path: root/chromium/media/gpu/vaapi/
diff options
authorAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2021-05-20 09:47:09 +0200
committerAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2021-06-07 11:15:42 +0000
commit189d4fd8fad9e3c776873be51938cd31a42b6177 (patch)
tree6497caeff5e383937996768766ab3bb2081a40b2 /chromium/media/gpu/vaapi/
parent8bc75099d364490b22f43a7ce366b366c08f4164 (diff)
BASELINE: Update Chromium to 90.0.4430.221
Change-Id: Iff4d9d18d2fcf1a576f3b1f453010f744a232920 Reviewed-by: Allan Sandfeld Jensen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/media/gpu/vaapi/')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/media/gpu/vaapi/ b/chromium/media/gpu/vaapi/
index 80ef0a94fbc..0332dfbe23a 100644
--- a/chromium/media/gpu/vaapi/
+++ b/chromium/media/gpu/vaapi/
@@ -19,11 +19,14 @@
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/process/launch.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/pattern.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/test/launcher/unit_test_launcher.h"
+#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "base/test/test_suite.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "gpu/config/gpu_driver_bug_workarounds.h"
+#include "media/base/media_switches.h"
#include "media/gpu/vaapi/vaapi_wrapper.h"
#include "media/media_buildflags.h"
@@ -40,14 +43,10 @@ base::Optional<VAProfile> ConvertToVAProfile(VideoCodecProfile profile) {
{VP8PROFILE_ANY, VAProfileVP8Version0_3},
{VP9PROFILE_PROFILE0, VAProfileVP9Profile0},
{VP9PROFILE_PROFILE2, VAProfileVP9Profile2},
- // TODO(hiroh): Remove if-macro once libva for linux-chrome is upreved to
- // 2.9.0 or newer.
- //
auto it = kProfileMap.find(profile);
@@ -69,14 +68,10 @@ base::Optional<VAProfile> StringToVAProfile(const std::string& va_profile) {
{"VAProfileVP8Version0_3", VAProfileVP8Version0_3},
{"VAProfileVP9Profile0", VAProfileVP9Profile0},
{"VAProfileVP9Profile2", VAProfileVP9Profile2},
- // TODO(hiroh): Remove if-macro once libva for linux-chrome is upreved to
- // 2.9.0 or newer.
- //
{"VAProfileAV1Profile0", VAProfileAV1Profile0},
{"VAProfileHEVCMain", VAProfileHEVCMain},
+ {"VAProfileHEVCMain10", VAProfileHEVCMain10},
@@ -101,12 +96,23 @@ base::Optional<VAEntrypoint> StringToVAEntrypoint(
? base::make_optional<VAEntrypoint>(it->second)
: base::nullopt;
+std::unique_ptr<base::test::ScopedFeatureList> CreateScopedFeatureList() {
+ auto scoped_feature_list = std::make_unique<base::test::ScopedFeatureList>();
+ scoped_feature_list->InitWithFeatures(
+ /*enabled_features=*/{media::kVaapiAV1Decoder},
+ /*disabled_features=*/{});
+ return scoped_feature_list;
} // namespace
class VaapiTest : public testing::Test {
- VaapiTest() = default;
+ VaapiTest() : scoped_feature_list_(CreateScopedFeatureList()) {}
~VaapiTest() override = default;
+ private:
+ std::unique_ptr<base::test::ScopedFeatureList> scoped_feature_list_;
std::map<VAProfile, std::vector<VAEntrypoint>> ParseVainfo(
@@ -245,14 +251,102 @@ TEST_F(VaapiTest, DefaultEntrypointIsSupported) {
+// Verifies that VaapiWrapper::CreateContext() will queue up a buffer to set the
+// encoder to its lowest quality setting if a given VAProfile and VAEntrypoint
+// claims to support configuring it.
+TEST_F(VaapiTest, LowQualityEncodingSetting) {
+ // This test only applies to low powered Intel processors.
+ constexpr int kPentiumAndLaterFamily = 0x06;
+ const base::CPU cpuid;
+ const bool is_core_y_processor =
+ base::MatchPattern(cpuid.cpu_brand(), "Intel(R) Core(TM) *Y CPU*");
+ const bool is_low_power_intel =
+ == kPentiumAndLaterFamily &&
+ (base::Contains(cpuid.cpu_brand(), "Pentium") ||
+ base::Contains(cpuid.cpu_brand(), "Celeron") || is_core_y_processor);
+ if (!is_low_power_intel)
+ GTEST_SKIP() << "Not an Intel low power processor";
+ std::map<VAProfile, std::vector<VAEntrypoint>> configurations =
+ VaapiWrapper::GetSupportedConfigurationsForCodecModeForTesting(
+ VaapiWrapper::kEncode);
+ for (const auto& codec_mode :
+ {VaapiWrapper::kEncode,
+ VaapiWrapper::kEncodeConstantQuantizationParameter}) {
+ std::map<VAProfile, std::vector<VAEntrypoint>> configurations =
+ VaapiWrapper::GetSupportedConfigurationsForCodecModeForTesting(
+ codec_mode);
+ for (const auto& profile_and_entrypoints : configurations) {
+ const VAProfile va_profile = profile_and_entrypoints.first;
+ scoped_refptr<VaapiWrapper> wrapper = VaapiWrapper::Create(
+ VaapiWrapper::kEncode, va_profile, EncryptionScheme::kUnencrypted,
+ base::DoNothing());
+ // Depending on the GPU Gen, flags and policies, we may or may not utilize
+ // all entrypoints (e.g. we might always want VAEntrypointEncSliceLP if
+ // supported and enabled). Query VaapiWrapper's mandated entry point.
+ const VAEntrypoint entrypoint =
+ VaapiWrapper::GetDefaultVaEntryPoint(codec_mode, va_profile);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(base::Contains(profile_and_entrypoints.second, entrypoint));
+ VAConfigAttrib attrib{};
+ attrib.type = VAConfigAttribEncQualityRange;
+ {
+ base::AutoLock auto_lock(*wrapper->va_lock_);
+ VAStatus va_res = vaGetConfigAttributes(
+ wrapper->va_display_, va_profile, entrypoint, &attrib, 1);
+ }
+ const auto quality_level = attrib.value;
+ if (quality_level == VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED || quality_level <= 1u)
+ continue;
+ DLOG(INFO) << vaProfileStr(va_profile)
+ << " supports encoding quality setting, with max value "
+ << quality_level;
+ // If we get here it means the |va_profile| and |entrypoint| support
+ // the quality setting. We cannot inspect what the driver does with this
+ // number (it could ignore it), so instead just make sure there's a
+ // |pending_va_buffers_| that, when mapped, looks correct. That buffer
+ // should be created by CreateContext().
+ ASSERT_TRUE(wrapper->CreateContext(gfx::Size(640, 368)));
+ ASSERT_EQ(wrapper->pending_va_buffers_.size(), 1u);
+ {
+ base::AutoLock auto_lock(*wrapper->va_lock_);
+ ScopedVABufferMapping mapping(wrapper->va_lock_, wrapper->va_display_,
+ wrapper->pending_va_buffers_.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(mapping.IsValid());
+ auto* const va_buffer =
+ reinterpret_cast<VAEncMiscParameterBuffer*>(;
+ EXPECT_EQ(va_buffer->type, VAEncMiscParameterTypeQualityLevel);
+ auto* const enc_quality =
+ reinterpret_cast<VAEncMiscParameterBufferQualityLevel*>(
+ va_buffer->data);
+ EXPECT_EQ(enc_quality->quality_level, quality_level)
+ << vaProfileStr(va_profile) << " " << vaEntrypointStr(entrypoint);
+ }
+ }
+ }
} // namespace media
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
base::TestSuite test_suite(argc, argv);
- // PreSandboxInitialization() loads and opens the driver, queries its
- // capabilities and fills in the VASupportedProfiles.
- media::VaapiWrapper::PreSandboxInitialization();
+ {
+ // Enables/Disables features during PreSandboxInitialization(). We have to
+ // destruct ScopedFeatureList after it because base::TestSuite::Run()
+ // creates a ScopedFeatureList and multiple concurrent ScopedFeatureLists
+ // are not allowed.
+ auto scoped_feature_list = media::CreateScopedFeatureList();
+ // PreSandboxInitialization() loads and opens the driver, queries its
+ // capabilities and fills in the VASupportedProfiles.
+ media::VaapiWrapper::PreSandboxInitialization();
+ }
return base::LaunchUnitTests(
argc, argv,