path: root/chromium/chromeos
diff options
authorAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2018-12-10 16:19:40 +0100
committerAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2018-12-10 16:01:50 +0000
commit51f6c2793adab2d864b3d2b360000ef8db1d3e92 (patch)
tree835b3b4446b012c75e80177cef9fbe6972cc7dbe /chromium/chromeos
parent6036726eb981b6c4b42047513b9d3f4ac865daac (diff)
BASELINE: Update Chromium to 71.0.3578.93
Change-Id: I6a32086c33670e1b033f8b10e6bf1fd4da1d105d Reviewed-by: Alexandru Croitor <>
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chromeos')
30 files changed, 1042 insertions, 472 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/ b/chromium/chromeos/
index 30e3c1f06fa..36fb57c9ddc 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/
@@ -8,16 +8,18 @@ import("//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzer_test.gni")
-assert(is_chromeos, "Non-ChromeOS builds must not depend on //chromeos")
-declare_args() {
- # Use binder. Binder related code is compiled only when true.
- use_binder = false
+assert(is_chromeos, "Non-Chrome-OS builds must not depend on //chromeos")
component("chromeos") {
configs += [ "//build/config/linux/nss:system_nss_no_ssl_config" ]
public_deps = [
+ ":chromeos_constants",
+ ":chromeos_export",
+ ":login_event_recorder",
+ "//chromeos/cryptohome",
+ "//chromeos/dbus",
+ "//chromeos/login",
+ "//chromeos/settings",
deps = [
@@ -30,7 +32,10 @@ component("chromeos") {
+ ":metrics_event_proto",
+ ":oobe_config_proto",
+ ":seneschal_proto",
@@ -39,7 +44,6 @@ component("chromeos") {
- "//components/password_manager/core/browser:password_hash_data",
@@ -50,13 +54,10 @@ component("chromeos") {
- "//net",
- "//skia", # For components/user_manager
- "//third_party/icu",
+ "//skia",
"//ui/gfx/geometry", # For accelerometer.
- "//url",
sources = [
@@ -82,242 +83,6 @@ component("chromeos") {
- "binder/",
- "binder/buffer_reader.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/command_broker.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/command_stream.h",
- "binder/constants.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/driver.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/ipc_thread.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/local_object.h",
- "binder/object.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/remote_object.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/service_manager_proxy.h",
- "binder/status.h",
- "binder/transaction_data.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/transaction_data_from_driver.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/transaction_data_reader.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/transaction_status.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/util.h",
- "binder/",
- "binder/writable_transaction_data.h",
- "",
- "cert_loader.h",
- "",
- "chromeos_constants.h",
- "chromeos_export.h",
- "",
- "chromeos_features.h",
- "",
- "chromeos_paths.h",
- "",
- "chromeos_pref_names.h",
- "",
- "chromeos_switches.h",
- "cryptohome/",
- "cryptohome/async_method_caller.h",
- "cryptohome/",
- "cryptohome/cryptohome_parameters.h",
- "cryptohome/",
- "cryptohome/cryptohome_util.h",
- "cryptohome/",
- "cryptohome/homedir_methods.h",
- "cryptohome/",
- "cryptohome/system_salt_getter.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/arc_appfuse_provider_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/arc_midis_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/arc_obb_mounter_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/arc_oemcrypto_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/attestation_constants.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/audio_node.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/auth_policy_client.h",
- "dbus/biod/",
- "dbus/biod/biod_client.h",
- "dbus/biod/",
- "dbus/biod/fake_biod_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/blocking_method_caller.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/cec_service_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/cicerone_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/concierge_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/cras_audio_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/cros_disks_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/cryptohome_client.h",
- "dbus/dbus_client_implementation_type.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/dbus_clients_browser.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/dbus_clients_common.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/dbus_method_call_status.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/dbus_switches.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/dbus_thread_manager.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/debug_daemon_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/easy_unlock_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_arc_appfuse_provider_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_arc_midis_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_arc_obb_mounter_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_arc_oemcrypto_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_auth_policy_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_cec_service_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_cicerone_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_concierge_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_cras_audio_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_cros_disks_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_cryptohome_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_debug_daemon_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_easy_unlock_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_gsm_sms_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_hammerd_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_image_burner_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_image_loader_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_lorgnette_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_machine_learning_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_media_analytics_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_modem_messaging_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_oobe_configuration_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_permission_broker_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_power_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_session_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_shill_device_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_shill_ipconfig_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_shill_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_shill_profile_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_shill_service_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_shill_third_party_vpn_driver_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_smb_provider_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_sms_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_system_clock_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_upstart_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_virtual_file_provider_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/gsm_sms_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/hammerd_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/image_burner_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/image_loader_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/lorgnette_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/machine_learning_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/media_analytics_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/modem_messaging_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/oobe_configuration_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/permission_broker_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/pipe_reader.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/power_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/power_policy_controller.h",
- "dbus/services/",
- "dbus/services/cros_dbus_service.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/session_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/shill_client_helper.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/shill_device_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/shill_ipconfig_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/shill_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/shill_profile_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/shill_service_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/shill_third_party_vpn_driver_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/smb_provider_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/sms_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/system_clock_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/update_engine_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/upstart_client.h",
- "dbus/util/",
- "dbus/util/account_identifier_operators.h",
- "dbus/util/",
- "dbus/util/tpm_util.h",
- "dbus/util/",
- "dbus/util/version_loader.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/virtual_file_provider_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/volume_state.h",
@@ -334,38 +99,6 @@ component("chromeos") {
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/auth_attempt_state.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/auth_attempt_state_resolver.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/auth_status_consumer.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/authenticator.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/authpolicy_login_helper.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/challenge_response_key.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/cryptohome_authenticator.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/extended_authenticator.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/extended_authenticator_impl.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/key.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/login_performer.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/stub_authenticator.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/test_attempt_state.h",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/user_context.h",
- "login/",
- "login/login_state.h",
- "",
- "login_event_recorder.h",
@@ -396,6 +129,8 @@ component("chromeos") {
+ "network/",
+ "network/network_cert_loader.h",
@@ -493,6 +228,12 @@ component("chromeos") {
+ "policy/weekly_time/",
+ "policy/weekly_time/time_utils.h",
+ "policy/weekly_time/",
+ "policy/weekly_time/weekly_time.h",
+ "policy/weekly_time/",
+ "policy/weekly_time/weekly_time_interval.h",
@@ -512,14 +253,6 @@ component("chromeos") {
- "settings/",
- "settings/cros_settings_names.h",
- "settings/",
- "settings/cros_settings_provider.h",
- "settings/",
- "settings/timezone_settings.h",
- "settings/",
- "settings/timezone_settings_helper.h",
@@ -557,6 +290,50 @@ component("chromeos") {
+source_set("chromeos_export") {
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "chromeos_export.h",
+ ]
+source_set("chromeos_constants") {
+ deps = [
+ ":chromeos_export",
+ "//base",
+ "//base:i18n",
+ "//chromeos/dbus:dbus_switches",
+ "//third_party/icu",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "chromeos_constants.h",
+ "",
+ "chromeos_features.h",
+ "",
+ "chromeos_paths.h",
+ "",
+ "chromeos_pref_names.h",
+ "",
+ "chromeos_switches.h",
+ ]
+source_set("login_event_recorder") {
+ deps = [
+ ":chromeos_export",
+ "//base",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "login_event_recorder.h",
+ ]
# This must be a static library instead of a source set because some of the
# files pull in things with dependencies that aren't linked in all cases.
@@ -564,18 +341,23 @@ component("chromeos") {
# can be converted to a source set.
static_library("test_support") {
testonly = true
- configs += [ "//build/config/linux/dbus" ]
+ public_deps = [
+ ":test_support_source_set",
+ ]
+source_set("test_support_source_set") {
+ testonly = true
public_deps = [
+ "//chromeos/dbus:test_support",
deps = [
- ":test_support_without_gmock",
- "//dbus:test_support",
@@ -591,10 +373,6 @@ static_library("test_support") {
- "dbus/biod/",
- "dbus/biod/test_utils.h",
- "dbus/services/",
- "dbus/services/service_provider_test_helper.h",
@@ -626,29 +404,8 @@ static_library("test_support") {
static_library("test_support_without_gmock") {
testonly = true
- configs += [ "//build/config/linux/dbus" ]
- deps = [
- ":attestation_proto",
- ":biod_proto",
- ":chromeos",
- ":cryptohome_proto",
- ":login_manager_proto",
- ":power_manager_proto",
- "//components/policy/proto",
- "//crypto",
- "//url",
- ]
- sources = [
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_cros_disks_client.h",
- # TODO( remove fake_session_manager_client and fix build rules.
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_session_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_shill_manager_client.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/fake_update_engine_client.h",
+ public_deps = [
+ "//chromeos/dbus",
@@ -662,13 +419,20 @@ test("chromeos_unittests") {
+ ":oobe_config_proto",
+ "//chromeos/cryptohome:unit_tests",
+ "//chromeos/dbus:unit_tests",
+ "//chromeos/login:unit_tests",
+ "//chromeos/settings:unit_tests",
+ "//components/policy:generated",
+ "//components/policy/proto",
@@ -692,42 +456,10 @@ test("chromeos_unittests") {
- "",
- "cryptohome/",
- "cryptohome/",
- "dbus/biod/",
- "dbus/biod/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/services/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/shill_client_unittest_base.h",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/",
- "dbus/util/",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/auth/",
- "login/",
@@ -735,6 +467,7 @@ test("chromeos_unittests") {
+ "network/",
@@ -757,6 +490,9 @@ test("chromeos_unittests") {
+ "policy/weekly_time/",
+ "policy/weekly_time/",
+ "policy/weekly_time/",
@@ -765,7 +501,6 @@ test("chromeos_unittests") {
- "settings/",
@@ -773,29 +508,17 @@ test("chromeos_unittests") {
- if (use_binder) {
- if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "x86") {
- defines += [ "BINDER_IPC_32BIT" ]
- }
- sources += [
- "binder/",
- "binder/",
- "binder/",
- "binder/",
- "binder/",
- "binder/",
- "binder/",
- "binder/test_service.h",
- "binder/",
- ]
- }
data = [
-if (cros_board != "") {
+# The following definitions only apply when building for a CrOS board (ie: not
+# linux-chromeos). See the following for reference:
+if (is_chromeos_chrome) {
generate_vm_runner_script("cros_vm_launcher") {
generated_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/launch_cros_vm"
@@ -807,14 +530,28 @@ if (cros_board != "") {
# The sanity test's actual binary is baked into the vm image. All we need to
# do is build the test wrapper and build our own browser to push to the VM
# before testing it.
- generate_vm_runner_script("cros_vm_sanity_test_wrapper") {
- test_exe = "$root_out_dir/cros_vm_sanity_test"
+ generate_vm_runner_script("cros_vm_sanity_test") {
+ testonly = true
+ test_exe = "cros_vm_sanity_test"
generated_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/run_cros_vm_sanity_test"
+ runtime_deps_file = "$root_out_dir/cros_vm_sanity_test.runtime_deps"
+ data_deps = [
+ ":cros_chrome_deploy",
+ "//:chromiumos_preflight", # Builds the browser.
+ ]
+ }
- # The sanity test needs to strip down Chrome and its deps to fit it into
- # the VM. It does so by using binutils in the toolchain. So signal that we
- # need the toolchain in the data.
- need_toolchain = true
+ tast_test("chrome_login_tast_tests") {
+ tast_tests = [
+ "ui.ChromeLogin",
+ "ui.ChromeCrashLoggedIn",
+ "ui.ChromeCrashNotLoggedIn",
+ ]
+ }
+ tast_test("chrome_all_tast_tests") {
+ tast_conditional = "(!informational && !disabled && (\"dep:chrome\" || \"dep:chrome_login\"))"
group("cros_chrome_deploy") {
@@ -836,16 +573,6 @@ if (cros_board != "") {
- group("cros_vm_sanity_test") {
- testonly = true
- write_runtime_deps = "$root_out_dir/cros_vm_sanity_test.runtime_deps"
- data_deps = [
- ":cros_chrome_deploy",
- "//:chromiumos_preflight", # Builds the browser.
- ":cros_vm_sanity_test_wrapper", # Builds the test wrapper.
- ]
- }
fuzzer_test("variable_expander_fuzzer") {
@@ -875,6 +602,14 @@ proto_library("power_manager_proto") {
proto_out_dir = "chromeos/dbus/power_manager"
+proto_library("metrics_event_proto") {
+ sources = [
+ "//third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/metrics_event/metrics_event.proto",
+ ]
+ proto_out_dir = "chromeos/dbus/metrics_event"
proto_library("attestation_proto") {
sources = [
@@ -950,6 +685,22 @@ proto_library("media_perception_proto") {
proto_out_dir = "chromeos/dbus/media_perception"
+proto_library("oobe_config_proto") {
+ sources = [
+ "//third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/oobe_config/oobe_config.proto",
+ ]
+ proto_out_dir = "chromeos/dbus/oobe_config"
+proto_library("seneschal_proto") {
+ sources = [
+ "//third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/seneschal/seneschal_service.proto",
+ ]
+ proto_out_dir = "chromeos/dbus/seneschal"
proto_library("smbprovider_proto") {
sources = [
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/assistant/assistant.gni b/chromium/chromeos/assistant/assistant.gni
index 3aac971f253..21b216f8ba9 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/assistant/assistant.gni
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/assistant/assistant.gni
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
declare_args() {
# Enable assistant features. Assistant related code is compiled only when
# true. The default assistant implementation is a stub.
enable_cros_assistant = is_chromeos
+declare_args() {
# Enable assistant implementation based on libassistant. This requires
# enable_cros_assistant also enabled.
- enable_cros_libassistant = false
- # Enable building shared library from local checkout. This is
- # for development purposes only.
- enable_cros_libassistant_so = false
+ enable_cros_libassistant = enable_cros_assistant && is_chrome_branded
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/components/drivefs/mojom/drivefs.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/components/drivefs/mojom/drivefs.mojom
index 5eb0461992b..712e1fdde47 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/components/drivefs/mojom/drivefs.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/components/drivefs/mojom/drivefs.mojom
@@ -20,10 +20,8 @@ interface DriveFsBootstrap {
// Implemented by DriveFS, used from Chrome.
interface DriveFs {
- // Returns the metadata for |path|. Thumbnail requests may require requesting
- // a thumbnail from the server so thumbnails are only populated for requests
- // where |want_thumbnail| is true.
- GetMetadata(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path, bool want_thumbnail) => (
+ // Returns the metadata for |path|.
+ GetMetadata(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path) => (
FileError error, FileMetadata? metadata);
// Sets the file at |path| to pinned or unpinned depending on the value of
@@ -36,6 +34,22 @@ interface DriveFs {
// Reset DriveFS cache.
ResetCache() => (FileError error);
+ // Returns a PNG containing a thumbnail for |path|. If |crop_to_square|, a
+ // 360x360 thumbnail, cropped to fit a square is returned; otherwise a
+ // thumbnail up to 500x500, maintaining aspect ration, is returned. If |path|
+ // does not exist or does not have a thumbnail, |thumbnail| will be null.
+ GetThumbnail(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path, bool crop_to_square) => (
+ array<uint8>? thumbnail);
+ // Copy a file at |source| to |target|. If |source| refers to a directory,
+ // kNotAFile is returned. |target| is the path to the desired output of the
+ // copy; its parent must be an existing directory.
+ CopyFile(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath source, mojo_base.mojom.FilePath target) =>
+ (FileError error);
+ // Start a search query with given parameters.
+ StartSearchQuery(SearchQuery& query, QueryParameters query_params);
// Implemented by Chrome, used from DriveFS.
@@ -61,6 +75,9 @@ interface DriveFsDelegate {
// Invoked when server-side file changes are received.
OnFilesChanged(array<FileChange> changes);
+ // Invoked when a supported error occurs.
+ OnError(DriveError error);
struct DriveFsConfiguration {
@@ -103,6 +120,18 @@ enum FileError {
kServiceUnavailable = -18,
+// Errors received from DriveFS to be forwarded to the file manager UI.
+struct DriveError {
+ [Extensible] enum Type {
+ kCantUploadStorageFull,
+ };
+ Type type;
+ // The path to the file where an error was encountered, if there was one.
+ mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path;
struct FileMetadata {
enum Type {
// A regular file.
@@ -129,7 +158,7 @@ struct FileMetadata {
string download_url;
mojo_base.mojom.Time modification_time;
- mojo_base.mojom.Time modification_by_me_time;
+ mojo_base.mojom.Time last_viewed_by_me_time;
bool available_offline;
bool dirty;
@@ -140,9 +169,8 @@ struct FileMetadata {
// May be present if the file is an image.
ImageMetadata? image_metadata;
- // The thumbnail as a PNG. It is only set if |want_thumbnail| is true in the
- // request and the file has a thumbnail available.
- array<uint8>? thumbnail;
+ // Never set.
+ array<uint8>? deprecated_thumbnail;
Capabilities capabilities;
@@ -205,3 +233,65 @@ struct FileChange {
Type type;
+// Definition of the search request sent to DriveFS.
+struct QueryParameters {
+ // Where this request should go to.
+ enum QuerySource {
+ kLocalOnly = 0,
+ kCloudOnly = 1,
+ };
+ // Which field should be used for sorting the results.
+ [Extensible]
+ enum SortField {
+ kNone = 0,
+ kLastModified = 1,
+ kLastViewedByMe = 2,
+ kFileSize = 3,
+ };
+ enum SortDirection {
+ kAscending = 0,
+ kDescending = 1,
+ };
+ // How many results to fetch per page.
+ int32 page_size = 100;
+ // Which source should be queried.
+ QuerySource query_source = kCloudOnly;
+ // Search for documents whose titles matches this string.
+ string? title;
+ // Full-text search by content. Works only with |kCloudOnly|.
+ string? text_content;
+ // Search for documents of this type.
+ string? mime_type;
+ // Results must be only from shared with me documents.
+ bool shared_with_me = false;
+ // Results must be only from available localy on the device. Works only
+ // with |kLocalOnly|.
+ bool available_offline = false;
+ // How to sort the returned results.
+ SortField sort_field = kNone;
+ SortDirection sort_direction = kAscending;
+// Represents a search request in progress.
+interface SearchQuery {
+ // Performs query and if successful returns next portion of results. If there
+ // are no more results to fetch then |results| is empty array.
+ GetNextPage() => (FileError error, array<QueryItem>? results);
+// Single entry in search response.
+struct QueryItem {
+ FileMetadata metadata;
+ mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path;
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/components/proximity_auth/ b/chromium/chromeos/components/proximity_auth/
index 17c9c5fd93b..e8342832432 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/components/proximity_auth/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/components/proximity_auth/
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ source_set("unit_tests") {
# TODO(hansberry): Remove this dependency once is
# fixed.
+ "//chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/cpp:test_support",
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/cryptohome/ b/chromium/chromeos/cryptohome/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2597786383c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/cryptohome/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_chromeos, "Non-Chrome-OS builds must not depend on //chromeos")
+source_set("cryptohome") {
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_export",
+ "//chromeos:cryptohome_proto",
+ "//chromeos/dbus",
+ "//chromeos/login:challenge_response_key",
+ "//components/account_id",
+ "//components/device_event_log",
+ "//components/user_manager",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "async_method_caller.h",
+ "",
+ "cryptohome_parameters.h",
+ "",
+ "cryptohome_util.h",
+ "",
+ "homedir_methods.h",
+ "",
+ "system_salt_getter.h",
+ ]
+source_set("unit_tests") {
+ testonly = true
+ deps = [
+ ":cryptohome",
+ "//base",
+ "//base/test:test_support",
+ "//chromeos:cryptohome_proto",
+ "//chromeos/dbus",
+ "//chromeos/login",
+ "//chromeos/login:challenge_response_key",
+ "//testing/gtest:gtest",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/dbus/ b/chromium/chromeos/dbus/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a3717c7470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/dbus/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_chromeos, "Non-Chrome-OS builds must not depend on //chromeos")
+source_set("dbus") {
+ public_deps = [
+ ":dbus_switches",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//base:i18n",
+ "//chromeos:attestation_proto",
+ "//chromeos:authpolicy_proto",
+ "//chromeos:biod_proto",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_constants",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_export",
+ "//chromeos:cicerone_proto",
+ "//chromeos:concierge_proto",
+ "//chromeos:cryptohome_proto",
+ "//chromeos:login_manager_proto",
+ "//chromeos:media_perception_proto",
+ "//chromeos:oobe_config_proto",
+ "//chromeos:power_manager_proto",
+ "//chromeos:seneschal_proto",
+ "//chromeos:smbprovider_proto",
+ "//components/account_id",
+ "//components/device_event_log",
+ "//components/policy:cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile",
+ "//components/policy/proto",
+ "//dbus",
+ "//net",
+ "//skia",
+ "//third_party/icu",
+ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_lite",
+ "//url",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "arc_appfuse_provider_client.h",
+ "",
+ "arc_midis_client.h",
+ "",
+ "arc_obb_mounter_client.h",
+ "",
+ "arc_oemcrypto_client.h",
+ "",
+ "attestation_constants.h",
+ "",
+ "audio_node.h",
+ "",
+ "auth_policy_client.h",
+ "biod/",
+ "biod/biod_client.h",
+ "biod/",
+ "biod/fake_biod_client.h",
+ "",
+ "blocking_method_caller.h",
+ "",
+ "cec_service_client.h",
+ "",
+ "cicerone_client.h",
+ "",
+ "concierge_client.h",
+ "",
+ "cras_audio_client.h",
+ "",
+ "cros_disks_client.h",
+ "",
+ "cryptohome_client.h",
+ "dbus_client_implementation_type.h",
+ "",
+ "dbus_clients_browser.h",
+ "",
+ "dbus_clients_common.h",
+ "",
+ "dbus_method_call_status.h",
+ "",
+ "dbus_thread_manager.h",
+ "",
+ "debug_daemon_client.h",
+ "",
+ "easy_unlock_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_arc_appfuse_provider_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_arc_midis_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_arc_obb_mounter_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_arc_oemcrypto_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_auth_policy_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_cec_service_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_cicerone_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_concierge_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_cras_audio_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_cros_disks_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_cryptohome_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_debug_daemon_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_easy_unlock_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_gsm_sms_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_hammerd_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_image_burner_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_image_loader_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_lorgnette_manager_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_machine_learning_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_media_analytics_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_modem_messaging_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_oobe_configuration_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_permission_broker_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_power_manager_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_seneschal_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_session_manager_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_shill_device_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_shill_ipconfig_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_shill_manager_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_shill_profile_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_shill_service_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_shill_third_party_vpn_driver_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_smb_provider_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_sms_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_system_clock_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_update_engine_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_upstart_client.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_virtual_file_provider_client.h",
+ "",
+ "gsm_sms_client.h",
+ "",
+ "hammerd_client.h",
+ "",
+ "image_burner_client.h",
+ "",
+ "image_loader_client.h",
+ "",
+ "lorgnette_manager_client.h",
+ "",
+ "machine_learning_client.h",
+ "",
+ "media_analytics_client.h",
+ "",
+ "modem_messaging_client.h",
+ "",
+ "oobe_configuration_client.h",
+ "",
+ "permission_broker_client.h",
+ "",
+ "pipe_reader.h",
+ "",
+ "power_manager_client.h",
+ "",
+ "power_policy_controller.h",
+ "",
+ "seneschal_client.h",
+ "services/",
+ "services/cros_dbus_service.h",
+ "",
+ "session_manager_client.h",
+ "",
+ "shill_client_helper.h",
+ "",
+ "shill_device_client.h",
+ "",
+ "shill_ipconfig_client.h",
+ "",
+ "shill_manager_client.h",
+ "",
+ "shill_profile_client.h",
+ "",
+ "shill_service_client.h",
+ "",
+ "shill_third_party_vpn_driver_client.h",
+ "",
+ "smb_provider_client.h",
+ "",
+ "sms_client.h",
+ "",
+ "system_clock_client.h",
+ "",
+ "update_engine_client.h",
+ "",
+ "upstart_client.h",
+ "util/",
+ "util/account_identifier_operators.h",
+ "util/",
+ "util/tpm_util.h",
+ "util/",
+ "util/version_loader.h",
+ "",
+ "virtual_file_provider_client.h",
+ "",
+ "volume_state.h",
+ ]
+source_set("dbus_switches") {
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_export",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "dbus_switches.h",
+ ]
+source_set("test_support") {
+ testonly = true
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux/dbus" ]
+ deps = [
+ ":dbus",
+ "//base",
+ "//chromeos:biod_proto",
+ "//dbus",
+ "//dbus:test_support",
+ "//testing/gmock",
+ "//testing/gtest",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "biod/",
+ "biod/test_utils.h",
+ "services/",
+ "services/service_provider_test_helper.h",
+ ]
+source_set("unit_tests") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux/dbus" ]
+ testonly = true
+ deps = [
+ ":dbus",
+ "//base",
+ "//base:i18n",
+ "//base/test:test_support",
+ "//chromeos:biod_proto",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_constants",
+ "//chromeos:oobe_config_proto",
+ "//chromeos:test_support_source_set",
+ "//components/account_id",
+ "//dbus",
+ "//dbus:test_support",
+ "//testing/gmock",
+ "//testing/gtest",
+ "//third_party/icu",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "biod/",
+ "biod/",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "services/",
+ "",
+ "shill_client_unittest_base.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "util/",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/login/ b/chromium/chromeos/login/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..010211b547e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/login/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_chromeos, "Non-Chrome-OS builds must not depend on //chromeos")
+source_set("login") {
+ public_deps = [
+ ":challenge_response_key",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//base:i18n",
+ "//chromeos:authpolicy_proto",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_constants",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_export",
+ "//chromeos:cryptohome_proto",
+ "//chromeos:login_event_recorder",
+ "//chromeos/cryptohome",
+ "//chromeos/dbus",
+ "//chromeos/settings:cros_settings_names",
+ "//components/account_id",
+ "//components/device_event_log",
+ "//components/password_manager/core/browser:password_hash_data",
+ "//components/prefs",
+ "//components/user_manager",
+ "//dbus",
+ "//google_apis",
+ "//net",
+ "//skia",
+ "//third_party/icu",
+ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_lite",
+ "//url",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/auth_attempt_state.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/auth_attempt_state_resolver.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/auth_status_consumer.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/authenticator.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/authpolicy_login_helper.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/cryptohome_authenticator.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/extended_authenticator.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/extended_authenticator_impl.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/key.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/login_performer.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/stub_authenticator.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/test_attempt_state.h",
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/user_context.h",
+ "",
+ "login_state.h",
+ ]
+source_set("challenge_response_key") {
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_export",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/challenge_response_key.h",
+ ]
+source_set("unit_tests") {
+ configs += [ "//build/config/linux/dbus" ]
+ testonly = true
+ deps = [
+ ":login",
+ "//base",
+ "//base:i18n",
+ "//chromeos:authpolicy_proto",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_constants",
+ "//chromeos/dbus",
+ "//testing/gmock",
+ "//testing/gtest",
+ "//third_party/icu",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "auth/",
+ "auth/",
+ "",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/resources/ b/chromium/chromeos/resources/
index c9a35fe846b..3ae0262547c 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/resources/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/resources/
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ grit("resources") {
outputs = [
+ "grit/",
+ "grit/chromeos_resources_map.h",
output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/chromeos"
@@ -28,6 +30,5 @@ grit("resources") {
deps = [
- "//mojo/public/mojom/base:base_js",
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/ b/chromium/chromeos/services/
index b9cd9776ede..3ed8fc8e746 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ source_set("unit_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
+ "//chromeos/services/ime:unit_tests",
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ source_set("unit_tests") {
# target below.
service_test("chromeos_services_unittests") {
deps = [
- "//chromeos/services/ime:unit_tests",
+ "//chromeos/services/ime:services_unittests",
if (enable_cros_assistant) {
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/ b/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/
index 75af4beddd1..01a1f89ff90 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/
@@ -68,9 +68,13 @@ source_set("lib") {
deps += [
+ "//chromeos/assistant/internal",
+ "//chromeos/resources",
+ "//chromeos/services/assistant/public/proto",
+ "//chromeos/strings",
@@ -101,6 +105,7 @@ source_set("tests") {
+ "//services/device/public/mojom",
@@ -116,6 +121,8 @@ source_set("tests") {
+ deps += [ "//libassistant/shared/public" ]
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/public/mojom/assistant.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/public/mojom/assistant.mojom
index a9438f73ff5..a1963d3d72e 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/public/mojom/assistant.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/public/mojom/assistant.mojom
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ interface Assistant {
// Starts a new Assistant voice interaction.
- // Stops the active Assistant interaction. If there is no active interaction,
- // this method is a no-op.
- StopActiveInteraction();
+ // Stops the active Assistant interaction and cancel the conversation if
+ // |cancel_conversation|. If there is no active interaction, this method
+ // is a no-op.
+ StopActiveInteraction(bool cancel_conversation);
// Send text query to assistant. Result will be returned through registered
// |AssistantInteractionSubscriber|.
@@ -57,6 +58,10 @@ interface Assistant {
// voice queries, and may also be used in standalone screen context
// interactions (see StartCachedScreenContextInteraction()).
CacheScreenContext() => ();
+ // Invoked when accessibility status is changed. Note that though
+ // accessibility status has changed, |spoken_feedback_enabled| may not have.
+ OnAccessibilityStatusChanged(bool spoken_feedback_enabled);
// Subscribes to assistant's interaction event. These events are server driven
@@ -71,8 +76,8 @@ interface AssistantInteractionSubscriber {
// Assistant interaction has ended with the specified |resolution|.
OnInteractionFinished(AssistantInteractionResolution resolution);
- // Assistant got Html response from server.
- OnHtmlResponse(string response);
+ // Assistant got Html response with fallback text from server.
+ OnHtmlResponse(string response, string fallback);
// Assistant got suggestions response from server.
OnSuggestionsResponse(array<AssistantSuggestion> response);
@@ -134,26 +139,6 @@ interface Client {
ax.mojom.AssistantTree? structure);
-// Interface for assistant to call into browser for audio input related
-// functions.
-interface AudioInput {
- // Registers audio input observer. We assume dual-channel, 16kHz and signed
- // 32-bit int interleaved format. Audio stream starts recording as soon as
- // the first observer is added. And will stop recording if last observer is
- // closed.
- AddObserver(AudioInputObserver observer);
-// Observer for assistant to receive audio input data.
-interface AudioInputObserver {
- // Notifies that audio frames are available.
- // TODO(muyuanli): Use data pipe.
- OnAudioInputFramesAvailable(array<int32> buffer, uint32 frame_count,
- mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks timestamp);
- // Notifies that audio input stream is closed.
- OnAudioInputClosed();
// Interface for assistant to call into browser to perform device actions.
interface DeviceActions {
// Enables or disables WiFi.
@@ -161,6 +146,17 @@ interface DeviceActions {
// Enables or disables Bluetooth.
SetBluetoothEnabled(bool enabled);
+ // Gets the current screen brightness level (0-1.0).
+ // The level is set to 0 in the event of an error.
+ GetScreenBrightnessLevel() => (bool success, double level);
+ // Sets the screen brightness level (0-1.0). If |gradual| is true, the
+ // transition will be animated.
+ SetScreenBrightnessLevel(double level, bool gradual);
+ // Enables or disables Night Light.
+ SetNightLightEnabled(bool enabled);
// Enumeration of possible completions for an Assistant interaction.
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/public/mojom/assistant_audio_decoder.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/public/mojom/assistant_audio_decoder.mojom
index 009bb5b8edc..0421b2e5258 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/public/mojom/assistant_audio_decoder.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/assistant/public/mojom/assistant_audio_decoder.mojom
@@ -18,12 +18,15 @@ interface AssistantAudioDecoderFactory {
interface AssistantAudioDecoder {
// Reads the audio data format.
OpenDecoder() => (bool success,
- int32 bytes_per_sample,
- int32 samples_per_second,
- int32 channels);
+ uint32 bytes_per_sample,
+ uint32 samples_per_second,
+ uint32 channels);
// Reads the audio data and decodes.
+ // Close decoder to clean up.
+ CloseDecoder() => ();
// Interface for assistant audio decoder service to call into client.
@@ -35,5 +38,5 @@ interface AssistantAudioDecoderClient {
// Interface used to read data from the calling process.
interface AssistantMediaDataSource {
- Read(int32 size) => (array<uint8> data);
+ Read(uint32 size) => (array<uint8> data);
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/device_sync/ b/chromium/chromeos/services/device_sync/
index db010aba9c7..d0f6f8f093c 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/device_sync/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/device_sync/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ static_library("device_sync") {
+ "//components/gcm_driver",
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/device_sync/public/mojom/device_sync.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/device_sync/public/mojom/device_sync.mojom
index 06f1e3f06df..f2d68a1f0b0 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/device_sync/public/mojom/device_sync.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/device_sync/public/mojom/device_sync.mojom
@@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ enum NetworkRequestResult {
// Successful network request.
+ // The network request itself was successful, but it did not produce the
+ // expected result (e.g., called SetSoftwareFeatureState(), but the call did
+ // not result in the feature state changing).
+ kRequestSucceededButUnexpectedResult,
// Service was not yet initialized; could not complete request.
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/ime/ b/chromium/chromeos/services/ime/
index 173d82e43d3..e170d6ce55f 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/ime/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/ime/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ source_set("lib") {
deps = [
+ "//chromeos/services/ime/public/cpp:rulebased",
@@ -41,6 +42,13 @@ service_manifest("manifest") {
source_set("unit_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
+ "//chromeos/services/ime/public/cpp:rulebased_unit_tests",
+ ]
+source_set("services_unittests") {
+ testonly = true
+ deps = [
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/ime/public/cpp/ b/chromium/chromeos/services/ime/public/cpp/
index 520a0d2cec1..9e6eee46197 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/ime/public/cpp/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/ime/public/cpp/
@@ -14,13 +14,42 @@ buildflag_header("buildflags") {
-source_set("features") {
+source_set("rulebased") {
sources = [
- "",
- "features.h",
+ "rulebased/def/ar.h",
+ "rulebased/def/ckb_ar.h",
+ "rulebased/def/ckb_en.h",
+ "rulebased/def/fa.h",
+ "rulebased/def/km.h",
+ "rulebased/def/lo.h",
+ "rulebased/def/ne_inscript.h",
+ "rulebased/def/ru_phone_aatseel.h",
+ "rulebased/def/ru_phone_yazhert.h",
+ "rulebased/def/ta_inscript.h",
+ "rulebased/def/ta_typewriter.h",
+ "rulebased/def/th.h",
+ "rulebased/def/th_pattajoti.h",
+ "rulebased/def/th_tis.h",
+ "rulebased/",
+ "rulebased/engine.h",
+ "rulebased/",
+ "rulebased/rules_data.h",
deps = [
+source_set("rulebased_unit_tests") {
+ testonly = true
+ deps = [
+ ":rulebased",
+ "//base",
+ "//testing/gmock",
+ "//testing/gtest:gtest",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "rulebased/",
+ ]
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/graph_executor.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/graph_executor.mojom
index caafb772f05..787dff09336 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/graph_executor.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/graph_executor.mojom
@@ -11,6 +11,19 @@ module chromeos.machine_learning.mojom;
import "chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/tensor.mojom";
+enum ExecuteResult {
+ OK = 0,
// API for performing inference on a TensorFlow graph. A given graph can be
// executed multiple times with a single instance of GraphExecutor.
interface GraphExecutor {
@@ -18,5 +31,5 @@ interface GraphExecutor {
// graph. The returned |outputs| are the values for the nodes specified in
// |output_names|.
Execute(map<string, Tensor> inputs, array<string> output_names)
- => (array<Tensor> outputs);
+ => (ExecuteResult result, array<Tensor>? outputs);
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/machine_learning_service.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/machine_learning_service.mojom
index 13e7166f901..6ce9f5e9bcf 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/machine_learning_service.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/machine_learning_service.mojom
@@ -13,8 +13,14 @@ module chromeos.machine_learning.mojom;
import "chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/model.mojom";
+enum LoadModelResult {
+ OK = 0,
// Top-level interface between Chromium and the ML Service daemon.
interface MachineLearningService {
// The ModelId inside ModelSpec is used to specify the model to be loaded.
- LoadModel(ModelSpec spec, Model& request);
+ LoadModel(ModelSpec spec, Model& request) => (LoadModelResult result);
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/model.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/model.mojom
index 473313f085e..959ace787a9 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/model.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/model.mojom
@@ -15,8 +15,13 @@ import "chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/graph_executor.mojom";
enum ModelId {
+ TEST_MODEL, // Only available in tests.
+enum CreateGraphExecutorResult {
+ OK = 0,
struct ModelSpec {
@@ -27,5 +32,6 @@ struct ModelSpec {
// interface pipe. The Model interface pipe can be used to acquire multiple
// separate GraphExecutor instances.
interface Model {
- CreateGraphExecutor(GraphExecutor& request);
+ CreateGraphExecutor(GraphExecutor& request) =>
+ (CreateGraphExecutorResult result);
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/tensor.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/tensor.mojom
index 7828b55931e..786eaac24b3 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/tensor.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/tensor.mojom
@@ -13,22 +13,29 @@
module chromeos.machine_learning.mojom;
-// Corresponds to tensorflow.BytesList protobuf:
struct StringList {
array<string> value;
-// Corresponds to tensorflow.FloatList protobuf:
-struct FloatList {
+struct FloatList {
array<double> value;
-// Corresponds to tensorflow.Int64List protobuf:
struct Int64List {
array<int64> value;
-// Corresponds to tensorflow.Feature protobuf:
+// The union of all supported tensor types. Supporting a new type comprises the
+// following:
+// - Adding a new struct above (e.g. BoolList),
+// - Adding this new struct to the union below,
+// - Adding template specializations for the new type to
+// platform2/ml/tensor_view.{h,cc}.
+// - Updating platform2/ml/ to use a TensorView of the
+// new type.
+// TODO(chromium:836098): add new types (e.g. uint8, bool) as they become
+// useful.
union ValueList {
StringList string_list;
FloatList float_list;
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/ b/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/
index 23b62e6a689..a51e3a76ed2 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import("//mojo/public/tools/bindings/mojom.gni")
mojom("mojom") {
sources = [
- "connector.mojom",
+ "media_perception.mojom",
+ "media_perception_service.mojom",
public_deps = [
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/connector.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/connector.mojom
deleted file mode 100644
index 929709c088e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/connector.mojom
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-module chromeos.media_perception.mojom;
-import "services/video_capture/public/mojom/device_factory.mojom";
-interface Connector {
- // Interface for a process running outside of Chrome to connect to the
- // video capture service directly via a Mojo pipe set up through a
- // DeviceFactory request.
- ConnectToVideoCaptureService(video_capture.mojom.DeviceFactory& request);
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/media_perception.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/media_perception.mojom
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8747054137d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/media_perception.mojom
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+module chromeos.media_perception.mojom;
+interface MediaPerception {
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/media_perception_service.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/media_perception_service.mojom
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..12151a5d6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/media_perception_service.mojom
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Next MinVersion: 1
+module chromeos.media_perception.mojom;
+import "chromeos/services/media_perception/public/mojom/media_perception.mojom";
+import "services/video_capture/public/mojom/device_factory.mojom";
+// Used to establish two-way communication between a client and the media
+// perception service.
+interface MediaPerceptionService {
+ GetController@0(MediaPerceptionController& request,
+ MediaPerceptionControllerClient client);
+interface MediaPerceptionController {
+ // Used by the client to establish a MediaPerception pipe.
+ ActivateMediaPerception@0(MediaPerception& request);
+interface MediaPerceptionControllerClient {
+ // Interface for the service to connect to the Video Capture Service
+ // directly via a Mojo pipe set up through a DeviceFactory request.
+ ConnectToVideoCaptureService@0(video_capture.mojom.DeviceFactory& request);
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/ b/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/
index 91fbd954c3f..cab1d1d9b20 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ static_library("multidevice_setup") {
+ "",
+ "android_sms_app_installing_status_observer.h",
@@ -23,10 +25,15 @@ static_library("multidevice_setup") {
+ "",
+ "grandfathered_easy_unlock_host_disabler.h",
+ "host_device_timestamp_manager.h",
+ "",
+ "host_device_timestamp_manager_impl.h",
@@ -43,9 +50,10 @@ static_library("multidevice_setup") {
- "setup_flow_completion_recorder.h",
- "",
- "setup_flow_completion_recorder_impl.h",
+ "",
+ "privileged_host_device_setter_base.h",
+ "",
+ "privileged_host_device_setter_impl.h",
deps = [
@@ -55,7 +63,9 @@ static_library("multidevice_setup") {
+ "//chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/cpp:android_sms_pairing_state_tracker",
+ "//chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/cpp:oobe_completion_tracker",
@@ -88,14 +98,14 @@ static_library("test_support") {
+ "",
+ "fake_host_device_timestamp_manager.h",
- "",
- "fake_setup_flow_completion_recorder.h",
deps = [
@@ -113,15 +123,18 @@ source_set("unit_tests") {
sources = [
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
- "",
+ "",
deps = [
@@ -130,6 +143,7 @@ source_set("unit_tests") {
+ "//chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/cpp:oobe_completion_tracker",
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/cpp/ b/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/cpp/
index 4d36b56ff45..cf222523aeb 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/cpp/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/cpp/
@@ -35,7 +35,18 @@ source_set("android_sms_app_helper_delegate") {
- public_deps = [
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ ]
+source_set("android_sms_pairing_state_tracker") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "android_sms_pairing_state_tracker.h",
+ ]
+ deps = [
@@ -48,10 +59,37 @@ source_set("prefs") {
deps = [
+ "//chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/mojom",
+source_set("first_run_field_trial") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "first_run_field_trial.h",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//chromeos",
+ "//components/variations/proto",
+ "//components/variations/service",
+ ]
+source_set("oobe_completion_tracker") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "oobe_completion_tracker.h",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//components/keyed_service/core",
+ ]
source_set("url_provider") {
sources = [
@@ -70,16 +108,21 @@ static_library("test_support") {
sources = [
+ "",
+ "fake_android_sms_pairing_state_tracker.h",
+ "",
+ "fake_privileged_host_device_setter.h",
public_deps = [
+ ":android_sms_pairing_state_tracker",
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/mojom/multidevice_setup.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/mojom/multidevice_setup.mojom
index 01b762b547b..94e32b29d08 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/mojom/multidevice_setup.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/multidevice_setup/public/mojom/multidevice_setup.mojom
@@ -78,7 +78,11 @@ enum FeatureState {
// The feature has been enabled by the user, but it is still unavailable
// because the entire Better Together suite has been disabled by the user.
- kUnavailableSuiteDisabled
+ kUnavailableSuiteDisabled,
+ // The feature still requires further setup to be ready for use (e.g., Android
+ // Messages requires a separate pairing flow after unified setup).
+ kFurtherSetupRequired,
interface AccountStatusChangeDelegate {
@@ -87,17 +91,24 @@ interface AccountStatusChangeDelegate {
// called if the current user has not yet set up MultiDevice features.
+ // Callback which indicates that the account left the state of having a
+ // potential host ready for setup. Note that it is called both when a host is
+ // set and when there are simply no host devices (i.e. neither potential nor
+ // set) on the account anymore. This function is only called if the current
+ // user has not yet set up MultiDevice features and received backend
+ // confirmation.
+ OnNoLongerNewUser();
// Callback which indicates that the currently-connected MultiDevice host has
// changed. This likely means that the user has changed MultiDevice settings
// on another device. This function is only called if the current user has
- // already set up MultiDevice features. Note: |new_host_device_name| is
- // expected to be a UTF-8 string.
+ // already set up MultiDevice features.
OnConnectedHostSwitchedForExistingUser(string new_host_device_name);
// Callback which indicates that a new Chromebook was added to the account of
// the current user. This function is only called if the current user has
// already set up MultiDevice features.
- OnNewChromebookAddedForExistingUser();
+ OnNewChromebookAddedForExistingUser(string new_host_device_name);
interface HostStatusObserver {
@@ -114,8 +125,8 @@ interface FeatureStateObserver {
// Provides an API to the MultiDevice Setup flow. Designed to be exposed
-// primarily to the MultiDevice setup flow at chrome://multidevice-setup (normal
-// usage) as well as the ProximityAuth debug WebUI page at
+// primarily to the MultiDevice setup flow at chrome://multidevice-setup and
+// chrome://oobe (normal usage) as well as the ProximityAuth debug WebUI page at
// chrome://proximity-auth (debugging only).
interface MultiDeviceSetup {
// Registers the "account status change" delegate to be used by the service.
@@ -136,16 +147,16 @@ interface MultiDeviceSetup {
GetEligibleHostDevices() =>
(array<chromeos.device_sync.mojom.RemoteDevice> eligible_host_devices);
- // Sets the host associated with the provided public key as the host device
+ // Sets the host associated with the provided device ID as the host device
// for this account. The provided auth token must be valid in order to prove
// that the user is authenticated. If called when there is no current host or
// when the current host is a different device from the one passed, this
// function initiates a connection to the back-end and attempts to set the
// host. When called with the same device that is already the host, this
// function is a no-op. Returns a success boolean; this function will fail if
- // the provided public key does not correspond to an eligible host device on
+ // the provided device ID does not correspond to an eligible host device on
// the account, or the provided auth token is invalid.
- SetHostDevice(string public_key, string auth_token) => (bool success);
+ SetHostDevice(string device_id, string auth_token) => (bool success);
// Removes the currently-set host as the multi-device host for this account.
// If there was no host set to begin with, this function is a no-op.
@@ -190,3 +201,12 @@ interface MultiDeviceSetup {
// During normal usage, events are triggered internally within the service.
TriggerEventForDebugging(EventTypeForDebugging type) => (bool success);
+// Provides an API for setting a MultiDevice host without the need to provide an
+// auth token. This interface should only be used in circumstances when the user
+// has just entered their password.
+interface PrivilegedHostDeviceSetter {
+ // Same functionality as MultiDeviceSetup's SetHostDevice() function above,
+ // except that no auth token is required.
+ SetHostDevice(string device_id) => (bool success);
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/secure_channel/ b/chromium/chromeos/services/secure_channel/
index 1fea8aeaa34..27039ef751f 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/secure_channel/
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/secure_channel/
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ static_library("secure_channel") {
+ "pending_ble_connection_request_base.h",
@@ -210,6 +211,7 @@ source_set("unit_tests") {
+ "",
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/services/secure_channel/public/mojom/secure_channel.mojom b/chromium/chromeos/services/secure_channel/public/mojom/secure_channel.mojom
index 94261694ece..f58a8c40bda 100644
--- a/chromium/chromeos/services/secure_channel/public/mojom/secure_channel.mojom
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/services/secure_channel/public/mojom/secure_channel.mojom
@@ -34,7 +34,13 @@ enum ConnectionAttemptFailureReason {
// Timeouts occurred trying to contact the remote device.
+ // The local Bluetooth adapter is disabled (turned off).
+ // The local Bluetooth adapter is not present.
enum ConnectionCreationDetail {
diff --git a/chromium/chromeos/settings/ b/chromium/chromeos/settings/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..599a8972716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chromeos/settings/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+assert(is_chromeos, "Non-Chrome-OS builds must not depend on //chromeos")
+source_set("settings") {
+ public_deps = [
+ ":cros_settings_names",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//base:i18n",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_constants",
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_export",
+ "//chromeos/login",
+ "//dbus",
+ "//third_party/icu",
+ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_lite",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "cros_settings_provider.h",
+ "",
+ "system_settings_provider.h",
+ "",
+ "timezone_settings.h",
+ "",
+ "timezone_settings_helper.h",
+ ]
+source_set("cros_settings_names") {
+ deps = [
+ "//chromeos:chromeos_export",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "cros_settings_names.h",
+ ]
+source_set("unit_tests") {
+ testonly = true
+ deps = [
+ ":settings",
+ "//base",
+ "//base:i18n",
+ "//dbus",
+ "//testing/gmock",
+ "//testing/gtest",
+ "//third_party/icu",
+ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_lite",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ ]