path: root/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings')
50 files changed, 0 insertions, 6670 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/add_site_dialog.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/add_site_dialog.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b38253df50..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/add_site_dialog.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_checkbox/cr_checkbox.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_dialog/cr_dialog.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_input/cr_input.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../i18n_setup.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<dom-module id="add-site-dialog">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- #incognito {
- padding-bottom: 10px;
- }
- </style>
- <cr-dialog id="dialog" close-text="$i18n{close}">
- <div slot="title">$i18n{addSiteTitle}</div>
- <div slot="body">
- <cr-input id="site" label="$i18n{addSite}"
- placeholder="$i18n{addSiteExceptionPlaceholder}"
- value="{{site_}}" on-input="validate_"
- error-message="{{errorMessage_}}" spellcheck="false"
- autofocus></cr-input>
- <cr-checkbox id="incognito"
- hidden$="[[!showIncognitoSessionOnly_(hasIncognito,
- contentSetting)]]">
- $i18n{incognitoSiteOnly}
- </cr-checkbox>
- <cr-checkbox id="thirdParties"
- hidden$="[[shouldHideThirdPartyCookieCheckbox_(category)]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsCookiesThirdPartyExceptionLabel}
- </cr-checkbox>
- </div>
- <div slot="button-container">
- <cr-button class="cancel-button" on-click="onCancelTap_">
- $i18n{cancel}
- </cr-button>
- <cr-button class="action-button" id="add" on-click="onSubmit_"
- disabled>
- $i18n{add}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- </cr-dialog>
- </template>
- <script src="add_site_dialog.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/add_site_dialog.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/add_site_dialog.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a9962dde633..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/add_site_dialog.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'add-site-dialog' provides a dialog to add exceptions for a given Content
- * Settings category.
- */
- is: 'add-site-dialog',
- behaviors: [SiteSettingsBehavior, WebUIListenerBehavior],
- properties: {
- /**
- * What kind of setting, e.g. Location, Camera, Cookies, and so on.
- * @type {settings.ContentSettingsTypes}
- */
- category: String,
- /**
- * Whether this is about an Allow, Block, SessionOnly, or other.
- * @type {settings.ContentSetting}
- */
- contentSetting: String,
- /** @private */
- hasIncognito: {
- type: Boolean,
- observer: 'hasIncognitoChanged_',
- },
- /**
- * The site to add an exception for.
- * @private
- */
- site_: String,
- /**
- * The error message to display when the pattern is invalid.
- * @private
- */
- errorMessage_: String,
- },
- /** @override */
- attached: function() {
- assert(this.category);
- assert(this.contentSetting);
- assert(typeof this.hasIncognito != 'undefined');
- this.$.dialog.showModal();
- },
- /**
- * Validates that the pattern entered is valid.
- * @private
- */
- validate_: function() {
- // If input is empty, disable the action button, but don't show the red
- // invalid message.
- if (this.$.site.value.trim() == '') {
- this.$.site.invalid = false;
- this.$.add.disabled = true;
- return;
- }
- this.browserProxy.isPatternValidForType(this.site_, this.category)
- .then(({isValid, reason}) => {
- this.$.site.invalid = !isValid;
- this.$.add.disabled = !isValid;
- this.errorMessage_ = reason || '';
- });
- },
- /** @private */
- onCancelTap_: function() {
- this.$.dialog.cancel();
- },
- /**
- * The tap handler for the Add [Site] button (adds the pattern and closes
- * the dialog).
- * @private
- */
- onSubmit_: function() {
- assert(!this.$.add.disabled);
- let primaryPattern = this.site_;
- let secondaryPattern = settings.SITE_EXCEPTION_WILDCARD;
- if (this.$.thirdParties.checked) {
- primaryPattern = settings.SITE_EXCEPTION_WILDCARD;
- secondaryPattern = this.site_;
- }
- this.browserProxy.setCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, this.category, this.contentSetting,
- this.$.incognito.checked);
- this.$.dialog.close();
- },
- /** @private */
- showIncognitoSessionOnly_: function() {
- return this.hasIncognito && !loadTimeData.getBoolean('isGuest') &&
- this.contentSetting != settings.ContentSetting.SESSION_ONLY;
- },
- /** @private */
- hasIncognitoChanged_: function() {
- if (!this.hasIncognito) {
- this.$.incognito.checked = false;
- }
- },
- /**
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- shouldHideThirdPartyCookieCheckbox_: function() {
- return this.category !== settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES ||
- !loadTimeData.getBoolean('showImprovedCookieControlsForThirdParties');
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/all_sites.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/all_sites.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 53a046e4490..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/all_sites.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_search_field/cr_search_field.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/shared_vars_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/md_select_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-list/iron-list.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../global_scroll_target_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../route.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_entry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<dom-module id="all-sites">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared md-select">
- #sort {
- align-items: center;
- display: flex;
- margin: 0 var(--cr-icon-button-margin-start);
- margin-bottom: 50px;
- padding: 0 var(--cr-section-padding);
- }
- #sortMethod {
- margin-inline-start: 1em;
- }
- /* There is only one top-level heading for All Sites, so remove the
- * additional leading padding used for lists. */
- .list-frame.without-heading {
- padding-inline-start: var(--cr-section-padding);
- }
- </style>
- <div id="sort">
- <label id="sortLabel">$i18n{siteSettingsAllSitesSort}</label>
- <select id="sortMethod" class="md-select" aria-labelledby="sortLabel"
- on-change="onSortMethodChanged_">
- <option value="[[sortMethods_.MOST_VISITED]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsAllSitesSortMethodMostVisited}
- </option>
- <option value="[[sortMethods_.STORAGE]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsAllSitesSortMethodStorage}
- </option>
- <option value="[[sortMethods_.NAME]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsAllSitesSortMethodName}
- </option>
- </select>
- </div>
- <div class="list-frame" hidden$="[[!siteGroupMapEmpty_(siteGroupMap)]]">
- <div class="list-item secondary">$i18n{emptyAllSitesPage}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="list-frame" hidden$="[[!noSearchResultFound_(filteredList_)]]">
- <div class="list-item secondary">$i18n{noSitesFound}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="list-frame without-heading" id="listContainer">
- <iron-list id="allSitesList"
- items="[[filteredList_]]"
- scroll-target="[[subpageScrollTarget]]">
- <template>
- <site-entry site-group="[[item]]" list-index="[[index]]"
- iron-list-tab-index="[[tabIndex]]"
- tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]"
- last-focused="{{lastFocused_}}"
- list-blurred="{{listBlurred_}}"
- sort-method="[[sortMethod_]]">
- </site-entry>
- </template>
- </iron-list>
- </div>
- <!-- Overflow menu. -->
- <cr-lazy-render id="menu">
- <template>
- <cr-action-menu>
- <button class="dropdown-item" role="menuitem"
- on-click="onConfirmResetSettings_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsSiteGroupReset}
- </button>
- <button class="dropdown-item" role="menuitem"
- on-click="onConfirmClearData_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsSiteGroupDelete}
- </button>
- </cr-action-menu>
- </template>
- </cr-lazy-render>
- <!-- Confirm reset settings dialog. -->
- <cr-lazy-render id="confirmResetSettings">
- <template>
- <cr-dialog close-text="$i18n{close}">
- <div slot="title">
- $i18n{siteSettingsSiteGroupResetDialogTitle}
- </div>
- <div slot="body">
- [[getFormatString_(
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSiteGroupResetConfirmation}',
- actionMenuModel_.item.etldPlus1)]]
- </div>
- <div slot="button-container">
- <cr-button class="cancel-button" on-click="onCloseDialog_">
- $i18n{cancel}
- </cr-button>
- <cr-button class="action-button" on-click="onResetSettings_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsSiteResetAll}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- </cr-dialog>
- </template>
- </cr-lazy-render>
- <!-- Confirm clear data dialog. -->
- <cr-lazy-render id="confirmClearData">
- <template>
- <cr-dialog close-text="$i18n{close}">
- <div slot="title">
- $i18n{siteSettingsSiteGroupDeleteDialogTitle}
- </div>
- <div slot="body">
- [[getFormatString_(
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSiteGroupDeleteConfirmation}',
- actionMenuModel_.item.etldPlus1)]]
- </div>
- <div slot="button-container">
- <cr-button class="cancel-button" on-click="onCloseDialog_">
- $i18n{cancel}
- </cr-button>
- <cr-button class="action-button" on-click="onClearData_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsSiteClearStorage}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- </cr-dialog>
- </template>
- </cr-lazy-render>
- </template>
- <script src="all_sites.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/all_sites.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/all_sites.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f74c3bb909..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/all_sites.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'all-sites' is the polymer element for showing the list of all sites under
- * Site Settings.
- */
- is: 'all-sites',
- behaviors: [
- SiteSettingsBehavior,
- WebUIListenerBehavior,
- settings.RouteObserverBehavior,
- settings.GlobalScrollTargetBehavior,
- ],
- properties: {
- /**
- * Map containing sites to display in the widget, grouped into their
- * eTLD+1 names.
- * @type {!Map<string, !SiteGroup>}
- */
- siteGroupMap: {
- type: Object,
- value: function() {
- return new Map();
- },
- },
- /**
- * Filtered site group list.
- * @type {!Array<SiteGroup>}
- * @private
- */
- filteredList_: {
- type: Array,
- },
- /**
- * Needed by GlobalScrollTargetBehavior.
- * @override
- */
- subpageRoute: {
- type: Object,
- value: settings.routes.SITE_SETTINGS_ALL,
- readOnly: true,
- },
- /**
- * The search query entered into the All Sites search textbox. Used to
- * filter the All Sites list.
- * @private
- */
- filter: {
- type: String,
- value: '',
- observer: 'forceListUpdate_',
- },
- /**
- * All possible sort methods.
- * @type {!{name: string, mostVisited: string, storage: string}}
- * @private
- */
- sortMethods_: {
- type: Object,
- value: settings.SortMethod,
- readOnly: true,
- },
- /**
- * Stores the last selected item in the All Sites list.
- * @type {?{item: !SiteGroup, index: number}}
- * @private
- */
- selectedItem_: Object,
- /**
- * @private
- * Used to track the last-focused element across rows for the
- * focusRowBehavior.
- */
- lastFocused_: Object,
- /**
- * @private
- * Used to track whether the list of row items has been blurred for the
- * focusRowBehavior.
- */
- listBlurred_: Boolean,
- /**
- * @private {?{
- * index: number,
- * item: !SiteGroup,
- * path: string,
- * target: !HTMLElement
- * }}
- */
- actionMenuModel_: Object,
- /**
- * The selected sort method.
- * @type {!settings.SortMethod|undefined}
- * @private
- */
- sortMethod_: String,
- },
- /** @private {?settings.LocalDataBrowserProxy} */
- localDataBrowserProxy_: null,
- /** @override */
- created: function() {
- this.localDataBrowserProxy_ =
- settings.LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- },
- listeners: {
- 'open-menu': 'onOpenMenu_',
- },
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'onStorageListFetched', this.onStorageListFetched.bind(this));
- this.addEventListener('site-entry-selected', e => {
- const event =
- /** @type {!CustomEvent<!{item: !SiteGroup, index: number}>} */ (e);
- this.selectedItem_ = event.detail;
- });
- this.addEventListener('site-entry-storage-updated', () => {
- this.debounce('site-entry-storage-updated', () => {
- if (this.sortMethods_ &&
- this.$.sortMethod.value == settings.SortMethod.STORAGE) {
- this.onSortMethodChanged_();
- }
- }, 500);
- });
- this.sortMethod_ = this.$.sortMethod.value;
- },
- /** @override */
- attached: function() {
- // Set scrollOffset so the iron-list scrolling accounts for the space the
- // title takes.
- Polymer.RenderStatus.afterNextRender(this, () => {
- this.$.allSitesList.scrollOffset = this.$.allSitesList.offsetTop;
- });
- },
- /**
- * Reload the site list when the all sites page is visited.
- *
- * settings.RouteObserverBehavior
- * @param {!settings.Route} currentRoute
- * @protected
- */
- currentRouteChanged: function(currentRoute) {
- this, currentRoute);
- if (currentRoute == settings.routes.SITE_SETTINGS_ALL) {
- this.populateList_();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves a list of all known sites with site details.
- * @private
- */
- populateList_: function() {
- /** @type {!Array<settings.ContentSettingsTypes>} */
- const contentTypes = this.getCategoryList();
- // Make sure to include cookies, because All Sites handles data storage +
- // cookies as well as regular settings.ContentSettingsTypes.
- if (!contentTypes.includes(settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES)) {
- contentTypes.push(settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES);
- }
- this.browserProxy.getAllSites(contentTypes).then((response) => {
- // Create a new map to make an observable change.
- const newMap = /** @type {!Map<string, !SiteGroup>} */
- (new Map(this.siteGroupMap));
- response.forEach(siteGroup => {
- newMap.set(siteGroup.etldPlus1, siteGroup);
- });
- this.siteGroupMap = newMap;
- this.forceListUpdate_();
- });
- },
- /**
- * Integrate sites using storage into the existing sites map, as there
- * may be overlap between the existing sites.
- * @param {!Array<!SiteGroup>} list The list of sites using storage.
- */
- onStorageListFetched: function(list) {
- // Create a new map to make an observable change.
- const newMap = /** @type {!Map<string, !SiteGroup>} */
- (new Map(this.siteGroupMap));
- list.forEach(storageSiteGroup => {
- newMap.set(storageSiteGroup.etldPlus1, storageSiteGroup);
- });
- this.siteGroupMap = newMap;
- this.forceListUpdate_();
- this.focusOnLastSelectedEntry_();
- },
- /**
- * Filters the all sites list with the given search query text.
- * @param {!Map<string, !SiteGroup>} siteGroupMap The map of sites to filter.
- * @param {string} searchQuery The filter text.
- * @return {!Array<!SiteGroup>}
- * @private
- */
- filterPopulatedList_: function(siteGroupMap, searchQuery) {
- const result = [];
- for (const [etldPlus1, siteGroup] of siteGroupMap) {
- if (
- originInfo => originInfo.origin.includes(searchQuery))) {
- result.push(siteGroup);
- }
- }
- return this.sortSiteGroupList_(result);
- },
- /**
- * Sorts the given SiteGroup list with the currently selected sort method.
- * @param {!Array<!SiteGroup>} siteGroupList The list of sites to sort.
- * @return {!Array<!SiteGroup>}
- * @private
- */
- sortSiteGroupList_: function(siteGroupList) {
- const sortMethod = this.$.sortMethod.value;
- if (!this.sortMethods_) {
- return siteGroupList;
- }
- if (sortMethod == settings.SortMethod.MOST_VISITED) {
- siteGroupList.sort(this.mostVisitedComparator_);
- } else if (sortMethod == settings.SortMethod.STORAGE) {
- siteGroupList.sort(this.storageComparator_);
- } else if (sortMethod == settings.SortMethod.NAME) {
- siteGroupList.sort(this.nameComparator_);
- }
- return siteGroupList;
- },
- /**
- * Comparator used to sort SiteGroups by the amount of engagement the user has
- * with the origins listed inside it. Note only the maximum engagement is used
- * for each SiteGroup (as opposed to the sum) in order to prevent domains with
- * higher numbers of origins from always floating to the top of the list.
- * @param {!SiteGroup} siteGroup1
- * @param {!SiteGroup} siteGroup2
- * @private
- */
- mostVisitedComparator_: function(siteGroup1, siteGroup2) {
- const getMaxEngagement = (max, originInfo) => {
- return (max > originInfo.engagement) ? max : originInfo.engagement;
- };
- const score1 =, 0);
- const score2 =, 0);
- return score2 - score1;
- },
- /**
- * Comparator used to sort SiteGroups by the amount of storage they use. Note
- * this sorts in descending order.
- * @param {!SiteGroup} siteGroup1
- * @param {!SiteGroup} siteGroup2
- * @private
- */
- storageComparator_: function(siteGroup1, siteGroup2) {
- const getOverallUsage = siteGroup => {
- let usage = 0;
- => {
- usage += originInfo.usage;
- });
- return usage;
- };
- const siteGroup1Size = getOverallUsage(siteGroup1);
- const siteGroup2Size = getOverallUsage(siteGroup2);
- // Use the number of cookies as a tie breaker.
- return siteGroup2Size - siteGroup1Size ||
- siteGroup2.numCookies - siteGroup1.numCookies;
- },
- /**
- * Comparator used to sort SiteGroups by their eTLD+1 name (domain).
- * @param {!SiteGroup} siteGroup1
- * @param {!SiteGroup} siteGroup2
- * @private
- */
- nameComparator_: function(siteGroup1, siteGroup2) {
- return siteGroup1.etldPlus1.localeCompare(siteGroup2.etldPlus1);
- },
- /**
- * Called when the user chooses a different sort method to the default.
- * @private
- */
- onSortMethodChanged_: function() {
- this.sortMethod_ = this.$.sortMethod.value;
- this.filteredList_ =
- this.sortSiteGroupList_(this.filteredList_);
- // Force the iron-list to rerender its items, as the order has changed.
- this.$'iron-resize');
- },
- /**
- * Forces the all sites list to update its list of items, taking into account
- * the search query and the sort method, then re-renders it.
- * @private
- */
- forceListUpdate_: function() {
- this.filteredList_ =
- this.filterPopulatedList_(this.siteGroupMap, this.filter);
- this.$'iron-resize');
- },
- /**
- * Whether the |siteGroupMap| is empty.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- siteGroupMapEmpty_: function() {
- return !this.siteGroupMap.size;
- },
- /**
- * Whether the |filteredList_| is empty due to searching.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- noSearchResultFound_: function() {
- return !this.filteredList_.length && !this.siteGroupMapEmpty_();
- },
- /**
- * Focus on previously selected entry.
- * @private
- */
- focusOnLastSelectedEntry_: function() {
- if (this.selectedItem_ == null || this.siteGroupMap.size == 0) {
- return;
- }
- // Focus the site-entry to ensure the iron-list renders it, otherwise
- // the query selector will not be able to find it. Note the index is
- // used here instead of the item, in case the item was already removed.
- const index =
- Math.max(0, Math.min(this.selectedItem_.index, this.siteGroupMap.size));
- this.$.allSitesList.focusItem(index);
- this.selectedItem_ = null;
- },
- /**
- * Open the overflow menu and ensure that the item is visible in the scroll
- * pane when its menu is opened (it is possible to open off-screen items using
- * keyboard shortcuts).
- * @param {!CustomEvent<{
- * index: number, item: !SiteGroup,
- * path: string, target: !HTMLElement
- * }>} e
- * @private
- */
- onOpenMenu_: function(e) {
- const index = e.detail.index;
- const list = /** @type {IronListElement} */ (this.$['allSitesList']);
- if (index < list.firstVisibleIndex || index > list.lastVisibleIndex) {
- list.scrollToIndex(index);
- }
- const target =;
- this.actionMenuModel_ = e.detail;
- const menu = /** @type {CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$.menu.get());
- menu.showAt(target);
- },
- /**
- * Confirms the resetting of all content settings for an origin.
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- onConfirmResetSettings_: function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.$.confirmResetSettings.get().showModal();
- },
- /**
- * Confirms the clearing of all storage data for an etld+1.
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- onConfirmClearData_: function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.$.confirmClearData.get().showModal();
- },
- /** @private */
- onCloseDialog_: function(e) {
- this.actionMenuModel_ = null;
- this.$.menu.get().close();
- },
- /**
- * Formats the |label| string with |name|, using $<num> as markers.
- * @param {string} label
- * @param {string} name
- * @return {string}
- * @private
- */
- getFormatString_: function(label, name) {
- return loadTimeData.substituteString(label, name);
- },
- /**
- * Resets all permissions for all origins listed in ||.
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- onResetSettings_: function(e) {
- const contentSettingsTypes = this.getCategoryList();
- const index = this.actionMenuModel_.index;
- this.browserProxy.recordAction(settings.AllSitesAction.RESET_PERMISSIONS);
- if (this.actionMenuModel_.item.etldPlus1 !=
- this.filteredList_[index].etldPlus1) {
- return;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < this.filteredList_[index].origins.length; ++i) {
- const origin = this.filteredList_[index].origins[i].origin;
- this.browserProxy.setOriginPermissions(
- origin, contentSettingsTypes, settings.ContentSetting.DEFAULT);
- if (contentSettingsTypes.includes(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PLUGINS)) {
- this.browserProxy.clearFlashPref(origin);
- }
- this.filteredList_[index].origins[i].hasPermissionSettings = false;
- }
- const updatedSiteGroup = {
- etldPlus1: this.filteredList_[index].etldPlus1,
- numCookies: this.filteredList_[index].numCookies,
- origins: []
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < this.filteredList_[index].origins.length; ++i) {
- const updatedOrigin =
- Object.assign({}, this.filteredList_[index].origins[i]);
- if (updatedOrigin.numCookies > 0 || updatedOrigin.usage > 0) {
- updatedOrigin.hasPermissionSettings = false;
- }
- }
- if ( > 0) {
- this.set('filteredList_.' + index, updatedSiteGroup);
- } else if (this.filteredList_[index].numCookies > 0) {
- // If there is no origin for this site group that has any data,
- // but the ETLD+1 has cookies in use, create a origin placeholder
- // for display purposes.
- const originPlaceHolder = {
- origin: 'http://' + this.filteredList_[index].etldPlus1 + '/',
- engagement: 0,
- usage: 0,
- numCookies: this.filteredList_[index].numCookies,
- hasPermissionSettings: false
- };
- this.set('filteredList_.' + index, updatedSiteGroup);
- } else {
- this.splice('filteredList_', index, 1);
- }
- this.$'iron-resize');
- this.onCloseDialog_(e);
- },
- /**
- * Clear data and cookies for an etldPlus1.
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- onClearData_: function(e) {
- const index = this.actionMenuModel_.index;
- // Clean up the SiteGroup.
- this.browserProxy.clearEtldPlus1DataAndCookies(
- this.filteredList_[index].etldPlus1);
- const updatedSiteGroup = {
- etldPlus1: this.filteredList_[index].etldPlus1,
- numCookies: 0,
- origins: []
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < this.filteredList_[index].origins.length; ++i) {
- const updatedOrigin =
- Object.assign({}, this.filteredList_[index].origins[i]);
- if (updatedOrigin.hasPermissionSettings) {
- updatedOrigin.numCookies = 0;
- updatedOrigin.usage = 0;
- }
- }
- if ( > 0) {
- this.set('filteredList_.' + index, updatedSiteGroup);
- } else {
- this.splice('filteredList_', index, 1);
- }
- this.$'iron-resize');
- this.onCloseDialog_(e);
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_default_setting.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_default_setting.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f39ca2af2e8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_default_setting.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../controls/settings_toggle_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="category-default-setting">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared"></style>
- <settings-toggle-button id="toggle"
- class="first"
- pref="{{controlParams_}}" label="[[optionLabel_]]"
- sub-label="[[optionDescription]]"
- disabled$="[[isToggleDisabled_(category)]]">
- </settings-toggle-button>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[subOptionLabel]]">
- <settings-toggle-button id="subOptionToggle"
- pref="{{subControlParams_}}"
- label="[[subOptionLabel]]" sub-label="[[subOptionDescription]]"
- disabled$="[[!controlParams_.value]]">
- </settings-toggle-button>
- </template>
- </template>
- <script src="category_default_setting.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_default_setting.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_default_setting.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e2d3277eb..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_default_setting.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'category-default-setting' is the polymer element for showing a certain
- * category under Site Settings.
- */
- is: 'category-default-setting',
- behaviors: [SiteSettingsBehavior, WebUIListenerBehavior],
- properties: {
- /* The second line, shown under the |optionLabel_| line. (optional) */
- optionDescription: String,
- /* The second line, shown under the |subOptionLabel| line. (optional) */
- subOptionDescription: String,
- /* The sub-option is a separate toggle. Setting this label will show the
- * additional toggle. Shown above |subOptionDescription|. (optional) */
- subOptionLabel: String,
- /* The on/off text for |optionLabel_| below. */
- toggleOffLabel: String,
- toggleOnLabel: String,
- /** @private {chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject} */
- controlParams_: {
- type: Object,
- value: function() {
- return /** @type {chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject} */ ({});
- },
- },
- /**
- * The label to be shown next to the toggle (above |optionDescription|).
- * This will be either toggleOffLabel or toggleOnLabel.
- * @private
- */
- optionLabel_: String,
- /** @private {!DefaultContentSetting} */
- priorDefaultContentSetting_: {
- type: Object,
- value: function() {
- return /** @type {DefaultContentSetting} */ ({});
- },
- },
- /**
- * Cookies and Flash settings have a sub-control that is used to mimic a
- * tri-state value.
- * @private {chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject}
- */
- subControlParams_: {
- type: Object,
- value: function() {
- return /** @type {chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject} */ ({});
- },
- },
- },
- observers: [
- 'onCategoryChanged_(category)',
- 'onChangePermissionControl_(category, controlParams_.value, ' +
- 'subControlParams_.value)',
- ],
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'contentSettingCategoryChanged', this.onCategoryChanged_.bind(this));
- },
- /** @return {boolean} */
- get categoryEnabled() {
- return !!assert(this.controlParams_).value;
- },
- /**
- * A handler for changing the default permission value for a content type.
- * This is also called during page setup after we get the default state.
- * @private
- */
- onChangePermissionControl_: function() {
- if (this.category === undefined ||
- this.controlParams_.value === undefined ||
- this.subControlParams_.value === undefined) {
- // Do nothing unless all dependencies are defined.
- return;
- }
- // Don't override user settings with enforced settings.
- if (this.controlParams_.enforcement ==
- chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED) {
- return;
- }
- switch (this.category) {
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.ADS:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.BACKGROUND_SYNC:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.IMAGES:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.JAVASCRIPT:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.MIXEDSCRIPT:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.SOUND:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.SENSORS:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PAYMENT_HANDLER:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.POPUPS:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PROTOCOL_HANDLERS:
- // "Allowed" vs "Blocked".
- this.browserProxy.setDefaultValueForContentType(
- this.category,
- this.categoryEnabled ? settings.ContentSetting.ALLOW :
- settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK);
- break;
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.AUTOMATIC_DOWNLOADS:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.CAMERA:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.CLIPBOARD:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.GEOLOCATION:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.MIC:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.NOTIFICATIONS:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.UNSANDBOXED_PLUGINS:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.MIDI_DEVICES:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.USB_DEVICES:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.SERIAL_PORTS:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.BLUETOOTH_SCANNING:
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.NATIVE_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE:
- // "Ask" vs "Blocked".
- this.browserProxy.setDefaultValueForContentType(
- this.category,
- this.categoryEnabled ? settings.ContentSetting.ASK :
- settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK);
- break;
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES:
- // This category is tri-state: "Allow", "Block", "Keep data until
- // browser quits".
- let value = settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK;
- if (this.categoryEnabled) {
- value = this.subControlParams_.value ?
- settings.ContentSetting.SESSION_ONLY :
- settings.ContentSetting.ALLOW;
- }
- this.browserProxy.setDefaultValueForContentType(this.category, value);
- break;
- case settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PLUGINS:
- // "Run important content" vs. "Block".
- this.browserProxy.setDefaultValueForContentType(
- this.category,
- this.categoryEnabled ? settings.ContentSetting.IMPORTANT_CONTENT :
- settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK);
- break;
- default:
- assertNotReached('Invalid category: ' + this.category);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Update the control parameter values from the content settings.
- * @param {!DefaultContentSetting} update
- * @private
- */
- updateControlParams_: function(update) {
- // Early out if there is no actual change.
- if (this.priorDefaultContentSetting_.setting == update.setting &&
- this.priorDefaultContentSetting_.source == update.source) {
- return;
- }
- this.priorDefaultContentSetting_ = update;
- const basePref = {
- 'key': 'controlParams',
- 'type': chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefType.BOOLEAN,
- };
- if (update.source !== undefined &&
- update.source != ContentSettingProvider.PREFERENCE) {
- basePref.enforcement = chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED;
- switch (update.source) {
- case ContentSettingProvider.POLICY:
- basePref.controlledBy =
- chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.DEVICE_POLICY;
- break;
- case ContentSettingProvider.SUPERVISED_USER:
- basePref.controlledBy = chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.PARENT;
- break;
- case ContentSettingProvider.EXTENSION:
- basePref.controlledBy = chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.EXTENSION;
- break;
- default:
- basePref.controlledBy =
- chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.USER_POLICY;
- break;
- }
- }
- const prefValue = this.computeIsSettingEnabled(update.setting);
- // The controlParams_ must be replaced (rather than just value changes) so
- // that observers will be notified of the change.
- this.controlParams_ = /** @type {chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject} */ (
- Object.assign({'value': prefValue}, basePref));
- const subPrefValue =
- this.category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES &&
- update.setting == settings.ContentSetting.SESSION_ONLY;
- // The subControlParams_ must be replaced (rather than just value changes)
- // so that observers will be notified of the change.
- this.subControlParams_ = /** @type {chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject} */ (
- Object.assign({'value': subPrefValue}, basePref));
- },
- /**
- * Handles changes to the category pref and the |category| member variable.
- * @private
- */
- onCategoryChanged_: function() {
- this.browserProxy.getDefaultValueForContentType(this.category)
- .then(defaultValue => {
- this.updateControlParams_(defaultValue);
- const categoryEnabled =
- this.computeIsSettingEnabled(defaultValue.setting);
- this.optionLabel_ =
- categoryEnabled ? this.toggleOnLabel : this.toggleOffLabel;
- });
- },
- /**
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- isToggleDisabled_: function() {
- return this.category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.POPUPS &&
- loadTimeData.getBoolean('isGuest');
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_setting_exceptions.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_setting_exceptions.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fb8781c59a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_setting_exceptions.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_list.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="category-setting-exceptions">
- <template>
- <site-list
- category="[[category]]"
- category-subtype="[[ContentSetting.BLOCK]]"
- category-header="[[blockHeader]]"
- read-only-list="[[getReadOnlyList_(readOnlyList, defaultManaged_)]]"
- search-filter="[[searchFilter]]"
- hidden$="[[!showBlockSiteList_]]">
- </site-list>
- <site-list
- category="[[category]]"
- category-subtype="[[ContentSetting.SESSION_ONLY]]"
- category-header="$i18n{siteSettingsSessionOnly}"
- read-only-list="[[getReadOnlyList_(readOnlyList, defaultManaged_)]]"
- search-filter="[[searchFilter]]">
- </site-list>
- <site-list
- category="[[category]]"
- category-subtype="[[ContentSetting.ALLOW]]"
- category-header="$i18n{siteSettingsAllow}"
- read-only-list="[[getReadOnlyList_(readOnlyList, defaultManaged_)]]"
- search-filter="[[searchFilter]]"
- hidden$="[[!showAllowSiteList_]]">
- </site-list>
- </template>
- <script src="category_setting_exceptions.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_setting_exceptions.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_setting_exceptions.js
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index 44997259653..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/category_setting_exceptions.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'category-setting-exceptions' is the polymer element for showing a certain
- * category of exceptions under Site Settings.
- */
- is: 'category-setting-exceptions',
- behaviors: [SiteSettingsBehavior, WebUIListenerBehavior],
- properties: {
- /**
- * The string ID of the category that this element is displaying data for.
- * See site_settings/constants.js for possible values.
- * @type {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes}
- */
- category: String,
- /**
- * Some content types (like Location) do not allow the user to manually
- * edit the exception list from within Settings.
- * @private
- */
- readOnlyList: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: false,
- },
- /**
- * True if the default value is managed by a policy.
- * @private
- */
- defaultManaged_: Boolean,
- /**
- * The heading text for the blocked exception list.
- */
- blockHeader: String,
- searchFilter: String,
- /**
- * If true, displays the Allow site list. Defaults to true.
- * @private
- */
- showAllowSiteList_: {
- type: Boolean,
- computed: 'computeShowAllowSiteList_(category)',
- },
- /**
- * If true, displays the Block site list. Defaults to true.
- */
- showBlockSiteList_: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: true,
- },
- },
- observers: [
- 'updateDefaultManaged_(category)',
- ],
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.ContentSetting = settings.ContentSetting;
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'contentSettingCategoryChanged', this.updateDefaultManaged_.bind(this));
- },
- /**
- * Hides particular category subtypes if |this.category| does not support the
- * content setting of that type.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- computeShowAllowSiteList_: function() {
- return this.category !=
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.NATIVE_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE;
- },
- /**
- * Updates whether or not the default value is managed by a policy.
- * @private
- */
- updateDefaultManaged_: function() {
- if (this.category === undefined) {
- return;
- }
- this.browserProxy.getDefaultValueForContentType(this.category)
- .then(update => {
- this.defaultManaged_ =
- update.source === settings.SiteSettingSource.POLICY;
- });
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if this list is explicitly marked as readonly by a consumer
- * of this component or if the default value for these exceptions are managed
- * by a policy. User should not be able to set exceptions to managed default
- * values.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- getReadOnlyList_: function() {
- return this.readOnlyList || this.defaultManaged_;
- }
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list.html
deleted file mode 100644
index af0304159c7..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/shared_vars_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/i18n_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/list_property_update_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/paper-tooltip/paper-tooltip.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../i18n_setup.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chooser_exception_list_entry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="chooser-exception-list">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- paper-tooltip {
- --paper-tooltip: var(--cr-tooltip);
- }
- </style>
- <div class="list-frame" id="empty-list-message"
- hidden$="[[hasExceptions_(chooserExceptions.*)]]">
- <div class="list-item secondary">[[emptyListMessage_]]</div>
- </div>
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[chooserExceptions]]">
- <chooser-exception-list-entry exception="[[item]]"
- on-show-tooltip="onShowTooltip_">
- </chooser-exception-list-entry>
- </template>
- <paper-tooltip id="tooltip" manual-mode position="top">
- [[tooltipText_]]
- </paper-tooltip>
- </template>
- <script src="chooser_exception_list.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 79c7539ca33..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'chooser-exception-list' shows a list of chooser exceptions for a given
- * chooser type.
- */
- is: 'chooser-exception-list',
- behaviors: [
- I18nBehavior,
- ListPropertyUpdateBehavior,
- SiteSettingsBehavior,
- WebUIListenerBehavior,
- ],
- properties: {
- /**
- * Array of chooser exceptions to display in the widget.
- * @type {!Array<ChooserException>}
- */
- chooserExceptions: {
- type: Array,
- value: function() {
- return [];
- },
- },
- /**
- * The string ID of the chooser type that this element is displaying data
- * for.
- * See site_settings/constants.js for possible values.
- * @type {!settings.ChooserType}
- */
- chooserType: {
- observer: 'chooserTypeChanged_',
- type: String,
- value: settings.ChooserType.NONE,
- },
- /** @private */
- emptyListMessage_: {
- type: String,
- value: '',
- },
- /** @private */
- hasIncognito_: Boolean,
- /** @private */
- tooltipText_: String,
- },
- /** @override */
- created: function() {
- this.browserProxy_ =
- settings.SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- },
- /** @override */
- attached: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'contentSettingChooserPermissionChanged',
- this.objectWithinChooserTypeChanged_.bind(this));
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'onIncognitoStatusChanged', this.onIncognitoStatusChanged_.bind(this));
- this.browserProxy.updateIncognitoStatus();
- },
- /**
- * Called when a chooser exception changes permission and updates the element
- * if |category| is equal to the settings category of this element.
- * @param {settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The content settings type
- * that represents this permission category.
- * @param {settings.ChooserType} chooserType The content settings type that
- * represents the chooser data for this permission.
- * @private
- */
- objectWithinChooserTypeChanged_: function(category, chooserType) {
- if (category === this.category && chooserType === this.chooserType) {
- this.chooserTypeChanged_();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Called for each chooser-exception-list when incognito is enabled or
- * disabled. Only called on change (opening N incognito windows only fires one
- * message). Another message is sent when the *last* incognito window closes.
- * @private
- */
- onIncognitoStatusChanged_: function(hasIncognito) {
- this.hasIncognito_ = hasIncognito;
- this.populateList_();
- },
- /**
- * Configures the visibility of the widget and shows the list.
- * @private
- */
- chooserTypeChanged_: function() {
- if (this.chooserType == settings.ChooserType.NONE) {
- return;
- }
- // Set the message to display when the exception list is empty.
- switch (this.chooserType) {
- case settings.ChooserType.USB_DEVICES:
- this.emptyListMessage_ = this.i18n('noUsbDevicesFound');
- break;
- case settings.ChooserType.SERIAL_PORTS:
- this.emptyListMessage_ = this.i18n('noSerialPortsFound');
- break;
- default:
- this.emptyListMessage_ = '';
- }
- this.populateList_();
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if there are any chooser exceptions for this chooser type.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- hasExceptions_: function() {
- return this.chooserExceptions.length > 0;
- },
- /**
- * Need to use a common tooltip since the tooltip in the entry is cut off from
- * the iron-list.
- * @param{!CustomEvent<!{target: HTMLElement, text: string}>} e
- * @private
- */
- onShowTooltip_: function(e) {
- this.tooltipText_ = e.detail.text;
- const target =;
- // paper-tooltip normally determines the target from the |for| property,
- // which is a selector. Here paper-tooltip is being reused by multiple
- // potential targets.
- this.$ = target;
- const hide = () => {
- this.$.tooltip.hide();
- target.removeEventListener('mouseleave', hide);
- target.removeEventListener('blur', hide);
- target.removeEventListener('tap', hide);
- this.$.tooltip.removeEventListener('mouseenter', hide);
- };
- target.addEventListener('mouseleave', hide);
- target.addEventListener('blur', hide);
- target.addEventListener('tap', hide);
- this.$.tooltip.addEventListener('mouseenter', hide);
- this.$;
- },
- /**
- * Populate the chooser exception list for display.
- * @private
- */
- populateList_: function() {
- this.browserProxy_.getChooserExceptionList(this.chooserType)
- .then(exceptionList => this.processExceptions_(exceptionList));
- },
- /**
- * Process the chooser exception list returned from the native layer.
- * @param {!Array<RawChooserException>} exceptionList
- * @private
- */
- processExceptions_: function(exceptionList) {
- const exceptions = => {
- const sites =;
- return Object.assign(exception, {sites});
- });
- if (!this.updateList(
- 'chooserExceptions', x => x.displayName, exceptions,
- true /* uidBasedUpdate */)) {
- // The chooser objects have not been changed, so check if their site
- // permissions have changed. The |exceptions| and |this.chooserExceptions|
- // arrays should be the same length.
- const siteUidGetter = x => x.origin + x.embeddingOrigin + x.incognito;
- exceptions.forEach((exception, index) => {
- const propertyPath = 'chooserExceptions.' + index + '.sites';
- this.updateList(propertyPath, siteUidGetter, exception.sites);
- }, this);
- }
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list_entry.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list_entry.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bf1c47f580..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list_entry.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/cr/ui/focus_without_ink.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/shared_vars_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-list/iron-list.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_list_entry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="chooser-exception-list-entry">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared"></style>
- <div class="settings-box first">
- <h2 class="start">[[exception.displayName]]</h2>
- </div>
- <div class="list-frame menu-content vertical-list" id="listContainer">
- <iron-list items="[[exception.sites]]" preserve-focus risk-selection>
- <template>
- <site-list-entry model="[[item]]"
- tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]" first$="[[!index]]"
- iron-list-tab-index="[[tabIndex]]"
- last-focused="{{lastFocused_}}"
- chooser-type="[[exception.chooserType]]"
- chooser-object="[[exception.object]]" read-only-list>
- </site-list-entry>
- </template>
- </iron-list>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script src="chooser_exception_list_entry.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list_entry.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list_entry.js
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--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/chooser_exception_list_entry.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'chooser-exception-list-entry' shows a single chooser exception for a given
- * chooser type.
- */
- is: 'chooser-exception-list-entry',
- behaviors: [SiteSettingsBehavior],
- properties: {
- /**
- * Chooser exception object to display in the widget.
- * @type {!ChooserException}
- */
- exception: Object,
- /** @private */
- lastFocused_: Object,
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/constants.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/constants.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f6c86039d20..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/constants.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/cr.html">
-<script src="constants.js"></script>
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index f073aa9b3db..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/constants.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * All possible contentSettingsTypes that we currently support configuring in
- * the UI. Both top-level categories and content settings that represent
- * individual permissions under Site Details should appear here.
- * This should be kept in sync with the |kContentSettingsTypeGroupNames| array
- * in chrome/browser/ui/webui/
- * @enum {string}
- */
-settings.ContentSettingsTypes = {
- COOKIES: 'cookies',
- IMAGES: 'images',
- JAVASCRIPT: 'javascript',
- SOUND: 'sound',
- PLUGINS: 'plugins', // AKA Flash.
- POPUPS: 'popups',
- GEOLOCATION: 'location',
- NOTIFICATIONS: 'notifications',
- MIC: 'media-stream-mic', // AKA Microphone.
- CAMERA: 'media-stream-camera',
- PROTOCOL_HANDLERS: 'register-protocol-handler',
- UNSANDBOXED_PLUGINS: 'ppapi-broker',
- AUTOMATIC_DOWNLOADS: 'multiple-automatic-downloads',
- BACKGROUND_SYNC: 'background-sync',
- MIDI_DEVICES: 'midi-sysex',
- USB_DEVICES: 'usb-devices',
- SERIAL_PORTS: 'serial-ports',
- ZOOM_LEVELS: 'zoom-levels',
- PROTECTED_CONTENT: 'protected-content',
- ADS: 'ads',
- CLIPBOARD: 'clipboard',
- SENSORS: 'sensors',
- PAYMENT_HANDLER: 'payment-handler',
- MIXEDSCRIPT: 'mixed-script',
- BLUETOOTH_SCANNING: 'bluetooth-scanning',
- NATIVE_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE: 'native-file-system-write',
- * Contains the possible string values for a given ContentSettingsTypes.
- * This should be kept in sync with the |ContentSetting| enum in
- * components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings.h
- * @enum {string}
- */
-settings.ContentSetting = {
- DEFAULT: 'default',
- ALLOW: 'allow',
- BLOCK: 'block',
- ASK: 'ask',
- SESSION_ONLY: 'session_only',
- IMPORTANT_CONTENT: 'detect_important_content',
- * All possible ChooserTypes that we currently support configuring in the UI.
- * This should be kept in sync with the |kChooserTypeGroupNames| array in
- * chrome/browser/ui/webui/
- * @enum {string}
- */
-settings.ChooserType = {
- NONE: '',
- USB_DEVICES: 'usb-devices-data',
- SERIAL_PORTS: 'serial-ports-data',
- * Contains the possible sources of a ContentSetting.
- * This should be kept in sync with the |SiteSettingSource| enum in
- * chrome/browser/ui/webui/site_settings_helper.h
- * @enum {string}
- */
-settings.SiteSettingSource = {
- ADS_FILTER_BLACKLIST: 'ads-filter-blacklist',
- DEFAULT: 'default',
- // This source is for the Protected Media Identifier / Protected Content
- // content setting only, which is only available on ChromeOS.
- DRM_DISABLED: 'drm-disabled',
- EMBARGO: 'embargo',
- EXTENSION: 'extension',
- INSECURE_ORIGIN: 'insecure-origin',
- KILL_SWITCH: 'kill-switch',
- POLICY: 'policy',
- PREFERENCE: 'preference',
- * A category value to use for the All Sites list.
- * @type {string}
- */
-settings.ALL_SITES = 'all-sites';
- * An invalid subtype value.
- * @type {string}
- */
- * Contains the possible record action types.
- * This should be kept in sync with the |AllSitesAction| enum in
- * chrome/browser/ui/webui/settings/
- * @enum {number}
- */
-settings.AllSitesAction = {
- * Contains the possible sort methods.
- * @enum {string}
- */
-settings.SortMethod = {
- NAME: 'name',
- MOST_VISITED: 'most-visited',
- STORAGE: 'data-stored',
- * String representation of the wildcard used for universal
- * match for SiteExceptions.
- * @type {string}
- */
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/cookie_info.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/cookie_info.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 77485cabf8a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/cookie_info.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<script src="cookie_info.js"></script>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 91289e40b9e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/cookie_info.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @typedef {{hasChildren: boolean,
- * id: string,
- * idPath: string,
- * title: string,
- * totalUsage: string,
- * type: string}}
- */
-let CookieDetails;
- * @typedef {{content: string,
- * label: string}}
- */
-let CookieDataForDisplay;
-// This structure maps the various cookie type names from C++ (hence the
-// underscores) to arrays of the different types of data each has, along with
-// the i18n name for the description of that data type.
-// This structure serves three purposes:
-// 1) to list what subset of the cookie data we want to show in the UI.
-// 2) What order to show it in.
-// 3) What user friendly label to prefix the data with.
-const cookieInfo = {
- 'cookie': [
- ['name', 'cookieName'], ['content', 'cookieContent'],
- ['domain', 'cookieDomain'], ['path', 'cookiePath'],
- ['sendfor', 'cookieSendFor'],
- ['accessibleToScript', 'cookieAccessibleToScript'],
- ['created', 'cookieCreated'], ['expires', 'cookieExpires']
- ],
- 'app_cache': [
- ['origin', 'appCacheOrigin'], ['size', 'localStorageSize'],
- ['modified', 'localStorageLastModified']
- ],
- 'database': [
- ['origin', 'databaseOrigin'], ['size', 'localStorageSize'],
- ['modified', 'localStorageLastModified']
- ],
- 'local_storage': [
- ['origin', 'localStorageOrigin'], ['size', 'localStorageSize'],
- ['modified', 'localStorageLastModified']
- ],
- 'indexed_db': [
- ['origin', 'indexedDbOrigin'], ['size', 'indexedDbSize'],
- ['modified', 'indexedDbLastModified']
- ],
- 'file_system': [
- ['origin', 'fileSystemOrigin'], ['persistent', 'fileSystemPersistentUsage'],
- ['temporary', 'fileSystemTemporaryUsage']
- ],
- 'service_worker':
- [['origin', 'serviceWorkerOrigin'], ['size', 'serviceWorkerSize']],
- 'shared_worker':
- [['worker', 'sharedWorkerWorker'], ['name', 'sharedWorkerName']],
- 'cache_storage': [
- ['origin', 'cacheStorageOrigin'], ['size', 'cacheStorageSize'],
- ['modified', 'cacheStorageLastModified']
- ],
- 'flash_lso': [['domain', 'cookieDomain']],
- 'media_license': [
- ['origin', 'mediaLicenseOrigin'], ['size', 'mediaLicenseSize'],
- ['modified', 'mediaLicenseLastModified']
- ],
- * Get cookie data for a given HTML node.
- * @param {CookieDetails} data The contents of the cookie.
- * @return {!Array<CookieDataForDisplay>}
- */
-const getCookieData = function(data) {
- /** @type {!Array<CookieDataForDisplay>} */
- const out = [];
- const fields = cookieInfo[data.type];
- for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
- const field = fields[i];
- // Iterate through the keys found in |cookieInfo| for the given |type|
- // and see if those keys are present in the data. If so, display them
- // (in the order determined by |cookieInfo|).
- const key = field[0];
- if (data[key].length > 0) {
- const entry = /** @type {CookieDataForDisplay} */ ({
- label: loadTimeData.getString(field[1]),
- content: data[key],
- });
- out.push(entry);
- }
- }
- return out;
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/edit_exception_dialog.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/edit_exception_dialog.html
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index 2bc85d2723c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/edit_exception_dialog.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_dialog/cr_dialog.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_input/cr_input.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../i18n_setup.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="settings-edit-exception-dialog">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared"></style>
- <cr-dialog id="dialog">
- <div slot="title">$i18n{editSiteTitle}</div>
- <div slot="body">
- <cr-input label="$i18n{addSite}" value="{{origin_}}"
- placeholder="$i18n{addSiteExceptionPlaceholder}"
- on-input="validate_" error-message="{{errorMessage_}}"
- invalid="[[invalid_]]" autofocus spellcheck="false">
- </cr-input>
- </div>
- <div slot="button-container">
- <cr-button class="cancel-button" on-click="onCancelTap_"
- id="cancel">$i18n{cancel}</cr-button>
- <cr-button id="actionButton" class="action-button"
- on-click="onActionButtonTap_" disabled="[[invalid_]]">
- $i18n{save}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- </cr-dialog>
- </template>
- <script src="edit_exception_dialog.js"></script>
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index 87bba9081fc..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/edit_exception_dialog.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview 'settings-edit-exception-dialog' is a component for editing a
- * site exception entry.
- */
- is: 'settings-edit-exception-dialog',
- properties: {
- /**
- * @type {!SiteException}
- */
- model: {
- type: Object,
- observer: 'modelChanged_',
- },
- /** @private */
- origin_: String,
- /**
- * The localized error message to display when the pattern is invalid.
- * @private
- */
- errorMessage_: String,
- /**
- * Whether the current input is invalid.
- * @private
- */
- invalid_: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: false,
- },
- },
- /** @private {!settings.SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy} */
- browserProxy_: null,
- /** @override */
- attached: function() {
- this.browserProxy_ =
- settings.SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- this.origin_ = this.model.origin;
- this.$.dialog.showModal();
- },
- /** @private */
- onCancelTap_: function() {
- this.$.dialog.close();
- },
- /** @private */
- onActionButtonTap_: function() {
- if (this.model.origin != this.origin_) {
- // The way to "edit" an exception is to remove it and and a new one.
- this.browserProxy_.resetCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- this.model.origin, this.model.embeddingOrigin, this.model.category,
- this.model.incognito);
- this.browserProxy_.setCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- this.origin_, this.origin_, this.model.category, this.model.setting,
- this.model.incognito);
- }
- this.$.dialog.close();
- },
- /** @private */
- validate_: function() {
- if (this.$$('cr-input').value.trim() == '') {
- this.invalid_ = true;
- return;
- }
- this.browserProxy_.isPatternValidForType(this.origin_, this.model.category)
- .then(({isValid, reason}) => {
- this.invalid_ = !isValid;
- this.errorMessage_ = reason || '';
- });
- },
- /** @private */
- modelChanged_: function() {
- if (!this.model) {
- this.$.dialog.cancel();
- }
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/local_data_browser_proxy.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/local_data_browser_proxy.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f30d023ca..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/local_data_browser_proxy.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<script src="local_data_browser_proxy.js"></script>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 56112da2884..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/local_data_browser_proxy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview A helper object used from the Cookies and Local Storage Data
- * section.
- */
- * @typedef {{
- * id: string,
- * start: number,
- * children: !Array<CookieDetails>,
- * }}
- */
-let CookieList;
- * @typedef {{
- * data: !Object,
- * id: string,
- * }}
- */
-let LocalDataItem;
- * TODO(dschuyler): add |filter| and |order|.
- * @typedef {{
- * items: !Array<!LocalDataItem>,
- * total: number,
- * }}
- */
-let LocalDataList;
- * Number of cookies attached to a given domain / eTLD+1.
- * @typedef {{
- * etldPlus1: string,
- * numCookies: number,
- * }}
- */
-let EtldPlus1CookieNumber;
-cr.define('settings', function() {
- /** @interface */
- class LocalDataBrowserProxy {
- /**
- * @param {string} filter Search filter (use "" for none).
- * @return {!Promise<!LocalDataList>}
- */
- getDisplayList(filter) {}
- /**
- * Removes all local data (local storage, cookies, etc.).
- * Note: on-tree-item-removed will not be sent.
- * @return {!Promise} To signal completion.
- */
- removeAll() {}
- /**
- * Remove items that pass the current filter. Completion signaled by
- * on-tree-item-removed.
- */
- removeShownItems() {}
- /**
- * Remove a specific list item. Completion signaled by on-tree-item-removed.
- * @param {string} id Which element to delete.
- */
- removeItem(id) {}
- /**
- * Gets the cookie details for a particular site.
- * @param {string} site The name of the site.
- * @return {!Promise<!CookieList>}
- */
- getCookieDetails(site) {}
- /**
- * Gets the plural string for a given number of cookies.
- * @param {number} numCookies The number of cookies.
- * @return {!Promise<string>}
- */
- getNumCookiesString(numCookies) {}
- /**
- * Reloads all local data.
- * TODO(dschuyler): rename function to reload().
- * @return {!Promise} To signal completion.
- */
- reloadCookies() {}
- /**
- * TODO(dschuyler): merge with removeItem().
- * Removes a given cookie.
- * @param {string} path The path to the parent cookie.
- */
- removeCookie(path) {}
- /**
- * Removes all SameSite=None cookies, as well as storage available in
- * third-party contexts.
- * Note: on-tree-item-removed will not be sent.
- * @return {!Promise} To signal completion.
- */
- removeAllThirdPartyCookies() {}
- }
- /**
- * @implements {settings.LocalDataBrowserProxy}
- */
- class LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl {
- /** @override */
- getDisplayList(filter) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.getDisplayList', filter);
- }
- /** @override */
- removeAll() {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.removeAll');
- }
- /** @override */
- removeShownItems() {
- chrome.send('localData.removeShownItems');
- }
- /** @override */
- removeItem(id) {
- chrome.send('localData.removeItem', [id]);
- }
- /** @override */
- getCookieDetails(site) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.getCookieDetails', site);
- }
- /** @override */
- getNumCookiesString(numCookies) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.getNumCookiesString', numCookies);
- }
- /** @override */
- reloadCookies() {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.reload');
- }
- /** @override */
- removeCookie(path) {
- chrome.send('localData.removeCookie', [path]);
- }
- /** @override */
- removeAllThirdPartyCookies() {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('localData.removeThirdPartyCookies');
- }
- }
- // The singleton instance_ is replaced with a test version of this wrapper
- // during testing.
- cr.addSingletonGetter(LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl);
- return {
- LocalDataBrowserProxy: LocalDataBrowserProxy,
- LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl: LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl,
- };
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/media_picker.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/media_picker.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 92f8c15fdf3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/media_picker.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/md_select_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_vars_css.html">
-<dom-module id="media-picker">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared md-select">
- :host {
- display: block;
- }
- </style>
- <div class="settings-box first" id="picker" hidden>
- <select id="mediaPicker" class="md-select" on-change="onChange_"
- aria-label$="[[label]]">
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[devices]]">
- <option value$="[[]]">[[]]</option>
- </template>
- </select>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script src="media_picker.js"></script>
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index 85137a83a2a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/media_picker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'media-picker' handles showing the dropdown allowing users to select the
- * default camera/microphone.
- */
- is: 'media-picker',
- behaviors: [SiteSettingsBehavior, WebUIListenerBehavior],
- properties: {
- /**
- * The type of media picker, either 'camera' or 'mic'.
- */
- type: String,
- /** Label for a11y purposes. */
- label: String,
- /**
- * The devices available to pick from.
- * @type {Array<MediaPickerEntry>}
- */
- devices: Array,
- },
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'updateDevicesMenu', this.updateDevicesMenu_.bind(this));
- this.browserProxy.getDefaultCaptureDevices(this.type);
- },
- /**
- * Updates the microphone/camera devices menu with the given entries.
- * @param {string} type The device type.
- * @param {!Array<MediaPickerEntry>} devices List of available devices.
- * @param {string} defaultDevice The unique id of the current default device.
- */
- updateDevicesMenu_: function(type, devices, defaultDevice) {
- if (type != this.type) {
- return;
- }
- this.$.picker.hidden = devices.length == 0;
- if (devices.length > 0) {
- this.devices = devices;
- // Wait for <select> to be populated.
- this.async(() => {
- this.$.mediaPicker.value = defaultDevice;
- });
- }
- },
- /**
- * A handler for when an item is selected in the media picker.
- * @private
- */
- onChange_: function() {
- this.browserProxy.setDefaultCaptureDevice(
- this.type, this.$.mediaPicker.value);
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/pdf_documents.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/pdf_documents.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a6a0b7cdcfe..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/pdf_documents.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../controls/settings_toggle_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<dom-module id="settings-pdf-documents">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- .secondary {
- margin-top: 0; /* Cancel separation between main and secondary text. */
- }
- </style>
- <settings-toggle-button id="toggle" class="first two-line"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsPdfDownloadPdfs}"
- pref="{{prefs.plugins.always_open_pdf_externally}}">
- </settings-toggle-button>
- </template>
- <script src="pdf_documents.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/pdf_documents.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/pdf_documents.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 66f61a6db59..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/pdf_documents.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'settings-pdf-documents' is the polymer element for showing the
- * settings for viewing PDF documents under Site Settings.
- */
- is: 'settings-pdf-documents',
- properties: {
- prefs: {
- type: Object,
- notify: true,
- },
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/protocol_handlers.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/protocol_handlers.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 269709ab022..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/protocol_handlers.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_action_menu/cr_action_menu.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_link_row/cr_link_row.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_toggle/cr_toggle.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../i18n_setup.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../site_favicon.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="protocol-handlers">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- :host {
- display: block;
- }
- .column-header {
- margin-bottom: 15px;
- margin-inline-start: 20px;
- margin-top: 15px;
- }
- </style>
- <div class="settings-box first two-line">
- <div id="categoryLabel" class="start" on-click="categoryLabelClicked_"
- actionable>
- [[computeHandlersDescription_(categoryEnabled)]]
- </div>
- <cr-toggle id="toggle" checked="{{categoryEnabled}}"
- on-change="onToggleChange_" aria-labelledby="categoryLabel">
- </cr-toggle>
- </div>
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[protocols]]" as="protocol">
- <div class="column-header">[[protocol.protocol_display_name]]</div>
- <div class="list-frame menu-content vertical-list">
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[protocol.handlers]]">
- <div class="list-item">
- <site-favicon url="[[]]"></site-favicon>
- <div class="middle" >
- <div class="protocol-host">
- <span class="url-directionality">[[]]</span>
- </div>
- <div class="secondary protocol-default"
- hidden$="[[!item.is_default]]">
- $i18n{handlerIsDefault}
- </div>
- </div>
- <cr-icon-button class="icon-more-vert" on-click="showMenu_"
- title="$i18n{moreActions}"></cr-icon-button>
- </div>
- </template>
- </div>
- </template>
- <cr-action-menu>
- <button class="dropdown-item" on-click="onDefaultClick_"
- id="defaultButton" hidden$="[[actionMenuModel_.is_default]]">
- $i18n{handlerSetDefault}
- </button>
- <button class="dropdown-item" on-click="onRemoveClick_"
- id="removeButton">
- $i18n{handlerRemove}
- </button>
- </cr-action-menu>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[ignoredProtocols.length]]">
- <div class="column-header">$i18n{siteSettingsBlocked}</div>
- <div class="list-frame menu-content vertical-list">
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[ignoredProtocols]]">
- <div class="list-item">
- <site-favicon url="[[]]"></site-favicon>
- <div class="middle" >
- <div class="protocol-host">
- <span class="url-directionality">[[]]</span></div>
- <div class="secondary protocol-protocol">
- [[item.protocol_display_name]]
- </div>
- </div>
- <cr-icon-button class="icon-clear" id="removeIgnoredButton"
- on-click="onRemoveIgnored_" title="$i18n{handlerRemove}">
- </cr-icon-button>
- </div>
- </template>
- </div>
- </template>
-<if expr="chromeos">
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[settingsAppAvailable_]]">
- <cr-link-row on-click="onManageAndroidAppsClick_"
- label="$i18n{androidAppsManageAppLinks}" external></cr-link-row>
- </template>
- </template>
- <script src="protocol_handlers.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/protocol_handlers.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/protocol_handlers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe1b814e49..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/protocol_handlers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'protocol-handlers' is the polymer element for showing the
- * protocol handlers category under Site Settings.
- */
- * All possible actions in the menu.
- * @enum {string}
- */
-const MenuActions = {
- SET_DEFAULT: 'SetDefault',
- REMOVE: 'Remove',
- * @typedef {{host: string,
- * is_default: boolean,
- * protocol: string,
- * protocol_display_name: string,
- * spec: string}}
- */
-let HandlerEntry;
- * @typedef {{handlers: !Array<!HandlerEntry>,
- * protocol: string,
- * protocol_display_name: string}}
- */
-let ProtocolEntry;
- is: 'protocol-handlers',
- behaviors: [SiteSettingsBehavior, WebUIListenerBehavior],
- properties: {
- /**
- * Represents the state of the main toggle shown for the category.
- */
- categoryEnabled: Boolean,
- /**
- * Array of protocols and their handlers.
- * @type {!Array<!ProtocolEntry>}
- */
- protocols: Array,
- /**
- * The targetted object for menu operations.
- * @private {?HandlerEntry}
- */
- actionMenuModel_: Object,
- /* Labels for the toggle on/off positions. */
- toggleOffLabel: String,
- toggleOnLabel: String,
- /**
- * Array of ignored (blocked) protocols.
- * @type {!Array<!HandlerEntry>}
- */
- ignoredProtocols: Array,
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /** @private */
- settingsAppAvailable_: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: false,
- },
- // </if>
- },
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'setHandlersEnabled', this.setHandlersEnabled_.bind(this));
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'setProtocolHandlers', this.setProtocolHandlers_.bind(this));
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'setIgnoredProtocolHandlers',
- this.setIgnoredProtocolHandlers_.bind(this));
- this.browserProxy.observeProtocolHandlers();
- },
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /** @override */
- attached: function() {
- if (settings.AndroidAppsBrowserProxyImpl) {
- cr.addWebUIListener(
- 'android-apps-info-update', this.androidAppsInfoUpdate_.bind(this));
- settings.AndroidAppsBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance()
- .requestAndroidAppsInfo();
- }
- },
- // </if>
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /**
- * Receives updates on whether or not ARC settings app is available.
- * @param {AndroidAppsInfo} info
- * @private
- */
- androidAppsInfoUpdate_: function(info) {
- this.settingsAppAvailable_ = info.settingsAppAvailable;
- },
- // </if>
- /** @private */
- categoryLabelClicked_: function() {
- this.$;
- },
- /**
- * Obtains the description for the main toggle.
- * @return {string} The description to use.
- * @private
- */
- computeHandlersDescription_: function() {
- return this.categoryEnabled ? this.toggleOnLabel : this.toggleOffLabel;
- },
- /**
- * Updates the main toggle to set it enabled/disabled.
- * @param {boolean} enabled The state to set.
- * @private
- */
- setHandlersEnabled_: function(enabled) {
- this.categoryEnabled = enabled;
- },
- /**
- * Updates the list of protocol handlers.
- * @param {!Array<!ProtocolEntry>} protocols The new protocol handler list.
- * @private
- */
- setProtocolHandlers_: function(protocols) {
- this.protocols = protocols;
- },
- /**
- * Updates the list of ignored protocol handlers.
- * @param {!Array<!HandlerEntry>} ignoredProtocols The new (ignored) protocol
- * handler list.
- * @private
- */
- setIgnoredProtocolHandlers_: function(ignoredProtocols) {
- this.ignoredProtocols = ignoredProtocols;
- },
- /**
- * Closes action menu and resets action menu model
- * @private
- */
- closeActionMenu_: function() {
- this.$$('cr-action-menu').close();
- this.actionMenuModel_ = null;
- },
- /**
- * A handler when the toggle is flipped.
- * @private
- */
- onToggleChange_: function(event) {
- this.browserProxy.setProtocolHandlerDefault(this.categoryEnabled);
- },
- /**
- * The handler for when "Set Default" is selected in the action menu.
- * @private
- */
- onDefaultClick_: function() {
- const item = this.actionMenuModel_;
- this.browserProxy.setProtocolDefault(item.protocol, item.spec);
- this.closeActionMenu_();
- },
- /**
- * The handler for when "Remove" is selected in the action menu.
- * @private
- */
- onRemoveClick_: function() {
- const item = this.actionMenuModel_;
- this.browserProxy.removeProtocolHandler(item.protocol, item.spec);
- this.closeActionMenu_();
- },
- /**
- * Handler for removing handlers that were blocked
- * @private
- */
- onRemoveIgnored_: function(event) {
- const item = event.model.item;
- this.browserProxy.removeProtocolHandler(item.protocol, item.spec);
- },
- /**
- * A handler to show the action menu next to the clicked menu button.
- * @param {!{model: !{item: HandlerEntry}}} event
- * @private
- */
- showMenu_: function(event) {
- this.actionMenuModel_ = event.model.item;
- /** @type {!CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$$('cr-action-menu'))
- .showAt(
- /** @type {!Element} */ (/** @type {!Event} */ (event).target));
- },
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /**
- * Opens an activity to handle App links (preferred apps).
- * @private
- */
- onManageAndroidAppsClick_: function() {
- this.browserProxy.showAndroidManageAppLinks();
- },
- // </if>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f1a028c92b5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/assert.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/cr/ui/focus_without_ink.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/i18n_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/list_property_update_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_dialog/cr_dialog.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_search_field/cr_search_field.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-icon/iron-icon.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-list/iron-list.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/paper-spinner/paper-spinner-lite.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../global_scroll_target_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="cookie_info.html">
-<link rel="import" href="local_data_browser_proxy.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_data_entry.html">
-<dom-module id="site-data">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- paper-spinner-lite {
- @apply --cr-icon-height-width;
- opacity: 0;
- transition-delay: 1s;
- }
- paper-spinner-lite[active] {
- opacity: 1;
- }
- #removeShowingSites {
- margin-inline-start: auto;
- }
- </style>
- <div class="settings-box continuation">
- <paper-spinner-lite active="[[isLoading_]]"></paper-spinner-lite>
- <cr-button disabled$="[[isLoading_]]" id="removeShowingSites"
- on-click="onRemoveShowingSitesTap_" hidden$="[[!sites.length]]">
- [[computeRemoveLabel_(filter)]]
- </cr-button>
- <cr-button disabled$="[[isLoading_]]" id="removeThirdPartyCookies"
- on-click="onRemoveThirdPartyCookiesTap_"
- hidden$="[[!showRemoveThirdPartyCookies_(sites.length, filter)]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsCookieRemoveAllThirdParty}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- <iron-list id="list" items="[[sites]]" preserve-focus
- scroll-target="[[subpageScrollTarget]]" class="cr-separators">
- <template>
- <site-data-entry id$="siteItem_[[]]" actionable
- model="[[item]]" first$="[[!index]]" tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]"
- iron-list-tab-index="[[tabIndex]]" last-focused="{{lastFocused_}}"
- list-blurred="{{listBlurred_}}" on-click="onSiteClick_"
- on-remove-site="onRemoveSite_">
- </site-data-entry>
- </template>
- </iron-list>
- <!-- Confirm Delete dialog -->
- <cr-dialog id="confirmDeleteDialog" close-text="$i18n{close}"
- on-close="onConfirmDeleteDialogClosed_">
- <div slot="title">
- $i18n{siteSettingsCookieRemoveDialogTitle}
- </div>
- <div slot="body">$i18n{siteSettingsCookieRemoveMultipleConfirmation}</div>
- <div slot="button-container">
- <cr-button class="cancel-button" on-click="onCloseDialog_">
- $i18n{cancel}
- </cr-button>
- <cr-button class="action-button" on-click="onConfirmDelete_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsCookiesClearAll}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- </cr-dialog>
- <!-- Confirm Delete Third Party Cookies dialog -->
- <cr-dialog id="confirmDeleteThirdPartyDialog" close-text="$i18n{close}"
- on-close="onConfirmDeleteThirdPartyDialogClosed_">
- <div slot="title">
- $i18n{siteSettingsCookieRemoveThirdPartyDialogTitle}
- </div>
- <div slot="body">
- $i18n{siteSettingsCookieRemoveThirdPartyConfirmation}
- </div>
- <div slot="button-container">
- <cr-button class="cancel-button" on-click="onCloseThirdPartyDialog_">
- $i18n{cancel}
- </cr-button>
- <cr-button class="action-button" on-click="onConfirmThirdPartyDelete_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsCookiesClearThirdParty}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- </cr-dialog>
- </template>
- <script src="site_data.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cd6370aa91c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'site-data' handles showing the local storage summary list for all sites.
- */
- * @typedef {{
- * site: string,
- * id: string,
- * localData: string,
- * }}
- */
-let CookieDataSummaryItem;
- * @typedef {{
- * id: string,
- * start: number,
- * count: number,
- * }}
- */
-let CookieRemovePacket;
- is: 'site-data',
- behaviors: [
- I18nBehavior,
- ListPropertyUpdateBehavior,
- settings.GlobalScrollTargetBehavior,
- WebUIListenerBehavior,
- ],
- properties: {
- /**
- * The current filter applied to the cookie data list.
- */
- filter: {
- observer: 'updateSiteList_',
- notify: true,
- type: String,
- },
- /** @type {!Map<string, (string|Function)>} */
- focusConfig: {
- type: Object,
- observer: 'focusConfigChanged_',
- },
- isLoading_: Boolean,
- /** @type {!Array<!CookieDataSummaryItem>} */
- sites: {
- type: Array,
- value: function() {
- return [];
- },
- },
- /**
- * settings.GlobalScrollTargetBehavior
- * @override
- */
- subpageRoute: {
- type: Object,
- value: settings.routes.SITE_SETTINGS_SITE_DATA,
- },
- /** @private */
- lastFocused_: Object,
- /** @private */
- listBlurred_: Boolean,
- },
- /** @private {settings.LocalDataBrowserProxy} */
- browserProxy_: null,
- /**
- * When navigating to site data details sub-page, |lastSelected_| holds the
- * site name as well as the index of the selected site. This is used when
- * navigating back to site data in order to focus on the correct site.
- * @private {!{item: CookieDataSummaryItem, index: number}|null}
- */
- lastSelected_: null,
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.browserProxy_ = settings.LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'on-tree-item-removed', this.updateSiteList_.bind(this));
- },
- /**
- * Reload cookies when the site data page is visited.
- *
- * settings.RouteObserverBehavior
- * @param {!settings.Route} currentRoute
- * @protected
- */
- currentRouteChanged: function(currentRoute) {
- this, currentRoute);
- if (currentRoute == settings.routes.SITE_SETTINGS_SITE_DATA) {
- this.isLoading_ = true;
- // Needed to fix iron-list rendering issue. The list will not render
- // correctly until a scroll occurs.
- // See
- const ironList = /** @type {!IronListElement} */ (this.$$('iron-list'));
- ironList.scrollToIndex(0);
- this.browserProxy_.reloadCookies().then(this.updateSiteList_.bind(this));
- }
- },
- /**
- * @param {!Map<string, (string|Function)>} newConfig
- * @param {?Map<string, (string|Function)>} oldConfig
- * @private
- */
- focusConfigChanged_: function(newConfig, oldConfig) {
- // focusConfig is set only once on the parent, so this observer should only
- // fire once.
- assert(!oldConfig);
- // Populate the |focusConfig| map of the parent <settings-animated-pages>
- // element, with additional entries that correspond to subpage trigger
- // elements residing in this element's Shadow DOM.
- if (settings.routes.SITE_SETTINGS_DATA_DETAILS) {
- const onNavigatedTo = () => this.async(() => {
- if (this.lastSelected_ == null || this.sites.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- const lastSelectedSite =;
- const lastSelectedIndex = this.lastSelected_.index;
- this.lastSelected_ = null;
- const indexFromId =
- this.sites.findIndex(site => == lastSelectedSite);
- // If the site is no longer in |sites|, use the index as a fallback.
- // Since the sites are sorted, an alternative could be to select the
- // site that comes next in sort order.
- const indexFallback = lastSelectedIndex < this.sites.length ?
- lastSelectedIndex :
- this.sites.length - 1;
- const index = indexFromId > -1 ? indexFromId : indexFallback;
- this.focusOnSiteSelectButton_(index);
- });
- this.focusConfig.set(
- settings.routes.SITE_SETTINGS_DATA_DETAILS.path, onNavigatedTo);
- }
- },
- /**
- * @param {number} index
- * @private
- */
- focusOnSiteSelectButton_: function(index) {
- const ironList =
- /** @type {!IronListElement} */ (this.$$('iron-list'));
- ironList.focusItem(index);
- const siteToSelect = this.sites[index].site.replace(/[.]/g, '\\.');
- const button = this.$$(`#siteItem_${siteToSelect}`).$$('.subpage-arrow');
- cr.ui.focusWithoutInk(assert(button));
- },
- /**
- * Gather all the site data.
- * @private
- */
- updateSiteList_: function() {
- this.isLoading_ = true;
- this.browserProxy_.getDisplayList(this.filter).then(listInfo => {
- this.updateList('sites', item =>, listInfo.items);
- this.isLoading_ = false;
- });
- },
- /**
- * Returns the string to use for the Remove label.
- * @param {string} filter The current filter string.
- * @return {string}
- * @private
- */
- computeRemoveLabel_: function(filter) {
- if (filter.length == 0) {
- return loadTimeData.getString('siteSettingsCookieRemoveAll');
- }
- return loadTimeData.getString('siteSettingsCookieRemoveAllShown');
- },
- /** @private */
- onCloseDialog_: function() {
- this.$.confirmDeleteDialog.close();
- },
- /** @private */
- onCloseThirdPartyDialog_: function() {
- this.$.confirmDeleteThirdPartyDialog.close();
- },
- /** @private */
- onConfirmDeleteDialogClosed_: function() {
- cr.ui.focusWithoutInk(assert(this.$.removeShowingSites));
- },
- /** @private */
- onConfirmDeleteThirdPartyDialogClosed_: function() {
- cr.ui.focusWithoutInk(assert(this.$.removeAllThirdPartyCookies));
- },
- /**
- * Shows a dialog to confirm the deletion of multiple sites.
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- onRemoveShowingSitesTap_: function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.$.confirmDeleteDialog.showModal();
- },
- /**
- * Shows a dialog to confirm the deletion of cookies available
- * in third-party contexts and associated site data.
- * @private
- */
- onRemoveThirdPartyCookiesTap_: function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.$.confirmDeleteThirdPartyDialog.showModal();
- },
- /**
- * Called when deletion for all showing sites has been confirmed.
- * @private
- */
- onConfirmDelete_: function() {
- this.$.confirmDeleteDialog.close();
- if (this.filter.length == 0) {
- this.browserProxy_.removeAll().then(() => {
- this.sites = [];
- });
- } else {
- this.browserProxy_.removeShownItems();
- // We just deleted all items found by the filter, let's reset the filter.
- }
- },
- /**
- * Called when deletion of all third-party cookies and site data has been
- * confirmed.
- * @private
- */
- onConfirmThirdPartyDelete_: function() {
- this.$.confirmDeleteThirdPartyDialog.close();
- this.browserProxy_.removeAllThirdPartyCookies().then(() => {
- this.updateSiteList_();
- });
- },
- /**
- * @param {!{model: !{item: CookieDataSummaryItem, index: number}}} event
- * @private
- */
- onSiteClick_: function(event) {
- // If any delete button is selected, the focus will be in a bad state when
- // returning to this page. To avoid this, the site select button is given
- // focus. See
- this.focusOnSiteSelectButton_(event.model.index);
- settings.navigateTo(
- new URLSearchParams('site=' +;
- this.lastSelected_ = event.model;
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * @return {boolean}
- */
- showRemoveThirdPartyCookies_: function() {
- return loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableRemovingAllThirdPartyCookies') &&
- this.sites.length > 0 && this.filter.length == 0;
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_details_subpage.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_details_subpage.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c4529c642a5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_details_subpage.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_expand_button/cr_expand_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-collapse/iron-collapse.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../route.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="cookie_info.html">
-<link rel="import" href="local_data_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="site-data-details-subpage">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared md-select">
- [first] {
- border-top: none;
- }
- .secondary,
- .start {
- max-width: 100%;
- word-break: break-word;
- }
- </style>
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[entries_]]">
- <div class="settings-box" first$="[[!index]]">
- <cr-expand-button class="start" expanded="{{item.expanded_}}">
- [[getEntryDescription_(item)]]
- </cr-expand-button>
- <div class="separator"></div>
- <cr-icon-button class="icon-clear" data-id-path$="[[item.idPath]]"
- on-click="onRemove_"></cr-icon-button>
- </div>
- <iron-collapse class="list-frame vertical-list"
- opened="[[item.expanded_]]">
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[getCookieNodes_(item)]]">
- <div class="list-item two-line">
- <div class="start">
- [[item.label]]
- <div class="secondary">[[item.content]]</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </template>
- </iron-collapse>
- </template>
- </template>
- <script src="site_data_details_subpage.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_details_subpage.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_details_subpage.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 37ca12214f4..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_details_subpage.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-(function() {
-'use strict';
-const categoryLabels = {
- app_cache: loadTimeData.getString('cookieAppCache'),
- cache_storage: loadTimeData.getString('cookieCacheStorage'),
- database: loadTimeData.getString('cookieDatabaseStorage'),
- file_system: loadTimeData.getString('cookieFileSystem'),
- flash_lso: loadTimeData.getString('cookieFlashLso'),
- indexed_db: loadTimeData.getString('cookieDatabaseStorage'),
- local_storage: loadTimeData.getString('cookieLocalStorage'),
- service_worker: loadTimeData.getString('cookieServiceWorker'),
- shared_worker: loadTimeData.getString('cookieSharedWorker'),
- media_license: loadTimeData.getString('cookieMediaLicense'),
- * 'site-data-details-subpage' Display cookie contents.
- */
- is: 'site-data-details-subpage',
- behaviors: [settings.RouteObserverBehavior, WebUIListenerBehavior],
- properties: {
- /**
- * The cookie entries for the given site.
- * @type {!Array<!CookieDetails>}
- * @private
- */
- entries_: Array,
- /** Set the page title on the settings-subpage parent. */
- pageTitle: {
- type: String,
- notify: true,
- },
- /** @private */
- site_: String,
- /** @private */
- siteId_: String,
- },
- /**
- * The browser proxy used to retrieve and change cookies.
- * @private {?settings.LocalDataBrowserProxy}
- */
- browserProxy_: null,
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.browserProxy_ = settings.LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'on-tree-item-removed', this.getCookieDetails_.bind(this));
- },
- /**
- * settings.RouteObserverBehavior
- * @param {!settings.Route} route
- * @protected
- */
- currentRouteChanged: function(route) {
- if (settings.getCurrentRoute() !=
- settings.routes.SITE_SETTINGS_DATA_DETAILS) {
- return;
- }
- const site = settings.getQueryParameters().get('site');
- if (!site) {
- return;
- }
- this.site_ = site;
- this.pageTitle = loadTimeData.getStringF('siteSettingsCookieSubpage', site);
- this.getCookieDetails_();
- },
- /** @private */
- getCookieDetails_: function() {
- if (!this.site_) {
- return;
- }
- this.browserProxy_.getCookieDetails(this.site_)
- .then(
- this.onCookiesLoaded_.bind(this),
- this.onCookiesLoadFailed_.bind(this));
- },
- /**
- * @return {!Array<!CookieDataForDisplay>}
- * @private
- */
- getCookieNodes_: function(node) {
- return getCookieData(node);
- },
- /**
- * @param {!CookieList} cookies
- * @private
- */
- onCookiesLoaded_: function(cookies) {
- this.siteId_ =;
- this.entries_ = cookies.children;
- // Set up flag for expanding cookie details.
- this.entries_.forEach(function(e) {
- e.expanded_ = false;
- });
- },
- /**
- * The site was not found. E.g. The site data may have been deleted or the
- * site URL parameter may be mistyped.
- * @private
- */
- onCookiesLoadFailed_: function() {
- this.siteId_ = '';
- this.entries_ = [];
- },
- /**
- * A handler for when the user opts to remove a single cookie.
- * @param {!CookieDetails} item
- * @return {string}
- * @private
- */
- getEntryDescription_: function(item) {
- // Frequently there are multiple cookies per site. To avoid showing a list
- // of '1 cookie', '1 cookie', ... etc, it is better to show the title of the
- // cookie to differentiate them.
- if (item.type == 'cookie') {
- return item.title;
- }
- if (item.type == 'quota') {
- return item.totalUsage;
- }
- return categoryLabels[item.type];
- },
- /**
- * A handler for when the user opts to remove a single cookie.
- * @param {!Event} event
- * @private
- */
- onRemove_: function(event) {
- this.browserProxy_.removeCookie(
- /** @type {!CookieDetails} */ (event.currentTarget.dataset).idPath);
- },
- /**
- * A handler for when the user opts to remove all cookies.
- */
- removeAll: function() {
- this.browserProxy_.removeCookie(this.siteId_);
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_entry.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_entry.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5585d9a34c3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_entry.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/i18n_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/cr/ui/focus_row_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-icon/iron-icon.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../site_favicon.html">
-<link rel="import" href="cookie_info.html">
-<dom-module id="site-data-entry">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- .settings-box {
- border: none;
- }
- </style>
- <div class="settings-box two-line site-item" focus-row-container actionable>
- <site-favicon url="[[]]"></site-favicon>
- <div class="middle">
- <span class="url-directionality">[[]]</span>
- <div class="secondary">[[model.localData]]</div>
- </div>
- <cr-icon-button class="subpage-arrow" aria-label$="[[]]"
- focus-row-control focus-type="showDetails"></cr-icon-button>
- <div class="separator"></div>
- <cr-icon-button class="icon-delete-gray"
- title$="[[i18n('siteSettingsCookieRemoveSite',]]"
- on-click="onRemove_" focus-row-control focus-type="remove">
- </cr-icon-button>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script src="site_data_entry.js"></script>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0c5e30c27e7..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_data_entry.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'site-data-entry' handles showing the local storage summary for a site.
- */
- is: 'site-data-entry',
- behaviors: [
- cr.ui.FocusRowBehavior,
- I18nBehavior,
- ],
- properties: {
- /** @type {!CookieDataSummaryItem} */
- model: Object,
- },
- /** @private {settings.LocalDataBrowserProxy} */
- browserProxy_: null,
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.browserProxy_ = settings.LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- },
- /**
- * Deletes all site data for this site.
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- onRemove_: function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- this.browserProxy_.removeItem(;
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fb24557a8e0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/action_link.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/action_link_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/assert.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/cr/ui/focus_without_ink.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/i18n_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_dialog/cr_dialog.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_link_row/cr_link_row.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/shared_vars_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../route.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_details_permission.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="website_usage_private_api.html">
-<dom-module id="site-details">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared action-link">
- .favicon-image {
- margin: 2px;
- }
- #storage {
- padding-inline-end: 0;
- }
- #storageText {
- display: flex;
- }
- #resetSettingsButton {
- margin-top: 24px;
- }
- </style>
- <!-- Confirm reset settings dialog. -->
- <cr-dialog id="confirmResetSettings" close-text="$i18n{close}"
- on-close="onResetSettingsDialogClosed_">
- <div slot="body">
- [[i18n('siteSettingsSiteResetConfirmation', pageTitle)]]
- </div>
- <div slot="button-container">
- <cr-button class="cancel-button" on-click="onCloseDialog_">
- $i18n{cancel}
- </cr-button>
- <cr-button class="action-button" on-click="onResetSettings_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsSiteResetAll}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- </cr-dialog>
- <!-- Confirm clear storage dialog. -->
- <cr-dialog id="confirmClearStorage" close-text="$i18n{close}"
- on-close="onClearStorageDialogClosed_">
- <div slot="title">
- $i18n{siteSettingsSiteClearStorageDialogTitle}
- </div>
- <div slot="body">
- [[i18n('siteSettingsSiteClearStorageConfirmation', pageTitle)]]
- </div>
- <div slot="button-container">
- <cr-button class="cancel-button" on-click="onCloseDialog_">
- $i18n{cancel}
- </cr-button>
- <cr-button class="action-button" on-click="onClearStorage_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsSiteClearStorage}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- </cr-dialog>
- <div id="usage">
- <div class="settings-box first line-only">
- <h2 class="first">$i18n{siteSettingsUsage}</h2>
- </div>
- <div class="list-frame">
- <div class="list-item" id="noStorage"
- hidden$="[[hasUsage_(storedData_, numCookies_)]]">
- <div class="start">$i18n{siteSettingsUsageNone}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="list-item" id="storage"
- hidden$="[[!hasUsage_(storedData_, numCookies_)]]">
- <div class="start" id="storageText">
- <div hidden$="[[!storedData_]]">[[storedData_]]</div>
- <div hidden$="[[!hasDataAndCookies_(storedData_, numCookies_)]]">
- &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;
- </div>
- <div hidden$="[[!numCookies_]]">[[numCookies_]]</div>
- </div>
- <cr-button id="clearStorage" role="button" aria-disabled="false"
- on-click="onConfirmClearStorage_"
- aria-label="$i18n{siteSettingsDelete}">
- $i18n{siteSettingsDelete}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="settings-box first">
- <h2 class="start">$i18n{siteSettingsPermissions}</h2>
- <cr-button id="resetSettingsButton" class="header-aligned-button"
- role="button" aria-disabled="false"
- on-click="onConfirmClearSettings_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsReset}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- <div class="list-frame">
- <site-details-permission category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.GEOLOCATION}}"
- icon="cr:location-on" id="geolocation"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsLocation}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.CAMERA}}"
- icon="cr:videocam" id="camera"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsCamera}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.MIC}}"
- icon="cr:mic" id="mic"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsMic}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.SENSORS}}"
- icon="settings:sensors" id="sensors"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsSensors}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.NOTIFICATIONS}}"
- icon="settings:notifications" id="notifications"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsNotifications}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.JAVASCRIPT}}"
- icon="settings:code" id="javascript"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsJavascript}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.PLUGINS}}"
- icon="cr:extension" id="plugins" label="$i18n{siteSettingsFlash}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.IMAGES}}"
- icon="settings:photo" id="images" label="$i18n{siteSettingsImages}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.POPUPS}}"
- icon="cr:open-in-new" id="popups" label="$i18n{siteSettingsPopups}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.ADS}}"
- icon="settings:ads" id="ads"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsAds}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.BACKGROUND_SYNC}}"
- icon="cr:sync" id="backgroundSync"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsBackgroundSync}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.SOUND}}"
- icon="settings:volume-up" id="sound"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsSound}"
- use-automatic-label="[[blockAutoplayEnabled]]">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.AUTOMATIC_DOWNLOADS}}"
- icon="cr:file-download" id="automaticDownloads"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsAutomaticDownloads}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.MIDI_DEVICES}}" icon="settings:midi"
- id="midiDevices" label="$i18n{siteSettingsMidiDevices}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.USB_DEVICES}}" icon="settings:usb"
- id="usbDevices" label="$i18n{siteSettingsUsbDevices}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[enableExperimentalWebPlatformFeatures_]]">
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.SERIAL_PORTS}}"
- icon="settings:serial-port" id="serialPorts"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsSerialPorts}">
- </site-details-permission>
- </template>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[enableNativeFileSystemWriteContentSetting_]]">
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.NATIVE_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE}}"
- icon="settings:save-original" id="nativeFileSystemWrite"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsNativeFileSystemWrite}">
- </site-details-permission>
- </template>
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.UNSANDBOXED_PLUGINS}}"
- icon="cr:extension" id="unsandboxedPlugins"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsUnsandboxedPlugins}">
- </site-details-permission>
-<if expr="chromeos">
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.PROTECTED_CONTENT}}"
- icon="settings:protected-content" id="protectedContent"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsProtectedContentIdentifiers}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.CLIPBOARD}}"
- icon="settings:clipboard" id="clipboard"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsClipboard}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.PAYMENT_HANDLER}}"
- icon="settings:payment-handler" id="paymentHandler"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsPaymentHandler}">
- </site-details-permission>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[enableExperimentalWebPlatformFeatures_]]">
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.BLUETOOTH_SCANNING}}"
- icon="settings:bluetooth-scanning" id="bluetoothScanning"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsBluetoothScanning}">
- </site-details-permission>
- </template>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[enableInsecureContentContentSetting_]]">
- <site-details-permission
- category="{{ContentSettingsTypes.MIXEDSCRIPT}}"
- icon="settings:insecure-content" id="mixed-script"
- label="$i18n{siteSettingsInsecureContent}">
- </site-details-permission>
- </template>
- </div>
- <website-usage-private-api id="usageApi"
- website-data-usage="{{storedData_}}"
- website-cookie-usage="{{numCookies_}}">
- </website-usage-private-api>
- </template>
- <script src="site_details.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details.js
deleted file mode 100644
index df765e0e3af..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'site-details' show the details (permissions and usage) for a given origin
- * under Site Settings.
- */
- is: 'site-details',
- behaviors: [
- I18nBehavior, SiteSettingsBehavior, settings.RouteObserverBehavior,
- WebUIListenerBehavior
- ],
- properties: {
- /**
- * Whether unified autoplay blocking is enabled.
- */
- blockAutoplayEnabled: Boolean,
- /**
- * Use the string representing the origin or extension name as the page
- * title of the settings-subpage parent.
- */
- pageTitle: {
- type: String,
- notify: true,
- },
- /**
- * The origin that this widget is showing details for.
- * @private
- */
- origin_: String,
- /**
- * The amount of data stored for the origin.
- * @private
- */
- storedData_: {
- type: String,
- value: '',
- },
- /**
- * The number of cookies stored for the origin.
- * @private
- */
- numCookies_: {
- type: String,
- value: '',
- },
- /** @private */
- enableExperimentalWebPlatformFeatures_: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: function() {
- return loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableExperimentalWebPlatformFeatures');
- },
- },
- /** @private */
- enableNativeFileSystemWriteContentSetting_: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: function() {
- return loadTimeData.getBoolean(
- 'enableNativeFileSystemWriteContentSetting');
- }
- },
- /** @private */
- enableInsecureContentContentSetting_: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: function() {
- return loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableInsecureContentContentSetting');
- }
- },
- },
- listeners: {
- 'usage-deleted': 'onUsageDeleted_',
- },
- /** @override */
- attached: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'contentSettingSitePermissionChanged',
- this.onPermissionChanged_.bind(this));
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'prefEnableDrmChanged', this.prefEnableDrmChanged_.bind(this));
- // </if>
- // Refresh block autoplay status from the backend.
- this.browserProxy.fetchBlockAutoplayStatus();
- },
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.ContentSettingsTypes = settings.ContentSettingsTypes;
- },
- /**
- * settings.RouteObserverBehavior
- * @param {!settings.Route} route
- * @protected
- */
- currentRouteChanged: function(route) {
- if (route != settings.routes.SITE_SETTINGS_SITE_DETAILS) {
- return;
- }
- const site = settings.getQueryParameters().get('site');
- if (!site) {
- return;
- }
- this.origin_ = site;
- this.browserProxy.isOriginValid(this.origin_).then((valid) => {
- if (!valid) {
- settings.navigateToPreviousRoute();
- } else {
- this.$.usageApi.fetchUsageTotal(this.toUrl(this.origin_).hostname);
- this.updatePermissions_(this.getCategoryList());
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * Called when a site within a category has been changed.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The category that
- * changed.
- * @param {string} origin The origin of the site that changed.
- * @param {string} embeddingOrigin The embedding origin of the site that
- * changed.
- * @private
- */
- onPermissionChanged_: function(category, origin, embeddingOrigin) {
- if (this.origin_ === undefined || this.origin_ == '' ||
- origin === undefined || origin == '') {
- return;
- }
- if (!this.getCategoryList().includes(category)) {
- return;
- }
- // Site details currently doesn't support embedded origins, so ignore it
- // and just check whether the origins are the same.
- this.updatePermissions_([category]);
- },
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- prefEnableDrmChanged_: function() {
- this.updatePermissions_([settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PROTECTED_CONTENT]);
- },
- // </if>
- /**
- * Retrieves the permissions listed in |categoryList| from the backend for
- * |this.origin_|.
- * @param {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>} categoryList The list
- * of categories to update permissions for.
- * @private
- */
- updatePermissions_: function(categoryList) {
- const permissionsMap =
- /**
- * @type {!Object<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes,
- * !SiteDetailsPermissionElement>}
- */
- (
- this.root.querySelectorAll('site-details-permission'),
- (map, element) => {
- if (categoryList.includes(element.category)) {
- map[element.category] = element;
- }
- return map;
- },
- {}));
- this.browserProxy.getOriginPermissions(this.origin_, categoryList)
- .then((exceptionList) => {
- exceptionList.forEach((exception, i) => {
- // |exceptionList| should be in the same order as
- // |categoryList|.
- if (permissionsMap[categoryList[i]]) {
- permissionsMap[categoryList[i]].site = exception;
- }
- });
- // The displayName won't change, so just use the first
- // exception.
- assert(exceptionList.length > 0);
- this.pageTitle = exceptionList[0].displayName;
- });
- },
- /** @private */
- onCloseDialog_: function(e) {
- },
- /**
- * Confirms the resetting of all content settings for an origin.
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- onConfirmClearSettings_: function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.$.confirmResetSettings.showModal();
- },
- /**
- * Confirms the clearing of storage for an origin.
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- onConfirmClearStorage_: function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.$.confirmClearStorage.showModal();
- },
- /**
- * Resets all permissions for the current origin.
- * @private
- */
- onResetSettings_: function(e) {
- this.browserProxy.setOriginPermissions(
- this.origin_, this.getCategoryList(), settings.ContentSetting.DEFAULT);
- if (this.getCategoryList().includes(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PLUGINS)) {
- this.browserProxy.clearFlashPref(this.origin_);
- }
- this.onCloseDialog_(e);
- },
- /**
- * Clears all data stored, except cookies, for the current origin.
- * @private
- */
- onClearStorage_: function(e) {
- if (this.hasUsage_(this.storedData_, this.numCookies_)) {
- this.$.usageApi.clearUsage(this.toUrl(this.origin_).href);
- }
- this.onCloseDialog_(e);
- },
- /**
- * Called when usage has been deleted for an origin via a non-Site Details
- * source, e.g. clear browsing data.
- * @param {!CustomEvent<!{origin: string}>} event
- * @private
- */
- onUsageDeleted_: function(event) {
- if (event.detail.origin == this.toUrl(this.origin_).href) {
- this.storedData_ = '';
- this.numCookies_ = '';
- }
- },
- /**
- * Checks whether this site has any usage information to show.
- * @return {boolean} Whether there is any usage information to show (e.g.
- * disk or battery).
- * @private
- */
- hasUsage_: function(storage, cookies) {
- return storage != '' || cookies != '';
- },
- /**
- * Checks whether this site has both storage and cookies information to show.
- * @return {boolean} Whether there are both storage and cookies information to
- * show.
- * @private
- */
- hasDataAndCookies_: function(storage, cookies) {
- return storage != '' && cookies != '';
- },
- /** @private */
- onResetSettingsDialogClosed_: function() {
- cr.ui.focusWithoutInk(assert(this.$$('#resetSettingsButton')));
- },
- /** @private */
- onClearStorageDialogClosed_: function() {
- cr.ui.focusWithoutInk(assert(this.$$('#clearStorage')));
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details_permission.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details_permission.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c5a1e0091d3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details_permission.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/md_select_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-icon/iron-icon.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/i18n_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_vars_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<!-- `site-details-permission` does not include any icon-set, so containing
- elements should import the icon-set needed for the specified |icon|. -->
-<dom-module id="site-details-permission">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared md-select"></style>
- <div id="details" hidden$="[[shouldHideCategory_(category)]]">
- <div id="permissionItem"
- class$="list-item [[permissionInfoStringClass_(site.source, category,
- site.setting)]]">
- <div>
- <iron-icon icon="[[icon]]">
- </iron-icon>
- </div>
- <div class="middle" id="permissionHeader">
- [[label]]
- <div class="secondary"
- hidden$="[[!hasPermissionInfoString_(site.source, category,
- site.setting)]]"
- inner-h-t-m-l="[[permissionInfoString_(
- site.source,
- category,
- site.setting,
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsAdsBlockBlacklistedSingular}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsAdsBlockNotBlacklistedSingular}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourceEmbargo}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourceInsecureOrigin}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourceKillSwitch}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourceExtensionAllow}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourceExtensionBlock}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourceExtensionAsk}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourcePolicyAllow}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourcePolicyBlock}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourcePolicyAsk}',
- '$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSourceDrmDisabled}')]]">
- </div>
- </div>
- <select id="permission" class="md-select"
- aria-labelledby="permissionHeader"
- on-change="onPermissionSelectionChange_"
- disabled$="[[!isPermissionUserControlled_(site.source, category,
- site.setting)]]">
- <option id="default" value$="[[ContentSetting.DEFAULT]]">
- [[defaultSettingString_(
- defaultSetting_,
- category,
- useAutomaticLabel)]]
- </option>
- <option id="allow" value$="[[ContentSetting.ALLOW]]"
- hidden$="[[!showAllowedSetting_(category)]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsActionAllow}
- </option>
- <option id="block" value$="[[ContentSetting.BLOCK]]">
- [[blockSettingString_(
- category,
- '$i18n{siteSettingsActionBlock}',
- '$i18n{siteSettingsActionMute}')]]
- </option>
- <option id="ask" value$="[[ContentSetting.ASK]]"
- hidden$="[[!showAskSetting_(category, site.setting,
- site.source)]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsActionAsk}
- </option>
- </select>
- </div>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script src="site_details_permission.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details_permission.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details_permission.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f870645d2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_details_permission.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'site-details-permission' handles showing the state of one permission, such
- * as Geolocation, for a given origin.
- */
- is: 'site-details-permission',
- behaviors: [I18nBehavior, SiteSettingsBehavior, WebUIListenerBehavior],
- properties: {
- /**
- * If this is a sound content setting, then this controls whether it
- * should use "Automatic" instead of "Allow" as the default setting
- * allow label.
- */
- useAutomaticLabel: {type: Boolean, value: false},
- /**
- * The site that this widget is showing details for.
- * @type {RawSiteException}
- */
- site: Object,
- /**
- * The default setting for this permission category.
- * @type {settings.ContentSetting}
- * @private
- */
- defaultSetting_: String,
- label: String,
- icon: String,
- },
- observers: ['siteChanged_(site)'],
- /** @override */
- attached: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'contentSettingCategoryChanged',
- this.onDefaultSettingChanged_.bind(this));
- },
- shouldHideCategory_: function(category) {
- return !this.getCategoryList().includes(category);
- },
- /**
- * Updates the drop-down value after |site| has changed.
- * @param {!RawSiteException} site The site to display.
- * @private
- */
- siteChanged_: function(site) {
- if (site.source == settings.SiteSettingSource.DEFAULT) {
- this.defaultSetting_ = site.setting;
- this.$.permission.value = settings.ContentSetting.DEFAULT;
- } else {
- // The default setting is unknown, so consult the C++ backend for it.
- this.updateDefaultPermission_(site);
- this.$.permission.value = site.setting;
- }
- if (this.isNonDefaultAsk_(site.setting, site.source)) {
- assert(
- this.$.permission.value == settings.ContentSetting.ASK,
- '\'Ask\' should only show up when it\'s currently selected.');
- }
- },
- /**
- * Updates the default permission setting for this permission category.
- * @param {!RawSiteException} site The site to display.
- * @private
- */
- updateDefaultPermission_: function(site) {
- this.browserProxy.getDefaultValueForContentType(this.category)
- .then((defaultValue) => {
- this.defaultSetting_ = defaultValue.setting;
- });
- },
- /**
- * Handles the category permission changing for this origin.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The permission category
- * that has changed default permission.
- * @private
- */
- onDefaultSettingChanged_: function(category) {
- if (category == this.category) {
- this.updateDefaultPermission_(;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Handles the category permission changing for this origin.
- * @private
- */
- onPermissionSelectionChange_: function() {
- this.browserProxy.setOriginPermissions(
-, [this.category], this.$.permission.value);
- },
- /**
- * Returns if we should use the custom labels for the sound type.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The permission type.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- useCustomSoundLabels_: function(category) {
- return category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.SOUND &&
- loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableAutoplayWhitelistContentSetting');
- },
- /**
- * Updates the string used for this permission category's default setting.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSetting} defaultSetting Value of the default
- * setting for this permission category.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The permission type.
- * @param {boolean} useAutomaticLabel Whether to use the automatic label
- * if the default setting value is allow.
- * @return {string}
- * @private
- */
- defaultSettingString_: function(defaultSetting, category, useAutomaticLabel) {
- if (defaultSetting == undefined || category == undefined ||
- useAutomaticLabel == undefined) {
- return '';
- }
- if (defaultSetting == settings.ContentSetting.ASK ||
- defaultSetting == settings.ContentSetting.IMPORTANT_CONTENT) {
- return this.i18n('siteSettingsActionAskDefault');
- } else if (defaultSetting == settings.ContentSetting.ALLOW) {
- if (this.useCustomSoundLabels_(category) && useAutomaticLabel) {
- return this.i18n('siteSettingsActionAutomaticDefault');
- }
- return this.i18n('siteSettingsActionAllowDefault');
- } else if (defaultSetting == settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK) {
- if (this.useCustomSoundLabels_(category)) {
- return this.i18n('siteSettingsActionMuteDefault');
- }
- return this.i18n('siteSettingsActionBlockDefault');
- }
- assertNotReached(
- `No string for ${this.category}'s default of ${defaultSetting}`);
- },
- /**
- * Updates the string used for this permission category's block setting.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The permission type.
- * @param {string} blockString 'Block' label.
- * @param {string} muteString 'Mute' label.
- * @return {string}
- * @private
- */
- blockSettingString_: function(category, blockString, muteString) {
- if (this.useCustomSoundLabels_(category)) {
- return muteString;
- }
- return blockString;
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if there's a string to display that provides more information
- * about this permission's setting. Currently, this only gets called when
- * || is updated.
- * @param {!settings.SiteSettingSource} source The source of the permission.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The permission type.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSetting} setting The permission setting.
- * @return {boolean} Whether the permission will have a source string to
- * display.
- * @private
- */
- hasPermissionInfoString_: function(source, category, setting) {
- // This method assumes that an empty string will be returned for categories
- // that have no permission info string.
- return this.permissionInfoString_(
- source, category, setting,
- // Set all permission info string arguments as null. This is OK
- // because there is no need to know what the information string
- // will be, just whether there is one or not.
- null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
- null) != '';
- },
- /**
- * Checks if there's a additional information to display, and returns the
- * class name to apply to permissions if so.
- * @param {!settings.SiteSettingSource} source The source of the permission.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The permission type.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSetting} setting The permission setting.
- * @return {string} CSS class applied when there is an additional description
- * string.
- * @private
- */
- permissionInfoStringClass_: function(source, category, setting) {
- return this.hasPermissionInfoString_(source, category, setting) ?
- 'two-line' :
- '';
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if this permission can be controlled by the user.
- * @param {!settings.SiteSettingSource} source The source of the permission.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- isPermissionUserControlled_: function(source) {
- return !(
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.DRM_DISABLED ||
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.POLICY ||
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.EXTENSION ||
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.KILL_SWITCH ||
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.INSECURE_ORIGIN);
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if the 'allow' option should be shown.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The permission type.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- showAllowedSetting_: function(category) {
- return !(
- category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.SERIAL_PORTS ||
- category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.USB_DEVICES ||
- category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.BLUETOOTH_SCANNING ||
- category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.NATIVE_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE);
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if the 'ask' option should be shown.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The permission type.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSetting} setting The setting of the permission.
- * @param {!settings.SiteSettingSource} source The source of the permission.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- showAskSetting_: function(category, setting, source) {
- // For chooser-based permissions 'ask' takes the place of 'allow'.
- if (category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.SERIAL_PORTS ||
- category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.USB_DEVICES) {
- return true;
- }
- // For Bluetooth scanning permission and Native File System write permission
- // 'ask' takes the place of 'allow'.
- if (category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.BLUETOOTH_SCANNING ||
- category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.NATIVE_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE) {
- return true;
- }
- return this.isNonDefaultAsk_(setting, source);
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if the permission is set to a non-default 'ask'. Currently,
- * this only gets called when || is updated.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSetting} setting The setting of the permission.
- * @param {!settings.SiteSettingSource} source The source of the permission.
- * @private
- */
- isNonDefaultAsk_: function(setting, source) {
- if (setting != settings.ContentSetting.ASK ||
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.DEFAULT) {
- return false;
- }
- assert(
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.EXTENSION ||
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.POLICY ||
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.PREFERENCE,
- 'Only extensions, enterprise policy or preferences can change ' +
- 'the setting to ASK.');
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Updates the information string for the current permission.
- * Currently, this only gets called when || is updated.
- * @param {!settings.SiteSettingSource} source The source of the permission.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category The permission type.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSetting} setting The permission setting.
- * @param {?string} adsBlacklistString The string to show if the site is
- * blacklisted for showing bad ads.
- * @param {?string} adsBlockString The string to show if ads are blocked, but
- * the site is not blacklisted.
- * @param {?string} embargoString
- * @param {?string} insecureOriginString
- * @param {?string} killSwitchString
- * @param {?string} extensionAllowString
- * @param {?string} extensionBlockString
- * @param {?string} extensionAskString
- * @param {?string} policyAllowString
- * @param {?string} policyBlockString
- * @param {?string} policyAskString
- * @param {?string} drmDisabledString
- * @return {?string} The permission information string to display in the HTML.
- * @private
- */
- permissionInfoString_: function(
- source, category, setting, adsBlacklistString, adsBlockString,
- embargoString, insecureOriginString, killSwitchString,
- extensionAllowString, extensionBlockString, extensionAskString,
- policyAllowString, policyBlockString, policyAskString,
- drmDisabledString) {
- if (source == undefined || category == undefined || setting == undefined) {
- return null;
- }
- /** @type {Object<!settings.ContentSetting, ?string>} */
- const extensionStrings = {};
- extensionStrings[settings.ContentSetting.ALLOW] = extensionAllowString;
- extensionStrings[settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK] = extensionBlockString;
- extensionStrings[settings.ContentSetting.ASK] = extensionAskString;
- /** @type {Object<!settings.ContentSetting, ?string>} */
- const policyStrings = {};
- policyStrings[settings.ContentSetting.ALLOW] = policyAllowString;
- policyStrings[settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK] = policyBlockString;
- policyStrings[settings.ContentSetting.ASK] = policyAskString;
- if (source == settings.SiteSettingSource.ADS_FILTER_BLACKLIST) {
- assert(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.ADS == category,
- 'The ads filter blacklist only applies to Ads.');
- return adsBlacklistString;
- } else if (
- category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.ADS &&
- setting == settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK) {
- return adsBlockString;
- } else if (source == settings.SiteSettingSource.DRM_DISABLED) {
- assert(
- settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK == setting,
- 'If DRM is disabled, Protected Content must be blocked.');
- assert(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PROTECTED_CONTENT == category,
- 'The DRM disabled source only applies to Protected Content.');
- if (!drmDisabledString) {
- return null;
- }
- return loadTimeData.sanitizeInnerHtml(loadTimeData.substituteString(
- drmDisabledString,
- settings.routes.SITE_SETTINGS_PROTECTED_CONTENT.getAbsolutePath()));
- } else if (source == settings.SiteSettingSource.EMBARGO) {
- assert(
- settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK == setting,
- 'Embargo is only used to block permissions.');
- return embargoString;
- } else if (source == settings.SiteSettingSource.EXTENSION) {
- return extensionStrings[setting];
- } else if (source == settings.SiteSettingSource.INSECURE_ORIGIN) {
- assert(
- settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK == setting,
- 'Permissions can only be blocked due to insecure origins.');
- return insecureOriginString;
- } else if (source == settings.SiteSettingSource.KILL_SWITCH) {
- assert(
- settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK == setting,
- 'The permissions kill switch can only be used to block permissions.');
- return killSwitchString;
- } else if (source == settings.SiteSettingSource.POLICY) {
- return policyStrings[setting];
- } else if (
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.DEFAULT ||
- source == settings.SiteSettingSource.PREFERENCE) {
- return '';
- }
- assertNotReached(`No string for ${category} setting source '${source}'`);
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_entry.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_entry.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 49b87662716..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_entry.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_action_menu/cr_action_menu.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_lazy_render/cr_lazy_render.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/cr/ui/focus_row_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-collapse/iron-collapse.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../route.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../site_favicon.html">
-<link rel="import" href="local_data_browser_proxy.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<dom-module id="site-entry">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- .row-aligned {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- }
- #toggleButton {
- /** Use the minimum row height as the minimum click-target height. */
- min-height: var(--settings-row-min-height);
- }
- .site-representation {
- display: flex;
- }
- .second-line {
- margin-top: 0.1em;
- }
- /* Data units such as "0 KB" should always read left-to-right. */
- .data-unit {
- direction: ltr;
- unicode-bidi: isolate;
- }
- .list-frame {
- padding-inline-end: 0;
- }
- .spacing {
- padding-inline-start: 1ch;
- }
- </style>
- <div id="collapseParent" focus-row-container>
- <div class$="settings-box list-item [[getClassForIndex_(listIndex)]]">
- <div id="toggleButton" class="start row-aligned two-line"
- on-click="onSiteEntryTap_" actionable aria-expanded="false">
- <site-favicon url="[[getSiteGroupIcon_(siteGroup)]]"></site-favicon>
- <div class="middle text-elide" id="displayName">
- <div class="site-representation">
- <span class="url-directionality">[[displayName_]]</span>
- <span class="secondary"
- hidden$="[[!siteGroupScheme_(siteGroup)]]">
- &nbsp;$i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSiteRepresentationSeparator}&nbsp;
- </span>
- <span class="secondary"
- hidden$="[[!siteGroupScheme_(siteGroup)]]">
- [[siteGroupScheme_(siteGroup)]]
- </span>
- </div>
- <div class="second-line secondary">
- <span class="data-unit">[[overallUsageString_]]</span>
- <span id="cookies" hidden$="[[!siteGroup.numCookies]]">
- &middot; [[cookieString_]]
- </span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <cr-icon-button id="expandIcon" class="icon-expand-more"
- hidden$="[[!grouped_(siteGroup)]]" aria-label$="[[displayName_]]"
- aria-describedby="displayName" focus-row-control
- focus-type="expand"></cr-icon-button>
- <cr-icon-button class="subpage-arrow"
- hidden$="[[grouped_(siteGroup)]]" aria-label$="[[displayName_]]"
- aria-describedby="displayName"
- focus-row-control focus-type="show-detail"></cr-icon-button>
- </div>
- <div class="row-aligned" hidden$="[[!grouped_(siteGroup)]]">
- <div class="separator"></div>
- <cr-icon-button class="icon-more-vert" id="overflowMenuButton"
- title="$i18n{moreActions}" on-click="showOverflowMenu_"
- focus-row-control focus-type="more-actions"></cr-icon-button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <cr-lazy-render id="originList">
- <template>
- <iron-collapse id="collapseChild" no-animation>
- <div class="list-frame">
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[]]">
- <div class="settings-box list-item" on-click="onOriginTap_"
- actionable>
- <site-favicon url="[[item.origin]]"></site-favicon>
- <div class="site-representation middle text-elide">
- <span id="originSiteRepresentation"
- class="url-directionality">
- [[originRepresentation_(item)]]
- </span>
- <span class="secondary"
- hidden$="[[!originScheme_(item)]]">
- &nbsp;
- $i18nPolymer{siteSettingsSiteRepresentationSeparator}
- &nbsp;
- </span>
- <span class="secondary"
- hidden$="[[!originScheme_(item)]]">
- [[originScheme_(item)]]
- </span>
- <!--Define a spacing span so that when the direction is rtl,
- the spacing is still showing correctly. This is because the
- data-unit class is set to be ltr so the padding will be in
- wrong place if we put padding in that span.-->
- <span class="spacing" hidden$="[[!item.usage]]"></span>
- <span class="secondary data-unit" hidden$="[[!item.usage]]">
- [[originUsagesItem_(originUsages_.*, index)]]
- </span>
- <span class="secondary" hidden$="[[!item.numCookies]]">
- &nbsp;&middot;
- [[originCookiesItem_(cookiesNum_.*, index)]]
- </span>
- </div>
- <cr-icon-button class="subpage-arrow"
- aria-labelledby$="originSiteRepresentation"
- focus-row-control focus-type="detailed-sites">
- </cr-icon-button>
- </div>
- </template>
- </div>
- </iron-collapse>
- </template>
- </cr-lazy-render>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script src="site_entry.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_entry.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_entry.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ad60ba23464..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_entry.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'site-entry' is an element representing a single eTLD+1 site entity.
- */
- is: 'site-entry',
- behaviors: [SiteSettingsBehavior, cr.ui.FocusRowBehavior],
- properties: {
- /**
- * An object representing a group of sites with the same eTLD+1.
- * @type {!SiteGroup}
- */
- siteGroup: {
- type: Object,
- observer: 'onSiteGroupChanged_',
- },
- /**
- * The name to display beside the icon. If grouped_() is true, it will be
- * the eTLD+1 for all the origins, otherwise, it will return the host.
- * @private
- */
- displayName_: String,
- /**
- * The string to display when there is a non-zero number of cookies.
- * @private
- */
- cookieString_: String,
- /**
- * The position of this site-entry in its parent list.
- */
- listIndex: {
- type: Number,
- value: -1,
- },
- /**
- * The string to display showing the overall usage of this site-entry.
- * @private
- */
- overallUsageString_: String,
- /**
- * An array containing the strings to display showing the individual disk
- * usage for each origin in |siteGroup|.
- * @type {!Array<string>}
- * @private
- */
- originUsages_: {
- type: Array,
- value: function() {
- return [];
- },
- },
- /**
- * An array containing the strings to display showing the individual cookies
- * number for each origin in |siteGroup|.
- * @type {!Array<string>}
- * @private
- */
- cookiesNum_: {
- type: Array,
- value: function() {
- return [];
- },
- },
- /**
- * The selected sort method.
- * @type {!settings.SortMethod|undefined}
- */
- sortMethod: {type: String, observer: 'updateOrigins_'}
- },
- /** @private {?settings.LocalDataBrowserProxy} */
- localDataBrowserProxy_: null,
- /** @private {?Element} */
- button_: null,
- /** @override */
- created: function() {
- this.localDataBrowserProxy_ =
- settings.LocalDataBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- },
- /** @override */
- detached: function() {
- if (this.button_) {
- this.unlisten(this.button_, 'keydown', 'onButtonKeydown_');
- }
- },
- /** @param {!KeyboardEvent} e */
- onButtonKeydown_: function(e) {
- if (e.shiftKey && e.key === 'Tab') {
- this.focus();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Whether the list of origins displayed in this site-entry is a group of
- * eTLD+1 origins or not.
- * @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- grouped_: function(siteGroup) {
- if (!siteGroup) {
- return false;
- }
- if ( > 1 ||
- siteGroup.numCookies >[0].numCookies) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Returns a user-friendly name for the siteGroup.
- * If grouped_() is true and eTLD+1 is available, returns the eTLD+1,
- * otherwise return the origin representation for the first origin.
- * @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
- * @return {string} The user-friendly name.
- * @private
- */
- siteGroupRepresentation_: function(siteGroup) {
- if (!siteGroup) {
- return '';
- }
- if (this.grouped_(siteGroup)) {
- if (siteGroup.etldPlus1 != '') {
- return siteGroup.etldPlus1;
- }
- // Fall back onto using the host of the first origin, if no eTLD+1 name
- // was computed.
- }
- return this.originRepresentation_([0]);
- },
- /**
- * Returns a user-friendly name for the origin.
- * @param {OriginInfo} origin
- * @return {string} The user-friendly name.
- * @private
- */
- originRepresentation_(origin) {
- const url = this.toUrl(origin.origin);
- return;
- },
- /**
- * @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
- * @private
- */
- onSiteGroupChanged_: function(siteGroup) {
- // Update the button listener.
- if (this.button_) {
- this.unlisten(this.button_, 'keydown', 'onButtonKeydown_');
- }
- this.button_ = /** @type Element */
- (this.root.querySelector('#toggleButton *:not([hidden])'));
- this.listen(assert(this.button_), 'keydown', 'onButtonKeydown_');
- if (!this.grouped_(siteGroup)) {
- // Ensure ungrouped |siteGroup|s do not get stuck in an opened state.
- const collapseChild = this.$.originList.getIfExists();
- if (collapseChild && collapseChild.opened) {
- this.toggleCollapsible_();
- }
- }
- if (!siteGroup) {
- return;
- }
- this.calculateUsageInfo_(siteGroup);
- this.getCookieNumString_(siteGroup.numCookies).then(string => {
- this.cookieString_ = string;
- });
- this.updateOrigins_(this.sortMethod);
- this.displayName_ = this.siteGroupRepresentation_(siteGroup);
- },
- /**
- * Returns any non-HTTPS scheme/protocol for the siteGroup that only contains
- * one origin. Otherwise, returns a empty string.
- * @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
- * @return {string} The scheme if non-HTTPS, or empty string if HTTPS.
- * @private
- */
- siteGroupScheme_: function(siteGroup) {
- if (!siteGroup || (this.grouped_(siteGroup))) {
- return '';
- }
- return this.originScheme_([0]);
- },
- /**
- * Returns any non-HTTPS scheme/protocol for the origin. Otherwise, returns
- * an empty string.
- * @param {OriginInfo} origin
- * @return {string} The scheme if non-HTTPS, or empty string if HTTPS.
- * @private
- */
- originScheme_: function(origin) {
- const url = this.toUrl(origin.origin);
- const scheme = url.protocol.replace(new RegExp(':*$'), '');
- /** @type{string} */ const HTTPS_SCHEME = 'https';
- if (scheme == HTTPS_SCHEME) {
- return '';
- }
- return scheme;
- },
- /**
- * Get an appropriate favicon that represents this group of eTLD+1 sites as a
- * whole.
- * @param {!SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
- * @return {string} URL that is used for fetching the favicon
- * @private
- */
- getSiteGroupIcon_: function(siteGroup) {
- const origins =;
- assert(origins);
- assert(origins.length >= 1);
- if (origins.length == 1) {
- return origins[0].origin;
- }
- // If we can find a origin with format "www.etld+1", use the favicon of this
- // origin. Otherwise find the origin with largest storage, and use the
- // number of cookies as a tie breaker.
- for (const originInfo of origins) {
- if (this.toUrl(originInfo.origin).host == 'www.' + siteGroup.etldPlus1) {
- return originInfo.origin;
- }
- }
- const getMaxStorage = (max, originInfo) => {
- return (
- max.usage > originInfo.usage ||
- (max.usage == originInfo.usage &&
- max.numCookies > originInfo.numCookies) ?
- max :
- originInfo);
- };
- return origins.reduce(getMaxStorage, origins[0]).origin;
- },
- /**
- * Calculates the amount of disk storage used by the given eTLD+1.
- * Also updates the corresponding display strings.
- * @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
- * @private
- */
- calculateUsageInfo_: function(siteGroup) {
- let overallUsage = 0;
-, i) => {
- overallUsage += originInfo.usage;
- });
- this.browserProxy.getFormattedBytes(overallUsage).then(string => {
- this.overallUsageString_ = string;
- });
- },
- /**
- * Get display string for number of cookies.
- * @param {number} numCookies
- * @private
- */
- getCookieNumString_: function(numCookies) {
- if (numCookies == 0) {
- return Promise.resolve('');
- }
- return this.localDataBrowserProxy_.getNumCookiesString(numCookies);
- },
- /**
- * Array binding for the |originUsages_| array for use in the HTML.
- * @param {!{base: !Array<string>}} change The change record for the array.
- * @param {number} index The index of the array item.
- * @return {string}
- * @private
- */
- originUsagesItem_: function(change, index) {
- return change.base[index];
- },
- /**
- * Array binding for the |cookiesNum_| array for use in the HTML.
- * @param {!{base: !Array<string>}} change The change record for the array.
- * @param {number} index The index of the array item.
- * @return {string}
- * @private
- */
- originCookiesItem_: function(change, index) {
- return change.base[index];
- },
- /**
- * Navigates to the corresponding Site Details page for the given origin.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to navigate to the Site Details page for
- * it.
- * @private
- */
- navigateToSiteDetails_: function(origin) {
- 'site-entry-selected', {item: this.siteGroup, index: this.listIndex});
- settings.navigateTo(
- new URLSearchParams('site=' + origin));
- },
- /**
- * A handler for selecting a site (by clicking on the origin).
- * @param {!{model: !{index: !number}}} e
- * @private
- */
- onOriginTap_: function(e) {
- this.navigateToSiteDetails_([e.model.index].origin);
- this.browserProxy.recordAction(settings.AllSitesAction.ENTER_SITE_DETAILS);
- },
- /**
- * A handler for clicking on a site-entry heading. This will either show a
- * list of origins or directly navigates to Site Details if there is only one.
- * @private
- */
- onSiteEntryTap_: function() {
- // Individual origins don't expand - just go straight to Site Details.
- if (!this.grouped_(this.siteGroup)) {
- this.navigateToSiteDetails_([0].origin);
- this.browserProxy.recordAction(
- settings.AllSitesAction.ENTER_SITE_DETAILS);
- return;
- }
- this.toggleCollapsible_();
- // Make sure the expanded origins can be viewed without further scrolling
- // (in case |this| is already at the bottom of the viewport).
- this.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();
- },
- /**
- * Toggles open and closed the list of origins if there is more than one.
- * @private
- */
- toggleCollapsible_: function() {
- const collapseChild =
- /** @type {IronCollapseElement} */ (this.$.originList.get());
- collapseChild.toggle();
- this.$.toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', collapseChild.opened);
- this.$.expandIcon.toggleClass('icon-expand-more');
- this.$.expandIcon.toggleClass('icon-expand-less');
- },
- /**
- * Fires a custom event when the menu button is clicked. Sends the details
- * of the site entry item and where the menu should appear.
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- showOverflowMenu_: function(e) {
-'open-menu', {
- target:,
- index: this.listIndex,
- item: this.siteGroup,
- });
- },
- /**
- * Returns a valid index for an origin contained in || by
- * clamping the given |index|. This also replaces undefined |index|es with 0.
- * Use this to prevent being given out-of-bounds indexes by dom-repeat when
- * scrolling an iron-list storing these site-entries too quickly.
- * @param {!number=} index
- * @return {number}
- * @private
- */
- getIndexBoundToOriginList_: function(siteGroup, index) {
- return Math.max(0, Math.min(index, - 1));
- },
- /**
- * Returns the correct class to apply depending on this site-entry's position
- * in a list.
- * @param {number} index
- * @private
- */
- getClassForIndex_: function(index) {
- if (index == 0) {
- return 'first';
- }
- return '';
- },
- /**
- * Update the order and data display text for origins.
- * @param {!settings.SortMethod|undefined} sortMethod
- * @private
- */
- updateOrigins_: function(sortMethod) {
- if (!sortMethod || !this.siteGroup || !this.grouped_(this.siteGroup)) {
- return null;
- }
- const origins =;
- origins.sort(this.sortFunction_(sortMethod));
- this.set('', origins);
- this.originUsages_ = new Array(origins.length);
- origins.forEach((originInfo, i) => {
- this.browserProxy.getFormattedBytes(originInfo.usage).then((string) => {
- this.set(`originUsages_.${i}`, string);
- });
- });
- this.cookiesNum_ = new Array(;
- origins.forEach((originInfo, i) => {
- this.getCookieNumString_(originInfo.numCookies).then((string) => {
- this.set(`cookiesNum_.${i}`, string);
- });
- });
- },
- /**
- * Sort functions for sorting origins based on selected method.
- * @param {!settings.SortMethod|undefined} sortMethod
- * @private
- */
- sortFunction_: function(sortMethod) {
- if (sortMethod == settings.SortMethod.MOST_VISITED) {
- return (origin1, origin2) => {
- return origin2.engagement - origin1.engagement;
- };
- } else if (sortMethod == settings.SortMethod.STORAGE) {
- return (origin1, origin2) => {
- return origin2.usage - origin1.usage ||
- origin2.numCookies - origin1.numCookies;
- };
- } else if (sortMethod == settings.SortMethod.NAME) {
- return (origin1, origin2) => {
- return origin1.origin.localeCompare(origin2.origin);
- };
- }
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list.html
deleted file mode 100644
index de095c0574e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/assert.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/cr/ui/focus_without_ink.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_action_menu/cr_action_menu.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/policy/cr_policy_pref_indicator.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/shared_vars_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/list_property_update_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-list/iron-list.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/paper-tooltip/paper-tooltip.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../i18n_setup.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="add_site_dialog.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="edit_exception_dialog.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_list_entry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<if expr="chromeos">
- <link rel="import" href="../multidevice_page/multidevice_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="site-list">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- paper-tooltip {
- --paper-tooltip: var(--cr-tooltip);
- }
- </style>
- <div id="category">
- <div class="settings-box first">
- <h2 class="start">[[categoryHeader]]</h2>
- <cr-button id="addSite" class="header-aligned-button"
- hidden$="[[!showAddSiteButton_]]" on-click="onAddSiteTap_">
- $i18n{add}
- </cr-button>
- </div>
- <cr-action-menu>
- <button class="dropdown-item" id="allow"
- on-click="onAllowTap_" hidden$="[[!showAllowAction_]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsActionAllow}
- </button>
- <button class="dropdown-item" id="block"
- on-click="onBlockTap_" hidden$="[[!showBlockAction_]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsActionBlock}
- </button>
- <button class="dropdown-item" id="sessionOnly"
- on-click="onSessionOnlyTap_"
- hidden$="[[!showSessionOnlyActionForSite_(actionMenuSite_)]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsActionSessionOnly}
- </button>
- <button class="dropdown-item" id="edit"
- on-click="onEditTap_">
- $i18n{edit}
- </button>
- <button class="dropdown-item" id="reset"
- on-click="onResetTap_">
- $i18n{siteSettingsActionReset}
- </button>
- </cr-action-menu>
- <div class="list-frame" hidden$="[[hasSites_(sites.*)]]">
- <div class="list-item secondary">$i18n{noSitesAdded}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="list-frame"
- hidden$="[[!showNoSearchResults_(searchFilter, sites.*)]]">
- <div class="list-item secondary">$i18n{searchNoResults}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="list-frame menu-content vertical-list" id="listContainer">
- <iron-list items="[[getFilteredSites_(searchFilter, sites.*)]]"
- preserve-focus risk-selection>
- <template>
- <site-list-entry model="[[item]]" read-only-list="[[readOnlyList]]"
- on-show-action-menu="onShowActionMenu_" tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]"
- first$="[[!index]]" iron-list-tab-index="[[tabIndex]]"
- last-focused="{{lastFocused_}}" list-blurred="{{listBlurred_}}"
- on-show-tooltip="onShowTooltip_">
- </site-list-entry>
- </template>
- </iron-list>
- </div>
- </div>
- <paper-tooltip id="tooltip" fit-to-visible-bounds manual-mode
- position="top">
- [[tooltipText_]]
- </paper-tooltip>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[showEditExceptionDialog_]]" restamp>
- <settings-edit-exception-dialog model="[[actionMenuSite_]]"
- on-close="onEditExceptionDialogClosed_">
- </settings-edit-exception-dialog>
- </template>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[showAddSiteDialog_]]" restamp>
- <add-site-dialog has-incognito="[[hasIncognito_]]" category="[[category]]"
- content-setting="[[categorySubtype]]"
- on-close="onAddSiteDialogClosed_">
- </add-site-dialog>
- </template>
- </template>
- <script src="site_list.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bdc541bd8a9..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'site-list' shows a list of Allowed and Blocked sites for a given
- * category.
- */
- is: 'site-list',
- behaviors: [
- SiteSettingsBehavior,
- WebUIListenerBehavior,
- ListPropertyUpdateBehavior,
- ],
- properties: {
- /**
- * Some content types (like Location) do not allow the user to manually
- * edit the exception list from within Settings.
- * @private
- */
- readOnlyList: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: false,
- },
- categoryHeader: String,
- /**
- * The site serving as the model for the currently open action menu.
- * @private {?SiteException}
- */
- actionMenuSite_: Object,
- /**
- * Whether the "edit exception" dialog should be shown.
- * @private
- */
- showEditExceptionDialog_: Boolean,
- /**
- * Array of sites to display in the widget.
- * @type {!Array<SiteException>}
- */
- sites: {
- type: Array,
- value: function() {
- return [];
- },
- },
- /**
- * The type of category this widget is displaying data for. Normally
- * either 'allow' or 'block', representing which sites are allowed or
- * blocked respectively.
- */
- categorySubtype: {
- type: String,
- },
- /** @private */
- hasIncognito_: Boolean,
- /**
- * Whether to show the Add button next to the header.
- * @private
- */
- showAddSiteButton_: {
- type: Boolean,
- computed: 'computeShowAddSiteButton_(readOnlyList, category, ' +
- 'categorySubtype)',
- },
- /** @private */
- showAddSiteDialog_: Boolean,
- /**
- * Whether to show the Allow action in the action menu.
- * @private
- */
- showAllowAction_: Boolean,
- /**
- * Whether to show the Block action in the action menu.
- * @private
- */
- showBlockAction_: Boolean,
- /**
- * Whether to show the 'Clear on exit' action in the action
- * menu.
- * @private
- */
- showSessionOnlyAction_: Boolean,
- /**
- * All possible actions in the action menu.
- * @private
- */
- actions_: {
- readOnly: true,
- type: Object,
- values: {
- ALLOW: 'Allow',
- BLOCK: 'Block',
- RESET: 'Reset',
- SESSION_ONLY: 'SessionOnly',
- }
- },
- /** @private */
- lastFocused_: Object,
- /** @private */
- listBlurred_: Boolean,
- /** @private */
- tooltipText_: String,
- searchFilter: String,
- },
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /**
- * Android messages info object containing messages feature state and
- * exception origin.
- * @private {?settings.AndroidSmsInfo}
- */
- androidSmsInfo_: null,
- // </if>
- /**
- * The element to return focus to, when the currently active dialog is closed.
- * @private {?HTMLElement}
- */
- activeDialogAnchor_: null,
- observers: ['configureWidget_(category, categorySubtype)'],
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'contentSettingSitePermissionChanged',
- this.siteWithinCategoryChanged_.bind(this));
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'onIncognitoStatusChanged', this.onIncognitoStatusChanged_.bind(this));
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- this.addWebUIListener('settings.onAndroidSmsInfoChange', (info) => {
- this.androidSmsInfo_ = info;
- this.populateList_();
- });
- // </if>
- this.browserProxy.updateIncognitoStatus();
- },
- /**
- * Called when a site changes permission.
- * @param {string} category The category of the site that changed.
- * @param {string} site The site that changed.
- * @private
- */
- siteWithinCategoryChanged_: function(category, site) {
- if (category == this.category) {
- this.configureWidget_();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Called for each site list when incognito is enabled or disabled. Only
- * called on change (opening N incognito windows only fires one message).
- * Another message is sent when the *last* incognito window closes.
- * @private
- */
- onIncognitoStatusChanged_: function(hasIncognito) {
- this.hasIncognito_ = hasIncognito;
- // The SESSION_ONLY list won't have any incognito exceptions. (Minor
- // optimization, not required).
- if (this.categorySubtype == settings.ContentSetting.SESSION_ONLY) {
- return;
- }
- // A change notification is not sent for each site. So we repopulate the
- // whole list when the incognito profile is created or destroyed.
- this.populateList_();
- },
- /**
- * Configures the action menu, visibility of the widget and shows the list.
- * @private
- */
- configureWidget_: function() {
- if (this.category == undefined) {
- return;
- }
- // The observer for All Sites fires before the attached/ready event, so
- // initialize this here.
- if (this.browserProxy_ === undefined) {
- this.browserProxy_ =
- settings.SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- }
- this.setUpActionMenu_();
- // <if expr="not chromeos">
- this.populateList_();
- // </if>
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- this.updateAndroidSmsInfo_().then(this.populateList_.bind(this));
- // </if>
- // The Session permissions are only for cookies.
- if (this.categorySubtype == settings.ContentSetting.SESSION_ONLY) {
- this.$.category.hidden =
- this.category != settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Whether there are any site exceptions added for this content setting.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- hasSites_: function() {
- return this.sites.length > 0;
- },
- /**
- * Whether the Add Site button is shown in the header for the current category
- * and category subtype.
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- computeShowAddSiteButton_: function() {
- return !(
- this.readOnlyList ||
- (this.category ==
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.NATIVE_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE &&
- this.categorySubtype == settings.ContentSetting.ALLOW));
- },
- /**
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- showNoSearchResults_: function() {
- return this.sites.length > 0 && this.getFilteredSites_().length == 0;
- },
- /**
- * A handler for the Add Site button.
- * @private
- */
- onAddSiteTap_: function() {
- assert(!this.readOnlyList);
- this.showAddSiteDialog_ = true;
- },
- /** @private */
- onAddSiteDialogClosed_: function() {
- this.showAddSiteDialog_ = false;
- cr.ui.focusWithoutInk(assert(this.$.addSite));
- },
- /**
- * Need to use common tooltip since the tooltip in the entry is cut off from
- * the iron-list.
- * @param {!CustomEvent<!{target: HTMLElement, text: string}>} e
- * @private
- */
- onShowTooltip_: function(e) {
- this.tooltipText_ = e.detail.text;
- const target =;
- // paper-tooltip normally determines the target from the |for| property,
- // which is a selector. Here paper-tooltip is being reused by multiple
- // potential targets.
- const tooltip = this.$.tooltip;
- = target;
- /** @type {{updatePosition: Function}} */ (tooltip).updatePosition();
- const hide = () => {
- this.$.tooltip.hide();
- target.removeEventListener('mouseleave', hide);
- target.removeEventListener('blur', hide);
- target.removeEventListener('tap', hide);
- this.$.tooltip.removeEventListener('mouseenter', hide);
- };
- target.addEventListener('mouseleave', hide);
- target.addEventListener('blur', hide);
- target.addEventListener('tap', hide);
- this.$.tooltip.addEventListener('mouseenter', hide);
- this.$;
- },
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /**
- * Load android sms info if required and sets it to the |androidSmsInfo_|
- * property. Returns a promise that resolves when load is complete.
- * @private
- */
- updateAndroidSmsInfo_: function() {
- // |androidSmsInfo_| is only relevant for NOTIFICATIONS category. Don't
- // bother fetching it for other categories.
- if (this.category === settings.ContentSettingsTypes.NOTIFICATIONS &&
- loadTimeData.valueExists('multideviceAllowedByPolicy') &&
- loadTimeData.getBoolean('multideviceAllowedByPolicy') &&
- !this.androidSmsInfo_) {
- const multideviceSetupProxy =
- settings.MultiDeviceBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- return multideviceSetupProxy.getAndroidSmsInfo().then((info) => {
- this.androidSmsInfo_ = info;
- });
- }
- return Promise.resolve();
- },
- /**
- * Processes exceptions and adds showAndroidSmsNote field to
- * the required exception item.
- * @private
- */
- processExceptionsForAndroidSmsInfo_: function(sites) {
- if (!this.androidSmsInfo_ || !this.androidSmsInfo_.enabled) {
- return sites;
- }
- return => {
- if (site.origin === this.androidSmsInfo_.origin) {
- return Object.assign({showAndroidSmsNote: true}, site);
- } else {
- return site;
- }
- });
- },
- // </if>
- /**
- * Populate the sites list for display.
- * @private
- */
- populateList_: function() {
- this.browserProxy_.getExceptionList(this.category).then(exceptionList => {
- this.processExceptions_(exceptionList);
- this.closeActionMenu_();
- });
- },
- /**
- * Process the exception list returned from the native layer.
- * @param {!Array<RawSiteException>} exceptionList
- * @private
- */
- processExceptions_: function(exceptionList) {
- let sites =
- exceptionList
- .filter(
- site => site.setting != settings.ContentSetting.DEFAULT &&
- site.setting == this.categorySubtype)
- .map(site => this.expandSiteException(site));
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- sites = this.processExceptionsForAndroidSmsInfo_(sites);
- // </if>
- this.updateList('sites', x => x.origin, sites);
- },
- /**
- * Set up the values to use for the action menu.
- * @private
- */
- setUpActionMenu_: function() {
- this.showAllowAction_ =
- this.categorySubtype != settings.ContentSetting.ALLOW;
- this.showBlockAction_ =
- this.categorySubtype != settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK;
- this.showSessionOnlyAction_ =
- this.categorySubtype != settings.ContentSetting.SESSION_ONLY &&
- this.category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES;
- },
- /**
- * @return {boolean} Whether to show the "Session Only" menu item for the
- * currently active site.
- * @private
- */
- showSessionOnlyActionForSite_: function() {
- // It makes no sense to show "clear on exit" for exceptions that only apply
- // to incognito. It gives the impression that they might under some
- // circumstances not be cleared on exit, which isn't true.
- if (!this.actionMenuSite_ || this.actionMenuSite_.incognito) {
- return false;
- }
- return this.showSessionOnlyAction_;
- },
- /**
- * @param {!settings.ContentSetting} contentSetting
- * @private
- */
- setContentSettingForActionMenuSite_: function(contentSetting) {
- assert(this.actionMenuSite_);
- this.browserProxy.setCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- this.actionMenuSite_.origin, this.actionMenuSite_.embeddingOrigin,
- this.category, contentSetting, this.actionMenuSite_.incognito);
- },
- /** @private */
- onAllowTap_: function() {
- this.setContentSettingForActionMenuSite_(settings.ContentSetting.ALLOW);
- this.closeActionMenu_();
- },
- /** @private */
- onBlockTap_: function() {
- this.setContentSettingForActionMenuSite_(settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK);
- this.closeActionMenu_();
- },
- /** @private */
- onSessionOnlyTap_: function() {
- this.setContentSettingForActionMenuSite_(
- settings.ContentSetting.SESSION_ONLY);
- this.closeActionMenu_();
- },
- /** @private */
- onEditTap_: function() {
- // Close action menu without resetting |this.actionMenuSite_| since it is
- // bound to the dialog.
- /** @type {!CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$$('cr-action-menu')).close();
- this.showEditExceptionDialog_ = true;
- },
- /** @private */
- onEditExceptionDialogClosed_: function() {
- this.showEditExceptionDialog_ = false;
- this.actionMenuSite_ = null;
- if (this.activeDialogAnchor_) {
- this.activeDialogAnchor_.focus();
- this.activeDialogAnchor_ = null;
- }
- },
- /** @private */
- onResetTap_: function() {
- const site = this.actionMenuSite_;
- assert(site);
- this.browserProxy.resetCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- site.origin, site.embeddingOrigin, this.category, site.incognito);
- this.closeActionMenu_();
- },
- /**
- * @param {!Event} e
- * @private
- */
- onShowActionMenu_: function(e) {
- this.activeDialogAnchor_ = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (e.detail.anchor);
- this.actionMenuSite_ = e.detail.model;
- /** @type {!CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$$('cr-action-menu'))
- .showAt(this.activeDialogAnchor_);
- },
- /** @private */
- closeActionMenu_: function() {
- this.actionMenuSite_ = null;
- this.activeDialogAnchor_ = null;
- const actionMenu =
- /** @type {!CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$$('cr-action-menu'));
- if ( {
- actionMenu.close();
- }
- },
- /**
- * @return {!Array<!SiteException>}
- * @private
- */
- getFilteredSites_: function() {
- if (!this.searchFilter) {
- return this.sites.slice();
- }
- const propNames = [
- 'displayName',
- 'origin',
- ];
- const searchFilter = this.searchFilter.toLowerCase();
- return this.sites.filter(
- site => propNames.some(
- propName => site[propName].toLowerCase().includes(searchFilter)));
- },
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list_entry.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list_entry.html
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index da644580de1..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list_entry.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/policy/cr_policy_pref_indicator.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/cr/ui/focus_row_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/v1_0/iron-icon/iron-icon.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../i18n_setup.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../route.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../site_favicon.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="site-list-entry">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- :host {
- padding-inline-end: 4px;
- }
- .settings-row {
- flex: 1
- }
- /* Tooltip is hidden since site-list will display a common tooltip. */
- cr-policy-pref-indicator::part(tooltip) {
- display: none;
- }
- </style>
- <div class="list-item" focus-row-container>
- <div class="settings-row"
- actionable$="[[allowNavigateToSiteDetail_]]" on-click="onOriginTap_">
- <site-favicon url="[[model.origin]]"></site-favicon>
- <div class="middle no-min-width">
- <div class="text-elide">
- <span class="url-directionality">[[computeDisplayName_(model)]]
- </span>
- </div>
- <!-- This div must not contain extra whitespace. -->
- <div class="secondary text-elide"
- id="siteDescription">[[computeSiteDescription_(model)]]</div>
- </div>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[allowNavigateToSiteDetail_]]">
- <cr-icon-button class="subpage-arrow"
- aria-label$="[[computeDisplayName_(model)]]"
- aria-describedby="siteDescription" focus-row-control
- focus-type="site-details"></cr-icon-button>
- <div class="separator"></div>
- </template>
- </div>
- <template is="dom-if" if="[[showPolicyPrefIndicator_]]">
- <cr-policy-pref-indicator pref="[[model]]"
- icon-aria-label="[[label]]" on-mouseenter="onShowTooltip_"
- on-focus="onShowTooltip_" focus-row-control focus-type="policy">
- </cr-policy-pref-indicator>
- </template>
- <cr-icon-button id="resetSite" class="icon-delete-gray"
- hidden="[[shouldHideResetButton_(model, readOnlyList)]]"
- on-click="onResetButtonTap_"
- aria-label="$i18n{siteSettingsActionReset}" focus-row-control
- focus-type="reset"></cr-icon-button>
- <cr-icon-button id="actionMenuButton" class="icon-more-vert"
- hidden="[[shouldHideActionMenu_(model, readOnlyList)]]"
- on-click="onShowActionMenuTap_" title="$i18n{moreActions}"
- focus-row-control focus-type="menu"></cr-icon-button>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script src="site_list_entry.js"></script>
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--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_list_entry.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'site-list-entry' shows an Allowed and Blocked site for a given category.
- */
- is: 'site-list-entry',
- behaviors: [
- SiteSettingsBehavior,
- cr.ui.FocusRowBehavior,
- ],
- properties: {
- /**
- * Some content types (like Location) do not allow the user to manually
- * edit the exception list from within Settings.
- * @private
- */
- readOnlyList: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: false,
- },
- /**
- * Site to display in the widget.
- * @type {!SiteException}
- */
- model: {
- type: Object,
- observer: 'onModelChanged_',
- },
- /**
- * If the site represented is part of a chooser exception, the chooser type
- * will be stored here to allow the permission to be manipulated.
- * @private {!settings.ChooserType}
- */
- chooserType: {
- type: String,
- value: settings.ChooserType.NONE,
- },
- /**
- * If the site represented is part of a chooser exception, the chooser
- * object will be stored here to allow the permission to be manipulated.
- * @private
- */
- chooserObject: {
- type: Object,
- value: null,
- },
- /** @private */
- showPolicyPrefIndicator_: {
- type: Boolean,
- computed: 'computeShowPolicyPrefIndicator_(model)',
- },
- /** @private */
- allowNavigateToSiteDetail_: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: false,
- },
- },
- /** @private */
- onShowTooltip_: function() {
- const indicator = assert(this.$$('cr-policy-pref-indicator'));
- // The tooltip text is used by an paper-tooltip contained inside the
- // cr-policy-pref-indicator. The text is currently held in a private
- // property. This text is needed here to send up to the common tooltip
- // component.
- const text = indicator.indicatorTooltip_;
-'show-tooltip', {target: indicator, text});
- },
- /**
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- shouldHideResetButton_: function() {
- if (this.model === undefined) {
- return false;
- }
- return this.model.enforcement ==
- chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED ||
- !(this.readOnlyList || !!this.model.embeddingOrigin);
- },
- /**
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- shouldHideActionMenu_: function() {
- if (this.model === undefined) {
- return false;
- }
- return this.model.enforcement ==
- chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED ||
- this.readOnlyList || !!this.model.embeddingOrigin;
- },
- /**
- * A handler for selecting a site (by clicking on the origin).
- * @private
- */
- onOriginTap_: function() {
- if (!this.allowNavigateToSiteDetail_) {
- return;
- }
- settings.navigateTo(
- new URLSearchParams('site=' + this.model.origin));
- },
- /**
- * Returns the appropriate display name to show for the exception.
- * This can, for example, be the website that is affected itself,
- * or the website whose third parties are also affected.
- * @return {string}
- */
- computeDisplayName_: function() {
- if (this.model.embeddingOrigin &&
- this.model.category === settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES &&
- this.model.origin.trim() == settings.SITE_EXCEPTION_WILDCARD) {
- return this.model.embeddingOrigin;
- }
- return this.model.displayName;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the appropriate site description to display. This can, for example,
- * be blank, an 'embedded on <site>' or 'Current incognito session' (or a
- * mix of the last two).
- * @return {string}
- */
- computeSiteDescription_: function() {
- let description = '';
- if (this.model.embeddingOrigin) {
- if (this.model.category === settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES &&
- this.model.origin.trim() == settings.SITE_EXCEPTION_WILDCARD) {
- description =
- loadTimeData.getString(
- 'siteSettingsCookiesThirdPartyExceptionLabel');
- } else {
- description = loadTimeData.getStringF(
- 'embeddedOnHost', this.sanitizePort(this.model.embeddingOrigin));
- }
- } else if (this.category == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.GEOLOCATION) {
- description = loadTimeData.getString('embeddedOnAnyHost');
- }
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- if (this.model.category === settings.ContentSettingsTypes.NOTIFICATIONS &&
- this.model.showAndroidSmsNote) {
- description = loadTimeData.getString('androidSmsNote');
- }
- // </if>
- if (this.model.incognito) {
- if (description.length > 0) {
- description =
- loadTimeData.getStringF('embeddedIncognitoSite', description);
- } else {
- description = loadTimeData.getString('incognitoSite');
- }
- }
- return description;
- },
- /**
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- computeShowPolicyPrefIndicator_: function() {
- return this.model.enforcement ==
- chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED &&
- !!this.model.controlledBy;
- },
- /** @private */
- onResetButtonTap_: function() {
- // Use the appropriate method to reset a chooser exception.
- if (this.chooserType !== settings.ChooserType.NONE &&
- this.chooserObject != null) {
- this.browserProxy.resetChooserExceptionForSite(
- this.chooserType, this.model.origin, this.model.embeddingOrigin,
- this.chooserObject);
- return;
- }
- this.browserProxy.resetCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- this.model.origin, this.model.embeddingOrigin, this.model.category,
- this.model.incognito);
- },
- /** @private */
- onShowActionMenuTap_: function() {
- // Chooser exceptions do not support the action menu, so do nothing.
- if (this.chooserType !== settings.ChooserType.NONE) {
- return;
- }
- 'show-action-menu',
- {anchor: this.$.actionMenuButton, model: this.model});
- },
- /** @private */
- onModelChanged_: function() {
- if (!this.model) {
- this.allowNavigateToSiteDetail_ = false;
- return;
- }
- this.browserProxy.isOriginValid(this.model.origin).then((valid) => {
- this.allowNavigateToSiteDetail_ = valid;
- });
- }
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_behavior.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_behavior.html
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--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_behavior.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="../i18n_setup.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../route.html">
-<link rel="import" href="constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/assert.html">
-<script src="site_settings_behavior.js"></script>
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--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_behavior.js
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@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview Behavior common to Site Settings classes.
- */
- * The source information on site exceptions doesn't exactly match the
- * controlledBy values.
- * TODO(dschuyler): Can they be unified (and this dictionary removed)?
- * @type {!Object}
- */
-const kControlledByLookup = {
- 'extension': chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.EXTENSION,
- 'HostedApp': chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.EXTENSION,
- 'platform_app': chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.EXTENSION,
- 'policy': chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.USER_POLICY,
-/** @polymerBehavior */
-const SiteSettingsBehaviorImpl = {
- properties: {
- /**
- * The string ID of the category this element is displaying data for.
- * See site_settings/constants.js for possible values.
- * @type {!settings.ContentSettingsTypes}
- */
- category: String,
- /**
- * A cached list of ContentSettingsTypes with a standard allow-block-ask
- * pattern that are currently enabled for use. This property is the same
- * across all elements with SiteSettingsBehavior ('static').
- * @type {Array<settings.ContentSettingsTypes>}
- * @private
- */
- contentTypes_: {
- type: Array,
- value: [],
- },
- /**
- * The browser proxy used to retrieve and change information about site
- * settings categories and the sites within.
- * @type {settings.SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy}
- */
- browserProxy: Object,
- },
- /** @override */
- created: function() {
- this.browserProxy =
- settings.SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
- },
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.ContentSetting = settings.ContentSetting;
- },
- /**
- * Ensures the URL has a scheme (assumes http if omitted).
- * @param {string} url The URL with or without a scheme.
- * @return {string} The URL with a scheme, or an empty string.
- */
- ensureUrlHasScheme: function(url) {
- if (url.length == 0) {
- return url;
- }
- return url.includes('://') ? url : 'http://' + url;
- },
- /**
- * Removes redundant ports, such as port 80 for http and 443 for https.
- * @param {string} url The URL to sanitize.
- * @return {string} The URL without redundant ports, if any.
- */
- sanitizePort: function(url) {
- const urlWithScheme = this.ensureUrlHasScheme(url);
- if (urlWithScheme.startsWith('https://') &&
- urlWithScheme.endsWith(':443')) {
- return url.slice(0, -4);
- }
- if (urlWithScheme.startsWith('http://') && urlWithScheme.endsWith(':80')) {
- return url.slice(0, -3);
- }
- return url;
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if the passed content setting is considered 'enabled'.
- * @param {string} setting
- * @return {boolean}
- * @protected
- */
- computeIsSettingEnabled: function(setting) {
- return setting != settings.ContentSetting.BLOCK;
- },
- /**
- * Converts a string origin/pattern to a URL.
- * @param {string} originOrPattern The origin/pattern to convert to URL.
- * @return {URL} The URL to return (or null if origin is not a valid URL).
- * @protected
- */
- toUrl: function(originOrPattern) {
- if (originOrPattern.length == 0) {
- return null;
- }
- // TODO(finnur): Hmm, it would probably be better to ensure scheme on the
- // JS/C++ boundary.
- // TODO(dschuyler): I agree. This filtering should be done in one go, rather
- // that during the sort. The URL generation should be wrapped in a try/catch
- // as well.
- originOrPattern = originOrPattern.replace('*://', '');
- originOrPattern = originOrPattern.replace('[*.]', '');
- return new URL(this.ensureUrlHasScheme(originOrPattern));
- },
- /**
- * Convert an exception (received from the C++ handler) to a full
- * SiteException.
- * @param {!RawSiteException} exception The raw site exception from C++.
- * @return {!SiteException} The expanded (full) SiteException.
- * @protected
- */
- expandSiteException: function(exception) {
- const origin = exception.origin;
- const embeddingOrigin = exception.embeddingOrigin;
- // TODO(patricialor): |exception.source| should be one of the values defined
- // in |settings.SiteSettingSource|.
- let enforcement = /** @type {?chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement} */ (null);
- if (exception.source == 'extension' || exception.source == 'HostedApp' ||
- exception.source == 'platform_app' || exception.source == 'policy') {
- enforcement = chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED;
- }
- const controlledBy = /** @type {!chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy} */ (
- kControlledByLookup[exception.source] ||
- chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.PRIMARY_USER);
- return {
- category: this.category,
- origin: origin,
- displayName: exception.displayName,
- embeddingOrigin: embeddingOrigin,
- incognito: exception.incognito,
- setting: exception.setting,
- enforcement: enforcement,
- controlledBy: controlledBy,
- };
- },
- /**
- * Returns list of categories for each setting.ContentSettingsTypes that are
- * currently enabled.
- * @return {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>}
- */
- getCategoryList: function() {
- if (this.contentTypes_.length == 0) {
- for (const typeName in settings.ContentSettingsTypes) {
- const contentType = settings.ContentSettingsTypes[typeName];
- // <if expr="not chromeos">
- if (contentType == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PROTECTED_CONTENT) {
- continue;
- }
- // </if>
- // Some categories store their data in a custom way.
- if (contentType == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES ||
- contentType == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PROTOCOL_HANDLERS ||
- contentType == settings.ContentSettingsTypes.ZOOM_LEVELS) {
- continue;
- }
- this.contentTypes_.push(contentType);
- }
- }
- const addOrRemoveSettingWithFlag = (type, flag) => {
- if (loadTimeData.getBoolean(flag)) {
- if (!this.contentTypes_.includes(type)) {
- this.contentTypes_.push(type);
- }
- } else {
- if (this.contentTypes_.includes(type)) {
- this.contentTypes_.splice(this.contentTypes_.indexOf(type), 1);
- }
- }
- };
- // These categories are gated behind flags.
- addOrRemoveSettingWithFlag(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.SERIAL_PORTS,
- 'enableExperimentalWebPlatformFeatures');
- addOrRemoveSettingWithFlag(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.BLUETOOTH_SCANNING,
- 'enableExperimentalWebPlatformFeatures');
- addOrRemoveSettingWithFlag(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.ADS,
- 'enableSafeBrowsingSubresourceFilter');
- addOrRemoveSettingWithFlag(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PAYMENT_HANDLER,
- 'enablePaymentHandlerContentSetting');
- addOrRemoveSettingWithFlag(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.NATIVE_FILE_SYSTEM_WRITE,
- 'enableNativeFileSystemWriteContentSetting');
- addOrRemoveSettingWithFlag(
- settings.ContentSettingsTypes.MIXEDSCRIPT,
- 'enableInsecureContentContentSetting');
- return this.contentTypes_.slice(0);
- },
-/** @polymerBehavior */
-const SiteSettingsBehavior = [SiteSettingsBehaviorImpl];
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html
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--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<script src="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.js"></script>
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--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.js
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@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview A helper object used from the "Site Settings" section to
- * interact with the content settings prefs.
- */
- * The handler will send a policy source that is similar, but not exactly the
- * same as a ControlledBy value. If the ContentSettingProvider is omitted it
- * should be treated as 'default'.
- * @enum {string}
- */
-const ContentSettingProvider = {
- POLICY: 'policy',
- SUPERVISED_USER: 'supervised_user',
- EXTENSION: 'extension',
- INSTALLED_WEBAPP_PROVIDER: 'installed_webapp_provider',
- NOTIFICATION_ANDROID: 'notification_android',
- EPHEMERAL: 'ephemeral',
- PREFERENCE: 'preference',
- DEFAULT: 'default',
- TESTS: 'tests',
- TESTS_OTHER: 'tests_other'
- * Stores information about if a content setting is valid, and why.
- * @typedef {{isValid: boolean,
- * reason: ?string}}
- */
-let IsValid;
- * Stores origin information. The |hasPermissionSettings| will be set to true
- * when this origin has permissions or when there is a pattern permission
- * affecting this origin.
- * @typedef {{origin: string,
- * engagement: number,
- * usage: number,
- numCookies: number,
- hasPermissionSettings: boolean}}
- */
-let OriginInfo;
- * Represents a list of sites, grouped under the same eTLD+1. For example, an
- * origin "" would be grouped together with
- * "" and "" under a common eTLD+1 of
- * "".
- * @typedef {{etldPlus1: string,
- * numCookies: number,
- * origins: Array<OriginInfo>}}
- */
-let SiteGroup;
- * The site exception information passed from the C++ handler.
- * See also: SiteException.
- * @typedef {{embeddingOrigin: string,
- * incognito: boolean,
- * origin: string,
- * displayName: string,
- * setting: !settings.ContentSetting,
- * source: !settings.SiteSettingSource}}
- */
-let RawSiteException;
- * The site exception after it has been converted/filtered for UI use.
- * See also: RawSiteException.
- * @typedef {{category: !settings.ContentSettingsTypes,
- * embeddingOrigin: string,
- * incognito: boolean,
- * origin: string,
- * displayName: string,
- * setting: !settings.ContentSetting,
- * enforcement: ?chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement,
- * controlledBy: !chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy,
- * showAndroidSmsNote: (boolean|undefined)}}
- */
-let SiteException;
- * The chooser exception information passed from the C++ handler.
- * See also: ChooserException.
- * @typedef {{chooserType: !settings.ChooserType,
- * displayName: string,
- * object: Object,
- * sites: Array<!RawSiteException>}}
- */
-let RawChooserException;
- * The chooser exception after it has been converted/filtered for UI use.
- * See also: RawChooserException.
- * @typedef {{chooserType: !settings.ChooserType,
- * displayName: string,
- * object: Object,
- * sites: Array<!SiteException>}}
- */
-let ChooserException;
- * @typedef {{setting: !settings.ContentSetting,
- * source: !ContentSettingProvider}}
- */
-let DefaultContentSetting;
- * @typedef {{name: string,
- * id: string}}
- */
-let MediaPickerEntry;
- * @typedef {{protocol: string,
- * spec: string}}
- */
-let ProtocolHandlerEntry;
- * @typedef {{origin: string,
- * setting: string,
- * source: string,
- * zoom: string}}
- */
-let ZoomLevelEntry;
-cr.define('settings', function() {
- /** @interface */
- class SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy {
- /**
- * Sets the default value for a site settings category.
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to change.
- * @param {string} defaultValue The name of the value to set as default.
- */
- setDefaultValueForContentType(contentType, defaultValue) {}
- /**
- * Gets the default value for a site settings category.
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to query.
- * @return {!Promise<!DefaultContentSetting>}
- */
- getDefaultValueForContentType(contentType) {}
- /**
- * Gets a list of sites, grouped by eTLD+1, affected by any of the content
- * settings specified by |contentTypes|.
- * @param {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>} contentTypes A list of
- * the content types to retrieve sites for.
- * @return {!Promise<!Array<!SiteGroup>>}
- */
- getAllSites(contentTypes) {}
- /**
- * Gets the chooser exceptions for a particular chooser type.
- * @param {settings.ChooserType} chooserType The chooser type to grab
- * exceptions from.
- * @return {!Promise<!Array<!RawChooserException>>}
- */
- getChooserExceptionList(chooserType) {}
- /**
- * Converts a given number of bytes into a human-readable format, with data
- * units.
- * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes to convert.
- * @return {!Promise<string>}
- */
- getFormattedBytes(numBytes) {}
- /**
- * Gets the exceptions (site list) for a particular category.
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to query.
- * @return {!Promise<!Array<!RawSiteException>>}
- */
- getExceptionList(contentType) {}
- /**
- * Gets a list of category permissions for a given origin. Note that this
- * may be different to the results retrieved by getExceptionList(), since it
- * combines different sources of data to get a permission's value.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to look up permissions for.
- * @param {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>} contentTypes A list of
- * categories to retrieve the ContentSetting for.
- * @return {!Promise<!NodeList<!RawSiteException>>}
- */
- getOriginPermissions(origin, contentTypes) {}
- /**
- * Resets the permissions for a list of categories for a given origin. This
- * does not support incognito settings or patterns.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to reset permissions for.
- * @param {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>} contentTypes A list of
- * categories to set the permission for. Typically this would be a
- * single category, but sometimes it is useful to clear any permissions
- * set for all categories.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSetting} blanketSetting The setting to set all
- * permissions listed in |contentTypes| to.
- */
- setOriginPermissions(origin, contentTypes, blanketSetting) {}
- /**
- * Clears the flag that's set when the user has changed the Flash permission
- * for this particular origin.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to clear the Flash preference for.
- */
- clearFlashPref(origin) {}
- /**
- * Resets the category permission for a given origin (expressed as primary
- * and secondary patterns). Only use this if intending to remove an
- * exception - use setOriginPermissions() for origin-scoped settings.
- * @param {string} primaryPattern The origin to change (primary pattern).
- * @param {string} secondaryPattern The embedding origin to change
- * (secondary pattern).
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to reset.
- * @param {boolean} incognito Whether this applies only to a current
- * incognito session exception.
- */
- resetCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, incognito) {}
- /**
- * Removes a particular chooser object permission by origin and embedding
- * origin.
- * @param {settings.ChooserType} chooserType The chooser exception type
- * @param {string} origin The origin to look up the permission for.
- * @param {string} embeddingOrigin the embedding origin to look up.
- * @param {!Object} exception The exception to revoke permission for.
- */
- resetChooserExceptionForSite(
- chooserType, origin, embeddingOrigin, exception) {}
- /**
- * Sets the category permission for a given origin (expressed as primary and
- * secondary patterns). Only use this if intending to set an exception - use
- * setOriginPermissions() for origin-scoped settings.
- * @param {string} primaryPattern The origin to change (primary pattern).
- * @param {string} secondaryPattern The embedding origin to change
- * (secondary pattern).
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to change.
- * @param {string} value The value to change the permission to.
- * @param {boolean} incognito Whether this rule applies only to the current
- * incognito session.
- */
- setCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, value, incognito) {}
- /**
- * Checks whether an origin is valid.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to check.
- * @return {!Promise<boolean>} True if the origin is valid.
- */
- isOriginValid(origin) {}
- /**
- * Checks whether a setting is valid.
- * @param {string} pattern The pattern to check.
- * @param {settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category What kind of setting,
- * e.g. Location, Camera, Cookies, etc.
- * @return {!Promise<IsValid>} Contains whether or not the pattern is
- * valid for the type, and if it is invalid, the reason why.
- */
- isPatternValidForType(pattern, category) {}
- /**
- * Gets the list of default capture devices for a given type of media. List
- * is returned through a JS call to updateDevicesMenu.
- * @param {string} type The type to look up.
- */
- getDefaultCaptureDevices(type) {}
- /**
- * Sets a default devices for a given type of media.
- * @param {string} type The type of media to configure.
- * @param {string} defaultValue The id of the media device to set.
- */
- setDefaultCaptureDevice(type, defaultValue) {}
- /**
- * observes _all_ of the the protocol handler state, which includes a list
- * that is returned through JS calls to 'setProtocolHandlers' along with
- * other state sent with the messages 'setIgnoredProtocolHandler' and
- * 'setHandlersEnabled'.
- */
- observeProtocolHandlers() {}
- /**
- * Observes one aspect of the protocol handler so that updates to the
- * enabled/disabled state are sent. A 'setHandlersEnabled' will be sent
- * from C++ immediately after receiving this observe request and updates
- * may follow via additional 'setHandlersEnabled' messages.
- *
- * If |observeProtocolHandlers| is called, there's no need to call this
- * observe as well.
- */
- observeProtocolHandlersEnabledState() {}
- /**
- * Enables or disables the ability for sites to ask to become the default
- * protocol handlers.
- * @param {boolean} enabled Whether sites can ask to become default.
- */
- setProtocolHandlerDefault(enabled) {}
- /**
- * Sets a certain url as default for a given protocol handler.
- * @param {string} protocol The protocol to set a default for.
- * @param {string} url The url to use as the default.
- */
- setProtocolDefault(protocol, url) {}
- /**
- * Deletes a certain protocol handler by url.
- * @param {string} protocol The protocol to delete the url from.
- * @param {string} url The url to delete.
- */
- removeProtocolHandler(protocol, url) {}
- /**
- * Fetches the incognito status of the current profile (whether an incognito
- * profile exists). Returns the results via onIncognitoStatusChanged.
- */
- updateIncognitoStatus() {}
- /**
- * Fetches the currently defined zoom levels for sites. Returns the results
- * via onZoomLevelsChanged.
- */
- fetchZoomLevels() {}
- /**
- * Removes a zoom levels for a given host.
- * @param {string} host The host to remove zoom levels for.
- */
- removeZoomLevel(host) {}
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /**
- * Links to$ManageDomainUrlsActivity on ARC
- * side, this is to manage app preferences.
- */
- showAndroidManageAppLinks() {}
- // </if>
- /**
- * Fetches the current block autoplay state. Returns the results via
- * onBlockAutoplayStatusChanged.
- */
- fetchBlockAutoplayStatus() {}
- /**
- * Clears all the web storage data and cookies for a given etld+1.
- * @param {string} etldPlus1 The etld+1 to clear data from.
- */
- clearEtldPlus1DataAndCookies(etldPlus1) {}
- /**
- * Record All Sites Page action for metrics.
- * @param {number} action number.
- */
- recordAction(action) {}
- }
- /**
- * @implements {settings.SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy}
- */
- class SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl {
- /** @override */
- setDefaultValueForContentType(contentType, defaultValue) {
- chrome.send('setDefaultValueForContentType', [contentType, defaultValue]);
- }
- /** @override */
- getDefaultValueForContentType(contentType) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getDefaultValueForContentType', contentType);
- }
- /** @override */
- getAllSites(contentTypes) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getAllSites', contentTypes);
- }
- /** @override */
- getChooserExceptionList(chooserType) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getChooserExceptionList', chooserType);
- }
- /** @override */
- getFormattedBytes(numBytes) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getFormattedBytes', numBytes);
- }
- /** @override */
- getExceptionList(contentType) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getExceptionList', contentType);
- }
- /** @override */
- getOriginPermissions(origin, contentTypes) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getOriginPermissions', origin, contentTypes);
- }
- /** @override */
- setOriginPermissions(origin, contentTypes, blanketSetting) {
- chrome.send(
- 'setOriginPermissions', [origin, contentTypes, blanketSetting]);
- }
- /** @override */
- clearFlashPref(origin) {
- chrome.send('clearFlashPref', [origin]);
- }
- /** @override */
- resetCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, incognito) {
- chrome.send(
- 'resetCategoryPermissionForPattern',
- [primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, incognito]);
- }
- /** @override */
- resetChooserExceptionForSite(
- chooserType, origin, embeddingOrigin, exception) {
- chrome.send(
- 'resetChooserExceptionForSite',
- [chooserType, origin, embeddingOrigin, exception]);
- }
- /** @override */
- setCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, value, incognito) {
- chrome.send(
- 'setCategoryPermissionForPattern',
- [primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, value, incognito]);
- }
- /** @override */
- isOriginValid(origin) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('isOriginValid', origin);
- }
- /** @override */
- isPatternValidForType(pattern, category) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('isPatternValidForType', pattern, category);
- }
- /** @override */
- getDefaultCaptureDevices(type) {
- chrome.send('getDefaultCaptureDevices', [type]);
- }
- /** @override */
- setDefaultCaptureDevice(type, defaultValue) {
- chrome.send('setDefaultCaptureDevice', [type, defaultValue]);
- }
- /** @override */
- observeProtocolHandlers() {
- chrome.send('observeProtocolHandlers');
- }
- /** @override */
- observeProtocolHandlersEnabledState() {
- chrome.send('observeProtocolHandlersEnabledState');
- }
- /** @override */
- setProtocolHandlerDefault(enabled) {
- chrome.send('setHandlersEnabled', [enabled]);
- }
- /** @override */
- setProtocolDefault(protocol, url) {
- chrome.send('setDefault', [protocol, url]);
- }
- /** @override */
- removeProtocolHandler(protocol, url) {
- chrome.send('removeHandler', [protocol, url]);
- }
- /** @override */
- updateIncognitoStatus() {
- chrome.send('updateIncognitoStatus');
- }
- /** @override */
- fetchZoomLevels() {
- chrome.send('fetchZoomLevels');
- }
- /** @override */
- removeZoomLevel(host) {
- chrome.send('removeZoomLevel', [host]);
- }
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /** @override */
- showAndroidManageAppLinks() {
- chrome.send('showAndroidManageAppLinks');
- }
- // </if>
- /** @override */
- fetchBlockAutoplayStatus() {
- chrome.send('fetchBlockAutoplayStatus');
- }
- /** @override */
- clearEtldPlus1DataAndCookies(etldPlus1) {
- chrome.send('clearEtldPlus1DataAndCookies', [etldPlus1]);
- }
- /** @override */
- recordAction(action) {
- chrome.send('recordAction', [action]);
- }
- }
- // The singleton instance_ is replaced with a test version of this wrapper
- // during testing.
- cr.addSingletonGetter(SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl);
- return {
- SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy: SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy,
- SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl: SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl,
- };
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/website_usage_private_api.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/website_usage_private_api.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d2867362724..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/website_usage_private_api.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/cr.html">
-<script src="website_usage_private_api.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/website_usage_private_api.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/website_usage_private_api.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 214b3ff9259..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/website_usage_private_api.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-(function() {
-'use strict';
- is: 'website-usage-private-api',
- properties: {
- /**
- * The amount of data used by the given website.
- */
- websiteDataUsage: {
- type: String,
- notify: true,
- },
- /**
- * The number of cookies used by the given website.
- */
- websiteCookieUsage: {
- type: String,
- notify: true,
- },
- },
- /** @override */
- attached: function() {
- settings.WebsiteUsagePrivateApi.websiteUsagePolymerInstance = this;
- },
- /** @param {string} host */
- fetchUsageTotal: function(host) {
- settings.WebsiteUsagePrivateApi.fetchUsageTotal(host);
- },
- /**
- * @param {string} origin
- */
- clearUsage: function(origin) {
- settings.WebsiteUsagePrivateApi.clearUsage(origin);
- },
- /** @param {string} origin */
- notifyUsageDeleted: function(origin) {
-'usage-deleted', {origin: origin});
- },
-cr.define('settings.WebsiteUsagePrivateApi', function() {
- /**
- * @type {Object} An instance of the polymer object defined above.
- * All data will be set here.
- */
- const websiteUsagePolymerInstance = null;
- /**
- * @type {string} The host for which the usage total is being fetched.
- */
- let hostName;
- /**
- * Encapsulates the calls between JS and C++ to fetch how much storage the
- * host is using.
- * Will update the data in |websiteUsagePolymerInstance|.
- */
- const fetchUsageTotal = function(host) {
- const instance =
- settings.WebsiteUsagePrivateApi.websiteUsagePolymerInstance;
- if (instance != null) {
- instance.websiteDataUsage = '';
- }
- hostName = host;
- chrome.send('fetchUsageTotal', [host]);
- };
- /**
- * Callback for when the usage total is known.
- * @param {string} host The host that the usage was fetched for.
- * @param {string} usage The string showing how much data the given host
- * is using.
- */
- const returnUsageTotal = function(host, usage, cookies) {
- const instance =
- settings.WebsiteUsagePrivateApi.websiteUsagePolymerInstance;
- if (instance == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (hostName == host) {
- instance.websiteDataUsage = usage;
- instance.websiteCookieUsage = cookies;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Deletes the storage being used for a given origin.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to delete storage for.
- */
- const clearUsage = function(origin) {
- chrome.send('clearUsage', [origin]);
- const instance =
- settings.WebsiteUsagePrivateApi.websiteUsagePolymerInstance;
- if (instance == null) {
- return;
- }
- instance.notifyUsageDeleted(origin);
- };
- return {
- websiteUsagePolymerInstance: websiteUsagePolymerInstance,
- fetchUsageTotal: fetchUsageTotal,
- returnUsageTotal: returnUsageTotal,
- clearUsage: clearUsage,
- };
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/zoom_levels.html b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/zoom_levels.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f83154708ff..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/zoom_levels.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/polymer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/cr_elements/shared_vars_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/list_property_update_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/html/web_ui_listener_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../i18n_setup.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../settings_shared_css.html">
-<link rel="import" href="../site_favicon.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_behavior.html">
-<link rel="import" href="site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.html">
-<dom-module id="zoom-levels">
- <template>
- <style include="settings-shared">
- :host {
- display: block;
- }
- .zoom-label {
- color: var(--cr-secondary-text-color);
- margin-inline-end: 16px;
- }
- #empty {
- margin-top: 15px;
- }
- .list-item site-favicon {
- flex-shrink: 0;
- }
- .list-item .middle {
- overflow-x: hidden;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- }
- </style>
- <div class="list-frame vertical-list" id="listContainer">
- <iron-list id="list" preserve-focus items="[[sites_]]"
- class="cr-separators" risk-selection>
- <template>
- <div class="list-item" first$="[[!index]]">
- <site-favicon url="[[item.originForFavicon]]"></site-favicon>
- <div class="middle">
- <span class="url-directionality">[[item.displayName]]</span>
- </div>
- <div class="zoom-label">[[item.zoom]]</div>
- <cr-icon-button class="icon-clear" on-click="removeZoomLevel_"
- title="$i18n{siteSettingsRemoveZoomLevel}"
- tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]"></cr-icon-button>
- </div>
- </template>
- </iron-list>
- <div id="empty" hidden$="[[!showNoSites_]]">
- $i18n{siteSettingsNoZoomedSites}
- </div>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script src="zoom_levels.js"></script>
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/zoom_levels.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/zoom_levels.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e600e08fdee..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/zoom_levels.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'zoom-levels' is the polymer element for showing the sites that are zoomed in
- * or out.
- */
- is: 'zoom-levels',
- behaviors: [
- ListPropertyUpdateBehavior,
- SiteSettingsBehavior,
- WebUIListenerBehavior,
- ],
- properties: {
- /**
- * Array of sites that are zoomed in or out.
- * @type {!Array<ZoomLevelEntry>}
- */
- sites_: {
- type: Array,
- value: () => [],
- },
- /** @private */
- showNoSites_: {
- type: Boolean,
- value: false,
- },
- },
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'onZoomLevelsChanged', this.onZoomLevelsChanged_.bind(this));
- this.browserProxy.fetchZoomLevels();
- },
- /**
- * A handler for when zoom levels change.
- * @param {!Array<ZoomLevelEntry>} sites The up to date list of sites and
- * their zoom levels.
- */
- onZoomLevelsChanged_: function(sites) {
- this.updateList('sites_', item => item.origin, sites);
- this.showNoSites_ = this.sites_.length == 0;
- },
- /**
- * A handler for when a zoom level for a site is deleted.
- * @param {!{model: !{index: number}}} event
- * @private
- */
- removeZoomLevel_: function(event) {
- const site = this.sites_[event.model.index];
- this.browserProxy.removeZoomLevel(site.origin);
- },