_DATA, "quic.unencrypted.stream_data" },
+ // Attempt to send unencrypted STREAM frame.
+ "" },
+ // FEC frame data is not encrypted.
+ // RST_STREAM frame data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_RST_STREAM_DATA, "quic.invalid.rst_stream_data" },
+ // CONNECTION_CLOSE frame data is malformed.
+ "quic.invalid.connection_close_data" },
+ // GOAWAY frame data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_GOAWAY_DATA, "quic.invalid.goaway_data" },
+ // WINDOW_UPDATE frame data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_WINDOW_UPDATE_DATA, "quic.invalid.window_update_data" },
+ // BLOCKED frame data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_BLOCKED_DATA, "quic.invalid.blocked_data" },
+ // STOP_WAITING frame data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_STOP_WAITING_DATA, "quic.invalid.stop_waiting_data" },
+ // PATH_CLOSE frame data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_PATH_CLOSE_DATA, "quic.invalid_path_close_data" },
+ // ACK frame data is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_ACK_DATA, "quic.invalid.ack_data" },
+ // Version negotiation packet is malformed.
+ "quic_invalid_version_negotiation_packet" },
+ // Public RST packet is malformed.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_PUBLIC_RST_PACKET, "quic.invalid.public_rst_packet" },
+ // There was an error decrypting.
+ { net::QUIC_DECRYPTION_FAILURE, "quic.decryption.failure" },
+ // There was an error encrypting.
+ { net::QUIC_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE, "quic.encryption.failure" },
+ // The packet exceeded kMaxPacketSize.
+ { net::QUIC_PACKET_TOO_LARGE, "quic.packet.too_large" },
+ // The peer is going away. May be a client or server.
+ { net::QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, "quic.peer_going_away" },
+ // A stream ID was invalid.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_STREAM_ID, "quic.invalid_stream_id" },
+ // A priority was invalid.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_PRIORITY, "quic.invalid_priority" },
+ // Too many streams already open.
+ { net::QUIC_TOO_MANY_OPEN_STREAMS, "quic.too_many_open_streams" },
+ // The peer created too many available streams.
+ { net::QUIC_TOO_MANY_AVAILABLE_STREAMS, "quic.too_many_available_streams" },
+ // Received public reset for this connection.
+ { net::QUIC_PUBLIC_RESET, "quic.public_reset" },
+ // Invalid protocol version.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_VERSION, "quic.invalid_version" },
+ // The Header ID for a stream was too far from the previous.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_HEADER_ID, "quic.invalid_header_id" },
+ // Negotiable parameter received during handshake had invalid value.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_NEGOTIATED_VALUE, "quic.invalid_negotiated_value" },
+ // There was an error decompressing data.
+ { net::QUIC_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE, "quic.decompression_failure" },
+ // We hit our prenegotiated (or default) timeout
+ { net::QUIC_NETWORK_IDLE_TIMEOUT, "quic.connection.idle_time_out" },
+ // We hit our overall connection timeout
+ "quic.connection.handshake_timed_out" },
+ // There was an error encountered migrating addresses.
+ { net::QUIC_ERROR_MIGRATING_ADDRESS, "quic.error_migrating_address" },
+ // There was an error encountered migrating port only.
+ { net::QUIC_ERROR_MIGRATING_PORT, "quic.error_migrating_port" },
+ // There was an error while writing to the socket.
+ { net::QUIC_PACKET_WRITE_ERROR, "quic.packet.write_error" },
+ // There was an error while reading from the socket.
+ { net::QUIC_PACKET_READ_ERROR, "quic.packet.read_error" },
+ // We received a STREAM_FRAME with no data and no fin flag set.
+ { net::QUIC_EMPTY_STREAM_FRAME_NO_FIN, "quic.empty_stream_frame_no_fin" },
+ // We received invalid data on the headers stream.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_HEADERS_STREAM_DATA, "quic.invalid_headers_stream_data" },
+ // The peer received too much data, violating flow control.
+ "quic.flow_control.received_too_much_data" },
+ // The peer sent too much data, violating flow control.
+ "quic.flow_control.sent_too_much_data" },
+ // The peer received an invalid flow control window.
+ { net::QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_INVALID_WINDOW, "quic.flow_control.invalid_window" },
+ // The connection has been IP pooled into an existing connection.
+ { net::QUIC_CONNECTION_IP_POOLED, "quic.connection.ip_pooled" },
+ // The connection has too many outstanding sent packets.
+ "quic.too_many_outstanding_sent_packets" },
+ // The connection has too many outstanding received packets.
+ "quic.too_many_outstanding_received_packets" },
+ // The quic connection job to load server config is cancelled.
+ { net::QUIC_CONNECTION_CANCELLED, "quic.connection.cancelled" },
+ // Disabled QUIC because of high packet loss rate.
+ { net::QUIC_BAD_PACKET_LOSS_RATE, "quic.bad_packet_loss_rate" },
+ // Disabled QUIC because of too many PUBLIC_RESETs post handshake.
+ "quic.public_resets_post_handshake" },
+ // Disabled QUIC because of too many timeouts with streams open.
+ { net::QUIC_TIMEOUTS_WITH_OPEN_STREAMS, "quic.timeouts_with_open_streams" },
+ // Closed because we failed to serialize a packet.
+ { net::QUIC_FAILED_TO_SERIALIZE_PACKET, "quic.failed_to_serialize_packet" },
+ // QUIC timed out after too many RTOs.
+ { net::QUIC_TOO_MANY_RTOS, "quic.too_many_rtos" },
+ // Crypto errors.
+ // Hanshake failed.
+ { net::QUIC_HANDSHAKE_FAILED, "quic.handshake_failed" },
+ // Handshake message contained out of order tags.
+ { net::QUIC_CRYPTO_TAGS_OUT_OF_ORDER, "quic.crypto.tags_out_of_order" },
+ // Handshake message contained too many entries.
+ { net::QUIC_CRYPTO_TOO_MANY_ENTRIES, "quic.crypto.too_many_entries" },
+ // Handshake message contained an invalid value length.
+ { net::QUIC_CRYPTO_INVALID_VALUE_LENGTH, "quic.crypto.invalid_value_length" },
+ // A crypto message was received after the handshake was complete.
+ "quic.crypto_message_after_handshake_complete" },
+ // A crypto message was received with an illegal message tag.
+ { net::QUIC_INVALID_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_TYPE, "quic.invalid_crypto_message_type" },
+ // A crypto message was received with an illegal parameter.
+ "quic.invalid_crypto_message_parameter" },
+ // An invalid channel id signature was supplied.
+ "quic.invalid_channel_id_signature" },
+ // A crypto message was received with a mandatory parameter missing.
+ "quic.crypto_message.parameter_not_found" },
+ // A crypto message was received with a parameter that has no overlap
+ // with the local parameter.
+ "quic.crypto_message.parameter_no_overlap" },
+ // A crypto message was received that contained a parameter with too few
+ // values.
+ "quic_crypto_message_index_not_found" },
+ // An internal error occured in crypto processing.
+ { net::QUIC_CRYPTO_INTERNAL_ERROR, "quic.crypto.internal_error" },
+ // A crypto handshake message specified an unsupported version.
+ "quic.crypto.version_not_supported" },
+ // A crypto handshake message resulted in a stateless reject.
+ "quic.crypto.handshake_stateless_reject" },
+ // There was no intersection between the crypto primitives supported by the
+ // peer and ourselves.
+ { net::QUIC_CRYPTO_NO_SUPPORT, "quic.crypto.no_support" },
+ // The server rejected our client hello messages too many times.
+ { net::QUIC_CRYPTO_TOO_MANY_REJECTS, "quic.crypto.too_many_rejects" },
+ // The client rejected the server's certificate chain or signature.
+ { net::QUIC_PROOF_INVALID, "quic.proof_invalid" },
+ // A crypto message was received with a duplicate tag.
+ { net::QUIC_CRYPTO_DUPLICATE_TAG, "quic.crypto.duplicate_tag" },
+ // A crypto message was received with the wrong encryption level (i.e. it
+ // should have been encrypted but was not.)
+ "quic.crypto.encryption_level_incorrect" },
+ // The server config for a server has expired.
+ "quic.crypto.server_config_expired" },
+ // We failed to setup the symmetric keys for a connection.
+ "quic.crypto.symmetric_key_setup_failed" },
+ // A handshake message arrived, but we are still validating the
+ // previous handshake message.
+ "quic.crypto_message_while_validating_client_hello" },
+ // A server config update arrived before the handshake is complete.
+ "quic.crypto.update_before_handshake_complete" },
+ // This connection involved a version negotiation which appears to have been
+ // tampered with.
+ "quic.version_negotiation_mismatch" },
+ // Multipath is not enabled, but a packet with multipath flag on is received.
+ { net::QUIC_BAD_MULTIPATH_FLAG, "quic.bad_multipath_flag" },
+ // Network change and connection migration errors.
+ // IP address changed causing connection close.
+ { net::QUIC_IP_ADDRESS_CHANGED, "quic.ip_address_changed" },
+ // Network changed, but connection had no migratable streams.
+ "quic.connection_migration_no_migratable_streams" },
+ // Connection changed networks too many times.
+ "quic.connection_migration_too_many_changes" },
+ // Connection migration was attempted, but there was no new network to
+ // migrate to.
+ "quic.connection_migration_no_new_network" },
+ // Network changed, but connection had one or more non-migratable streams.
+ "quic.connection_migration_non_migratable_stream" },
+ // Stream frame overlaps with buffered data.
+ "quic.overlapping_stream_data" },
+ // No error. Used as bound while iterating.
+ { net::QUIC_LAST_ERROR, "quic.last_error"}
+static_assert(arraysize(kQuicErrorMap) == net::kActiveQuicErrorCount,
+ "quic_error_map is not in sync with quic protocol!");
+} // namespace
+// static
+bool GetDomainReliabilityBeaconQuicError(net::QuicErrorCode quic_error,
+ std::string* beacon_quic_error_out) {
+ if (quic_error != net::QUIC_NO_ERROR) {
+ // Convert a QUIC error.
+ // TODO(ttuttle): Consider sorting and using binary search?
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kQuicErrorMap); i++) {
+ if (kQuicErrorMap[i].quic_error == quic_error) {
+ *beacon_quic_error_out = kQuicErrorMap[i].beacon_quic_error;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ beacon_quic_error_out->clear();
+ return false;
+} // namespace domain_reliability