path: root/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/device_page/power.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/device_page/power.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/device_page/power.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/device_page/power.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dbc4c752838..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/device_page/power.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * 'settings-power' is the settings subpage for power settings.
- */
- is: 'settings-power',
- behaviors: [
- I18nBehavior,
- WebUIListenerBehavior,
- ],
- properties: {
- enablePowerSettings: Boolean,
- /** @private {string} ID of the selected power source, or ''. */
- selectedPowerSourceId_: String,
- /** @private {!settings.BatteryStatus|undefined} */
- batteryStatus_: Object,
- /** @private {boolean} Whether a low-power (USB) charger is being used. */
- lowPowerCharger_: Boolean,
- /** @private {boolean} Whether the idle behavior is controlled by policy. */
- idleControlled_: Boolean,
- /** @private {string} Text for label describing the lid-closed behavior. */
- lidClosedLabel_: String,
- /** @private {boolean} Whether the system possesses a lid. */
- hasLid_: Boolean,
- /**
- * List of available dual-role power sources, if enablePowerSettings is on.
- * @private {!Array<!settings.PowerSource>|undefined}
- */
- powerSources_: Array,
- /** @private */
- powerSourceLabel_: {
- type: String,
- computed:
- 'computePowerSourceLabel_(powerSources_, batteryStatus_.calculating)',
- },
- /** @private */
- showPowerSourceDropdown_: {
- type: Boolean,
- computed: 'computeShowPowerSourceDropdown_(powerSources_)',
- value: false,
- },
- /**
- * The name of the dedicated charging device being used, if present.
- * @private {string}
- */
- powerSourceName_: {
- type: String,
- computed: 'computePowerSourceName_(powerSources_, lowPowerCharger_)',
- },
- /** @private */
- idleOptions_: {
- type: Array,
- computed: 'computeIdleOptions_(idleControlled_)',
- },
- /** @private {!chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject} */
- lidClosedPref_: {
- type: Object,
- value: function() {
- return /** @type {!chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject} */ ({});
- },
- },
- },
- /** @override */
- ready: function() {
- // enablePowerSettings comes from loadTimeData, so it will always be set
- // before attached() is called.
- if (!this.enablePowerSettings) {
- settings.navigateToPreviousRoute();
- }
- },
- /** @override */
- attached: function() {
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'battery-status-changed', this.set.bind(this, 'batteryStatus_'));
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'power-sources-changed', this.powerSourcesChanged_.bind(this));
- settings.DevicePageBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance().updatePowerStatus();
- this.addWebUIListener(
- 'power-management-settings-changed',
- this.powerManagementSettingsChanged_.bind(this));
- settings.DevicePageBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance()
- .requestPowerManagementSettings();
- },
- /**
- * @param {!Array<!settings.PowerSource>|undefined} powerSources
- * @param {boolean} calculating
- * @return {string} The primary label for the power source row.
- * @private
- */
- computePowerSourceLabel_: function(powerSources, calculating) {
- return this.i18n(
- calculating ?
- 'calculatingPower' :
- powerSources && powerSources.length ? 'powerSourceLabel' :
- 'powerSourceBattery');
- },
- /**
- * @param {!Array<!settings.PowerSource>} powerSources
- * @return {boolean} True if at least one power source is attached and all of
- * them are dual-role (no dedicated chargers).
- * @private
- */
- computeShowPowerSourceDropdown_: function(powerSources) {
- return powerSources.length > 0 && powerSources.every(function(source) {
- return !source.is_dedicated_charger;
- });
- },
- /**
- * @param {!Array<!settings.PowerSource>} powerSources
- * @param {boolean} lowPowerCharger
- * @return {string} Description of the power source.
- * @private
- */
- computePowerSourceName_: function(powerSources, lowPowerCharger) {
- if (lowPowerCharger) {
- return this.i18n('powerSourceLowPowerCharger');
- }
- if (powerSources.length) {
- return this.i18n('powerSourceAcAdapter');
- }
- return '';
- },
- /**
- * @param {boolean} idleControlled
- * @return {!Array<!{value: settings.IdleBehavior, name: string}>} Options to
- * display in idle-behavior select.
- * @private
- */
- computeIdleOptions_: function(idleControlled) {
- const options = [
- {
- value: settings.IdleBehavior.DISPLAY_OFF_SLEEP,
- name: loadTimeData.getString('powerIdleDisplayOffSleep'),
- },
- {
- value: settings.IdleBehavior.DISPLAY_OFF,
- name: loadTimeData.getString('powerIdleDisplayOff'),
- },
- {
- value: settings.IdleBehavior.DISPLAY_ON,
- name: loadTimeData.getString('powerIdleDisplayOn'),
- },
- ];
- if (idleControlled) {
- options.push({
- value: settings.IdleBehavior.OTHER,
- name: loadTimeData.getString('powerIdleOther'),
- });
- }
- return options;
- },
- /** @private */
- onPowerSourceChange_: function() {
- settings.DevicePageBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance().setPowerSource(
- this.$.powerSource.value);
- },
- /** @private */
- onIdleSelectChange_: function() {
- const behavior = /** @type {settings.IdleBehavior} */
- (parseInt(this.$.idleSelect.value, 10));
- settings.DevicePageBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance().setIdleBehavior(behavior);
- },
- /** @private */
- onLidClosedToggleChange_: function() {
- // Other behaviors are only displayed when the setting is controlled, in
- // which case the toggle can't be changed by the user.
- settings.DevicePageBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance().setLidClosedBehavior(
- this.$.lidClosedToggle.checked ? settings.LidClosedBehavior.SUSPEND :
- settings.LidClosedBehavior.DO_NOTHING);
- },
- /**
- * @param {!Array<settings.PowerSource>} sources External power sources.
- * @param {string} selectedId The ID of the currently used power source.
- * @param {boolean} lowPowerCharger Whether the currently used power source
- * is a low-powered USB charger.
- * @private
- */
- powerSourcesChanged_: function(sources, selectedId, lowPowerCharger) {
- this.powerSources_ = sources;
- this.selectedPowerSourceId_ = selectedId;
- this.lowPowerCharger_ = lowPowerCharger;
- },
- /**
- * @param {settings.LidClosedBehavior} behavior Current behavior.
- * @param {boolean} isControlled Whether the underlying pref is controlled.
- * @private
- */
- updateLidClosedLabelAndPref_: function(behavior, isControlled) {
- const pref = {
- key: '',
- type: chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefType.BOOLEAN,
- // Most behaviors get a dedicated label and appear as checked.
- value: true,
- };
- switch (behavior) {
- case settings.LidClosedBehavior.SUSPEND:
- case settings.LidClosedBehavior.DO_NOTHING:
- // "Suspend" and "do nothing" share the "sleep" label and communicate
- // their state via the toggle state.
- this.lidClosedLabel_ = loadTimeData.getString('powerLidSleepLabel');
- pref.value = behavior == settings.LidClosedBehavior.SUSPEND;
- break;
- case settings.LidClosedBehavior.STOP_SESSION:
- this.lidClosedLabel_ = loadTimeData.getString('powerLidSignOutLabel');
- break;
- case settings.LidClosedBehavior.SHUT_DOWN:
- this.lidClosedLabel_ = loadTimeData.getString('powerLidShutDownLabel');
- break;
- }
- if (isControlled) {
- pref.enforcement = chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED;
- pref.controlledBy = chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.USER_POLICY;
- }
- this.lidClosedPref_ = pref;
- },
- /**
- * @param {!settings.PowerManagementSettings} browserSettings Current power
- * management settings.
- * @private
- */
- powerManagementSettingsChanged_: function(browserSettings) {
- this.idleControlled_ = browserSettings.idleControlled;
- this.hasLid_ = browserSettings.hasLid;
- this.updateLidClosedLabelAndPref_(
- browserSettings.lidClosedBehavior, browserSettings.lidClosedControlled);
- // The idle behavior select element includes an "Other" option when
- // controlled but omits it otherwise. Make sure that the option is there
- // before we potentially try to select it.
- this.async(function() {
- this.$.idleSelect.value = browserSettings.idleBehavior;
- });
- },
- /**
- * @param {boolean} batteryPresent if battery is present
- * @return {string} 'first' if idle/lid settings are first visible div
- * @private
- */
- getFirst_: function(batteryPresent) {
- return !batteryPresent ? 'first' : '';
- },
- /**
- * @param {*} lhs
- * @param {*} rhs
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- isEqual_: function(lhs, rhs) {
- return lhs === rhs;
- },