path: root/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core')
39 files changed, 7 insertions, 6623 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
index 86120f4b4f6..8b2208f6440 100644
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
@@ -7,21 +7,9 @@ if (is_android) {
browser_sources = [
- "",
- "data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h",
- "",
- "data_reduction_proxy_prefs.h",
- "",
- "data_reduction_proxy_service.h",
- "",
- "data_store.h",
- "",
- "data_usage_store.h",
- "",
- "db_data_owner.h",
if (is_android) {
@@ -31,9 +19,6 @@ if (is_android) {
deps = [
- "//components/data_reduction_proxy/proto:data_reduction_proxy_proto",
- "//components/data_use_measurement/core",
- "//components/data_use_measurement/core:ascriber",
@@ -42,27 +27,14 @@ if (is_android) {
- java_cpp_enum("data_reduction_proxy_savings_cleared_enum_java") {
- sources = [ "data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h" ]
- }
static_library("browser") {
sources = browser_sources
- sources += [
- "",
- "data_store_impl.h",
- ]
- public_deps = [
- "//components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common",
- "//components/data_reduction_proxy/proto:data_reduction_proxy_proto",
- ]
+ public_deps = [ "//components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common" ]
deps = [
- "//components/data_use_measurement/core",
- "//components/data_use_measurement/core:ascriber",
@@ -78,71 +50,3 @@ static_library("browser") {
-static_library("test_support") {
- testonly = true
- sources = [
- "",
- "data_reduction_proxy_settings_test_utils.h",
- "",
- "data_reduction_proxy_test_utils.h",
- ]
- public_deps = [ ":browser" ]
- deps = [
- "//base",
- "//components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common",
- "//components/data_use_measurement/core",
- "//components/data_use_measurement/core:ascriber",
- "//components/prefs:test_support",
- "//net",
- "//net:test_support",
- "//services/network:test_support",
- "//testing/gmock",
- "//testing/gtest",
- ]
-bundle_data("unit_tests_bundle_data") {
- visibility = [ ":unit_tests" ]
- testonly = true
- sources = [
- "//components/test/data/data_reduction_proxy/direct/block10.html",
- "//components/test/data/data_reduction_proxy/direct/block10.html.mock-http-headers",
- "//components/test/data/data_reduction_proxy/direct/noblock.html",
- "//components/test/data/data_reduction_proxy/direct/noblock.html.mock-http-headers",
- "//components/test/data/data_reduction_proxy/proxy/block10.html",
- "//components/test/data/data_reduction_proxy/proxy/block10.html.mock-http-headers",
- "//components/test/data/data_reduction_proxy/proxy/noblock.html",
- "//components/test/data/data_reduction_proxy/proxy/noblock.html.mock-http-headers",
- ]
- outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/" +
- "{{source_root_relative_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
-source_set("unit_tests") {
- testonly = true
- sources = [
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ]
- deps = [
- ":browser",
- ":test_support",
- ":unit_tests_bundle_data",
- "//base",
- "//base/test:test_support",
- "//build:chromeos_buildflags",
- "//components/data_reduction_proxy/proto:data_reduction_proxy_proto",
- "//components/data_use_measurement/core:ascriber",
- "//components/prefs:test_support",
- "//components/variations:test_support",
- "//net:test_support",
- "//services/network:test_support",
- "//testing/gmock",
- "//testing/gtest",
- ]
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d8538be04e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,890 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/check_op.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/feature_list.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
-#include "base/metrics/sparse_histogram.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
-#include "base/values.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_metrics.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_service.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_usage_store.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/proto/data_store.pb.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
-#include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
-#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-namespace {
-#define CONCAT(a, b) a##b
-// CONCAT1 provides extra level of indirection so that __LINE__ macro expands.
-#define CONCAT1(a, b) CONCAT(a, b)
-#define UNIQUE_VARNAME CONCAT1(var_, __LINE__)
-// We need to use a macro instead of a method because UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1M
-// requires its first argument to be an inline string and not a variable.
-#define RECORD_INT64PREF_TO_HISTOGRAM(pref, uma) \
- int64_t UNIQUE_VARNAME = GetInt64(pref); \
- if (UNIQUE_VARNAME > 0) { \
- }
-// Returns the value at |index| of |list_value| as an int64_t.
-int64_t GetInt64PrefValue(const base::ListValue& list_value, size_t index) {
- int64_t val = 0;
- base::Value::ConstListView list_value_view = list_value.GetList();
- if (index < list_value_view.size() && list_value_view[index].is_string()) {
- std::string pref_value = list_value_view[index].GetString();
- bool rv = base::StringToInt64(pref_value, &val);
- DCHECK(rv);
- }
- return val;
-// Ensure list has exactly |length| elements, either by truncating at the
-// front, or appending "0"'s to the back.
-void MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow(base::ListValue* list, size_t length) {
- // Remove data for old days from the front.
- base::Value::ListView list_view = list->GetList();
- while (list_view.size() > length)
- list->EraseListIter(list_view.begin());
- // Newly added lists are empty. Add entries to back to fill the window,
- // each initialized to zero.
- while (list_view.size() < length)
- list->Append(base::NumberToString(0));
- DCHECK_EQ(length, list_view.size());
-// Increments an int64_t, stored as a string, in a ListPref at the specified
-// index. The value must already exist and be a string representation of a
-// number.
-void AddInt64ToListPref(size_t index,
- int64_t length,
- base::ListValue* list_update) {
- int64_t value = GetInt64PrefValue(*list_update, index) + length;
- list_update->Set(index,
- std::make_unique<base::Value>(base::NumberToString(value)));
-void RecordSavingsClearedMetric(DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason reason) {
- DCHECK_GT(DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason::REASON_COUNT, reason);
- "DataReductionProxy.SavingsCleared.Reason", reason,
- DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason::REASON_COUNT);
-// TODO(rajendrant): Enable aggregate metrics recording in x86 Android.
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) || !defined(ARCH_CPU_X86)
-const double kSecondsPerWeek =
- base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerWeek / base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
-// Returns the week number for the current time. The epoch time is treated as
-// week=0.
-int32_t GetCurrentWeekNumber(const base::Time& now) {
- double now_in_seconds = now.ToDoubleT();
- return now_in_seconds / kSecondsPerWeek;
-// Adds |value| to the item at |key| in the preference dictionary found at
-// |pref|. If |key| is not found it will be inserted.
-void AddToDictionaryPref(PrefService* pref_service,
- const std::string& pref,
- int key,
- int value) {
- DictionaryPrefUpdate pref_update(pref_service, pref);
- base::DictionaryValue* pref_dict = pref_update.Get();
- const std::string key_str = base::NumberToString(key);
- base::Value* dict_value = pref_dict->FindKey(key_str);
- if (dict_value)
- value += dict_value->GetInt();
- pref_dict->SetKey(key_str, base::Value(value));
-// Moves the dictionary stored in preference |pref_src| to |pref_dst|, and
-// clears the preference |pref_src|.
-void MoveAndClearDictionaryPrefs(PrefService* pref_service,
- const std::string& pref_dst,
- const std::string& pref_src) {
- DictionaryPrefUpdate pref_update_dst(pref_service, pref_dst);
- base::DictionaryValue* pref_dict_dst = pref_update_dst.Get();
- DictionaryPrefUpdate pref_update_src(pref_service, pref_src);
- base::DictionaryValue* pref_dict_src = pref_update_src.Get();
- pref_dict_dst->DictClear();
- pref_dict_dst->Swap(pref_dict_src);
- DCHECK(pref_dict_src->DictEmpty());
-void MaybeInitWeeklyAggregateDataUsePrefs(const base::Time& now,
- PrefService* pref_service) {
- int saved_week = pref_service->GetInteger(prefs::kThisWeekNumber);
- int current_week = GetCurrentWeekNumber(now);
- if (saved_week == current_week)
- return;
- pref_service->SetInteger(prefs::kThisWeekNumber, current_week);
- if (current_week == saved_week + 1) {
- // The next week has just started. Move the data use aggregate prefs for
- // this week to last week, and clear the prefs for this week.
- MoveAndClearDictionaryPrefs(pref_service,
- prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB,
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB);
- MoveAndClearDictionaryPrefs(pref_service,
- prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB,
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB);
- MoveAndClearDictionaryPrefs(
- pref_service, prefs::kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB);
- } else {
- // Current week is too different than the last time data use aggregate prefs
- // were updated. This may happen if Chrome was opened after a long time, or
- // due to system clock being changed backward or forward. Clear all prefs in
- // this case.
- pref_service->ClearPref(prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB);
- pref_service->ClearPref(prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB);
- pref_service->ClearPref(prefs::kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB);
- pref_service->ClearPref(prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB);
- pref_service->ClearPref(prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB);
- pref_service->ClearPref(prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB);
- }
-// Records the key-value pairs in the dictionary in a sparse histogram.
-void RecordDictionaryToHistogram(const std::string& histogram_name,
- const base::DictionaryValue* dictionary) {
- base::HistogramBase* histogram = base::SparseHistogram::FactoryGet(
- histogram_name, base::HistogramBase::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag);
- for (auto entry : dictionary->DictItems()) {
- int key;
- int value = entry.second.GetInt();
- if (value > 0 && base::StringToInt(entry.first, &key)) {
- histogram->AddCount(key, value);
- }
- }
-} // namespace
-class DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::DailyContentLengthUpdate {
- public:
- DailyContentLengthUpdate(
- DataReductionProxyCompressionStats* compression_stats,
- const char* pref_path)
- : update_(nullptr),
- compression_stats_(compression_stats),
- pref_path_(pref_path) {}
- DailyContentLengthUpdate(const DailyContentLengthUpdate&) = delete;
- DailyContentLengthUpdate& operator=(const DailyContentLengthUpdate&) = delete;
- void UpdateForDateChange(int days_since_last_update) {
- if (days_since_last_update) {
- MaybeInitialize();
- MaintainContentLengthPrefForDateChange(days_since_last_update);
- }
- }
- // Update the lengths for the current day.
- void Add(int64_t content_length) {
- if (content_length != 0) {
- MaybeInitialize();
- AddInt64ToListPref(kNumDaysInHistory - 1, content_length, update_);
- }
- }
- int64_t GetListPrefValue(size_t index) {
- MaybeInitialize();
- return std::max(GetInt64PrefValue(*update_, index),
- static_cast<int64_t>(0));
- }
- private:
- void MaybeInitialize() {
- if (update_)
- return;
- update_ = compression_stats_->GetList(pref_path_);
- // New empty lists may have been created. Maintain the invariant that
- // there should be exactly |kNumDaysInHistory| days in the histories.
- MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow(update_, kNumDaysInHistory);
- }
- // Update the list for date change and ensure the list has exactly |length|
- // elements. The last entry in the list will be for the current day after
- // the update.
- void MaintainContentLengthPrefForDateChange(int days_since_last_update) {
- if (days_since_last_update == -1) {
- // The system may go backwards in time by up to a day for legitimate
- // reasons, such as with changes to the time zone. In such cases, we
- // keep adding to the current day.
- // Note: we accept the fact that some reported data is shifted to
- // the adjacent day if users travel back and forth across time zones.
- days_since_last_update = 0;
- } else if (days_since_last_update < -1) {
- // Erase all entries if the system went backwards in time by more than
- // a day.
- update_->ClearList();
- days_since_last_update = kNumDaysInHistory;
- }
- DCHECK_GE(days_since_last_update, 0);
- // Add entries for days since last update event. This will make the
- // lists longer than kNumDaysInHistory. The additional items will be cut off
- // from the head of the lists by |MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow|, below.
- for (int i = 0;
- i < days_since_last_update && i < static_cast<int>(kNumDaysInHistory);
- ++i) {
- update_->Append(base::NumberToString(0));
- }
- // Entries for new days may have been appended. Maintain the invariant that
- // there should be exactly |kNumDaysInHistory| days in the histories.
- MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow(update_, kNumDaysInHistory);
- }
- // Non-owned. Lazily initialized, set to nullptr until initialized.
- raw_ptr<base::ListValue> update_;
- // Non-owned pointer.
- raw_ptr<DataReductionProxyCompressionStats> compression_stats_;
- // The path of the content length pref for |this|.
- const char* pref_path_;
-// DailyDataSavingUpdate maintains a pair of data saving prefs, original_update_
-// and received_update_. pref_original is a list of |kNumDaysInHistory| elements
-// of daily total original content lengths for the past |kNumDaysInHistory|
-// days. pref_received is the corresponding list of the daily total received
-// content lengths.
-class DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::DailyDataSavingUpdate {
- public:
- DailyDataSavingUpdate(DataReductionProxyCompressionStats* compression_stats,
- const char* original_pref_path,
- const char* received_pref_path)
- : original_(compression_stats, original_pref_path),
- received_(compression_stats, received_pref_path) {}
- DailyDataSavingUpdate(const DailyDataSavingUpdate&) = delete;
- DailyDataSavingUpdate& operator=(const DailyDataSavingUpdate&) = delete;
- void UpdateForDateChange(int days_since_last_update) {
- original_.UpdateForDateChange(days_since_last_update);
- received_.UpdateForDateChange(days_since_last_update);
- }
- // Update the lengths for the current day.
- void Add(int64_t original_content_length, int64_t received_content_length) {
- original_.Add(original_content_length);
- received_.Add(received_content_length);
- }
- int64_t GetOriginalListPrefValue(size_t index) {
- return original_.GetListPrefValue(index);
- }
- int64_t GetReceivedListPrefValue(size_t index) {
- return received_.GetListPrefValue(index);
- }
- private:
- DailyContentLengthUpdate original_;
- DailyContentLengthUpdate received_;
- DataReductionProxyService* service,
- PrefService* prefs,
- const base::TimeDelta& delay)
- : service_(service),
- pref_service_(prefs),
- delay_(delay),
- data_usage_map_is_dirty_(false),
- current_data_usage_load_status_(NOT_LOADED) {
- DCHECK(service);
- DCHECK(prefs);
- DCHECK_GE(delay.InMilliseconds(), 0);
- Init();
-DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::~DataReductionProxyCompressionStats() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (current_data_usage_load_status_ == LOADED)
- PersistDataUsage();
- WritePrefs();
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::Init() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- data_usage_reporting_enabled_.Init(
- prefs::kDataUsageReportingEnabled, pref_service_,
- base::BindRepeating(
- &DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::OnDataUsageReportingPrefChanged,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- if (data_usage_reporting_enabled_.GetValue()) {
- current_data_usage_load_status_ = LOADING;
- service_->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(base::BindRepeating(
- &DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::OnCurrentDataUsageLoaded,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- }
- InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(base::Time::Now());
- if (delay_.is_zero())
- return;
- // Init all int64_t prefs.
- InitInt64Pref(prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate);
- InitInt64Pref(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength);
- InitInt64Pref(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength);
- // Init all list prefs.
- InitListPref(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- InitListPref(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::RecordDataUseWithMimeType(
- int64_t data_used,
- int64_t original_size,
- bool data_saver_enabled,
- const std::string& mime_type,
- bool is_user_traffic,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType content_type,
- int32_t service_hash_code) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- TRACE_EVENT0("loading",
- "DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::RecordDataUseWithMimeType");
- IncreaseInt64Pref(data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength,
- data_used);
- IncreaseInt64Pref(data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength,
- original_size);
- RecordRequestSizePrefs(data_used, original_size, data_saver_enabled,
- mime_type, base::Time::Now());
- RecordWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- base::Time::Now(), std::round(static_cast<double>(data_used) / 1024),
- is_user_traffic, content_type, service_hash_code);
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::InitInt64Pref(const char* pref) {
- int64_t pref_value = pref_service_->GetInt64(pref);
- pref_map_[pref] = pref_value;
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::InitListPref(const char* pref) {
- std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> pref_value =
- pref_service_->GetList(pref)->CreateDeepCopy();
- list_pref_map_[pref] = std::move(pref_value);
-int64_t DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::GetInt64(const char* pref_path) {
- if (delay_.is_zero())
- return pref_service_->GetInt64(pref_path);
- auto iter = pref_map_.find(pref_path);
- return iter->second;
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::SetInt64(const char* pref_path,
- int64_t pref_value) {
- if (delay_.is_zero()) {
- pref_service_->SetInt64(pref_path, pref_value);
- return;
- }
- DelayedWritePrefs();
- pref_map_[pref_path] = pref_value;
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::IncreaseInt64Pref(
- const char* pref_path,
- int64_t delta) {
- SetInt64(pref_path, GetInt64(pref_path) + delta);
-base::ListValue* DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::GetList(
- const char* pref_path) {
- if (delay_.is_zero())
- return ListPrefUpdate(pref_service_, pref_path).Get();
- DelayedWritePrefs();
- auto it = list_pref_map_.find(pref_path);
- if (it == list_pref_map_.end())
- return nullptr;
- return it->second.get();
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::WritePrefs() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (delay_.is_zero())
- return;
- for (auto iter = pref_map_.begin(); iter != pref_map_.end(); ++iter) {
- pref_service_->SetInt64(iter->first, iter->second);
- }
- for (auto iter = list_pref_map_.begin(); iter != list_pref_map_.end();
- ++iter) {
- TransferList(*(iter->second.get()),
- ListPrefUpdate(pref_service_, iter->first).Get());
- }
-int64_t DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::GetLastUpdateTime() {
- int64_t last_update_internal =
- GetInt64(prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate);
- base::Time last_update = base::Time::FromInternalValue(last_update_internal);
- return static_cast<int64_t>(last_update.ToJsTime());
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::ResetStatistics() {
- base::ListValue* original_update =
- GetList(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- base::ListValue* received_update =
- GetList(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- original_update->ClearList();
- received_update->ClearList();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumDaysInHistory; ++i) {
- original_update->Append(base::NumberToString(0));
- received_update->Append(base::NumberToString(0));
- }
-int64_t DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::GetHttpReceivedContentLength() {
- return GetInt64(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength);
-int64_t DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::GetHttpOriginalContentLength() {
- return GetInt64(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength);
-ContentLengthList DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::GetDailyContentLengths(
- const char* pref_name) {
- ContentLengthList content_lengths;
- const base::ListValue* list_value = GetList(pref_name);
- if (list_value->GetList().size() == kNumDaysInHistory) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumDaysInHistory; ++i)
- content_lengths.push_back(GetInt64PrefValue(*list_value, i));
- }
- return content_lengths;
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::GetContentLengths(
- unsigned int days,
- int64_t* original_content_length,
- int64_t* received_content_length,
- int64_t* last_update_time) {
- DCHECK_LE(days, kNumDaysInHistory);
- const base::ListValue* original_list =
- GetList(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- const base::ListValue* received_list =
- GetList(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- if (original_list->GetList().size() != kNumDaysInHistory ||
- received_list->GetList().size() != kNumDaysInHistory) {
- *original_content_length = 0L;
- *received_content_length = 0L;
- *last_update_time = 0L;
- return;
- }
- int64_t orig = 0L;
- int64_t recv = 0L;
- // Include days from the end of the list going backwards.
- for (size_t i = kNumDaysInHistory - days;
- i < kNumDaysInHistory; ++i) {
- orig += GetInt64PrefValue(*original_list, i);
- recv += GetInt64PrefValue(*received_list, i);
- }
- *original_content_length = orig;
- *received_content_length = recv;
- *last_update_time = GetInt64(prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate);
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::GetHistoricalDataUsage(
- HistoricalDataUsageCallback get_data_usage_callback) {
- GetHistoricalDataUsageImpl(std::move(get_data_usage_callback),
- base::Time::Now());
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::DeleteBrowsingHistory(
- const base::Time& start,
- const base::Time& end) {
- DCHECK_NE(LOADING, current_data_usage_load_status_);
- if (!data_usage_map_last_updated_.is_null() &&
- DataUsageStore::BucketOverlapsInterval(data_usage_map_last_updated_,
- start, end)) {
- data_usage_map_.clear();
- data_usage_map_last_updated_ = base::Time();
- data_usage_map_is_dirty_ = false;
- }
- service_->DeleteBrowsingHistory(start, end);
- RecordSavingsClearedMetric(DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason::
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::OnCurrentDataUsageLoaded(
- std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket> data_usage) {
- // Exit early if the pref was turned off before loading from storage
- // completed.
- if (!data_usage_reporting_enabled_.GetValue()) {
- DCHECK_EQ(NOT_LOADED, current_data_usage_load_status_);
- DCHECK(data_usage_map_.empty());
- current_data_usage_load_status_ = NOT_LOADED;
- return;
- } else {
- DCHECK_EQ(LOADING, current_data_usage_load_status_);
- }
- DCHECK(data_usage_map_last_updated_.is_null());
- DCHECK(data_usage_map_.empty());
- // We currently do not break down by connection type. However, we use a schema
- // that makes it easy to transition to a connection based breakdown without
- // requiring a data migration.
- DCHECK(data_usage->connection_usage_size() == 0 ||
- data_usage->connection_usage_size() == 1);
- for (const auto& connection_usage : data_usage->connection_usage()) {
- for (const auto& site_usage : connection_usage.site_usage()) {
- data_usage_map_[site_usage.hostname()] =
- std::make_unique<PerSiteDataUsage>(site_usage);
- }
- }
- data_usage_map_last_updated_ =
- base::Time::FromInternalValue(data_usage->last_updated_timestamp());
- // Record if there was a read error.
- if (data_usage->had_read_error()) {
- RecordSavingsClearedMetric(
- DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason::PREFS_PARSE_ERROR);
- }
- current_data_usage_load_status_ = LOADED;
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::SetDataUsageReportingEnabled(
- bool enabled) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (data_usage_reporting_enabled_.GetValue() != enabled) {
- data_usage_reporting_enabled_.SetValue(enabled);
- OnDataUsageReportingPrefChanged();
- }
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::ClearDataSavingStatistics(
- DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason reason) {
- DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
- pref_service_->ClearPref(prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate);
- pref_service_->ClearPref(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength);
- pref_service_->ClearPref(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength);
- pref_service_->ClearPref(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- pref_service_->ClearPref(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- for (auto iter = list_pref_map_.begin(); iter != list_pref_map_.end();
- ++iter) {
- iter->second->ClearList();
- }
- RecordSavingsClearedMetric(reason);
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::DelayedWritePrefs() {
- if (pref_writer_timer_.IsRunning())
- return;
- pref_writer_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, delay_, this,
- &DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::WritePrefs);
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::TransferList(
- const base::Value& from_list,
- base::Value* to_list) {
- *to_list = from_list.Clone();
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::RecordRequestSizePrefs(
- int64_t data_used,
- int64_t original_size,
- bool with_data_saver_enabled,
- const std::string& mime_type,
- const base::Time& now) {
- // TODO(bengr): Remove this check once the underlying cause of
- // is fixed. For now, only continue if the current
- // year is reported as being between 1972 and 2970.
- base::TimeDelta time_since_unix_epoch = now - base::Time::UnixEpoch();
- const int kMinDaysSinceUnixEpoch = 365 * 2; // 2 years.
- const int kMaxDaysSinceUnixEpoch = 365 * 1000; // 1000 years.
- if (time_since_unix_epoch.InDays() < kMinDaysSinceUnixEpoch ||
- time_since_unix_epoch.InDays() > kMaxDaysSinceUnixEpoch) {
- return;
- }
- // Determine how many days it has been since the last update.
- int64_t then_internal = GetInt64(
- data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate);
- // Local midnight could have been shifted due to time zone change.
- // If time is null then don't care if midnight will be wrong shifted due to
- // time zone change because it's still too much time ago.
- base::Time then_midnight = base::Time::FromInternalValue(then_internal);
- if (!then_midnight.is_null()) {
- then_midnight = then_midnight.LocalMidnight();
- }
- base::Time midnight = now.LocalMidnight();
- DailyDataSavingUpdate total(
- this, data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength,
- data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- int days_since_last_update = (midnight - then_midnight).InDays();
- if (days_since_last_update) {
- // Record the last update time in microseconds in UTC.
- SetInt64(data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate,
- midnight.ToInternalValue());
- // The system may go backwards in time by up to a day for legitimate
- // reasons, such as with changes to the time zone. In such cases, we
- // keep adding to the current day.
- // (Actually resetting the numbers when we're more than a day off
- // happens elsewhere.)
- if (days_since_last_update < -1) {
- RecordSavingsClearedMetric(
- DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason::SYSTEM_CLOCK_MOVED_BACK);
- }
- }
- total.UpdateForDateChange(days_since_last_update);
- total.Add(original_size, data_used);
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::RecordDataUseByHost(
- const std::string& data_usage_host,
- int64_t data_used,
- int64_t original_size,
- const base::Time time) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (current_data_usage_load_status_ != LOADED)
- return;
- DCHECK(data_usage_reporting_enabled_.GetValue());
- if (!DataUsageStore::AreInSameInterval(data_usage_map_last_updated_, time)) {
- PersistDataUsage();
- data_usage_map_.clear();
- data_usage_map_last_updated_ = base::Time();
- }
- std::string normalized_host = NormalizeHostname(data_usage_host);
- auto j = data_usage_map_.insert(
- std::make_pair(normalized_host, std::make_unique<PerSiteDataUsage>()));
- PerSiteDataUsage* per_site_usage = j.first->second.get();
- per_site_usage->set_hostname(normalized_host);
- per_site_usage->set_original_size(per_site_usage->original_size() +
- original_size);
- per_site_usage->set_data_used(per_site_usage->data_used() + data_used);
- data_usage_map_last_updated_ = time;
- data_usage_map_is_dirty_ = true;
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::PersistDataUsage() {
- DCHECK(current_data_usage_load_status_ == LOADED);
- if (data_usage_map_is_dirty_) {
- std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket> data_usage_bucket(new DataUsageBucket());
- data_usage_bucket->set_last_updated_timestamp(
- data_usage_map_last_updated_.ToInternalValue());
- PerConnectionDataUsage* connection_usage =
- data_usage_bucket->add_connection_usage();
- for (auto i = data_usage_map_.begin(); i != data_usage_map_.end(); ++i) {
- PerSiteDataUsage* per_site_usage = connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- per_site_usage->CopyFrom(*(i->second.get()));
- }
- service_->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(std::move(data_usage_bucket));
- }
- data_usage_map_is_dirty_ = false;
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::DeleteHistoricalDataUsage() {
- // This method does not support being called in |LOADING| status since this
- // means that the in-memory data usage will get populated when data usage
- // loads, which will undo the clear below. This method is called when users
- // click on the "Clear Data" button, or when user deletes the extension. In
- // both cases, enough time has passed since startup to load current data
- // usage. Technically, this could occur, and will have the effect of not
- // clearing data from the current bucket.
- // TODO(kundaji): Use cancellable tasks and remove this DCHECK.
- DCHECK(current_data_usage_load_status_ != LOADING);
- data_usage_map_.clear();
- data_usage_map_last_updated_ = base::Time();
- data_usage_map_is_dirty_ = false;
- service_->DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::GetHistoricalDataUsageImpl(
- HistoricalDataUsageCallback get_data_usage_callback,
- const base::Time& now) {
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
- if (current_data_usage_load_status_ != LOADED) {
- // If current data usage has not yet loaded, we return an empty array. The
- // extension can retry after a slight delay.
- // This use case is unlikely to occur in practice since current data usage
- // should have sufficient time to load before user tries to view data usage.
- std::move(get_data_usage_callback)
- .Run(std::make_unique<std::vector<DataUsageBucket>>());
- return;
- }
- if (current_data_usage_load_status_ == LOADED)
- PersistDataUsage();
- if (!data_usage_map_last_updated_.is_null() &&
- !DataUsageStore::AreInSameInterval(data_usage_map_last_updated_, now)) {
- data_usage_map_.clear();
- data_usage_map_last_updated_ = base::Time();
- // Force the last bucket to be for the current interval.
- std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket> data_usage_bucket(new DataUsageBucket());
- data_usage_bucket->set_last_updated_timestamp(now.ToInternalValue());
- service_->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(std::move(data_usage_bucket));
- }
- service_->LoadHistoricalDataUsage(std::move(get_data_usage_callback));
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::OnDataUsageReportingPrefChanged() {
- if (data_usage_reporting_enabled_.GetValue()) {
- if (current_data_usage_load_status_ == NOT_LOADED) {
- current_data_usage_load_status_ = LOADING;
- service_->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(base::BindOnce(
- &DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::OnCurrentDataUsageLoaded,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- }
- } else {
-// Don't delete the historical data on Android, but clear the map.
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
- if (current_data_usage_load_status_ == LOADED)
- PersistDataUsage();
- data_usage_map_.clear();
- data_usage_map_last_updated_ = base::Time();
- data_usage_map_is_dirty_ = false;
- DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
- current_data_usage_load_status_ = NOT_LOADED;
- }
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- const base::Time& now) {
- // TODO(rajendrant): Enable aggregate metrics recording in x86 Android.
- //
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) || !defined(ARCH_CPU_X86)
- MaybeInitWeeklyAggregateDataUsePrefs(now, pref_service_);
- // Record the histograms that will show up in the user feedback.
- RecordDictionaryToHistogram(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.Services.Downstream.Background",
- pref_service_->GetDictionary(
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB));
- RecordDictionaryToHistogram(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.Services.Downstream.Foreground",
- pref_service_->GetDictionary(
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB));
- RecordDictionaryToHistogram(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- pref_service_->GetDictionary(
- prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB));
- RecordDictionaryToHistogram(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.Services.Downstream.Background",
- pref_service_->GetDictionary(
- prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB));
- RecordDictionaryToHistogram(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.Services.Downstream.Foreground",
- pref_service_->GetDictionary(
- prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB));
- RecordDictionaryToHistogram(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- pref_service_->GetDictionary(
- prefs::kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB));
-void DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::RecordWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- const base::Time& now,
- int32_t data_used_kb,
- bool is_user_request,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType content_type,
- int32_t service_hash_code) {
- // TODO(rajendrant): Enable aggregate metrics recording in x86 Android.
- //
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) || !defined(ARCH_CPU_X86)
- // Update the prefs if this is a new week. This can happen when chrome is open
- // for weeks without being closed.
- MaybeInitWeeklyAggregateDataUsePrefs(now, pref_service_);
- if (is_user_request) {
- AddToDictionaryPref(pref_service_,
- prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- content_type, data_used_kb);
- } else {
- bool is_app_foreground = true;
- if (is_app_foreground) {
- AddToDictionaryPref(pref_service_,
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB,
- service_hash_code, data_used_kb);
- } else {
- AddToDictionaryPref(pref_service_,
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB,
- service_hash_code, data_used_kb);
- }
- }
-// static
-std::string DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::NormalizeHostname(
- const std::string& host) {
- size_t pos = host.find("://");
- if (pos != std::string::npos)
- return host.substr(pos + 3);
- return host;
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cc86976e7fb..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "base/timer/timer.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_metrics.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/db_data_owner.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-#include "components/data_use_measurement/core/data_use_user_data.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_member.h"
-class PrefService;
-namespace base {
-class ListValue;
-class Value;
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataReductionProxyService;
-class DataUsageBucket;
-class PerSiteDataUsage;
-// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
-// numeric values should never be reused.
-// A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum.
-enum class DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason {
- // NOTE: always keep this entry at the end. Add new result types only
- // immediately above this line. Make sure to update the corresponding
- // histogram enum accordingly.
-// Data reduction proxy delayed pref service reduces the number calls to pref
-// service by storing prefs in memory and writing to the given PrefService after
-// |delay| amount of time. If |delay| is zero, the delayed pref service writes
-// directly to the PrefService and does not store the prefs in memory. All
-// prefs must be stored and read on the UI thread.
-class DataReductionProxyCompressionStats {
- public:
- typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<PerSiteDataUsage>>
- SiteUsageMap;
- // Collects and store data usage and compression statistics. Basic data usage
- // stats are stored in browser preferences. More detailed stats broken down
- // by site and internet type are stored in |DataReductionProxyStore|.
- //
- // To store basic stats, it constructs a data reduction proxy delayed pref
- // service object using |pref_service|. Writes prefs to |pref_service| after
- // |delay| and stores them in |pref_map_| and |list_pref_map| between writes.
- // If |delay| is zero, writes directly to the PrefService and does not store
- // in the maps.
- DataReductionProxyCompressionStats(DataReductionProxyService* service,
- PrefService* pref_service,
- const base::TimeDelta& delay);
- DataReductionProxyCompressionStats(
- const DataReductionProxyCompressionStats&) = delete;
- DataReductionProxyCompressionStats& operator=(
- const DataReductionProxyCompressionStats&) = delete;
- ~DataReductionProxyCompressionStats();
- // Records detailed data usage broken down by |mime_type|. Also records daily
- // data savings statistics to prefs and reports data savings UMA. |data_used|
- // and |original_size| are measured in bytes.
- void RecordDataUseWithMimeType(
- int64_t compressed_size,
- int64_t original_size,
- bool data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
- const std::string& mime_type,
- bool is_user_traffic,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType content_type,
- int32_t service_hash_code);
- // Record data usage and original size of request broken down by host.
- // |original_request_size| and |data_used| are in bytes. |time| is the time at
- // which the data usage occurred. This method should be called in real time,
- // so |time| is expected to be |Time::Now()|.
- void RecordDataUseByHost(const std::string& data_usage_host,
- int64_t original_request_size,
- int64_t data_used,
- const base::Time time);
- // Returns the time in milliseconds since epoch that the last update was made
- // to the daily original and received content lengths.
- int64_t GetLastUpdateTime();
- // Resets daily content length statistics.
- void ResetStatistics();
- // Clears all data saving statistics for the given |reason|.
- void ClearDataSavingStatistics(DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason reason);
- // Returns the total size of all HTTP content received from the network.
- int64_t GetHttpReceivedContentLength();
- // Returns the value the total original size of all HTTP content received from
- // the network.
- int64_t GetHttpOriginalContentLength();
- // Returns a list of all the daily content lengths.
- ContentLengthList GetDailyContentLengths(const char* pref_name);
- // Returns aggregate received and original content lengths over the specified
- // number of days, as well as the time these stats were last updated.
- void GetContentLengths(unsigned int days,
- int64_t* original_content_length,
- int64_t* received_content_length,
- int64_t* last_update_time);
- // Calls |get_data_usage_callback| with full data usage history. In-memory
- // data usage stats are flushed to storage before querying for full history.
- // An empty vector will be returned if "data_usage_reporting.enabled" pref is
- // not enabled or if called immediately after enabling the pref before
- // in-memory stats could be initialized from storage. Data usage is sorted
- // chronologically with the last entry corresponding to |base::Time::Now()|.
- void GetHistoricalDataUsage(
- HistoricalDataUsageCallback get_data_usage_callback);
- // Deletes browsing history from storage and memory for the given time
- // range. Currently, this method deletes all data usage for the given range.
- void DeleteBrowsingHistory(const base::Time& start, const base::Time& end);
- // Callback from loading detailed data usage. Initializes in memory data
- // structures used to collect data usage. |data_usage| contains the data usage
- // for the last stored interval.
- void OnCurrentDataUsageLoaded(std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket> data_usage);
- // Sets the value of |prefs::kDataUsageReportingEnabled| to |enabled|.
- // Initializes data usage statistics in memory when pref is enabled and
- // persists data usage to memory when pref is disabled.
- void SetDataUsageReportingEnabled(bool enabled);
- // Returns |data_usage_map_|.
- const DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::SiteUsageMap&
- DataUsageMapForTesting() const {
- return data_usage_map_;
- }
- private:
- // Enum to track the state of loading data usage from storage.
- enum CurrentDataUsageLoadStatus { NOT_LOADED = 0, LOADING = 1, LOADED = 2 };
- friend class DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest;
- typedef std::map<const char*, int64_t> DataReductionProxyPrefMap;
- typedef std::unordered_map<const char*, std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue>>
- DataReductionProxyListPrefMap;
- class DailyContentLengthUpdate;
- class DailyDataSavingUpdate;
- // Loads all data_reduction_proxy::prefs into the |pref_map_| and
- // |list_pref_map_|.
- void Init();
- // Gets the value of |pref| from the pref service and adds it to the
- // |pref_map|.
- void InitInt64Pref(const char* pref);
- // Gets the value of |pref| from the pref service and adds it to the
- // |list_pref_map|.
- void InitListPref(const char* pref);
- void OnUpdateContentLengths();
- // Gets the int64_t pref at |pref_path| from the |DataReductionProxyPrefMap|.
- int64_t GetInt64(const char* pref_path);
- // Updates the pref value in the |DataReductionProxyPrefMap| map.
- // The pref is later written to |pref service_|.
- void SetInt64(const char* pref_path, int64_t pref_value);
- // Increases the pref value in the |DataReductionProxyPrefMap| map.
- // The pref is later written to |pref service_|.
- void IncreaseInt64Pref(const char* pref_path, int64_t delta);
- // Gets the pref list at |pref_path| from the |DataReductionProxyPrefMap|.
- base::ListValue* GetList(const char* pref_path);
- // Writes the prefs stored in |DataReductionProxyPrefMap| and
- // |DataReductionProxyListPrefMap| to |pref_service|.
- void WritePrefs();
- // Starts a timer (if necessary) to write prefs in |kMinutesBetweenWrites| to
- // the |pref_service|.
- void DelayedWritePrefs();
- // Copies the values at each index of |from_list| to the same index in
- // |to_list|.
- void TransferList(const base::Value& from_list, base::Value* to_list);
- // Records content length updates to prefs.
- void RecordRequestSizePrefs(int64_t compressed_size,
- int64_t original_size,
- bool with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
- const std::string& mime_type,
- const base::Time& now);
- void IncrementDailyUmaPrefs(int64_t original_size,
- int64_t received_size,
- const char* original_size_pref,
- const char* received_size_pref,
- bool data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
- const char* original_size_with_proxy_enabled_pref,
- const char* recevied_size_with_proxy_enabled_pref,
- bool via_data_reduction_proxy,
- const char* original_size_via_proxy_pref,
- const char* received_size_via_proxy_pref);
- // Persists the in memory data usage information to storage and clears all
- // in-memory data usage. Do not call this method unless |data_usage_loaded_|
- // is |LOADED|.
- void PersistDataUsage();
- // Deletes all historical data usage from storage and memory. This method
- // should not be called when |current_data_usage_load_status_| is |LOADING|.
- void DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
- // Actual implementation of |GetHistoricalDataUsage|. This helper method
- // explicitly passes |base::Time::Now()| to make testing easier.
- void GetHistoricalDataUsageImpl(
- HistoricalDataUsageCallback get_data_usage_callback,
- const base::Time& now);
- // Called when |prefs::kDataUsageReportingEnabled| pref values changes.
- // Initializes data usage statistics in memory when pref is enabled and
- // persists data usage to memory when pref is disabled.
- void OnDataUsageReportingPrefChanged();
- // Initialize the weekly data use prefs for the current week, and records the
- // weekly aggregate data use histograms.
- void InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(const base::Time& now);
- // Records |data_used_kb| to the current week data use pref. |is_user_request|
- // indicates if this is user-initiated traffic or chrome services traffic, and
- // |service_hash_code| uniquely identifies the corresponding chrome service.
- void RecordWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- const base::Time& now,
- int32_t data_used_kb,
- bool is_user_request,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType content_type,
- int32_t service_hash_code);
- // Normalizes the hostname for data usage attribution. Returns a substring
- // without the protocol.
- // Example: "" -> ""
- static std::string NormalizeHostname(const std::string& host);
- raw_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> service_;
- raw_ptr<PrefService> pref_service_;
- const base::TimeDelta delay_;
- DataReductionProxyPrefMap pref_map_;
- DataReductionProxyListPrefMap list_pref_map_;
- BooleanPrefMember data_usage_reporting_enabled_;
- // Maintains detailed data usage for current interval.
- SiteUsageMap data_usage_map_;
- // Time when |data_usage_map_| was last updated. Contains NULL time if
- // |data_usage_map_| does not have any data. This could happen either because
- // current data usage has not yet been loaded from storage, or because
- // no data usage has ever been recorded.
- base::Time data_usage_map_last_updated_;
- // Tracks whether |data_usage_map_| has changes that have not yet been
- // persisted to storage.
- bool data_usage_map_is_dirty_;
- // Tracks state of loading data usage from storage.
- CurrentDataUsageLoadStatus current_data_usage_load_status_;
- base::OneShotTimer pref_writer_timer_;
- base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- base::WeakPtrFactory<DataReductionProxyCompressionStats> weak_factory_{this};
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 254e98c97f0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1080 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/run_loop.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
-#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "base/values.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_prefs.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_test_utils.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/proto/data_store.pb.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
-#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace {
-const int kWriteDelayMinutes = 60;
-// Each bucket holds data usage for a 15 minute interval. History is maintained
-// for 60 days.
-const int kNumExpectedBuckets = 60 * 24 * 60 / 15;
-int64_t GetListPrefInt64Value(const base::ListValue& list_update,
- size_t index) {
- std::string string_value;
- base::Value::ConstListView list_view = list_update.GetList();
- if (index < list_view.size() && list_view[index].is_string()) {
- string_value = list_view[index].GetString();
- } else {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "invalid index or [index] not a string";
- }
- int64_t value = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::StringToInt64(string_value, &value));
- return value;
-class DataUsageLoadVerifier {
- public:
- DataUsageLoadVerifier(
- std::unique_ptr<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>
- expected) {
- expected_ = std::move(expected);
- }
- void OnLoadDataUsage(
- std::unique_ptr<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>
- actual) {
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_->size(), actual->size());
- // We are iterating through 2 vectors, |actual| and |expected|, so using an
- // index rather than an iterator.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_->size(); ++i) {
- data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket* actual_bucket = &(actual->at(i));
- data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket* expected_bucket =
- &(expected_->at(i));
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_bucket->connection_usage_size(),
- actual_bucket->connection_usage_size());
- for (int j = 0; j < expected_bucket->connection_usage_size(); ++j) {
- data_reduction_proxy::PerConnectionDataUsage actual_connection_usage =
- actual_bucket->connection_usage(j);
- data_reduction_proxy::PerConnectionDataUsage expected_connection_usage =
- expected_bucket->connection_usage(j);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_connection_usage.site_usage_size(),
- actual_connection_usage.site_usage_size());
- for (auto expected_site_usage :
- expected_connection_usage.site_usage()) {
- data_reduction_proxy::PerSiteDataUsage actual_site_usage;
- for (auto it = actual_connection_usage.site_usage().begin();
- it != actual_connection_usage.site_usage().end(); ++it) {
- if (it->hostname() == expected_site_usage.hostname()) {
- actual_site_usage = *it;
- }
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_site_usage.data_used(),
- actual_site_usage.data_used());
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_site_usage.original_size(),
- actual_site_usage.original_size());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private:
- std::unique_ptr<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>> expected_;
-} // namespace
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-// The initial last update time used in test. There is no leap second a few
-// days around this time used in the test.
-// Note: No time zone is specified. Local time will be assumed by
-// base::Time::FromString below.
-const char kLastUpdateTime[] = "Wed, 18 Sep 2013 03:45:26";
-class DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest()
- : task_environment_(
- base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment::MainThreadType::UI) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromString(kLastUpdateTime, &now_));
- }
- void SetUp() override {
- drp_test_context_ = DataReductionProxyTestContext::Builder().Build();
- compression_stats_ = std::make_unique<DataReductionProxyCompressionStats>(
- data_reduction_proxy_service(), pref_service(), base::TimeDelta());
- }
- void ResetCompressionStatsWithDelay(const base::TimeDelta& delay) {
- compression_stats_ = std::make_unique<DataReductionProxyCompressionStats>(
- data_reduction_proxy_service(), pref_service(), delay);
- }
- base::Time FakeNow() const {
- return now_ + now_delta_;
- }
- void SetFakeTimeDeltaInHours(int hours) { now_delta_ = base::Hours(hours); }
- void AddFakeTimeDeltaInHours(int hours) { now_delta_ += base::Hours(hours); }
- void SetUpPrefs() {
- CreatePrefList(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- CreatePrefList(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- const int64_t kOriginalLength = 150;
- const int64_t kReceivedLength = 100;
- compression_stats_->SetInt64(
- prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength, kOriginalLength);
- compression_stats_->SetInt64(
- prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength, kReceivedLength);
- base::ListValue* original_daily_content_length_list =
- compression_stats_->GetList(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- base::ListValue* received_daily_content_length_list =
- compression_stats_->GetList(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumDaysInHistory; ++i) {
- original_daily_content_length_list->Set(
- i, std::make_unique<base::Value>(base::NumberToString(i)));
- }
- received_daily_content_length_list->ClearList();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumDaysInHistory / 2; ++i) {
- received_daily_content_length_list->Append(base::NumberToString(i));
- }
- }
- // Create daily pref list of |kNumDaysInHistory| zero values.
- void CreatePrefList(const char* pref) {
- base::Value* update = compression_stats_->GetList(pref);
- update->ClearList();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumDaysInHistory; ++i) {
- update->Append(base::Value(base::NumberToString(0)));
- }
- }
- // Verify the pref list values in |pref_service_| are equal to those in
- // |simple_pref_service| for |pref|.
- void VerifyPrefListWasWritten(const char* pref) {
- const base::ListValue* delayed_list = compression_stats_->GetList(pref);
- const base::ListValue* written_list = pref_service()->GetList(pref);
- ASSERT_EQ(delayed_list->GetList().size(), written_list->GetList().size());
- size_t count = delayed_list->GetList().size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- EXPECT_EQ(GetListPrefInt64Value(*delayed_list, i),
- GetListPrefInt64Value(*written_list, i));
- }
- }
- // Verify the pref value in |pref_service_| are equal to that in
- // |simple_pref_service|.
- void VerifyPrefWasWritten(const char* pref) {
- int64_t delayed_pref = compression_stats_->GetInt64(pref);
- int64_t written_pref = pref_service()->GetInt64(pref);
- EXPECT_EQ(delayed_pref, written_pref);
- }
- // Verify the pref values in |dict| are equal to that in |compression_stats_|.
- void VerifyPrefs(base::DictionaryValue* dict) {
- std::u16string dict_pref_string;
- int64_t dict_pref;
- int64_t service_pref;
- dict->GetString("historic_original_content_length", &dict_pref_string);
- base::StringToInt64(dict_pref_string, &dict_pref);
- service_pref =
- compression_stats_->GetInt64(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength);
- EXPECT_EQ(service_pref, dict_pref);
- dict->GetString("historic_received_content_length", &dict_pref_string);
- base::StringToInt64(dict_pref_string, &dict_pref);
- service_pref =
- compression_stats_->GetInt64(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength);
- EXPECT_EQ(service_pref, dict_pref);
- }
- // Verify the pref list values are equal to the given values.
- // If the count of values is less than kNumDaysInHistory, zeros are assumed
- // at the beginning.
- void VerifyPrefList(const char* pref,
- const int64_t* values,
- size_t count,
- size_t num_days_in_history) {
- ASSERT_GE(num_days_in_history, count);
- base::ListValue* update = compression_stats_->GetList(pref);
- ASSERT_EQ(num_days_in_history, update->GetList().size())
- << "Pref: " << pref;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- EXPECT_EQ(values[i],
- GetListPrefInt64Value(*update, num_days_in_history - count + i))
- << pref << "; index=" << (num_days_in_history - count + i);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_days_in_history - count; ++i) {
- EXPECT_EQ(0, GetListPrefInt64Value(*update, i)) << "index=" << i;
- }
- }
- // Verify that the pref value is equal to given value.
- void VerifyPrefInt64(const char* pref, const int64_t value) {
- EXPECT_EQ(value, compression_stats_->GetInt64(pref));
- }
- // Verify all daily data saving pref list values.
- void VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(
- const int64_t* original_values,
- size_t original_count,
- const int64_t* received_values,
- size_t received_count,
- size_t num_days_in_history) {
- VerifyPrefList(data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength,
- original_values, original_count, num_days_in_history);
- VerifyPrefList(data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength,
- received_values, received_count, num_days_in_history);
- }
- int64_t GetInt64(const char* pref_path) {
- return compression_stats_->GetInt64(pref_path);
- }
- void SetInt64(const char* pref_path, int64_t pref_value) {
- compression_stats_->SetInt64(pref_path, pref_value);
- }
- std::string NormalizeHostname(const std::string& hostname) {
- return DataReductionProxyCompressionStats::NormalizeHostname(hostname);
- }
- void RecordContentLengthPrefs(int64_t received_content_length,
- int64_t original_content_length,
- bool with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
- const std::string& mime_type,
- base::Time now) {
- compression_stats_->RecordRequestSizePrefs(
- received_content_length, original_content_length,
- with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled, mime_type, now);
- }
- void RecordContentLengthPrefs(int64_t received_content_length,
- int64_t original_content_length,
- bool with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
- base::Time now) {
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(received_content_length, original_content_length,
- with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
- "application/octet-stream", now);
- }
- void RecordDataUsage(const std::string& data_usage_host,
- int64_t data_used,
- int64_t original_size,
- const base::Time& time) {
- compression_stats_->RecordDataUseByHost(data_usage_host, data_used,
- original_size, time);
- }
- void GetHistoricalDataUsage(HistoricalDataUsageCallback on_load_data_usage,
- const base::Time& now) {
- compression_stats_->GetHistoricalDataUsageImpl(
- std::move(on_load_data_usage), now);
- }
- void LoadHistoricalDataUsage(HistoricalDataUsageCallback on_load_data_usage) {
- compression_stats_->service_->LoadHistoricalDataUsage(
- std::move(on_load_data_usage));
- }
- void DeleteHistoricalDataUsage() {
- compression_stats_->DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
- }
- void ClearDataSavingStatistics() {
- compression_stats_->ClearDataSavingStatistics(
- DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason::
- }
- void DeleteBrowsingHistory(const base::Time& start, const base::Time& end) {
- compression_stats_->DeleteBrowsingHistory(start, end);
- }
- void EnableDataUsageReporting() {
- pref_service()->SetBoolean(prefs::kDataUsageReportingEnabled, true);
- }
- void DisableDataUsageReporting() {
- pref_service()->SetBoolean(prefs::kDataUsageReportingEnabled, false);
- }
- DataReductionProxyCompressionStats* compression_stats() {
- return compression_stats_.get();
- }
- void ForceWritePrefs() { compression_stats_->WritePrefs(); }
- bool IsDelayedWriteTimerRunning() const {
- return compression_stats_->pref_writer_timer_.IsRunning();
- }
- TestingPrefServiceSimple* pref_service() {
- return drp_test_context_->pref_service();
- }
- DataReductionProxyService* data_reduction_proxy_service() {
- return drp_test_context_->data_reduction_proxy_service();
- }
- bool IsDataReductionProxyEnabled() {
- return drp_test_context_->IsDataReductionProxyEnabled();
- }
- void InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(const base::Time& now) {
- compression_stats_->InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(now);
- }
- void RecordWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- const base::Time& now,
- int32_t received_kb,
- bool is_user_request,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType content_type,
- int32_t service_hash_code) {
- compression_stats_->RecordWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- now, received_kb, is_user_request, content_type, service_hash_code);
- }
- void VerifyDictionaryPref(const std::string& pref,
- int key,
- int expected_value) const {
- const base::DictionaryValue* dict =
- compression_stats_->pref_service_->GetDictionary(pref);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_value != 0, dict->HasKey(base::NumberToString(key)));
- if (expected_value) {
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_value,
- dict->FindKey(base::NumberToString(key))->GetInt());
- }
- }
- private:
- base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment task_environment_;
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyTestContext> drp_test_context_;
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyCompressionStats> compression_stats_;
- base::Time now_;
- base::TimeDelta now_delta_;
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, WritePrefsDirect) {
- SetUpPrefs();
- VerifyPrefWasWritten(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength);
- VerifyPrefWasWritten(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength);
- VerifyPrefListWasWritten(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- VerifyPrefListWasWritten(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, WritePrefsDelayed) {
- ResetCompressionStatsWithDelay(base::Minutes(kWriteDelayMinutes));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, pref_service()->GetInt64(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, pref_service()->GetInt64(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength));
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsDelayedWriteTimerRunning());
- SetUpPrefs();
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsDelayedWriteTimerRunning());
- ForceWritePrefs();
- VerifyPrefWasWritten(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength);
- VerifyPrefWasWritten(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength);
- VerifyPrefListWasWritten(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- VerifyPrefListWasWritten(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, StatsRestoredOnOnRestart) {
- base::Value list_value(base::Value::Type::LIST);
- list_value.Append(base::Value(base::NumberToString(1234)));
- pref_service()->Set(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength, list_value);
- ResetCompressionStatsWithDelay(base::Minutes(kWriteDelayMinutes));
- const base::Value* value =
- pref_service()->GetList(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- const std::string* string_value = value->GetList()[0].GetIfString();
- EXPECT_EQ("1234", *string_value);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, TotalLengths) {
- const int64_t kOriginalLength = 200;
- const int64_t kReceivedLength = 100;
- compression_stats()->RecordDataUseWithMimeType(
- kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, IsDataReductionProxyEnabled(),
- std::string(), true, data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::OTHER, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(kReceivedLength,
- GetInt64(data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength));
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsDataReductionProxyEnabled());
- EXPECT_EQ(kOriginalLength,
- GetInt64(data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength));
- // Record the same numbers again, and total lengths should be doubled.
- compression_stats()->RecordDataUseWithMimeType(
- kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, IsDataReductionProxyEnabled(),
- std::string(), true, data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::OTHER, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(kReceivedLength * 2,
- GetInt64(data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength));
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsDataReductionProxyEnabled());
- EXPECT_EQ(kOriginalLength * 2,
- GetInt64(data_reduction_proxy::prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength));
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, OneResponse) {
- const int64_t kOriginalLength = 200;
- const int64_t kReceivedLength = 100;
- int64_t original[] = {kOriginalLength};
- int64_t received[] = {kReceivedLength};
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 1, received, 1,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, MultipleResponses) {
- const int64_t kOriginalLength = 150;
- const int64_t kReceivedLength = 100;
- int64_t original[] = {kOriginalLength};
- int64_t received[] = {kReceivedLength};
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, false, FakeNow());
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 1, received, 1,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- original[0] += kOriginalLength;
- received[0] += kReceivedLength;
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 1, received, 1,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- original[0] += kOriginalLength;
- received[0] += kReceivedLength;
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 1, received, 1,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- original[0] += kOriginalLength;
- received[0] += kReceivedLength;
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 1, received, 1,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, false, FakeNow());
- original[0] += kOriginalLength;
- received[0] += kReceivedLength;
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 1, received, 1,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, ForwardOneDay) {
- const int64_t kOriginalLength = 200;
- const int64_t kReceivedLength = 100;
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- // Forward one day.
- SetFakeTimeDeltaInHours(24);
- // Proxy not enabled. Not via proxy.
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, false, FakeNow());
- int64_t original[] = {kOriginalLength, kOriginalLength};
- int64_t received[] = {kReceivedLength, kReceivedLength};
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 2, received, 2,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- // Proxy enabled. Not via proxy.
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- original[1] += kOriginalLength;
- received[1] += kReceivedLength;
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 2, received, 2,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- // Proxy enabled and via proxy.
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- original[1] += kOriginalLength;
- received[1] += kReceivedLength;
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 2, received, 2,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- // Proxy enabled and via proxy, with content length greater than max int32_t.
- const int64_t kBigOriginalLength = 0x300000000LL; // 12G.
- const int64_t kBigReceivedLength = 0x200000000LL; // 8G.
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kBigReceivedLength, kBigOriginalLength, true,
- FakeNow());
- original[1] += kBigOriginalLength;
- received[1] += kBigReceivedLength;
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 2, received, 2,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, PartialDayTimeChange) {
- const int64_t kOriginalLength = 200;
- const int64_t kReceivedLength = 100;
- int64_t original[] = {0, kOriginalLength};
- int64_t received[] = {0, kReceivedLength};
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 2, received, 2,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- // Forward 10 hours, stay in the same day.
- // See kLastUpdateTime: "Now" in test is 03:45am.
- SetFakeTimeDeltaInHours(10);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- original[1] += kOriginalLength;
- received[1] += kReceivedLength;
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 2, received, 2,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- // Forward 11 more hours, comes to tomorrow.
- AddFakeTimeDeltaInHours(11);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- int64_t original2[] = {kOriginalLength * 2, kOriginalLength};
- int64_t received2[] = {kReceivedLength * 2, kReceivedLength};
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original2, 2, received2, 2,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, BackwardAndForwardOneDay) {
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- const int64_t kOriginalLength = 200;
- const int64_t kReceivedLength = 100;
- int64_t original[] = {kOriginalLength};
- int64_t received[] = {kReceivedLength};
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- // Backward one day, expect no count.
- SetFakeTimeDeltaInHours(-24);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- original[0] += kOriginalLength;
- received[0] += kReceivedLength;
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 1, received, 1,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount("DataReductionProxy.SavingsCleared.Reason",
- 0);
- // Then forward one day, expect no count.
- AddFakeTimeDeltaInHours(24);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- int64_t original2[] = {kOriginalLength * 2, kOriginalLength};
- int64_t received2[] = {kReceivedLength * 2, kReceivedLength};
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original2, 2, received2, 2,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount("DataReductionProxy.SavingsCleared.Reason",
- 0);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, BackwardTwoDays) {
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- const int64_t kOriginalLength = 200;
- const int64_t kReceivedLength = 100;
- int64_t original[] = {kOriginalLength};
- int64_t received[] = {kReceivedLength};
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- // Backward two days, expect SYSTEM_CLOCK_MOVED_BACK.
- SetFakeTimeDeltaInHours(-2 * 24);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 1, received, 1,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample(
- "DataReductionProxy.SavingsCleared.Reason",
- DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason::SYSTEM_CLOCK_MOVED_BACK, 1);
- // Backward another two days, expect SYSTEM_CLOCK_MOVED_BACK.
- SetFakeTimeDeltaInHours(-4 * 24);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample(
- "DataReductionProxy.SavingsCleared.Reason",
- DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason::SYSTEM_CLOCK_MOVED_BACK, 2);
- // Forward 2 days, expect no change.
- AddFakeTimeDeltaInHours(2 * 24);
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample(
- "DataReductionProxy.SavingsCleared.Reason",
- DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason::SYSTEM_CLOCK_MOVED_BACK, 2);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, NormalizeHostname) {
- EXPECT_EQ("", NormalizeHostname(""));
- EXPECT_EQ("", NormalizeHostname(""));
- EXPECT_EQ("", NormalizeHostname(""));
- EXPECT_EQ("", NormalizeHostname(""));
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, RecordDataUsageSingleSite) {
- EnableDataUsageReporting();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- RecordDataUsage("", 1000, 1250, now);
- auto expected_data_usage =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- data_reduction_proxy::PerConnectionDataUsage* connection_usage =
- expected_data_usage->at(kNumExpectedBuckets - 1).add_connection_usage();
- data_reduction_proxy::PerSiteDataUsage* site_usage =
- connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- site_usage->set_hostname("");
- site_usage->set_data_used(1000);
- site_usage->set_original_size(1250);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier(std::move(expected_data_usage));
- GetHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(&DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage,
- base::Unretained(&verifier)),
- now);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, DisableDataUsageRecording) {
- EnableDataUsageReporting();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- RecordDataUsage("", 1000, 1250, now);
- DisableDataUsageReporting();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
- // Data usage on disk must be deleted.
- auto expected_data_usage1 =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier1(std::move(expected_data_usage1));
- LoadHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(
- &DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage, base::Unretained(&verifier1)));
- // Public API must return an empty array.
- auto expected_data_usage2 =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>();
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier2(std::move(expected_data_usage2));
- GetHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(&DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage,
- base::Unretained(&verifier2)),
- now);
- // For Android don't delete data usage.
- auto expected_data_usage =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- data_reduction_proxy::PerConnectionDataUsage* connection_usage =
- expected_data_usage->at(kNumExpectedBuckets - 1).add_connection_usage();
- data_reduction_proxy::PerSiteDataUsage* site_usage =
- connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- site_usage->set_hostname("");
- site_usage->set_data_used(1000);
- site_usage->set_original_size(1250);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier(std::move(expected_data_usage));
- GetHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(&DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage,
- base::Unretained(&verifier)),
- now);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, RecordDataUsageMultipleSites) {
- EnableDataUsageReporting();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- RecordDataUsage("", 1000, 1250, now);
- RecordDataUsage("", 1001, 1251, now);
- RecordDataUsage("", 1002, 1252, now);
- auto expected_data_usage =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- data_reduction_proxy::PerConnectionDataUsage* connection_usage =
- expected_data_usage->at(kNumExpectedBuckets - 1).add_connection_usage();
- data_reduction_proxy::PerSiteDataUsage* site_usage =
- connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- site_usage->set_hostname("");
- site_usage->set_data_used(1000);
- site_usage->set_original_size(1250);
- site_usage = connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- site_usage->set_hostname("");
- site_usage->set_data_used(1001);
- site_usage->set_original_size(1251);
- site_usage = connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- site_usage->set_hostname("");
- site_usage->set_data_used(1002);
- site_usage->set_original_size(1252);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier(std::move(expected_data_usage));
- GetHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(&DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage,
- base::Unretained(&verifier)),
- now);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- RecordDataUsageConsecutiveBuckets) {
- EnableDataUsageReporting();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- base::Time fifteen_mins_ago = now - base::Minutes(15);
- RecordDataUsage("", 1000, 1250, fifteen_mins_ago);
- RecordDataUsage("", 1001, 1251, now);
- auto expected_data_usage =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- data_reduction_proxy::PerConnectionDataUsage* connection_usage =
- expected_data_usage->at(kNumExpectedBuckets - 2).add_connection_usage();
- data_reduction_proxy::PerSiteDataUsage* site_usage =
- connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- site_usage->set_hostname("");
- site_usage->set_data_used(1000);
- site_usage->set_original_size(1250);
- connection_usage =
- expected_data_usage->at(kNumExpectedBuckets - 1).add_connection_usage();
- site_usage = connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- site_usage->set_hostname("");
- site_usage->set_data_used(1001);
- site_usage->set_original_size(1251);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier(std::move(expected_data_usage));
- GetHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(&DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage,
- base::Unretained(&verifier)),
- now);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
-// Test that the last entry in data usage bucket vector is for the current
-// interval even when current interval does not have any data usage.
- RecordDataUsageEmptyCurrentInterval) {
- EnableDataUsageReporting();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- base::Time fifteen_mins_ago = now - base::Minutes(15);
- RecordDataUsage("", 1000, 1250, fifteen_mins_ago);
- auto expected_data_usage =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- data_reduction_proxy::PerConnectionDataUsage* connection_usage =
- expected_data_usage->at(kNumExpectedBuckets - 2).add_connection_usage();
- data_reduction_proxy::PerSiteDataUsage* site_usage =
- connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- site_usage->set_hostname("");
- site_usage->set_data_used(1000);
- site_usage->set_original_size(1250);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier(std::move(expected_data_usage));
- GetHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(&DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage,
- base::Unretained(&verifier)),
- now);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, DeleteHistoricalDataUsage) {
- EnableDataUsageReporting();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- base::Time fifteen_mins_ago = now - base::Minutes(15);
- // Fake record to be from 15 minutes ago so that it is flushed to storage.
- RecordDataUsage("", 900, 1100, fifteen_mins_ago);
- RecordDataUsage("", 1000, 1250, now);
- DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- auto expected_data_usage =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier(std::move(expected_data_usage));
- GetHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(&DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage,
- base::Unretained(&verifier)),
- now);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, DeleteBrowsingHistory) {
- EnableDataUsageReporting();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- base::Time fifteen_mins_ago = now - base::Minutes(15);
- // Fake record to be from 15 minutes ago so that it is flushed to storage.
- RecordDataUsage("", 900, 1100, fifteen_mins_ago);
- // This data usage will be in kept in memory.
- RecordDataUsage("", 1000, 1250, now);
- // This should only delete in-memory usage.
- DeleteBrowsingHistory(now, now);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- ASSERT_TRUE(compression_stats()->DataUsageMapForTesting().empty());
- auto expected_data_usage =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- data_reduction_proxy::PerConnectionDataUsage* connection_usage =
- expected_data_usage->at(kNumExpectedBuckets - 1).add_connection_usage();
- data_reduction_proxy::PerSiteDataUsage* site_usage =
- connection_usage->add_site_usage();
- site_usage->set_hostname("");
- site_usage->set_data_used(900);
- site_usage->set_original_size(1100);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier1(std::move(expected_data_usage));
- LoadHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(
- &DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage, base::Unretained(&verifier1)));
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- // This should delete in-storage usage as well.
- DeleteBrowsingHistory(fifteen_mins_ago, now);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- expected_data_usage =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier2(std::move(expected_data_usage));
- LoadHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(
- &DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage, base::Unretained(&verifier2)));
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, ClearDataSavingStatistics) {
- EnableDataUsageReporting();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- base::Time fifteen_mins_ago = now - base::Minutes(15);
- // Fake record to be from 15 minutes ago so that it is flushed to storage.
- RecordDataUsage("", 900, 1100, fifteen_mins_ago);
- RecordDataUsage("", 1000, 1250, now);
- const int64_t kOriginalLength = 200;
- const int64_t kReceivedLength = 100;
- int64_t original[] = {kOriginalLength};
- int64_t received[] = {kReceivedLength};
- RecordContentLengthPrefs(kReceivedLength, kOriginalLength, true, FakeNow());
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(original, 1, received, 1,
- kNumDaysInHistory);
- ClearDataSavingStatistics();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- auto expected_data_usage =
- std::make_unique<std::vector<data_reduction_proxy::DataUsageBucket>>(
- kNumExpectedBuckets);
- DataUsageLoadVerifier verifier(std::move(expected_data_usage));
- GetHistoricalDataUsage(base::BindOnce(&DataUsageLoadVerifier::OnLoadDataUsage,
- base::Unretained(&verifier)),
- now);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- VerifyDailyDataSavingContentLengthPrefLists(nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, 0);
-// Aggregate metrics recording was disabled on Android x86 in
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID) && defined(ARCH_CPU_X86)
-#define MAYBE_WeeklyAggregateDataUse DISABLED_WeeklyAggregateDataUse
-#define MAYBE_WeeklyAggregateDataUse WeeklyAggregateDataUse
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyCompressionStatsTest, MAYBE_WeeklyAggregateDataUse) {
- const int32_t kDataUseKB = 100;
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(base::Time::Now());
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.Services.Downstream.Background",
- 0);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.Services.Downstream.Foreground",
- 0);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.Services.Downstream.Background",
- 0);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.Services.Downstream.Foreground",
- 0);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- 0);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- 0);
- RecordWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- base::Time::Now(), kDataUseKB, true,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML, 0);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML,
- kDataUseKB);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- 0);
- InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(base::Time::Now());
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML, kDataUseKB);
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML, 0);
-// Aggregate metrics recording was disabled on Android x86 in
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID) && defined(ARCH_CPU_X86)
-#define MAYBE_AggregateDataUseForwardWeeks DISABLED_AggregateDataUseForwardWeeks
-#define MAYBE_AggregateDataUseForwardWeeks AggregateDataUseForwardWeeks
- MAYBE_AggregateDataUseForwardWeeks) {
- const int32_t kMainFrameKB = 100;
- const int32_t kNonMainFrameKB = 101;
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- base::Time fake_time_now = base::Time::Now();
- InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(fake_time_now);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- 0);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- 0);
- RecordWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- fake_time_now, kMainFrameKB, true,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML, 0);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML,
- kMainFrameKB);
- RecordWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- fake_time_now, kNonMainFrameKB, true,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::NON_MAIN_FRAME_HTML, 0);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::NON_MAIN_FRAME_HTML,
- kNonMainFrameKB);
- // Fast forward 7 days, and verify that the last week histograms are recorded.
- fake_time_now += base::Days(7);
- InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(fake_time_now);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(prefs::kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML,
- kMainFrameKB);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::NON_MAIN_FRAME_HTML,
- kNonMainFrameKB);
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML, kMainFrameKB);
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.LastWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::NON_MAIN_FRAME_HTML,
- kNonMainFrameKB);
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.ThisWeekAggregateKB.UserTraffic.Downstream."
- "ContentType",
- 0);
- // Subsequent data use should be recorded to the current week prefs.
- RecordWeeklyAggregateDataUse(
- fake_time_now, kMainFrameKB, true,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML, 0);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML,
- kMainFrameKB);
- // Fast forward by more than two weeks, and the prefs will be cleared.
- fake_time_now += base::Days(15);
- InitializeWeeklyAggregateDataUse(fake_time_now);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(prefs::kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML,
- 0);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::NON_MAIN_FRAME_HTML, 0);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::MAIN_FRAME_HTML,
- 0);
- VerifyDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::NON_MAIN_FRAME_HTML, 0);
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c495b703e0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_prefs.h"
-#include <memory>
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-#include "components/pref_registry/pref_registry_syncable.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
-#include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-// Make sure any changes here that have the potential to impact android_webview
-// are reflected in RegisterSimpleProfilePrefs.
-void RegisterSyncableProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry) {
- registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDataSaverEnabled, false);
- registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDataReductionProxyWasEnabledBefore,
- false);
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime, 0L);
- registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDataUsageReportingEnabled, false);
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength, 0);
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength, 0);
- registry->RegisterListPref(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- registry->RegisterListPref(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate, 0L);
- registry->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kThisWeekNumber, 0);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB, PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB, PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB, PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB, PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
-void RegisterSimpleProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
- registry->RegisterBooleanPref(
- prefs::kDataReductionProxyWasEnabledBefore, false);
- registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDataUsageReportingEnabled, false);
- RegisterPrefs(registry);
-// Add any new data reduction proxy prefs to the |pref_map_| or the
-// |list_pref_map_| in Init() of DataReductionProxyCompressionStats.
-void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime, 0L);
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength, 0);
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(
- prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength, 0);
- registry->RegisterListPref(
- prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- registry->RegisterListPref(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(
- prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate, 0L);
- registry->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kThisWeekNumber, 0);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB, PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kThisWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB, PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB, PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kLastWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB, PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
- registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
- prefs::kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB,
- PrefRegistry::LOSSY_PREF);
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_prefs.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_prefs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0801cb37431..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_prefs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-namespace user_prefs {
-class PrefRegistrySyncable;
-class PrefRegistrySimple;
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-// Registers the data reduction proxy's profile prefs on platforms that use
-// syncable prefs.
-void RegisterSyncableProfilePrefs(
- user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
-// Registers the data reduction proxy's profile prefs on platforms that do not
-// use syncable prefs.
-void RegisterSimpleProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
-// Registers local state, i.e., profile-agnostic prefs for the data
-// reduction proxy.
-void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 455de14b1d8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_prefs.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
-#include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
-#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataReductionProxyPrefsTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- void SetUp() override {
- RegisterPrefs(local_state_prefs_.registry());
- PrefRegistrySimple* profile_registry = profile_prefs_.registry();
- RegisterPrefs(profile_registry);
- }
- PrefService* local_state_prefs() {
- return &local_state_prefs_;
- }
- PrefService* profile_prefs() {
- return &profile_prefs_;
- }
- // Initializes a list with ten string representations of successive int64_t
- // values, starting with |starting_value|.
- void InitializeList(const char* pref_name,
- int64_t starting_value,
- PrefService* pref_service) {
- ListPrefUpdate list(local_state_prefs(), pref_name);
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < 10L; ++i) {
- list->Append(base::NumberToString(i + starting_value));
- }
- }
- // Verifies that ten string repreentations of successive int64_t values
- // starting with |starting_value| are found in the |ListValue| with the
- // associated |pref_name|.
- void VerifyList(const char* pref_name,
- int64_t starting_value,
- PrefService* pref_service) {
- const base::ListValue* list_value = pref_service->GetList(pref_name);
- base::Value::ConstListView list_view = list_value->GetList();
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < 10L; ++i) {
- std::string string_value;
- int64_t value;
- if (static_cast<size_t>(i) < list_view.size() &&
- list_view[i].is_string()) {
- string_value = list_view[i].GetString();
- }
- base::StringToInt64(string_value, &value);
- EXPECT_EQ(i + starting_value, value);
- }
- }
- private:
- void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength, 0);
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength, 0);
- registry->RegisterListPref(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- registry->RegisterListPref(prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- registry->RegisterInt64Pref(
- prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate, 0L);
- }
- TestingPrefServiceSimple local_state_prefs_;
- TestingPrefServiceSimple profile_prefs_;
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f23c62fa0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_service.h"
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
-#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/task/task_runner_util.h"
-#include "base/time/default_clock.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_headers.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/proto/data_store.pb.h"
-#include "components/data_use_measurement/core/data_use_measurement.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-namespace {
-absl::optional<base::Value> GetSaveDataSavingsPercentEstimateFromFieldTrial() {
- if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kReportSaveDataSavings))
- return absl::nullopt;
- const auto origin_savings_estimate_json =
- base::GetFieldTrialParamValueByFeature(features::kReportSaveDataSavings,
- "origin_savings_estimate");
- if (origin_savings_estimate_json.empty())
- return absl::nullopt;
- auto origin_savings_estimates =
- base::JSONReader::Read(origin_savings_estimate_json);
- "DataReductionProxy.ReportSaveDataSavings.ParseResult",
- origin_savings_estimates && origin_savings_estimates->is_dict());
- return origin_savings_estimates;
-// Hostname used for the other bucket which consists of chrome-services traffic.
-// This should be in sync with the same in
-const char kOtherHostName[] = "Other";
-} // namespace
- DataReductionProxySettings* settings,
- PrefService* prefs,
- std::unique_ptr<DataStore> store,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement* data_use_measurement,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& db_task_runner,
- const base::TimeDelta& commit_delay)
- : settings_(settings),
- prefs_(prefs),
- db_data_owner_(new DBDataOwner(std::move(store))),
- db_task_runner_(db_task_runner),
- data_use_measurement_(data_use_measurement),
- save_data_savings_estimate_dict_(
- GetSaveDataSavingsPercentEstimateFromFieldTrial()) {
- DCHECK(data_use_measurement_);
- DCHECK(settings);
- db_task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- base::BindOnce(&DBDataOwner::InitializeOnDBThread,
- db_data_owner_->GetWeakPtr()));
- if (prefs_) {
- compression_stats_ = std::make_unique<DataReductionProxyCompressionStats>(
- this, prefs_, commit_delay);
- }
- if (data_use_measurement_) { // null in unit tests.
- data_use_measurement_->AddServicesDataUseObserver(this);
- }
-DataReductionProxyService::~DataReductionProxyService() {
- compression_stats_.reset();
- db_task_runner_->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, db_data_owner_.release());
- if (data_use_measurement_) { // null in unit tests.
- data_use_measurement_->RemoveServicesDataUseObserver(this);
- }
-void DataReductionProxyService::Shutdown() {
- weak_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
-void DataReductionProxyService::UpdateDataUseForHost(int64_t network_bytes,
- int64_t original_bytes,
- const std::string& host) {
- if (compression_stats_) {
- compression_stats_->RecordDataUseByHost(host, network_bytes, original_bytes,
- base::Time::Now());
- }
-void DataReductionProxyService::UpdateContentLengths(
- int64_t data_used,
- int64_t original_size,
- bool data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
- const std::string& mime_type,
- bool is_user_traffic,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType content_type,
- int32_t service_hash_code) {
- if (compression_stats_) {
- compression_stats_->RecordDataUseWithMimeType(
- data_used, original_size, data_reduction_proxy_enabled, mime_type,
- is_user_traffic, content_type, service_hash_code);
- }
-void DataReductionProxyService::SetUnreachable(bool unreachable) {
- settings_->SetUnreachable(unreachable);
-void DataReductionProxyService::SetInt64Pref(const std::string& pref_path,
- int64_t value) {
- if (prefs_)
- prefs_->SetInt64(pref_path, value);
-void DataReductionProxyService::SetStringPref(const std::string& pref_path,
- const std::string& value) {
- if (prefs_)
- prefs_->SetString(pref_path, value);
-void DataReductionProxyService::LoadHistoricalDataUsage(
- HistoricalDataUsageCallback load_data_usage_callback) {
- std::unique_ptr<std::vector<DataUsageBucket>> data_usage(
- new std::vector<DataUsageBucket>());
- std::vector<DataUsageBucket>* data_usage_ptr = data_usage.get();
- db_task_runner_->PostTaskAndReply(
- base::BindOnce(&DBDataOwner::LoadHistoricalDataUsage,
- db_data_owner_->GetWeakPtr(),
- base::Unretained(data_usage_ptr)),
- base::BindOnce(std::move(load_data_usage_callback),
- std::move(data_usage)));
-void DataReductionProxyService::LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(
- LoadCurrentDataUsageCallback load_current_data_usage_callback) {
- std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket> bucket(new DataUsageBucket());
- DataUsageBucket* bucket_ptr = bucket.get();
- db_task_runner_->PostTaskAndReply(
- base::BindOnce(&DBDataOwner::LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket,
- db_data_owner_->GetWeakPtr(),
- base::Unretained(bucket_ptr)),
- base::BindOnce(std::move(load_current_data_usage_callback),
- std::move(bucket)));
-void DataReductionProxyService::StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(
- std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket> current) {
- db_task_runner_->PostTask(
- base::BindOnce(&DBDataOwner::StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket,
- db_data_owner_->GetWeakPtr(), std::move(current)));
-void DataReductionProxyService::DeleteHistoricalDataUsage() {
- db_task_runner_->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&DBDataOwner::DeleteHistoricalDataUsage,
- db_data_owner_->GetWeakPtr()));
-void DataReductionProxyService::DeleteBrowsingHistory(const base::Time& start,
- const base::Time& end) {
- DCHECK_LE(start, end);
- db_task_runner_->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&DBDataOwner::DeleteBrowsingHistory,
- db_data_owner_->GetWeakPtr(), start, end));
-DataReductionProxyService::GetWeakPtr() {
- return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
-void DataReductionProxyService::OnServicesDataUse(int32_t service_hash_code,
- int64_t recv_bytes,
- int64_t sent_bytes) {
- if (compression_stats_) {
- // Record non-content initiated traffic to the Other bucket for data saver
- // site-breakdown.
- compression_stats_->RecordDataUseByHost(kOtherHostName, sent_bytes,
- sent_bytes, base::Time::Now());
- compression_stats_->RecordDataUseByHost(kOtherHostName, recv_bytes,
- recv_bytes, base::Time::Now());
- compression_stats_->RecordDataUseWithMimeType(
- recv_bytes, recv_bytes, settings_->IsDataReductionProxyEnabled(),
- std::string(), false, data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::OTHER,
- service_hash_code);
- }
-double DataReductionProxyService::GetSaveDataSavingsPercentEstimate(
- const std::string& origin) const {
- if (origin.empty() || !save_data_savings_estimate_dict_ ||
- !save_data_savings_estimate_dict_->is_dict()) {
- return 0;
- }
- const auto savings_percent =
- save_data_savings_estimate_dict_->FindDoubleKey(origin);
- if (!savings_percent)
- return 0;
- return *savings_percent;
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_service.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_service.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 503728b6967..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_service.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/callback.h"
-#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
-#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
-#include "base/values.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_metrics.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/db_data_owner.h"
-#include "components/data_use_measurement/core/data_use_measurement.h"
-#include "net/nqe/effective_connection_type.h"
-class PrefService;
-namespace base {
-class SequencedTaskRunner;
-class TimeDelta;
-} // namespace base
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataReductionProxyCompressionStats;
-class DataReductionProxySettings;
-// Contains and initializes all Data Reduction Proxy objects that have a
-// lifetime based on the UI thread.
-class DataReductionProxyService
- : public data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement::ServicesDataUseObserver {
- public:
- // The caller must ensure that |settings|, |prefs|, |request_context|, and
- // |io_task_runner| remain alive for the lifetime of the
- // |DataReductionProxyService| instance. |prefs| may be null. This instance
- // will take ownership of |compression_stats|.
- // TODO(jeremyim): DataReductionProxyService should own
- // DataReductionProxySettings and not vice versa.
- DataReductionProxyService(
- DataReductionProxySettings* settings,
- PrefService* prefs,
- std::unique_ptr<DataStore> store,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement* data_use_measurement,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& db_task_runner,
- const base::TimeDelta& commit_delay);
- DataReductionProxyService(const DataReductionProxyService&) = delete;
- DataReductionProxyService& operator=(const DataReductionProxyService&) =
- delete;
- virtual ~DataReductionProxyService();
- void Shutdown();
- // Records data usage per host.
- // Virtual for testing.
- virtual void UpdateDataUseForHost(int64_t network_bytes,
- int64_t original_bytes,
- const std::string& host);
- // Records daily data savings statistics in |compression_stats_|.
- // Virtual for testing.
- virtual void UpdateContentLengths(
- int64_t data_used,
- int64_t original_size,
- bool data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
- const std::string& mime_type,
- bool is_user_traffic,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType content_type,
- int32_t service_hash_code);
- // Records whether the Data Reduction Proxy is unreachable or not.
- void SetUnreachable(bool unreachable);
- // Stores an int64_t value in |prefs_|.
- void SetInt64Pref(const std::string& pref_path, int64_t value);
- // Stores a string value in |prefs_|.
- void SetStringPref(const std::string& pref_path, const std::string& value);
- void LoadHistoricalDataUsage(
- HistoricalDataUsageCallback load_data_usage_callback);
- void LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(
- LoadCurrentDataUsageCallback load_current_data_usage_callback);
- void StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket> current);
- void DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
- void DeleteBrowsingHistory(const base::Time& start, const base::Time& end);
- void SetSettingsForTesting(DataReductionProxySettings* settings) {
- settings_ = settings;
- }
- // Returns the percentage of data savings estimate provided by save-data for
- // an origin.
- double GetSaveDataSavingsPercentEstimate(const std::string& origin) const;
- // Accessor methods.
- DataReductionProxyCompressionStats* compression_stats() const {
- return compression_stats_.get();
- }
- base::WeakPtr<DataReductionProxyService> GetWeakPtr();
- base::SequencedTaskRunner* GetDBTaskRunnerForTesting() const {
- return db_task_runner_.get();
- }
- private:
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxyConfigServiceClientTest,
- MultipleAuthFailures);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxyConfigServiceClientTest,
- ValidatePersistedClientConfig);
- void OnServicesDataUse(int32_t service_hash_code,
- int64_t recv_bytes,
- int64_t sent_bytes) override;
- // Tracks compression statistics to be displayed to the user.
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyCompressionStats> compression_stats_;
- raw_ptr<DataReductionProxySettings> settings_;
- // A prefs service for storing data.
- raw_ptr<PrefService> prefs_;
- std::unique_ptr<DBDataOwner> db_data_owner_;
- // Used to post tasks to |db_data_owner_|.
- scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> db_task_runner_;
- // Must be accessed on UI thread. Guaranteed to be non-null during the
- // lifetime of |this|.
- raw_ptr<data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement> data_use_measurement_;
- // Dictionary of save-data savings estimates by origin.
- const absl::optional<base::Value> save_data_savings_estimate_dict_;
- SEQUENCE_CHECKER(sequence_checker_);
- base::WeakPtrFactory<DataReductionProxyService> weak_factory_{this};
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
index ee8861ad00d..099bd766b29 100644
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
@@ -13,15 +13,7 @@
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "base/time/default_clock.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_service.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_member.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
-#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
-#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
namespace {
@@ -32,244 +24,28 @@ bool ShouldForceEnableDataReductionProxy() {
-// Key of the UMA DataReductionProxy.StartupState histogram.
-const char kUMAProxyStartupStateHistogram[] = "DataReductionProxy.StartupState";
-void RecordSettingsEnabledState(
- data_reduction_proxy::DataReductionSettingsEnabledAction action) {
- "DataReductionProxy.EnabledState", action,
-// Record the number of days since data reduction proxy was enabled by the
-// user.
-void RecordDaysSinceEnabledMetric(int days_since_enabled) {
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("DataReductionProxy.DaysSinceEnabled",
- days_since_enabled, 0, 365 * 10, 100);
} // namespace
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
bool is_off_the_record_profile)
- : unreachable_(false),
- prefs_(nullptr),
- clock_(base::DefaultClock::GetInstance()),
- is_off_the_record_profile_(is_off_the_record_profile) {
+ : is_off_the_record_profile_(is_off_the_record_profile) {
DataReductionProxySettings::~DataReductionProxySettings() = default;
-void DataReductionProxySettings::InitDataReductionProxySettings(
- PrefService* prefs,
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> data_reduction_proxy_service) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(prefs);
- DCHECK(data_reduction_proxy_service);
- prefs_ = prefs;
- data_reduction_proxy_service_ = std::move(data_reduction_proxy_service);
- RecordDataReductionInit();
- registrar_.Init(prefs_);
- registrar_.Add(
- prefs::kDataSaverEnabled,
- base::BindRepeating(&DataReductionProxySettings::OnProxyEnabledPrefChange,
- base::Unretained(this)));
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
- if (IsDataSaverEnabledByUser(is_off_the_record_profile_, prefs_)) {
- data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()
- ->SetDataUsageReportingEnabled(true);
- }
-#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
-void DataReductionProxySettings::SetCallbackToRegisterSyntheticFieldTrial(
- const SyntheticFieldTrialRegistrationCallback&
- on_data_reduction_proxy_enabled) {
- register_synthetic_field_trial_ = on_data_reduction_proxy_enabled;
- RegisterDataReductionProxyFieldTrial();
+void DataReductionProxySettings::InitDataReductionProxySettings() {}
// static
bool DataReductionProxySettings::IsDataSaverEnabledByUser(
- bool is_off_the_record_profile,
- PrefService* prefs) {
+ bool is_off_the_record_profile) {
if (is_off_the_record_profile)
return false;
if (ShouldForceEnableDataReductionProxy())
return true;
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
- return prefs && prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kDataSaverEnabled);
return false;
-// static
-void DataReductionProxySettings::SetDataSaverEnabledForTesting(
- PrefService* prefs,
- bool enabled) {
- // Set the command line so that |IsDataSaverEnabledByUser| returns as expected
- // on all platforms.
- base::CommandLine* cmd = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
- if (enabled) {
- cmd->AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableDataReductionProxy);
- } else {
- cmd->RemoveSwitch(switches::kEnableDataReductionProxy);
- }
- // Set the pref so that all the pref change callbacks run.
- prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kDataSaverEnabled, enabled);
-bool DataReductionProxySettings::IsDataReductionProxyEnabled() const {
- return IsDataSaverEnabledByUser(is_off_the_record_profile_,
- GetOriginalProfilePrefs());
-bool DataReductionProxySettings::CanUseDataReductionProxy(
- const GURL& url) const {
- return url.is_valid() && url.scheme() == url::kHttpScheme &&
- IsDataReductionProxyEnabled();
-bool DataReductionProxySettings::IsDataReductionProxyManaged() {
- const PrefService::Preference* pref =
- GetOriginalProfilePrefs()->FindPreference(prefs::kDataSaverEnabled);
- return pref && pref->IsManaged();
-void DataReductionProxySettings::SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(bool enabled) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats());
- if (GetOriginalProfilePrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kDataSaverEnabled) !=
- enabled) {
- GetOriginalProfilePrefs()->SetBoolean(prefs::kDataSaverEnabled, enabled);
- OnProxyEnabledPrefChange();
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
- data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()
- ->SetDataUsageReportingEnabled(enabled);
-#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
- }
-int64_t DataReductionProxySettings::GetDataReductionLastUpdateTime() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats());
- return data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()
- ->GetLastUpdateTime();
-void DataReductionProxySettings::ClearDataSavingStatistics(
- DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason reason) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats());
- data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()->ClearDataSavingStatistics(
- reason);
-int64_t DataReductionProxySettings::GetTotalHttpContentLengthSaved() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- return data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()
- ->GetHttpOriginalContentLength() -
- data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()
- ->GetHttpReceivedContentLength();
-void DataReductionProxySettings::SetUnreachable(bool unreachable) {
- unreachable_ = unreachable;
-bool DataReductionProxySettings::IsDataReductionProxyUnreachable() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- return unreachable_;
-PrefService* DataReductionProxySettings::GetOriginalProfilePrefs() const {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- return prefs_;
-base::Time DataReductionProxySettings::GetLastEnabledTime() const {
- PrefService* prefs = GetOriginalProfilePrefs();
- int64_t last_enabled_time =
- prefs->GetInt64(prefs::kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime);
- if (last_enabled_time <= 0)
- return base::Time();
- return base::Time::FromInternalValue(last_enabled_time);
-void DataReductionProxySettings::RegisterDataReductionProxyFieldTrial() {
- register_synthetic_field_trial_.Run(
- "SyntheticDataReductionProxySetting",
- IsDataReductionProxyEnabled() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
-void DataReductionProxySettings::OnProxyEnabledPrefChange() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (!register_synthetic_field_trial_.is_null()) {
- RegisterDataReductionProxyFieldTrial();
- }
- MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(false);
- bool enabled = IsDataReductionProxyEnabled();
- for (auto& observer : observers_)
- observer.OnDataSaverEnabledChanged(enabled);
-void DataReductionProxySettings::ResetDataReductionStatistics() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats());
- data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()->ResetStatistics();
-void DataReductionProxySettings::MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(
- bool at_startup) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- PrefService* prefs = GetOriginalProfilePrefs();
- // Do nothing if prefs have not been initialized. This allows unit testing
- // of profile related code without having to initialize data reduction proxy
- // related prefs.
- if (!prefs)
- return;
- bool enabled = IsDataSaverEnabledByUser(is_off_the_record_profile_, prefs);
- if (enabled && at_startup) {
- const auto last_enabled_time = GetLastEnabledTime();
- if (!last_enabled_time.is_null()) {
- // Record the metric only if the time when data reduction proxy was
- // enabled is available.
- RecordDaysSinceEnabledMetric(
- (clock_->Now() - last_enabled_time).InDays());
- }
- }
- if (enabled &&
- !prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kDataReductionProxyWasEnabledBefore)) {
- prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kDataReductionProxyWasEnabledBefore, true);
- ResetDataReductionStatistics();
- }
- if (!at_startup) {
- if (IsDataReductionProxyEnabled()) {
- // Data reduction proxy has been enabled by the user. Record the number of
- // days since the data reduction proxy has been enabled as zero, and
- // store the current time in the pref.
- prefs->SetInt64(prefs::kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime,
- clock_->Now().ToInternalValue());
- RecordDaysSinceEnabledMetric(0);
- } else {
- }
- }
void DataReductionProxySettings::AddDataReductionProxySettingsObserver(
@@ -284,70 +60,4 @@ void DataReductionProxySettings::RemoveDataReductionProxySettingsObserver(
-// Metrics methods
-void DataReductionProxySettings::RecordDataReductionInit() const {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- RecordStartupState(IsDataReductionProxyEnabled() ? PROXY_ENABLED
- RecordStartupSavings();
-void DataReductionProxySettings::RecordStartupState(
- ProxyStartupState state) const {
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kUMAProxyStartupStateHistogram, state,
-void DataReductionProxySettings::RecordStartupSavings() const {
- // Minimum bytes the user should have browsed, for the data savings percent
- // UMA to be recorded at startup.
- const unsigned int kMinOriginalContentLengthBytes =
- 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MB.
- if (!IsDataReductionProxyEnabled())
- return;
- DCHECK(data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats());
- int64_t original_content_length =
- data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()
- ->GetHttpOriginalContentLength();
- int64_t received_content_length =
- data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()
- ->GetHttpReceivedContentLength();
- if (original_content_length < kMinOriginalContentLengthBytes)
- return;
- int savings_percent =
- static_cast<int>(((original_content_length - received_content_length) /
- (float)original_content_length) *
- 100.0);
- if (savings_percent >= 0) {
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("DataReductionProxy.StartupSavingsPercent",
- savings_percent > 0 ? savings_percent : 0);
- }
- if (savings_percent < 0) {
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("DataReductionProxy.StartupNegativeSavingsPercent",
- -savings_percent);
- }
-ContentLengthList DataReductionProxySettings::GetDailyContentLengths(
- const char* pref_name) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats());
- return data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()
- ->GetDailyContentLengths(pref_name);
-void DataReductionProxySettings::GetContentLengths(
- unsigned int days,
- int64_t* original_content_length,
- int64_t* received_content_length,
- int64_t* last_update_time) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats());
- data_reduction_proxy_service_->compression_stats()->GetContentLengths(
- days, original_content_length, received_content_length, last_update_time);
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings.h
index 982e668ad00..c1729d5fd6f 100644
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings.h
+++ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings.h
@@ -5,53 +5,17 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h"
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_metrics.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_member.h"
-#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
-class PrefService;
-namespace base {
-class Clock;
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataReductionProxyService;
-class DataReductionProxyCompressionStats;
-// Values of the UMA DataReductionProxy.StartupState histogram.
-// This enum must remain synchronized with DataReductionProxyStartupState
-// in metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
-enum ProxyStartupState {
-// Values of the UMA DataReductionProxy.EnabledState histogram.
-// This enum must remain synchronized with DataReductionProxyEnabledState
-// in metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
-enum DataReductionSettingsEnabledAction {
// Classes may derive from |DataReductionProxySettingsObserver| and register as
// an observer of |DataReductionProxySettings| to get notified when the proxy
// request headers change or when the DRPSettings class is initialized.
@@ -66,9 +30,6 @@ class DataReductionProxySettingsObserver {
// be called from there.
class DataReductionProxySettings {
- using SyntheticFieldTrialRegistrationCallback =
- base::RepeatingCallback<bool(base::StringPiece, base::StringPiece)>;
explicit DataReductionProxySettings(bool is_off_the_record_profile);
DataReductionProxySettings(const DataReductionProxySettings&) = delete;
@@ -80,82 +41,16 @@ class DataReductionProxySettings {
// Initializes the Data Reduction Proxy with the profile prefs. The caller
// must ensure that all parameters remain alive for the lifetime of the
// |DataReductionProxySettings| instance.
- void InitDataReductionProxySettings(
- PrefService* prefs,
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> data_reduction_proxy_service);
- // Sets the |register_synthetic_field_trial_| callback and runs to register
- // the DataReductionProxyEnabled synthetic field trial.
- void SetCallbackToRegisterSyntheticFieldTrial(
- const SyntheticFieldTrialRegistrationCallback&
- on_data_reduction_proxy_enabled);
+ void InitDataReductionProxySettings();
// Returns true if the Data Saver feature is enabled by the user on Android.
// This checks only the Data Saver prefs on Android or forcing flag on any
// platform. Does not check any holdback experiments. Note that this may be
// different from the value of |IsDataReductionProxyEnabled|.
- static bool IsDataSaverEnabledByUser(bool is_off_the_record_profile,
- PrefService* prefs);
+ static bool IsDataSaverEnabledByUser(bool is_off_the_record_profile);
// Enables or disables Data Saver, regardless of platform.
- static void SetDataSaverEnabledForTesting(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled);
- // Returns true if the Data Reduction HTTP Proxy is enabled. Note that this
- // may be different from the value of |IsDataSaverEnabledByUser|.
- bool IsDataReductionProxyEnabled() const;
- // Returns true if the proxy can be used for the given url. This method does
- // not take into account the proxy config or proxy retry list, so it can
- // return true even when the proxy will not be used. Specifically, if
- // another proxy configuration overrides use of data reduction proxy, or
- // if data reduction proxy is in proxy retry list, then data reduction proxy
- // will not be used, but this method will still return true. If this method
- // returns false, then we are guaranteed that data reduction proxy will not be
- // used.
- bool CanUseDataReductionProxy(const GURL& url) const;
- // Returns true if the proxy is managed by an adminstrator's policy.
- bool IsDataReductionProxyManaged();
- // Enables or disables the data reduction proxy.
- void SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(bool enabled);
- // Returns the time in microseconds that the last update was made to the
- // daily original and received content lengths.
- int64_t GetDataReductionLastUpdateTime();
- // Clears all data saving statistics for the given |reason|.
- void ClearDataSavingStatistics(DataReductionProxySavingsClearedReason reason);
- // Returns the difference between the total original size of all HTTP content
- // received from the network and the actual size of the HTTP content received.
- int64_t GetTotalHttpContentLengthSaved();
- // Returns aggregate received and original content lengths over the specified
- // number of days, as well as the time these stats were last updated.
- void GetContentLengths(unsigned int days,
- int64_t* original_content_length,
- int64_t* received_content_length,
- int64_t* last_update_time);
- // Records that the data reduction proxy is unreachable or not.
- void SetUnreachable(bool unreachable);
- // Returns whether the data reduction proxy is unreachable. Returns true
- // if no request has successfully completed through proxy, even though atleast
- // some of them should have.
- bool IsDataReductionProxyUnreachable();
- ContentLengthList GetDailyContentLengths(const char* pref_name);
- // Configures data reduction proxy. |at_startup| is true when this method is
- // called in response to creating or loading a new profile.
- void MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(bool at_startup);
- // Returns the time LiteMode was last enabled. This is reset whenever LiteMode
- // is disabled and re-enabled from settings. Null time is returned when
- // LiteMode has never been enabled.
- base::Time GetLastEnabledTime() const;
+ static void SetDataSaverEnabledForTesting(bool enabled);
// Adds an observer that is notified every time the proxy request headers
// change.
@@ -167,94 +62,7 @@ class DataReductionProxySettings {
void RemoveDataReductionProxySettingsObserver(
DataReductionProxySettingsObserver* observer);
- DataReductionProxyService* data_reduction_proxy_service() {
- return data_reduction_proxy_service_.get();
- }
- protected:
- void InitPrefMembers();
- // Virtualized for unit test support.
- virtual PrefService* GetOriginalProfilePrefs() const;
- // Metrics method. Subclasses should override if they wish to provide
- // alternatives.
- virtual void RecordDataReductionInit() const;
- // Virtualized for mocking. Records UMA specifying whether the proxy was
- // enabled or disabled at startup.
- virtual void RecordStartupState(
- data_reduction_proxy::ProxyStartupState state) const;
- friend class DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase;
- friend class DataReductionProxySettingsTest;
- friend class DataReductionProxyTestContext;
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestResetDataReductionStatistics);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestIsProxyEnabledOrManaged);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestCanUseDataReductionProxy);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestContentLengths);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestGetDailyContentLengths);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestMaybeActivateDataReductionProxy);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestOnProxyEnabledPrefChange);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestInitDataReductionProxyOn);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestInitDataReductionProxyOff);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- CheckInitMetricsWhenNotAllowed);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestSettingsEnabledStateHistograms);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestDaysSinceEnabled);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestDaysSinceEnabledWithTestClock);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestDaysSinceEnabledExistingUser);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
- TestDaysSinceSavingsCleared);
- // Registers the trial "SyntheticDataReductionProxySetting" with the group
- // "Enabled" or "Disabled". Indicates whether the proxy is turned on or not.
- void RegisterDataReductionProxyFieldTrial();
- void OnProxyEnabledPrefChange();
- // Records data savings percentage histogram at chrome startup, for users who
- // have browsed a reasonable amount. Positive and negative savings are
- // recorded in a separate histogram.
- void RecordStartupSavings() const;
- void ResetDataReductionStatistics();
- bool unreachable_;
- // The number of requests to reload the page with images from the Lo-Fi
- // UI until Lo-Fi is disabled for the remainder of the session.
- int lo_fi_user_requests_for_images_per_session_;
- // The number of consecutive sessions where Lo-Fi was disabled for
- // Lo-Fi to be disabled until the next implicit opt out epoch, which may be in
- // a later session, or never.
- int lo_fi_consecutive_session_disables_;
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> data_reduction_proxy_service_;
- raw_ptr<PrefService> prefs_;
- PrefChangeRegistrar registrar_;
- SyntheticFieldTrialRegistrationCallback register_synthetic_field_trial_;
- // Should not be null.
- raw_ptr<base::Clock> clock_;
// Observers to notify when the proxy request headers change or |this| is
// initialized.
base::ObserverList<DataReductionProxySettingsObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4180ef9c1f8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings_test_utils.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_test_utils.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
-#include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
-#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
-using testing::_;
-using testing::AnyNumber;
-using testing::Return;
-namespace {
-const char kProxy[] = "proxy";
-} // namespace
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase() {}
-DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::~DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase() {}
-// testing::Test implementation:
-void DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::SetUp() {
- test_context_ =
- DataReductionProxyTestContext::Builder()
- .WithMockConfig()
- .WithMockDataReductionProxyService()
- .SkipSettingsInitialization()
- .Build();
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(false);
- TestingPrefServiceSimple* pref_service = test_context_->pref_service();
- pref_service->SetInt64(prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate, 0L);
- pref_service->registry()->RegisterDictionaryPref(kProxy);
- pref_service->SetBoolean(prefs::kDataReductionProxyWasEnabledBefore, false);
- ResetSettings(nullptr);
- ListPrefUpdate original_update(test_context_->pref_service(),
- prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- ListPrefUpdate received_update(test_context_->pref_service(),
- prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength);
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < kNumDaysInHistory; i++) {
- original_update->Insert(original_update->GetList().begin(),
- base::Value(base::NumberToString(2 * i)));
- received_update->Insert(received_update->GetList().begin(),
- base::Value(base::NumberToString(i)));
- }
- last_update_time_ = base::Time::Now().LocalMidnight();
- pref_service->SetInt64(prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate,
- last_update_time_.ToInternalValue());
-template <class C>
-void DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::ResetSettings(base::Clock* clock) {
- MockDataReductionProxySettings<C>* settings =
- new MockDataReductionProxySettings<C>();
- if (settings_) {
- settings->data_reduction_proxy_service_ =
- std::move(settings_->data_reduction_proxy_service_);
- } else {
- settings->data_reduction_proxy_service_ = test_context_->TakeService();
- }
- settings->data_reduction_proxy_service_->SetSettingsForTesting(settings);
- settings->prefs_ = test_context_->pref_service();
- if (clock)
- settings->clock_ = clock;
- EXPECT_CALL(*settings, GetOriginalProfilePrefs())
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(test_context_->pref_service()));
- EXPECT_CALL(*settings, GetLocalStatePrefs())
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(test_context_->pref_service()));
- settings_.reset(settings);
-// Explicitly generate required instantiations.
-template void DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::ResetSettings<
- DataReductionProxySettings>(base::Clock* clock);
-void DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::CheckOnPrefChange(
- bool enabled,
- bool expected_enabled,
- bool managed) {
- if (managed) {
- test_context_->pref_service()->SetManagedPref(
- prefs::kDataSaverEnabled, std::make_unique<base::Value>(enabled));
- } else {
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(enabled);
- }
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- // Never expect the proxy to be restricted for pref change tests.
-void DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::InitDataReductionProxy(
- bool enabled_at_startup) {
- settings_->InitDataReductionProxySettings(
- test_context_->pref_service(),
- std::move(settings_->data_reduction_proxy_service_));
- settings_->SetCallbackToRegisterSyntheticFieldTrial(base::BindRepeating(
- &DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::OnSyntheticFieldTrialRegistration,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
-void DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::CheckDataReductionProxySyntheticTrial(
- bool enabled) {
- EXPECT_EQ(enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled",
- synthetic_field_trials_["SyntheticDataReductionProxySetting"]);
-bool DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::OnSyntheticFieldTrialRegistration(
- base::StringPiece trial_name,
- base::StringPiece group_name) {
- synthetic_field_trials_[std::string(trial_name)] = std::string(group_name);
- return true;
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings_test_utils.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings_test_utils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 913e8209b9d..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings_test_utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/message_loop/message_pump_type.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
-#include "base/task/single_thread_task_executor.h"
-#include "base/time/clock.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings.h"
-#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-class PrefService;
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataReductionProxyTestContext;
-template <class C>
-class MockDataReductionProxySettings : public C {
- public:
- MockDataReductionProxySettings<C>() : C(false) {}
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetOriginalProfilePrefs, PrefService*());
- MOCK_METHOD0(GetLocalStatePrefs, PrefService*());
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(RecordStartupState, void(ProxyStartupState state));
-class DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase : public testing::Test {
- public:
- static void AddTestProxyToCommandLine();
- DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase();
- ~DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase() override;
- void AddProxyToCommandLine();
- void SetUp() override;
- template <class C>
- void ResetSettings(base::Clock* clock);
- virtual void ResetSettings(base::Clock* clock) = 0;
- void CheckMaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(bool initially_enabled,
- bool request_succeeded,
- bool expected_enabled,
- bool expected_restricted,
- bool expected_fallback_restricted);
- void CheckOnPrefChange(bool enabled, bool expected_enabled, bool managed);
- void InitWithStatisticsPrefs();
- void InitDataReductionProxy(bool enabled_at_startup);
- void CheckDataReductionProxySyntheticTrial(bool enabled);
- bool OnSyntheticFieldTrialRegistration(base::StringPiece trial_name,
- base::StringPiece group_name);
- protected:
- base::SingleThreadTaskExecutor io_task_executor_{base::MessagePumpType::IO};
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyTestContext> test_context_;
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxySettings> settings_;
- base::Time last_update_time_;
- std::map<std::string, std::string> synthetic_field_trials_;
-// Test implementations should be subclasses of an instantiation of this
-// class parameterized for whatever DataReductionProxySettings class
-// is being tested.
-template <class C>
-class ConcreteDataReductionProxySettingsTest
- : public DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase {
- public:
- typedef MockDataReductionProxySettings<C> MockSettings;
- void ResetSettings(base::Clock* clock) override {
- return DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase::ResetSettings<C>(clock);
- }
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0d51796ac..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_samples.h"
-#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
-#include "base/test/mock_entropy_provider.h"
-#include "base/test/simple_test_clock.h"
-#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
-#include "base/time/clock.h"
-#include "base/time/default_clock.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings_test_utils.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_test_utils.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
-#include "net/base/proxy_server.h"
-#include "net/http/http_util.h"
-#include "services/network/public/cpp/weak_wrapper_shared_url_loader_factory.h"
-#include "services/network/test/test_url_loader_factory.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataReductionProxySettingsTest
- : public ConcreteDataReductionProxySettingsTest<
- DataReductionProxySettings> {
- public:
- void CheckMaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(bool initially_enabled,
- bool request_succeeded,
- bool expected_enabled,
- bool expected_restricted,
- bool expected_fallback_restricted) {
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(initially_enabled);
- settings_->MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(false);
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- }
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestResetDataReductionStatistics) {
- int64_t original_content_length;
- int64_t received_content_length;
- int64_t last_update_time;
- settings_->ResetDataReductionStatistics();
- settings_->GetContentLengths(kNumDaysInHistory,
- &original_content_length,
- &received_content_length,
- &last_update_time);
- EXPECT_EQ(0L, original_content_length);
- EXPECT_EQ(0L, received_content_length);
- EXPECT_EQ(last_update_time_.ToInternalValue(), last_update_time);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestContentLengths) {
- int64_t original_content_length;
- int64_t received_content_length;
- int64_t last_update_time;
- // Request |kNumDaysInHistory| days.
- settings_->GetContentLengths(kNumDaysInHistory,
- &original_content_length,
- &received_content_length,
- &last_update_time);
- const unsigned int days = kNumDaysInHistory;
- // Received content length history values are 0 to |kNumDaysInHistory - 1|.
- int64_t expected_total_received_content_length = (days - 1L) * days / 2;
- // Original content length history values are 0 to
- // |2 * (kNumDaysInHistory - 1)|.
- long expected_total_original_content_length = (days - 1L) * days;
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_total_original_content_length, original_content_length);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_total_received_content_length, received_content_length);
- EXPECT_EQ(last_update_time_.ToInternalValue(), last_update_time);
- // Request |kNumDaysInHistory - 1| days.
- settings_->GetContentLengths(kNumDaysInHistory - 1,
- &original_content_length,
- &received_content_length,
- &last_update_time);
- expected_total_received_content_length -= (days - 1);
- expected_total_original_content_length -= 2 * (days - 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_total_original_content_length, original_content_length);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_total_received_content_length, received_content_length);
- // Request 0 days.
- settings_->GetContentLengths(0,
- &original_content_length,
- &received_content_length,
- &last_update_time);
- expected_total_received_content_length = 0;
- expected_total_original_content_length = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_total_original_content_length, original_content_length);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_total_received_content_length, received_content_length);
- // Request 1 day. First day had 0 bytes so should be same as 0 days.
- settings_->GetContentLengths(1,
- &original_content_length,
- &received_content_length,
- &last_update_time);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_total_original_content_length, original_content_length);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_total_received_content_length, received_content_length);
-TEST(DataReductionProxySettingsStandaloneTest, TestIsProxyEnabledOrManaged) {
- base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment task_environment{
- base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment::MainThreadType::IO};
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyTestContext> drp_test_context =
- DataReductionProxyTestContext::Builder()
- .WithMockConfig()
- .WithMockDataReductionProxyService()
- .SkipSettingsInitialization()
- .Build();
- drp_test_context->InitSettings();
- DataReductionProxySettings* settings = drp_test_context->settings();
- drp_test_context->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(true);
- EXPECT_TRUE(settings->IsDataReductionProxyEnabled());
- EXPECT_FALSE(settings->IsDataReductionProxyManaged());
- drp_test_context->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(false);
- EXPECT_FALSE(settings->IsDataReductionProxyEnabled());
- EXPECT_FALSE(settings->IsDataReductionProxyManaged());
- drp_test_context->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(false);
- drp_test_context->pref_service()->SetManagedPref(
- prefs::kDataSaverEnabled, std::make_unique<base::Value>(false));
- EXPECT_FALSE(settings->IsDataReductionProxyEnabled());
- EXPECT_TRUE(settings->IsDataReductionProxyManaged());
- drp_test_context->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(true);
- drp_test_context->pref_service()->SetManagedPref(
- prefs::kDataSaverEnabled, std::make_unique<base::Value>(true));
- EXPECT_TRUE(settings->IsDataReductionProxyEnabled());
- EXPECT_TRUE(settings->IsDataReductionProxyManaged());
- drp_test_context->RunUntilIdle();
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestMaybeActivateDataReductionProxy) {
- // Initialize the pref member in |settings_| without the usual callback
- // so it won't trigger MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy when the pref value
- // is set.
- // TODO(bengr): Test enabling/disabling while a secure proxy check is
- // outstanding.
- // The proxy is enabled and unrestricted initially.
- // Request succeeded but with bad response, expect proxy to be restricted.
- CheckMaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(true, true, true, true, false);
- // Request succeeded with valid response, expect proxy to be unrestricted.
- CheckMaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(true, true, true, false, false);
- // Request failed, expect proxy to be enabled but restricted.
- CheckMaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(true, false, true, true, false);
- // The proxy is disabled initially. No secure proxy checks should take place,
- // and so the state should not change.
- CheckMaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(false, true, false, false, false);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestInitDataReductionProxyOn) {
- MockSettings* settings = static_cast<MockSettings*>(settings_.get());
- EXPECT_CALL(*settings, RecordStartupState(PROXY_ENABLED));
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(true);
- InitDataReductionProxy(true);
- CheckDataReductionProxySyntheticTrial(true);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestInitDataReductionProxyOff) {
- // InitDataReductionProxySettings with the preference off will directly call
- // LogProxyState.
- MockSettings* settings = static_cast<MockSettings*>(settings_.get());
- EXPECT_CALL(*settings, RecordStartupState(PROXY_DISABLED));
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(false);
- InitDataReductionProxy(false);
- CheckDataReductionProxySyntheticTrial(false);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestEnableProxyFromCommandLine) {
- MockSettings* settings = static_cast<MockSettings*>(settings_.get());
- EXPECT_CALL(*settings, RecordStartupState(PROXY_ENABLED));
- base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitch(
- switches::kEnableDataReductionProxy);
- InitDataReductionProxy(true);
- CheckDataReductionProxySyntheticTrial(true);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestSetDataReductionProxyEnabled) {
- MockSettings* settings = static_cast<MockSettings*>(settings_.get());
- EXPECT_CALL(*settings, RecordStartupState(PROXY_ENABLED));
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(true);
- InitDataReductionProxy(true);
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(false);
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- CheckDataReductionProxySyntheticTrial(false);
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(true);
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- CheckDataReductionProxySyntheticTrial(true);
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestSettingsEnabledStateHistograms) {
- const char kUMAEnabledState[] = "DataReductionProxy.EnabledState";
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- // No settings state histograms should be recorded during startup.
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(kUMAEnabledState, 0);
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(true);
- settings_->MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(false);
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(false);
- settings_->MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(false);
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
-// Verify that the UMA metric and the pref is recorded correctly when the user
-// enables the data reduction proxy.
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestDaysSinceEnabledWithTestClock) {
- const char kUMAEnabledState[] = "DataReductionProxy.DaysSinceEnabled";
- base::SimpleTestClock clock;
- clock.Advance(base::Days(1));
- ResetSettings(&clock);
- base::Time last_enabled_time = clock.Now();
- {
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount(kUMAEnabledState, 0);
- // Enable data reduction proxy. The metric should be recorded.
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(true);
- settings_->MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(false);
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- last_enabled_time = clock.Now();
- last_enabled_time,
- base::Time::FromInternalValue(test_context_->pref_service()->GetInt64(
- prefs::kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime)));
- histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample(kUMAEnabledState, 0, 1);
- }
- {
- // Simulate turning off and on of data reduction proxy while Chromium is
- // running.
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(false);
- settings_->MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(false);
- clock.Advance(base::Days(1));
- last_enabled_time = clock.Now();
- test_context_->SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(true);
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- settings_->MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(false /* at_startup */);
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample(kUMAEnabledState, 0, 1);
- last_enabled_time,
- base::Time::FromInternalValue(test_context_->pref_service()->GetInt64(
- prefs::kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime)));
- }
- {
- // Advance clock by a random number of days.
- int advance_clock_days = 42;
- clock.Advance(base::Days(advance_clock_days));
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- // Simulate Chromium start up. Data reduction proxy was enabled
- // |advance_clock_days| ago.
- settings_->MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(true /* at_startup */);
- test_context_->RunUntilIdle();
- histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample(kUMAEnabledState, advance_clock_days,
- 1);
- last_enabled_time,
- base::Time::FromInternalValue(test_context_->pref_service()->GetInt64(
- prefs::kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime)));
- }
-// Verify that the pref and the UMA metric are not recorded for existing users
-// that already have data reduction proxy on.
- TestDaysSinceEnabledExistingUser) {
- base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment task_environment{
- base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment::MainThreadType::IO};
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyTestContext> drp_test_context =
- DataReductionProxyTestContext::Builder()
- .WithMockConfig()
- .WithMockDataReductionProxyService()
- .SkipSettingsInitialization()
- .Build();
- drp_test_context->InitSettings();
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- // Simulate Chromium startup with data reduction proxy already enabled.
- drp_test_context->settings()->MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(
- true /* at_startup */);
- drp_test_context->RunUntilIdle();
- histogram_tester.ExpectTotalCount("DataReductionProxy.DaysSinceEnabled", 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, drp_test_context->pref_service()->GetInt64(
- prefs::kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime));
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxySettingsTest, TestGetDailyContentLengths) {
- ContentLengthList result =
- settings_->GetDailyContentLengths(prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength);
- ASSERT_FALSE(result.empty());
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumDaysInHistory, result.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumDaysInHistory; ++i) {
- long expected_length =
- static_cast<long>((kNumDaysInHistory - 1 - i) * 2);
- ASSERT_EQ(expected_length, result[i]);
- }
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 078e0fe8990..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_test_utils.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
-#include "base/run_loop.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_compression_stats.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_prefs.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
-#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
-#include "net/base/network_delegate_impl.h"
-#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_config.h"
-#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_info.h"
-#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_list.h"
-#include "services/network/test/test_network_connection_tracker.h"
-#include "services/network/test/test_network_quality_tracker.h"
-#include "url/gurl.h"
-namespace {
-enum TestContextOptions {
- // Permits mocking of the underlying |DataReductionProxyConfig|.
- // Construct, but do not initialize the |DataReductionProxySettings| object.
- // Primarily used for testing of the |DataReductionProxySettings| object
- // itself.
- // Permits mocking of the underlying |DataReductionProxyService|.
-} // namespace
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
- data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement* data_use_measurement,
- DataReductionProxySettings* settings,
- PrefService* prefs,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& task_runner)
- : DataReductionProxyService(settings,
- prefs,
- std::make_unique<TestDataStore>(),
- data_use_measurement,
- task_runner,
- base::TimeDelta()) {}
-MockDataReductionProxyService::~MockDataReductionProxyService() {}
- data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement* data_use_measurement,
- DataReductionProxySettings* settings,
- PrefService* prefs,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& db_task_runner)
- : DataReductionProxyService(settings,
- prefs,
- std::make_unique<TestDataStore>(),
- data_use_measurement,
- db_task_runner,
- base::TimeDelta()) {}
-TestDataReductionProxyService::~TestDataReductionProxyService() {}
-TestDataStore::TestDataStore() {}
-TestDataStore::~TestDataStore() {}
-DataStore::Status TestDataStore::Get(base::StringPiece key,
- std::string* value) {
- auto value_iter = map_.find(std::string(key));
- if (value_iter == map_.end())
- return NOT_FOUND;
- value->assign(value_iter->second);
- return OK;
-DataStore::Status TestDataStore::Put(
- const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map) {
- for (auto iter = map.begin(); iter != map.end(); ++iter)
- map_[iter->first] = iter->second;
- return OK;
-DataStore::Status TestDataStore::Delete(base::StringPiece key) {
- map_.erase(std::string(key));
- return OK;
-DataStore::Status TestDataStore::RecreateDB() {
- map_.clear();
- return OK;
- : use_mock_config_(false),
- use_mock_service_(false),
- skip_settings_initialization_(false),
- data_use_measurement_(
- std::make_unique<data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement>(
- nullptr,
- network::TestNetworkConnectionTracker::GetInstance())) {}
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::Builder::~Builder() {}
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::Builder::WithMockConfig() {
- use_mock_config_ = true;
- return *this;
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::Builder::WithMockDataReductionProxyService() {
- use_mock_service_ = true;
- return *this;
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::Builder::SkipSettingsInitialization() {
- skip_settings_initialization_ = true;
- return *this;
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxySettings> settings) {
- settings_ = std::move(settings);
- return *this;
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::Builder::Build() {
- unsigned int test_context_flags = 0;
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner =
- base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get();
- std::unique_ptr<TestingPrefServiceSimple> pref_service(
- new TestingPrefServiceSimple());
- if (use_mock_config_) {
- test_context_flags |= USE_MOCK_CONFIG;
- } else {
- test_context_flags ^= USE_MOCK_CONFIG;
- }
- if (!settings_)
- settings_ = std::make_unique<DataReductionProxySettings>(false);
- if (skip_settings_initialization_) {
- test_context_flags |= SKIP_SETTINGS_INITIALIZATION;
- }
- pref_service->registry()->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDataSaverEnabled,
- false);
- RegisterSimpleProfilePrefs(pref_service->registry());
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> service;
- if (use_mock_service_) {
- test_context_flags |= USE_MOCK_SERVICE;
- service = std::make_unique<MockDataReductionProxyService>(
- data_use_measurement_.get(), settings_.get(), pref_service.get(),
- task_runner);
- } else {
- service = std::make_unique<TestDataReductionProxyService>(
- data_use_measurement_.get(), settings_.get(), pref_service.get(),
- task_runner);
- }
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyTestContext> test_context(
- new DataReductionProxyTestContext(
- std::move(data_use_measurement_), task_runner,
- std::move(pref_service), std::move(settings_), std::move(service),
- test_context_flags));
- if (!skip_settings_initialization_)
- test_context->InitSettingsWithoutCheck();
- return test_context;
- std::unique_ptr<data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement>
- data_use_measurement,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& task_runner,
- std::unique_ptr<TestingPrefServiceSimple> simple_pref_service,
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxySettings> settings,
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> service,
- unsigned int test_context_flags)
- : data_use_measurement_(std::move(data_use_measurement)),
- test_context_flags_(test_context_flags),
- task_runner_(task_runner),
- simple_pref_service_(std::move(simple_pref_service)),
- settings_(std::move(settings)),
- service_(std::move(service)) {
- DCHECK(data_use_measurement_);
- if (service_)
- data_reduction_proxy_service_ = service_.get();
- else
- data_reduction_proxy_service_ = settings_->data_reduction_proxy_service();
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::~DataReductionProxyTestContext() {
- DestroySettings();
-void DataReductionProxyTestContext::RegisterDataReductionProxyEnabledPref() {
- simple_pref_service_->registry()->RegisterBooleanPref(
- prefs::kDataSaverEnabled, false);
-void DataReductionProxyTestContext::SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(bool enabled) {
- // Set the command line so that |IsDataSaverEnabledByUser| returns as expected
- // on all platforms.
- base::CommandLine* cmd = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
- if (enabled) {
- cmd->AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableDataReductionProxy);
- } else {
- cmd->RemoveSwitch(switches::kEnableDataReductionProxy);
- }
- simple_pref_service_->SetBoolean(prefs::kDataSaverEnabled, enabled);
-bool DataReductionProxyTestContext::IsDataReductionProxyEnabled() const {
- return simple_pref_service_->GetBoolean(prefs::kDataSaverEnabled);
-void DataReductionProxyTestContext::RunUntilIdle() {
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
-void DataReductionProxyTestContext::InitSettings() {
- InitSettingsWithoutCheck();
-void DataReductionProxyTestContext::DestroySettings() {
- // Force destruction of |DBDataOwner|, which lives on DB task runner and is
- // indirectly owned by |settings_|.
- if (settings_) {
- settings_.reset();
- RunUntilIdle();
- }
-void DataReductionProxyTestContext::InitSettingsWithoutCheck() {
- DCHECK(service_);
- settings_->InitDataReductionProxySettings(simple_pref_service_.get(),
- std::move(service_));
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::TakeService() {
- DCHECK(service_);
- return std::move(service_);
-void DataReductionProxyTestContext::
- EnableDataReductionProxyWithSecureProxyCheckSuccess() {
- // |settings_| needs to have been initialized, since a
- // |DataReductionProxyService| is needed in order to issue the secure proxy
- // check.
- DCHECK(data_reduction_proxy_service());
- // Set the pref to cause the secure proxy check to be issued.
- SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(true);
- RunUntilIdle();
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::data_reduction_proxy_service() const {
- return data_reduction_proxy_service_;
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::test_data_reduction_proxy_service() const {
- DCHECK(!(test_context_flags_ & USE_MOCK_SERVICE));
- return static_cast<TestDataReductionProxyService*>(
- data_reduction_proxy_service());
-DataReductionProxyTestContext::mock_data_reduction_proxy_service() const {
- DCHECK(!(test_context_flags_ & SKIP_SETTINGS_INITIALIZATION));
- DCHECK(test_context_flags_ & USE_MOCK_SERVICE);
- return static_cast<MockDataReductionProxyService*>(
- data_reduction_proxy_service());
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_test_utils.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_test_utils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ac87bacc3e7..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_test_utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
-#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/time/clock.h"
-#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_service.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_settings_test_utils.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
-#include "components/data_use_measurement/core/data_use_measurement.h"
-#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
-#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
-#include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"
-#include "net/base/proxy_server.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-class TestingPrefServiceSimple;
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataReductionProxySettings;
-// Test version of |DataReductionProxyService|, which permits mocking of various
-// methods.
-class MockDataReductionProxyService : public DataReductionProxyService {
- public:
- MockDataReductionProxyService(
- data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement* data_use_measurement,
- DataReductionProxySettings* settings,
- PrefService* prefs,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& task_runner);
- ~MockDataReductionProxyService() override;
- MOCK_METHOD2(SetProxyPrefs, void(bool enabled, bool at_startup));
- MOCK_METHOD7(UpdateContentLengths,
- void(int64_t data_used,
- int64_t original_size,
- bool data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
- const std::string& mime_type,
- bool is_user_traffic,
- data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType
- content_type,
- int32_t service_hash_code));
- MOCK_METHOD3(UpdateDataUseForHost,
- void(int64_t network_bytes,
- int64_t original_bytes,
- const std::string& host));
-// Test version of |DataReductionProxyService|, which bypasses initialization in
-// the constructor in favor of explicitly passing in its owned classes. This
-// permits the use of test/mock versions of those classes.
-class TestDataReductionProxyService : public DataReductionProxyService {
- public:
- TestDataReductionProxyService(
- data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement* data_use_measurement,
- DataReductionProxySettings* settings,
- PrefService* prefs,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& db_task_runner);
- ~TestDataReductionProxyService() override;
- bool ignore_blocklist() const { return ignore_blocklist_; }
- private:
- // Whether the long term blocklist rules should be ignored.
- bool ignore_blocklist_ = false;
-// Test version of |DataStore|. Uses an in memory hash map to store data.
-class TestDataStore : public data_reduction_proxy::DataStore {
- public:
- TestDataStore();
- ~TestDataStore() override;
- void InitializeOnDBThread() override {}
- DataStore::Status Get(base::StringPiece key, std::string* value) override;
- DataStore::Status Put(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map) override;
- DataStore::Status Delete(base::StringPiece key) override;
- DataStore::Status RecreateDB() override;
- std::map<std::string, std::string>* map() { return &map_; }
- private:
- std::map<std::string, std::string> map_;
-// Builds a test version of the Data Reduction Proxy stack for use in tests.
-// Takes in various |TestContextOptions| which controls the behavior of the
-// underlying objects.
-class DataReductionProxyTestContext {
- public:
- // Allows for a fluent builder interface to configure what kind of objects
- // (test vs mock vs real) are used by the |DataReductionProxyTestContext|.
- class Builder {
- public:
- Builder();
- ~Builder();
- // Specifies the use of |MockDataReductionProxyConfig| instead of
- // |TestDataReductionProxyConfig|.
- Builder& WithMockConfig();
- // Specifies the use of |MockDataReductionProxyService| instead of
- // |DataReductionProxyService|.
- Builder& WithMockDataReductionProxyService();
- // Construct, but do not initialize the |DataReductionProxySettings| object.
- Builder& SkipSettingsInitialization();
- // Specifies a settings object to use.
- Builder& WithSettings(std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxySettings> settings);
- // Creates a |DataReductionProxyTestContext|. Owned by the caller.
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyTestContext> Build();
- private:
- bool use_mock_config_;
- bool use_mock_service_;
- bool skip_settings_initialization_;
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxySettings> settings_;
- std::unique_ptr<data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement>
- data_use_measurement_;
- };
- DataReductionProxyTestContext(const DataReductionProxyTestContext&) = delete;
- DataReductionProxyTestContext& operator=(
- const DataReductionProxyTestContext&) = delete;
- virtual ~DataReductionProxyTestContext();
- // Registers, sets, and gets the preference used to enable the Data Reduction
- // Proxy, respectively.
- void RegisterDataReductionProxyEnabledPref();
- void SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(bool enabled);
- bool IsDataReductionProxyEnabled() const;
- // Waits while executing all tasks on the current SingleThreadTaskRunner.
- void RunUntilIdle();
- // Initializes the |DataReductionProxySettings| object. Can only be called if
- // built with SkipSettingsInitialization.
- void InitSettings();
- // Destroys the |DataReductionProxySettings| object and waits until objects on
- // the DB task runner are destroyed.
- void DestroySettings();
- // Takes ownership of the |DataReductionProxyService| object. Can only be
- // called if built with SkipSettingsInitialization.
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> TakeService();
- // Enable the Data Reduction Proxy, simulating a successful secure proxy
- // check. This can only be called if not built with WithTestConfigurator,
- // |settings_| has been initialized, and |this| was built with a
- // |net::MockClientSocketFactory| specified.
- void EnableDataReductionProxyWithSecureProxyCheckSuccess();
- DataReductionProxyService* data_reduction_proxy_service() const;
- // Returns the underlying |TestDataReductionProxyService|. This can only be
- // called if not built with WithMockDataReductionProxyService.
- TestDataReductionProxyService* test_data_reduction_proxy_service() const;
- // Returns the underlying |MockDataReductionProxyService|. This can only
- // be called if built with WithMockDataReductionProxyService.
- MockDataReductionProxyService* mock_data_reduction_proxy_service() const;
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner() const {
- return task_runner_;
- }
- TestingPrefServiceSimple* pref_service() {
- return simple_pref_service_.get();
- }
- DataReductionProxySettings* settings() const { return settings_.get(); }
- void InitSettingsWithoutCheck();
- private:
- DataReductionProxyTestContext(
- std::unique_ptr<data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement>
- data_use_measurement,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& task_runner,
- std::unique_ptr<TestingPrefServiceSimple> simple_pref_service,
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxySettings> settings,
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> service,
- unsigned int test_context_flags);
- std::unique_ptr<data_use_measurement::DataUseMeasurement>
- data_use_measurement_;
- unsigned int test_context_flags_;
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
- std::unique_ptr<TestingPrefServiceSimple> simple_pref_service_;
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxySettings> settings_;
- raw_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> data_reduction_proxy_service_;
- std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyService> service_;
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 782a1944b47..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-DataStore::DataStore() {
-DataStore::~DataStore() {
-void DataStore::InitializeOnDBThread() {
-DataStore::Status DataStore::Get(base::StringPiece key, std::string* value) {
- return DataStore::Status::NOT_FOUND;
-DataStore::Status DataStore::Put(
- const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map) {
- return DataStore::Status::OK;
-DataStore::Status DataStore::Delete(base::StringPiece key) {
- return DataStore::Status::OK;
-DataStore::Status DataStore::RecreateDB() {
- return DataStore::Status::OK;
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b90f1bc7af..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-// Interface for a permanent key/value store used by the Data Reduction Proxy
-// component. This class has no-op methods for clients that do not want to
-// support a permanent store.
-class DataStore {
- public:
- // Values are used in UMA. Do not change existing values; only append to the
- // end. STATUS_MAX should always be last element.
- DataStore();
- DataStore(const DataStore&) = delete;
- DataStore& operator=(const DataStore&) = delete;
- virtual ~DataStore();
- // Initializes the store on DB sequenced task runner.
- virtual void InitializeOnDBThread();
- // Gets the value from the store for the provided key.
- virtual Status Get(base::StringPiece key, std::string* value);
- // Persists the provided keys and values into the store.
- virtual Status Put(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map);
- virtual Status Delete(base::StringPiece key);
- // Deletes the LevelDB and recreates it.
- virtual Status RecreateDB();
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
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deleted file mode 100644
index 043ed02b896..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store_impl.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/proto/data_store.pb.h"
-#include "third_party/leveldatabase/env_chromium.h"
-#include "third_party/leveldatabase/leveldb_chrome.h"
-#include "third_party/leveldatabase/src/include/leveldb/db.h"
-#include "third_party/leveldatabase/src/include/leveldb/options.h"
-#include "third_party/leveldatabase/src/include/leveldb/status.h"
-#include "third_party/leveldatabase/src/include/leveldb/write_batch.h"
-namespace {
-const base::FilePath::CharType kDBName[] =
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("data_reduction_proxy_leveldb");
-data_reduction_proxy::DataStore::Status LevelDbToDRPStoreStatus(
- leveldb::Status leveldb_status) {
- if (leveldb_status.ok())
- return data_reduction_proxy::DataStore::Status::OK;
- if (leveldb_status.IsNotFound())
- return data_reduction_proxy::DataStore::Status::NOT_FOUND;
- if (leveldb_status.IsCorruption())
- return data_reduction_proxy::DataStore::Status::CORRUPTED;
- if (leveldb_status.IsIOError())
- return data_reduction_proxy::DataStore::Status::IO_ERROR;
- return data_reduction_proxy::DataStore::Status::MISC_ERROR;
-} // namespace
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-DataStoreImpl::DataStoreImpl(const base::FilePath& profile_path)
- : profile_path_(profile_path) {
- sequence_checker_.DetachFromSequence();
-DataStoreImpl::~DataStoreImpl() {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
-void DataStoreImpl::InitializeOnDBThread() {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- DCHECK(!db_);
- DataStore::Status status = OpenDB();
- if (status == CORRUPTED)
- RecreateDB();
-DataStore::Status DataStoreImpl::Get(base::StringPiece key,
- std::string* value) {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- if (!db_)
- return MISC_ERROR;
- leveldb::ReadOptions read_options;
- read_options.verify_checksums = true;
- leveldb::Slice slice(, key.size());
- leveldb::Status status = db_->Get(read_options, slice, value);
- if (status.IsCorruption())
- RecreateDB();
- return LevelDbToDRPStoreStatus(status);
-DataStore::Status DataStoreImpl::Put(
- const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map) {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- if (!db_)
- return MISC_ERROR;
- leveldb::WriteBatch batch;
- for (const auto& iter : map) {
- batch.Put(iter.first, iter.second);
- }
- leveldb::WriteOptions write_options;
- leveldb::Status status = db_->Write(write_options, &batch);
- if (status.IsCorruption())
- RecreateDB();
- return LevelDbToDRPStoreStatus(status);
-DataStore::Status DataStoreImpl::Delete(base::StringPiece key) {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- if (!db_)
- return MISC_ERROR;
- leveldb::Slice slice(, key.size());
- leveldb::WriteOptions write_options;
- leveldb::Status status = db_->Delete(write_options, slice);
- if (status.IsCorruption())
- RecreateDB();
- return LevelDbToDRPStoreStatus(status);
-DataStore::Status DataStoreImpl::OpenDB() {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- leveldb_env::Options options;
- options.create_if_missing = true;
- options.paranoid_checks = true;
- // Deletes to buckets not found are stored in the log. Use a new log so that
- // these log entries are deleted.
- options.reuse_logs = false;
- std::string db_name = profile_path_.Append(kDBName).AsUTF8Unsafe();
- db_.reset();
- Status status =
- LevelDbToDRPStoreStatus(leveldb_env::OpenDB(options, db_name, &db_));
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("DataReductionProxy.LevelDBOpenStatus", status,
- if (status != OK)
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open Data Reduction Proxy DB: " << status;
- if (db_) {
- leveldb::Range range;
- uint64_t size;
- // We try to capture the size of the entire DB by using the highest and
- // lowest keys.
- range.start = "";
- range.limit = "z"; // Keys starting with 'z' will not be included.
- db_->GetApproximateSizes(&range, 1, &size);
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_KB("DataReductionProxy.LevelDBSize", size / 1024);
- }
- return status;
-DataStore::Status DataStoreImpl::RecreateDB() {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- db_.reset();
- const base::FilePath db_path = profile_path_.Append(kDBName);
- leveldb::Status s = leveldb_chrome::DeleteDB(db_path, leveldb::Options());
- if (!s.ok())
- return LevelDbToDRPStoreStatus(s);
- return OpenDB();
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store_impl.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fc5f253c311..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h"
-namespace leveldb {
-class DB;
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-// Implementation of |DataStore| using LevelDB.
-class DataStoreImpl : public DataStore {
- public:
- explicit DataStoreImpl(const base::FilePath& profile_path);
- DataStoreImpl(const DataStoreImpl&) = delete;
- DataStoreImpl& operator=(const DataStoreImpl&) = delete;
- ~DataStoreImpl() override;
- // Overrides of DataStore.
- void InitializeOnDBThread() override;
- Status Get(base::StringPiece key, std::string* value) override;
- Status Put(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map) override;
- Status Delete(base::StringPiece key) override;
- // Deletes the LevelDB and recreates it. This method is called if any DB call
- // returns a |CORRUPTED| status or the database is cleared.
- Status RecreateDB() override;
- private:
- // Opens the underlying LevelDB for read and write.
- Status OpenDB();
- // The underlying LevelDB used by this implementation.
- std::unique_ptr<leveldb::DB> db_;
- // Path to the profile using this store.
- const base::FilePath profile_path_;
- base::SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
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deleted file mode 100644
index e0a2844e01f..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Each |DataUsageBucket| corresponds to data usage for an interval of
-// |kDataUsageBucketLengthMins| minutes. We store data usage for the past
-// |kNumDataUsageBuckets| buckets. Buckets are maintained as a circular array
-// with indexes from 0 to (kNumDataUsageBuckets - 1). To store the circular
-// array in a key-value store, we convert each index to a unique key. The latest
-// bucket persisted to DB overwrites the oldest.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_usage_store.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/proto/data_store.pb.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-namespace {
-const char kCurrentBucketIndexKey[] = "current_bucket_index";
-const char kBucketKeyPrefix[] = "data_usage_bucket:";
-const int kMinutesInHour = 60;
-const int kMinutesInDay = 24 * kMinutesInHour;
-static_assert(data_reduction_proxy::kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes > 0,
- "Length of time should be positive");
-static_assert(kMinutesInHour %
- data_reduction_proxy::kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes ==
- 0,
- "kDataUsageBucketLengthMins must be a factor of kMinsInHour");
-// Total number of buckets persisted to DB.
-const int kNumDataUsageBuckets =
- kDataUsageHistoryNumDays * kMinutesInDay / kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes;
-std::string DbKeyForBucketIndex(int index) {
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- DCHECK_LT(index, kNumDataUsageBuckets);
- return base::StringPrintf("%s%d", kBucketKeyPrefix, index);
-base::Time BucketLowerBoundary(base::Time time) {
- base::Time::Exploded exploded;
- time.UTCExplode(&exploded);
- exploded.minute -= exploded.minute % kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes;
- exploded.second = 0;
- exploded.millisecond = 0;
- base::Time out_time;
- bool conversion_success = base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time);
- DCHECK(conversion_success);
- return out_time;
-} // namespace
-DataUsageStore::DataUsageStore(DataStore* db)
- : db_(db), current_bucket_index_(-1) {
- sequence_checker_.DetachFromSequence();
-DataUsageStore::~DataUsageStore() {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
-void DataUsageStore::LoadDataUsage(std::vector<DataUsageBucket>* data_usage) {
- SCOPED_UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMER("DataReductionProxy.HistoricalDataUsageLoadTime");
- DCHECK(data_usage);
- DataUsageBucket empty_bucket;
- data_usage->clear();
- data_usage->resize(kNumDataUsageBuckets, empty_bucket);
- for (int i = 0; i < kNumDataUsageBuckets; ++i) {
- int circular_array_index =
- (i + current_bucket_index_ + 1) % kNumDataUsageBuckets;
- LoadBucketAtIndex(circular_array_index, &data_usage->at(i));
- }
-void DataUsageStore::LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(DataUsageBucket* current) {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- DCHECK(current);
- std::string current_index_string;
- DataStore::Status index_read_status =
- db_->Get(kCurrentBucketIndexKey, &current_index_string);
- if (index_read_status != DataStore::Status::OK ||
- !base::StringToInt(current_index_string, &current_bucket_index_)) {
- current_bucket_index_ = 0;
- }
- DCHECK_GE(current_bucket_index_, 0);
- DCHECK_LT(current_bucket_index_, kNumDataUsageBuckets);
- DataStore::Status status = LoadBucketAtIndex(current_bucket_index_, current);
- bool bucket_read_ok = status == DataStore::Status::OK;
- current->set_had_read_error(!bucket_read_ok);
- if (bucket_read_ok) {
- current_bucket_last_updated_ =
- base::Time::FromInternalValue(current->last_updated_timestamp());
- }
-void DataUsageStore::StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(
- const DataUsageBucket& current) {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- DCHECK(current_bucket_index_ >= 0 &&
- current_bucket_index_ < kNumDataUsageBuckets);
- // If current bucket does not have any information, we skip writing to DB.
- if (!current.has_last_updated_timestamp() ||
- (current.has_had_read_error() && current.had_read_error()))
- return;
- int prev_current_bucket_index = current_bucket_index_;
- base::Time prev_current_bucket_last_updated_ = current_bucket_last_updated_;
- // We might have skipped saving buckets because Chrome was not being used.
- // Write empty buckets to those slots to overwrite outdated information.
- base::Time last_updated =
- base::Time::FromInternalValue(current.last_updated_timestamp());
- std::map<std::string, std::string> buckets_to_save;
- int num_buckets_since_last_saved = BucketOffsetFromLastSaved(last_updated);
- for (int i = 0; i < num_buckets_since_last_saved - 1; ++i)
- GenerateKeyAndAddToMap(DataUsageBucket(), &buckets_to_save, true);
- GenerateKeyAndAddToMap(current, &buckets_to_save,
- num_buckets_since_last_saved > 0);
- current_bucket_last_updated_ =
- base::Time::FromInternalValue(current.last_updated_timestamp());
- buckets_to_save.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(
- kCurrentBucketIndexKey, base::NumberToString(current_bucket_index_)));
- DataStore::Status status = db_->Put(buckets_to_save);
- if (status != DataStore::Status::OK) {
- current_bucket_index_ = prev_current_bucket_index;
- current_bucket_last_updated_ = prev_current_bucket_last_updated_;
- LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to write data usage buckets to LevelDB" << status;
- }
-void DataUsageStore::DeleteHistoricalDataUsage() {
- std::string current_index_string;
- DataStore::Status index_read_status =
- db_->Get(kCurrentBucketIndexKey, &current_index_string);
- // If the index doesn't exist, then no buckets have been written and the
- // data usage doesn't need to be deleted.
- if (index_read_status != DataStore::Status::OK)
- return;
- db_->RecreateDB();
-void DataUsageStore::DeleteBrowsingHistory(const base::Time& start,
- const base::Time& end) {
- DCHECK_LE(start, end);
- if (current_bucket_last_updated_.is_null())
- return;
- base::Time begin_current_interval =
- BucketLowerBoundary(current_bucket_last_updated_);
- // Data usage is stored for the past |kDataUsageHistoryNumDays| days. Compute
- // the begin time for data usage.
- base::Time begin_history = begin_current_interval -
- base::Days(kDataUsageHistoryNumDays) +
- base::Minutes(kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes);
- // Nothing to do if there is no overlap between given interval and the
- // interval for which data usage history is maintained.
- if (begin_history > end || start > current_bucket_last_updated_)
- return;
- base::Time start_delete = start > begin_history ? start : begin_history;
- base::Time end_delete =
- end < current_bucket_last_updated_ ? end : current_bucket_last_updated_;
- int first_index_to_delete = ComputeBucketIndex(start_delete);
- int num_buckets_to_delete =
- 1 +
- (BucketLowerBoundary(end_delete) - BucketLowerBoundary(start_delete))
- .InMinutes() /
- kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_buckets_to_delete; ++i) {
- int index_to_delete = (first_index_to_delete + i) % kNumDataUsageBuckets;
- db_->Delete(DbKeyForBucketIndex(index_to_delete));
- }
- "DataReductionProxy.DeleteBrowsingHistory.NumBuckets",
- num_buckets_to_delete);
-int DataUsageStore::ComputeBucketIndex(const base::Time& time) const {
- int offset = BucketOffsetFromLastSaved(time);
- int index = current_bucket_index_ + offset;
- if (index < 0) {
- index += kNumDataUsageBuckets;
- } else if (index >= kNumDataUsageBuckets) {
- index -= kNumDataUsageBuckets;
- }
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- DCHECK_LT(index, kNumDataUsageBuckets);
- return index;
-// static
-bool DataUsageStore::AreInSameInterval(const base::Time& time1,
- const base::Time& time2) {
- if (time1.is_null() || time2.is_null())
- return true;
- return BucketLowerBoundary(time1) == BucketLowerBoundary(time2);
-// static
-bool DataUsageStore::BucketOverlapsInterval(
- const base::Time& bucket_last_updated,
- const base::Time& start_interval,
- const base::Time& end_interval) {
- DCHECK(!bucket_last_updated.is_null());
- DCHECK(!end_interval.is_null());
- DCHECK_LE(start_interval, end_interval);
- base::Time bucket_start = BucketLowerBoundary(bucket_last_updated);
- base::Time bucket_end =
- bucket_start + base::Minutes(kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes);
- DCHECK_LE(bucket_start, bucket_end);
- return bucket_end >= start_interval && end_interval >= bucket_start;
-void DataUsageStore::GenerateKeyAndAddToMap(
- const DataUsageBucket& bucket,
- std::map<std::string, std::string>* map,
- bool increment_current_index) {
- if (increment_current_index) {
- current_bucket_index_++;
- DCHECK(current_bucket_index_ <= kNumDataUsageBuckets);
- if (current_bucket_index_ == kNumDataUsageBuckets)
- current_bucket_index_ = 0;
- }
- std::string bucket_key = DbKeyForBucketIndex(current_bucket_index_);
- std::string bucket_value;
- bool success = bucket.SerializeToString(&bucket_value);
- DCHECK(success);
- map->insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(std::move(bucket_key),
- std::move(bucket_value)));
-int DataUsageStore::BucketOffsetFromLastSaved(
- const base::Time& new_last_updated_timestamp) const {
- if (current_bucket_last_updated_.is_null())
- return 0;
- base::TimeDelta time_delta =
- BucketLowerBoundary(new_last_updated_timestamp) -
- BucketLowerBoundary(current_bucket_last_updated_);
- int offset_from_last_saved =
- (time_delta.InMinutes() / kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes);
- return offset_from_last_saved > 0
- ? std::min(offset_from_last_saved, kNumDataUsageBuckets)
- : std::max(offset_from_last_saved, -kNumDataUsageBuckets);
-DataStore::Status DataUsageStore::LoadBucketAtIndex(int index,
- DataUsageBucket* bucket) {
- DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < kNumDataUsageBuckets);
- std::string bucket_as_string;
- DataStore::Status bucket_read_status =
- db_->Get(DbKeyForBucketIndex(index), &bucket_as_string);
- if ((bucket_read_status != DataStore::Status::OK &&
- bucket_read_status != DataStore::NOT_FOUND)) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to read data usage bucket from LevelDB: "
- << bucket_read_status;
- }
- if (bucket_read_status == DataStore::Status::OK) {
- bool parse_successful = bucket->ParseFromString(bucket_as_string);
- DCHECK(parse_successful);
- }
- return bucket_read_status;
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_usage_store.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_usage_store.h
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index 19da8b94298..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_usage_store.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
-#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataStore;
-class DataUsageBucket;
-// Time interval for each DataUsageBucket.
-constexpr int kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes = 15;
-// Number of days for which to maintain data usage history.
-constexpr int kDataUsageHistoryNumDays = 60;
-// Store for detailed data usage stats. Data usage from every
-// |kDataUsageBucketLengthMins| interval is stored in a DataUsageBucket.
-class DataUsageStore {
- public:
- explicit DataUsageStore(DataStore* db);
- DataUsageStore(const DataUsageStore&) = delete;
- DataUsageStore& operator=(const DataUsageStore&) = delete;
- ~DataUsageStore();
- // Loads the historic data usage into |data_usage|.
- void LoadDataUsage(std::vector<DataUsageBucket>* data_usage);
- // Loads the data usage bucket for the current interval into |current_bucket|.
- // This method must be called at least once before any calls to
- // |StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket|.
- void LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(DataUsageBucket* bucket);
- // Stores the data usage bucket for the current interval. This will overwrite
- // the current data usage bucket in the |db_| if they are for the same
- // interval. It will also backfill any missed intervals with empty data.
- // Intervals might be missed because Chrome was not running, or there was no
- // network activity during an interval.
- void StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(const DataUsageBucket& current_bucket);
- // Deletes all historical data usage from storage.
- void DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
- // Deletes historical data usage from storage.
- void DeleteBrowsingHistory(const base::Time& start, const base::Time& end);
- // Returns whether |time1| and |time2| are in the same interval. Each hour is
- // divided into |kDataUsageBucketLengthMins| minute long intervals. Returns
- // true if either |time1| or |time2| has NULL time since an uninitialized
- // bucket can be assigned to any interval.
- static bool AreInSameInterval(const base::Time& time1,
- const base::Time& time2);
- // Returns whether the bucket that was last updated at |bucket_last_updated|
- // overlaps in time with the interval [|start_interval|, |end_interval|].
- static bool BucketOverlapsInterval(const base::Time& bucket_last_updated,
- const base::Time& start_interval,
- const base::Time& end_interval);
- private:
- friend class DataUsageStoreTest;
- // Converts the given |bucket| into a string format for persistance to
- // |DataReductionProxyStore| and adds it to the map. The key is generated
- // based on |current_bucket_index_|.
- // |current_bucket_index_| will be incremented before generating the key if
- // |increment_current_index| is true.
- void GenerateKeyAndAddToMap(const DataUsageBucket& bucket,
- std::map<std::string, std::string>* map,
- bool increment_current_index);
- // Returns the offset between the bucket for |current| time and the last
- // bucket that was persisted to the store. Eg: Returns 0 if |current| is in
- // the last persisted bucket. Returns 1 if |current| belongs to the bucket
- // immediately after the last persisted bucket.
- int BucketOffsetFromLastSaved(const base::Time& current) const;
- // Computes the index of the bucket for the given |time| relative to
- // |current_bucket_index_| and |current_bucket_last_updated_|.
- // |current_bucket_last_updated_| belongs at |current_bucket_index_| and
- // bucket index is computed by going backwards or forwards from current index
- // by one position for every |kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes| minutes.
- int ComputeBucketIndex(const base::Time& time) const;
- // Loads the data usage bucket at the given index.
- DataStore::Status LoadBucketAtIndex(int index, DataUsageBucket* current);
- // The store to persist data usage information.
- raw_ptr<DataStore> db_;
- // The index of the last bucket persisted in the |db_|. |DataUsageBucket| is
- // stored in the |db_| as a circular array. This index points to the array
- // position corresponding to the current bucket.
- int current_bucket_index_;
- // The time when the current bucket was last written to |db_|. This field is
- // used to determine if a DataUsageBucket to be saved belongs to the same
- // interval, or a more recent interval.
- base::Time current_bucket_last_updated_;
- base::SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 508a57ae214..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_usage_store.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_test_utils.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/proto/data_store.pb.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace {
-// Each bucket holds data usage for a 15 minute interval. History is maintained
-// for 60 days.
-const unsigned kNumExpectedBuckets = 60 * 24 * 60 / 15;
-const int kBucketsInHour = 60 / 15;
-const int kTestCurrentBucketIndex = 2880;
-base::Time::Exploded TestExplodedTime() {
- base::Time::Exploded exploded;
- exploded.year = 2001;
- exploded.month = 12;
- exploded.day_of_month = 31;
- exploded.day_of_week = 1;
- exploded.hour = 12;
- exploded.minute = 1;
- exploded.second = 0;
- exploded.millisecond = 0;
- return exploded;
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataUsageStoreTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- void SetUp() override {
- store_ = std::make_unique<TestDataStore>();
- data_usage_store_ = std::make_unique<DataUsageStore>(store_.get());
- }
- int current_bucket_index() const {
- return data_usage_store_->current_bucket_index_;
- }
- int64_t current_bucket_last_updated() const {
- return data_usage_store_->current_bucket_last_updated_.ToInternalValue();
- }
- int ComputeBucketIndex(const base::Time& time) const {
- return data_usage_store_->ComputeBucketIndex(time);
- }
- TestDataStore* store() const { return store_.get(); }
- DataUsageStore* data_usage_store() const { return data_usage_store_.get(); }
- void PopulateStore() {
- base::Time::Exploded exploded = TestExplodedTime();
- base::Time current_time;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &current_time));
- std::map<std::string, std::string> map;
- map.insert(
- std::pair<std::string, std::string>("current_bucket_index", "2880"));
- for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(kNumExpectedBuckets); ++i) {
- base::Time time = current_time - base::Minutes(i * 5);
- DataUsageBucket bucket;
- bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(time.ToInternalValue());
- bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- int index = kTestCurrentBucketIndex - i;
- if (index < 0)
- index += kNumExpectedBuckets;
- std::string bucket_value;
- ASSERT_TRUE(bucket.SerializeToString(&bucket_value));
- map.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(
- base::StringPrintf("data_usage_bucket:%d", index), bucket_value));
- }
- store()->Put(map);
- }
- private:
- std::unique_ptr<TestDataStore> store_;
- std::unique_ptr<DataUsageStore> data_usage_store_;
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, LoadEmpty) {
- ASSERT_NE(0, current_bucket_index());
- DataUsageBucket bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, current_bucket_index());
- ASSERT_EQ(0, current_bucket_last_updated());
- ASSERT_FALSE(bucket.has_last_updated_timestamp());
- std::vector<DataUsageBucket> data_usage;
- data_usage_store()->LoadDataUsage(&data_usage);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets, data_usage.size());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[0].has_last_updated_timestamp());
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, LoadAndStoreToSameBucket) {
- DataUsageBucket bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&bucket);
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(now.ToInternalValue());
- bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, store()->map()->size());
- DataUsageBucket stored_bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&stored_bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(now.ToInternalValue(), stored_bucket.last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_FALSE(stored_bucket.had_read_error());
- std::vector<DataUsageBucket> data_usage;
- data_usage_store()->LoadDataUsage(&data_usage);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets, data_usage.size());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[0].has_last_updated_timestamp());
- data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 2].has_last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_EQ(now.ToInternalValue(),
- data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 1].last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 1].had_read_error());
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, StoreSameBucket) {
- base::Time::Exploded exploded = TestExplodedTime();
- exploded.minute = 0;
- exploded.second = 0;
- exploded.millisecond = 0;
- base::Time time1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time1));
- exploded.minute = 14;
- exploded.second = 59;
- exploded.millisecond = 999;
- base::Time time2;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time2));
- DataUsageBucket bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&bucket);
- bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(time1.ToInternalValue());
- bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, store()->map()->size());
- bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(time2.ToInternalValue());
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, store()->map()->size());
- std::vector<DataUsageBucket> data_usage;
- data_usage_store()->LoadDataUsage(&data_usage);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets, data_usage.size());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[0].has_last_updated_timestamp());
- data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 2].has_last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_EQ(time2.ToInternalValue(),
- data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 1].last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 1].had_read_error());
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, StoreConsecutiveBuckets) {
- base::Time::Exploded exploded = TestExplodedTime();
- exploded.minute = 0;
- exploded.second = 59;
- exploded.millisecond = 999;
- base::Time time1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time1));
- exploded.minute = 15;
- exploded.second = 0;
- exploded.millisecond = 0;
- base::Time time2;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time2));
- DataUsageBucket bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&bucket);
- bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(time1.ToInternalValue());
- bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, store()->map()->size());
- bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(time2.ToInternalValue());
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(3u, store()->map()->size());
- std::vector<DataUsageBucket> data_usage;
- data_usage_store()->LoadDataUsage(&data_usage);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets, data_usage.size());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[0].has_last_updated_timestamp());
- data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 3].has_last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_EQ(time1.ToInternalValue(),
- data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 2].last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 2].had_read_error());
- ASSERT_EQ(time2.ToInternalValue(),
- data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 1].last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 1].had_read_error());
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, StoreMultipleBuckets) {
- DataUsageBucket bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&bucket);
- // Comments indicate time expressed as day.hour.min.sec.millis relative to
- // each other beginning at
- // The first bucket range is - and
- // the second bucket range is -, etc.
- base::Time first_bucket_time = base::Time::Now(); //
- base::Time last_bucket_time = first_bucket_time //
- + base::Days(60) - base::Minutes(15);
- base::Time before_history_time = // 0.0.-5.0.0
- first_bucket_time - base::Minutes(15);
- base::Time tenth_bucket_time = //
- first_bucket_time + base::Hours(2) + base::Minutes(15);
- base::Time second_last_bucket_time = //
- last_bucket_time - base::Minutes(15);
- // This bucket will be discarded when the |last_bucket| is stored.
- DataUsageBucket bucket_before_history;
- bucket_before_history.set_last_updated_timestamp(
- before_history_time.ToInternalValue());
- bucket_before_history.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket_before_history);
- // Only one bucket has been stored, so store should have 2 entries, one for
- // current index and one for the bucket itself.
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, store()->map()->size());
- // Calling |StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket| with the same last updated timestamp
- // should not cause number of stored buckets to increase and current bucket
- // should be overwritten.
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket_before_history);
- // Only one bucket has been stored, so store should have 2 entries, one for
- // current index and one for the bucket itself.
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, store()->map()->size());
- // This will be the very first bucket once |last_bucket| is stored.
- DataUsageBucket first_bucket;
- first_bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(first_bucket_time.ToInternalValue());
- first_bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(first_bucket);
- // A new bucket has been stored, so entires in map should increase by one.
- ASSERT_EQ(3u, store()->map()->size());
- // This will be the 10th bucket when |last_bucket| is stored. We skipped
- // calling |StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket| on 10 buckets.
- DataUsageBucket tenth_bucket;
- tenth_bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(tenth_bucket_time.ToInternalValue());
- tenth_bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(tenth_bucket);
- // 9 more (empty) buckets should have been added to the store.
- ASSERT_EQ(12u, store()->map()->size());
- // This will be the last but one bucket when |last_bucket| is stored.
- DataUsageBucket second_last_bucket;
- second_last_bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(
- second_last_bucket_time.ToInternalValue());
- second_last_bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(second_last_bucket);
- // Max number of buckets we store to DB plus one for the current index.
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets + 1, store()->map()->size());
- // This bucket should simply overwrite oldest bucket, so number of entries in
- // store should be unchanged.
- DataUsageBucket last_bucket;
- last_bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(last_bucket_time.ToInternalValue());
- last_bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(last_bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets + 1, store()->map()->size());
- std::vector<DataUsageBucket> data_usage;
- data_usage_store()->LoadDataUsage(&data_usage);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets, data_usage.size());
- ASSERT_EQ(first_bucket_time.ToInternalValue(),
- data_usage[0].last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_EQ(tenth_bucket_time.ToInternalValue(),
- data_usage[9].last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_EQ(second_last_bucket_time.ToInternalValue(),
- data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 2].last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_EQ(last_bucket_time.ToInternalValue(),
- data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 1].last_updated_timestamp());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[0].had_read_error());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[9].had_read_error());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 2].had_read_error());
- ASSERT_FALSE(data_usage[kNumExpectedBuckets - 1].had_read_error());
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, DeleteHistoricalDataUsage) {
- DataUsageBucket bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&bucket);
- bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue());
- bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, store()->map()->size());
- data_usage_store()->DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
- ASSERT_EQ(0u, store()->map()->size());
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, BucketOverlapsInterval) {
- base::Time::Exploded exploded = TestExplodedTime();
- base::Time time1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time1));
- exploded.minute = 16;
- base::Time time16;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time16));
- exploded.minute = 17;
- base::Time time17;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time17));
- exploded.minute = 18;
- base::Time time18;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time18));
- exploded.minute = 33;
- base::Time time33;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time33));
- exploded.minute = 34;
- base::Time time34;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time34));
- exploded.minute = 46;
- base::Time time46;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time46));
- ASSERT_FALSE(DataUsageStore::BucketOverlapsInterval(time1, time17, time33));
- ASSERT_TRUE(DataUsageStore::BucketOverlapsInterval(time16, time17, time33));
- ASSERT_TRUE(DataUsageStore::BucketOverlapsInterval(time18, time17, time33));
- ASSERT_TRUE(DataUsageStore::BucketOverlapsInterval(time34, time17, time33));
- ASSERT_FALSE(DataUsageStore::BucketOverlapsInterval(time46, time17, time33));
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, ComputeBucketIndex) {
- PopulateStore();
- base::Time::Exploded exploded = TestExplodedTime();
- DataUsageBucket current_bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&current_bucket);
- base::Time out_time;
- exploded.minute = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time));
- ASSERT_EQ(kTestCurrentBucketIndex, ComputeBucketIndex(out_time));
- exploded.minute = 14;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time));
- ASSERT_EQ(kTestCurrentBucketIndex, ComputeBucketIndex(out_time));
- exploded.minute = 15;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time));
- ASSERT_EQ(kTestCurrentBucketIndex + 1, ComputeBucketIndex(out_time));
- exploded.hour = 11;
- exploded.minute = 59;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time));
- ASSERT_EQ(kTestCurrentBucketIndex - 1, ComputeBucketIndex(out_time));
- exploded.minute = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time));
- ASSERT_EQ(kTestCurrentBucketIndex - kBucketsInHour,
- ComputeBucketIndex(out_time));
- exploded.hour = 1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time));
- ASSERT_EQ(kTestCurrentBucketIndex - kBucketsInHour * 11,
- ComputeBucketIndex(out_time));
- exploded.day_of_month = 1;
- exploded.hour = 12;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time));
- ASSERT_EQ(kTestCurrentBucketIndex - kBucketsInHour * 30 * 24,
- ComputeBucketIndex(out_time));
- exploded.hour = 11;
- exploded.minute = 45;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time));
- ASSERT_EQ(kTestCurrentBucketIndex - kBucketsInHour * 30 * 24 - 1 +
- static_cast<int>(kNumExpectedBuckets),
- ComputeBucketIndex(out_time));
- exploded.minute = 30;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &out_time));
- ASSERT_EQ(kTestCurrentBucketIndex - kBucketsInHour * 30 * 24 - 2 +
- static_cast<int>(kNumExpectedBuckets),
- ComputeBucketIndex(out_time));
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, DeleteBrowsingHistory) {
- PopulateStore();
- DataUsageBucket current_bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&current_bucket);
- base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets + 1, store()->map()->size());
- base::Time::Exploded exploded = TestExplodedTime();
- exploded.minute = 0;
- base::Time now;
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &now));
- base::Time fifteen_mins_from_now = now + base::Minutes(15);
- // Deleting browsing from the future should be a no-op.
- data_usage_store()->DeleteBrowsingHistory(fifteen_mins_from_now,
- fifteen_mins_from_now);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets + 1, store()->map()->size());
- ASSERT_TRUE(store()->map()->find(base::StringPrintf(
- "data_usage_bucket:%d", kTestCurrentBucketIndex)) !=
- store()->map()->end());
- // Delete the current bucket.
- data_usage_store()->DeleteBrowsingHistory(now, now);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets, store()->map()->size());
- ASSERT_TRUE(store()->map()->find(base::StringPrintf(
- "data_usage_bucket:%d", kTestCurrentBucketIndex)) ==
- store()->map()->end());
- histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample(
- "DataReductionProxy.DeleteBrowsingHistory.NumBuckets", 1, 1);
- // Delete the current bucket + the last 5 minutes, so two buckets.
- data_usage_store()->DeleteBrowsingHistory(now - base::Minutes(5), now);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets - 1, store()->map()->size());
- ASSERT_TRUE(store()->map()->find(base::StringPrintf(
- "data_usage_bucket:%d", kTestCurrentBucketIndex - 1)) ==
- store()->map()->end());
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.DeleteBrowsingHistory.NumBuckets", 2, 1);
- // Delete 30 days of browsing history.
- data_usage_store()->DeleteBrowsingHistory(now - base::Days(30), now);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets - kBucketsInHour * 30 * 24,
- store()->map()->size());
- ASSERT_TRUE(store()->map()->find("data_usage_bucket:0") ==
- store()->map()->end());
- ASSERT_TRUE(store()->map()->find(base::StringPrintf(
- "data_usage_bucket:%d", kNumExpectedBuckets - 1)) !=
- store()->map()->end());
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.DeleteBrowsingHistory.NumBuckets",
- kBucketsInHour * 30 * 24, 1);
- // Delete wraps around and removes the last element which is at position
- // (|kNumExpectedBuckets| - 1).
- data_usage_store()->DeleteBrowsingHistory(
- now - base::Days(30) - base::Minutes(5), now);
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumExpectedBuckets - kBucketsInHour * 30 * 24 - 1,
- store()->map()->size());
- ASSERT_TRUE(store()->map()->find(base::StringPrintf(
- "data_usage_bucket:%d", kNumExpectedBuckets - 1)) ==
- store()->map()->end());
- ASSERT_TRUE(store()->map()->find(base::StringPrintf(
- "data_usage_bucket:%d", kNumExpectedBuckets - 2)) !=
- store()->map()->end());
- data_usage_store()->DeleteBrowsingHistory(now - base::Days(60), now);
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, store()->map()->size());
- histogram_tester.ExpectBucketCount(
- "DataReductionProxy.DeleteBrowsingHistory.NumBuckets",
- kBucketsInHour * 30 * 24 - 1, 2);
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, DontStoreReadError) {
- DataUsageBucket bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&bucket);
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- bucket.set_last_updated_timestamp(now.ToInternalValue());
- bucket.set_had_read_error(true);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(0u, store()->map()->size());
-TEST_F(DataUsageStoreTest, DontStoreNoTimestamp) {
- DataUsageBucket bucket;
- data_usage_store()->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(&bucket);
- bucket.set_had_read_error(false);
- data_usage_store()->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket);
- ASSERT_EQ(0u, store()->map()->size());
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 49e42fb1253..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/db_data_owner.h"
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/check.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_usage_store.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/proto/data_store.pb.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-DBDataOwner::DBDataOwner(std::unique_ptr<DataStore> store)
- : store_(std::move(store)), data_usage_(new DataUsageStore(store_.get())) {
- sequence_checker_.DetachFromSequence();
-DBDataOwner::~DBDataOwner() {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
-void DBDataOwner::InitializeOnDBThread() {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- store_->InitializeOnDBThread();
-void DBDataOwner::LoadHistoricalDataUsage(
- std::vector<DataUsageBucket>* data_usage) {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- data_usage_->LoadDataUsage(data_usage);
-void DBDataOwner::LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(DataUsageBucket* bucket) {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- data_usage_->LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(bucket);
-void DBDataOwner::StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(
- std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket> current) {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- data_usage_->StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(*current);
-void DBDataOwner::DeleteHistoricalDataUsage() {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- data_usage_->DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
-void DBDataOwner::DeleteBrowsingHistory(const base::Time& start,
- const base::Time& end) {
- DCHECK(sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence());
- data_usage_->DeleteBrowsingHistory(start, end);
-base::WeakPtr<DBDataOwner> DBDataOwner::GetWeakPtr() {
- return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/db_data_owner.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/db_data_owner.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a21a3feebc5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/db_data_owner.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <memory>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/callback_forward.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
-namespace base {
-class Time;
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataStore;
-class DataUsageBucket;
-class DataUsageStore;
-// Callback for loading the historical data usage.
-using HistoricalDataUsageCallback =
- base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<std::vector<DataUsageBucket>>)>;
-// Callback for loading data usage for the current bucket.
-using LoadCurrentDataUsageCallback =
- base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket>)>;
-// Contains and initializes all Data Reduction Proxy objects that have a
-// lifetime based on the DB task runner.
-class DBDataOwner {
- public:
- explicit DBDataOwner(std::unique_ptr<DataStore> store);
- DBDataOwner(const DBDataOwner&) = delete;
- DBDataOwner& operator=(const DBDataOwner&) = delete;
- virtual ~DBDataOwner();
- // Initializes all the DB objects. Must be called on the DB task runner.
- void InitializeOnDBThread();
- // Loads data usage history stored in |DataStore|.
- void LoadHistoricalDataUsage(std::vector<DataUsageBucket>* data_usage);
- // Loads the last stored data usage bucket from |DataStore| into |bucket|.
- void LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(DataUsageBucket* bucket);
- // Stores |current| to |DataStore|.
- void StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(std::unique_ptr<DataUsageBucket> current);
- // Deletes all historical data usage from storage.
- void DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
- // Deletes browsing history for the given data range from storage.
- void DeleteBrowsingHistory(const base::Time& start, const base::Time& end);
- // Returns a weak pointer to self for use on UI thread.
- base::WeakPtr<DBDataOwner> GetWeakPtr();
- private:
- std::unique_ptr<DataStore> store_;
- std::unique_ptr<DataUsageStore> data_usage_;
- base::SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
- base::WeakPtrFactory<DBDataOwner> weak_factory_{this};
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
index 4b87a710065..45d0a6906d8 100644
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
+++ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
@@ -2,29 +2,17 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Variables:
# deps: Extra dependencies.
template("common_tmpl") {
static_library(target_name) {
sources = [
- "",
- "data_reduction_proxy_features.h",
- "",
- "data_reduction_proxy_headers.h",
- "",
- "data_reduction_proxy_params.h",
- "",
- "data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h",
- public_deps = [ ":version_header" ]
deps = [
- "//components/data_reduction_proxy/proto:data_reduction_proxy_proto",
@@ -43,32 +31,3 @@ common_tmpl("common") {
-source_set("unit_tests") {
- testonly = true
- sources = [ "" ]
- deps = [
- ":common",
- "//base",
- "//base/test:test_support",
- "//components/prefs",
- "//components/prefs:test_support",
- # TODO this dependency seems wrong, but
- "//components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser",
- "//components/data_reduction_proxy/proto:data_reduction_proxy_proto",
- "//net:test_support",
- "//testing/gtest",
- ]
-process_version("version_header") {
- template_file = ""
- sources = [ "//chrome/VERSION" ]
- output = "$target_gen_dir/version.h"
- extra_args = [
- "-e",
- ]
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/chrome_proxy_header.txt b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/chrome_proxy_header.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a6a81caa32..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/chrome_proxy_header.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-The Chrome-Proxy header is used to convey client credentials and capabilities
-to the Data Reduction Proxy and to receive instructions from it.
-The Data Reduction Proxy is operated by Google for Chrome. Chrome is
-configured to connect to it via TLS at and via HTTP
-at The Data Reduction Proxy only proxies HTTP
-traffic from non-incognito tabs.
-Chrome-Proxy Response Header
-The Data Reduction Proxy uses the Chrome-Proxy response header to instruct
-Chrome to bypass the proxy for a period of time and retry the request directly.
-It may do so to shed load, when the requested URL is on a blacklist of
-malicious or illegal resources, or when the request is for video, which the
-proxy does not currently serve. Bypasses may be issued for other reasons as
-In order to bypass a proxy and make decisions about when requests should be
-proxied and which proxy they should use, some proxies serve PAC scripts
-themselves with a low HTTP cache timeout, and dynamically update the scripts
-to direct users. This is the current state of the art, but the approach has many
-drawbacks. Some clients ignore the HTTP caching headers for the PAC script. The
-client's performance suffers because new PAC scripts must be interpreted after
-every invalidation. Clients must also store (large) blacklists. Server design is
-complicated by needing to decouple a request from the mechanism that would
-bypass it (a PAC). Bypass fidelity is coarse meaning that bypass decisions can't
-be made on a per-request basis. And bypass decisions must be made before the
-request is sent, which isn't always possible, e.g., for domains the proxy hasn't
-served before.
-Instead, the Data Reduction Proxy sends one of a set of bypass directives in the
-"Chrome-Proxy" header if it wants the client not to use it. Upon reception of
-this header, the client may decide to retry the request with the proxy disabled
-or cancel the request. Chrome cancels instead of retrying non-idempotent
-The "Chrome-Proxy" response header has the following format:
-chrome-proxy = "Chrome-Proxy" ":" 1#chrome-proxy-directive
-chrome-proxy-directive = token [ "=" ( token / quoted-string ) ]
-The header uses the definition of 'token' and 'quoted-string' from
-The directives have the following meanings:
-bypass: Argument syntax: delta-seconds
- delta-seconds = 1*DIGIT (see: 1.2.1 of rfc7234)
- Bypass the currently configured proxy for specified number of
- seconds. If zero is specified, Chrome should use its default
- proxy bypass timeout, which is a random duration between 1 and 5
- minutes. If the TLS proxy is bypassed, Chrome will downgrade to
- using HTTP to connect to the Data Reduction Proxy. If the HTTP
- proxy is bypassed, Chrome will downgrade to using a DIRECT
- connection.
-block: Argument syntax: delta-seconds
- Bypass all Data Reduction Proxies for the specified number of
- seconds. If zero is specified, Chrome will use the default block
- timeout, which is a random time between 1 and 5 minutes.
-block-once: Bypass all Data Reductions Proxies for this request only.
-Currently, the directives are mutually exclusive, but the header format does
-not require this. With "block-once", no token is expected.
-If more than one directive is contained the header, then Chrome reacts to only
-the highest priority directive. Priorities from highest to lowest are:
-block > bypass > block-once.
-Examples that respectively bypass the current proxy for seven seconds, bypass
-both the TLS and HTTP proxies for Chrome's default proxy bypass duration, and
-bypass the TLS and HTTP proxies only for the current request:
-Chrome-Proxy: bypass=7
-Chrome-Proxy: block=0
-Chrome-Proxy: block-once
-The Chrome-Proxy header is NOT hop-by-hop, and thus transparent proxies and
-other intermediaries should not modify it. Further, only the Data Reduction
-Proxy should add this header to responses.
-Chrome-Proxy Request Header
-The Chrome-Proxy request header is used to specify client capabilities and
-credentials. It has the same form as the response header. The directives have
-the following names and meanings:
-ps: Argument syntax: token
- A User-Agent-selected pseudorandom session ID.
-sid: Argument syntax: token
- A credential string.
-b: Argument syntax: 1*DIGIT
- The Chrome build number of the client
-p: Argument syntax: 1*DIGIT
- The Chrome patch number of the client
-c: Argument syntax: "android" / "ios" / "mac" / "win" / "linux" /
- "chromeos" / "webview"
- The type of client.
-The values of the 'b', 'p', and 'c' directives can often be gleaned from the
-user agent string, but not always, so they are sent explicitly. Each request
-sent from Chrome to a Data Reduction Proxy contains a Chrome-Proxy header with
-values for all five of these directives.
-For example, for Chrome 38 on Android with a version 38.0.2125.114 (note the
-'ps' and 'sid' values are representative):
-Chrome-Proxy: ps=484343-123-4-9484, sid=he9wj3gjd03, b=2125, p=114, c=android
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 39ebc409ae0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-namespace features {
-// Enables the data saver promo for low memory Android devices.
-const base::Feature kDataReductionProxyLowMemoryDevicePromo{
- "DataReductionProxyLowMemoryDevicePromo",
-// Reports estimated data savings due to save-data request header and JS API, as
-// savings provided by DataSaver.
-const base::Feature kReportSaveDataSavings{"ReportSaveDataSavings",
-} // namespace features
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aa28cfbad53..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/feature_list.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-namespace features {
-extern const base::Feature kDataReductionProxyLowMemoryDevicePromo;
-extern const base::Feature kReportSaveDataSavings;
-} // namespace features
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7b67569a117..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_headers.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
-#include "base/rand_util.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
-#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
-#include "net/http/http_status_code.h"
-#include "net/http/http_util.h"
-#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom.h"
-namespace {
-const char kChromeProxyHeader[] = "chrome-proxy";
-const char kActionValueDelimiter = '=';
-bool StartsWithActionPrefix(base::StringPiece header_value,
- base::StringPiece action_prefix) {
- DCHECK(!action_prefix.empty());
- // A valid action does not include a trailing '='.
- DCHECK(action_prefix.back() != kActionValueDelimiter);
- return header_value.size() > action_prefix.size() + 1 &&
- header_value[action_prefix.size()] == kActionValueDelimiter &&
- base::StartsWith(header_value, action_prefix,
- base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII);
-bool GetDataReductionProxyActionValue(const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers,
- base::StringPiece action_prefix,
- std::string* action_value) {
- DCHECK(headers);
- size_t iter = 0;
- std::string value;
- while (headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, kChromeProxyHeader, &value)) {
- if (StartsWithActionPrefix(value, action_prefix)) {
- if (action_value)
- *action_value = value.substr(action_prefix.size() + 1);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-} // namespace
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-const char* chrome_proxy_header() {
- return kChromeProxyHeader;
-int64_t GetDataReductionProxyOFCL(const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers) {
- std::string ofcl_str;
- int64_t ofcl;
- if (GetDataReductionProxyActionValue(headers, "ofcl", &ofcl_str) &&
- base::StringToInt64(ofcl_str, &ofcl) && ofcl >= 0) {
- return ofcl;
- }
- return -1;
-double EstimateCompressionRatioFromHeaders(
- const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head) {
- if (!response_head->network_accessed || !response_head->headers ||
- response_head->headers->GetContentLength() <= 0 ||
- response_head->proxy_server.is_direct()) {
- return 1.0; // No compression
- }
- int64_t original_content_length =
- GetDataReductionProxyOFCL(response_head->headers.get());
- if (original_content_length > 0) {
- return static_cast<double>(original_content_length) /
- static_cast<double>(response_head->headers->GetContentLength());
- }
- return 1.0; // No compression
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_headers.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_headers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cf3f26ef8ae..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_headers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
-#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
-#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
-#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_resolution_service.h"
-#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom-forward.h"
-#include "url/gurl.h"
-namespace net {
-class HttpResponseHeaders;
-} // namespace net
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-// Gets the header used for data reduction proxy requests and responses.
-const char* chrome_proxy_header();
-// Returns the Original-Full-Content-Length(OFCL) value in the Chrome-Proxy
-// header. Returns -1 in case of of error or if OFCL does not exist. |headers|
-// must be non-null.
-int64_t GetDataReductionProxyOFCL(const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers);
-// Returns an estimate of the compression ratio from the Content-Length and
-// Chrome-Proxy Original-Full-Content-Length(OFCL) response headers. These may
-// not be populated for responses which are streamed from the origin which will
-// be treated as a no compression case. Notably, only the response body size is
-// used to compute the ratio, and headers are excluded, since this is only an
-// estimate for response that is beginning to arrive.
-double EstimateCompressionRatioFromHeaders(
- const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head);
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99d0f5edc85..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h"
-#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
-#include "net/base/proxy_server.h"
-#include "net/http/http_status_code.h"
-#include "url/url_constants.h"
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
-#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
-namespace {
-const char kEnabled[] = "Enabled";
-bool IsIncludedInFieldTrial(const std::string& name) {
- return base::StartsWith(base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName(name), kEnabled,
- base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
-bool CanShowAndroidLowMemoryDevicePromo() {
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
- return base::SysInfo::IsLowEndDevice() &&
- base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
- data_reduction_proxy::features::
- kDataReductionProxyLowMemoryDevicePromo);
- return false;
-} // namespace
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-namespace params {
-bool IsIncludedInPromoFieldTrial() {
- if (IsIncludedInFieldTrial("DataCompressionProxyPromoVisibility"))
- return true;
- return CanShowAndroidLowMemoryDevicePromo();
-bool IsIncludedInFREPromoFieldTrial() {
- if (IsIncludedInFieldTrial("DataReductionProxyFREPromo"))
- return true;
- return CanShowAndroidLowMemoryDevicePromo();
-} // namespace params
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 89395fcb343..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "url/gurl.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-// The data_reduction_proxy::params namespace is a collection of methods to
-// determine the operating parameters of the Data Reduction Proxy as specified
-// by field trials and command line switches.
-namespace params {
-// Returns true if this client is part of a field trial that should display
-// a promotion for the data reduction proxy.
-bool IsIncludedInPromoFieldTrial();
-// Returns true if this client is part of a field trial that should display
-// a FRE promotion for the data reduction proxy.
-bool IsIncludedInFREPromoFieldTrial();
-} // namespace params
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 22776d3fabc..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial_param_associator.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
-#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_features.h"
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h"
-#include "net/base/proxy_server.h"
-#include "net/http/http_status_code.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
-#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-class DataReductionProxyParamsTest : public testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyParamsTest, PromoFieldTrial) {
- const struct {
- std::string trial_group_name;
- bool expected_enabled;
- } tests[] = {
- {"Enabled", true},
- {"Enabled_Control", true},
- {"Disabled", false},
- {"enabled", false},
- };
- for (const auto& test : tests) {
- base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list;
- scoped_feature_list.Init();
- ASSERT_TRUE(base::FieldTrialList::CreateFieldTrial(
- "DataCompressionProxyPromoVisibility", test.trial_group_name));
- EXPECT_EQ(test.expected_enabled, params::IsIncludedInPromoFieldTrial())
- << test.trial_group_name;
- }
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyParamsTest, FREPromoFieldTrial) {
- const struct {
- std::string trial_group_name;
- bool expected_enabled;
- } tests[] = {
- {"Enabled", true},
- {"Enabled_Control", true},
- {"Disabled", false},
- {"enabled", false},
- };
- for (const auto& test : tests) {
- base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list;
- scoped_feature_list.Init();
- ASSERT_TRUE(base::FieldTrialList::CreateFieldTrial(
- "DataReductionProxyFREPromo", test.trial_group_name));
- EXPECT_EQ(test.expected_enabled, params::IsIncludedInFREPromoFieldTrial())
- << test.trial_group_name;
- }
-TEST_F(DataReductionProxyParamsTest, LowMemoryPromoFeature) {
- const struct {
- bool expected_in_field_trial;
- } tests[] = {
- {false}, {true},
- };
- for (const auto& test : tests) {
- base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list;
- if (test.expected_in_field_trial) {
- scoped_feature_list.InitAndDisableFeature(
- features::kDataReductionProxyLowMemoryDevicePromo);
- } else {
- scoped_feature_list.InitAndEnableFeature(
- features::kDataReductionProxyLowMemoryDevicePromo);
- }
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
- EXPECT_EQ(test.expected_in_field_trial && base::SysInfo::IsLowEndDevice(),
- params::IsIncludedInPromoFieldTrial());
- EXPECT_EQ(test.expected_in_field_trial && base::SysInfo::IsLowEndDevice(),
- params::IsIncludedInFREPromoFieldTrial());
- EXPECT_FALSE(params::IsIncludedInPromoFieldTrial());
- EXPECT_FALSE(params::IsIncludedInFREPromoFieldTrial());
- }
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc0d21eb123..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h"
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-namespace prefs {
-// An int64_t pref that contains an internal representation of midnight on the
-// date of the last update to |kDailyHttp{Original,Received}ContentLength|.
-const char kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate[] =
- "data_reduction.last_update_date";
-// A List pref that contains daily totals of the original size of all HTTP/HTTPS
-// content received from the network.
-const char kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength[] =
- "data_reduction.daily_original_length";
-// A List pref that contains daily totals of the size of all HTTP/HTTPS content
-// received from the network.
-const char kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength[] =
- "data_reduction.daily_received_length";
-// A boolean specifying whether the DataSaver feature is enabled for this
-// client. Note that this preference key name is a legacy string for the sdpy
-// proxy.
-// WARNING: This pref is not the source of truth for determining if Data Saver
-// is enabled. Use |DataReductionSettings::IsDataSaverEnabledByUser| instead or
-// consult the OWNERS.
-const char kDataSaverEnabled[] = "spdy_proxy.enabled";
-// A boolean specifying whether data usage should be collected for reporting.
-const char kDataUsageReportingEnabled[] = "data_usage_reporting.enabled";
-// A boolean specifying whether the data reduction proxy was ever enabled
-// before.
-const char kDataReductionProxyWasEnabledBefore[] =
- "spdy_proxy.was_enabled_before";
-// An integer pref that contains the time when the data reduction proxy was last
-// enabled. Recorded only if the data reduction proxy was last enabled since
-// this pref was added.
-const char kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime[] =
- "data_reduction.last_enabled_time";
-// An int64_t pref that contains the total size of all HTTP content received
-// from the network.
-const char kHttpReceivedContentLength[] = "http_received_content_length";
-// An int64_t pref that contains the total original size of all HTTP content
-// received over the network.
-const char kHttpOriginalContentLength[] = "http_original_content_length";
-// An integer pref that stores the number of the week when the weekly data use
-// prefs were updated.
-const char kThisWeekNumber[] = "data_reduction.this_week_number";
-// Dictionary pref that stores the data use of services. The key will be the
-// service hash code, and the value will be the KB that service used.
-const char kThisWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB[] =
- "data_reduction.this_week_services_downstream_background_kb";
-const char kThisWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB[] =
- "data_reduction.this_week_services_downstream_foreground_kb";
-const char kLastWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB[] =
- "data_reduction.last_week_services_downstream_background_kb";
-const char kLastWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB[] =
- "data_reduction.last_week_services_downstream_foreground_kb";
-// Dictionary pref that stores the content-type of user-initiated traffic. The
-// key will be the content-type, and the value will be the data usage in KB.
-const char kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB[] =
- "data_reduction.this_week_user_traffic_contenttype_downstream_kb";
-const char kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB[] =
- "data_reduction.last_week_user_traffic_contenttype_downstream_kb";
-} // namespace prefs
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b546030c92..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_pref_names.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-namespace data_reduction_proxy {
-namespace prefs {
-// Alphabetical list of preference names specific to the data_reduction_proxy
-// component. Keep alphabetized, and document each in the .cc file.
-extern const char kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate[];
-extern const char kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength[];
-extern const char kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength[];
-extern const char kDataSaverEnabled[];
-extern const char kDataUsageReportingEnabled[];
-extern const char kDataReductionProxyWasEnabledBefore[];
-extern const char kDataReductionProxyLastEnabledTime[];
-extern const char kHttpOriginalContentLength[];
-extern const char kHttpReceivedContentLength[];
-extern const char kThisWeekNumber[];
-extern const char kThisWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB[];
-extern const char kThisWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB[];
-extern const char kLastWeekServicesDownstreamBackgroundKB[];
-extern const char kLastWeekServicesDownstreamForegroundKB[];
-extern const char kThisWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB[];
-extern const char kLastWeekUserTrafficContentTypeDownstreamKB[];
-} // namespace prefs
-} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
index 49d7f6d8081..e8532097059 100644
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
+++ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
@@ -10,14 +10,5 @@ namespace switches {
// Enable the data reduction proxy.
const char kEnableDataReductionProxy[] = "enable-spdy-proxy-auth";
-// Enables a 1 MB savings promo for the data reduction proxy.
-const char kEnableDataReductionProxySavingsPromo[] =
- "enable-data-reduction-proxy-savings-promo";
-// Override the one-time InfoBar to not needed to be shown before triggering
-// https image compression for the page load.
-const char kOverrideHttpsImageCompressionInfobar[] =
- "override-https-image-compression-infobar";
} // namespace switches
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h
index ea977b39ff8..51e1ce9b08a 100644
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h
+++ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/data_reduction_proxy_switches.h
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ namespace switches {
// alongside the definition of their values in the .cc file.
extern const char kEnableDataReductionProxy[];
-extern const char kEnableDataReductionProxySavingsPromo[];
-extern const char kOverrideHttpsImageCompressionInfobar[];
} // namespace switches
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy
diff --git a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/ b/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 24772b4bdcd..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/data_reduction_proxy/core/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// version.h is generated from Edit the source!