path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/heap_stats_collector.h
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authorAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2021-03-12 09:13:00 +0100
committerAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2021-03-16 09:58:26 +0000
commit03561cae90f1d99b5c54b1ef3be69f10e882b25e (patch)
treecc5f0958e823c044e7ae51cc0117fe51432abe5e /chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/heap_stats_collector.h
parentfa98118a45f7e169f8846086dc2c22c49a8ba310 (diff)
BASELINE: Update Chromium to 88.0.4324.208
Change-Id: I3ae87d23e4eff4b4a469685658740a213600c667 Reviewed-by: Allan Sandfeld Jensen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/heap_stats_collector.h')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/heap_stats_collector.h b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/heap_stats_collector.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cbac7c3b8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/impl/heap_stats_collector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "base/atomicops.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/blink_gc.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/tracing/trace_event.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
+namespace blink {
+// Interface for observing changes to heap sizing.
+class PLATFORM_EXPORT ThreadHeapStatsObserver {
+ public:
+ // Called upon allocating/releasing chunks of memory that contain objects.
+ //
+ // Must not trigger GC or allocate.
+ virtual void IncreaseAllocatedSpace(size_t) = 0;
+ virtual void DecreaseAllocatedSpace(size_t) = 0;
+ // Called once per GC cycle with the accurate number of live |bytes|.
+ //
+ // Must not trigger GC or allocate.
+ virtual void ResetAllocatedObjectSize(size_t bytes) = 0;
+ // Called after observing at least
+ // |ThreadHeapStatsCollector::kUpdateThreshold| changed bytes through
+ // allocation or explicit free. Reports both, negative and positive
+ // increments, to allow observer to decide whether absolute values or only the
+ // deltas is interesting.
+ //
+ // May trigger GC but most not allocate.
+ virtual void IncreaseAllocatedObjectSize(size_t) = 0;
+ virtual void DecreaseAllocatedObjectSize(size_t) = 0;
+#define FOR_ALL_SCOPES(V) \
+ V(AtomicPauseCompaction) \
+ V(AtomicPauseMarkEpilogue) \
+ V(AtomicPauseMarkPrologue) \
+ V(AtomicPauseMarkRoots) \
+ V(AtomicPauseMarkTransitiveClosure) \
+ V(AtomicPauseSweepAndCompact) \
+ V(CompleteSweep) \
+ V(IncrementalMarkingFinalize) \
+ V(IncrementalMarkingStartMarking) \
+ V(IncrementalMarkingStep) \
+ V(IncrementalMarkingWithDeadline) \
+ V(InvokePreFinalizers) \
+ V(LazySweepInIdle) \
+ V(LazySweepOnAllocation) \
+ V(MarkBailOutObjects) \
+ V(MarkInvokeEphemeronCallbacks) \
+ V(MarkFlushV8References) \
+ V(MarkFlushEphemeronPairs) \
+ V(MarkProcessWorklists) \
+ V(MarkProcessMarkingWorklist) \
+ V(MarkProcessWriteBarrierWorklist) \
+ V(MarkProcessNotFullyconstructeddWorklist) \
+ V(MarkNotFullyConstructedObjects) \
+ V(MarkWeakProcessing) \
+ V(UnifiedMarkingStep) \
+ V(VisitCrossThreadPersistents) \
+ V(VisitPersistentRoots) \
+ V(VisitPersistents) \
+ V(VisitRoots) \
+ V(VisitStackRoots) \
+ V(VisitRememberedSets)
+ V(ConcurrentMarkInvokeEphemeronCallbacks) \
+ V(ConcurrentMarkingStep) \
+ V(ConcurrentSweepingStep)
+// Manages counters and statistics across garbage collection cycles.
+// Usage:
+// ThreadHeapStatsCollector stats_collector;
+// stats_collector.NotifyMarkingStarted(<BlinkGC::CollectionType>,
+// <BlinkGC::GCReason>);
+// // Use tracer.
+// stats_collector.NotifySweepingCompleted();
+// // Previous event is available using stats_collector.previous().
+class PLATFORM_EXPORT ThreadHeapStatsCollector {
+ USING_FAST_MALLOC(ThreadHeapStatsCollector);
+ public:
+ // These ids will form human readable names when used in Scopes.
+ enum Id {
+#define DECLARE_ENUM(name) k##name,
+ kNumScopeIds,
+ };
+ enum ConcurrentId {
+#define DECLARE_ENUM(name) k##name,
+ kNumConcurrentScopeIds
+ };
+ constexpr static const char* ToString(Id id, BlinkGC::CollectionType type) {
+ switch (id) {
+#define CASE(name) \
+ case k##name: \
+ return type == BlinkGC::CollectionType::kMajor ? "BlinkGC." #name \
+ : "BlinkGC." #name \
+ ".Minor";
+#undef CASE
+ default:
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ constexpr static const char* ToString(ConcurrentId id,
+ BlinkGC::CollectionType type) {
+ switch (id) {
+#define CASE(name) \
+ case k##name: \
+ return type == BlinkGC::CollectionType::kMajor ? "BlinkGC." #name \
+ : "BlinkGC." #name \
+ ".Minor";
+#undef CASE
+ default:
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ enum TraceCategory { kEnabled, kDisabled };
+ enum ScopeContext { kMutatorThread, kConcurrentThread };
+ // Trace a particular scope. Will emit a trace event and record the time in
+ // the corresponding ThreadHeapStatsCollector.
+ template <TraceCategory trace_category = kDisabled,
+ ScopeContext scope_category = kMutatorThread>
+ class PLATFORM_EXPORT InternalScope {
+ using IdType =
+ std::conditional_t<scope_category == kMutatorThread, Id, ConcurrentId>;
+ public:
+ template <typename... Args>
+ InternalScope(ThreadHeapStatsCollector* tracer, IdType id, Args... args)
+ : tracer_(tracer), start_time_(base::TimeTicks::Now()), id_(id) {
+ StartTrace(args...);
+ }
+ ~InternalScope() {
+ StopTrace();
+ IncreaseScopeTime(id_);
+ }
+ private:
+ inline constexpr static const char* TraceCategory();
+ inline void StartTrace();
+ template <typename Value1>
+ inline void StartTrace(const char* k1, Value1 v1);
+ template <typename Value1, typename Value2>
+ inline void StartTrace(const char* k1,
+ Value1 v1,
+ const char* k2,
+ Value2 v2);
+ inline void StopTrace();
+ inline void IncreaseScopeTime(Id);
+ inline void IncreaseScopeTime(ConcurrentId);
+ ThreadHeapStatsCollector* const tracer_;
+ const base::TimeTicks start_time_;
+ const IdType id_;
+ };
+ using Scope = InternalScope<kDisabled>;
+ using EnabledScope = InternalScope<kEnabled>;
+ using ConcurrentScope = InternalScope<kDisabled, kConcurrentThread>;
+ using EnabledConcurrentScope = InternalScope<kEnabled, kConcurrentThread>;
+ // BlinkGCInV8Scope keeps track of time spent in Blink's GC when called by V8.
+ // This is necessary to avoid double-accounting of Blink's time when computing
+ // the overall time (V8 + Blink) spent in GC on the main thread.
+ class PLATFORM_EXPORT BlinkGCInV8Scope {
+ public:
+ template <typename... Args>
+ BlinkGCInV8Scope(ThreadHeapStatsCollector* tracer)
+ : tracer_(tracer), start_time_(base::TimeTicks::Now()) {}
+ ~BlinkGCInV8Scope() {
+ if (tracer_)
+ tracer_->gc_nested_in_v8_ += base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time_;
+ }
+ private:
+ ThreadHeapStatsCollector* const tracer_;
+ const base::TimeTicks start_time_;
+ };
+ // POD to hold interesting data accumulated during a garbage collection cycle.
+ // The event is always fully populated when looking at previous events but
+ // is only be partially populated when looking at the current event. See
+ // members on when they are available.
+ //
+ // Note that all getters include time for stand-alone as well as unified heap
+ // GCs. E.g., |atomic_marking_time()| report the marking time of the atomic
+ // phase, independent of whether the GC was a stand-alone or unified heap GC.
+ struct PLATFORM_EXPORT Event {
+ Event();
+ // Overall time spent in the GC cycle. This includes marking time as well as
+ // sweeping time.
+ base::TimeDelta gc_cycle_time() const;
+ // Time spent in the final atomic pause of a GC cycle.
+ base::TimeDelta atomic_pause_time() const;
+ // Time spent in the final atomic pause for marking the heap.
+ base::TimeDelta atomic_marking_time() const;
+ // Time spent in the final atomic pause in sweeping and compacting the heap.
+ base::TimeDelta atomic_sweep_and_compact_time() const;
+ // Time spent marking the roots.
+ base::TimeDelta roots_marking_time() const;
+ // Time spent incrementally marking the heap.
+ base::TimeDelta incremental_marking_time() const;
+ // Time spent processing worklist in the foreground thread.
+ base::TimeDelta worklist_processing_time_foreground() const;
+ // Time spent flushing v8 references (this is done only in the foreground)
+ base::TimeDelta flushing_v8_references_time() const;
+ // Time spent in foreground tasks marking the heap.
+ base::TimeDelta foreground_marking_time() const;
+ // Time spent in background tasks marking the heap.
+ base::TimeDelta background_marking_time() const;
+ // Overall time spent marking the heap.
+ base::TimeDelta marking_time() const;
+ // Time spent in foreground tasks sweeping the heap.
+ base::TimeDelta foreground_sweeping_time() const;
+ // Time spent in background tasks sweeping the heap.
+ base::TimeDelta background_sweeping_time() const;
+ // Overall time spent sweeping the heap.
+ base::TimeDelta sweeping_time() const;
+ // Marked bytes collected during sweeping.
+ size_t unique_id = -1;
+ size_t marked_bytes = 0;
+ size_t compaction_freed_bytes = 0;
+ size_t compaction_freed_pages = 0;
+ bool compaction_recorded_events = false;
+ base::TimeDelta scope_data[kNumScopeIds];
+ base::subtle::Atomic32 concurrent_scope_data[kNumConcurrentScopeIds]{0};
+ BlinkGC::GCReason reason = static_cast<BlinkGC::GCReason>(0);
+ BlinkGC::CollectionType collection_type = BlinkGC::CollectionType::kMajor;
+ size_t object_size_in_bytes_before_sweeping = 0;
+ size_t allocated_space_in_bytes_before_sweeping = 0;
+ size_t partition_alloc_bytes_before_sweeping = 0;
+ double live_object_rate = 0;
+ base::TimeDelta gc_nested_in_v8;
+ bool is_forced_gc = true;
+ };
+ // Indicates a new garbage collection cycle.
+ void NotifyMarkingStarted(BlinkGC::CollectionType,
+ BlinkGC::GCReason,
+ bool is_forced_gc);
+ // Indicates that marking of the current garbage collection cycle is
+ // completed.
+ void NotifyMarkingCompleted(size_t marked_bytes);
+ // Indicates the end of a garbage collection cycle. This means that sweeping
+ // is finished at this point.
+ void NotifySweepingCompleted();
+ void IncreaseScopeTime(Id id, base::TimeDelta time) {
+ DCHECK(is_started_);
+ current_.scope_data[id] += time;
+ }
+ void IncreaseConcurrentScopeTime(ConcurrentId id, base::TimeDelta time) {
+ using Atomic32 = base::subtle::Atomic32;
+ DCHECK(is_started_);
+ const int64_t ms = time.InMicroseconds();
+ DCHECK(ms <= std::numeric_limits<Atomic32>::max());
+ base::subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&current_.concurrent_scope_data[id],
+ static_cast<Atomic32>(ms));
+ }
+ void UpdateReason(BlinkGC::GCReason);
+ void IncreaseCompactionFreedSize(size_t);
+ void IncreaseCompactionFreedPages(size_t);
+ void IncreaseAllocatedObjectSize(size_t);
+ void DecreaseAllocatedObjectSize(size_t);
+ void IncreaseAllocatedSpace(size_t);
+ void DecreaseAllocatedSpace(size_t);
+ void IncreaseWrapperCount(size_t);
+ void DecreaseWrapperCount(size_t);
+ void IncreaseCollectedWrapperCount(size_t);
+ // Called by the GC when it hits a point where allocated memory may be
+ // reported and garbage collection is possible. This is necessary, as
+ // increments and decrements are reported as close to their actual
+ // allocation/reclamation as possible.
+ void AllocatedObjectSizeSafepoint();
+ // Size of objects on the heap. Based on marked bytes in the previous cycle
+ // and newly allocated bytes since the previous cycle.
+ size_t object_size_in_bytes() const;
+ size_t marked_bytes() const;
+ base::TimeDelta marking_time_so_far() const;
+ base::TimeDelta worklist_processing_time_foreground() const;
+ base::TimeDelta flushing_v8_references_time() const;
+ int64_t allocated_bytes_since_prev_gc() const;
+ size_t allocated_space_bytes() const;
+ size_t wrapper_count() const;
+ size_t collected_wrapper_count() const;
+ bool is_started() const { return is_started_; }
+ // Statistics for the previously running garbage collection.
+ const Event& previous() const { return previous_; }
+ void RegisterObserver(ThreadHeapStatsObserver* observer);
+ void UnregisterObserver(ThreadHeapStatsObserver* observer);
+ void IncreaseAllocatedObjectSizeForTesting(size_t);
+ void DecreaseAllocatedObjectSizeForTesting(size_t);
+ private:
+ // Observers are implemented using virtual calls. Avoid notifications below
+ // reasonably interesting sizes.
+ static constexpr int64_t kUpdateThreshold = 1024;
+ // Invokes |callback| for all registered observers.
+ template <typename Callback>
+ void ForAllObservers(Callback callback);
+ void AllocatedObjectSizeSafepointImpl();
+ // Statistics for the currently running garbage collection. Note that the
+ // Event may not be fully populated yet as some phase may not have been run.
+ const Event& current() const { return current_; }
+ Event current_;
+ Event previous_;
+ // Allocated bytes since the last garbage collection. These bytes are reset
+ // after marking as they are accounted in marked_bytes then.
+ int64_t allocated_bytes_since_prev_gc_ = 0;
+ int64_t pos_delta_allocated_bytes_since_prev_gc_ = 0;
+ int64_t neg_delta_allocated_bytes_since_prev_gc_ = 0;
+ // Allocated space in bytes for all arenas.
+ size_t allocated_space_bytes_ = 0;
+ bool is_started_ = false;
+ // base::TimeDelta for RawScope. These don't need to be nested within a
+ // garbage collection cycle to make them easier to use.
+ base::TimeDelta gc_nested_in_v8_;
+ Vector<ThreadHeapStatsObserver*> observers_;
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadHeapStatsCollectorTest, InitialEmpty);
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadHeapStatsCollectorTest, IncreaseScopeTime);
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ThreadHeapStatsCollectorTest, StopResetsCurrent);
+template <ThreadHeapStatsCollector::TraceCategory trace_category,
+ ThreadHeapStatsCollector::ScopeContext scope_category>
+constexpr const char*
+ scope_category>::TraceCategory() {
+ switch (trace_category) {
+ case kEnabled:
+ return "blink_gc,devtools.timeline";
+ case kDisabled:
+ return TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("blink_gc");
+ }
+template <ThreadHeapStatsCollector::TraceCategory trace_category,
+ ThreadHeapStatsCollector::ScopeContext scope_category>
+void ThreadHeapStatsCollector::InternalScope<trace_category,
+ scope_category>::StartTrace() {
+ TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN0(TraceCategory(),
+ ToString(id_, tracer_->current_.collection_type));
+template <ThreadHeapStatsCollector::TraceCategory trace_category,
+ ThreadHeapStatsCollector::ScopeContext scope_category>
+template <typename Value1>
+void ThreadHeapStatsCollector::InternalScope<trace_category, scope_category>::
+ StartTrace(const char* k1, Value1 v1) {
+ TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN1(TraceCategory(),
+ ToString(id_, tracer_->current_.collection_type), k1, v1);
+template <ThreadHeapStatsCollector::TraceCategory trace_category,
+ ThreadHeapStatsCollector::ScopeContext scope_category>
+template <typename Value1, typename Value2>
+void ThreadHeapStatsCollector::InternalScope<trace_category, scope_category>::
+ StartTrace(const char* k1, Value1 v1, const char* k2, Value2 v2) {
+ TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN2(TraceCategory(),
+ ToString(id_, tracer_->current_.collection_type), k1, v1,
+ k2, v2);
+template <ThreadHeapStatsCollector::TraceCategory trace_category,
+ ThreadHeapStatsCollector::ScopeContext scope_category>
+void ThreadHeapStatsCollector::InternalScope<trace_category,
+ scope_category>::StopTrace() {
+ TRACE_EVENT_END2(TraceCategory(),
+ ToString(id_, tracer_->current_.collection_type), "epoch",
+ tracer_->current_.unique_id, "forced",
+ tracer_->current_.is_forced_gc);
+template <ThreadHeapStatsCollector::TraceCategory trace_category,
+ ThreadHeapStatsCollector::ScopeContext scope_category>
+void ThreadHeapStatsCollector::InternalScope<trace_category, scope_category>::
+ IncreaseScopeTime(Id) {
+ tracer_->IncreaseScopeTime(id_, base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time_);
+template <ThreadHeapStatsCollector::TraceCategory trace_category,
+ ThreadHeapStatsCollector::ScopeContext scope_category>
+void ThreadHeapStatsCollector::InternalScope<trace_category, scope_category>::
+ IncreaseScopeTime(ConcurrentId) {
+ tracer_->IncreaseConcurrentScopeTime(id_,
+ base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time_);
+} // namespace blink