path: root/chromium/net/test/url_request
diff options
authorZeno Albisser <>2014-12-05 15:04:29 +0100
committerAndras Becsi <>2014-12-09 10:49:28 +0100
commitaf6588f8d723931a298c995fa97259bb7f7deb55 (patch)
tree060ca707847ba1735f01af2372e0d5e494dc0366 /chromium/net/test/url_request
parent2fff84d821cc7b1c785f6404e0f8091333283e74 (diff)
BASELINE: Update chromium to 40.0.2214.28 and ninja to 1.5.3.
Change-Id: I759465284fd64d59ad120219cbe257f7402c4181 Reviewed-by: Andras Becsi <>
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/net/test/url_request')
4 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/net/test/url_request/ b/chromium/net/test/url_request/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c13c3c8c443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/test/url_request/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/test/url_request/url_request_failed_job.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_filter.h"
+namespace net {
+namespace {
+const char kMockHostname[] = "mock.failed.request";
+// Gets the numeric net error code from URL of the form:
+// scheme://kMockHostname/error_code. The error code must be a valid
+// net error code, and not net::OK or net::ERR_IO_PENDING.
+int GetErrorCode(net::URLRequest* request) {
+ int net_error;
+ std::string path = request->url().path();
+ if (path[0] == '/' && base::StringToInt(path.c_str() + 1, &net_error)) {
+ CHECK_LT(net_error, 0);
+ CHECK_NE(net_error, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ return net_error;
+ }
+ return net::ERR_UNEXPECTED;
+GURL GetMockUrl(const std::string& scheme,
+ const std::string& hostname,
+ int net_error) {
+ CHECK_LT(net_error, 0);
+ CHECK_NE(net_error, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
+ return GURL(scheme + "://" + hostname + "/" + base::IntToString(net_error));
+} // namespace
+URLRequestFailedJob::URLRequestFailedJob(net::URLRequest* request,
+ net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate,
+ int net_error)
+ : net::URLRequestJob(request, network_delegate),
+ net_error_(net_error),
+ weak_factory_(this) {}
+void URLRequestFailedJob::Start() {
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&URLRequestFailedJob::StartAsync, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+// static
+void URLRequestFailedJob::AddUrlHandler() {
+ return AddUrlHandlerForHostname(kMockHostname);
+// static
+void URLRequestFailedJob::AddUrlHandlerForHostname(
+ const std::string& hostname) {
+ // Add |hostname| to net::URLRequestFilter for HTTP and HTTPS.
+ net::URLRequestFilter* filter = net::URLRequestFilter::GetInstance();
+ filter->AddHostnameHandler("http", hostname, URLRequestFailedJob::Factory);
+ filter->AddHostnameHandler("https", hostname, URLRequestFailedJob::Factory);
+// static
+GURL URLRequestFailedJob::GetMockHttpUrl(int net_error) {
+ return GetMockHttpUrlForHostname(net_error, kMockHostname);
+// static
+GURL URLRequestFailedJob::GetMockHttpsUrl(int net_error) {
+ return GetMockHttpsUrlForHostname(net_error, kMockHostname);
+// static
+GURL URLRequestFailedJob::GetMockHttpUrlForHostname(
+ int net_error, const std::string& hostname) {
+ return GetMockUrl("http", hostname, net_error);
+// static
+GURL URLRequestFailedJob::GetMockHttpsUrlForHostname(
+ int net_error, const std::string& hostname) {
+ return GetMockUrl("https", hostname, net_error);
+URLRequestFailedJob::~URLRequestFailedJob() {}
+// static
+net::URLRequestJob* URLRequestFailedJob::Factory(
+ net::URLRequest* request,
+ net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate,
+ const std::string& scheme) {
+ return new URLRequestFailedJob(
+ request, network_delegate, GetErrorCode(request));
+void URLRequestFailedJob::StartAsync() {
+ NotifyStartError(net::URLRequestStatus(net::URLRequestStatus::FAILED,
+ net_error_));
+} // namespace net
diff --git a/chromium/net/test/url_request/url_request_failed_job.h b/chromium/net/test/url_request/url_request_failed_job.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4307f91b80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/test/url_request/url_request_failed_job.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_job.h"
+#include "url/gurl.h"
+namespace net {
+// This class simulates a URLRequestJob failing with a given error code while
+// trying to connect.
+class URLRequestFailedJob : public URLRequestJob {
+ public:
+ URLRequestFailedJob(URLRequest* request,
+ NetworkDelegate* network_delegate,
+ int net_error);
+ void Start() override;
+ // Adds the testing URLs to the URLRequestFilter.
+ static void AddUrlHandler();
+ static void AddUrlHandlerForHostname(const std::string& hostname);
+ // Given a net error code, constructs a mock URL that will return that error
+ // asynchronously when started. |net_error| must be a valid net error code
+ // other than net::OK and net::ERR_IO_PENDING.
+ static GURL GetMockHttpUrl(int net_error);
+ static GURL GetMockHttpsUrl(int net_error);
+ // URLRequestFailedJob must be added as a handler for |hostname| for
+ // the returned URL to return |net_error|.
+ static GURL GetMockHttpUrlForHostname(int net_error,
+ const std::string& hostname);
+ static GURL GetMockHttpsUrlForHostname(int net_error,
+ const std::string& hostname);
+ protected:
+ ~URLRequestFailedJob() override;
+ private:
+ static URLRequestJob* Factory(URLRequest* request,
+ NetworkDelegate* network_delegate,
+ const std::string& scheme);
+ // Simulate a failure.
+ void StartAsync();
+ const int net_error_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<URLRequestFailedJob> weak_factory_;
+} // namespace net
diff --git a/chromium/net/test/url_request/ b/chromium/net/test/url_request/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ede87cfeabd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/test/url_request/
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "net/test/url_request/url_request_mock_http_job.h"
+#include "base/files/file_util.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/task_runner_util.h"
+#include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
+#include "net/base/filename_util.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/base/url_util.h"
+#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_filter.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_interceptor.h"
+namespace net {
+namespace {
+const char kMockHostname[] = "mock.http";
+const base::FilePath::CharType kMockHeaderFileSuffix[] =
+ FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".mock-http-headers");
+// String names of failure phases matching FailurePhase enum.
+const char* kFailurePhase[] {
+ "start", // START
+ "readasync", // READ_ASYNC
+ "readsync", // READ_SYNC
+class MockJobInterceptor : public net::URLRequestInterceptor {
+ public:
+ // When |map_all_requests_to_base_path| is true, all request should return the
+ // contents of the file at |base_path|. When |map_all_requests_to_base_path|
+ // is false, |base_path| is the file path leading to the root of the directory
+ // to use as the root of the HTTP server.
+ MockJobInterceptor(
+ const base::FilePath& base_path,
+ bool map_all_requests_to_base_path,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool)
+ : base_path_(base_path),
+ map_all_requests_to_base_path_(map_all_requests_to_base_path),
+ worker_pool_(worker_pool) {}
+ ~MockJobInterceptor() override {}
+ // net::URLRequestJobFactory::ProtocolHandler implementation
+ net::URLRequestJob* MaybeInterceptRequest(
+ net::URLRequest* request,
+ net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate) const override {
+ return new URLRequestMockHTTPJob(
+ request,
+ network_delegate,
+ map_all_requests_to_base_path_ ? base_path_ : GetOnDiskPath(request),
+ worker_pool_->GetTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior(
+ base::SequencedWorkerPool::SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN));
+ }
+ private:
+ base::FilePath GetOnDiskPath(net::URLRequest* request) const {
+ // Conceptually we just want to "return base_path_ + request->url().path()".
+ // But path in the request URL is in URL space (i.e. %-encoded spaces).
+ // So first we convert base FilePath to a URL, then append the URL
+ // path to that, and convert the final URL back to a FilePath.
+ GURL file_url(net::FilePathToFileURL(base_path_));
+ std::string url = file_url.spec() + request->url().path();
+ base::FilePath file_path;
+ net::FileURLToFilePath(GURL(url), &file_path);
+ return file_path;
+ }
+ const base::FilePath base_path_;
+ const bool map_all_requests_to_base_path_;
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool> worker_pool_;
+std::string DoFileIO(const base::FilePath& file_path) {
+ base::FilePath header_file =
+ base::FilePath(file_path.value() + kMockHeaderFileSuffix);
+ if (!base::PathExists(header_file)) {
+ // If there is no mock-http-headers file, fake a 200 OK.
+ return "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n";
+ }
+ std::string raw_headers;
+ base::ReadFileToString(header_file, &raw_headers);
+ return raw_headers;
+} // namespace
+// static
+void URLRequestMockHTTPJob::AddUrlHandler(
+ const base::FilePath& base_path,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool) {
+ // Add kMockHostname to net::URLRequestFilter.
+ net::URLRequestFilter* filter = net::URLRequestFilter::GetInstance();
+ filter->AddHostnameInterceptor(
+ "http", kMockHostname, CreateInterceptor(base_path, worker_pool));
+// static
+void URLRequestMockHTTPJob::AddHostnameToFileHandler(
+ const std::string& hostname,
+ const base::FilePath& file,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool) {
+ net::URLRequestFilter* filter = net::URLRequestFilter::GetInstance();
+ filter->AddHostnameInterceptor(
+ "http", hostname, CreateInterceptorForSingleFile(file, worker_pool));
+// static
+GURL URLRequestMockHTTPJob::GetMockUrl(const base::FilePath& path) {
+ std::string url = "http://";
+ url.append(kMockHostname);
+ url.append("/");
+ std::string path_str = path.MaybeAsASCII();
+ DCHECK(!path_str.empty()); // We only expect ASCII paths in tests.
+ url.append(path_str);
+ return GURL(url);
+// static
+GURL URLRequestMockHTTPJob::GetMockUrlWithFailure(const base::FilePath& path,
+ FailurePhase phase,
+ int net_error) {
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(arraysize(kFailurePhase) == MAX_FAILURE_PHASE,
+ kFailurePhase_must_match_FailurePhase_enum);
+ DCHECK_GE(phase, START);
+ std::string url(GetMockUrl(path).spec());
+ url.append("?");
+ url.append(kFailurePhase[phase]);
+ url.append("=");
+ url.append(base::IntToString(net_error));
+ return GURL(url);
+// static
+scoped_ptr<net::URLRequestInterceptor> URLRequestMockHTTPJob::CreateInterceptor(
+ const base::FilePath& base_path,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool) {
+ return scoped_ptr<net::URLRequestInterceptor>(
+ new MockJobInterceptor(base_path, false, worker_pool));
+// static
+ const base::FilePath& file,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool) {
+ return scoped_ptr<net::URLRequestInterceptor>(
+ new MockJobInterceptor(file, true, worker_pool));
+ net::URLRequest* request,
+ net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate,
+ const base::FilePath& file_path,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& task_runner)
+ : net::URLRequestFileJob(request, network_delegate, file_path, task_runner),
+ task_runner_(task_runner),
+ weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
+URLRequestMockHTTPJob::~URLRequestMockHTTPJob() {
+// Public virtual version.
+void URLRequestMockHTTPJob::GetResponseInfo(net::HttpResponseInfo* info) {
+ // Forward to private const version.
+ GetResponseInfoConst(info);
+bool URLRequestMockHTTPJob::IsRedirectResponse(GURL* location,
+ int* http_status_code) {
+ // Override the net::URLRequestFileJob implementation to invoke the default
+ // one based on HttpResponseInfo.
+ return net::URLRequestJob::IsRedirectResponse(location, http_status_code);
+// Public virtual version.
+void URLRequestMockHTTPJob::Start() {
+ if (MaybeReportErrorOnPhase(START))
+ return;
+ base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
+ task_runner_.get(),
+ base::Bind(&DoFileIO, file_path_),
+ base::Bind(&URLRequestMockHTTPJob::SetHeadersAndStart,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+// Public virtual version.
+bool URLRequestMockHTTPJob::ReadRawData(IOBuffer* buf,
+ int buf_size,
+ int* bytes_read) {
+ if (MaybeReportErrorOnPhase(READ_SYNC))
+ return false;
+ if (MaybeReportErrorOnPhase(READ_ASYNC))
+ return false;
+ return URLRequestFileJob::ReadRawData(buf, buf_size, bytes_read);
+void URLRequestMockHTTPJob::SetHeadersAndStart(const std::string& raw_headers) {
+ if (MaybeReportErrorOnPhase(START))
+ return;
+ raw_headers_ = raw_headers;
+ // Handle CRLF line-endings.
+ ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&raw_headers_, 0, "\r\n", "\n");
+ // ParseRawHeaders expects \0 to end each header line.
+ ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&raw_headers_, 0, "\n", std::string("\0", 1));
+ URLRequestFileJob::Start();
+bool URLRequestMockHTTPJob::MaybeReportErrorOnPhase(
+ FailurePhase current_phase) {
+ DCHECK_GE(current_phase, START);
+ DCHECK_LE(current_phase, READ_SYNC);
+ std::string phase_key(kFailurePhase[current_phase]);
+ std::string phase_error_string;
+ if (!GetValueForKeyInQuery(request_->url(), phase_key, &phase_error_string))
+ return false;
+ int net_error;
+ if (!base::StringToInt(phase_error_string, &net_error))
+ return false;
+ if (net_error != net::ERR_IO_PENDING &&
+ (current_phase == START || current_phase == READ_SYNC)) {
+ NotifyDone(net::URLRequestStatus(net::URLRequestStatus::FAILED, net_error));
+ return true;
+ }
+ SetStatus(net::URLRequestStatus(net::URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, 0));
+ if (current_phase != READ_ASYNC)
+ return true;
+ base::MessageLoopProxy::current()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(
+ &URLRequestMockHTTPJob::NotifyDone,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ net::URLRequestStatus(net::URLRequestStatus::FAILED, net_error)));
+ return true;
+// Private const version.
+void URLRequestMockHTTPJob::GetResponseInfoConst(
+ net::HttpResponseInfo* info) const {
+ info->headers = new net::HttpResponseHeaders(raw_headers_);
+bool URLRequestMockHTTPJob::GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) const {
+ net::HttpResponseInfo info;
+ GetResponseInfoConst(&info);
+ return info.headers.get() && info.headers->GetMimeType(mime_type);
+int URLRequestMockHTTPJob::GetResponseCode() const {
+ net::HttpResponseInfo info;
+ GetResponseInfoConst(&info);
+ // If we have headers, get the response code from them.
+ if (info.headers.get())
+ return info.headers->response_code();
+ return net::URLRequestJob::GetResponseCode();
+bool URLRequestMockHTTPJob::GetCharset(std::string* charset) {
+ net::HttpResponseInfo info;
+ GetResponseInfo(&info);
+ return info.headers.get() && info.headers->GetCharset(charset);
+} // namespace net
diff --git a/chromium/net/test/url_request/url_request_mock_http_job.h b/chromium/net/test/url_request/url_request_mock_http_job.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6eb3c72b861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/net/test/url_request/url_request_mock_http_job.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// A URLRequestJob class that pulls the net and http headers from disk.
+#include <string>
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_file_job.h"
+#include "url/gurl.h"
+namespace base {
+class FilePath;
+class SequencedWorkerPool;
+namespace net {
+class URLRequestInterceptor;
+namespace net {
+class URLRequestMockHTTPJob : public URLRequestFileJob {
+ public:
+ enum FailurePhase {
+ START = 0,
+ READ_SYNC = 2,
+ };
+ // Note that all file IO is done using |worker_pool|.
+ URLRequestMockHTTPJob(URLRequest* request,
+ NetworkDelegate* network_delegate,
+ const base::FilePath& file_path,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& task_runner);
+ void Start() override;
+ bool ReadRawData(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size, int* bytes_read) override;
+ bool GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) const override;
+ int GetResponseCode() const override;
+ bool GetCharset(std::string* charset) override;
+ void GetResponseInfo(HttpResponseInfo* info) override;
+ bool IsRedirectResponse(GURL* location, int* http_status_code) override;
+ // Adds the testing URLs to the URLRequestFilter.
+ static void AddUrlHandler(
+ const base::FilePath& base_path,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool);
+ // Respond to all HTTP requests of |hostname| with contents of the file
+ // located at |file_path|.
+ static void AddHostnameToFileHandler(
+ const std::string& hostname,
+ const base::FilePath& file,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool);
+ // Given the path to a file relative to the path passed to AddUrlHandler(),
+ // construct a mock URL.
+ static GURL GetMockUrl(const base::FilePath& path);
+ // Given the path to a file relative to the path passed to AddUrlHandler(),
+ // construct a mock URL that reports |net_error| at given |phase| of the
+ // request. Reporting |net_error| ERR_IO_PENDING results in a hung request.
+ static GURL GetMockUrlWithFailure(const base::FilePath& path,
+ FailurePhase phase,
+ int net_error);
+ // Returns a URLRequestJobFactory::ProtocolHandler that serves
+ // URLRequestMockHTTPJob's responding like an HTTP server. |base_path| is the
+ // file path leading to the root of the directory to use as the root of the
+ // HTTP server.
+ static scoped_ptr<URLRequestInterceptor> CreateInterceptor(
+ const base::FilePath& base_path,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool);
+ // Returns a URLRequestJobFactory::ProtocolHandler that serves
+ // URLRequestMockHTTPJob's responding like an HTTP server. It responds to all
+ // requests with the contents of |file|.
+ static scoped_ptr<URLRequestInterceptor> CreateInterceptorForSingleFile(
+ const base::FilePath& file,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool);
+ protected:
+ ~URLRequestMockHTTPJob() override;
+ private:
+ void GetResponseInfoConst(HttpResponseInfo* info) const;
+ void SetHeadersAndStart(const std::string& raw_headers);
+ // Checks query part of request url, and reports an error if it matches.
+ // Error is parsed out from the query and is reported synchronously.
+ // Reporting ERR_IO_PENDING results in a hung request.
+ // The "readasync" error is posted asynchronously.
+ bool MaybeReportErrorOnPhase(FailurePhase phase);
+ std::string raw_headers_;
+ const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> task_runner_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<URLRequestMockHTTPJob> weak_ptr_factory_;
+} // namespace net