path: root/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/wallpaper_manager/js/event_page.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/wallpaper_manager/js/event_page.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/wallpaper_manager/js/event_page.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/wallpaper_manager/js/event_page.js
deleted file mode 100644
index eba94a343e0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/wallpaper_manager/js/event_page.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-var wallpaperPickerWindow;
-var surpriseWallpaper = null;
-function SurpriseWallpaper() {
- * Gets SurpriseWallpaper instance. In case it hasn't been initialized, a new
- * instance is created.
- * @return {SurpriseWallpaper} A SurpriseWallpaper instance.
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.getInstance = function() {
- if (!surpriseWallpaper)
- surpriseWallpaper = new SurpriseWallpaper();
- return surpriseWallpaper;
- * Tries to change wallpaper to a new one in the background. May fail due to a
- * network issue.
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.prototype.tryChangeWallpaper = function() {
- var self = this;
- var onFailure = function(status) {
- if (status != 404)
- self.fallbackToLocalRss_();
- else
- self.updateRandomWallpaper_();
- };
- // Try to fetch newest rss as document from server first. If the requested
- // URL is not found (404 error), set a random wallpaper displayed in the
- // wallpaper picker. If any other error occurs, proceed with local copy of
- // rss.
- WallpaperUtil.fetchURL(Constants.WallpaperRssURL, 'document', function(xhr) {
- WallpaperUtil.saveToLocalStorage(Constants.AccessLocalRssKey,
- new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xhr.responseXML));
- self.updateSurpriseWallpaper(xhr.responseXML);
- }, onFailure);
- * Retries changing the wallpaper 1 hour later. This is called when fetching the
- * rss or wallpaper from server fails.
- * @private
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.prototype.retryLater_ = function() {
- chrome.alarms.create('RetryAlarm', {delayInMinutes: 60});
- * Fetches the cached rss feed from local storage in the event of being unable
- * to download the online feed.
- * @private
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.prototype.fallbackToLocalRss_ = function() {
- var self = this;
- Constants.WallpaperLocalStorage.get(Constants.AccessLocalRssKey,
- function(items) {
- var rssString = items[Constants.AccessLocalRssKey];
- if (rssString) {
- self.updateSurpriseWallpaper(new DOMParser().parseFromString(rssString,
- 'text/xml'));
- } else {
- self.updateSurpriseWallpaper();
- }
- });
- * Starts to change wallpaper. Called after rss is fetched.
- * @param {Document=} opt_rss The fetched rss document. If opt_rss is null, uses
- * a random wallpaper.
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.prototype.updateSurpriseWallpaper = function(opt_rss) {
- if (opt_rss) {
- var items = opt_rss.querySelectorAll('item');
- var date = new Date(new Date().toDateString()).getTime();
- for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
- item = items[i];
- var disableDate = new Date(item.getElementsByTagNameNS(
- Constants.WallpaperNameSpaceURI, 'disableDate')[0].textContent).
- getTime();
- var enableDate = new Date(item.getElementsByTagNameNS(
- Constants.WallpaperNameSpaceURI, 'enableDate')[0].textContent).
- getTime();
- var regionsString = item.getElementsByTagNameNS(
- Constants.WallpaperNameSpaceURI, 'regions')[0].textContent;
- var regions = regionsString.split(', ');
- if (enableDate <= date && disableDate > date &&
- regions.indexOf(navigator.language) != -1) {
- var self = this;
- this.setWallpaperFromRssItem_(item,
- function() {},
- function(status) {
- if (status != 404)
- self.retryLater_();
- else
- self.updateRandomWallpaper_();
- });
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // No surprise wallpaper for today at current locale or fetching rss feed
- // fails. Fallback to use a random one from wallpaper server.
- this.updateRandomWallpaper_();
- * Sets a new random wallpaper if one has not already been set today.
- * @private
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.prototype.updateRandomWallpaper_ = function() {
- var self = this;
- var onSuccess = function(items) {
- var dateString = new Date().toDateString();
- // At most one random wallpaper per day.
- if (items[Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate] != dateString) {
- self.setRandomWallpaper_(dateString);
- }
- };
- WallpaperUtil.enabledSyncThemesCallback(function(syncEnabled) {
- if (syncEnabled) {
- Constants.WallpaperSyncStorage.get(
- Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate, onSuccess);
- } else {
- Constants.WallpaperLocalStorage.get(
- Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate, onSuccess);
- }
- });
- * Sets wallpaper to one of the wallpapers displayed in wallpaper picker. If
- * the wallpaper download fails, retry one hour later. Wallpapers that are
- * disabled for surprise me are excluded.
- * @param {string} dateString String representation of current local date.
- * @private
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.prototype.setRandomWallpaper_ = function(dateString) {
- var self = this;
- Constants.WallpaperLocalStorage.get(Constants.AccessLocalManifestKey,
- function(items) {
- var manifest = items[Constants.AccessLocalManifestKey];
- if (manifest && manifest.wallpaper_list) {
- var filtered = manifest.wallpaper_list.filter(function(element) {
- // Older version manifest do not have available_for_surprise_me field.
- // In this case, no wallpaper should be filtered out.
- return element.available_for_surprise_me ||
- element.available_for_surprise_me == undefined;
- });
- var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * filtered.length);
- var wallpaper = filtered[index];
- var wallpaperURL = wallpaper.base_url + Constants.HighResolutionSuffix;
- var onSuccess = function() {
- WallpaperUtil.saveWallpaperInfo(wallpaperURL, wallpaper.default_layout,
- Constants.WallpaperSourceEnum.Online);
- WallpaperUtil.saveToLocalStorage(
- Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate,
- dateString, function() {
- WallpaperUtil.saveToSyncStorage(
- Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate,
- dateString);
- });
- };
- WallpaperUtil.setOnlineWallpaper(wallpaperURL, wallpaper.default_layout,
- onSuccess, self.retryLater_.bind(self));
- }
- });
- * Sets wallpaper to the wallpaper specified by item from rss. If downloading
- * the wallpaper fails, retry one hour later.
- * @param {Element} item The wallpaper rss item element.
- * @param {function} onSuccess Success callback.
- * @param {function} onFailure Failure callback.
- * @private
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.prototype.setWallpaperFromRssItem_ = function(item,
- onSuccess,
- onFailure) {
- var url = item.querySelector('link').textContent;
- var layout = item.getElementsByTagNameNS(
- Constants.WallpaperNameSpaceURI, 'layout')[0].textContent;
- var self = this;
- WallpaperUtil.fetchURL(url, 'arraybuffer', function(xhr) {
- if (xhr.response != null) {
- chrome.wallpaperPrivate.setCustomWallpaper(xhr.response, layout, false,
- 'surprise_wallpaper',
- onSuccess);
- WallpaperUtil.saveWallpaperInfo(url, layout,
- Constants.WallpaperSourceEnum.Online);
- var dateString = new Date().toDateString();
- WallpaperUtil.saveToLocalStorage(
- Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate,
- dateString, function() {
- WallpaperUtil.saveToSyncStorage(
- Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate, dataString);
- });
- } else {
- self.updateRandomWallpaper_();
- }
- }, onFailure);
- * Disables the wallpaper surprise me feature. Clear all alarms and states.
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.prototype.disable = function() {
- chrome.alarms.clearAll();
- // Makes last changed date invalid.
- WallpaperUtil.saveToLocalStorage(
- Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate, '', function() {
- WallpaperUtil.saveToSyncStorage(
- Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate, '');
- });
- * Changes current wallpaper and sets up an alarm to schedule next change around
- * midnight.
- */ = function() {
- var nextUpdate = this.nextUpdateTime(new Date());
- chrome.alarms.create({when: nextUpdate});
- this.tryChangeWallpaper();
- * Calculates when the next wallpaper change should be triggered.
- * @param {Date} now Current time.
- * @return {number} The time when next wallpaper change should happen.
- */
-SurpriseWallpaper.prototype.nextUpdateTime = function(now) {
- var nextUpdate = new Date(now.setDate(now.getDate() + 1)).toDateString();
- return new Date(nextUpdate).getTime();
- {
- if (wallpaperPickerWindow && !wallpaperPickerWindow.contentWindow.closed) {
- wallpaperPickerWindow.focus();
- chrome.wallpaperPrivate.minimizeInactiveWindows();
- return;
- }
-'main.html', {
- frame: 'none',
- resizable: false,
- alphaEnabled: true
- }, function(w) {
- wallpaperPickerWindow = w;
- chrome.wallpaperPrivate.minimizeInactiveWindows();
- w.onClosed.addListener(function() {
- chrome.wallpaperPrivate.restoreMinimizedWindows();
- });
- WallpaperUtil.testSendMessage('wallpaper-window-created');
- });
-chrome.syncFileSystem.onFileStatusChanged.addListener(function(detail) {
- WallpaperUtil.enabledSyncThemesCallback(function(syncEnabled) {
- if (!syncEnabled)
- return;
- if (detail.status == 'synced') {
- if (detail.direction == 'remote_to_local') {
- if (detail.action == 'added') {
- Constants.WallpaperLocalStorage.get(
- Constants.AccessLocalWallpaperInfoKey,
- function(items) {
- var localData = items[Constants.AccessLocalWallpaperInfoKey];
- if (localData && localData.url == &&
- localData.source == Constants.WallpaperSourceEnum.Custom) {
- WallpaperUtil.setCustomWallpaperFromSyncFS(localData.url,
- localData.layout);
- } else if (!localData || localData.url !=
- Constants.CustomWallpaperThumbnailSuffix, '')) {
- // localData might be null on a powerwashed device.
- WallpaperUtil.storeWallpaperFromSyncFSToLocalFS(
- detail.fileEntry);
- }
- });
- } else if (detail.action == 'deleted') {
- var fileName =
- Constants.CustomWallpaperThumbnailSuffix, '');
- WallpaperUtil.deleteWallpaperFromLocalFS(fileName);
- }
- } else { // detail.direction == 'local_to_remote'
- if (detail.action == 'deleted') {
- WallpaperUtil.deleteWallpaperFromSyncFS(;
- WallpaperUtil.deleteWallpaperFromLocalFS(;
- }
- }
- }
- });
-, namespace) {
- WallpaperUtil.enabledSyncThemesCallback(function(syncEnabled) {
- if (syncEnabled) {
- // If sync theme is enabled, use values from to sync
- // wallpaper changes.
- WallpaperUtil.requestSyncFS(function() {});
- if (changes[Constants.AccessSyncSurpriseMeEnabledKey]) {
- if (changes[Constants.AccessSyncSurpriseMeEnabledKey].newValue) {
- SurpriseWallpaper.getInstance().next();
- } else {
- SurpriseWallpaper.getInstance().disable();
- }
- }
- if (changes[Constants.AccessSyncWallpaperInfoKey]) {
- var syncInfo = changes[Constants.AccessSyncWallpaperInfoKey].newValue;
- Constants.WallpaperSyncStorage.get(
- Constants.AccessSyncSurpriseMeEnabledKey, function(enabledItems) {
- var syncSurpriseMeEnabled =
- enabledItems[Constants.AccessSyncSurpriseMeEnabledKey];
- Constants.WallpaperSyncStorage.get(
- Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate,
- function(items) {
- var syncLastSurpriseMeChangedDate =
- items[Constants.AccessLastSurpriseWallpaperChangedDate];
- var today = new Date().toDateString();
- // If SurpriseMe is enabled and surprise wallpaper hasn't been
- // changed today, we should not sync the change, instead onAlarm()
- // will be triggered to update a surprise me wallpaper.
- if (!syncSurpriseMeEnabled ||
- (syncSurpriseMeEnabled &&
- syncLastSurpriseMeChangedDate == today)) {
- Constants.WallpaperLocalStorage.get(
- Constants.AccessLocalWallpaperInfoKey, function(infoItems) {
- var localInfo =
- infoItems[Constants.AccessLocalWallpaperInfoKey];
- // Normally, the wallpaper info saved in local storage and sync
- // storage are the same. If the synced value changed by sync
- // service, they may different. In that case, change wallpaper
- // to the one saved in sync storage and update the local value.
- if (localInfo == undefined ||
- localInfo.url != syncInfo.url ||
- localInfo.layout != syncInfo.layout ||
- localInfo.source != syncInfo.source) {
- if (syncInfo.source == Constants.WallpaperSourceEnum.Online) {
- // TODO(bshe): Consider schedule an alarm to set online
- // wallpaper later when failed. Note that we need to cancel
- // the retry if user set another wallpaper before retry
- // alarm invoked.
- WallpaperUtil.setOnlineWallpaper(syncInfo.url,
- syncInfo.layout, function() {}, function() {});
- } else if (syncInfo.source ==
- Constants.WallpaperSourceEnum.Custom) {
- WallpaperUtil.setCustomWallpaperFromSyncFS(syncInfo.url,
- syncInfo.layout);
- } else if (syncInfo.source ==
- Constants.WallpaperSourceEnum.Default) {
- chrome.wallpaperPrivate.resetWallpaper();
- }
- WallpaperUtil.saveToLocalStorage(
- Constants.AccessLocalWallpaperInfoKey, syncInfo);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- });
- }
- } else {
- // If sync theme is disabled, use values from to
- // track wallpaper changes.
- if (changes[Constants.AccessLocalSurpriseMeEnabledKey]) {
- if (changes[Constants.AccessLocalSurpriseMeEnabledKey].newValue) {
- SurpriseWallpaper.getInstance().next();
- } else {
- SurpriseWallpaper.getInstance().disable();
- }
- }
- }
- });
-chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(function() {
- SurpriseWallpaper.getInstance().next();
-chrome.wallpaperPrivate.onWallpaperChangedBy3rdParty.addListener(function() {
- WallpaperUtil.saveToLocalStorage(
- Constants.AccessLocalSurpriseMeEnabledKey, false, function() {
- WallpaperUtil.saveToSyncStorage(Constants.AccessSyncSurpriseMeEnabledKey,
- false);
- });
- SurpriseWallpaper.getInstance().disable();