path: root/chromium/components/data_usage/android/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/data_usage/android/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 389 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_usage/android/ b/chromium/components/data_usage/android/
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a3094b23d..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_usage/android/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_usage/android/traffic_stats_amortizer.h"
-#include <algorithm> // For std::min.
-#include <cmath> // For std::modf.
-#include <set>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
-#include "base/timer/timer.h"
-#include "components/data_usage/core/data_use.h"
-#include "components/variations/variations_associated_data.h"
-#include "net/android/traffic_stats.h"
-namespace data_usage {
-namespace android {
-namespace {
-// Convenience typedef.
-typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<DataUse>,
- DataUseAmortizer::AmortizationCompleteCallback>>
- DataUseBuffer;
-// Name of the field trial.
-const char kExternalDataUseObserverFieldTrial[] = "ExternalDataUseObserver";
-// The delay between receiving DataUse and querying TrafficStats byte counts for
-// amortization.
-const int64_t kDefaultTrafficStatsQueryDelayMs = 50;
-// The longest amount of time that an amortization run can be delayed for.
-const int64_t kDefaultMaxAmortizationDelayMs = 500;
-// The maximum allowed size of the DataUse buffer. If the buffer ever exceeds
-// this size, then DataUse will be amortized immediately and the buffer will be
-// flushed.
-const size_t kDefaultMaxDataUseBufferSize = 128;
-base::TimeDelta GetTrafficStatsQueryDelay() {
- int64_t duration_ms = kDefaultTrafficStatsQueryDelayMs;
- std::string variation_value = variations::GetVariationParamValue(
- kExternalDataUseObserverFieldTrial, "traffic_stats_query_delay_ms");
- if (!variation_value.empty() &&
- base::StringToInt64(variation_value, &duration_ms) && duration_ms >= 0) {
- return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(duration_ms);
- }
- return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kDefaultTrafficStatsQueryDelayMs);
-base::TimeDelta GetMaxAmortizationDelay() {
- int64_t duration_ms = kDefaultMaxAmortizationDelayMs;
- std::string variation_value = variations::GetVariationParamValue(
- kExternalDataUseObserverFieldTrial, "max_amortization_delay_ms");
- if (!variation_value.empty() &&
- base::StringToInt64(variation_value, &duration_ms) && duration_ms >= 0) {
- return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(duration_ms);
- }
- return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kDefaultMaxAmortizationDelayMs);
-size_t GetMaxDataUseBufferSize() {
- size_t max_buffer_size = kDefaultMaxDataUseBufferSize;
- std::string variation_value = variations::GetVariationParamValue(
- kExternalDataUseObserverFieldTrial, "max_data_use_buffer_size");
- if (!variation_value.empty() &&
- base::StringToSizeT(variation_value, &max_buffer_size)) {
- return max_buffer_size;
- }
- return kDefaultMaxDataUseBufferSize;
-// Returns |byte_count| as a histogram sample capped at the maximum histogram
-// sample value that's suitable for being recorded without overflowing.
-base::HistogramBase::Sample GetByteCountAsHistogramSample(int64_t byte_count) {
- DCHECK_GE(byte_count, 0);
- if (byte_count >= base::HistogramBase::kSampleType_MAX) {
- // Return kSampleType_MAX - 1 because it's invalid to record
- // kSampleType_MAX, which would cause a CHECK to fail in the histogram code.
- return base::HistogramBase::kSampleType_MAX - 1;
- }
- return static_cast<base::HistogramBase::Sample>(byte_count);
-// Scales |bytes| by |ratio|, using |remainder| to hold the running rounding
-// error. |bytes| must be non-negative, and multiplying |bytes| by |ratio| must
-// yield a number that's representable within the bounds of a non-negative
-// int64_t.
-int64_t ScaleByteCount(int64_t bytes, double ratio, double* remainder) {
- DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0);
- DCHECK_GE(ratio, 0.0);
- DCHECK_LE(ratio, static_cast<double>(INT64_MAX));
- DCHECK_GE(*remainder, 0.0);
- DCHECK_LT(*remainder, 1.0);
- double intpart;
- *remainder =
- std::modf(static_cast<double>(bytes) * ratio + (*remainder), &intpart);
- DCHECK_GE(intpart, 0.0);
- DCHECK_LE(intpart, static_cast<double>(INT64_MAX));
- DCHECK_GE(*remainder, 0.0);
- DCHECK_LT(*remainder, 1.0);
- // Due to floating point error, casting the double |intpart| to an int64_t
- // could cause it to overflow, even though it's already been checked to be
- // less than the double representation of INT64_MAX. If this happens, cap the
- // scaled value at INT64_MAX.
- uint64_t scaled_bytes = std::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(intpart),
- static_cast<uint64_t>(INT64_MAX));
- return static_cast<int64_t>(scaled_bytes);
-// Amortizes the difference between |desired_post_amortization_total| and
-// |pre_amortization_total| into each of the DataUse objects in
-// |data_use_sequence| by scaling the byte counts determined by the
-// |get_byte_count_fn| function (e.g. tx_bytes, rx_bytes) for each DataUse
-// appropriately. |pre_amortization_total| must not be 0.
-void AmortizeByteCountSequence(DataUseBuffer* data_use_sequence,
- int64_t* (*get_byte_count_fn)(DataUse*),
- int64_t pre_amortization_total,
- int64_t desired_post_amortization_total) {
- DCHECK_GT(pre_amortization_total, 0);
- DCHECK_GE(desired_post_amortization_total, 0);
- const double ratio = static_cast<double>(desired_post_amortization_total) /
- static_cast<double>(pre_amortization_total);
- double remainder = 0.0;
- for (auto& data_use_buffer_pair : *data_use_sequence) {
- int64_t* byte_count = get_byte_count_fn(data_use_buffer_pair.first.get());
- *byte_count = ScaleByteCount(*byte_count, ratio, &remainder);
- }
-int64_t* GetTxBytes(DataUse* data_use) {
- return &data_use->tx_bytes;
-int64_t* GetRxBytes(DataUse* data_use) {
- return &data_use->rx_bytes;
-// Returns the total transmitted bytes contained in |data_use_sequence|.
-int64_t GetTotalTxBytes(const DataUseBuffer& data_use_sequence) {
- int64_t sum = 0;
- for (const auto& data_use_buffer_pair : data_use_sequence)
- sum += data_use_buffer_pair.first->tx_bytes;
- return sum;
-// Returns the total received bytes contained in |data_use_sequence|.
-int64_t GetTotalRxBytes(const DataUseBuffer& data_use_sequence) {
- int64_t sum = 0;
- for (const auto& data_use_buffer_pair : data_use_sequence)
- sum += data_use_buffer_pair.first->rx_bytes;
- return sum;
-void RecordConcurrentTabsHistogram(const DataUseBuffer& data_use_buffer) {
- std::set<SessionID> unique_tabs;
- for (const auto& data_use_buffer_pair : data_use_buffer)
- unique_tabs.insert(data_use_buffer_pair.first->tab_id);
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("TrafficStatsAmortizer.ConcurrentTabs",
- unique_tabs.size());
-} // namespace
- : TrafficStatsAmortizer(
- base::DefaultTickClock::GetInstance(),
- std::unique_ptr<base::Timer>(new base::Timer(false, false)),
- GetTrafficStatsQueryDelay(),
- GetMaxAmortizationDelay(),
- GetMaxDataUseBufferSize()) {}
-TrafficStatsAmortizer::~TrafficStatsAmortizer() {}
-void TrafficStatsAmortizer::AmortizeDataUse(
- std::unique_ptr<DataUse> data_use,
- const AmortizationCompleteCallback& callback) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
- int64_t tx_bytes = data_use->tx_bytes, rx_bytes = data_use->rx_bytes;
- // As an optimization, combine consecutive buffered DataUse objects that are
- // identical except for byte counts and have the same callback.
- if (!buffered_data_use_.empty() &&
- buffered_data_use_.back().first->CanCombineWith(*data_use) &&
- buffered_data_use_.back().second.Equals(callback)) {
- buffered_data_use_.back().first->tx_bytes += data_use->tx_bytes;
- buffered_data_use_.back().first->rx_bytes += data_use->rx_bytes;
- } else {
- buffered_data_use_.push_back(
- std::pair<std::unique_ptr<DataUse>, AmortizationCompleteCallback>(
- std::move(data_use), callback));
- }
- AddPreAmortizationBytes(tx_bytes, rx_bytes);
-void TrafficStatsAmortizer::OnExtraBytes(int64_t extra_tx_bytes,
- int64_t extra_rx_bytes) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- AddPreAmortizationBytes(extra_tx_bytes, extra_rx_bytes);
-base::WeakPtr<TrafficStatsAmortizer> TrafficStatsAmortizer::GetWeakPtr() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
- const base::TickClock* tick_clock,
- std::unique_ptr<base::Timer> traffic_stats_query_timer,
- const base::TimeDelta& traffic_stats_query_delay,
- const base::TimeDelta& max_amortization_delay,
- size_t max_data_use_buffer_size)
- : tick_clock_(tick_clock),
- traffic_stats_query_timer_(std::move(traffic_stats_query_timer)),
- traffic_stats_query_delay_(traffic_stats_query_delay),
- max_amortization_delay_(max_amortization_delay),
- max_data_use_buffer_size_(max_data_use_buffer_size),
- is_amortization_in_progress_(false),
- are_last_amortization_traffic_stats_available_(false),
- last_amortization_traffic_stats_tx_bytes_(-1),
- last_amortization_traffic_stats_rx_bytes_(-1),
- pre_amortization_tx_bytes_(0),
- pre_amortization_rx_bytes_(0),
- weak_ptr_factory_(this) {}
-bool TrafficStatsAmortizer::QueryTrafficStats(int64_t* tx_bytes,
- int64_t* rx_bytes) const {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- return net::android::traffic_stats::GetCurrentUidTxBytes(tx_bytes) &&
- net::android::traffic_stats::GetCurrentUidRxBytes(rx_bytes);
-void TrafficStatsAmortizer::AddPreAmortizationBytes(int64_t tx_bytes,
- int64_t rx_bytes) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK_GE(tx_bytes, 0);
- DCHECK_GE(rx_bytes, 0);
- base::TimeTicks now_ticks = tick_clock_->NowTicks();
- if (!is_amortization_in_progress_) {
- is_amortization_in_progress_ = true;
- current_amortization_run_start_time_ = now_ticks;
- }
- pre_amortization_tx_bytes_ += tx_bytes;
- pre_amortization_rx_bytes_ += rx_bytes;
- if (buffered_data_use_.size() > max_data_use_buffer_size_) {
- // Enforce a maximum limit on the size of |buffered_data_use_| to avoid
- // hogging memory. Note that this will likely cause the post-amortization
- // byte counts calculated here to be less accurate than if the amortizer
- // waited to perform amortization.
- traffic_stats_query_timer_->Stop();
- AmortizeNow();
- return;
- }
- // Cap any amortization delay to |max_amortization_delay_|. Note that if
- // |max_amortization_delay_| comes earlier, then this will likely cause the
- // post-amortization byte counts calculated here to be less accurate than if
- // the amortizer waited to perform amortization.
- base::TimeDelta query_delay = std::min(
- traffic_stats_query_delay_, current_amortization_run_start_time_ +
- max_amortization_delay_ - now_ticks);
- // Set the timer to query TrafficStats and amortize after a delay, so that
- // it's more likely that TrafficStats will be queried when the network is
- // idle. If the timer was already set, then this overrides the previous delay.
- traffic_stats_query_timer_->Start(
- FROM_HERE, query_delay,
- base::Bind(&TrafficStatsAmortizer::AmortizeNow, GetWeakPtr()));
-void TrafficStatsAmortizer::AmortizeNow() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(is_amortization_in_progress_);
- if (!buffered_data_use_.empty()) {
- // Record histograms for the pre-amortization byte counts of the DataUse
- // objects.
- "TrafficStatsAmortizer.PreAmortizationRunDataUseBytes.Tx",
- GetByteCountAsHistogramSample(GetTotalTxBytes(buffered_data_use_)));
- "TrafficStatsAmortizer.PreAmortizationRunDataUseBytes.Rx",
- GetByteCountAsHistogramSample(GetTotalRxBytes(buffered_data_use_)));
- }
- int64_t current_traffic_stats_tx_bytes = -1;
- int64_t current_traffic_stats_rx_bytes = -1;
- bool are_current_traffic_stats_available = QueryTrafficStats(
- &current_traffic_stats_tx_bytes, &current_traffic_stats_rx_bytes);
- if (are_current_traffic_stats_available &&
- are_last_amortization_traffic_stats_available_ &&
- !buffered_data_use_.empty()) {
- // These TrafficStats byte counts are guaranteed to increase monotonically
- // since device boot.
- DCHECK_GE(current_traffic_stats_tx_bytes,
- last_amortization_traffic_stats_tx_bytes_);
- DCHECK_GE(current_traffic_stats_rx_bytes,
- last_amortization_traffic_stats_rx_bytes_);
- // Only attempt to amortize network overhead from TrafficStats if any of
- // those bytes are reflected in the pre-amortization byte totals. Otherwise,
- // that network overhead will be amortized in a later amortization run.
- if (pre_amortization_tx_bytes_ != 0) {
- AmortizeByteCountSequence(&buffered_data_use_, &GetTxBytes,
- pre_amortization_tx_bytes_,
- current_traffic_stats_tx_bytes -
- last_amortization_traffic_stats_tx_bytes_);
- }
- if (pre_amortization_rx_bytes_ != 0) {
- AmortizeByteCountSequence(&buffered_data_use_, &GetRxBytes,
- pre_amortization_rx_bytes_,
- current_traffic_stats_rx_bytes -
- last_amortization_traffic_stats_rx_bytes_);
- }
- }
- if (!buffered_data_use_.empty()) {
- // Record histograms for the post-amortization byte counts of the DataUse
- // objects.
- "TrafficStatsAmortizer.PostAmortizationRunDataUseBytes.Tx",
- GetByteCountAsHistogramSample(GetTotalTxBytes(buffered_data_use_)));
- "TrafficStatsAmortizer.PostAmortizationRunDataUseBytes.Rx",
- GetByteCountAsHistogramSample(GetTotalRxBytes(buffered_data_use_)));
- RecordConcurrentTabsHistogram(buffered_data_use_);
- }
- "TrafficStatsAmortizer.AmortizationDelay",
- tick_clock_->NowTicks() - current_amortization_run_start_time_);
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000("TrafficStatsAmortizer.BufferSizeOnFlush",
- buffered_data_use_.size());
- // Reset state now that the amortization run has finished.
- is_amortization_in_progress_ = false;
- current_amortization_run_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
- // Don't update the previous amortization run's TrafficStats byte counts if
- // none of the bytes since then are reflected in the pre-amortization byte
- // totals. This way, the overhead that wasn't handled in this amortization run
- // can be handled in a later amortization run that actually has bytes in that
- // direction. This mitigates the problem of losing TrafficStats overhead bytes
- // on slow networks due to TrafficStats seeing the bytes much earlier than the
- // network stack reports them, or vice versa.
- if (!are_last_amortization_traffic_stats_available_ ||
- pre_amortization_tx_bytes_ != 0) {
- last_amortization_traffic_stats_tx_bytes_ = current_traffic_stats_tx_bytes;
- }
- if (!are_last_amortization_traffic_stats_available_ ||
- pre_amortization_rx_bytes_ != 0) {
- last_amortization_traffic_stats_rx_bytes_ = current_traffic_stats_rx_bytes;
- }
- are_last_amortization_traffic_stats_available_ =
- are_current_traffic_stats_available;
- pre_amortization_tx_bytes_ = 0;
- pre_amortization_rx_bytes_ = 0;
- DataUseBuffer data_use_sequence;
- data_use_sequence.swap(buffered_data_use_);
- // Pass post-amortization DataUse objects to their respective callbacks.
- for (auto& data_use_buffer_pair : data_use_sequence)
- data_use_buffer_pair.second.Run(std::move(data_use_buffer_pair.first));
-} // namespace android
-} // namespace data_usage