path: root/tests/auto/qml/tst_webchannel.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/qml/tst_webchannel.qml')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qml/tst_webchannel.qml b/tests/auto/qml/tst_webchannel.qml
index 53c2b38..8ac59eb 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qml/tst_webchannel.qml
+++ b/tests/auto/qml/tst_webchannel.qml
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import QtTest 1.0
import QtWebChannel 1.0
import QtWebChannel.Tests 1.0
+import "qrc:///qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js" as JSClient
TestCase {
name: "WebChannel"
@@ -52,35 +53,248 @@ TestCase {
id: client
+ property var lastMethodArg
+ QtObject {
+ id: myObj
+ property int myProperty: 1
+ signal mySignal(var arg)
+ function myMethod(arg)
+ {
+ lastMethodArg = arg;
+ }
+ "myObj"
+ }
+ QtObject {
+ id: myOtherObj
+ property var foo: 1
+ property var bar: 1
+ "myOtherObj"
+ }
+ QtObject {
+ id: myFactory
+ property var lastObj
+ function create(id)
+ {
+ lastObj = component.createObject(myFactory, {objectName: id});
+ return lastObj;
+ }
+ "myFactory"
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: component
+ QtObject {
+ property var myProperty : 0
+ function myMethod(arg) {
+ lastMethodArg = arg;
+ }
+ signal mySignal(var arg1, var arg2)
+ }
+ }
TestWebChannel {
id: webChannel
transports: [client.serverTransport]
+ registeredObjects: [myObj, myOtherObj, myFactory]
- function cleanup()
+ function init()
+ myObj.myProperty = 1
- function test_receiveRawMessage()
+ function test_property()
- var channel = client.createChannel(function (channel) {
- channel.send("foobar");
- }, true /* raw */);
- compare(client.awaitRawMessage(), "foobar");
+ compare(myObj.myProperty, 1);
+ var initialValue;
+ var changedValue;
+ var channel = client.createChannel(function(channel) {
+ initialValue = channel.objects.myObj.myProperty;
+ channel.objects.myObj.myPropertyChanged.connect(function() {
+ changedValue = channel.objects.myObj.myProperty;
+ });
+ // now trigger a write from the client side
+ channel.objects.myObj.myProperty = 3;
+ });
+ client.awaitInit();
+ var msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(initialValue, 1);
+ compare(myObj.myProperty, 3);
+ client.awaitIdle();
+ // change property, should be propagated to HTML client and a message be send there
+ myObj.myProperty = 2;
+ compare(myObj.myProperty, 2);
+ client.awaitIdle();
+ compare(changedValue, 2);
- function test_sendMessage()
+ function test_method()
var channel = client.createChannel(function (channel) {
- channel.subscribe("myMessage", function(payload) {
- channel.send("myMessagePong:" + payload);
+ channel.objects.myObj.myMethod("test");
+ });
+ client.awaitInit();
+ var msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.invokeMethod);
+ compare(msg.object, "myObj");
+ compare(msg.args, ["test"]);
+ compare(lastMethodArg, "test")
+ client.awaitIdle();
+ }
+ function test_signal()
+ {
+ var signalReceivedArg;
+ var channel = client.createChannel(function(channel) {
+ channel.objects.myObj.mySignal.connect(function(arg) {
+ signalReceivedArg = arg;
+ });
+ });
+ client.awaitInit();
+ var msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.connectToSignal);
+ compare(msg.object, "myObj");
+ client.awaitIdle();
+ myObj.mySignal("test");
+ compare(signalReceivedArg, "test");
+ }
+ function test_grouping()
+ {
+ var receivedPropertyUpdates = 0;
+ var properties = 0;
+ var channel = client.createChannel(function(channel) {
+ var originalHandler = channel.handlePropertyUpdate;
+ channel.handlePropertyUpdate = function(message) {
+ originalHandler(message);
+ receivedPropertyUpdates++;
+ properties = [channel.objects.myObj.myProperty,,];
+ };
+ });
+ client.awaitInit();
+ client.awaitIdle();
+ // change properties a lot, we expect this to be grouped into a single update notification
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ myObj.myProperty = i;
+ = i;
+ = i;
+ }
+ client.awaitIdle();
+ compare(receivedPropertyUpdates, 1);
+ compare(properties, [myObj.myProperty,,]);
+ verify(!client.awaitMessage());
+ }
+ function test_wrapper()
+ {
+ var signalArgs;
+ var testObjBeforeDeletion;
+ var testObjAfterDeletion;
+ var channel = client.createChannel(function(channel) {
+ channel.objects.myFactory.create("testObj", function(obj) {
+ channel.objects.testObj = obj;
+ obj.mySignal.connect(function() {
+ signalArgs = arguments;
+ testObjBeforeDeletion = obj;
+ obj.deleteLater();
+ testObjAfterDeletion = obj;
+ });
+ obj.myProperty = 42;
+ obj.myMethod("foobar");
+ });
+ });
+ client.awaitInit();
+ var msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.invokeMethod);
+ compare(msg.object, "myFactory");
+ verify(myFactory.lastObj);
+ compare(myFactory.lastObj.objectName, "testObj");
+ // deleteLater signal connection
+ msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.connectToSignal);
+ verify(msg.object);
+ var objId = msg.object;
+ // mySignal connection
+ msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.connectToSignal);
+ compare(msg.object, objId);
+ msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.setProperty);
+ compare(msg.object, objId);
+ compare(myFactory.lastObj.myProperty, 42);
+ msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.invokeMethod);
+ compare(msg.object, objId);
+ compare(msg.args, ["foobar"]);
+ compare(lastMethodArg, "foobar");
+ myFactory.lastObj.mySignal("foobar", 42);
+ // deleteLater call
+ msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.invokeMethod);
+ compare(msg.object, objId);
+ compare(signalArgs, {"0": "foobar", "1": 42});
+ client.awaitIdle();
+ compare(JSON.stringify(testObjBeforeDeletion), JSON.stringify({}));
+ compare(JSON.stringify(testObjAfterDeletion), JSON.stringify({}));
+ compare(JSON.stringify(channel.objects.testObj), JSON.stringify({}));
+ }
+ function test_disconnect()
+ {
+ var signalArg;
+ var channel = client.createChannel(function(channel) {
+ channel.objects.myObj.mySignal.connect(function(arg) {
+ signalArg = arg;
+ channel.objects.myObj.mySignal.disconnect(this);
- channel.send("initialized");
- }, true /* raw */);
+ });
+ client.awaitInit();
+ var msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.connectToSignal);
+ compare(msg.object, "myObj");
+ client.awaitIdle();
+ myObj.mySignal(42);
+ compare(signalArg, 42);
+ msg = client.awaitMessage();
+ compare(msg.type, JSClient.QWebChannelMessageTypes.disconnectFromSignal);
+ compare(msg.object, "myObj");
- compare(client.awaitRawMessage(), "initialized");
- webChannel.sendMessage("myMessage", "foobar");
- compare(client.awaitRawMessage(), "myMessagePong:foobar");
+ myObj.mySignal(0);
+ compare(signalArg, 42);