path: root/chromium/components/blacklist/opt_out_blacklist/opt_out_blacklist_data.h
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1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/blacklist/opt_out_blacklist/opt_out_blacklist_data.h b/chromium/components/blacklist/opt_out_blacklist/opt_out_blacklist_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5740d793c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/components/blacklist/opt_out_blacklist/opt_out_blacklist_data.h
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+// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/optional.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "components/blacklist/opt_out_blacklist/opt_out_blacklist_item.h"
+namespace blacklist {
+// The various reasons the Blacklist may tell that the user is blacklisted.
+// This should remain synchronized with enums.xml
+enum class BlacklistReason {
+ // The blacklist may not be loaded very early in the session or when the user
+ // has cleared the blacklist history (usually by clearing their browsing
+ // history).
+ kBlacklistNotLoaded = 0,
+ kUserOptedOutInSession = 1,
+ kUserOptedOutInGeneral = 2,
+ kUserOptedOutOfHost = 3,
+ kUserOptedOutOfType = 4,
+ kAllowed = 5,
+ kMaxValue = kAllowed,
+// This class describes all of the data used to determine whether an action is
+// allowed based on four possible rules: Session: if the user has opted out
+// of j of the last k entries this session, the action will be blacklisted for a
+// set duration. Persistent: if the user has opted out of j of the last k
+// entries, the action will be blacklisted for a set duration. Host: if the user
+// has opted out of threshold of the last history entries for a specific host,
+// the action will be blacklisted for a set duration. Type: if the user has
+// opted out of j of the last k entries for a specific type, the action will be
+// blacklisted for a set duration. This is the in-memory version of the black
+// list policy. This object is moved from the embedder thread to a background
+// thread, It is not safe to access concurrently on two threads.
+class BlacklistData {
+ public:
+ // A struct describing the general blacklisting pattern used by all of the
+ // blacklisting rules.
+ // The most recent |history| entries are looked at and if |threshold| (or
+ // more) of them are opt outs, new actions are considered blacklisted unless
+ // the most recent opt out was longer than |duration| ago.
+ struct Policy {
+ Policy(base::TimeDelta duration, size_t history, int threshold)
+ : duration(duration), history(history), threshold(threshold) {}
+ ~Policy() = default;
+ // Specifies how long the blacklisting rule lasts after the most recent opt
+ // out.
+ const base::TimeDelta duration;
+ // Amount of entries evaluated for the rule.
+ const size_t history;
+ // The number of opt outs that will trigger blacklisting for the rule.
+ const int threshold;
+ };
+ // A map of types that are allowed to be used in the blacklist as well as the
+ // version that those types are in. Versioning allows removals from persistent
+ // memory at session start.
+ using AllowedTypesAndVersions = std::map<int, int>;
+ // |session_policy| if non-null, is the policy that is not persisted across
+ // sessions and is not specific to host or type. |persistent_policy| if
+ // non-null, is the policy that is persisted across sessions and is not
+ // specific to host or type. |host_policy| if non-null, is the policy that is
+ // persisted across sessions applies at the per-host level. |host_policy| if
+ // non-null, is the policy that is persisted across sessions and applies at
+ // the per-type level. |max_hosts| is the maximum number of hosts stored in
+ // memory. |allowed_types| contains the action types that are allowed in the
+ // session and their corresponding versions. Conversioning is used to clear
+ // stale data from the persistent storage.
+ BlacklistData(std::unique_ptr<Policy> session_policy,
+ std::unique_ptr<Policy> persistent_policy,
+ std::unique_ptr<Policy> host_policy,
+ std::unique_ptr<Policy> type_policy,
+ size_t max_hosts,
+ AllowedTypesAndVersions allowed_types);
+ ~BlacklistData();
+ // Adds a new entry for all rules to use when evaluating blacklisting state.
+ // |is_from_persistent_storage| is used to delineate between data added from
+ // this session, and previous sessions.
+ void AddEntry(const std::string& host_name,
+ bool opt_out,
+ int type,
+ base::Time time,
+ bool is_from_persistent_storage);
+ // Whether the user is opted out when considering all enabled rules. if
+ // |ignore_long_term_black_list_rules| is true, this will only check the
+ // session rule. For every reason that is checked, but does not trigger
+ // blacklisting, a new reason will be appended to the end |passed_reasons|.
+ // |time| is the time that decision should be evaluated at (usually now).
+ BlacklistReason IsAllowed(const std::string& host_name,
+ int type,
+ bool ignore_long_term_black_list_rules,
+ base::Time time,
+ std::vector<BlacklistReason>* passed_reasons) const;
+ // This clears all data in all rules.
+ void ClearData();
+ // The allowed types and what version they are. If it is non-empty, it is used
+ // to remove stale entries from the database and to DCHECK that other methods
+ // are not using disallowed types.
+ const AllowedTypesAndVersions& allowed_types() const {
+ return allowed_types_;
+ }
+ // Whether the specific |host_name| is blacklisted based only on the host
+ // rule.
+ bool IsHostBlacklisted(const std::string& host_name, base::Time time) const;
+ // Whether the user is opted out based solely on the persistent blacklist
+ // rule.
+ bool IsUserOptedOutInGeneral(base::Time time) const;
+ // Exposed for logging purposes only.
+ const std::map<std::string, OptOutBlacklistItem>& black_list_item_host_map()
+ const {
+ return black_list_item_host_map_;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Removes the oldest (or safest) host item from |black_list_item_host_map_|.
+ // Oldest is defined by most recent opt out time, and safest is defined as an
+ // item with no opt outs.
+ void EvictOldestHost();
+ // The session rule policy. If non-null the session rule is enforced.
+ std::unique_ptr<Policy> session_policy_;
+ // The session rule history.
+ std::unique_ptr<OptOutBlacklistItem> session_black_list_item_;
+ // The persistent rule policy. If non-null the persistent rule is enforced.
+ std::unique_ptr<Policy> persistent_policy_;
+ // The persistent rule history.
+ std::unique_ptr<OptOutBlacklistItem> persistent_black_list_item_;
+ // The host rule policy. If non-null the host rule is enforced.
+ std::unique_ptr<Policy> host_policy_;
+ // The maximum number of hosts allowed in the host blacklist.
+ size_t max_hosts_;
+ // The host rule history. Each host is stored as a separate blacklist history.
+ std::map<std::string, OptOutBlacklistItem> black_list_item_host_map_;
+ // The type rule policy. If non-null the type rule is enforced.
+ std::unique_ptr<Policy> type_policy_;
+ // The type rule history. Each type is stored as a separate blacklist history.
+ std::map<int, OptOutBlacklistItem> black_list_item_type_map_;
+ // The allowed types and what version they are. If it is non-empty, it is used
+ // to remove stale entries from the database and to DCHECK that other methods
+ // are not using disallowed types.
+ AllowedTypesAndVersions allowed_types_;
+} // namespace blacklist