path: root/chromium/chrome/renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_term_feature_extractor.h
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1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_term_feature_extractor.h b/chromium/chrome/renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_term_feature_extractor.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0cc48d7033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chrome/renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_term_feature_extractor.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// PhishingTermFeatureExtractor handles computing term features from the text
+// of a web page for the client-side phishing detection model. To do this, it
+// takes a list of terms that appear in the model, and scans through the page
+// text looking for them. Any terms that appear will cause a corresponding
+// features::kPageTerm feature to be added to the FeatureMap.
+// To make it harder for a phisher to enumerate all of the relevant terms in
+// the model, the terms are provided as SHA-256 hashes, rather than plain text.
+// There is one PhishingTermFeatureExtractor per RenderView.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "base/callback.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "base/strings/string16.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
+namespace safe_browsing {
+class FeatureExtractorClock;
+class FeatureMap;
+class PhishingTermFeatureExtractor {
+ public:
+ // Callback to be run when feature extraction finishes. The callback
+ // argument is true if extraction was successful, false otherwise.
+ typedef base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> DoneCallback;
+ // Creates a PhishingTermFeatureExtractor which will extract features for
+ // all of the terms whose SHA-256 hashes are in |page_term_hashes|. These
+ // terms may be multi-word n-grams, with at most |max_words_per_term| words.
+ //
+ // |page_word_hashes| contains the murmur3 hashes for all of the individual
+ // words that make up the terms. Both sets of strings are UTF-8 encoded and
+ // lowercased prior to hashing. The caller owns both sets of strings, and
+ // must ensure that they are valid until the PhishingTermFeatureExtractor is
+ // destroyed.
+ //
+ // In addition to extracting page terms, we will also extract text shingling
+ // sketch, which consists of hashes of N-gram-words (referred to as shingles)
+ // in the page. |shingle_size| defines N, and |max_shingles_per_page| defines
+ // the maximum number of unique shingle hashes we extracted per page.
+ //
+ // |clock| is used for timing feature extractor operations, and may be mocked
+ // for testing. The caller keeps ownership of the clock.
+ PhishingTermFeatureExtractor(
+ const std::unordered_set<std::string>* page_term_hashes,
+ const std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* page_word_hashes,
+ size_t max_words_per_term,
+ uint32_t murmurhash3_seed,
+ size_t max_shingles_per_page,
+ size_t shingle_size,
+ FeatureExtractorClock* clock);
+ ~PhishingTermFeatureExtractor();
+ // Begins extracting features from |page_text| into the given FeatureMap.
+ // |page_text| should contain the plain text of a web page, including any
+ // subframes, as returned by RenderView::CaptureText().
+ //
+ // To avoid blocking the render thread for too long, the feature extractor
+ // may run in several chunks of work, posting a task to the current
+ // MessageLoop to continue processing. Once feature extraction is complete,
+ // |done_callback| is run on the current thread.
+ // PhishingTermFeatureExtractor takes ownership of the callback.
+ //
+ // |page_text|, |features|, and |shingle_hashes| are owned by the caller,
+ // and must not be destroyed until either |done_callback| is run or
+ // CancelPendingExtraction() is called.
+ void ExtractFeatures(const base::string16* page_text,
+ FeatureMap* features,
+ std::set<uint32_t>* shingle_hashes,
+ DoneCallback done_callback);
+ // Cancels any pending feature extraction. The DoneCallback will not be run.
+ // Must be called if there is a feature extraction in progress when the page
+ // is unloaded or the PhishingTermFeatureExtractor is destroyed.
+ void CancelPendingExtraction();
+ private:
+ struct ExtractionState;
+ // The maximum amount of wall time that we will spend on a single extraction
+ // iteration before pausing to let other MessageLoop tasks run.
+ static const int kMaxTimePerChunkMs;
+ // The number of words that we will process before checking to see whether
+ // kMaxTimePerChunkMs has elapsed. Since checking the current time can be
+ // slow, we don't do this on every word processed.
+ static const int kClockCheckGranularity;
+ // The maximum total amount of time that the feature extractor will run
+ // before giving up on the current page.
+ static const int kMaxTotalTimeMs;
+ // Does the actual work of ExtractFeatures. ExtractFeaturesWithTimeout runs
+ // until a predefined maximum amount of time has elapsed, then posts a task
+ // to the current MessageLoop to continue extraction. When extraction
+ // finishes, calls RunCallback().
+ void ExtractFeaturesWithTimeout();
+ // Handles a single word in the page text.
+ void HandleWord(const base::StringPiece16& word);
+ // Helper to verify that there is no pending feature extraction. Dies in
+ // debug builds if the state is not as expected. This is a no-op in release
+ // builds.
+ void CheckNoPendingExtraction();
+ // Runs |done_callback_| and then clears all internal state.
+ void RunCallback(bool success);
+ // Clears all internal feature extraction state.
+ void Clear();
+ // All of the term hashes that we are looking for in the page.
+ const std::unordered_set<std::string>* page_term_hashes_;
+ // Murmur3 hashes of all the individual words in page_term_hashes_. If
+ // page_term_hashes_ included (hashed) "one" and "one two", page_word_hashes_
+ // would contain (hashed) "one" and "two". We do this so that we can have a
+ // quick out in the common case that the current word we are processing
+ // doesn't contain any part of one of our terms.
+ const std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* page_word_hashes_;
+ // The maximum number of words in an n-gram.
+ const size_t max_words_per_term_;
+ // The seed for murmurhash3.
+ const uint32_t murmurhash3_seed_;
+ // The maximum number of unique shingle hashes we extract in a page.
+ const size_t max_shingles_per_page_;
+ // The number of words in a shingle.
+ const size_t shingle_size_;
+ // Non-owned pointer to our clock.
+ FeatureExtractorClock* clock_;
+ // The output parameters from the most recent call to ExtractFeatures().
+ const base::string16* page_text_; // The caller keeps ownership of this.
+ FeatureMap* features_; // The caller keeps ownership of this.
+ std::set<uint32_t>* shingle_hashes_;
+ DoneCallback done_callback_;
+ // Stores the current state of term extraction from |page_text_|.
+ std::unique_ptr<ExtractionState> state_;
+ // Used in scheduling ExtractFeaturesWithTimeout tasks.
+ // These pointers are invalidated if extraction is cancelled.
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<PhishingTermFeatureExtractor> weak_factory_{this};
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PhishingTermFeatureExtractor);
+} // namespace safe_browsing