path: root/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h
diff options
authorAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2018-05-15 10:20:33 +0200
committerAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2018-05-15 10:28:57 +0000
commitd17ea114e5ef69ad5d5d7413280a13e6428098aa (patch)
tree2c01a75df69f30d27b1432467cfe7c1467a498da /chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h
parent8c5c43c7b138c9b4b0bf56d946e61d3bbc111bec (diff)
BASELINE: Update Chromium to 67.0.3396.47
Change-Id: Idcb1341782e417561a2473eeecc82642dafda5b7 Reviewed-by: Michal Klocek <>
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h')
1 files changed, 1399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..36dee2f49e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1399 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (
+ (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (
+ (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis (
+ (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
+ (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
+ Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights
+ reserved.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <memory>
+#include <utility>
+#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/shape_properties.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_display_mode.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_rect.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document_lifecycle.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/frame_view.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/frame_view_auto_size_info.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/layout_subtree_root_list.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/root_frame_viewport.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/map_coordinates_flags.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/scroll_anchor.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/compositing/paint_layer_compositor.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/first_meaningful_paint_detector.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/object_paint_properties.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_invalidation_capable_scrollable_area.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_phase.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/scrollbar_manager.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/int_rect.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/layout_rect.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/color.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/compositor_element_id.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/graphics_layer_client.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/property_tree_state.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_frame_view.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scroll/scroll_types.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scroll/scrollbar.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scroll/smooth_scroll_sequencer.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/ukm_time_aggregator.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/auto_reset.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/forward.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
+#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
+namespace blink {
+class AXObjectCache;
+class Cursor;
+class DocumentLifecycle;
+class Element;
+class ElementVisibilityObserver;
+class Frame;
+class FloatSize;
+class IntRect;
+class JSONArray;
+class JSONObject;
+class LayoutEmbeddedContent;
+class LocalFrame;
+class KURL;
+class Node;
+class LayoutAnalyzer;
+class LayoutBox;
+class LayoutEmbeddedObject;
+class LayoutObject;
+class LayoutReplaced;
+class LayoutScrollbarPart;
+class LayoutView;
+class PaintArtifactCompositor;
+class PaintController;
+class Page;
+class PrintContext;
+class ScrollingCoordinator;
+class ScrollingCoordinatorContext;
+class TracedValue;
+class TransformState;
+class WebPluginContainerImpl;
+struct AnnotatedRegionValue;
+struct IntrinsicSizingInfo;
+struct WebScrollIntoViewParams;
+typedef unsigned long long DOMTimeStamp;
+class CORE_EXPORT LocalFrameView final
+ : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<LocalFrameView>,
+ public PlatformFrameView,
+ public FrameView,
+ public PaintInvalidationCapableScrollableArea {
+ friend class PaintControllerPaintTestBase;
+ friend class Internals;
+ friend class LayoutEmbeddedContent; // for invalidateTreeIfNeeded
+ public:
+ static LocalFrameView* Create(LocalFrame&);
+ static LocalFrameView* Create(LocalFrame&, const IntSize& initial_size);
+ ~LocalFrameView() override;
+ void Invalidate() { InvalidateRect(IntRect(0, 0, Width(), Height())); }
+ void InvalidateRect(const IntRect&);
+ void SetFrameRect(const IntRect&) override;
+ IntRect FrameRect() const override { return IntRect(Location(), Size()); }
+ IntPoint Location() const;
+ int X() const { return Location().X(); }
+ int Y() const { return Location().Y(); }
+ int Width() const { return Size().Width(); }
+ int Height() const { return Size().Height(); }
+ IntSize Size() const { return frame_rect_.Size(); }
+ void Resize(int width, int height) { Resize(IntSize(width, height)); }
+ void Resize(const IntSize& size) {
+ SetFrameRect(IntRect(frame_rect_.Location(), size));
+ }
+ // Called when our frame rect changes (or the rect/scroll offset of an
+ // ancestor changes).
+ void FrameRectsChanged() override;
+ LocalFrame& GetFrame() const {
+ DCHECK(frame_);
+ return *frame_;
+ }
+ Page* GetPage() const;
+ LayoutView* GetLayoutView() const;
+ // If false, prevents scrollbars on the viewport even if web content would
+ // make them appear. Also prevents user-input scrolls (but not programmatic
+ // scrolls).
+ // This API is root-layer-scrolling-aware (affects root PLSA in RLS mode).
+ void SetCanHaveScrollbars(bool);
+ bool CanHaveScrollbars() const { return can_have_scrollbars_; }
+ Scrollbar* CreateScrollbar(ScrollbarOrientation) override;
+ void SnapAfterScrollbarDragging(ScrollbarOrientation) override;
+ void SetLayoutOverflowSize(const IntSize&);
+ void UpdateLayout();
+ bool DidFirstLayout() const;
+ bool LifecycleUpdatesActive() const;
+ void ScheduleRelayout();
+ void ScheduleRelayoutOfSubtree(LayoutObject*);
+ bool LayoutPending() const;
+ bool IsInPerformLayout() const;
+ void ClearLayoutSubtreeRoot(const LayoutObject&);
+ void AddOrthogonalWritingModeRoot(LayoutBox&);
+ void RemoveOrthogonalWritingModeRoot(LayoutBox&);
+ bool HasOrthogonalWritingModeRoots() const;
+ void LayoutOrthogonalWritingModeRoots();
+ void ScheduleOrthogonalWritingModeRootsForLayout();
+ int LayoutCount() const { return layout_count_; }
+ void CountObjectsNeedingLayout(unsigned& needs_layout_objects,
+ unsigned& total_objects,
+ bool& is_partial);
+ bool NeedsLayout() const;
+ bool CheckDoesNotNeedLayout() const;
+ void SetNeedsLayout();
+ void SetNeedsUpdateGeometries() { needs_update_geometries_ = true; }
+ void UpdateGeometry() override;
+ // Marks this frame, and ancestor frames, as needing one intersection
+ // observervation. This overrides throttling for one frame, up to
+ // kLayoutClean.
+ void SetNeedsIntersectionObservation();
+ // Marks this frame, and ancestor frames, as needing a mandatory compositing
+ // update. This overrides throttling for one frame, up to kCompositingClean.
+ void SetNeedsForcedCompositingUpdate();
+ void ResetNeedsForcedCompositingUpdate() {
+ needs_forced_compositing_update_ = false;
+ }
+ // Methods for getting/setting the size Blink should use to layout the
+ // contents.
+ // NOTE: Scrollbar exclusion is based on the LocalFrameView's scrollbars. To
+ // exclude scrollbars on the root PaintLayer, use LayoutView::layoutSize.
+ IntSize GetLayoutSize(IncludeScrollbarsInRect = kExcludeScrollbars) const;
+ void SetLayoutSize(const IntSize&);
+ // If this is set to false, the layout size will need to be explicitly set by
+ // the owner. E.g. WebViewImpl sets its mainFrame's layout size manually
+ void SetLayoutSizeFixedToFrameSize(bool);
+ bool LayoutSizeFixedToFrameSize() { return layout_size_fixed_to_frame_size_; }
+ void SetInitialViewportSize(const IntSize&);
+ int InitialViewportWidth() const;
+ int InitialViewportHeight() const;
+ bool GetIntrinsicSizingInfo(IntrinsicSizingInfo&) const override;
+ bool HasIntrinsicSizingInfo() const override;
+ void UpdateAcceleratedCompositingSettings();
+ void RecalcOverflowAfterStyleChange();
+ void UpdateCountersAfterStyleChange();
+ bool IsEnclosedInCompositingLayer() const;
+ void Dispose() override;
+ void DetachScrollbars();
+ void RecalculateCustomScrollbarStyle();
+ void InvalidateAllCustomScrollbarsOnActiveChanged();
+ // True if the LocalFrameView's base background color is completely opaque.
+ bool HasOpaqueBackground() const;
+ Color BaseBackgroundColor() const;
+ void SetBaseBackgroundColor(const Color&);
+ void UpdateBaseBackgroundColorRecursively(const Color&);
+ void AdjustViewSize();
+ void AdjustViewSizeAndLayout();
+ // Scale used to convert incoming input events.
+ float InputEventsScaleFactor() const;
+ // Scale used to convert incoming input events while emulating device metics.
+ void SetInputEventsScaleForEmulation(float);
+ void DidChangeScrollOffset();
+ void DidUpdateElasticOverscroll();
+ void ViewportSizeChanged(bool width_changed, bool height_changed);
+ void MarkViewportConstrainedObjectsForLayout(bool width_changed,
+ bool height_changed);
+ AtomicString MediaType() const;
+ void SetMediaType(const AtomicString&);
+ void AdjustMediaTypeForPrinting(bool printing);
+ WebDisplayMode DisplayMode() { return display_mode_; }
+ void SetDisplayMode(WebDisplayMode);
+ DisplayShape GetDisplayShape() { return display_shape_; }
+ void SetDisplayShape(DisplayShape);
+ // Fixed-position objects.
+ typedef HashSet<LayoutObject*> ViewportConstrainedObjectSet;
+ void AddViewportConstrainedObject(LayoutObject&);
+ void RemoveViewportConstrainedObject(LayoutObject&);
+ const ViewportConstrainedObjectSet* ViewportConstrainedObjects() const {
+ return viewport_constrained_objects_.get();
+ }
+ bool HasViewportConstrainedObjects() const {
+ return viewport_constrained_objects_ &&
+ viewport_constrained_objects_->size() > 0;
+ }
+ // Objects with background-attachment:fixed.
+ void AddBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(LayoutObject*);
+ void RemoveBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(LayoutObject*);
+ bool HasBackgroundAttachmentFixedObjects() const {
+ return background_attachment_fixed_objects_.size();
+ }
+ bool HasBackgroundAttachmentFixedDescendants(const LayoutObject&) const;
+ void InvalidateBackgroundAttachmentFixedDescendants(const LayoutObject&);
+ void HandleLoadCompleted();
+ void UpdateDocumentAnnotatedRegions() const;
+ void DidAttachDocument();
+ void RestoreScrollbar();
+ void PostLayoutTimerFired(TimerBase*);
+ bool SafeToPropagateScrollToParent() const {
+ return safe_to_propagate_scroll_to_parent_;
+ }
+ void SetSafeToPropagateScrollToParent(bool is_safe) {
+ safe_to_propagate_scroll_to_parent_ = is_safe;
+ }
+ void AddPartToUpdate(LayoutEmbeddedObject&);
+ Color DocumentBackgroundColor() const;
+ // Called when this view is going to be removed from its owning
+ // LocalFrame.
+ void WillBeRemovedFromFrame();
+ // Run all needed lifecycle stages. After calling this method, all frames will
+ // be in the lifecycle state PaintClean. If lifecycle throttling is allowed
+ // (see DocumentLifecycle::AllowThrottlingScope), some frames may skip the
+ // lifecycle update (e.g., based on visibility) and will not end up being
+ // PaintClean.
+ void UpdateAllLifecyclePhases();
+ // Everything except paint (the last phase).
+ bool UpdateAllLifecyclePhasesExceptPaint();
+ // Printing needs everything up-to-date except paint (which will be done
+ // specially). We may also print a detached frame or a descendant of a
+ // detached frame and need special handling of the frame.
+ void UpdateLifecyclePhasesForPrinting();
+ // Computes the style, layout, compositing and pre-paint lifecycle stages
+ // if needed.
+ // After calling this method, all frames will be in a lifecycle
+ // state >= PrePaintClean, unless the frame was throttled or inactive.
+ // Returns whether the lifecycle was successfully updated to the
+ // desired state.
+ bool UpdateLifecycleToPrePaintClean();
+ // After calling this method, all frames will be in a lifecycle
+ // state >= CompositingClean, and scrolling has been updated (unless
+ // throttling is allowed), unless the frame was throttled or inactive.
+ // Returns whether the lifecycle was successfully updated to the
+ // desired state.
+ bool UpdateLifecycleToCompositingCleanPlusScrolling();
+ // Computes the style, layout, and compositing inputs lifecycle stages if
+ // needed. After calling this method, all frames will be in a lifecycle state
+ // >= CompositingInputsClean, unless the frame was throttled or inactive.
+ // Returns whether the lifecycle was successfully updated to the
+ // desired state.
+ bool UpdateLifecycleToCompositingInputsClean();
+ // Computes only the style and layout lifecycle stages.
+ // After calling this method, all frames will be in a lifecycle
+ // state >= LayoutClean, unless the frame was throttled or inactive.
+ // Returns whether the lifecycle was successfully updated to the
+ // desired state.
+ bool UpdateLifecycleToLayoutClean();
+ void ScheduleVisualUpdateForPaintInvalidationIfNeeded();
+ bool InvalidateViewportConstrainedObjects();
+ void IncrementLayoutObjectCount() { layout_object_counter_.Increment(); }
+ void IncrementVisuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount(unsigned);
+ void IncrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount(const IntSize&);
+ bool IsVisuallyNonEmpty() const { return is_visually_non_empty_; }
+ void SetIsVisuallyNonEmpty() { is_visually_non_empty_ = true; }
+ void EnableAutoSizeMode(const IntSize& min_size, const IntSize& max_size);
+ void DisableAutoSizeMode();
+ void ForceLayoutForPagination(const FloatSize& page_size,
+ const FloatSize& original_page_size,
+ float maximum_shrink_factor);
+ enum UrlFragmentBehavior { kUrlFragmentScroll, kUrlFragmentDontScroll };
+ // Updates the fragment anchor element based on URL's fragment identifier.
+ // Updates corresponding ':target' CSS pseudo class on the anchor element.
+ // If |UrlFragmentScroll| is passed it sets the anchor element so that it
+ // will be focused and scrolled into view during layout. The scroll offset is
+ // maintained during the frame loading process.
+ void ProcessUrlFragment(const KURL&,
+ UrlFragmentBehavior = kUrlFragmentScroll);
+ void ClearFragmentAnchor();
+ // Methods to convert points and rects between the coordinate space of the
+ // layoutObject, and this view.
+ IntRect ConvertFromLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&, const IntRect&) const;
+ IntRect ConvertToLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&, const IntRect&) const;
+ IntPoint ConvertFromLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&, const IntPoint&) const;
+ IntPoint ConvertToLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&, const IntPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint ConvertFromLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&,
+ const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint ConvertToLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&,
+ const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ FloatPoint ConvertToLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&,
+ const FloatPoint&) const;
+ bool IsFrameViewScrollCorner(LayoutScrollbarPart* scroll_corner) const {
+ return scroll_corner_ == scroll_corner;
+ }
+ enum ScrollingReasons {
+ kScrollable,
+ kNotScrollableNoOverflow,
+ kNotScrollableNotVisible,
+ kNotScrollableExplicitlyDisabled
+ };
+ ScrollingReasons GetScrollingReasons() const;
+ bool IsScrollable() const override;
+ bool IsProgrammaticallyScrollable() override;
+ IntPoint LastKnownMousePosition() const override;
+ bool ShouldSetCursor() const;
+ void SetCursor(const Cursor&);
+ bool ScrollbarsCanBeActive() const override;
+ void ScrollbarVisibilityChanged() override;
+ void ScrollbarFrameRectChanged() override;
+ // FIXME: Remove this method once plugin loading is decoupled from layout.
+ void FlushAnyPendingPostLayoutTasks();
+ bool ShouldSuspendScrollAnimations() const override;
+ void ScrollbarStyleChanged() override;
+ static void SetInitialTracksPaintInvalidationsForTesting(bool);
+ // These methods are for testing.
+ void SetTracksPaintInvalidations(bool);
+ bool IsTrackingPaintInvalidations() const {
+ return tracked_object_paint_invalidations_.get();
+ }
+ void TrackObjectPaintInvalidation(const DisplayItemClient&,
+ PaintInvalidationReason);
+ std::unique_ptr<JSONArray> TrackedObjectPaintInvalidationsAsJSON() const;
+ using ScrollableAreaSet = HeapHashSet<Member<ScrollableArea>>;
+ void AddScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*);
+ void RemoveScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*);
+ const ScrollableAreaSet* ScrollableAreas() const {
+ return scrollable_areas_.Get();
+ }
+ void AddAnimatingScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*);
+ void RemoveAnimatingScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*);
+ const ScrollableAreaSet* AnimatingScrollableAreas() const {
+ return animating_scrollable_areas_.Get();
+ }
+ // With CSS style "resize:" enabled, a little resizer handle will appear at
+ // the bottom right of the object. We keep track of these resizer areas for
+ // checking if touches (implemented using Scroll gesture) are targeting the
+ // resizer.
+ typedef HashSet<LayoutBox*> ResizerAreaSet;
+ void AddResizerArea(LayoutBox&);
+ void RemoveResizerArea(LayoutBox&);
+ const ResizerAreaSet* ResizerAreas() const { return resizer_areas_.get(); }
+ bool ShouldUseIntegerScrollOffset() const override;
+ bool IsActive() const override;
+ // Override scrollbar notifications to update the AXObject cache.
+ void DidAddScrollbar(Scrollbar&, ScrollbarOrientation) override;
+ // FIXME: This should probably be renamed as the 'inSubtreeLayout' parameter
+ // passed around the LocalFrameView layout methods can be true while this
+ // returns false.
+ bool IsSubtreeLayout() const { return !layout_subtree_root_list_.IsEmpty(); }
+ // Sets the tickmarks for the LocalFrameView, overriding the default behavior
+ // which is to display the tickmarks corresponding to find results.
+ // If |m_tickmarks| is empty, the default behavior is restored.
+ void SetTickmarks(const Vector<IntRect>& tickmarks) {
+ tickmarks_ = tickmarks;
+ InvalidatePaintForTickmarks();
+ }
+ void InvalidatePaintForTickmarks();
+ IntSize MaximumScrollOffsetInt() const override;
+ // ScrollableArea interface
+ void GetTickmarks(Vector<IntRect>&) const override;
+ IntRect ScrollableAreaBoundingBox() const override;
+ CompositorElementId GetCompositorElementId() const override;
+ bool ScrollAnimatorEnabled() const override;
+ bool ShouldScrollOnMainThread() const override;
+ PaintLayer* Layer() const override;
+ GraphicsLayer* LayerForScrolling() const override;
+ GraphicsLayer* LayerForHorizontalScrollbar() const override;
+ GraphicsLayer* LayerForVerticalScrollbar() const override;
+ GraphicsLayer* LayerForScrollCorner() const override;
+ int ScrollSize(ScrollbarOrientation) const override;
+ bool IsScrollCornerVisible() const override;
+ bool UpdateAfterCompositingChange() override;
+ bool UserInputScrollable(ScrollbarOrientation) const override;
+ bool ShouldPlaceVerticalScrollbarOnLeft() const override;
+ bool ScheduleAnimation() override;
+ CompositorAnimationHost* GetCompositorAnimationHost() const override;
+ CompositorAnimationTimeline* GetCompositorAnimationTimeline() const override;
+ LayoutBox* GetLayoutBox() const override;
+ FloatQuad LocalToVisibleContentQuad(const FloatQuad&,
+ const LayoutObject*,
+ unsigned = 0) const final;
+ scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetTimerTaskRunner() const final;
+ LayoutRect ScrollIntoView(const LayoutRect& rect_in_absolute,
+ const WebScrollIntoViewParams& params) override;
+ // The window that hosts the LocalFrameView. The LocalFrameView will
+ // communicate scrolls and repaints to the host window in the window's
+ // coordinate space.
+ PlatformChromeClient* GetChromeClient() const override;
+ SmoothScrollSequencer* GetSmoothScrollSequencer() const override;
+ // Functions for child manipulation and inspection.
+ bool IsSelfVisible() const {
+ return self_visible_;
+ } // Whether or not we have been explicitly marked as visible or not.
+ bool IsParentVisible() const {
+ return parent_visible_;
+ } // Whether or not our parent is visible.
+ bool IsVisible() const {
+ return self_visible_ && parent_visible_;
+ } // Whether or not we are actually visible.
+ void SetParentVisible(bool) override;
+ void SetSelfVisible(bool v) { self_visible_ = v; }
+ void AttachToLayout() override;
+ void DetachFromLayout() override;
+ bool IsAttached() const override { return is_attached_; }
+ using PluginSet = HeapHashSet<Member<WebPluginContainerImpl>>;
+ const PluginSet& Plugins() const { return plugins_; }
+ void AddPlugin(WebPluginContainerImpl*);
+ // Custom scrollbars in PaintLayerScrollableArea need to be called with
+ // StyleChanged whenever window focus is changed.
+ void RemoveScrollbar(Scrollbar*);
+ void AddScrollbar(Scrollbar*);
+ // If the scroll view does not use a native widget, then it will have
+ // cross-platform Scrollbars. These functions can be used to obtain those
+ // scrollbars.
+ Scrollbar* HorizontalScrollbar() const override {
+ return scrollbar_manager_.HorizontalScrollbar();
+ }
+ Scrollbar* VerticalScrollbar() const override {
+ return scrollbar_manager_.VerticalScrollbar();
+ }
+ LayoutScrollbarPart* ScrollCorner() const override { return scroll_corner_; }
+ void PositionScrollbarLayers();
+ // Functions for setting and retrieving the scrolling mode in each axis
+ // (horizontal/vertical). The mode has values of AlwaysOff, AlwaysOn, and
+ // Auto. AlwaysOff means never show a scrollbar, AlwaysOn means always show a
+ // scrollbar. Auto means show a scrollbar only when one is needed.
+ // Note that for platforms with native widgets, these modes are considered
+ // advisory. In other words the underlying native widget may choose not to
+ // honor the requested modes.
+ void SetScrollbarModes(ScrollbarMode horizontal_mode,
+ ScrollbarMode vertical_mode);
+ void SetHorizontalScrollbarMode(ScrollbarMode mode) {
+ SetScrollbarModes(mode, vertical_scrollbar_mode_);
+ }
+ void SetVerticalScrollbarMode(ScrollbarMode mode) {
+ SetScrollbarModes(horizontal_scrollbar_mode_, mode);
+ }
+ ScrollbarMode EffectiveHorizontalScrollbarMode() const;
+ ScrollbarMode EffectiveVerticalScrollbarMode() const;
+ // The visible content rect has a location that is the scrolled offset of
+ // the document. The width and height are the layout viewport width and
+ // height. By default the scrollbars themselves are excluded from this
+ // rectangle, but an optional boolean argument allows them to be included.
+ IntRect VisibleContentRect(
+ IncludeScrollbarsInRect = kExcludeScrollbars) const override;
+ IntSize VisibleContentSize(
+ IncludeScrollbarsInRect = kExcludeScrollbars) const;
+ // The visible scroll snapport rect is contracted from the visible content
+ // rect, by the amount of the document's scroll-padding.
+ LayoutRect VisibleScrollSnapportRect() const override;
+ // Clips the provided rect to the visible content area. For this purpose, we
+ // also query the chrome client for any active overrides to the visible area
+ // (e.g. DevTool's viewport override).
+ void ClipPaintRect(FloatRect*) const;
+ // Functions for getting/setting the size of the document contained inside the
+ // LocalFrameView (as an IntSize or as individual width and height values).
+ // Always at least as big as the visibleWidth()/visibleHeight().
+ IntSize ContentsSize() const override;
+ int ContentsWidth() const { return ContentsSize().Width(); }
+ int ContentsHeight() const { return ContentsSize().Height(); }
+ // Functions for querying the current scrolled offset (both as a point, a
+ // size, or as individual X and Y values). Be careful in using the Float
+ // version getScrollOffset() and getScrollOffset(). They are meant to be used
+ // to communicate the fractional scroll offset with chromium compositor which
+ // can do sub-pixel positioning. Do not call these if the scroll offset is
+ // used in Blink for positioning. Use the Int version instead.
+ IntSize ScrollOffsetInt() const override {
+ return ToIntSize(VisibleContentRect().Location());
+ }
+ ScrollOffset GetScrollOffset() const override { return scroll_offset_; }
+ ScrollOffset PendingScrollDelta() const { return pending_scroll_delta_; }
+ IntSize MinimumScrollOffsetInt()
+ const override; // The minimum offset we can be scrolled to.
+ int ScrollX() const { return ScrollOffsetInt().Width(); }
+ int ScrollY() const { return ScrollOffsetInt().Height(); }
+ // Scroll the actual contents of the view (either blitting or invalidating as
+ // needed).
+ void ScrollContents(const IntSize& scroll_delta);
+ // This gives us a means of blocking updating our scrollbars until the first
+ // layout has occurred.
+ void SetScrollbarsSuppressed(bool suppressed) {
+ scrollbars_suppressed_ = suppressed;
+ }
+ bool ScrollbarsSuppressed() const { return scrollbars_suppressed_; }
+ // Indicates the root layer's scroll offset changed since the last frame
+ void SetRootLayerDidScroll() { root_layer_did_scroll_ = true; }
+ // Methods for converting between this frame and other coordinate spaces.
+ // For definitions and an explanation of the varous spaces, please see:
+ //
+ // WARNING: With --root-layer-scrolling, these become ambiguous since content
+ // coordinates mean something different. These will eventually be replaced,
+ // see comments below about writing RLS agnostic conversions.
+ IntPoint RootFrameToContents(const IntPoint&) const;
+ FloatPoint RootFrameToContents(const FloatPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint RootFrameToContents(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ IntRect RootFrameToContents(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntPoint ContentsToRootFrame(const IntPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint ContentsToRootFrame(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ IntRect ContentsToRootFrame(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntRect ViewportToContents(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntRect ContentsToViewport(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntPoint ContentsToViewport(const IntPoint&) const;
+ IntPoint ViewportToContents(const IntPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint ViewportToContents(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ // FIXME: Some external callers expect to get back a rect that's positioned
+ // in viewport space, but sized in CSS pixels. This is an artifact of the
+ // old pinch-zoom path. These callers should be converted to expect a rect
+ // fully in viewport space.
+ IntPoint SoonToBeRemovedUnscaledViewportToContents(const IntPoint&) const;
+ // Methods for converting between Frame and Content (i.e. Document)
+ // coordinates. Frame coordinates are relative to the top left corner of the
+ // frame and so they are affected by scroll offset. Content coordinates are
+ // relative to the document's top left corner and thus are not affected by
+ // scroll offset.
+ // WARNING: With --root-layer-scrolling, these become ambiguous since content
+ // coordinates mean something different. These will eventually be replaced,
+ // see comments below about writing RLS agnostic conversions.
+ IntPoint ContentsToFrame(const IntPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint ContentsToFrame(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ FloatPoint ContentsToFrame(const FloatPoint&) const;
+ IntRect ContentsToFrame(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntPoint FrameToContents(const IntPoint&) const;
+ FloatPoint FrameToContents(const FloatPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint FrameToContents(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ IntRect FrameToContents(const IntRect&) const;
+ // Functions for converting to screen coordinates.
+ IntRect ContentsToScreen(const IntRect&) const;
+ // For platforms that need to hit test scrollbars from within the engine's
+ // event handlers (like Win32).
+ Scrollbar* ScrollbarAtFramePoint(const IntPoint&);
+ // Converts from/to local "frame" coordinates to the root "frame"
+ // coordinates. Note: with root-layer-scrolls, "frame" coordinates become
+ // equivalent to "absoltue" coordinates since the LayoutView (same size and
+ // origin as the frame) clips and scrolls content below it. Without RLS, the
+ // LayoutView is the size of the entire document and doesn't scroll itself so
+ // "absolute" means "document". To write RLS agnostic-code, use (or add) the
+ // methods below these ones. For details, see:
+ //
+ IntRect ConvertToRootFrame(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntPoint ConvertToRootFrame(const IntPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint ConvertToRootFrame(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ IntRect ConvertFromRootFrame(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntPoint ConvertFromRootFrame(const IntPoint&) const override;
+ FloatPoint ConvertFromRootFrame(const FloatPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint ConvertFromRootFrame(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ IntPoint ConvertSelfToChild(const EmbeddedContentView&,
+ const IntPoint&) const;
+ // root-layer-scrolls agnostic conversion functions:
+ // Maps from "absolute" coordinates to root frame coordinates. TODO(bokan)
+ // This is a temporary shim to hide the difference between root-layer-scrolls
+ // being on and off. Once RLS is turned on, this becomes (and can be replaced
+ // with) ConvertToRootFrame since "frame coordinates" == "absolute
+ // coordinates" in RLS. Without RLS, "absolute coordinates" == "document
+ // coordinates".
+ IntRect AbsoluteToRootFrame(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntPoint AbsoluteToRootFrame(const IntPoint&) const;
+ LayoutRect AbsoluteToRootFrame(const LayoutRect&) const;
+ IntRect RootFrameToDocument(const IntRect&);
+ IntPoint RootFrameToDocument(const IntPoint&);
+ FloatPoint RootFrameToDocument(const FloatPoint&);
+ LayoutPoint RootFrameToAbsolute(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ IntPoint RootFrameToAbsolute(const IntPoint&) const;
+ IntRect RootFrameToAbsolute(const IntRect&) const;
+ DoublePoint DocumentToAbsolute(const DoublePoint&) const;
+ FloatPoint DocumentToAbsolute(const FloatPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint DocumentToAbsolute(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ LayoutRect DocumentToAbsolute(const LayoutRect&) const;
+ LayoutPoint AbsoluteToDocument(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ LayoutRect AbsoluteToDocument(const LayoutRect&) const;
+ // Handles painting of the contents of the view as well as the scrollbars.
+ void Paint(GraphicsContext&,
+ const GlobalPaintFlags,
+ const CullRect&,
+ const IntSize& paint_offset = IntSize()) const override;
+ // Paints, and also updates the lifecycle to in-paint and paint clean
+ // beforehand. Call this for painting use-cases outside of the lifecycle.
+ void PaintWithLifecycleUpdate(GraphicsContext&,
+ const GlobalPaintFlags,
+ const CullRect&);
+ void PaintContents(GraphicsContext&,
+ const GlobalPaintFlags,
+ const IntRect& damage_rect);
+ void Show() override;
+ void Hide() override;
+ bool IsPointInScrollbarCorner(const IntPoint&);
+ bool ScrollbarCornerPresent() const;
+ IntRect ScrollCornerRect() const override;
+ IntPoint ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentViewToScrollbar(
+ const Scrollbar&,
+ const IntPoint&) const override;
+ bool IsLocalFrameView() const override { return true; }
+ virtual void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
+ void NotifyPageThatContentAreaWillPaint() const;
+ // Returns the scrollable area for the frame. For the root frame, this will
+ // be the RootFrameViewport, which adds pinch-zoom semantics to scrolling.
+ // For non-root frames, this will be the the ScrollableArea used by the
+ // LocalFrameView, depending on whether root-layer-scrolls is enabled.
+ ScrollableArea* GetScrollableArea();
+ // Used to get at the underlying layoutViewport in the rare instances where
+ // we actually want to scroll *just* the layout viewport (e.g. when sending
+ // deltas from CC). For typical scrolling cases, use getScrollableArea().
+ ScrollableArea* LayoutViewportScrollableArea();
+ // If this is the main frame, this will return the RootFrameViewport used
+ // to scroll the main frame. Otherwise returns nullptr. Unless you need a
+ // unique method on RootFrameViewport, you should probably use
+ // getScrollableArea.
+ RootFrameViewport* GetRootFrameViewport();
+ int ViewportWidth() const;
+ LayoutAnalyzer* GetLayoutAnalyzer() { return analyzer_.get(); }
+ // Returns true if this frame should not render or schedule visual updates.
+ bool ShouldThrottleRendering() const;
+ // Returns true if this frame could potentially skip rendering and avoid
+ // scheduling visual updates.
+ bool CanThrottleRendering() const;
+ bool IsHiddenForThrottling() const { return hidden_for_throttling_; }
+ void SetupRenderThrottling();
+ // For testing, run pending intersection observer notifications for this
+ // frame.
+ void UpdateRenderThrottlingStatusForTesting();
+ void BeginLifecycleUpdates();
+ void SetPreTranslation(
+ scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> pre_translation) {
+ pre_translation_ = std::move(pre_translation);
+ }
+ TransformPaintPropertyNode* PreTranslation() const {
+ return pre_translation_.get();
+ }
+ void SetScrollNode(scoped_refptr<ScrollPaintPropertyNode> scroll_node) {
+ scroll_node_ = std::move(scroll_node);
+ }
+ ScrollPaintPropertyNode* ScrollNode() const { return scroll_node_.get(); }
+ void SetScrollTranslation(
+ scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> scroll_translation) {
+ scroll_translation_ = std::move(scroll_translation);
+ }
+ TransformPaintPropertyNode* ScrollTranslation() const {
+ return scroll_translation_.get();
+ }
+ void SetContentClip(scoped_refptr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> content_clip) {
+ content_clip_ = std::move(content_clip);
+ }
+ ClipPaintPropertyNode* ContentClip() const { return content_clip_.get(); }
+ // The property tree state that should be used for painting contents. These
+ // properties are either created by this LocalFrameView or are inherited from
+ // an ancestor.
+ void SetTotalPropertyTreeStateForContents(
+ std::unique_ptr<PropertyTreeState> state) {
+ total_property_tree_state_for_contents_ = std::move(state);
+ }
+ const PropertyTreeState* TotalPropertyTreeStateForContents() const {
+ return total_property_tree_state_for_contents_.get();
+ }
+ // The property tree state that should be used for painting scrollbars etc.
+ // for which no content clip or scroll should be applied.
+ PropertyTreeState PreContentClipProperties() const {
+ DCHECK(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::RootLayerScrollingEnabled());
+ DCHECK(total_property_tree_state_for_contents_);
+ return PropertyTreeState(
+ PreTranslation(),
+ total_property_tree_state_for_contents_->Clip()->Parent(),
+ total_property_tree_state_for_contents_->Effect());
+ }
+ // Paint properties (e.g., m_preTranslation, etc.) are built from the
+ // LocalFrameView's state (e.g., x(), y(), etc.) as well as inherited context.
+ // When these inputs change, setNeedsPaintPropertyUpdate will cause a paint
+ // property tree update during the next document lifecycle update.
+ // setNeedsPaintPropertyUpdate also sets the owning layout tree as needing a
+ // paint property update.
+ void SetNeedsPaintPropertyUpdate();
+ // Similar to setNeedsPaintPropertyUpdate() but does not set the owning layout
+ // tree as needing a paint property update.
+ void SetOnlyThisNeedsPaintPropertyUpdateForTesting() {
+ needs_paint_property_update_ = true;
+ }
+ void ClearNeedsPaintPropertyUpdate() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(Lifecycle().GetState(), DocumentLifecycle::kInPrePaint);
+ needs_paint_property_update_ = false;
+ }
+ bool NeedsPaintPropertyUpdate() const { return needs_paint_property_update_; }
+ // Set when the whole frame subtree needs full paint property update,
+ // e.g. when beginning or finishing printing.
+ void SetSubtreeNeedsPaintPropertyUpdate();
+ // Viewport size that should be used for viewport units (i.e. 'vh'/'vw').
+ // May include the size of browser controls. See implementation for further
+ // documentation.
+ FloatSize ViewportSizeForViewportUnits() const;
+ // Initial containing block size for evaluating viewport-dependent media
+ // queries.
+ FloatSize ViewportSizeForMediaQueries() const;
+ bool RestoreScrollAnchor(const SerializedAnchor&) override;
+ ScrollAnchor* GetScrollAnchor() override { return &scroll_anchor_; }
+ void ClearScrollAnchor();
+ bool ShouldPerformScrollAnchoring() const override;
+ void EnqueueScrollAnchoringAdjustment(ScrollableArea*);
+ void DequeueScrollAnchoringAdjustment(ScrollableArea*);
+ void PerformScrollAnchoringAdjustments();
+ // Only for SPv2.
+ std::unique_ptr<JSONObject> CompositedLayersAsJSON(LayerTreeFlags);
+ // Recursively update frame tree. Each frame has its only
+ // scroll on main reason. Given the following frame tree
+ // .. A...
+ // ../.\..
+ // .B...C.
+ // .|.....
+ // .D.....
+ // If B has fixed background-attachment but other frames
+ // don't, both A and C should scroll on cc. Frame D should
+ // scrolled on main thread as its ancestor B.
+ void UpdateSubFrameScrollOnMainReason(const Frame&,
+ MainThreadScrollingReasons);
+ String MainThreadScrollingReasonsAsText();
+ // Main thread scrolling reasons including reasons from ancestors.
+ MainThreadScrollingReasons GetMainThreadScrollingReasons() const;
+ // Main thread scrolling reasons for this object only. For all reasons,
+ // see: mainThreadScrollingReasons().
+ MainThreadScrollingReasons MainThreadScrollingReasonsPerFrame() const;
+ bool HasVisibleSlowRepaintViewportConstrainedObjects() const;
+ // Called on a view for a LocalFrame with a RemoteFrame parent. This makes
+ // viewport intersection available that accounts for remote ancestor frames
+ // and their respective scroll positions, clips, etc.
+ void SetViewportIntersectionFromParent(const IntRect&);
+ IntRect RemoteViewportIntersection();
+ // This method uses localToAncestorQuad to map a rect into an ancestor's
+ // coordinate space, while guaranteeing that the top-level scroll offset
+ // is accounted for. This is needed because LayoutView::mapLocalToAncestor()
+ // implicitly includes the ancestor frame's scroll offset when there is
+ // a remote frame in the ancestor chain, but does not include it when
+ // there are only local frames in the frame tree.
+ void MapQuadToAncestorFrameIncludingScrollOffset(
+ LayoutRect&,
+ const LayoutObject* descendant,
+ const LayoutView* ancestor,
+ MapCoordinatesFlags mode);
+ bool MapToVisualRectInTopFrameSpace(LayoutRect&);
+ void ApplyTransformForTopFrameSpace(TransformState&);
+ void CrossOriginStatusChanged();
+ // The visual viewport can supply scrollbars which affect the existence of
+ // our scrollbars (see: computeScrollbarExistence).
+ void VisualViewportScrollbarsChanged();
+ LayoutUnit CaretWidth() const;
+ size_t PaintFrameCount() const { return paint_frame_count_; };
+ // Return the ScrollableArea in a FrameView with the given ElementId, if any.
+ // This is not recursive and will only return ScrollableAreas owned by this
+ // LocalFrameView (or possibly the LocalFrameView itself).
+ ScrollableArea* ScrollableAreaWithElementId(const CompositorElementId&);
+ // When the frame is a local root and not a main frame, any recursive
+ // scrolling should continue in the parent process.
+ void ScrollRectToVisibleInRemoteParent(const LayoutRect&,
+ const WebScrollIntoViewParams&);
+ PaintArtifactCompositor* GetPaintArtifactCompositorForTesting() {
+ DCHECK(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SlimmingPaintV2Enabled());
+ return paint_artifact_compositor_.get();
+ }
+ ScrollbarTheme& GetPageScrollbarTheme() const override;
+ enum ForceThrottlingInvalidationBehavior {
+ kDontForceThrottlingInvalidation,
+ kForceThrottlingInvalidation
+ };
+ enum NotifyChildrenBehavior { kDontNotifyChildren, kNotifyChildren };
+ void UpdateRenderThrottlingStatus(
+ bool hidden,
+ bool subtree_throttled,
+ ForceThrottlingInvalidationBehavior = kDontForceThrottlingInvalidation,
+ NotifyChildrenBehavior = kNotifyChildren);
+ // Keeps track of whether the scrollable state for the LocalRoot has changed
+ // since ScrollingCoordinator last checked. Only ScrollingCoordinator should
+ // ever call the clearing function.
+ bool FrameIsScrollableDidChange();
+ void ClearFrameIsScrollableDidChange();
+ // Should be called whenever this LocalFrameView adds or removes a
+ // scrollable area, or gains/loses a composited layer.
+ void ScrollableAreasDidChange();
+ ScrollingCoordinatorContext* GetScrollingContext() const;
+ void ScrollAndFocusFragmentAnchor();
+ protected:
+ // Scroll the content via the compositor.
+ bool ScrollContentsFastPath(const IntSize& scroll_delta);
+ // Scroll the content by invalidating everything.
+ void ScrollContentsSlowPath();
+ ScrollBehavior ScrollBehaviorStyle() const override;
+ void ScrollContentsIfNeeded();
+ void NotifyFrameRectsChangedIfNeeded();
+ enum ComputeScrollbarExistenceOption { kFirstPass, kIncremental };
+ void ComputeScrollbarExistence(bool& new_has_horizontal_scrollbar,
+ bool& new_has_vertical_scrollbar,
+ const IntSize& doc_size,
+ ComputeScrollbarExistenceOption = kFirstPass);
+ void UpdateScrollbarGeometry();
+ // Called to update the scrollbars to accurately reflect the state of the
+ // view.
+ void UpdateScrollbars();
+ void UpdateScrollbarsIfNeeded();
+ class InUpdateScrollbarsScope {
+ public:
+ explicit InUpdateScrollbarsScope(LocalFrameView* view)
+ : scope_(&view->in_update_scrollbars_, true) {}
+ private:
+ AutoReset<bool> scope_;
+ };
+ private:
+ explicit LocalFrameView(LocalFrame&, IntRect);
+ class ScrollbarManager : public blink::ScrollbarManager {
+ // Helper class to manage the life cycle of Scrollbar objects.
+ public:
+ ScrollbarManager(LocalFrameView& scroller)
+ : blink::ScrollbarManager(scroller) {}
+ void SetHasHorizontalScrollbar(bool has_scrollbar) override;
+ void SetHasVerticalScrollbar(bool has_scrollbar) override;
+ // TODO(ymalik): This should be hidden and all calls should go through
+ // setHas*Scrollbar functions above.
+ Scrollbar* CreateScrollbar(ScrollbarOrientation) override;
+ protected:
+ void DestroyScrollbar(ScrollbarOrientation) override;
+ };
+ void PaintInternal(GraphicsContext&,
+ const GlobalPaintFlags,
+ const CullRect&) const;
+ LocalFrameView* ParentFrameView() const;
+ LayoutReplaced* EmbeddedReplacedContent() const;
+ void UpdateScrollOffset(const ScrollOffset&, ScrollType) override;
+ void UpdateScrollbarEnabledState();
+ void DispatchEventsForPrintingOnAllFrames();
+ void SetupPrintContext();
+ void ClearPrintContext();
+ // Returns whethre the lifecycle was succesfully updated to the
+ // target state.
+ bool UpdateLifecyclePhasesInternal(
+ DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state);
+ void ScrollContentsIfNeededRecursive();
+ void NotifyFrameRectsChangedIfNeededRecursive();
+ void UpdateStyleAndLayoutIfNeededRecursive();
+ void PrePaint();
+ void PaintTree();
+ void UpdateStyleAndLayoutIfNeededRecursiveInternal();
+ void PushPaintArtifactToCompositor(
+ CompositorElementIdSet& composited_element_ids);
+ void Reset();
+ void Init();
+ void ClearLayoutSubtreeRootsAndMarkContainingBlocks();
+ bool ContentsInCompositedLayer() const;
+ void PerformPreLayoutTasks();
+ void PerformLayout(bool in_subtree_layout);
+ void ScheduleOrPerformPostLayoutTasks();
+ void PerformPostLayoutTasks();
+ void RecordDeferredLoadingStats();
+ DocumentLifecycle& Lifecycle() const;
+ void ContentsResized() override;
+ void ScrollbarExistenceMaybeChanged();
+ // Methods to do point conversion via layoutObjects, in order to take
+ // transforms into account.
+ IntRect ConvertToContainingEmbeddedContentView(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntPoint ConvertToContainingEmbeddedContentView(const IntPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint ConvertToContainingEmbeddedContentView(const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ IntRect ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentView(const IntRect&) const;
+ IntPoint ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentView(const IntPoint&) const;
+ LayoutPoint ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentView(
+ const LayoutPoint&) const;
+ FloatPoint ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentView(const FloatPoint&) const;
+ DoublePoint ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentView(
+ const DoublePoint&) const;
+ void DidChangeGlobalRootScroller() override;
+ void UpdateGeometriesIfNeeded();
+ bool WasViewportResized();
+ void SendResizeEventIfNeeded();
+ void UpdateParentScrollableAreaSet();
+ void ScheduleUpdatePluginsIfNecessary();
+ void UpdatePluginsTimerFired(TimerBase*);
+ bool UpdatePlugins();
+ bool ProcessUrlFragmentHelper(const String&, UrlFragmentBehavior);
+ void DidScrollTimerFired(TimerBase*);
+ void UpdateLayersAndCompositingAfterScrollIfNeeded();
+ void UpdateCompositedSelectionIfNeeded();
+ void SetNeedsCompositingUpdate(CompositingUpdateType);
+ // Returns true if the LocalFrameView's own scrollbars overlay its content
+ // when visible.
+ bool HasOverlayScrollbars() const;
+ // Returns true if the frame should use custom scrollbars. If true, sets
+ // customScrollbarElement to the element that supplies the scrollbar's style
+ // information.
+ bool ShouldUseCustomScrollbars(Element*& custom_scrollbar_element) const;
+ // Returns true if a scrollbar needs to go from native -> custom or vice
+ // versa, or if a custom scrollbar has a stale owner.
+ bool NeedsScrollbarReconstruction() const;
+ bool ShouldIgnoreOverflowHidden() const;
+ void UpdateScrollCorner();
+ AXObjectCache* ExistingAXObjectCache() const;
+ void SetLayoutSizeInternal(const IntSize&);
+ bool AdjustScrollbarExistence(ComputeScrollbarExistenceOption = kFirstPass);
+ void AdjustScrollbarOpacity();
+ void AdjustScrollOffsetFromUpdateScrollbars();
+ bool VisualViewportSuppliesScrollbars();
+ ScrollingCoordinator* GetScrollingCoordinator() const;
+ void PrepareLayoutAnalyzer();
+ std::unique_ptr<TracedValue> AnalyzerCounters();
+ // LayoutObject for the viewport-defining element (see
+ // Document::viewportDefiningElement).
+ LayoutObject* ViewportLayoutObject() const;
+ void CollectAnnotatedRegions(LayoutObject&,
+ Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>&) const;
+ template <typename Function>
+ void ForAllChildViewsAndPlugins(const Function&);
+ template <typename Function>
+ void ForAllChildLocalFrameViews(const Function&);
+ template <typename Function>
+ void ForAllNonThrottledLocalFrameViews(const Function&);
+ void UpdateViewportIntersectionsForSubtree(
+ DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState) override;
+ void NotifyResizeObservers();
+ // PaintInvalidationCapableScrollableArea
+ LayoutScrollbarPart* Resizer() const override { return nullptr; }
+ bool CheckLayoutInvalidationIsAllowed() const;
+ PaintController* GetPaintController() { return paint_controller_.get(); }
+ void LayoutFromRootObject(LayoutObject& root);
+ UkmTimeAggregator& EnsureUkmTimeAggregator();
+ LayoutSize size_;
+ typedef HashSet<scoped_refptr<LayoutEmbeddedObject>> EmbeddedObjectSet;
+ EmbeddedObjectSet part_update_set_;
+ Member<LocalFrame> frame_;
+ Member<LocalFrameView> parent_;
+ IntRect frame_rect_;
+ bool is_attached_;
+ bool self_visible_;
+ bool parent_visible_;
+ WebDisplayMode display_mode_;
+ DisplayShape display_shape_;
+ bool can_have_scrollbars_;
+ bool has_pending_layout_;
+ LayoutSubtreeRootList layout_subtree_root_list_;
+ DepthOrderedLayoutObjectList orthogonal_writing_mode_root_list_;
+ bool layout_scheduling_enabled_;
+ bool in_synchronous_post_layout_;
+ int layout_count_;
+ unsigned nested_layout_count_;
+ TaskRunnerTimer<LocalFrameView> post_layout_tasks_timer_;
+ TaskRunnerTimer<LocalFrameView> update_plugins_timer_;
+ bool first_layout_;
+ Color base_background_color_;
+ IntSize last_viewport_size_;
+ float last_zoom_factor_;
+ AtomicString media_type_;
+ AtomicString media_type_when_not_printing_;
+ bool safe_to_propagate_scroll_to_parent_;
+ unsigned visually_non_empty_character_count_;
+ uint64_t visually_non_empty_pixel_count_;
+ bool is_visually_non_empty_;
+ FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::LayoutObjectCounter layout_object_counter_;
+ Member<Node> fragment_anchor_;
+ // layoutObject to hold our custom scroll corner.
+ LayoutScrollbarPart* scroll_corner_;
+ Member<ScrollableAreaSet> scrollable_areas_;
+ Member<ScrollableAreaSet> animating_scrollable_areas_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ResizerAreaSet> resizer_areas_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ViewportConstrainedObjectSet> viewport_constrained_objects_;
+ unsigned sticky_position_object_count_;
+ ViewportConstrainedObjectSet background_attachment_fixed_objects_;
+ Member<FrameViewAutoSizeInfo> auto_size_info_;
+ float input_events_scale_factor_for_emulation_;
+ IntSize layout_size_;
+ IntSize initial_viewport_size_;
+ bool layout_size_fixed_to_frame_size_;
+ TaskRunnerTimer<LocalFrameView> did_scroll_timer_;
+ Vector<IntRect> tickmarks_;
+ bool needs_update_geometries_;
+ // Verified when finalizing.
+ bool has_been_disposed_ = false;
+ ScrollbarMode horizontal_scrollbar_mode_;
+ ScrollbarMode vertical_scrollbar_mode_;
+ PluginSet plugins_;
+ HeapHashSet<Member<Scrollbar>> scrollbars_;
+ ScrollOffset pending_scroll_delta_;
+ ScrollOffset scroll_offset_;
+ // TODO(bokan): This is unneeded when root-layer-scrolls is turned on.
+ //
+ IntSize layout_overflow_size_;
+ bool scrollbars_suppressed_;
+ bool root_layer_did_scroll_;
+ bool in_update_scrollbars_;
+ std::unique_ptr<LayoutAnalyzer> analyzer_;
+ // Mark if something has changed in the mapping from Frame to GraphicsLayer
+ // and the Frame Timing regions should be recalculated.
+ bool frame_timing_requests_dirty_;
+ // Exists only on root frame.
+ // TODO(bokan): We should specialize LocalFrameView for the
+ // main frame.
+ Member<RootFrameViewport> viewport_scrollable_area_;
+ // The following members control rendering pipeline throttling for this
+ // frame. They are only updated in response to intersection observer
+ // notifications, i.e., not in the middle of the lifecycle.
+ bool hidden_for_throttling_;
+ bool subtree_throttled_;
+ bool lifecycle_updates_throttled_;
+ // The hierarchy of transform subtree created by a LocalFrameView.
+ // [ preTranslation ] The offset from LocalFrameView::FrameRect.
+ // | Establishes viewport.
+ // +---[ scrollTranslation ] Frame scrolling.
+ // TODO(trchen): These will not be needed once settings->rootLayerScrolls() is
+ // enabled.
+ scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> pre_translation_;
+ scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> scroll_translation_;
+ scoped_refptr<ScrollPaintPropertyNode> scroll_node_;
+ // The content clip clips the document (= LayoutView) but not the scrollbars.
+ // TODO(trchen): This will not be needed once settings->rootLayerScrolls() is
+ // enabled.
+ scoped_refptr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> content_clip_;
+ // The property tree state that should be used for painting contents. These
+ // properties are either created by this LocalFrameView or are inherited from
+ // an ancestor.
+ std::unique_ptr<PropertyTreeState> total_property_tree_state_for_contents_;
+ // Whether the paint properties need to be updated. For more details, see
+ // LocalFrameView::needsPaintPropertyUpdate().
+ bool needs_paint_property_update_;
+ // This is set on the local root frame view only.
+ DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState
+ current_update_lifecycle_phases_target_state_;
+ bool past_layout_lifecycle_update_;
+ ScrollAnchor scroll_anchor_;
+ using AnchoringAdjustmentQueue =
+ HeapLinkedHashSet<WeakMember<ScrollableArea>>;
+ AnchoringAdjustmentQueue anchoring_adjustment_queue_;
+ // ScrollbarManager holds the Scrollbar instances.
+ ScrollbarManager scrollbar_manager_;
+ bool needs_scrollbars_update_;
+ bool suppress_adjust_view_size_;
+ bool allows_layout_invalidation_after_layout_clean_;
+ bool needs_intersection_observation_;
+ bool needs_forced_compositing_update_;
+ bool needs_focus_on_fragment_;
+ Member<ElementVisibilityObserver> visibility_observer_;
+ IntRect remote_viewport_intersection_;
+ // Lazily created, but should only be created on a local frame root's view.
+ mutable std::unique_ptr<ScrollingCoordinatorContext> scrolling_context_;
+ // For testing.
+ struct ObjectPaintInvalidation {
+ String name;
+ PaintInvalidationReason reason;
+ };
+ std::unique_ptr<Vector<ObjectPaintInvalidation>>
+ tracked_object_paint_invalidations_;
+ // For Slimming Paint v2 only.
+ std::unique_ptr<PaintController> paint_controller_;
+ std::unique_ptr<PaintArtifactCompositor> paint_artifact_compositor_;
+ MainThreadScrollingReasons main_thread_scrolling_reasons_;
+ std::unique_ptr<UkmTimeAggregator> ukm_time_aggregator_;
+ Member<PrintContext> print_context_;
+ // From the beginning of the document, how many frames have painted.
+ size_t paint_frame_count_;
+ UniqueObjectId unique_id_;
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebViewTest, DeviceEmulationResetScrollbars);
+inline void LocalFrameView::IncrementVisuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount(
+ unsigned count) {
+ if (is_visually_non_empty_)
+ return;
+ visually_non_empty_character_count_ += count;
+ // Use a threshold value to prevent very small amounts of visible content from
+ // triggering didMeaningfulLayout. The first few hundred characters rarely
+ // contain the interesting content of the page.
+ static const unsigned kVisualCharacterThreshold = 200;
+ if (visually_non_empty_character_count_ > kVisualCharacterThreshold)
+ SetIsVisuallyNonEmpty();
+inline void LocalFrameView::IncrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount(
+ const IntSize& size) {
+ if (is_visually_non_empty_)
+ return;
+ visually_non_empty_pixel_count_ += size.Area();
+ // Use a threshold value to prevent very small amounts of visible content from
+ // triggering didMeaningfulLayout.
+ static const unsigned kVisualPixelThreshold = 32 * 32;
+ if (visually_non_empty_pixel_count_ > kVisualPixelThreshold)
+ SetIsVisuallyNonEmpty();
+ PlatformFrameView,
+ platform_frame_view,
+ platform_frame_view->IsLocalFrameView(),
+ platform_frame_view.IsLocalFrameView());
+ EmbeddedContentView,
+ embedded_content_view,
+ embedded_content_view->IsLocalFrameView(),
+ embedded_content_view.IsLocalFrameView());
+ ScrollableArea,
+ scrollableArea,
+ scrollableArea->IsLocalFrameView(),
+ scrollableArea.IsLocalFrameView());
+} // namespace blink